The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 19, 1899, Image 2

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Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
nil tup r.PNitiNr M&HTD By
rOlt 6UEYAl0RV5lSTi 50t Ml KIM.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
- - DEO. 19, 1S9
j Oysters
E3rvcd in
style by
Keep kases on Keller's Kristmas kandy
Carl Cutting was taken to the reform
school near Salem this morning in
charge of Adolph Phirmnn.
Kev. Gentry Rushing desires us to
state, for the benefit of these who may
have business with him, lie has had a
'phone placed in his residence, No. 390,
Candy is essential to Christmas joys,
and you can't well get along without it
Bo Keller culls your attention to the
prices lie offers in that line. You will
find them in another column.
The school in District No. 30, near
Dufur, taught by Miss 31abel O'Brien,
closed a very successful term last Fri
Mlay. Though a small school, the pupils
contributed $9 toward the library fund.
H. 6. Soule, the piano tuner, is in the
city for a few days only. Any who
desire to have their pianos tuned may
leave word at I. C. Nickeiseu's or the
Jacobsen Book and Music Co's. 18-23
Of the multitudinous variety of holi
day gifts there are probably none that
meet with more popular favor, than a
-pair of well fitted glasses. Mr. Theo.
H. Liebe, graduate optician at Liebe's
jewelry store, will test your eyes free of
charge. 19-2t
What tiie members of the band speak
of as a rehearsal, but those who are
privileged to listen to are pleaeed to
terra a concert, will take place at the
club tonight. All members and their
lady friends will enjoy good music by
being present.
Before consulting any "would be cor
respondence couree" opticians, call at
H. C. Liebe's jewelry store and have
your eyes thoroughly tested by Theo.
-H. Liebe, graduate of Peoria Optical
college and Bradley'a Polytechnic Insti
tute. Examination free. 19 2t
The ladies Guild of tLo Epiecopal
church will meet with Mrs. V. P.
Morris tomorrow afternoon; the Aid
Society of the Congregational church
with Mrs. E. M. Wilson; and the
Methodist Good Intent with Mrs. S.
Jones at the Mime hour.
The annual election of Wasco lodge
Ko. 15, A. F, & A. M., too) place last
night, with the following result: M. Z.
Donnell, W. M. ; Frank Cfirisraan, 6. W. ;
victor aiaruen, j.
0. D. Doane,
Bec'y; Gecage A. LJebe, Treas. The
wading officers chosen are the youngest
that have ever filled the chairs since the
organisation of the lodge.
Brown and Wilson, the desperadoes
who were captured by Deputy Dell
Howell a week ago, were arraigned in
Justice Bayard's court yesterday after-
soon charged with larceny. They waived
examination and were bound over In
be sum of few e3h to appear at the
February term of court. 'Tis not likely
any bonds will be forthcoming, and so
they will bo gnestB of John Fitz Gerald
until that thuo.
Some may feel that it doesn't seem
liku ChristmnH is so near at hand, hut
Sunday school workers nru aware of the
fact ami nro busy making preparations.
On Saturday night the Christian Sunday
school will have n Christmas chimney.
On Monday at G o'clock the Episcopalian
pupils havo a tree, and later in the
evening tho Methodist and Congrega
tional schools each celebrate with trees;
while the Salvation Army will havo a
tree for tho poor.
A bad sidewalk is a'.wuys a disgrace to
the city, and a dangerous ono at that;
but when the snows of winter cover it
to an extent, concealing the pitfall from
pedestrians, it becomes doubly danger
ous. Such walks nro those on Court
street above the bluff. In no part of
tho city can worse walks be found than
on that street, when they should, if any
thing, be tho best, considering the num
ber of children who are compelled to
walk over them daily going. to and from
It would probably be the proper thine
today to remark that "now is tho winter
of our discontent." But moat everyone
seems to feel that winter has tarried a
sufficient time so that wo really have no
kick coming. Last night was the coldest
of tho eeaeon. The thermometer got
down to 22 degrees, while at noon today
it was 25. The barometer indicates
snow, but the new weather prophet still
sayi "fair and warmer." Already the
small boj has hied himself to the small
ponds near the city, with skates in hand,
and several visitors from tho country
have come in in sleds, which shows that
the Bnow must bo deeper in their dis
tricts. It is also much colder than in
the city.
From Mrs. It. I. Young, who lias just
returned from a week's visit at her old
homo in the Fairfield district, we learn
that society is lively in that neighbor
hood. Having been absent for over a
year she greatly enjoyed meeting her
old friends. Among other things she at
tended a farewell party given in honor
of Miss Cheadlo at the home of W. A.
