The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 16, 1899, Image 3

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Wo'vo larger assortments, hotter goods and lower prices to offer
you this year than over before.
These are the Prices. QGT
Try thorn
and you'll
buy them.
per lb.
ORANGES. Choice Navel Oranges,
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
DEO. 10, 1S?9
i-ervcd In
stylo by
The Ministerial Association of this
city will meet on nest Monday, at 10 a.
m., in the M. E. Btudy.
Tho desperadoes, Brown nnd Wilson,
will be given a hearingjn Justice Bay
ard's court Monday.
Winter finds what summer conceals
ii larger line of holiday goods than ever
at the Jacobaen Book fc MubIc Co.
Words are wind; seeing Is believing.
Tho facts are, prices are Hailing our big
line of holiday goods for us. Jacobsun
Book & Music Co.
Oregon whs represented at the com
momorulivo ceremonies at Mt. Vernon
Thursday by Senator Slmo;i und Repre
sentative Moody.
According to Patricio McNeal, of the
Umatilla House: "This is . Tho
Irish fighting for the British and being
licked by tho Dutch."
Hev. J. L. Ilershner, of tho Hood
Uiver Congregational church, will ex
change pulplte with Ilev. D. V. Poling
tomorrow morning and evening.
For all kinds of the best homo made
cindy call at the candy kitchen on the
north side of Second street, between
Court and Union. Retail and wholesale
prices. 15-1 w
Will The Dalles make any special
effort to entertain the tiniversity glee
club upon their visit on the 28th. Some
of our young people should take the
matter in hand.
This morning John II. Matthews, of
the East End, filed n petition with the
county clerk asking that Carl Cutting,
an incorrigible youth, be committed to
the state reform school.
A telegram received at Vancouver from
Senator Foster, insures the parents of
Sergoant Damptofler, who was to be
uliol for assaulting Filipino wpmen, that
Ids eentence would be mltlgutcd,
A roport was current this morning
that a man had been killed on the road
this side of Arlington; but all endeavors
t'J Und anything definite concerning it
hove proven futile, so we conclude it
was but a rumor.
The two little steamers, Elmore and
ei.-frio nn ie flvnr vesterdav
, r - jr - - v
I I II ni n i. . 1 . . 1 onnnf
which it wii feared tulsbt be ice bound
m'"m ...... wuwM. w " -
nOLl ft IBl'ava waftLiAv Aaloba If ThnV
roturned thlMhorning.
Portland theater -goer re looking
forward to hearing MUi Blair, a talented
actress, in Frances Hodgson Burnett's
"Lady of Quality" next week. The
Funke's Choice Confections.
Realizing the demand for n strictly first-class grade of candies, wo have made
arrangements to handle the Fanko goods, the best produced in the United States.
A full lino of theno goods now in stock, bought expressly for the ChriettnaB trade.
Nuts. Nuts.
It will pay you to get your supply of nuts
niu irom mo lact mat we nave ueen verv
Shell Almonds, Soft Shell Wnlnuts,
I'ecans, Pino Nuts, Filberts.
p'ay may be all right; but if it h, in our
opinion it must differ widely from the
Wong Quong, the First National Hank
robber, who is now being tried at Walla
Walla for grand larceny, haying stolon a
$200 diamond, is defended by Atty. W.
T. Dovell. Wasco county may yet feel
like taking a hand in prosecuting the
Celestial ; that Is, if Walla Walla fails in
sending him up.
Four incheB of snow fell last night, but
was almost gone by afternoon. The
temperature may reach the zeio mark by
morning, as predicted, but It doesn't bid
fair to at present, while the thermometer
is now at 37, and has been no lower than
the freezing mark today. We believe
Pag lie iB rather going back on his pre
diction, for today's report says nothing
about zero and simply predicts enow.
The city (stieets excepted) presented
a beautiful appearance this morning,
with tho housetops and trees covered
with snow and the telephone wireB a
succession of white lines, bending under
ite weight. If kodak fiends were out
early enough they must hove obtained a
number of splendid views. But grandest
of all were tho mountains south of the
city, the whole effect being juet such a3
is found in paintings of winter scenes.
Seeing tho neighboring trees all nbout
thein falling under the woodman'u as,
.two of the large trees in front of O. J.
