The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 15, 1899, Image 1

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    I) c Dalles
NO 109
Tell ub of n young man who ever at
any one time had too many ties.
Ties such bb we are showing are al
ways acceptable and especially so at
X in us time.
A splendid assortment today, and
nearly a hundred dozen more dim lieie
25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00
Smoking Jackets.
Sume call them Houb Jacket, either
ie correct. To have the Jacket correct
though, you must make sure it comes
from ub. Wu Bell ttie Alfred Benjamin
lino of New York, which is enough by
way of iirgumeut for those who are
Jackets Unit make a man cotno home
earlier of an evening, at
$5.00, $6.50, $7.50,
$8.75, $9.50, $10.00
ones. But only one of a kind.
Fancy Vests,
arrived six weeks late. Result, a lnrser
aesortinont of nohhv Btyles for holiday
picking than would have had other
wise, and the pre-eminence of being the
ouly house iu town that cau offer variety.
Dark silk and worsted vostlngs, with
fluuill, bright colored pin-head or
Dark worsteds with bright plaids.
Nobby noil p)ada in pretty tan of-fects,
$2.50 to $10.00.
One Dollar.
A table full of Ladles' Flue Felt Slip
pers; odds and ends from last seasons
Belling; some are of red felt, others of
black, blue lor brown, still others of
black quilted satin, b iund in brown
plusli ; all have flexible leather soles and
Will be busy as bees from now 'till Xmas. Couldn't be otherwise with all these attractions.
Goods Bnitahln for old
and young, rich
and poor, at
0. IU. WILL19WS & GO'S.
The Place
where you cpn
do your holi
day chopping.
We want everybody's opinion
We've been told that wo have the finest collection of gift goods in The Dalles. We believe it agree per
fectly still would like to have your own opinion, personally expressed. People are enthusiastic over the many
pretty things displayed throughout our store. Many come again and again to the China counters, the Notion
counters, the Fancy Goods counters; where first a piece of china is bought for Aunt Sarah, then a beautiful neck
tie box for Cousin Frank, or a capacious wallet for Uncle Ben back in the states. Nobody is disappointed here,
for we are prepared this season to fill all wants. We have something pleasing for everybody, at prices that suit
all purses and make this
nonnrof CiH Phinoiuam- handsome, highly ornamental piece?. To see
UfcJL.VjI ClLt'-l V-M 1 1 1 ICl Well CJj them is to want them; to know our low prices
is to bny them. They nre eimply irresietable to yourg housekeepers, end others not so young are equally
Read these Items for Xmas giving:
Cups and Saucers, for after dinner cofiVps or 5 o'clock teas. . .. ioc to 50-:
Cups and Saucers, full regular sizes, teas and coffees 25c to 99c
bugars unu Creamers, lor o o clock tea?, beautitullv upcorated in pom and
colors, per set 29c, 39c. 48, C9, and up to $2 S"
3. piece sets; EUgar, creamer and tea-pot, artistic iu design and beautifully de
corated 2.39, $2 49, $2.90 ami $3 CO
China Cream Pitchers, beautifully decorated, at 95c, $1.25 and $1.50
Individual Tea-pots, decorated china, at 49c, 50c, and to $1.25.
We would liko to tell you of tho dozens of other pretty things in fancy plates, for fruite, cake, etc. ; of the pretty Bon Bon, Olive or Pickle
Dishes of the Mush Sets, Cracker Jars, or Fruit Bowls; thofe beautiful Opal Glass Water Bottles, Jewel Caskets, Pin Trays, Puff Buses, which cin bo
had In selB of four or six, or by the single piece; of beautiful Vases, that bring up thoughts of India and Japan, but space forbids, and then it's a whole
lot mureflttliefaetory to you to come and Eee, and plan and buy, if you want to.
Collar and
Cuff Boxes.
If you don't know what else
it shall be, consider the ad
vantage of having a nice box
in which he can keep hie, collars,
and cuffs. It need not ho an
extravagant one unless you
want it to be; wo have any
number of different styles and
as ruauv different prices.
In celluloid, white embossed, at 09 cents; with panel picture on the top,
plaited Batin lining, special place for cuffs, $1.25 ; and others to $2.50.
Made in Japan ; collar and cuff boxes of hiiihly polished black enameled
wood, circular shape, gold decorations on lid, 79 cts.
Wo want to impress, and that
deeply, on everyone's mind that
we sell Albums that we have Al
bums cheap and costly that any
one wanting an Album will save
time any money by coming here.
White Celluloid Album, embossed
cover, plush covered back and
curnuis, gilt edges, nickeled wire
fastener, will hold twenty 2,sx3,ls
pictures, priee-23 cents.