Campbell. There were about forty
eight present, and an oyster supper was
enjoyed. On the evening of the loth
about forty neighbors gathered at the
home of Martin Jaksha and had a gen
eral good time. She savs there was
about six feet of snow on Jho ground
when she left. They have a splendid
Sunday school at Fairfield under the
superintendence of Harry Richards, and
last Sunday Rev. R. Warner preached
at the school house.
A good representation of the alumni
were present at the home of Geo. Ruch,
Jr., last evening, when the question of
welcoming the sixteen members of the
state university glee club to our city on
the 2Stb was thoroughly discussed, and
it was decided to give them a reception
either on tho evening previous to the
concert or at ub close Thursday evening,
tlie time depending upon their arrival.
An executive committee composed of
Misses G. Sampson, L. Bonn and L.
Liebe, was appointed, which is sufficient
proof that a hearty welcome will bo
given the Htudents. About sixty of the
leading ladies of the city were chosen as
patronesses, and their names sent to
the manager of the club. Not only will
they receive a greeting Irom the alumni;
but all will be glad to welcome such
worthy young men to our city.
The Shaw company, which has just
finished a week's engagement at Spo
kane, received the following compli
mentary notice in the Reviow: "The
Shaws and their supporting people made
a distinctly favorable impression upon
such of the theater going people as
turned out to see them. It is not a
great company by any means, and does
not pretend to be. Some of its produc
tions, however, are exceedingly clever
and it is the almost unanimous verdict
that it is the 'best balanced and al
together the most capablo organization
playing to popular prices, that has been
seen here. Those who came In personal
contact with the members ot the com
pany found them all ladies and gentle
men. In their performances, there was
not the slightest taint of anything not
clean nor wholesome. Although their
engagement here did not net the finan
cial returns expected, they nevertheless
felt that in a measure they had been ap
preciated, and went away disposed to
apeak a good word for the city."
Turkey felioot.
A turkey shoot will take place on the
beach on Saturday, Sunday and Mon
day, 23d, 24th aud 25th of this month,
beginning at 11 o'clock and continuing
during the afternoon.
Hautii & Mason.
Clarke & Falk have a fall and com
plete 1,'ne of house, carriage, wagon and
barn, paints manufactured by James E.
Pat ton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
CotiRrMInu or thtt llmln Cnur Onpt.
W Mill's eth-A I.ntter Hecelvml.
Aftor nearly three weeks of patient
waiting to hoarevon tho meagorcst news
concerning tho death of her husband in
that far off land, this morning Mrs.
Wnud received nn official communica
tion from tho public administrator at
Dawson informing bur ol his death on
tho 10th , of congestion of tho brain. No
further particulars other than those of a
business nature wero given.
However, witii tho Bamo mail came a
letter which was addressed with a stamp,
but which, upon being opened disclosed
the familiar writing of Capt. Waud, and
being opened beforu tho other, not only
gave Mrs. Waud and tho children a
great shock, but awakened in them a
faint hope as they Baw it was dated Nov.
loth, the day before his death at Do
minion camp, about thirty miles from
DawBon. Such a hopeful, jolly letter ;
telling ot the richness of the claims, and
ot what ho hoped to accomplish in
the courso of a few weeks ; asking par
ticularly for each of tho children, how
they Bpend their time, nnd speaking of
the good times they would havo upon
their visit to him next summer. Tho
tone of tho letter was in his usual happy
style and not a word of complaint as to
ill health ; on the contrary ho closed
with saying "I'm as hungry as I can bo
all tho time; could eat a dog."
But in the commuication read latter
was confirmed the news of his death.
Loft to conjecture as to tho sudden
ness of his demise, Mrs. Waud feels as
sured that an old trouble in the head,
which had followed him for years was
the cause of his final taking off. Tliu
trouble consisted of a pain in the back
of the head which was so intense as to
almost drive him distracted ut times
Dunne the time he was captain on the
river boats here, seeing that ono of these
terrible snells was coining on his wife
would accompany him to tho lock
bathing his head and allaying the pains
as best she could. Speaking of it on one
occasion he Baid to her that he would
not be surprised that it might take him
off suddenly some future day aud that it
was his wish when tils timo come, to go
suddenly, not lingering in pain.
All arrangements have been made to
bring the body out as soon as possible,
and Mrs. Waud expects to receive de
finite word concerning the shipmtiiUiii
a few days.
I'ut Vouneir In Their l'lnce.
