Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the ystem EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES Urr ' HabITualConst'Pation 1 1 UMt PERMANENTLY Buy THF P.f NUINf MftNT'D BY (u!?rniaTgpSwf(. fca SV.t BY4tCIWS4l5Ti nr.Li SOt HRKTUL Oueen Weeps Alike for Briton and Boer. Xesv Yokk, Dec. 14. A dispatch to tho Herald from London says: It is stated that the queen's mental anxiety gives the rreatest ahirui to tho royal household. The queen insists or receiv iug the minutest information from the war office as to the &tnte of affair?, yet ehe is completely overcome when the particulars of each engagement are re lated. Even when die cussing other matters and conducting ordinary corres pondence, the queen suddenly hursts in to tears and make? pathetic reference to the misery and hardship entailed upon her eoldiere, as well as upon the Boers themselves. No matter where one went last night there was but one topic of discussion Slethuen's defeat and his probable losses. A SUKE OUKE FOB CltOlTI. Twentr-Are Yearb' Ciinstunl Ue With out it Failure-. The first indication of croup is hoarse nese, and in a child sulj-'Ct to that disease it may be taken as a sure sign of the approach of an attack. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar rough coush. If Chambetla'n's Cough Uemedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, it will pieveut the attack. It is Used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the anxious moth t. We have ypt to lenrnof n single instance in which it lias not jiTOVetl fllVctuat. No other preparation can show f-uch a record tweuty-l$vo years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Cavalry Captured Insurgent Stronghold. Ma.nila, Dec. 14 A detachment of Coonel Have,' cavalry, under Lieu tenant Arnold, ha; ciptured Bieacnabot", the mountain stronghold where the last insurrection was ended with a peace treaty. A large quantity of ammunition and arms was captured. M.j n JJiitcholor's bittalion of tho Twenty fuurtli infantry 'm making slow progtess nu the Aparri valley. The villagers are giving the colored, troops banquets and balls everywhere. A Tlioimnnil runsuts 'Could not express tho rapture of Annie E. Springer, oi 1125 Iloard St., Phil adelphia, I'a., w hen eho found that Dr. -King's New Difcnvory for Cor.amuplion ihud completely c ired her of a hacking cough that fur many years had made lite a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she eaye of this iloyal Cure "It eoon re moved the pain in my chest and I ran now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding it) prairies throughout the universe." Ko will every one who trie? Dr. King't? New Discovery forany trouble of tho throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle fre ut Blakeley & Houghton'H drug store j every bottlo guaranteed. 5 All pei eons wishum to take children, cither boys or gi'lu, for legal adoption or on indenture, should w.rito to W, T, Gardner, superintendent of tho lloyo' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for them de sirable children of all agec. All applica tions must be filed in advance. tf Subscribe for Tun Uhuonick. LOSSES OVER EIGHT HUNDRED Many Officers Names Are in tiic List Of Casualties, RELIEF FOR LADYSMITH Report Says The British Have Captured 10,000 Boers War Will Cost Kngland 200,000,000. Loxno.v, Dec. 14. An official report gives the number killed, wounded and missing of all arms in the engagements of Sunday and Monday north of Modder river as 817. There were fifteen officers killed and four wounded, and in addition five are missing and one is known to have been taken prisoner. The war office has teceived a message stating that there were 832 casualties among the noticom missioued officers and men of the High land brigade at Magersfontoin. The bri gade lost ten officers I illed and thirty eight wounded and four missing. London, Dec. 14. A special dispatch from Pietermaritzburg says Generals Buller and Clery have entered Ludy smith and have captured 10,000 Boers. Loxuo.VjDec. 