The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 13, 1899, Image 4

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Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
ClEAnses the System
ITS P.tMt 1 -TC .
"EriCIAL f rc
Frank Fulton c.une down from Binzs
C. P. T' Ken, of Ridgeway, is m the
city on business.
M. M. Williams, of Prineville, i; a
victor iu the city.
, .J
Salem, nrnved i
Mrs. T. .1. Jackson, of
in the city jesttruay.
Henry Hahne, one of Portland's lead
ing merchant?, is h visitor in The Dalles.
Mrs. A. Tl. Byrkett cam" up from her
Luat' at While Salmon last night, re
turning on today's boat.
Vivian French, who has spent the
past year nt their rancli near Fossil,
c.ifiie down yesterday an 1 will return
this afternoon.
In this city, Tuesday morning, Dec.
12th, to yir'. and Mrs. A. Bettiugen, a
What The Dalles ISnya find Glrlp
Polnc Anion); thr Leacllne
Editou Cnr.oNicLi::
The leading sociel event at the uni
versity this week was the reception
t'iven to the foulbull men and student
body by Dr. and Mrs. Stronc at their
home in Colier Hail. During the even
ing the quartet, consisting of Dr. Strong,
Prof. Glenn, Prof. Dur.ri and Supt.
Rr.seler, our new college song, "Oh,
Oregon." Mrs. Strcng was assisted in
the dining loom by the Misse? Bnnnard,
Wat field nnd Straub.
The Eutsxian, Laurean and Phil
ologist literary societies held a joint
session Friday evening in Prof. Friedel'e
room. President Goodrich, of the Laur
ean?, jirerided. After being entertained
by a recitation from Miss Yx!d and two
of Mr. EiionV inimitable impersona
tions, the. crutisii'jn, "Resolved, that imtui
gnttion into t lie United .States should be
ifrtric.ted to persoriB who can read and
write the constitution of the L'nitd
States in come language, provided satis
factory provisien can be made for ad
mitting thoce dHpendtnt upon qualified
"Jmiuigiants." 1 lie tiflhmaiive was up
hehf by Messrs. Holt and Goodall, cf
the Piiiiolofians, and Mies Aliaway, oi
the Kutasians. whilt the negative phase
of the question was nipported by Mesers.
J?jei cer end Hoeker, of the Laureans,
ttud Mise Straub, of lie Entaxians, After
careful consideration the judges decided
that the negative had the best of the
argument and therefore awarded them
the decision.
Tlie Dalles as represented by her
yourg citizens in attendance is most de
c iledly alive at the university of Ore
gon. That the. is considered by - both
faculty and Huleiils in this favorable
iiht (which t-he certainly is) is du to
the superior tcbolarship and detei ruin
ation of the young men and young
women which she is fortunate enough to
have representing her lure. A short
review of their achievements and the
positions they occupy will duibtless in
terest CiinoNicLK readers :
Of 11. D. Angell Utile needs to be said.
The reputation ho has made for himself
ut the university is not limited ly even
the louudt-ris of the Ute. By hie
patient per lietatieu in the face of un
usual d'fliful.tle), added tj his natural
Buperioriintolltctu-tl gilt', he has almost
oveicine every obstacle Mid attained to
almost every honor which he hat sought.
Suffice it to sat that he ranks as one cf
the very best etndents now in the uni
versity, and this year as editor-in-chief
of tiie Monthly, his influence is fur
reaching in student oflrtlre.
Miss Allawny, who will graduate this
year, hns the reputation of a first class
student and her talent in other lines is
shown by the fact that she is the choice
of the senior cl-ss as their orator in the
comiuc oratorical coutest. That tho is
also riroficitnt in debuting is shown by
the able manner in which elm upheld
her eide of the immigration question in
the inter-society debate.
Mr. George E. Campbell is a member
of the Junior class. His reputation for
scholarship in the difficult course which
he lias chosen is most enviable; his
record in all classes being that of an A 1
8'tident. He is also a prominent mem
ber of the Laurean literary society and
last year was one of the candidates for
the in'er collegiate debating team.
Tn Sophomore class of the university
is proud to claim ns one ot its members,
Charles X.. Campbell, of The Dalles.
Although this young man has been here
only two years, he'has already justified
the prophecy of those who, judging by
his career at The Dalles High School,
said he would be heard from at college.
He represented his class last year in the
oratorical contest and as a general Etu-
'dent he takes place in the very front
rank of the class, in which nre collected
some of the braiuest young people of the
state of Oregon.
We must not forget that it is not alone
in scholarship that The Dalles excels at
the university, for a Da.ies young man
has proven to all this year that in
athletics as well, she must be reckoned
with in futnre. Mr. Arthur Stubling,
as center on tho second term has made a
name for himself, and that he did not
occupy even this important poeitiou ou
the 'Varsity team is only owing to the
fact that lie was forced to compete with
those who had had n great deal of ex-
i perience in football, while this was his
8rst vear. As it was, he put his oppo-
npM. . ... . . .
In the Freshman class The Dalles is
represented by Edward Baldwin who
holds the position of private secretary to
the president.
The next issue of the U. ofO. Monthly
will be a football number and will con
tain an account of the games played this
season, a number of gridiron stories and
will be illustrated with pictures of the
Feed rye for sale nt the Wasco Ware
house, if
You will not have boils if you take
Clarke & Folk's sure cure for boils.
