For a Nice Suit of Clothes. r!itliis, Ovcrcorttln- or Fancy Vesting. U. V Kindly and examine my stock of Itn iTted nud Domestic Woolena. A Bno stock to elect from. ...,. , ., i.ini. BmtaniRUeiromiuu lunrai (uitco m u. -.- ported nud Douiestlc oieci iro Bull n st Erode. J. A. Eberle. Fine Tailoring. 1UK I)AIit.K, OllEQOS. The Dalles Daily Ghponiele. BCBSCKIl'TION PKIOE. One week ? Jj? One month 5 One year 6 00 WEDNESDAY DEO. 20, 1899 TEE HOUSE DOES BUSINESS. The house of representatives has made an excellent and almost un precedented record, says the Tele, gram. It has passed an important bill before the holiday recess, some thing seldom done. It was enabled to do this by the rules invented and put into use by ex-Speaker Thomas Brackett Recti. It is easy to frame a high-sounding argument against these rules. It is true that to a certain extent they gag a minority, but this has become absolutely neces sary in order to do the business of the country, especially at such a time as this, when a great deal of legislation is necessary. The party in power is responsible to the coun try for legislation. And there is this to be said in commendation of the Republican part' it sticks to gether in a solid mass, and legislates. Good or bad, wise or foolish, it ac complishes something. If the people don't like it, they can express their disapproval after not to exceed two j'ears' time by electing a Democratic house, as they have done on many occasions. The currency bill passed by the house is a Republican measure. A majority of the well-informed busi ncss people of the country believe that something of the kind is ncccs sary, and will be beneficial. So strong is that belief, especially in t'je far Eastern states, that eleven Democrats from that section of the country votod for the bill. Now it goes to the senate, and it is to be regretted that it cannot be pushed through that body as speedily as It was through the house. A long debate will inlluence nobody, enlighten no body. But it will not be passed by the senate for several weeks, perhaps not till spring, and then probably with amendments. So it may be late next spring before any currency re form bill becomes a law. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS, She "I wouldn't be silly, Algy, If I were you." He "Of course not, but, not being ine, you can't help it." Moon uhine. "Isn't it warm?" said Jiiss Unckbaj to Mlsslleneonhill. "Excessively warm, mull put on my heavy weight eyeglasses tills morning, too." Town Topics. Time to Stop. Jack !aclielor "I suppose you will name him after Dewey V" Ketl Newly wed "Well er no! You see, Jane and 1 both think that Dewey I1113 had honors enough." Puck. Cause and Effect. Mr. Duknne "The sultan of Sulu came in promptly out of the wet." Mr. Gnswell "Yes; he wished to prolong ills rcigny sea son." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. Oh, Dread Disease! "HiekersnilT's doctor has ordered him to cease riding in his horseless carriage for awhile." "What's the trouble?" "He's used it so constantly that he lias become uuto mobilius." Philadelphia North Ameri can. Dr. Squills "That young doctor doesn't use any judgment. He pre scribes trips to Europe for his poor pa tients and advises the rich ones to take long walks In the park." Dr. Pills "That's n very clever Idea. He gets rid of the