The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 15, 1899, Image 3

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Wvo larger assortments, better goods and lower prices to offer
you this year than over before.
These are the Prices. IW
Trv them
and j'ou'll
1)U3' thorn.
per lb.
ORANGES. Choice Navel Oranges,
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
Fhe Dalies Daily Chfoniele.
Telephone No. J.
DEO. 15, -lf9
I Oysters
served in
Htyle hy
Entertainment and bazaar
At thu Baldwin opera house tonight.
Woathcr Tonight and tomorrow,
snow j decidedly colder ; temperature at
zero Suuduy.
There is a surprise In store for all
young peoplo who uttend the bazaar at
at the Bald n in tonight.
A girl who desires to'dogoneral houso
work (cooking excepted) can find em
ployment by applying ut this office
For all kindfl of the best home made
ciudy call ut the candy kitchen on the
north side of Second street, between
Court und Union. Retail and wholesale
prices.!' 15-1 w
A veritable Christ m.s window is that
displayed at A. M. Williams' this nfter
nooi,T The arrangement is particularly
beautiful and arrests the attention of
every passer-by. The dry goods window
is also very prettily draped in the
choicest of dress goods.
The snow made its appearance last
night to tlie'ileptli of almost five inches,
the most fjf which, however, soon dis
appeared and only made the streets
slushier. Tho oionn was general, reach-
iiiL' tho eonntrv districts somewhat
sooner, bo that the stage passed through
Itiite a little enow yesterday.
This morning n marriage license was
granted to Frank Roid and Maggie M.
St. Martins. Tho wedding was to take
place ut the Catholic church this after
noon at 1 o'clock, but as tho Ciuio.siuti;
has no desire to pronounce them man
and wife before tho minister line a
chance, we will not be previous hi our
It ie stated there are more than 1000
women, the wives of rich men, In New
York who spend more than $20,000 a
year for drcBS. Women of this class.
who havo nothing to do but spend what
bwlunga to othor people, wore doubt
less born for some Rood in the world, but
no one hns been able so far to dltwvor
what It is. E. O.
David Garrison, who was committed
Irom the United States court on Nov.
1'Uh for endeavoring to obtain a fraud
ulent pension, having been fined f 1000
or C00 days in the connty jail, was today
discharged by order of J. M. Hunting
ton, U. 8. commissioner, under the
statute wlUoh provides for tho discharge
of pauper convicts,
Many ladies who visit Mrs, Morgan's
art studio have admired a painting of
I'olnsottias, a flower winch grows pro
Funke's Choice Confections.
Realizing the demand for n etrictly first-class Grade of candies, wo have made
arrangements to handle the Funke goods, the bast produced in the United Slates.
A full line of theae goods now in stock, bought expressly for the Christmas trade.
Nuts. Nuts. Nuts.
It will pay you to pet your eupplv of nuts from up, not because of the price
nlone, lint from the fact that wo hove been very c.ireful to put in only the best
Pit per Shell Almonds, Soft Shell Wamntp, UrvT.A Nuts, Roasted Peanuts, Pol
ished Pecans, Pino Nuts, Filberts.
fusely in Southern California, but could
hardly bo made to imagine any flower so
brilliantly colored. This morning she
received several specimens of tho flower
rr -
sent from San Diego which are beautif
and prove that tho original are even
more highly colored than tho painting
would indicate.
On account of the storm and disa
grooablo weather last night the attend
ance at tho basilar was not large; but
those who were present suy the musical
program was excellent. Thos.e who had
labored to arduously to make the affair
a success wero greatly disappointed at
the Btnall house; but it is hoped they
will be encouraged by the added num
bers this evening, when a splondiJ pro
gram will be rendered.
Wednesday morning a telegram was
received by Mrs. Bronson announcing
tho death of Mr. Bronson's mother, Mrs.
Louisa M. Bronson, at 4 o'clock Tuesday
evening at Santa Barbara, Calif. Being
on the boat when the news arrived, it
was thought best to delay breaking the
sad news to Mr. Bronson until he
reached homo last night. While visit
in hor Bon in our city n few years since,
Mrs. BroiiBon made very many warm
friends, impressing all who met her by
the charming manner of a perfect lady.
It iB authentically reported today that
the Sherman county bank, of Wasco,
owned by a stock company, und of
ivhieh V. O. Brock is cashier and J. M.
Patterson president, failed to open ita
doors this morning. Particulars regard
ing the elosing was not loarned, but no
doubt the principal cause is on account
of tho udvaiuei which the bank has
made on the wheat crop, of which such
an immense amount is being held, put
ting finances in Sherman county in bad
shape. Wo t'ust that its doors will re
main closed but a short time, and that
business will soon he resumed.
