The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 19, 1899, Image 1

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    1) c Dalles
NO 112
Tell us of a young man who evor at
any one time tind too many ties.
TieB Bnch as wo are showing nro al
wayH acceptable und especially so at
Xmaa time.
That new shipment of Ties we prom
iam! you litRt week 1h here und ready for
your inspection. A prettier lino and
more to choose from than wo have ever
had before,
25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00
Smoking Jackets.
Some call them Houbo Jackets, cither
is correct. To have the Jacket correct
though, you must iimko sure it comes
from us. We sell tlie Alfred Benjamin
line of New York, which is enough by
way of urgumeut for those who nro
Jackets that make a nun coino homo
earlier of an evening, at
$5.00, $6.50, $7.50,
$8.75, $9.50, $10.00
Quiet styles, loud piittorns and louder
ones. But only one of a kind.
Fancy Vests,
arrived six weeks Into. Kosult, a hyper
nsBortmentof nobby styles for holiday
picking than wo would have had other
wise, and the pro-eminence of being tho
only limine in town that can offer variety.
Dark silk and worsted
small, bright colored
vestlngs, with
Dark worsteds with bright plaids.
Nobby golf plaids in pretty Inn of-
$2.50 to $10.00.
One Dollar.
A table full of Ladies' Fine Felt Slip
pers ; odds and ends from lust eeusoii s
elllng; lomearoof red felt, others of
black, blue lor brown, atlli others of
black quilUd satin, bound in brown
Plush ;.all have flexible leatbor solos aud
Only One Week More Until Christmas.
To help you decide
on wlmt to buy, wc will of.
for MiKsctlons on tills iiiiro
fromdny to dny, which no
liope will he found of koiiio
benefit. If you hliould full
to ttco anything to intercut
you, however, n visit to our
htore Is udvlmiblc,
For your convenience, ns
well as our own, wo surest
that you do your bhoindnK
ns early ns Tposslble. A
Bieat mnny nre bound to
delay until the eleventh
hour, when, owing to the
creat rush Hint It pure to
follow, wo uro unn'ule to
Blve you the attention you
expect and should have.
for Gifts,.
Does your wife need n new Jacket this winter?
Did it ever occur to you that a Jacket such a you
will fiud here would make a most adxlrnble Xmas
Here's one wo think particularly attractive:
Ladies' Silk Lined Jacket,
mode of an extra good quality
brown kersey, strap trimming
down front edged with satin
pipinir, velvet collar to match; color of liuing, a
royal purple; only
Collar and
Cuff Boxes.
If you don't know whut else
it ahull be, consider tho ad
vantage of having a nice box
in which ho can keep his collars
and cuffe. It need not bo an
extravagant 0110 unless you
want it to lie; we have any
number of different styles aud
as many different pricee.
Useful Gifts..
We call special attention to tho manv pretty styles
that are to be found in our Boys' ahd Children's Suit De
partment. Don't you think one of these nobby little suits
would make about as seneible a gift as you" conld have
Santa Claus bring your little bo ? The way these gar
ments are made and trimmed, and the way they fit, leaves
nothing more to be desired.
$2.50 to $7.50
In celluloid, white embossed, at 09 cents; with panel picture on tho top,
plaited satin lining, special place for ciiflV, $1.25 ; and others to $2.50.
Made in Japan ; collar and cuff boxes of highly polished black enameled
wood, circular shape, gold decorations on lid, 70 cte.
We want to impress, and that
deeply, on everyone's mind that
we eell Albums that we have Al
bums cheap and costly that any-'
one wanting an Album will save
time any money by coming iiere.
White Celluloid Album, embossed
cover, plush covered back and
corner?, gilt edges, nickeled wire
fastener, will hold twenty 2,..x3,l.:
picturee, price 25 cents.
Other styles, full regular Ei'zes,
in a number of pretty bindings, at
prices to $0 40.
Wonderful values. Styles Euch as are lo be found at Xmas time
only. Scalloped and embroidered edges, or if you prefer, with lace inser
tion. Then there are real luce handkerchiefs, with the daintiest of linen
12c to $2.50.