14 The British war office has heard nothing of the reported relief of Ladysmith. Tho officials do not credit the story. Mount: r. Riven, Cape Colony, Dec. 14. Details gathered here by n represen tative of the Associated Press among the wounded British and the Boers gave some idea of the desperate nature of tiie fight, at Magersfontoin. The Highlanders did a,l that the most gallant troops in the world could do, but it was impossible to face the terrible fire of the Boers. Tne British artillery again saved the situation and divided the honors of the day with the Scots. The batteries worked for hours under a galling rifle fire. War Will Cost England i'200,000,000. New Yokk, Dec. 14 A dispatch to the World from London, says: The decided check of General Methuen and the heavy British loss have added to the panic among the military authori ties and the jingo war experts in London. The war office now is pushed to the extremity of its resources. Lord Roberts, commander-in-chief in Ireland, was hastily summoned last night from Dublin to London. At its extra secsion, parlia ment was told that $50,000,000 would cover the expense of the war. It is now said by the best informed that $200,000, 000 will not pay tho bill. U'ghty thousand British troops are in South Africa now, anu 10,000 more are to be mobilized, or are on the way, while advance orders for a sixth division of 10,000 men are being executed and there ure warnings that a seventh division of the same number will soon be collected for th" shipment to tho Cape. Catarrh (Jmiiiot be Oureil with local applications, as thev cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not n quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the heat blood purifieis, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The crfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh, Send for testimonialR, free. I J. Ciik.siiv & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drrnggictH, price 7.1c. Hall's Family Piljn ure the bent. 12 Will Bring Bodies of Maine Heroes. Nuiifolk, Va., Dec. 13. The battle ship Texas, Captain Sigsbee command ing, passed out of the capes friay. She will proceed to Havana, and, after the bodies of tho sailors who perished on the Maine are placed rn board, sho will bring them to the United States and land them at Fortress Monroe, Iu Memory of Our First President. roN, Dec. 14 Mount Vernon was tho scene today of the most unique an I impnesive oremony in its history. Masons from all over the United Stated and Canada met at the tomb of Washing ton in services commemorating the l.undreth i-nniversary of the death of the great American. President McKinley delivered an eloquent tribute to tho memory of the first president ami senators and representatives anil high official of tho government and disting uished private dtlzona were participants and spectators of the solemn services. 1'lnyml Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various pnrtB of the body. Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Lisb of uppctlto, FcvcrislinRss, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences of impuro blood. No matter how it became so it must bo purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottlo on a positive guarantee. Blakeley A Hough ton'B drug store. As n cure for rheumatism Chamber lain's Pain Iialm is gaining a wido repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., bus been troubled with that ail ment since 1802. In speaking of it he says: "I never found anything that would relievo mo until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It actB like magic witli me. My foot was swollon nnd paining mo very much, but ono good application of Pain Balm relieved me. For salo by Blakeley & Houghton. My sou bus been troubled for years witli chronic diarrhoeu. Sometime ago 1 -persuaded him to take somo of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using two bottles of the 23-cent size he was cured. I givu this testimonial, hoping some one similarly aillicted may read it and bo benefited. Thomas C. Bownn, Glencoe, O. For sale by Bkbeley & Houghton. Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., says, "I suflered a long time from dys pepsia; lost flesh and became very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured me." It digests what you eat and cures nil forms of stomach trouble. It never fails to give immediate relief in the worst cases. BUSINESS LOCALS. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house, tf Use Claike & Falk'e Iiosafoam for the teeth. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping ami sunbu'ti. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Latest tiling in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Paint your Iioufc with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wascu warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. - mcli2o-tf Clarke & Falk haye received u carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints. Ono dczen of Giflbrd'r! photos will make you twelve fine presents. What would be appreciated mure for the holidays? novl7-lm DeWitt'e Littlo Early Risers purify tho blood, clean the liver, invigorate the system. Famous little pills for consti pation and liver troubles. Clarke & Falk havo a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., says, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles, but I cured them with DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Betran of counter feits. Dyspepsia can bo cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Ono little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded, Sold iu handsome tin boxes at 25 eta. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. j It takes but a minute to overcome tickling in the throat nnd to stop a cough by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take, It pre vents consumption. A famous specific for grippe nnd its after effects. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes yon eat, sleep, work and happy, Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cte, Blakeley & Houghton Druggist'. "I was nearly dead with dyspepsia, tried doctors, visited mineral springe, and grew worse, I used Kodol Dyspep sia Cure. That cured we," It digests what you eat. Cures Indigestion, st.ur stomach, heartburn, and nil f 01 ins of dyspepsia. Eubtorlbe for The Chronicle, NOTICE. 3TATE OK OltEOON, KXKCVTIVK HEIMHTKKtiT., Nov 21, 1M)'J. In iiernnlniicii with tho provNlotin,n' tin Aet cntitltd "An Ai'tHiitiinlltliiK to tl.o KlcfltnrK of tho Stu'o of On-sou nt the uouornl E'nctlon to bo hold on tho Hint Mnmhiy In Juno, IWX), the. ticiutliiR I'rnpiuod CnnNtttiitlntiat AiiiendmcntK, improved February IK, IMi.l, I, T. T. (leer, Onv ornnr of tho Blatc of Orciron. tin hortby cause tlio followlint proposed iimeiiilnicnls to the CniiMt tutlonot tin; .Stale of Oregon, its eerlllled In hv ttto Secretary of Htnt , to bo piihlndied for live eonsueullvo wevkh In Tun ciiuonici.k, h iicwatiiiiicr imbllhho'l In tho seventh Jiullula! District of tho Slate of Oregon. Ilntio nt IhuCniiltol, at fnleia, Orecon, SEA!, this Jl t (lav of November, A. II. Ih'J'J. 