Distinguished Testimony No secret society In the world stands higher in noble aims and charitable tho Knitriita nf Pvthine That order in dolntr crcat trood. nml rmn nf if2 linnet infttltn. lions is the Ohio Pythian Home, nt Springfield, Ohio, which is ably presided over by Superintendent Le Fevre and hts wife, Mrs. Callie I. Le Fevre, the matron. The latter has recently written n letter, which will command widespread attention because of the prominence of the writer. It is as follows: "Messrs. W. H. Hooker & Co., New York: Last year I used Acker's English Remedy at the suggestion of a friend, for a serious, long-standing throat difficulty and extreme ly hard cough. Had used many well-spoken of prepara tions without relief. 1 can honestly say that Acker's English" Remedy removed the difficulty and "stopped the cough. I did not purchase Matron Ohio Pythian Homo. or use more titan tnree doi- tics, and at least one-half of the last is still on hand. I also consulted phy sicians with no permanent results." (Signed) Callie I. Lk Fevre. The friend to whom Mrs. Le Fevre refers as having suggested Acker's English Remedy is Mrs. W. B. Chilton, wife of the president of the Troy Transfer Co., of Troy. Ohio, where this remedy has accomplished many other cures in Throat and Lung Troubles. In conversation with an acquaintance Mrs. Le Fevre also said: "If you will call on Mr. W. H. Schauss, a prominent china and art merchant of Springfield, Ohio, you will find that he, too, has had any amount of experience with Acker's English Remedy in his family, and thinks they cannot keep house without it." Acker's English Remedy is sold bj- all drusgists under a positive guarantee that vour money will be refunded In case of failure, ajc, 50c. and $1 a bottle In United States and Canada. In England, is. id.. 2s. id., and 4s. 6U. We authorize the above guarantee. If. II. UOQKER & CO., Proprietors, Aew 1 ork. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. LESSON FOR TYPEWRITERS. There Are Mnny Offenders Who Will Io Well to Hrud Thin Truth ful Little Story. "It was several years ago," said the woman nt the typewriter to a New York Times writer, "ami I was young, but I knew 1113' work. I had been very anx ious to get a position in a certain law office, because the head of the firm was au old friend of my father, and it would not be quite like going a 111 ong.st rangers to be there. There was a vacancy. I applied for the position and obtained it. ly first day's work was along the regu lar lines of routine work in a law cilice, and it was not until toward night that I was called into my employer's private office to take dictation, lie dictated clearly and distinctly. I took the notes easily, copied them on the machine and was told that the work was satisfactory when I took it in. "There had been only one thing that I noticed particularly while I was tak ing the dictation. My employer seemed to be in the first stages of the grip, to judge by the. frequent 'snifs' that he gave. " Toor man,' I thought to myself. 'I am afraid lie is going to be ill.' "In his private office I had noticed a placard bearing the words: 'No Smok ing,' but I had'not given it thought un til the next morning, when I went again to take dictation, and there I sav. an addendum to the sign. It read: 'Xo 1'erfuming,' and was in the handwrit ing of my employer. It was aimed at a weakness of mine, I knew, and that had been undoubtedly the cause of the grip symptoms. 1 did not say anything, but I took the hint to heart, nncH can say that I never offended again in the same way." EGGS BY THE QUART. Thnt Is the Wny They Will Soon He Hold In Kumnuh City Slnrketa. about him on September 12 to n New York Times reporter: "From the well-known principle of the shifting of the line in the spectrum of a star we can determine whether the star is approaching or receding from the observer and how rapidly. For most stars the velocity is constant. For some stars the velocity is variable, due to the attractions of companion stnrs. The re cent observations of Polaris at Lick ob servatory show that its velocity is varia ble. It is approaching the solar .system now with a velocity of eight kilometers per second. This will increase in two days to 1-1 kilometers, and in the next two days will decrease