"EVvw TWrv Silk Mufflers bought lor tho holidays and
JS OI JjXUIl. iiero they are. Full liberal sizes, in pure white or
black.witli an elaborate flowered center and handsome border, or in bright
and attractively colored, fancy stiipea.
75c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.25.
Initial Handkerchiefs, stitched border; acc'ordiug
to eizo and weight , 25c 50c, aud 90c
Made of Japonette, with silk initial, hemstiched each 15c, 2 for 25c
Others in pure white linen, hemstitched, initial worked in corner. ... . .Joe
School Handkerchiefs for-the children 2c. 3c and 6o each
Our assortment of these handfome good6 is mof t attractive. Glove
and Tie Jioxes in various (.hades, handsomely decorated ; those at 60c with
panel of celluloid on cover, with the word "Neckties" or "Gloves" em
bossed thereon. Puffed ciepo lining. Finer ones to ('2 50
Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, come in sets of two, per set 95c
Others made of a wood, cloeely resembling ebony, highly polished and
beautifully decorated in gold, in quaint Japanese designs, 39c, 40e, c34e.
Our assortment of these articles is already
growing Ihns. Probably enough for a half
week'd sellina ; exactly as cut, with wire
easel back, eaeii 2oe. Others square 6bare,
bevel-plate, .?4'-inch lino lacquered frame,
swing easel stand,
$1.75 and $3.50.
Ti Fit for Xmaa Gifts. Ap
JTOOtWear predated by home stay
-. lug peoplo.
Children's Komeos, Felt with fur trim
mine, leather soles, no heel, colors red,
d brown, .00 and (1.25
Ladles' Felt
itomeos. red
green and
brown, with
white.gray &
brown fur
trimming.. (2.00
Ladies' Princess Felt Slip
pers, brown color with
silk braiding on vamp,
leather soles and low
heel, sizes 3 to 7 (1.50
Ladies' black, red, brown,
felt slippers, serviceable
though not costly (1.25
Similar in black ouly
Children's Felt Sllppere, in red, leather soles, eizes
lltol .W
Sizes 0 to 10JS "6
Gil ted, round or oval,
wire easel back, plain,
15c 19c and 25 u
With bow-knot top; oval shape, 0x9,
each 39c
Square shape, 4'..xQ, each 40c
6x7 75c
Other sizes, in white metal and wrought
iron, wide elaborate frames or nar
row fancy headings 75c to (2.00
Fancy Shirts
for Xmas Gifts.
The same young man who never has
too many neckties is also very partial to
a handsome shirt, such as we are known
to sell.
Some Ptvlrs are particularly appro
priate, for the season. Those "swell"
stripes in tho new shades of red, blue
aud helio.
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50.
Bath Rohes.
Have you seen our Bath Robes? If
not, possibly a solution to the "what
shall I give him for Xmas" problem
has been found. Wo think there never
were Bath Kobes quite as soft, as pretty,
as generous in length, in fact as perfect
as those we are showing this season.
$5 to $10.00.
Golf Capes And others-
Two weeks ago our assortment of Golf
Capes was practically exhausted. To
day we chiouicle the addition of a few
new onee and look for more tomorrow.
$5 to $13.50.
Golf Capes
for Children.
Most of tliose natty littlo Capes you've
seen little girls wearing hereabouts no
doubt come from here. We know of no
other store in town who has them.
Capes for childron, are made of a
heavy, smooth surface material, in a
nretty green mixture, the reveres and
hood are of a bright plaid aud are edged
with fringe to match. 8 to 18 years.
Golf Capes are of a heavy navy blue
golfing, with a large bright red plaid
back, hood and fringe.
Cape is made of the best quality golf
ing, the body color a bright red plaid
with a back, largo storm collar and
For Small Girjs.
MILITARY OAPKS, made of a heavy
armv-blue cloth, lined with red flannel,
rolling collar inlaid with black velvet
aud trimmed in two rowsjgold soutache;
Hame trimming on straps, regulation
braes buttons ; 4 to 12 years, ,
. i
ueat round toes,