Adam Kollzmon, father of Harvey
KolUman, the young man who was
charged with forgery and bound over in
tho Sinn of $500 to appear for a bearing
ou the 27th, arrived from Greeham last
night to furnish bonds and releaso tho
boy. He expects to return with him to
their home In Greeham on this after
noon's train. Many are of the
opinion that the boy is the victim of
another's rascality. Bo that as it may,
should ho be proven Innocent he has
been taught ft lesson which he cannot
booh forget in regard to tho kind of
company which a young man ehould
In a leport to the Portland Telegram
Sunt. Gardner, of the Boys' and Girls
Aid Society says : "The douatlous from
tho merchants and the public schools
tills lust Thanksgiving were better in
tlm aggregate than received last year.
Some of our friends from outside
counties generously remembered us, and
in speaking of tlilB wo should not forget
Tho DftllcB, and our esteemed friend and
agent, the Hon. George O. Blakt ley, who
invested hlmfclf with County Super
inteiident Gilbert and City Superintend
eut Landers to collect for us as much as
possible in their city, and so we 1 did
their etljrts succeed that besides a hand- j
Big Lines at
Gum Drops 05c
Plain Mixed Candy 07c
Broken Mixed Candy. .. 09c
Jolly Beans 10c
Tourist Mixed Candy.,. .11c
Fancy Mixed Candy 13c
French Mixed Candy ....17c
per dozen, 25c.
some donation of vegetables, fruit and
clothing, they forwarded a cash donation
- - - rcli
nfliM. f
change wjll ho made in the post-
offir-e force on the first of the year, J. O.
Mack, eiiief clerk, having resigned to ac
cept a position as traveling salesman for
a firm in Portland, and Forrest Fisher,
who is now in the employ of Pease &
Mays, will acf-ume his position. Mr.
Mack has made an excellent cletk, and
Postmaster Riddell regrets to part with
him. Since Oct. 1st, two months and a
half, the volume of money order business
has amounted to $20,000, and on his of
ficial visit to the office last Sunday the
inspector found that the only error in
the books was a matter of two cents off.
He complimented the work of the office
very highly and Baid the statements and
book work are the neatcet and best kept
in the 'tuto. The choice of Mr. Fisher
to fill the vacancy is a splendid one. He
is a young man whom cveiyone trusts
implicitly and thoroughly competent
to fill any position he may choose, hav
ing by his energy and application
obtained an education far above the
F. M. Ksigy, formerly business man
ager of the Northwest Herald, arrived
in the city last night, coming to tiiis
place in the interest of the Native Son
nmgiimie, and has been occupied today
in meeting our citizens and putting be
fore them the worth of this publication.
Mr. Kugyjwus a resident of Tho Dalles
many years ago and meets many old
friends. Tin: CiiitONichi: hr.a received
muny copies of the magazine he repre
sents, and it is certainly a publication
which overyono interested in Oregon
should receive, i' only for the valuable
information it contains of the past his
tory of our state. In looking over it we
found such historical sketches as those
of the early missionaries, among whom
were given the names of Revs. Parrish,
Waller, Gary, G. Hinee, aud Leslie, of
the Methodyst church ; ltevs. McCarthy,
Faclar, Sell wood ami Bishop Scott, of
the Episcopal; Itev. Parker, Walker,
Eels, Griffin and Spaulding, of the Con
gregational and Presbyterian ; end Arch
bishop Blanchet, Bishop Demers and
Father D3 Smet, of the Catholic church.
Musical l'rograin.
The following program will bo rend
ered at tho Lutheran bazaar tonight.
Admission 25 cents :
March Orchestra
Overture Orchestra
Duett Mlbhcs Sampson ami' Jloun
Sojtctlon Orchestra
"Wedding of thoWindb" Orchestra
Song Mm. A, A. Juyno
Selection Orchestra
Miirch Orchestra
The Modern Mother
Has found that her little ones are im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup of
Flits, when in need of the laxative ettect
of a gentlo remedy, than by auy ojher.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
The true remedy, Syrup of Hge, Is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only.
Use Clarke & Folk's quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the head,
Five lUyn tn TrnvM ISO Mllm Tlicn
A Few Hour tn Carry New 3000
Mile Now.