'J'. T. iiKi:it, Uovornor. Ily the (inventor: I I. HUNIIAK, Secretary of State. SKNATK JOINT UKSOM'TIOX, NO. I. Ili II rinlviH In-tlir KiMinh. flip MnllsLl OOtl eurrlnit; That tho'follmvliiK anieuiliiietit to tho CuiiMltnuoii or 1110 statu 01 urcgiiu no 111111 in horohy iirorosoil : That section It) of Artlole XI. of the Constitu tion nt ttio Stiitonl Oregon ho anil thOMiiau Is herehv abrogated, and In Urn thereof ruction It) of Artlole XI. hlnill be as folloVM AUTICLK XI. Kcotlnn 10. No enmity, city, town, sohool ills. 1 riot nr oihor municipal corporation shall In al lowed to become .Indebted In any manner nr for nnv purpose to an amount Including present ex isting Indebtedness In tho aggregate cu'coling live per centum on tho value of tin; Mxahlu vrnpurty therein to Iki ascertained by the hist us soMiicnt for Statu ami eonntv tuxes ptovious to tho Incurring of Hitch Indebtedness, Adopted bv the senate January ro, ISWI. L V. Fulton, I'rcsldcnt of the Hoitiitc. Concurred In bv tho Homo. February;!, 1MH. W. 1'. Keauv, Speak. vol the House. Adopted bv (ho Heniite jHiiunry .11, 1.VJ5. JosEi'il fataoN, 1'iesldunt of tho honnto. Concurred In bv tho Mouse, February 4, lS'jfi. CltAh. Jl. MooiiKs, KK.'itker of the House. SKNATi: JOINT UKSOI.l' HON, NO. 1.1. lie It resolved bv tho .Senate, the House con curring; That tho following ante ndmi'tit to the Constitution of the Ktatc of Orecon, In lieu of Keellon Ton of Article Seven (7), be ami tho same Is hereby jirojmscd, to-wlt: MICTION' TEN. Tho Legislative Asoinbly may provide for the election of supreme unit Urctilt Judges In dis tinct classrri, one of which classes shall consist of live Justices of the supreme Court, whosliHil not perform circuit duty; ami the othet class NhtiH consist of as many Circuit J tide's as tuny be deemed ueecss ry, who shall hold full tortus without allotment and who shall take tho same oath as the fiitprcme Judges. The Legislative Ascmbly nuiy uteato us many circuits its may bo necessary. Adopted by tho Peltate, February 15, lf'J3. U. W. H'", l'usldent of the risnatc. Concurred in bv the House, February 1,1, Is.'.):!. W. l. Kkadv, b;akcr of tho Hiiusu. Adopted by the Semite, January 'II, 1M)3. Johki'II Simon, I'resideut of the flontito. Coucum-d In by tho House, February , 1W.1. t'HAH. II. iloon:H, b teak or of the House. HOl'SK JOINT HL-jOLl'TlON, NO. 10. Itesolved by the IIoue, the Hemito concurr ing: That the following amendment to the Con stitution of the .State of Oreifim bo nnd hereby Is proposed: That the Constitution be iimcmlcd by adding Artielo XIX. as follows, to wit: AUTICI.K SIX. Section 1. Tho necessary uso of lands for tho ennstrttetlmi of reservoirs or storage hi5ln fir "the purpose of lrtiitatlou or for rights of vwy lor the construction of canals, dltche, Humes or pipes li convey water to t ic placu of line 1 or any useful, b.liellelnl or necessary purpose, or for drainage, or for drainage of mines or thu uorU lugs thereof, by means of rnadi, railroad', tram ways, cuts, tunnels, ihafts, hoisting works, dump or other necessary means to their com plete development or nnv other use ueccisiiry to the complete development of tho natural re sources of tho Mute or preservation of the health of 1 s Inhabitants, is hereby declared to he a pub lic use and Mibkct to tho regulation and coutn 1 of the State. tectlou'J. The right to appropriate the umtp pronrhited waters of any natural stream to ben etlciul uses shall never l)J denied ricrll 11 3. Tin: use of nil waters now appro! fnrsa'e, rental or distribution. alsnol all wilier originally appropriated for private use, but which, after sucn npprop'l it lull, has hereto fore been or may hereafter he sold, reiitid or dis tributed, Is hereby declared to hi 11 ill lit; ue nnd subject to the reetiliitlon 11 d control of the State In the mnnnet prc.urliH.