poor patients and keeps the rich ones." X. Y. Journal. No Equity About It. "Fate doesn't order these things with any degree of equity," said the young man with ihe up-and-down collar. "Why not?" said the girl. "For instance," said the youth, "the oyster retires for four months, hut ice cream hns an open season all the year round." Cleveland Plain Dealer. lleing Careful. "Leonidas!" ex claimed Mr. Meekton's wife, on his re turn from n journey, "I am at a loss to understand your conduct when we parted. 1 said good-by to you." "Yes, Henrietta." "Why didn't you say good by in response?" "I was just about to do so, Henrietta, but 1 checked myself. 1 was afraid you would accuse me of trying to have the last word again." Nashville Star. THE SUPPORTING ARM. Women No LouRcr Clinrc to Their Un curls on tin- Street or nt IMiullc Functions. After one of the longest ocean races on record the Brooklyn, American-built cruiser, reached Manila four days ahead of the New Orleans, an English-built war-ship of the American navy. The upeed test must afford gratification to American shipyards, for the Now Orleans is rated faster than the Brooklyn by the English experts. If Joubort really wrote that letter predicting heavy losses of British troops, he can find lucrative employ, mont in cities on this side as a Beer after the war closes, A girl who desires to do general house work (cooking excepted) can find em ployment by applying nt this office, Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and eunburn. Manufactured by Glarke k Falk. Of course it is no news to state that it is no longer fashionable for a woman to take the arm of her escort upon the street. That custom, in vogue for cen turies, has gone, never to return. It is still customary for a woman to ncccpt the arm of her masculine companion when going to dinner at a fashionable fuiytion, but this, too, will soon doubt ' less pass away. Indeed, there arc al ready signs of decadence. For some time past the lunch party has resolved itself into an indescribable scramble to find one's place, and a seat between two unknown persons to whom you are afraid to make a remark lest something untoward should ensue. This season the same lack of ceremony decrees that our ingenues must inarch about a hall room without caking their partners' arm, and our dowagers go down to sup per without any more masculine iiup port than is afforded by the proximity of a black coat. The support of a gentleman's arm was once considered indispensable to the ladies. In the MOs and '50s husbands and wives not only walked the streets mid appeared -in the pari: inexorably linked, but it was the proper thing for them to enter a drawing-room nrm-in-arm at a dinner party or a rout. You may still, now and again, see very quiet, old-fashioned people doing so. T1k wife, whatever her .character or ten pernment, was held by society at large to lie a gentle, helpless, dependent crea ture, too modest to be capable of enter ing a crowded party by herself. Those were the days, to he sure, when wit h never accepted n dinner invitation alone; if the husband could not go for any reason the wife meekly stayed at ho.'ne. We have changed those drastic conjugal laws considerably during the Inst few years, and nowadays a woman lias not only learned to make her ap pearance in society without any male belongings, but you will occasionally find a whole table filled with guests who none of them belong legally one to the other. Who shall say if the ehunge is for the better? It is, perhaps, too early to decide, but that we shall never go buck to the old manners and the old ideals is tolerably certain. Chicago Chronicle. