For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Pauling, OvcrcMllii" or Fancy Vesting. Kindly cnll and examine my stock of Im ported and Domestic Woolens. A line stock lo 'Iteniado from the lowest prices to the high at grade. J. A. Eberle. Fine Tailoring. IHK DAIiLEs, OltEOON. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BTJliBCKIl'TION ntlCE. One week ? lj One month 0 One year 6 00 THURSDAY DEC. 21, 1899 WINSLOW IN WASHINGTON. "TLe Hon.; Ervmg Winslow, sec retary of the New England branch of the Anti-ltuperirtlist League, has gone to "Washington again to find and to impress congress," announces the New York Sun. The Sun goes on to describe: "It may bo remembered by collectors that this eccentric old boy descended upon Washington last winter for the purpose of laboring with congress. 'Where is congress?' nsked the good old man as he hired aherdic; and the facetious driver unswere.1: 'Why, at the Congres sional Hotel, sure.' To the Con gressional Hotel, then, was the Hon. Erving Winslow whirled with all his convolutions rolling rapidly. lie actually expected to find most of the members of the congress there, and is said to have been greatly com forted by the sight of one or two in the bar-room. Forthwith he con ferred with them. "Mr. Winslow conferred with sen ators. He went home happy, telling everybody that the peace treaty was beaten. He is now going to prevent expansion, but we advise him to keep away from members of the Fifty-fifth congress who are also in the Fifty-sixth. They will be sure to ask him what became of those ten million signatures to the anti expansion petitions that he promised to have before Dec. 25, 1898. We alscTadvise him to keep away from members of the police. They will be inclined to run him in ns a crank if they have read his Thanksgiving message to or curse of Mr. McKinlcy. "Mr. Winslow will not fail to con fer with his brethren of the Washing ton Anti-Imperialist League. There are as many as five of them, we be lieve; and they spend most of their time in writing letters to'Gcn. Sambo Bowles' Springfield Republican. And while Mr. Winslow is in Wash ington he ought tocommunicatc with a fellow Tagalogtout, Gen. Morrison I. Swift of Los Angeles, Chi., score tary of the Filipino Liberation So ciety, which consists entirely of Gen. Morrison I. Swift. "Mr. Winslow must know Gen. Swift, who was eminent in Boston a few years ago and blew the tramp trumpet horrcndously. It was Gen. Swift who started to lead a force of the foes of work from Boston to Washington, where they were to join. Gon. Jake Coxey's gazaboo grena diers. Gen. Coxcy is making money and rides in palace cars instead of on shauks mare and Gen, Swift is still unreconciled and looking for trouble. He should be summoned to Washing ton to meet Mr. Winslow. The Massachusetts anti-imperialists ought to bp glad of tho chance to bring the two thinkers .together. "Gon. Swift is more radical and more forcible than the Massachusetts men, While thoy aro squalling, ho has actually issued a proclamation, emancipating' the Filipinos. From such a loador Mr. Winslow could learn much. Tho Hon. Winslow Warren, of Massachusetts and some other Tagal fanciers waut a now party. We do ourselves a pleasure in nominating as their candidate for president, Gen. Morrison I. Swift, of California; for vice president, the Hon. Erving Winslow, of Massa chusetts. Platform: Down with Mc Kinlcy tho usurper! Up with Aguin nldo, the heroic defender of liberty!" A BRAVE GIRL. She Dill Not I.oae Her I'rpnencTS of Mind When Attacked lij- liu AlllKutor. Some days ago n little pirl, a daugh ter of Mrs. Fields, living on Lake Gib son, near Lakeland, l-'lti., jumped oil the wharf on the lake to take a swim, says the Unltimore Sun. She is an ex pert swimmer, but. had hardly touched the wnter before she was seized by the leg, between the knee and ankle, by nn alligator. She was