While one hundred years ago it took
five days to convey the sad news of
Washington's death from Mt. Vernon
to congress at Philadelphia, barely 150
miles away, yesterday from Washington,
D. C, almost 3000 miles from tho Pacific
coast, in a few hours was carried the
intelligence of the impressive ceremony
which took place at Mt. Vernon on the
centennial annivorBary of that memor
able day. Tha following documents
conveyed tho sad news to tho body of
legislators then assembled :
"Unitkd Statks, Dec. 19, 1799.
"Gentlemen of the Senate, and Gontlo
men of the House of Representatives:
"The letter herewith transmitted will
inform you that it has pleased Divine
Providence to remove from this life our
excellent fellow citizen, George Wash
ington, by tho purity of his character
and a long series of services to his
country rtndered illustrions through the
world. It remains for an affectionate
and grateful people, In wIioeo hearts he
can never die, to pay suitable honors to
his memory.
"John Adams."
"Mount Vkknon, Dec. 15, 1799.
"It is with inexpressible grief that I
hove to announce to you the death of
tho great und good General Washington.
He died last evening, between ten and
eleven o'clock, alter a short illness of
about twenty hours.
"His disorder was inflammatory sore
throat, which proceeded from cold, of
which he made little complaint on .Fri
day. On Saturday mnrninsr, about three
o'clock, he became ill. Dr. Cralk at,
tended him in the morning, and Dr
Dick, ot Alexandria, and Dr. Brown, of
Port Tobacco, were soon after called in.
Every medical asnistancs was offered,
but without tiie desired efTtct. Ilia last
scene corresponded with the whole
tenor of his life; not a groan nor a com
plaint escaped him in extieme distress.
With perfect resignation and in full pos
session of his reason lie closed his wcK
spent life.
"I have tho honor to be, with the
highest respect, sir,
"Your most obedient and very humble
servant, Tobias Leah."
Tom Balfour is up from Lyle today.
N. C. EvanF, of Hood River, is in the
A. J. Brigham is a business visitor in
J. C. Yager is in from Gr.iES Valley on
Louie Davenport came up from Mosier
last Highland spent today in town.
F. T. Eininz. who has spent several
days in The Dalles, returned to Ante
lope today.
Bert BarreltjXvho has spent tho past
week in the city, returned yesterday to
Portland, wiiere he is attending the
dental college.
B. E. Snines. who always looks so
natural on the streets of Tho Dalles, is
in town today meeting old friends and
transacting business.
Tonight Mr. and Mis. Truman Butler
will leiivu for their old home in Lu
Compton, Kansas, where they will visit
Mrs. Butler's parents. Mr. Butler will
return in a short time, while his wife
will r.mL-a nti nv-lnnr'nil vlfllr. During !
their absence Mr. and Airs. F. Cram
will occupy their residence on Fourth
School ICntertaluiiu-nt,
The largest audlenco that ever as
sembled in Dufur, enj-)yel an evening's
entertainment on Fiiday' evening, Dec.
8th. Tho program waa. an entirely new
feature, thus proving a novelty. Tho
drills wero well executed by all tho de
partments. S-OL'.Oj was the sum takon
in. This goes to'the Dufur public school
library and incidental fund. The people
in that little village aj. wido awake to
the needs of educathmal advantages and
are prompt and liberal in their response.
An entertainment was given last year,
something oyer $70 being obtained. Tho
school library now has over 134
volumes and this, with the 1)2.55 just
obtained, will go a long way towards
establishing a fine echool library.
Uncle Suiu'h Dutloi.
"Look hero, Ephriam, w liar yo' gwlne
in secli a rig as dat?"
"To a masked ball, 'Linda. All's sup
posed to bo Uncle Sam,"
"Yo' doan.say? Wal, come hack
heah, man, an' rock deee twins. Reckon
if yo' am Uncle Sam It's yo' place to
take keah ob our now possessions.
Reckon' Ah'l dress up an go to dat hall
as Miss CMumbltt. Chicago News,
Homo to Kent.
A six-room house, on Eighth street,
opposite S. Bolton's residence; four
rooms furnished, including piano. For
further particulars apply to Robert
Teague, at W. A. Johnstou'e hardware
store. 12-tf
What a horrible sensation you cx
nerlenced when you looked upon that
unfortunate man and realized his de
plorablo condition. Ever thought of
yourself thought that by your persist
ent carelessness you might some day
have the same affliction?
Unless by accident blindness always
comes one way by neglect. Eyes be
come weak ; you strain them ; they be
come weaker; you continue your care
lessness. At last It is too late, your case
is hopeless no help no cure. Come
in today. We'Il.exatulno and tell you
just what is needed, Kiinu. Then, if you
like, we'll supply you.