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OP THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trolns leave and arc duo to arrive nt Portlm LKAVK. 7:oo r. m 3:so a. at. Daily except Buudnys 17:30 A. M OVKKIiANl) EX-1 nrnh. Hnlpm. llnl I burg, Ashland, Bac rmnonto, Ogdcn.tiaii Francisco, Molave, Iis Aneclcs,El raw. New Orleans nncl I East I ltosehurg uml way Hta- iwiiH !Vla Woodburn for i MlAumil, Bilvorton, West Solo, llrowns- vllle,8prlngucld and Natron J (CorvnlllH mid way) iHtattOUN ) 9:15 A. it 1:30 I M Dally excopt Humiayi. 5:60 P.M. INDEl'KNDKNCE I'ASSHNGKIt. Express train Dally (except Sunday). i:50n.ra. cLv..... Portland ...Ar.) 8:25a.m 7:30 p.m. Ai..McMtnnvlllo..I.v. 6;Wa, in (Ar..inacncnucncc..i.v. :iw 8:30 p. m. a. m Dally. tDany, except Bunciny. DINING OA HS ON OODEN KOUTK. PDLLMAN HUFFKT BLEEPKRS AND HECOND-CI.ASS BLEEPING CAUb Attached to nil Through Tralni. Direct connection at Hnn Kranclsco with Occl dental and Oriental and Paclllc tnnil teamahlp lines lor JAPAN and CHINA. Balling data) On application. Kates and tlclcctn to Eastorn points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AU8THALIA. All above trains nrrlvo nt nnd depart Irom Grand Central Btatlon, Filth nud Irvine Htreut YAMIIII.I, DIVIBION. PniscuRcr Depot, loot of Jetlerson street. Iz?nve for Sheridan, week days, at I ISO p. m Arrive at Portland, U:30 a. m. U'avc for AIIU.IK on Monday, Wednesday and Friday atH:3oa. m. Arrlvt- nt Portland, Tucb dav, Thursday and Baturdaj it 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. U. KijK.u.l.t'Ii, (, II. MAKKHAM, ilnniuier. Asst. G. F. A l'au. Act Through Ticket ontcc, 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points In tho Eastern Rtntcs, Canndn and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates Irom J. 11. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent, or N, WIIKALIJON. Just "What You uaant. New ideas in Wall Papor boro. Such wide variety as wo aro showing never be fore ernced a silicic stock. Ileal imita- lion creton effects ut ordinary prices. Uoou pnpers at cneap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Aleo a full lino of bouse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Ash your grocer for Olarko & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Clarko & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware houee. tf KERVITA Kmimm VirAI.ITV. LOST VGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotcncy, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- nbusc, or excess and indis cretion. Auervetouioand blood builder. Brings the pink glow to jmle cheeks ant' restores the fire of youth. By mallSOc per box; (t boxes for $2.5U; with a written guaran tee to cure or reiuna we niouey. N EH VITA MEDICAL CO. Bold bv Blakelev A Hnnorliton. Tim Dalles, Oregon, J.B. HCHEIIE, President. a. n, ubai. , Caslilci First National Batik. THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking Businesn transacted Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New York, Ban Jroucisco and Port land. DIRBCTOH8. D. P. TnoMPHOH. Jno. B. Bciienck. En. M. Williama, Geo. A. Likiik. H. M. Bkam.. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday, lUtes Itcueonablo. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. Preserves J tfrulU, Jllle, pickles or catsup an i more easily, more quickly, mora ? . 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 ...1 ... 1 1 W 1 loll .. , MWU ...... 1. 11 W4 l'urafllrie wax titan by any othtr method. Dozeoaof other umHiwUIba. found tot Refined ParaffhM Wax In every bouMtiold. It le clean. mndacld Droof. It with a list from your drutiUt or grocer, Moid i odorleae air, water pound coke of many uew everywhere. Made by TANBAJU Mb 1)0. JJA. 8TURDEVANT, Deutist. Office over Freach & Co.'a Bank I'bone 6, THE 1MLUSS, OltKOOM NOTICE. STATH OK OKKOON, KXKCUTtVK Dr.r.uiTMKNT, 8AI.KM, Nov ai.isw, III itpcordatire with tlio provlelniiN of mi Act Clltltlid "All Ant HllUinimiif: lo (no i.icuurn m tlm Utntn ii f Ornofin lit IhlHlnill'rill Klpdttllll tO bo licld on the llrnt Mmiilay In Juno, 11MK), tlio pomlliiR I'roposod Cnimtltntlounl Ami'iiilinuntK, nimrovid Kelirnary 1H, IW'J, I, T. T. tleor, (lev ornor of thoBtatc of OrcKon, do horcby causo tlio followlMKliroiiosoti niiR'Hiimeiiis in uiu i;niinii nllnii nf tlio Hfntii nf Orptrim. ns (icrlllkil Id liV tho Hccrelnry of Htutc, to bo imhllnhcd for live COIISOClltlVO WCl'kN III TlIK lUI.I.KH (JIIIIDNMCI.I). a licwalianor iulillHlioil in llio Bovctiin jiHiieim insirici oi mo anno in urcgoii. lioiui nt tho Caiiltol, at Halciii, OrcRoti, fsKALl this Jlt day of November, A. 1). lhS'J, T. T. OKi:n, Oovornor. )y the (lovernor: F. 1. DUNllAK, Secretary of Statu. si:nate joint kksom'tion, no. i. I to It ri'solvcil liv the Hciiatu. the llouvu ciiti rurrlliK: That .tho following iiinoiiilnii'iit to tho Constitution of the .State oi Oregon bu and Is lu-ri'iiy proposed: That Hcctlmi ID of Arllolo XI. of tho Cnnxtltlt thin of the Statu ol Ori'Kon ho and the sumo Is horcby abrogated, and In lieu thereof Miction 10 oi Article ai. snail no as ioiiov. ni Al-.TICI.K XI. Section ID. No comity, city, town, school die t rif t or other lnlinlcliuil coriiorattoil Hindi bo al' lowed to become Indebted In any manner or for any purpose to an amount liiolliiiliiK prct-ent ex IstniK Indebtedness in tho iiKKrerjuto oxeeedlliR live per centum mi tho viiluu of tho tnxiihlu proporty therein to he ascertained by thu hint as BC.sMiient for Ktato and county taxes previous to the incurring oi such nuiemeiiness. Adopted bv tho Keuato January Pi), 189.';. O. W. 1'UI.TON, President oi thoKenalo. Concurred In by the House, rebruary'J, W. 1'. Kkady, Hpcakcr of tho House. Adontetl bv the Senate Jmiuarv 31. 1H'.)5. JosKi'ii Simon, President of thu hunate. rntiniirretl 111 Uv thn tlnniin. Kehrllnrv -1. lKfli. CI1AK. II, Mooiik.h, Kpeuker u tlio limine. SEX AT K JOINT ItKSOl.t'TION, NO. U. llo it resolved by tho Ronato, the House '(on clirrliiR; That thu (olloulntr aniuiidmuut to the Constitution ot the .Statu of OrvRiin, In lieu of Ke(dlon Ten of Article Heven (7), bu ami tho Mime Is Hereby proposed, to-wit: SUCTION TKN. Tho IiCRlshitlve Asfcinblv may provide for the election of Hiiprunie ami Circuit .Indies In dis tinct classes, one of which classes shall consist of live Justices of the supreme Court, who shall not perform circuit duly; and thu other class shall consist of as many Circuit Jndires iir may be deemed necessiry, who shall hold full terms without allotment and who shall take thu kimiu oath as thu Huiireiiic Juilees. 