-J by law. Hut the riKoi mute tutu nppi.ipriato sucn Miners sum be subject to such 1 roi-lsious of law forlh-t.ik ing ol privatu property for public or prlv do use us provided iu Bcuuon in, .UU01U 1 Ol inu toll (dilution of tho State of Oregon. Section I. The right to collect taxoBor com pcn.Htlou for the uc of water supplied to am county, city, town nr water district or inhabit nuts thereof, Is u fnitichl-e, and cannot ho exor cism except ny atittiotity ui Dim in a manner ptcscrlbed by law. Adopted by the House, February 1.1, lh'JI. W. I'. KlIADV, Speaker ol the l(ouc. (.-signed March 7, iwi.j Adopted by the Senate, February 1", lhKI. C. W. FiJ.ton, I'resldont of ttiebenate. (signed March '.'S, 1MM ) Adopted bv the House, February (!, 1-U.1. dun. li. Moop.kk, speaker of tho House. Coiicurnd In by tho Somite, February Hi, ltt'.ij. JosEi'il Soto.v, I'resideut of the Senate. HOIJei: JOINT UF.SOLUTION NO. 'J. proposing mi amendment to tho Constitution of me state i.i urcgou, tiy icpeai ug eeciiou oi Article 1. Kcsolved by the Hnute, lltoiouate concurring; Tliat Mention ' of Article 1 of tlto Constitution bound hereby is reiieuled. Adopted bv the House, January 11, I'D:. W, I'. lr.l, Spsakor of tho ltousi;. Concurred In by the Senate, January 111), lb'J.i C. S. Fl'mok, I'r'.-tldeul of the Senate. Adopted by tho House, January SO. 1S'J.j. CIIAK, II, Mooiieh, Speaker of III i; House, Concurred In by tho Senate, February la, IbUI, JosErit Sniu:r, I'resltlont of tho senate BKNATE JOINT UKSOI.L HON NO. 7. Ilo It resolvid by thu Senate, tho llouocon currlng; That the following attieudment to the Constitution of the State of Oregon huitlid is hereby proposed: AltTIC'I.K i. The elective franchise In this State shall not hereafter bJ nrohlbiteil toiinvelllzen on aceoiiiit of sex. Adopted by the Senate, Fobruruv 0, ISM. JosKf-ll Simon, i'resideut of the Seuate Adoptcil by tho Houso, February (!, 1S'J5. I has. I). MooitKri, Speaker of thu House, Adopted by the Somite. Jautitry ."It, WJ'J. T. O, Taylou, President ol tho Senate. Adopted by tho House, January ill, lbW, K. V. CuiTKit, Speaker of tho House. U.NITKD HTATFH OF A.MK11ICA, ) STATE OF OllKOON, f Olllco of Secretary of State. ) I, F. I. HUNI) All.ficcretiiry of Stdtn of the Hliitn of Oregon nnd CustiMllim of tho Seal of said State, do hereby certify that I have coin pa red thu preceding copy of Kouiitu Joint Uesnlutloti No. I. of tho Ix'tflslatlvo As.lmiiIiIv of Ik'it "Mutiioipul IndchteduesH nuieilduieiit;" Herate 1 juuu iiesinuuon rt). i: oi tnu Jglslntivu As nembly of IhW, "Judiciary Aiiieuduntj" Housu Joint itesolullon No, 10 oi thu Legislative As. Hoinbly of ibu:i, "Irrlgatltm Ainonduio its" Home Joint Hesolutlon No. i of tho Ugislntlvu AsfCinbly of IKlTJ. " Kejieiillng Ainenduiont!' anil Senate Joint itesolntlon No. 7 of thu l-gls. lativo Assembly of 1W.1, "Kiiial Sult'niuo Amendment." with the oilglmil copies now on llle In thin office, and that thu tiiiuu U a correct transcript theiuiruni mid thu wholu thvretif. In .Tkwihony WinsHKnr, 1 hnvelieru. unto set my lutiid and ulllxed liuioto SEAL tiiu seal of tho Statu of Oregon, Done ut the Capitol, at Salem, Oregon, this Third day of November, A. 1), 181W. K.I. DUNHAIt, Secretary of Uluto. 