TiiK). II. Ltd!!:,
Graduate optician, ut, H. C. Liebe's
Jewelry stoto in Vogt block. 15-2t
Notice to Tuxpajer.
A warrant for the collection of nil de-'
linquent taxes due Wasco county having ;
been placed in my hands, I um com- j
uelled to force collection of the same; 1
therefore I make this last call. The I
county court has extended die time as
long as is possible. The list will Le
publish t'd next week of all property on
which tasea have not been psid, after
which costs will be added.
Robert, Sheritr
The Dalles, Dec. 14, 1S99.
All silver-plated ware looks alike
when it is new.
I am selling high grad . Forks and
Spoons that will look well in five years
from now fur the silver on them gcee
deeper than the shine. And the price
is not 00 very much more than you
would pay for trash.
Hakuy C. Limn:,
15-2t Jeweler in Vogt block.
That Throlililug ncailiiche
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous HeadRches.
They make pure blood nnd strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1
Now is the time to sit for Xaias
photos. Cloudy weather preferred for
sittings. So says Gilford. novl7-lm
Wilson flitf-Tight He&tei?
Thoro aro other
....SOLD ONLY BY"....
JVIflVS & CROWE, Sole Agents. ;3
rt ATic-TApA-j-sra-.-
The Steamers
lowing Kheiiulo,
behctlulu without
Str. Regulator.
(Umtteil Landing.)
Str. Dalloa City.
(Touching at all Way 1'olnU.)
J, l.v. Dalles
( atS A. M.
ur. ll.iWN.
l.v. I'oril.iul 1 l.v. Iialles
ai 7 A. M. 1 hi I'.-.'il a, u,
, Mouda) ' Monthly
Wtitnedy 1 W.iliiUMlay
FrMy 1'riday
Arr. Ilallc8 Arr. Portland
at & l v. (iinecrtulu)
1 itesuay
, Tliiii'luy
Saturday. , .
lr. I'ortliiiwl
J, Ut 5V. M.
B, Travel hy the Steamers of tho Regulator Line. Tho Company will oiidwvi).' tJ give Its pat
E rons the Uett service, possible, For further Information addres
P. Portland Olllce, Oak-Street Dock
A A A A A A, A A
A frightful lllutiilnr
Will often c;iU6o a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen'fl Arnica
Salve, the bet in the world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cihps
ild sores, fever sore.1, ulcers, boils, corns,
elans and nil ?kin ( rtiptioiis. Best pllo
cure on earth. On'y 25 cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley A
Houghton, druggi'ts. I
Mr. J. Sheer, Sidalht, Mo., Raved his
child's life by 0:io Minute Cough Cure,
Doctors had given her up to die with
croup. It's an infallible cure fur couehs,
cold', grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and
throat aud lun troubles. Relieves at
You will not have bolls if you tiiko
Clark" A Folk's onre'cum fnr boils.
For wood, chips, knots,
shavings, corn cobs,
hay or psat.
Construction This is nu nir
tt;ht neater ot th ovnl hect steel
tyt.u; it hni CAST IKON I.ININUS,
milking it li'irnb'.e; aim linn fron
feed ilour, cuat lop nml bottom imil
oniftiiciitat xulrti; top, uith gridcllo
covtr euileiiieii'h.
NIckHllngr It hns nickeld urn,
mmu platu nsui foot rail. Wo have n
romplftti 'took of tnem on hand.
Call niiil seo i.ur fcto?S before bujing
r, 1
--Sr Z--T-- "rT
V2 -.TAT1
" i
r ATR-TTGHTS, but nono that equal
tho WILSON. .3
rA ; a ; a? 'Afit t AjAiATrxriSTA r
Dalles, PoMaufi & Rstoria lav. Co. I
of tlio fteguhitiir l.lno 111 run ns per the fo!-'
tho Company lenorvlng tho right to change'
Str. Inland Flyer.
(I.i.nitcd '.'Hiding.)
l.v. PoiiUmI
at 0 a. M.
Arr. Dalle
( uncertain)
l.v. Dalle
tteduetday ,,,
Arr, I'ortl.nid
atS::i) r, u.
l.v. I'orthmd ,
at 7 a. u.
. . .Thur.-day ,
.... raliirday
Arr. Dalle:. '
at l;M l', m, ,
C, ALLAWAY, Qen. Agt., Tho Dalle.
, ar 1 ari.r IVi.v, 1 kajm ttuy tr r -r t v i 1 t nr 1 r nrXvu