'lhu IakUIhUvu Afsombly may creale us many eircuus as may no necessary. Adopted bv tho Hunate, February J.ri, 180.1. C. W. 11'i.TO.s, I'resldent of thu .Senate. Concurred in bv llio House, February in, lS'J.l. V. 1'. KcaiiV, Hpenkerof tho limine. Adopted by thu Honiitc, January "JI, IbW. JosKrii Huio:;, President of thu ficuntu. Concurred In by tho Home, February fi, ism. CilAS JI. jiooiiKs, Hpuakur of the liuiuc. HOUSi: JOINT IIKH0I.UTI0N, NO. 10. IICMilved by the lloiue, the Hemilu cimcurr Iiir; That the following amendmuut to thu.Coii stltiltlou of thu Statu of Oregon bu and hereby Is proposed: That the Constitution be amended by adiliiit; Article XIX. as follows, to-w!t: AUTICI.K XIX. Bectlon I. Thu neeejsnrv uso of lands for tho cimstructlnirof reservoirs or storiiKu b.islim for the purpose of Irrigation or for rlchts of way for thu coir,truutIou of cumils, ill tubes, Humes or pipes to couvuy waiur to me juaeo ol use lor any useful, iK'iiullclnl or necessary ptirposu, or for drainage, or for dm! unite of mines or thu work lues thereof, by means of roads, railroad1), tram ways, cuts, tunnels, thaftf, huhtliiR works, dump or inner necessary means lo ihelr com plete development or anv other use neeessarv to the complete development of thu natural re sources oi mo nunc or preservation oi the health of I's Inhabitants, Is hereby declared to ho a pub lic uso and subject to tho resolution and control of thu .Statu, t-'ectlou '-. Tho right to imiiriiiirhitc tlio limiii- proiirlated waters of nuy natural stiuim to buu- uiieiiu uses sunn never no uuiilcu, Kcctl:il :!. The llsu of all waters now niuini printed .'or sale, rental or distribution, alio ni all waters originally appropriated for private use, hut which, after siicn iipproprlitlou, lias hereto foro been or mav hereafter he i:o!il. runted or ills- trlbiiteit. Is hereby declared to bu a t ii'illo uto and Mibjeet to thu reculatlon atid control ol tho Htatu in the manner preMirllied by law. Hut the uKiii. aim nppriipriatu cueii wiuurs Hiiaii bu silhiect to such i lovlsions of law tor thu Ink ing ol private properly for public or private iiku n.i pint mill in oeuiioii in, .riieiu I oi tuu uou slltutlou of the Ktato of Oregon. Heellon 1. Thu right to collect taxes or cum liuiisatioii for tho unu of water supplied to unj county, city, town or water district or iiihiihlt nulH thereof, is a franelilse. mill cannot l,u exer cised except by authoilty of uud In a manner presenile!! iiy law. Adopted by the House. Fohrunrv V. tXl. U. 1. KCAiiy, Hpeakur of thu I misc. (mgiicu iiircii ,, ir.'j.;,) Adopted bv tho Bcjiatu. Febriiiirv 17. ln'J:!. O. W., President of tin; Heiinlo. (Signed Jiitroii iw;i) Adopted bv tho House, Fcbriiury 0, J 0.1. CIIAH. II. Mooukh, Hpenkerof thu House, Concurred In by the Humitc, l'eliruary lit, lh'Jj, Jo3i:i'M Hiiion, 1're.sIUeut uf the Uvuatc. 1IOU6K JOINT UKHOI.IJTION NO. S. proposing an ameniliiicut to tho Constitution of tuusiaiuoi uregou, ny rupeiiiiug cectiou in oi Article i. Kesolved by tho lloute, the M.