KswiB' tiouee, on Thlru street, evidently
deciae1 that they vvoulu commit euiciuo
rathtfrUian be cut' down by man's hand.
Thoy therefore toppled over with a crash
this afternoon, and completely block
aded the siJowalk for a time. They have
been somewhatNike the last leaf for a
long time, bentovor with ago; but
nevertheless their shado will bo greatly
Although tho attendance at the
Lutheran bazaar on neither evening was
large, yet two of tho best of musical
programs wero rendered and all who
heard thorn were greatly pleaecd. The
ladies worked hard and were deserving
of a much lorger crowd ; but inclement
weather and duties preparatory to
Christmas must have prevented ninny
attending. Financially, however, they
...r.l.f la cntfl in Imvn hpnn Rnrpppftflll.
at least in a measure; for those v.hJ
attended wero such as contribute largely
to such affairs, and make all concerned
foel that their labors wero not In vainN
Heavy snow has fallen during the
past week and it is sincerely hoped tluU
it has como to stay ; and tho large quarf
mipnfcoods which wero stored hero
waiting for the roads to improve, may
bo hauled to tho various surrounding
mining camps. The weathor has been
mild and pleasant, however, snow on
tho roofs of houses melting during the
warmer hours of the day and freezing
Into thousand of icicles on tho eaves as
the tomperature lowered. Building
operations have not been Interfered
with, except the annoyance of digging
out lumber from great snow banks.
Sumpter Miner.
The 'rocky road to Dublin" Isn't in
it with the muddy chuck hole roads
throughout the interior. We canuot
Big Lines at
Gum Drops 05c
Plain Mixed Candy 07c
Brokon Mixed Candy.... 09c
Jelly Beans 10c
Tourist Mixed Candy.... lie
Fancy Mixed Candy 13c
Fronch Mixed Candy ....17c
from ns, not because of the price
to put in
only the best
Urnzil Nuts, Roasted
Peanuts, Pol-
per dozen, 25c.
vouch for tho truth of the statement
that one stage turned over four times be
fore reaching its destination, but such
is the report. This terrible condition
is said to be duo in a great measure to
the fact that many freight teams mire
almost to tho hubs, which necessitates
digging them out. Instead of again
Oiling in the immense holes thus made,
the teamster proceeds on his way, leav
ing a pitfall into which the unsuspecting
driver who follows in the wake finds his
wheels plunged. It produces anything
but a pleasant sensation.
Giflbrd's Mt. Hood pictures makes a
hit wherever they go, and tho greatest
difficulty now is whether it will be
possible to supply tho Christmas de
mand, as so many are sending them to
friends in the East. When Harry Lons
dale left for his home in Columbia, Mo.,
ho carried, along with a number of other
views of Oregon scenery, a large Mt.
Hood picture. He had been homo but
a day or two, when he sent an order to
M. 'A. Donnell for two of the same views
for friends there who had bien capti
vated with it. Thus not only tho
pictures are becoming famous, but Ore
gon as well through tho splendid ad
vertisement thus given.
l'EOl'MS YOU A 1. 1. KNOW.
M. J. Lemons, of Prinevillo is in the
Fred Lucas came down from Wasco
T. W. and M. M. Giavoy are in the
city from Kingsiey.
H. C. Liobe left this morning
business trip to Portland.
for n
E. F. Sharp returned to tho city hiBt
night, after a short business trip to
G. W. Bowen ond J. II.
business visitors in tho
liauley are
city from
Miss LeliaSamuols,of Dayton, Wash.,
who has been visiting Mrs. 8. S. Johns
for the past two months, returned home
last night.
Mrs. L. 1iwlor, formerly of this city,
but now of Portland, arrived in the city
last night on hor way from Eastern
Oregon to hor home.
Mr. .and Mrs. Hoffman yesterday ac
companied Mr. Hoffman's mother into
fie city from Pnneville. She haa been
visiting them for some time and re
turned to the Valley today.
Harvey Hill, brother of Marshall Hill,
of 2-Mile, passed through tho city from
ila mines near Sumpter yesterday. He
irus the greatest faith in the mines of
that section and says tho company in
which he is interested wob offered a
good stun for their mine, hut refused It.
Turkey shoot.