Other styles, full regular fc'zas,
in a number of pretty bindings, at
prices to $6 40.
Wonderful values. Styles Ftich as are lo he found at Xmas time
only. Scalloped and embroidered edges, or if you prefer, with lace inser
tion. Theu there are real laco haudkerchiefs, with the daintiest of linen
124c to $2.50.
Silk Mufflers bought lor the holidays atid
hern thi'.v are. Full liberal sizes, in pure white or
ilmk with nil nlaborftte riowered center and handsome border, or iu bright
and attractively colored, fancy stiipes.
For Men.
75c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.25.
Made of pure silk, hem
stitched border; according
Initial Handkerchiefs.
to size and weight 25c, 50c, and 90c
Made of Japonette, with silk Initial, hemstiched each 15c, 2 for 253
Others in pure white linen, hemstitched, initial worked in corner .25o
School Handkerchiefs for the children 2c. 3u and 5c each
' Boxes.
Our assorlrmnt of these handsome goods is mod attractive. Glove
and Tie Boxes in various (.hades, handsomely decorated j those at 00c with
panel of celluloid on cover, with tho wwd Neckties" or "Gloves" em
bossed thereon. Pi fled crepe lining. Finer ones to 50
Glove and NandkctchV Boxes, como in sets of two, per eet
Others made of a wood, closely resembling ebonv. biddy polished and
beautifully dicorati d in gold, in quaint Japanese designs, M9t', 49 j, die.
Our assortment of thesoai tides is already
gtow'ng Piobulily eunuch for a half
Wv-ek'j eellinj j exactly as cut, with wire
easel buck, caen 25c. Ottmre t-quare thae,
lievel-plale, 3.,.inch tine luiqutred frame,
Hiving easel blnn I,
$1.75 and $3.50.
17lA4-.rAot Fit for Xmas Gifts. Ap-
1 OOtWear predated by home stay
lug people.
Children's Romeoe, Felt with fur trim,
inline, leather soles, uo heel, colors red,
and brown, fl.Ouninl ifl.-'o
Ladles' Felt
Romeos, red
green ami
brown, with
whlte.gray &
brown fur
trimming. . $2,00
Similar in black only
Children's Felt Sllpperf ,
1 1 -to 1
SUes 0 to 10J,
Jvidies' Princess Felt Slip,
pers, brown c ilor with
silk braiding on vamp,
leather soles and low
heel, sizes 3 to 7 $1.50
Ladies' black, red, brown,
felt slippers, serviceable
though not coetly f 1.25
in red, leather soles, sizes
Gllted, round nrnval,
wire easel back, plain,
15c 19c and 25u
With bow-knot top; oval shape, 0x0,
each 39c
Square shape, 4,'yxfl, each , ,.40o
6x7 75c
Other sizes, in white metal and wrought
iron, wide elaborate frames or nar
row fancy headings , 75u to (2.00
Fancy Shirts
for Xmas Gifts.
Tho same young man who never has
too many neckties is itlso very partial to
a handsome shirt, such as we are known
to sell.
Some Mylea arc particularly appro
priate, for the season. Those "swell"
stripes in the new ebades of red, blue
and helio.
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50.
Bath Robes.
Have you seen our Bath Robes? If
not, possibly a solution to the "what
shall 1 give him for Xmas" problem
has been found. We thiuk there never
wero Bath Kobe? quite as soft, as pretty,
as generous in length, iu fact as perfect
as those we are showing this season.
$5 to $10.00.
Golf Capes And 'hr3-
Two weeks ago our assortment of Golf
Capes was practically exhausted. To
day we chronicle tho addition of a few
new ones and look for more tomorrow.
$5 to $13.50.
Golf Capes
for Children.
Most of those natty little Capes you've
seen little girls wearing hereabouts no
doubt como from here. We know of no
other store in town who has them.
Capes for children, are made of a
heavy, smooth surface material, in a
nrett'y gieen mixture, the reveres and
hood are of a bright plaid and are edged
with fringe to match. 8 to 18 yeara.
Golf Capfa r of a heavy navy blue
Bolting, with a largo bright red plaid
back, hood and fringe.
Cape is made of the best quality golf
Intr, the body color a bright red plaid
with u back, largo storm collar and
For Small Girls.
MILITARY OAPKS, made of a hoavy
Hrmvhlue cloth, lined with red flannel,
rolling collar inlaid with black velvet
and trimmed in two rowslgold soutache;
same trimming on straps, regulation
brass buttons; -I to 12 years,
neat round toes.