-nute concurring; That Bectlon U-'i of Article 1 of thu Constitution be and hereby Is ruiiealed. Adopted by thu Mouse, January 11, lh'j;!. W. r. Kkapy, bpeaUer of thu House. Concurred In by thuKunntc, January !!0, lhu;;, 0. W. Fuwo.s, l'rei-lilentof thu (senate. Adupted by thu House, Jauuniy ."0. Ih'J.'i. Ciiaii. II, MooitcK, Kpeakerof thu House. Concurred in by tho Senate, February IS, 1W . JoHKi-n aiao.v, President of thu huimte EENATK JOINT HKHOJ.irriON NO, 7. Iln It resolved bv tho Kemiln tin, Ifnusnonn. currlng; That tlio following amendment to thu woiiaiiiiiuiin oi wio mute ol uregon bo and Is hereby proposed: AI'.TICI.K I, The elentlvo franchise in tills Htatu shall not hereafter he prohibited toany eltlnuu on uccoiiiit ui sex. Adopted by tho Bciuttc, Kchruray fi. WX'i. JosKi'ii Simon, 1'rcsldeiit of tho Senate Adopted by thu House, February fi, I8'J3. Ciiah. 1). Mooukh, Speaker of thu House. Adopted by tho Somite. Jaiuury III, 18W. j . u, i a Yi.oit, riesiuent oi tlio Senate. Adopted by the Houiu, January ill, lfcuu, JJ, V. Cahtkii, Speaker of thu House. UNITI'.H STATICS OF AMKllICA, HTATK (IKOllK(K)N, Ollluo of Secretary of Btate. ) I. V. 1 III'VIl l II u,....l...r ut. .i... - ......,w.,,wi; ,ji ntaiu III iiiu nillUI of Oregon and Custodian uf tlio Heal of said Mint,, nn .ui.liri, l.... I ..v.v.; vvi.ii; .nut iiuyu UOIIiparCd tho preceilluK copy of Seimto Joint Kckoliitlon No. , of tho U-Klsintivo Asieiiihly of JH'J.J, ''Mun cipal liidebtednesg iimenilineiitj" Sent tu Joint lltsollitlon No. 13 of tlio U-iflslntlvo As einbly of l8u.i,''Judlcliiry Amendilnt;" House Joint itesolutlon No. 10 of thu U'KUh tivo A. cmbly of lba.j,-"lrrlgatlon Ainundniuat Homo Joint Hesoliitlon No. 12 of thu Ugislatlvu auwmmj ui lieiKfiillUK Atiicndliiuut;" inid Beiiatu Joint Itesollitlon No. 7 of thu Ugls latlvo Assomhly of IS'J.'., ''KijuiiI Hullrauu aSi.,.",."ic'"tA w"'' ."'V eo p I ua 1 1 o won W2.ll):'.1? ltt'vo,' ,l'.t. ,l,u 'ul"u Is a correct transcript therefrom mid the liolu thuruof, it ibstihonv WlliiiRiip, I have hero- ii ii mi ou mi muni ami alllxi-d heielo till! kllll flf Hill Ulnti. i.f 11. .v.v,w , . Ml ,11 WIVMIfll, 1J(.'inP ''"''"J'ltol, at Sttium, Oregon, his Third (ay uf Noveiulir, A. J). K.I. HUNIIAlt, Secretary uf Hint. (KAI. and Motors MANUKACTOIIKD IIY AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING! GrENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars nnd particulars furnlBiicd on application. F. S. GUNNING-, Agent, an'JR THE DALLES, OREGON STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed ai tlio Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but tho standard ratos, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and wo want lo C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OE. !3Hl f t 'A f 5 'i ri h 't i -1 IV The Dulles, OP. The Chronicle, Job Pointers. i I A m Sheriff's Sale. I N TlIK CIItdl'IT COUltT OK TlIK 3TATK OK Oregon, lor Wukeu County. J" 1',.J,9f.l,0Fll' n 'I'l'iiliilHtriitor of tho entnte of rhilllp llrogan, ileeeaiied, I'laliitll!', vs. N. W. Wallace nnd B. K, Wallace, Dofemlnntn. Ily virtue of an exeeutlon, deoreo and order of Biilu. duly UHiied out of ami iindcr thu dual of the circuit court of tho Htatu of Oreuon, for the eiiuiity of V iuco, to mu directed nud dated the MU day of Novornlior, IB'jy, upon u deereo for fllft if iriiftliit rit ff n ..