The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 14, 1899, Image 1

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    Z)c Dalles
NO 108
Will be busy as bees from now 'till Xmas. Couldn't be otherwise with all these attractions.
Tell us of a voting man who ever nt
any one time had too many ties.
Ties snrh as wo ore showing nro al
ways acceptable an 1 especially eo at
Xuias time.
A splendid assortment today, and
nearly a hundred dozen more dii'j heio
25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00
Smoking Jackets.
Some call them House Jackets, either
is correct. To have the Jacket correct
though, you must make sure it comes
from us. We Hull the Alfred Benjamin
lino of New York, which is enough by
way of argument for thoso who nro
Jackets tint make a man come homo
earlier of tin evening, at
$5.00, $6.50, $7.50,
$8.75, $9.50, $10.00
Quiet styles, loud patterns and louder
ones. But only one of a kiud.
Biiitahlii for old
and young, rich
and poor, at
fl. PL W1LL1WS & GO'S.
The Place
where you cm
most convenient
ly do yuur holi
day shopping.
We want everybody's opinion
We've been told that wo have the finest collection of gift goods in The Dalles. We believe it agree per
fectly still would like to have your own opinion, personally expressed. People are enthusiastic over the many
pretty things displayed throughout our store. Many come again and again to the China counters, the Notion
counters, the Fancy Goods counters; where first a piece of china is bought for Aunt Sarah, then a beautiful neck
tie box for Cousin Frank, or a capacious wallet for Uncle Eon back in the states. 'Nobody is disappointed here,
for we are prepared this season to fill all wants. We have something pleasing for everybody, at prices that suit
all purses and make this
nnnrkvoforl PViinouro Vi handsome, highly ornamental piece?. To see
LCULM ClLtJU Vl 1 1 1 laWal Cj them is to want them; to know our low prices
is to huy them. They are simply irresistnble to young housekeepers, and others not eo young are equally
Road theso Items for Xmas giving:
Cups and Saucers, for after dinner coffees or 5 o'clock teas 15c to oOj
Cups and Saucers, full regular sizs, teas and coffees 25c to 9!)o
Sugars and Creamers, for 5 o'clock leas, beautifully decorated in gold and
colors, per set 29c, 39c. 48, C9, and up to $2 87
3-pit-ce eels; Eugar. creamor anil tea-pot, artistic in design and beautifully de
corated $2.39, $2 49, .12.90 and .13 69
China Cream Pitches, beautifully decorated, at 05c, $1.25 and .1.50
Individual Tea-pots, decorated china, at 49c, 50c, and to $1.25.
We would like to tell yon of tho dozens of other pretty things in fancy plates, for fruits, cake, etc. ; of the pretty Bon Bon, Olive or Pkkle
Dishes; of the Mush Set, Cracker Jars, or Fruit Bowls; those beautiful Opal Glass Water Bottles, Jewel Caskets, I'in Trays, Puff Bcxep, w Inch cm be
had In tele of four or six, or by the simile piece; of beautiful Vases, that bring up thoughts of India and Japan, but space forbids, and then it's a whole
lot more satisfactory to you to come and tee, and plan and buy, if you want to.
Collar and
Cuff Boxes.
If you don't know what eleo
it shall be, consider the ad
vantage of having a nice box
in which he can keep his collars
and cull's. It need not be an
extravagant one unless you
want it to be; wo have any
number of difi'erent stylos and
as many difi'erent prices.
In-celluloid, white embossed, et 09 cents; with panel picturo on the top,
plaited satin lining, specinl placo for ciiffe, $1.25 ; and others to $2.50.
Made in Japan; collar and curt' boxes of highly polished black enameled
wood, circular shape, gold decorations on lid, 79 cts.
We want to impress, and that
deeply, on everyone's mind that
we soil Albums that we havo Al
bums cheap and cosily that any
one wanting nn Album will save
time any money by coming here.
White Celluloid Album, embossed
rover, plush covered bad; and
corners, gilt edges, nickeled wire
fastener, wilt hold twenty 2l.Jx3'i
pictures, price 23 cents.
Other styles, full leuular sizsa,
in a number of pretty bindings, at
prices to $0.40.
Fancy Shirts
for Xmas Gifts.