again to eight kilometers. This cycle of change is re peated every four days. The bright Po laris revolves about the center of gravi ty of itself and an invisible companion once in four days. The orbit is nearly circular and is comparable in size with the moon's orbit around the earth. Uoth companions of Polaris are invisi ble, but their presence is proved by dis turbances which their attractions pro duce in the motion of Polaris." "Give me a quart of j-olks." "What are whites worth to-day?" "Send me up n gallon of mixed." Such expressions as these will be fa miliar terms in grocery stores nnd butcher shops in Kansas City before long, says the Kansas City Journal. Housewives will make them so, for eggs will be sold by the pint, quart and gallon, instead of by the dozen. In" fact, the big confectionery establishments of the city buy them by the gallon now. Kitchen economy suggested the scheme and local packers immediately took it up. How often it is that n cook will break a dozen or more eggs just in order to get the yolks to iruikr n cake. The whites will be thrown away. Or vice versa. Why not make a saving of the whites or yolks, as the case may he, was suggested. The packers put the question to the confectioners, and the latter saw the point. Now when a con fectioner wants to make stuff with the yolks he sends to a packing house and buys yolks by the gallon; if he wants to use the whites for something he sends for them; if he wants to use both he sends and gets a mixed can. It is pre dicted that housewives will soon adopt the same method. With this new system of handling "hen fruit" there is absolutely no loss. The eggshells are even used. They are ground up and gold for chicken feed. POLAR STAR'S BEHAVIOR. Embraces Three Distinct llodlea and Una Orbit In n Four-Day I SyxlPtu. Knlttlnpr Kept Her llniiil I'rtt. The queen of England, it is well known, possesses wonderfully beau tiful hands, well shaped, plump, white and unmarked by those wrinkles usu ally seen on the hands of a woman of her age. This absence of disfiguring lines is attributed to her fondness of knitting. She is rarely without her knitting needles, and the action of ply ing them keeps the muscles in continual piny- A Sin-oily I'rlnce. The hereditary crown prince of Ger many is fast becoming an expert cy clist. At a fete held recently at the cadet school in which he is a student, at Plon, the young prince won (wo first prizes in bicycle races, in which he had pitted against him quite a number of clever young riders. For integrity fif purpose and staying home o' nights the north slar 1ms won the praise of -writers of all ages. Hut Polnrls, us the astronomers call him, isn't so steady a fellow as he appears, for Prof. W. W. Campbell disclosed this A Ynnkee In Slnm. A Connecticut man has received per mission from the king of Slam to erect a 5200,000 hotel, that will be 1,000 feet long and four stories high. Colli Mlner'x IdenH of llurlnl. Jack Hustler, a miner at Tung, near Leeds, who recently died at the age of 07, has been buried in a coflin con structed to his own specification 20 years. It is made of pitch-pine with silver handles, and the lid is hinged at one end. While he was living it was used for the reception of his clothes and those of his wife. The deceased was buried with a lump of coal, which he had carefully preserved for years. It served as his pillow, and his tobacco and pipe also found a place beside him. London Globe. Ulr of the Valley Poison. That delightfully fragrant and grace ful flower, the Illy of the valley, is de nounced by the German papers, as tin der its simple beauty veiling a deadly poison. It is stated that both the stalks and the flowers of this lovely plant con tain prussic acid. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo,, saved his child's life by One Minute Cough Cure, Doctors had given her up to die with croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. Relieves at once. Of the multitudinous variety of holi day gifts there are probably none that meet with more popular favor, than a pair of well titled grasses. Mr. Theo. H. Llebe, graduate optician at Liebe's jewelry etore, will teat your eyes free of charge, 0-2t FBKD. W.WILSON, ATTOUNKY.AT LAW, THE UALI.EH. OftKQOH O&ioe ovei First UU. Unas. nnslnrssllke. An orange seller the other day found n bad specimen among his fruit and carelessly tossed It away. It struck an old woman in the face, nml she miulu such a fuss over the acident that the mnn gave her a dozen good' oranges to go her way in pence. She had scarcely left when a shnrp looking boy about 12 years of age slid up to the fruit seller and said: "I say, an; you going to hit any more old women t o-day V" "Why, no not If 1 can help it," was the reply. "If you are, give me a chance," eon tinned the lad. "I'll bring my sister down here, and you may hit her in the face for half the oranges you gave that other woman, mid if that ain't fair you can have a shot at dad and me." Stray Stories. Itcndy tiV nmlurtite. "Marse Jim," said the old-time darky, "is it true dat dem Iioston folks is gad derin' up do culled race en givin' '11111 a trip ter Huston free'.'" "Well, they have done so in one in stance. Hut what's that to you?" "Hit's a mighty heap, sub dat what it is! Yon know 1 got one wife en 12 chillim, don't you?" "Yes." "Well, sub, I been wantln' ter takede whole family nIT fer de summer dis long time, en hit come ter me dat ef de Hos ton folks'll des pay de expenses we'll go up dar en live on 'um twell fros' come!" Atlanta Constitution. Temperature of Diamonds. A good diamond is a good deal colder than an imitation nnd the lapidaries say that the best way to detect this dif ference in temperature is to touch tho stones to the tongue. Sapphires, emer alds, rubies, garnets and other precious stones may be tested in the same way the real stone is invariably colder than the imitation. The lapidaries do not give a reason for the difference, but it may be found, pcrhnps, in the greater density) of the real stones, which make them better conductors of heat. Detroit Free Press. Gcrmnn Jury Lanv 111 Germany when the vote of the jury stands six against six, a prisoner is ne quitted. A vote of seven against five lenves the decision to the court, and on a vote of eight against four the prisoner is convicted. Cincinnati ICnquircr. SiiolnllMlc l'lmi In I'rmier. At Koubaix, one of the socialist strongholds of France, the 11,000 pub lic school children receive free food and clothing at the expense of the town. Chicago Chrorii'lc BUSINESS LOCALS. Keep kaseB on Keller's KristmaB kandy kolumn. lire Clarke & Falk's quinirio Imir tonic to keep dumlrufl'from tho head. Latest thine in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnull's drug store. Paint your houso with paint a that are fully guaranteed to luat. Clarke & Falk have them. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers purify tho blood, clean the liver, invigorate the system. Famous little pills for consti pation and liver troubles. J. 15. Clark, Peoria, 111., saya, "Sur geons wanted to operate on mo fur piles, but I cured them with DoWitt'a Witch Hxzel Salve.1' It is infallible for piles and skin dieeaees. llewara of counter feits. Dyspepsia can bo cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxen at 25 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. 1899. What would be more appreciated as a Christmas Gift than one of the many Views I have for sale? I l I I Columbia liver ai?d Hoiitytaii) lieu8. I also have on hand a complete line of Perfumery. M. Z. DONNELL, DRUQQI8T. n d Ail UK I' ART ron Knit .Mall 11: 15 11. ill BlMiliiillC Flyer 7:0!r. in, 8 p. 111. 8 p. ill. Kx. Sunday But unlay 10 p. ni. 6 . m. Kx.bundny 7 . m. Tues.Thur. unu tint. fi a. m. Tuc.Thur, aim Hm, I.v IMparla anuy l;'.'0u. m Tiff K 5CIIKPUI.K. KltOM IIAI.I.KS. Salt iMkr, Denver, Kt. Worth, Oninlia, Kaii- City, Ht. I-imlu, ClitcitKo "tiU Ksst. Walla Walla, Hpoknne, .Mllitirupolla. St. I'nitl, i til nth. Milwaukee,1 OIiIchko anil Kast. From Portland. Ocean Htrumnlilps. Kor Kan Frimclsro Dccombur I), S, 13, IS, 2i nnd itf. Columbia Kv. Steamers. To Asthma unit Way Jjtmlltigs. WlLLAtlKTTK RlVKR. Oregon City. Nowhere, Halcm & Way IjuuI'b. Willakcttk and Yam hill ItlVER.I. Oregon City, Dayton, and Wny-I-aiiUliiRs. 1 Willamette Uivkk. Portland to CorvalllH, and Vny-lJindliiR3. SNAK HlVi:u. Rlpariu to lAvrlston. A mil vie Fhom. Fnt Mall a:f.';p 111 Hiioknno Flyer. 1:3) n. 111 4 p. 111. 