(..I.. . . . u & j.. m i i oT.. . . " " iinitiKiiKu, in invnr oi lihilutlll nud iiKulmit Hiiid (IcfoudaiitH, ami Judir. Iilnlir rmwtiiriiil .mil ..i.ln....l i.i . ' ..n ....... .in.! uiiiuiii iii niini c-ouri ill me nhovoeu Itlvd eaiuo, III favor of iilulutlir and fii'iiiimt tin. iii.r.iiii... w ,i'..ii'.. .. . .. . -rl.. .....w ,.. I., llv if iiiiuee, an juiik mciitdelitor.ln the mun of one thimmind and .mi nun 44-iw iioiiarH jxi;ci wuu ni. .....I i. . .i " ii fi i imr iiiiiium, V L,liu."rt,lu.r. "f ",lu hundred dollars 1,1 i".J.'i V.'Atir ,.,. I f H 1 10 further miniof thirty II 11 (I .O.IlUI Mill luru I t-UI Hill ...I ,1... i . i ... . on tlilH writ, and coininaiidlnir me to mnku dale of tho real property cmliraccd In hiicIi deeruo of foreeloMireaiid lierelnafter deHorlhul: Hiiid de cree and JurlKiiiuiitliaviiii? hcen Miidorcd and (.".'..f'.',"-i)l!lU.,.,""y SnH, 1WD, at the hour of l o olock In the afternoon of Kiild day uud at tho . . .I..,,, , i in ,,,u uiiiuivy couri uoime, in DalleK lJ:u!!K!3..!J.t.!!''Wio .ii .i i i'. ", ior oimu ill V.' , "., Uo, 'l?hA) Wa w"(l H'treHt which the Icfoii.lantK.N. W. Wallace and H. K. Wallace, teinl iir IH'J.1, tho (Into of the inortuiiKu foneloed l erelii.or vhleli Mld ilciundai.tH or any of tho defciidiiiitH iioie n, imvu xlncu acquired or now t .,.., ;i r - rr v. : n. . "v.".r.u "u wveii i Houth, of raiiKu nevonletii Saat, Willi nottu fii!,?.i?.Vi.SI5,u,,n,.l.f '!? ."ori!"'. or Vmoh o f decree, with cotn uud ueoruliiK eoiiU. Hld proiKitty will he mild mibjout to conflrmii Ho ii uud rex Uimptlon uh .y law irorldod. Ualcd at liulli-a fiitv. tbU iMlb daul NovwnUi. WB. um"" IlVliurim araa QecJ-ll Hhorlfl of WinuuiCi.iii.iu rw.,1.,;.. GUAHDIAN'S NOTICE. IN TlfK COUNTY COUltT OK TI1K S"T' 1 oi uregon, ior iiseo cuuiiij. In tho matter of tho Kiiiirilliiti-hlP o' JS Kllmt, Krauk KIliiit.Am.ioJordttii.Mf""" and Mary Joiilau, mliinrb. Now mi thin Uth day of Iic-oom(cr, -y.iioei and MCtlne iriian hinof t lie n w n"--.-i- iilld iirekcuted IiIn petllloii I' W'?M'.i i liileWl itiiiiii ..I in. ...til ill pintiiiiir nun lu l.i. ....... ,... ,H .."; " ,.l .nnicrir I""". after dunerllied, and l'I''l'l,f"r'" iud bf : " " v. t ,.iinriir ut i. KOUtU Imll OI tllU uoilllieam I,""", IH, tuwiiNhlii a north, riiK1u.K,cfflreJiKlii ui.lfll It lu aiflUTl'll lllul "..ll.,l tun ltifiiiiiir mill iii'jll iii ni" . i.n ii e::..b. iii.. ....,1 .,,i,i wi uiu J,u""i w ....... -- ,.... L-al o tm r and next oi kiii oi .''.". L,. J TmiMf'" iinnciir iiofore till- court at tlioc.ii wxM ol in Dalles city, uw'i'i ..' -"nvioci P iiiiniiiii iw.f im L.iiiiiii-o iur u'w,H,.':i id.,t and that tliiH order ho l'"''""'' miccemilve wcokh n '.'".'i.Vidcouulf. iveokH li Tliew ;-. r:.:.vr.. . i.rintei in mu'iYsr- v."YV".'r.':: i,.-.niiibor, i-..v4 llllll'n IIHHULll U1IT I'l .'v. --....HUT HAin (lceia-1 muiVUTIIA i-OK'S NOTICE' . .. .i.., mo unr V.. II.... lu linrilliv L'lVeil Ul" V: ..irl V.i .. u'l hVthc couiw. Jinn utuu uiiiiwiih".. -f - ii'.iuhii-, Ntuto of OrcKon. ior dt of thoentiito of Aiit"im,s';l,i;i1 .....n.inu hnifliitf nliiltilH HKllll!" . tull1 f . 11,1 . .1 a.. .iiu..iil mi;" i. m lertuy liouiivu ".", nitlilii ' ulllei. in Tlio lalh. 0f'' H1" . .in.. IIIIIUOT ... , from tno (into neruiii. Uutud liccomhor Mi dooIO-ll i .inilnu AUU"-- B B HUHIIHOTON ,,. TT UNTINOTON 4 W IJ 12 MW. ,,. 4 - UHIWWM' i ' BntaorlbB lorThe Olironk