The same young man who never has
too many neckties is also very partial to
a handsome shirt, such as we are known
to sell.
Some styles are particularly appro
priate, for the season. Those "swell"
stripes in the neW. shades of led, blue
and helio.
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50.
Bath Robes.
Have you scan our Bath Robes? If
not, possibly a solution'-to the "what
eball I giye him for Xmas" problem
has been found. We think there never
were Bath IJobes quite as soft, as pretty,
as generous in length, in fact as perfect
as those we are showing this season.
$5 to $10.00.
Fancy Vests,
arrived six weeks late. Result, a larcer
assortment of nobby styles for holiday
picking than we would have had other
wife, aud the pre-eminence of being tho
only hou.-e in town that can offer variety.
Dark silk and worsted vestings, with
small, bright colored pin-head or
Dark worsteds with bright plaids.
Nobby golf plaids in pretty tan effects,
$2.50 to $10.00.
Tit Cnief Flees Id Disguise Holeasei
Twa Tlionsaui Prraif r;.
MacArtliur Has Captured Mabini, Ablest
of Insurgents Only Four Killed.
Washington, D. 0., Dec 13. General
Otis had some stirring news to report
toJay from Manila, his advices going to
show that tho insurgents are, bh he pre
dicted a few days ago, at the end of their
resources, from n military point of view,
and are running away before tho rapid
advance of the American troops at all
point. H!e cablegrams wero us follows :
"Maullu. Fifty men of tho navy and
fifty men of the army transported by
the navy, took laoga on Hip 10th Inst.
General Young, with his staff, followed
the next day. lie reports that Howe,
with the Pennsylvania battalion of the
Thirty-fourth Infautry, followed by a
portion of the Thirty-third infantry
passed north to Plddlntr, east of Ltog.
Marsh'e battalion of the Thirty-fourth
was at Oavan, province of Lepanto, on
the 7th init. The Third cavalry was
along tho coast nnd in the mount iir:a
pursuin; the enemy.
'Young states that his extreme north
ern forco passed over the mountains,
. . . r 1
driving the ineurgente, unuer uenerai
Tino, who was badly wounded, killing
fifty and wounding many. Mo maue
i rif rifle and nronertv.
with all insurgent trahep3rtation and
.. . , . i
released all tne spauisn prisoners w vuut
section to the number of about 2000.
Our casualties were two wounded. Our
troops are pursuing the remnant of Turn's
"Marsh's battalion reports from.
r i ......i irnvttipi mi the 7th
Inst., that he has destroyed Aguinaldo's
bodyguard, killed General Greggrio
Pilar, received tho surrender of Ganeral
Concopcion and staff, killed anil wounded
fifty-two insurgents, released 675
Spanish prisoners, including 150 friars,
and ciptureu consiuerauiu iruiuij . w.n
loss was two killed aud nine woiinueu.
Mv information le that Aguinaido lias
disguised his individually, abandoned
his troops and Is hiding in tho province
of Benguet."
Otis' second dispatch is as follows:
"Manila. Admiral Watson Informs
me that the province of Cayan sur
rendered unconditionally to Oaptatn
McCalla, of the Newark, on me uui
inst. All arms were surrendered. Major
IJatchelder is ninety miles south of
Apparrl, and tho command is in good
condition. The navy will take supplies
to Uatchelder. The surrender doubtless
includes the province of Isabella.
'General Bates, at Zunboango, reports
affairs there as satisfactory. Nearly all
rilled have been surrendered. MucArthur,
Bt IJayomboug, reports that he holds as
a prisoner of war, Mabini, the ablest of
Insurgents and founder of tho late government,"
mil AltacM 12,000 Boers Monday
To3 Strong for Him.
Modeler river. Today I am holding my
position and entrenching myself. I had
to face at least 12,000 meu. Our loss
was great."
Okangk Kivmi, Capo Colony, Dec. IS.
Threo hundred and twenty British
wounded, including twenty-seven offic
ers, havo arrived hero from Modder
Over 300 British Wounded Have Been
Sent to Modder River Hocrs
Maintained all Positions and Cap
tured Forty-One Prisoners.
London, Dec. 111. Tho war ollico 10
celved the following die patch from Gen
eral Methuen, dated Tuesday, Dec. 12:
"Our artillery shelled a very strong
position held by the enemy in a long
high kopje, from four until dusk Sunday.