pulled under the wnter by the saurinn, but managed to break away and started hastily toward the shore, only n few yards distant. The 'gator again came to the attack, this time siezing her in the fleshy part of the side, between the ribs and hip. The little one was plueky, however, and managed to again break away from the cruel jaws, this time reaching the shore, the 'gator following until she was on dry land; then he disappeared from view. The little girl never lost her presence of mind, which probably was the reason of her escaping alive. She gives a graphic description of the dan gerous encounter, and has two very ugly wounds to vouch for her story. She says she could not sec the entire length of the beast, but from what she could see would judge it to have been only about live feet long a small 'gator to attack a person. The girl is 14 years of nge. A Terrible I'osMililll ty. Old Gen. Abercrombie, "who never tasted water," was once asked why it was that he had such n natural dislike for water. "I'll tell you of an incident that'll help explain it," was the frank old soldier's reply. "A good ninny years ago I was crossing the grent con tinental divide. It was colder thnn Greenland. In one of my saddle pock ets 1 had a jug of whisky and in the other a jug of water. Well, it was so cold that the jug of water froze up and busted. Supposing it had been inside of me!" nontnn'a nrltlfih-Aniericnn nenldontN. There are in Uoston -11,207 persons born in llritish America, including On tario, Xova Scotia, New Urunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfound land. Ab a cure for rheumatism Chamber lain's Pain lialm is gaining a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ail ment since 18G2. In speaking of it he eaya: "I never found anything that would relieve mo until I tiEcd Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but ono pood application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. It takes but a minute to overcome tickling in the throat nnd to stop a cough by tho use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forma of throat nnd lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre vents consumption. A famous specific for grippe and ita after eiTucte. All persons wishing to take children, either boys or girls, for legal adoption or on indenture, ahould write to W. T. Gardner, auperintendent of the Boya' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for them de sirable children of all ages. All applica tions must he filed in advance. tf Ash your grocer for Glarko & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Clarke & Full; have on sale a full lino of paint and artist's brushes. Feed rye for sale at tho Wasco Ware house, tf Subscribe for The Ciuionick. Cures Impotcncy, Night Emissions anil wasting uihcubcb, an eiiecia oi ecu- ubuec, or excess and indis cretion. Axiervetouicand blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks anf reatorca the fire of youth. Bv mall fiOc ner box : J boxen l -V " ' lor; vmn a written Biiurau too to euro or refund tlio mouoy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. OUnten Jsokson 8U., OHKJAOO, ILL. Bold by Blakeley St, Houghton. The Dalles, Oregon, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF TltlC Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains Icavo and nrc due to arrlvo nt 1'ortlat OVEItliAKl) KX press, Bnlcm, Hoso burg, Anhlntid, Hac- vii.mmtii Hp ilim.K.-iti 7:00 P.M. Francisco, Mojave, f 0:15 A. M U)H AiiKClca.biraso. New Orleans and Kast 1 Koseburc und way sta 8:30 A. M. tions (Via Woodburu for i Mt. Angel, SI Ivor Urn, West Bclo, Drowns- vlllu.Sprluglleld and Natron J (OorvalllH and way) j stations I liSOP. M Dally OXCCpt Bumlaya. Pally except Huudnys 17:30 A. M, (5:60 P.M. INDEl'ENDKNOE PASSENOEU. Express train Dally (except Sunday). t;50p. jn. I,v Portland ...Ar.) 8:25 n. m 7:SOi. m. A!..McMitmville..I,v. G:Wa,m 8:30 p.m. Ar..Itidcpcudencc..Lv.) 4:60 a. . m Dally. i Dany, except Sunday. DINING OA US ON OODEN KOUTK. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at Han Francisco with Occl dental and Oriental and PaclUc mall tcamshlp Hues (or JAPAN and CHINA. Balling dates on application. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu rope. Alto JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and Australia. All above trains arrlvo at and depart Iroir Oraud Central Station. Filth and Irvine straits YAMHILL DIVISION. Paiscngcr Deiot, loot of Jellersou street. Leave lor Sheridan, week days, t4:30p. m Arrive at Portland, 0:30 a. m. U'avc for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:35 a.m. Arrlvp Ht Portland, Tues day, Thursday and S.iturdaj it 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. R. KoEhLER, (, II. MARKHAM, Manager. Asst. U. F. & Pass. Act Through Ticket Office, 131 Third street, where through tickets to all points In the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can bo obtained at lowest rates from J. B. KIRKLANI), Ticket Agent, or N. WHEALDON. Just What You octant. New ideaB in Wall Paper hore. Such wide variety aa we are allowing never he fore craccd a single stuck. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papera at cheap paper prices. Elegant designB, tneteful colorhiRe, yours for a amall price, at our atore on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. J. S. BCIfSNK, President. II. 11. Deal , Oublci First National Batik. THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Dopoaita received, aubject to Sight Draft or Cheek. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sipht and Telegraphic Exchango sold or New York, San Francisco and porl land. DirtEOTOKS. D. P. TJIOMI'HON. JNO. S. fiCHEIICHi Ed. M. WiLLiAitn, Geo. A. Likh::. II. M. Bball. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday, Itatca Reasonable. Telephone 201. W. A. GATES, Prop. Preserves i fruits, Jellies, plcklca or catsup ar d more easily, mora quickly, mora healthfully cealed with UeUntd Parafllne Wax than by any other method. Dozeon of other oseawlUba found torn j j ncuncu fill DamHSha Vfttv 1 maiiinv ww In every household. It U clean. UateleM and odorless air, water and cld proof, (let pound coko of II Willi ft nil or iui many uw from your druggltt or grocer. UTAH it AMU ttlL . JJA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. OSoe oyer French it Co.'u Bank Phone C, THE DALLES, OBKQON NOTICE. STATE OK OREGON, ) EXECUTIVE Ui:r.lHTMKKT, 8,vr.KM, Nov 21, 18VJ.) In ncoordnnre with tho provisions of an Act entitled "An Act SubmlttltiB to tho Electors of tho State of OroRon at tho tluneral Election to bo held on tho Ilrnt Monday In June, I0CO, tho pcndlnE Proposed Constitutional Amendment", approved February 18, lfSO'J, 1, T. T. (leer, (lov. ernorot the Bute of ()rcon, do hereby cause tho (oIIowIiik propoed amendments to tho Consti tution of ilieStntoof Oregon, as rerlllled to by tho Keorctary of State, to bo published for live consoeutlvo weeks In TltK ('iihunici.k. a newspaper published 111 tho tiovonlh Judicial District of the Statu of Oregon. Done nt tho Capitol, at Hatcin.OreEnu, fs::Al.l this Jlt day of November, A. 1). 1WJ. T. T. OLIIlt, Governor. 11 y the Governor: V. I. DUNIlAIt, Secretary of State. si:nati: joint resolution, no. i. llo It resolved by the Senate, the llouvo con curring; That tho following amendment to Ihu Constitution ol tho Statu of Oregon bo und Is hereby proposed: That bectlon 10 of Article XI. of tho Constitu tion of the State ol Oregon bo and the sumo Is horeby abrogated, und In lieu thereof Section 10 of Article XI. shall bo as follows; AitTici.i: xt. Section 10. No county, city, town, ncltool ills trlot or other municipal corporation ahull bo al lowed to become Indebted In any manner or for any purpose to an amount including present ox Istlng indebtedness In the aggregate exceeding live per centum on tho value of tho taxable property therein to bo ascertained by the last s sessmcnt for State and county taxes previous to tho Incurring of such indebtedness. Adopted by tho Senate January Pj), 1STO. v C. V. FUI.TOK, President of tho Senate. Concurred In bv the House. February 'J, l.s'Jl. W. P. KKADV, Speaker of the House. Adopted by the Semite January 31, ltw.i. Joski'II Simon, President ol the Senate. Concurred In by the House, February I, IS'j.'i. CliAS. 