Perhaps no verdict winch tins been
surprising to everyone as was that of tlraj
nmlnsnil an tlin e.i.lii In. Tiiin wn no en
jury in the McDaniel case in I'ortlanu
no one dreaming of a verdict of man
slaughter. Like the prisoner hinisel
all came to the conclusion that no was
either guilty of murder in the first de
gree or innocent. It might bo well,
however, (or each one to place himself
in the juryman's stead before censuring
so severely. The Telegram, which is
ever reasonable on such questions, Bays:
"It was n somewhat dubious case. It
was, aud is almost a certainty that Mc
Daniel killed the girl ; every circum
stance and incident points directly at
lti in , saying silently, hut witii awful
force: "Thou art tho man ;" yet the
crime was not absolutely and positively
proved to lie ills, beyond tho law's
"reasonable doubt". If McDaniel is
guilty, as probably nine out ot ten peo
ple believe him to be, it is a lamentable
miscarriage of justice that he can be
imprisoned only a few years; yet what
was an honest juror who entertained a
"reasonable doubt" to do? Not quite
suio enough of his guilt to find a verdict
of murder in tiie first degree, ho was
willing to compromise on manslaughter,
reasoning that it the youth is not guilty
of murder, iio deserves severe punish
ment anyway, and so the sentence will
not be amiss.
"Such verdicts are almost enough to
cause men to view legal processes with
scorn and derision, yet the fault Is not
altogether in the law, nor yet with tho
jurors, who may be both Intelligent and
honest; it is because the beat of na only
can "see through a glass darkly,"
The Madera Mother
Has found that her little ones are im
proved more 'by the pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of the laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
The true remedy, Syrup of Figa, la man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only.
How Are
Your KjretT
Don't overlook
the faot that W.
Garretaon Is the only graduated refrac
tionlat in the city. Any one who haa
imperfect vision can be properly cor
rected with lensea that will overcome
all defections. No charge for exami
nation. For all kinds of the beat home made
candy call at the candy kitchen on the
north aide of Second street, between
Court and Union. Retail and wholeaalo
prices. 10-lw
J. W. Hodson, of Salem, is In the city.
C. W. Lord wbb down from Arlington
on business yesterday.
CIibb. Green, tho San Frnncieco wool
buyer, is in town today.
Mrs. L. Withers left on yesterday's
afternoon train for Portland,
Roland Wiley was n passenger on the
boat this morning fur Portland.
Julius ond David Piatt wero business
yiBltors from Goldondale yesterday.
A. L. Anderson and wife camo ovor to
tho city from Goldondolo yesterday.
F. A. Young accompanied his slstor,
Mrs. Soulo, to this city from ltidgewny
T. M. B. ChaBtaln, ono of Wasco
county's educators, enme in from Tygli
Valley yesterday.
Rev. A. S. Loitz, of Cascado Locke,
who lias spent n few days in Tho Dalles,
returned home today.
Mm. E. F. Hall and MIsb E. Hensoll
camo up from Lylo yesterday and are
shopping in tho city today.
Capt. nnd Mrs. Edwords, who spent
Sunday with Mrs. O. S. Waud and
family, roturned to their homo in Port
laud yesterday.
P. E. Micholl returned to Stevenson
on this morning's boat, having been
present nt the election ot officers of
Wusco lodgo lust evening.
Deputy Sheriff Howell came in from
Antelope yesterday to be present at the
examination ol Brown and Wilson,
whom ho was bo successful In capturing.
Mrs. S. W. Soula, who haB Hpent tho
past few weeks with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. A. Young, at ItidgewHy, ar
rived in tiie city yesterday ond left hiBt
night for her homo in Billings, Mont.
Miss Hailey and Miss Mason, who
have been teaching in Sherman county,
came down on yesterday's afternoon
train, spent the night witii Miss Nan
Cooper aud loft on the morning boat for
their home at Independence.
Miss Mills, who for years has been
head matron of tho Sale'm hospital, ar
rived in tho city Saturday aud is a giu'Bt
of Dr. and Mrs.' J. A. Giesendorfier. She
is accompanied bv Iras Hawley, a niece
of Dr. Geisendorffer.
Robt. Gilmnro came in from Antelope
yesterday. Ho says tho cold weather
has greatly improved tho roads, and
traveling is" much phmsanter even if tho
weather is colder. Grading is rapidly
being pushed toward Slianiko nnd will
no doubt be finished by the middle ol
Junnary. There will be somo difficult
work oil Nigger hill, between Wasco and
Moro, and wiien that is finished work
will go along swimmingly.