1 1 ITIII II f 5 'l 4 5 V f I 4iuiM't!imttuJiy IU.1UIUI ttim-tiiuuuy iiMJfjiu.jjiiimuiiuUtiJmjU sw . OV.slJslJO .Doalor In... i is i' y uuuua, uiu.uiiivj) ij Gents' Furnishings. HuoU, Shoes. Hats, i np, Nnllmis. Agt. for W. 1 Dmig'as Shoe. Telephone No, fcfi. The DoUbs, Or, i.n scnouu til., ..gjias. nm Butehetrs and Farmers ..Exchange.. ICi-fji on ilratight tho celebrated Cul.lMll-A lll'.Klt, acknnwl cdvM'd the lx-st li-cr In The Imllcfc, at tlie usual price. Conic In, try It timl he roi.vliiced. Aho the Fiin-st brands of Wines, Ll-juor nutl Cigars. SandtxiiGhes ,,r ii in.,!.. i .... ... u. ... ,i iij n in, t,,ii,. r 4. , ri FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. l'HANHACT A LNKKAl, 1IANIC1NCJ UUtlNKH Lotture of Credit iHHiied available in the Kuiitcrn StuteH, Siglit K.sclmiii;e uud Telejjrnphit TrutiHltira mild on Now York, Cliicitiro, St. LouIh, Sun Francitjco, i'ortlund Oro con, ticattlo WubIi,, und vurioufi ioint in Ortigon nnd WaHlnni;ton. ColleutioiiH uia'Jb ut ull tioitite on fuv orablo tnruiH. jvitjs. oiiivm w. ivioijGfljj, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Struut, Imttvouti Court und Wu6h ton Streute, Tho UuIIuh. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. i i. """"isi'tiouiiiir una recon BtructinR the exfiauBted West! ve Tor- iuh. ii w ino latest dlacovored digest antand ton c. No other preparation ??nnn?Pproil1ch H ln eflclency. It in" Btantly rollevoti and permanently curoi i'KCHMon, Hwrtburn; Flatulonce, Sour Stomach, Nausea Slc"Ieadacho1GMtralgla,Oramp8,and R bJ1" J!8"!18 HmiwfectdlgeiXlon: Prepaid by E, C. OeWit Co., ctkai To Ouru Cold In Una llav. w w Tukti LHXHilve Uromo Quinine Tub t. All dniuifiHtH rufiuid tl.e money l( it (uIIh to cure, 2o, ' 0 III rTTTlTI I ITTTTTTI 1 1 1 TirTtVfVFPW fa The Chponielc, The DalloB, OK. Job Printeps. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leuve uud lire duo to urrlvc at l'ortlu LEAVE. OVF.Ul.ANI) l.X press, Kulem, Itose t'Urg, Ashland, Sue- i riiineuto, Ogduti,hHti 1 1 7;K) I'. M. Frattclsoo, Mo) . . . ... a - :iav", 0:1 .1.11 lAtt AllgUIOS,!.! 1'ltS'l, New uml r,it n;3U A. Jl. Koroburg and way sta tions ;30 1'. H rvin Woodbury fori Ml.Angel, Hilvorlnu, , Dull; Weal Sclo, Ilrowns- eieciil vllle.riprliii-llehl and ' guniUyi. (.Natron J ICorvallls nnd wny( IstiitloiiH . , i Is'501"1' Dally ei.rcpt SuuUayj !7;OT A. M. INDKl'ENDENCE I'ASHF.Ndl it, Express tula Dully (except Sunthiy;. l:0ti. in. I.v.....I'ortlantl Ar.) 8:at.ra 7::so ii. m. JAt..McMititivllle I.V.J 5:i0,m b:2ti p. in. f Ar..i: .llideKindeiicul.v ) -tloOo-ia Dally. tD'tliy, eieept tiunttay DINING CAUH ON OUDKN KOUTK. rc i.i, man huitlt klh:it.i:s AND KECOND-CLAbri BLELl'INO CABi Attached to all Tlirounh Tralm. Direct connection at hail I-ranch-en with Ocd dental Hint Oriental nnd l'actlle mull ntcemitiip Itnvh for J A TAN and CHINA. riul.itiB tlt 00 ii plication. itiitcn i.nd tlclsetH to Kimtern ixiliitit nntlla rojio. AUoJAI'A.N", CHINA, HU.NU1.UMJ inC A UHTHAIJA. All idmvu tritlnn arrive at ifitl dcpiirt Irtw Urand CcutriilBtutlon, I'lfth nud Irving VA.MU1I.L DIVIKION. 1'anuiiBcr DejKit, foot of Jcllcrnuu mntl Lenve for Hherliliiu, weeL' dajt, ti:S0p.B Arrive ut I'ortlantl, U;:w a. iu. U'ftve lor AU1LIE on Mondny, Wcdtic(!IMj I'rhiny ntH:lii. m. Anlv at I'ortlund. W duv, Thursilny und Halurdnj it 3 ( p. m. Except Hunduy. Except nuturduy. It rXK'.i.EK, (i, II MAKKHAM, .-iHiuiucr. AM- ( 1 A l'.A" ThrouitliTTckut Olllce.lUI Third htnt,wtej throtiKh tickets to nil point" In tho EMfers Htatex, Ci.umln und Europe eitn be obtmueo ' lowerit rutei from ,, . ,, J. 11. KUtKI.AM, JleetAB or N. WHEALDON. C. S. Smith, THE Up-to-date Qroeer Freali Ktrga owl Creamery Butter tt epoclnlty. 'Phone 270. 2d Street. vr w - ..STEAM.. Wood Saw Will run every tiny except Sundjr. liutea Keasoiiiible. Telephone 201. j W. A. GATES, Prop. t JOHH"'1 M00KB & VAN' mi I 1 IV. Koom.9m.a40,overS,lW: P H HUNTINOIOWl OIHooverFirit Nut. Jiu