1). MooiiKs, Speaker of the llouso. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION, NO. 13. llo It resolved by tho Senate, tbu llousu'i'on currlng; That tho following amendment to tho Constitution of the State uf Oregon, In lieu of Section Ten of Article Seven (7), bound thesamo Is hereby proposed, tn-wlt. SUCTION TKN. The Legislative Assembly may provide for tho election of Supreme and Clieult Judges In ills, tluct classes, one nl which elates shall couilst of live Justices of the Supremo Court, who shall not perform circuit duty; and the other class shall consist of as many Circuit Judges us may bo deemed access try, who shall hold full teims without allotment ami who shall tako the saino oath as the Supremo Judges. 1 he Legislative Assembly may create us many circuits as may bo necessary. Adopted by the Senate, February 1.1, lh'J.l. C. W. Fui.ton, President of the Senate. Concurred In by the House, February l.", lb'J.1. V. P. ki:ai)V, Speaker of tho House. Adopted by tho Senate, January 'II, ls'J". Joskcii Simo.v, President ol tho Senate. Concurred In by the llouso, February 0, 1S'J5. C11AS. 11. jIoouks, bpeuker uf the House. . . HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION, NO. 10. Resolved by the Home, the Senate concurr ing; That ttie following amendment to the Con stitution of the State ol Oregon be and hereby is proposed; That tho Constitution U- amended by adding Article XIX. us follows, to-wlt: Ar.Tici.r. xtx. Section 1. Tho necessary use of lauds for the construction of reservoirs nr storage busliu for the purpose of irilgatloii or Cor rights ol way for tho conttiuctioit of canals, ditcher, Humes or pipes to convey water to t ie place of use lor any useful, biuellclid or necessary purpose, or for drainage, or for drainage of mines or thu work ings thereof, hy means of roudt, railroad, tram ways, cuts, tunnels, thafts, holitlug works, dump or other necessary means to their com plete development or any other use necessary to the complete development of thu natural re sources of the State or preservation of the health of Its inhabitants, is hereby declared to be a pub lic use ami subject to the regulation and control of the State. Section 'J. The right to appropriate tho unap propriated waters of any natural stream to lien elieial uses shall never be denied. Sectlcn 3. Tho usu of all waters now appro priated for sale, rental or distribution, alsool all waters originally appropriated for private use, hut which, after such appropriation, bus hereto fore been or mav hereafter be sold, rented or dis tributed, is hereby declared to be a t nolle uso ami suojeci to ti,u regulation ami control or the State In tho maimer prescribed by law. Hut the right to uso ami appropriate such waters shall be subject to such l-rovlsions of law for the tak ing of private property for public or prlv'iito uso nn piuviuai iu areiiiiii in, Ariiciu i oi me uou stlttitlon of the State of Oregon. Section l. 1 ho right to collect taxes or com pchtutloh for tho uso of water supplied to any county, city, town or water district or inhabit ants thereof. Is a franchise, and cannot be oxer- clsid except by authority ol and In it manlier pfi-si-rjuvu uy mw , Adopted by tho House. Februnrv lft. lh'Xl. W. P. Ki;.iiv, Speaker of tho House. Higueii -ii arc u ibj;.) Adopted by tho Senate, February 17, IS'j:i. C. W. Fulton, I'lesldimtof thu Senate. (signed March .', lb'J.I) Adopted bv the House, February li, I'M. CltAS. II. Mooiikk, Seakerof the House. Concurred In by the Semite, February 13, l.s'.ij. Joski'II Hiito.s, President of the Senate. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. a. proposing an amendment to tho Constitution of the state i-f Oregon, hy repelling Section U of Artlelo 1. Resolved by thu House, thuieiiiitucoucurrllig; That nection 3.1 of Article 1 of the Constitution be and hereby Is reiiealcd. Adopted by tho House, January 11, lb'J.l. V, P. Ki:dy, Speaker of tho House. Concurred In by the Semite, January 30, Ih'j.i. O. V. Fulton, President of thu Senate. Adopted by tho Hoiim;, Jauiciry 30. 1S0.1. 11. Mooiiks, Sjivakerof thu House. Concurred In by tho Senate, February U, 18'JI, Josiii'ii Siuon, I'reslilunt of thu honuto SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 7. llo it resolved by tho Senate, tho llouso con curring; 'I bat thu following amendment to tho Constitution of the Statu ot Oregon be and Is hereby proposed; ahticm: I, The elective franchise In tills Statu shall not hereafter ba prohibited toanyclllzcu on account of sex. Adopted by tho Semite, Fcbruray 0. IMO. Simon, President of thuSeualo Adopted by tho House, February 0, ISM. Ciiah. II. JIoouks, Speaker of tho House, Adopted by tho Bcniitc. Janiury 31, lh'JO. T. (J. Ta ymiii, President of tho Benate. Adopted by tho House, January 31, 1WK). E. V. Caiiti'.k, Sivaker of tho Hoiiie. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Ktatb ofOiikoon, Olllco of SecreUiry of Htute. ) 1, F. I, DUNnAR.Seoretary of Ststo of tho Btato ,f rirMfntt ntwl uttt.illi.i. .r .1... (...., ... ....i.. State, do hereby certify that I Imvo compared t In ,irivNl If... ..... i.l tit (..I... ..w vwj .i, IVIIUIU dwiiii JIVSOlllllOll V? ,.,,.U -eulslatlvo Asiembly of ih'Jl, ''Sinn olpal Indebtedness amendment:" Senate .mint Ifi.wnlnlli.u Kn 1't ..I .1... I I.. ...... nernbly of 18'J.l,-"Judlclnry Aineudent;" llousu Joint lteolulloii No. 10 of thu Legislative As. jumoiy oi iw,i.-"irrigiitlon Amciidmoat;" Astcmbl of m.-" Repealing AmeiiilmuiRi" latlvo Assembly of IMi.1,-''lCiiiul Sulliagu Amendment." with tho oilgliuil copies now on Olnfll f lllu nnr ..nrl fl.u, 1 1... i . . ... ..... .....ww, ,.. .nn. .,iu iniuu in li rurreci truascrlit therclrom and tho n hole tbercof, iW J KSTIMONV YJIBIlKOK. 1 llBVO here unto set mv hand and alllxed hereto mjsal tho seal of thu State of Oregon. WVP? unh,u i:yiM. Mt Bulu"'' Oregon, his Third day ol November, A. 1), JoVf K. I, DUNIlAIt, Secretary ol Htutq, JIANUKACTUUKU II V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING. GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Clrculnra nnd particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, nnllO THE DALLES, OREQON STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at tho Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that pooplo go Miles to patronize us. Our prices aro not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which aro not Cevera high as somo people think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OE, iiiiiliixiiiiiiUfiUiiimiUitiiin4x UIIDU' LULL1 "nrmrnmmTtmmntmTmrrmTimriTnm ! l3r.i i 1 iM Uc m V 'A !2e; (SO1 h f 'l 'A r Sheriff's Sale. I N Till-: (JIUOl'IT COURT OK THK HTATK OK OrcKim, lor Wiiteo County. J. I' Mclncrny, iik ndinlnlntnitnr nl tho ctitato of l'hllllji ItroKun, deceaiied, l'liiliitlll', vs. K. V. Wiillucp nnd 8. K. Wiilhiee, DcfendiintH. lly vlrtuo ol an execution, decree und order ol siilu. duly Issued out of nnd under the hoiil of tho circuit court of tho Htiito of OrcKon, for the county of Wiihco, to mo directed nnd dntcd tho Wth diiy of November, Ih'jy, upon ii decreo for t,,'c.'".,"lo',,.,ro "! a c"'li' morlKiiKo, in fitvor of libilutlll mid iniulmit mild deleuibiiiti, nnd Indie ment rendered mm entered In mild