It rained hard lastnight. The Highland
brigade attacked at daybreak on Mon
day the south end of tho kopje. Tho
attack was properly timed, but failed.
The guards were ordered to protect the
Highlanders right and iear, cavalry and
mounted Infantry, with a howitzer ai
illlerv. Thev shelled the position from
daybreak aud at 1:15 I sent the Gor
dons to tho entrenchments until husk,
the position extending, including the
kopje, for a distance of six miles to
PitETOitiA, Monda , Dec. 12. Official
reports sav: "Tho battle nt Modder
river began yesterday with cannon firing
and heavy fighting proceeding from 3:30
a. m. until 0:30 with cannon, Maximo
and lilies. The bombardment began
at 4:30 o'clock, und the fighting still
continues. A balloon has. just arisen
above the British positions, where it
remained 10 minutes and descended.
There wero heavy rains durine the night.
At 0 this morning a dispatch ilder
brought word that all Uoer positions
have been maintaned and that forty-one
British prisoners have been taken.
"At 0:30 it was reported the heavy
cannon fire hadsomowhat abated. ISritish
are constantly using their balloon. Fight
ing was still going on at noon. Kimberley
is still quieL"
As a cure for rheumatism Chamber
lain's I'rtiu lliilm Is gaining 11 wide repu
tation, I), It. Johnston of Richmond,
Ind has been troubled witli that all
meut since 18i)2. In speaking of it he
says: "I never found anything that
would relieve me until I used Chamber
Iain's Pain Halm. It acts like maglo
with me. My foot was swollen nnd
paining me very much, hut one good
application of 14 1 11 Palm relieved me.
For ea!u by lilakeley k Houghton,
Winter Storms llcgln.
Chicaqo, Dee. 12 Terrific gales were
reported from various ports on the Great
Lakes ted.i.v and fear is felt for the safety
of a lift t of sU-nmors which left the
Straits of Mackinac hut night headed
into Lake M'c' ii twtcn 3 and 4
o'clock this morning tho gale broke. The
wind iniuiie roistered 54 miles per hour.
Boats everywhere nru reported in or
seeking shelter.
Chutewa F.u.i.s, Wis., Dec. 12. Last
night's sntnv storm has rei.dered the
wagon road impaestib'e. Drifts ere four
to five feet deep. Un threo roads coming
into Chippewa Falls, ( nly one train ar
rived up to 11 o'clock this morning. In
tliu city, the snow had drilled in some
places four feet deep,
La Cuossk, Wis., Dec. 12 --One of the
worst snow storms eeen here for several
years slatted Sunday nnd continued
until this morning. Trains un all the
railroads entering this city are delayed.
Street-cur traffic is blocked and tele
graph nnd telephone wires nredown.
riayeU Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in variom parts
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, L'iss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences
of impure blood, No matter how it
became so it must I e purified 111 order to
obtain good health. Ackei's Blood
Klexir has never frilled to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poison or any other blood
diseases, It is ceitainly a wonderful
remedy and wo sell every bottlo on
n positive guarantee, BlakeleyA Hough
ton's drug store,
Edward Hates Dead.
St. Louis, Dm. 12, Kdward Bates,
librarian of the treasury department at
Washington, Is dead, at the home of his
father, Dr. Julian Bates, of this city.
Mr. Bates was about twenty-five years
old, nnd, prior to his appointment last
summer as librarian of tho treasury de
partment, was curator iu the public
library of St. Louis.
Catarrh t'unuot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach tho seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifieis, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results iu
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
K. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold bv drrugglsts, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Prosperity in Morrow County.
Hki'I-nkh, Or., Dec. 12. No snow of
consequence lias yet fallen in Morrow
county. Gruin and grass never looked
belter at this season that it does now.
Stock of all kinds Is in the beet possible
Politics is beginning to be discussed
and applicants for tho various county
office uru nulling iu tho field. It is al
most a certainty that the populists will
not nominate a ticket next spring. The
high price for wool and sheep; also hogs
und cattle, and tho prosperous times
that apparently have come to stay, uuder
the accursed gold standard, have com
pletely demoralized the populiiti of
Morrow county.