At the residence of the bride's uncle,
Tl 111 . ..f .. TA . . 1 tfj.l.
lien iieuii, in una nil , i;uueiiiuur inui,
by Justice C. E. Bayard, Eben Butler
and Miss Alice Brown, both of Nansene.
fIn thle citv, Monday, Dec. 18th, to
Sir. and Mrs. James Harper, n sou;
jight 14 pounds.
IHheiinuiliiuli" In 1'iirllniid.
The production of Bronson Howard's
great drama of tho late civil war,
"Shenandoah," which Jacob Litt will
present at the Marquam Grand in Port
land Christmas week, is the same which
Mr. Litt used at tho Broadway theater,
New York City, last May, which was
said at that time to bo tho handsomest
production that has ever been given on
the stage of a Now York theater. The
great feature of tho Litt production is
the battlo scene whicli comes nt the end
of the third act. It is so real that it be
comes actual. Tiie Union troops are in
full rotreat, driven back by the Con
federates; the day seems lost. Sudden
ly in tho distance aro heard shouts.
"Sheridan is coming," is the cry and in
a moment defeat is changed intoyictnry.
Squadron after squadron of cavalry and
company after company of infantry dash
acrosB tho stage, followed by tho heavy
artillery. It is a wonderful piece of
stage mechanism and realistic to a de
gree. Tho company includes fifty
horses and over two hundred people.
A if rightful llluiidnr
Wilt often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Buckleu's Arnica
Salve, the best in the world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever eorea, ulcers, bolls, corns,
felona and all akin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. Only 25 eta. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists . 1
House to Kent.
A six-room house, on Eighth atreet,
opposite S. Bolton's residence; four
rooms furnished, including piano, For
further particulars apply to Robert
Teague, at W. A. Johnston's hardware
Oaan tn xuur oueoki.
All county warrants registered prior
to Jan. 21, 1890, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Nov. 13th.
1899. O. L. Phillips, '
County Treasurer.
Mr, J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his
child's life by One Minute Cough Cure,
Doctors had given her up to die with
croup. It'B an infallible cure for coughs,
colds, grlppo, pneumonia, bronchitis and
tbroat and lung troubles. Relieves at
Clarke & Falk's flavoring' extracts are
the beat. Ask your grocer for them.
GumdropB 5c nor lb., or G for 25c
Plain Mixed 7cpor lb.
Boston iMixod 10c per lb.
Fancy Mixed 12c per lb.
French Mixed loo per lb.
Assorlod Nuts .' 12k per lb.
G withers Fine Chocolates
nnd Bon Bons, by box or in bulk, at pricos equal
ly as reasonable. Call and provo tho statement.
Wilson flir-Tight Heater
Thoro aro other AIR-TIGHTS, but none that equal 1
....SOLD ONLY BY....
JVLAYS St CROWE, Sole Agents.
I'lnyuit Out.
Dull Hendache, Pains in various parts
o! tiie body, Sinking nt the pit of the
stomnch, Loss of npputito, Foveriehnnaa,
1'imples or Sores all positive evidences
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so It must lin purified in ordur to
obtain good) health. Acker's lllooi)
Elexir line never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
discuses. It is certainly u wonderful
remedy and wo sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. lilnkcloy& Hough
ton's drug store.
You will not have boils if you take
Clarko & Falk'a sure euro for boils.
We havo a larger assortment
thau ever.
Plain Mixed 7c per lb
Jelly Ueans 10c per lb
French Mixed 17c per lb'
Chocolate Creams. , ,15c per lb
Caramols 15o per lb
Oranfioe25o per doz.
NiltH ftfc ftin Inivair r.vL.Aa
The market is fluctuating. Our Fi
i;riL-en are as tow aa ttie lowest.
Call and ste us boforo buying.
C. F. Stephens
...Doalor In.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Cents' Furnishings.
llootH, BIicxim. lints, flips, Notion!. ARt.
for V. 1 UoiirIiis KIumj.
Tl(!ilinne So. M. qijin Tlgllpp IIP
i.ii hi-noim hi., iuu uuuuuj
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern StateB.
Bight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Soattle Wash,, and various polnti
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on lav
orahle terms.
MS. OltMfl W. 1K0PA
ANl 1
Third Btroet, betwoen Court nnd Wh
ton Streets, The Dallufl-
C. S. Smith,
Up-to-date (iroeer
Freah Eggs and Creauiory
Batter a specialty.
2d Street. 'Phone 370.
Physician aua mvww
Vnt 1)W
Rooms 21 sud 22, ioi.