court In the nbovo entitled ciuue, In fnvor of jibilntlll-nnd iiKHlnst tho defemliiut N. W. Wiilhtce, iin Judu. ment debtor, in tho mnn of ouu tlioumiud nnd thirty-two and 22 lot) dollura ($ I ixtiU) with In tcrcit thereon from tho nth iliiyof bentembcr. IWJ.nt Ihu nito of leu 10 j.or cent milium V! l,l's..'"rt,lc.r, Mnn "' ",lu Imimted dollurH nnd vii-ioo (lollnrs um) 20 iimi.lho ioM of and uti- i .i ".""" vim, iiiuimiiix mo in iiuiKO nuiu of tho real proiicrty emhmeed In mich deoreo of foreclosure nnd herelinifler lccrlbl; mild do cieoimd Judmiieiit luivliiK been iciiderert and eiltirifil mi ll, 'J 11 i iln, i.t , ...i. . .. .1 .1 I . . V "1 HUHIIIU, iw, i will on the tb id day of J miliar) . iww, i,t tho hour of 7 In the nfturiiooii of oald da und tit tho front door of tho county court hoime, in DuIIon City, Wasco county, Oreiton. kuli at imbllo aiiet on to tho hlKhoxt Fildiler for winli Hi '.V.' L'i". ,U,U. 'f'lii 'J.'.'"!! l"trct which the lefeiiilttiitH.N, yt, Walbieoaiid H, K, Wallaee, ',rt' t"''f ; tlj-m. had on tho vilth da of He- !., ..iu nuiu in ihu iiuiriK iKU loreciOMeil hurl! ll. I, r vi lilnli u.,1.1 ,l..l..... " , . ...v.. ,.,,,, 1 1 .a irr liny in iiju lefeiiilantH hole n, Imvo hiiico aciiulrtd or now Mi '..'I".'1 " lowliiirdoiorirKil real prop. erty,Mtu.ilwl aiiii buliiKln Wiuco county, Ore foil, to-witi 'Ihukouthouitiiiiarlurof thonoutlt. weii ; iiuiirter. tho toiiih hmf of (,o koutlieioit WUitrtcr, and tho northeast iitiartur nf tbu kouth. i','.'JL'.,,i",mf 'fbw,"11 twenty.olKht.ln tovuH,lp loveu kouth, of raimo kovontetn cast, WlllnmutUi ilyrldiau, cputuiiiliiK w aorcH, nr no much of mid property iu wliratUfy mild JudKmuiit und decree, with cost and ncorulnir coitk. Hald prnporly will bo old kubject to confirma tion ami rw omptlon im bylaw provided. Dated t Dalk-k City, Wukeo county, Orenon, tlilH' y ""Hon, decS-ll Hhoriirof WaVca " u.uiiw. oil. and Motors The Chronicle, The Dalles, Of. Job Printers. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. IN TIIK COIINTV COOItr OK THE STATE 1 of Oregon, for Wasco county. In tho mutter of tho Kmirdliiiiiililn of OwW Kllmt, Frank Kllmt,Ani.loJoriliin,KntieJo'n anil Mary Jnidau, minors. , m0 Now on thlMUthdayof December, 1M. ffl William Jordan, tho duly unpointed, iuB, and ttotliiR KUHrdhiu of thuiiboiy imiwBW and presented his petition priiyluK,, ''," ffi autliorhcliiK and dlreotltiK inn ' eu ofHiildmlnorHln certulu real i.rort new nflordesorlbcd.and ltiinpcnrliii! '''5 So . from Mild putltioii that It Is licces-wry M " i d putltioii lliaui is iiieio-ni --. - ,w ald wards that their lijtercjt m uilf of tho Houtheast oimrUr of w iishljii! north, nuiRu :l e, K; , lerotiiro It Is ordered 1 1 1l'k IICllll lO SHI south half i lH.townsh ji i! north, nuiRu " Ki m'- kind i theiolW It Is ordered 1 1 1l'k tho mothor and next of Kin of (iWikj ub iiu iiiiiiiiui iiiiii iiujk. i.i , .,..,! faun 'milk Kllmt and said l lima J' 'uirr Krnll and ami next or kin id auiiic, "V,;,i uiwUKi Jordan, and all pemons 1 u tercHtitt lii miu " re appear before this court at the court of appear before this court in me " rw m of In Dalles City, OrcKon, tin tH& a V. jnuuary, iuiki, at me nourm iimon then and thero to show 1V",,t0.t Lchl "if. should not boKianted for thorn u J'S U' und that this onler bo puhllsb;' 1 u ,( , wacekslvo weeks in Tim Dl rfJST weekly nowkpapur prlnleil In sulil cot my. Dated this Uth day of l''"'', MAYS, decKM OHWiyW A UmTnISTK A tOK's'nOTIOH; ...... .i, inidjriW! No co n hereby Kivuu iio -r ol w" linii been appointed by tho co t Xfjj.tri state of OrJon. for Wasco coi l 1) 0 of thooktiitii of AtiUine Je on e. ,te porkoiu liaviiiK claims hkhI i t ,t horubv iiotllled to nreneilt tb im , ,(u m0olW olllco III Tho Dalle, Or., ultmii - from tho (Into iiorcnr. UixM Dconiber in, w .. v J11I0!", "'......i.lriWf' rfiw.IA.ll ----- Offloo oyer rlrnt Nut. Bubaorlbo for Tliu Cliroiiicle.