A turkey shoot will take place on tho
beach on Saturday, Sunday nnd Mon
day, 23d, 24th and 25th of this month,
beginning at 11 o'clock and continuing
during tho afternoon.
If aistji & Mason,
Experience Is the best Teacher. Use
Acker'a English Remedy in any case of
coughs, cold or croup, Should it fail to
give immediate relief money Refunded.
25 cts. and 60 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
i ! " ' 1 ; i
Tho Moat Efficient nnd ttlRliet Batnrletl
l'llnt on tho Yukon,
AltnoBt three weeks hovo passed and
yet no word has boon received concern
ing tho particulars of Capt. Waud's
death. Tho Columbian, a paper pub
lished at New Westminster, B. C, was
received by Mrs. Wand this morning,
which contains tho following tributo to
tho dead captain :
'Word was received hero yesterday
afternoon, of tho death of a prominent
Yukon pilot, in tho person of Captain
O. S. Waud, who passed away at Daw
son, on November 10.
'Tho sad intelligence was conveyed to
Mrs. Johns, of this city, a sister of tho
deceased, but tho brief telegraphic mes
sage gave no partlclars as to the cause
of death.
"The deceased captain was pilot, last
season, on the steamor Ora, of which
M. J. J. Campbell, of this city, was
master, and which plied between Daw
son and the White Horso Rapids. He
was universally liked and respected, not
only by the traveling public, but by his
employers and thoso associated with
him in tho navigation of the great river
of the far north, and it was generally
conceeded thaj ho was tho most expert
swift water pilot on the coast, a fact
which enabled him to draw the largest
salary yet paid in that region for this
"Only tho second last trip of tho Ora,
the officers and crew presented Captain
Waud with the best gold watch which
money could buy in the Klondike
capital, and the nows of his death will
be deeply regretted wherever ho was
"The deceased leaves a widow and
family, the oldest of whom, a lad of 17
years, spent last season witli him, and
who, it is understood, are comfortably
provided for in their home at The
Dalles, Oregon."
Etlquettn or Introductions.
Tho Culture Club at Cauthorn hall
lust Friday evening discussed topics
under "The Etiquettoof Introductions."
Culture is a twin to education, and he
who would win position by the latter
must grace it with the former. Famil
iarity with the following Bimple rules of
etiquette discussed by the club may
never come amiss:
Inferiors are introduced to superiors;
gentleman to the lady ; younger to the
older. The question of rank does not
hold good in American society.
Never bow hastily.
The lady bows first.
An American takes .his hat off to a
lady ; a foreigner raises it but slightly.
Introductions should not be indiscrim
inately done.
No gentleman should be introduced to
a lady without her permission.
At a dinner party the hostess intro
duces to the lady the gentleman who is
to tako her to the dining room, but rare
ly makes further introduction.
Great pains should ho taken by a
hostess to introduce shy people.
It iB well in presenting two strangers
to say something that may break the ice
and mako the conversation easy; as
' Mrs. Brown, allow me to present Mr.
Starr, who has just arrived from
Always respond to the greetiug in
tho key-note of tho giver.
One of the duties of tho host nnd
hostess of a privato party is to make the
guests acquainted with each other.
Pronounce distinctly tho names of
those introduced.
Ease and self-possession are esseulial
to happy introductions.
Introductions are often dispensed with
at a private ball.
If introduced to an objectionable per
son at your friend's homo, give no sign
of ill feeling while you are the guest of
your fritnd.
As a rule the introduction calls for a
slight recognition thereafter.
A gentleman will not let the lack of
an introduction prevent him rendering
services to any unattended lady who
may need them. He will politely offer
his protection, escort or assistance, and
when the service has been accomplished,
politely bowjwd retire. Union-Gazette.
All silver-plated ware looks alike
when it ia nkw.
I am selling high gradn Forks and
Spoons that will look well in five years
from now for tho silver on them goes
deeper than the eIiIiio, And the price
is not bo very much more than you
would pay for trash.
IlAltltY O. Likhu,
15 21 Jeweler in Vogt block.