4 p. m. Ex.Hundaj 1:30 p. m. K.x.Huuday 2:rt p. m. Mnn.,Val aad Frl. 4:30 p. ni. Mon. Wfd and Fililny I.KAVK I.KWINTO.N dally 8::Wu. 111. rarllcs desiring to iro to Iluinmer ulioutil uiKu ro. 1, leaving 'llie Danes 111 t.v.i p. 1:1 maklnt,' direct connections nt lleppner Junction KctlirtiltiK niakltiKdircctcuiincctlnii Ht lleppner Junction 1th No. 1, arriving at The Dalles at 'Jt&'i i 111. No. ?. thrniiRlit freight, ent bound, dnoa not carry pnucngers; arrives -'iJU a. in., debuts ;;U)n. 111. No. HI, local freight, carries pa.engers, ea.it bound: arrives t::ajp. in,, departs h:lf p. 111. No. "Jl, west bound through freight, iIih-m not carry passengers; arrives 8:15 p 111., departs y:.Ti) p. m. No. a, wet bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives S:l.r p. 111., departs 8:3) a. in. For full particulars call 011 O. It. it N. Co.' agent The Dalles, or address W. II. UUItUlLUtT, (Ion l'os. Agt., Portland, Or, A good drug sign. You well know that a Kootl driiK sign is the patronage which is bestowed on the store. It is the purity of the goods handled and the manner of doim; luial ne? that makes and keeps this business. Wo ure pleased with tho result of our ef forts to supply the best drills at tin; best price. W arc particular about the compounding o( them. fB(SBBBBBBSBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBatSB RELIABLE PIIAHMAOISTH. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES rXW3KVXVXTXTXV3C73 WJLTJCl TJCTJk VJCTJCVJ BROS. 1 (JKNKK.Ui BiacKsmuns AND Horsesnoers 4 j , Third and Meim Phone 159 1 Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. ..CHAS. FRAM.. Butehetf and FttPmgps ..Exchange.. edged the best boor In Tho Dalles, at tho usual price. Comoln. try It and be convinced. Also tho Finest brands ot Wines, Uauor and Cigars. Sandrjrilehvs of all Kluds always on hand. To Care Cold In on U. Take Taxativn ttrnmn rinlnnu rr.i. ,."t!,M Al1 ruggiBta refund the money If u tattis vu wuro. sum, C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, YfHIBKET? from jji2.7fi to IU)0 per Ballon. ' (4 tolffyearii old.) IMPORTED OOGNAO from 7.t)6 to $12.00 per kbIIoTi. Jli "to iS yearToun" OALirOBNIA BRANDIES fitun ii.'-T) to 10.00 per tmlloiT. '(4 to ll ymB:tilF- ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, nnd VhI Blatr and Olympta Ileer In botii.. Imported Alu and Portor. BOl,'e' JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, syiKsj, Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- ton "FlmiT This Flonr ib mnnufitctured expressly for famiW l'v''IJ xv' uho : evorv bbcIc Ih Runranteud to pivo Biitiaftction, Wa Bull our ioodu low or thnn any houso in the trade, and if you dou't thinks) cull nnd gut cur pnceB and he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. TKracTa.Ta.'j ja ai a1 vxrxrxr. wk'rjw a tA'VjkrjiT s.t'.' '' I j Mnjsn.-rxn.i jtatct fsSfSBSSSSBBSSSfSBsl MnStlflJllBBS REGULATOR LINE. Dalies. Poriiana & Astoria u. eoj i Tim Htciuiicr.H ot tlio ItvKiiliitnr l.luo will run ns );r the (ol- i liiB ei'lit'dult', tho C'i)til.lliy luscrvlliK tlio rlfjlit to change's linv fci'lictlillu without notice Str. rtoKulntor. (l.lmlU'tl IjiiiiIIuks.) down. I.v D.iIIch 11 IS .. i. TiH'Mlny TlmiMliiy Hutiiruuy. . . rr. I'oniiuui ntr r. M. t'r. I.v. l'urtl. mil lit 7 a. i. Vtitnt'ily . . Friday Arr. Dallcn , ut r. i'. h. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnlloo City. (ToiiulilliK at all ay Points) ImiVN, I.V. llllllCH at i. :."K a. )i. .Monday WnliiOTilay Friday... Arr. l'lirtlaiul (uiicurliiln) ur. 3 I.v fnrtliDiU atC A. If. Tliuridiy HiitunUjr ) Arr. mtt! (iiiiivrtalnld OR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, y Travel by tlio Rtciimarx ot tlio UvKiilitnr l.luo. Thu (.'omiiaiiy will undvavor tn Rive lt put- i K runs tlio bust horvlon i)nallilo. For further Information nddrnn i W. C. ALLAWAY. Qon. Agt., Tlio liallei A S, l'ortliiuil Olllco, OaU-Htroot Dock. DEALKI1.3 IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Burget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. THe ColumDia Packiog Co., PACKERS OP PORKand BEEF ilANUFACTDKKKB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON 4RIKD BEEF. ETC, one ron a dome, nil I CI Ssm flLLS P. s. Canning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supple nor. Second & Laonblio. W' ' V, M00U. i, n 1 vrW ATTOKNKY8 ATUW. aoonii89.nd401ovrU.H.lOfllw-