Mrs. It. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., BiiyB,
Our baby was covered with running
sores, uewut'a Wltcn tiazei eaivo
cured her." A speclrlo for piles and
skin diseases. Beware of worthless
A girl who desires to do general house
work (cooking excepted) can find em
ployment by applying at this office,
What a horrible sensation yon ex
perienced when you looked npen that
unfortunnto man and realized his de
plorable condition. Ever thought of
youraolf thought that by your persist
ent carelessness you might Eomo day
havo tho same cfll'ction?
Unless by accident blindness always
comes ono way by neglect. Eyes be
come weak; you strain them ; they be
come weaker ; you continue your care
lessness. At last it is too late, your case
is hopeless no help no cure. Como
in today. We'll examine and tell you
just what is needed, fuee. Then, if you
like, we'll supply you.
Turn. If. Libre,
Graduate optician, at H.O. Liebe's
Jewelry store in Vogt block. 15-2t
Tim Modern Mother
Has found that her little ones aro im
proved more by tho pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of the laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
The true remedy, Syrup of Fig", is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only.
That Throbbing Ilemlncho
Would quickly loave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life PillB. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cente.
Money back if not cured. Sold by i
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1
lluuso to Kent.
A six-room house, on Eighth street,
opposite S. Bolton's residence; four1
rooms furnished, including piano. For
further particulars apply to Robert
Teague, at W. A. Johnston's hardware
store. 12-tf
The Supply Limited.
Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Lake.
riacd your orders now tor Unristnias or
you may get left. Giffbrd. nl7-lm
H. S. Soule, the piano tuner, will be
in The Dalles on Dec. 14th and 15th.
Any desiring pianos tuned may leave
word at I. C. Nickelsen'sor the Jacobsen
Book and Musio Company's. 13-td
Now is tho time to sit for Xaias
photos. Cloudy weather preferred for
sittings. So says Gifford. novlT-lm1
Wilson AiiTight He&tetf
There aro other
JfTAVS & COWE, Sole Agents.
Str. Regulator.
(Limited Landings.)
Str. Dalles City.
(Touching at nil Way l'olnts.)
I.v. Dalles
at (1:30 a. M,
Wednesday .. .
Arr. l'ortluml
I.v. Dalles
at 7 A. M,
at Ha. m.
. iiv.ita ) . . i
P, ThuiMluy .,
Arr. Dalle,
at 5 I'. M.
m Hninrimy,
E Arr. I'm
R, Kt 5 r. m
B Trnvol by tho Steamers of tho Itegulator Lino.
ft rons the bebt service possible,
t, Portland Office, Oak-Streot Dock. W.
A right f til III tiiutcr
WiK often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cnt or bruise. Bncklen's Arnica
Salve, tho best in tho world, wilt kill
tho pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, bolls, corns,
felons and all fkin eruptions. Best pilo
cure on earth. Only 25 cts. n box.
Curo guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. 1
Mr. J. Sheer, Srdalia, Mo., savod hia
child's life by One Minute Cough Curo,
Doctors had given her up to die with
croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs,
old?, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and
throat and lun troubles. Relieves at
You will not havo boils if yon tako
Clarke A Falk'a sure euro for boils.
For wood, chips, knots,
shavings, corn cobs,
hay or peat.
Construction This is an nlr
tight heater of the oval sheet steel
tyre! it ha CAbT I HON LIXINUS,
making it durable; :ilv has fron
feed door, cast top and bottom and
ornamental suing top, with gtlddlo
cover underneath.
Nickeling It has nickeled urn,
rnme plate and foot rails. We have u
complete stock of taem on hand,.
Call mid see our stock before buying
jnaler & Benton
none that equal
Dalles, Pen w yslofia Nav. Go. :
Tho Steamers of tho KcguUtor l.lno will run as per the fol
lowing bohedule, tho Company reserving tho right to change
bvhcdiile without notice.
Str. Inland Flyar.
(Limited Landings.)
Lv. l'ortluml
at K a. u.
. ... Tueuday
, . , Thursday
. ..Saturday
Arr. Dalles
Lv. Dalles I.v, l'ortluml
at S a si. at 7 a. m.
Monday Tuesday
Weduo.duy Thursday J
Krldav Saturday
Arr. IVrtlaiul Arr. Dalles ;
atU:;U l M.
at 1:3) 1'. M. ,
. ,H
Tho Company will endeavor to gtvo Its pat- fl
For further information address H
C. ALLAWAY, den. Agt., Tho Dalloj, h