Clarke & Fulk s flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer for them
Ash your crocer for Clarke &' Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wneco warehouse. Finest kind of
chickpn feed. mch25-tf
Clarke & Falk have a full and com
p'.ete l;ne of house, carnage, wagon and
bam paints manufactured by James E
Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
J. I). Clark, Peoria, 111., says, ".Sur
geons wanted to operate on me for piles,
but I cured them with DeWitt'i Witcl
HczbI Salve." It is infallible for piles
and skin diseases. Iiear3of counter
feits. 0
uyspepsla can he cured hy using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablete. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
hnxee at !
!5 cts. Elakeley & Houghton
A rightful lllunder
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Ilucklen'fi Aruica
Salve, the best in the world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns,
felons and all skin eruptions. Befct pile
cure on earth. Only 2b cte. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by iSIakeley &
Houghton, druggists. 1
for 81.
A good farm in Klickitat county
Wash., five miles from ColumbuE, con
sisting of 10 acres. Price $1000. Apply
to II. . Curtiss at A, S. Bennett's
ollice. nl3-d&wlm
Clarke & Falk haye received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and eunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
ONE FOR A DOSE, fill I ft
iJh"mn,e P.'toPl". Prent I'll I
Sheriff's Sale.
A Oregon, lor Vi.sco (,'ounty.
J. P Mr Inrrny, as administrator of tlio estate ol
Pmlllp llrogau, dcccn?d, rialntlft,
N. W. Wallace mill S. F, Wallace, Defendant.
It y virtue of an execution, decree and order of
sale. Only IsMicd out of unit under tlio seal of
the elreiilt court of the Mute of Oregon, for the
couutv of Wikoii, to me directed and duted the
-'Stli Oiiv ot Xovemlier, IS'Jti, upon u dec.ou for
the fortMiloMire of h certidn murtenftv, In fnvor of
platntltl'imil nsalnst sulit defeiidnnts, mid luric
mcnt rendered and entcicil In said court In tlic
above entitled rausc, In fnvor f plalntltr nnd
np;iilti-.t the defendant N. W. Wallace, ns Judg
ment debtor, In the Miin of one thousand am!
thirty two mid 22 IPO dollars (lon...) with in
terest thereon from the hth diiyof Mptcmhcr,
ISW.nt therateof ten II' lcr cent per nntiiim,
mid the lurther Mini of one hundred ilo.lnrs
firoja'.attornefce'-.nndthe further suinof thirty
mid '.D-10O dollars t?X0 'JO and the rosts ol mid up
on this writ, mid eommnudtm; me to make sale
of thn real proerty cmhraced In such decree of
foreclosure mid herelnnfter described, said de
cree and Jiulirmcnt liavltiff been rendered nnd
entered on the - Uh day ot Ortoher, NW, I will
mi the third day of Janunr; 11K, ut the hour of
o'clock in the afternoon of said dnj and at the
front dnor of the couuty court house. In Dulles
fltv, Wasco county, Oregon, sell at public
miction to tho highest hlddcr for cash In
1,,,-iH nil fltn rtfht. fltln mill ltltl,TOSt wtllt'h
the dt-feminnts.N. W. Wallace mid S. F. Wallace,
or either of them, had on the '.11th daj of Sct-
tembcr 1893, the date of the mortgagu foreclosi'd
herein, or which said delendaiits or any of the
defendants heieln, have since nniutred or now
huve in and to the following dwcrlhed n.-al iiror
erty, situated and being In Wasco county, Ore
gon, to-wif Tliesouthc st quarter of the south
west quarter, the south haif of the southeast
quarter, and the northeast quarter of tho south
east quarter of section twenty-eight,!!! tnwnshlp
seveu south, of range se entccn east, Willamette
Meridian, containing 1G0 acres, or so much of
said property as will satisfy said judgment and
decree, with costs and accruing costs.
Said projierti will be sold subject to confirma
tion mid redemption as hv law provided.
Dated nt Dalles City, Wa'eo county, Oregon,
this ituh day of November, l'B.
decMI Sbcrlffof Wasco County, Oregon.
1 of Oregon, for Wiieo county.
In the matter of tho guardianship of fieorge
k:lmt, Traiik Klimt, Am. le Jordan, Katie Jordan
and Mary Joidau, minor.
Now on this yth day of December, 1690, came
William Jordan, the duly appointed, qualilied
and nrt'ng uuT'iian of thealcive nnno-d minors,
Mttit t.n.niiiti.l ViIl ..i,,tA,i t.rnl'lm, .it ti.i i.riliir
fit, 14 it i J-l.,, lu .I... ,i;i,,.ii I'l,,.,) ii imvi .
authorizing and directing him to sell tin in1crit
ol snld minors in certain rem properly ncriiu
after decriUd, and it appearing to the court
from s aid petition that it is necessary and bene
ficial to said wards that their interct in the
south hull' of the southeast quarter of section
Is, township 2 north, range 1:5 east, W. !., ho
sold, therefore It i ordered that '1 heresa Kl mt,
the mother mid next of kin of (ieorge KHmt mid
Frank Kllrat mid said William Jordan, father
and next of kin of Aunic, Katie and .Mary
Jordan.undall persons Interested In said estate,
appear before this co-art at ths court morn there
of in Dalles City, Oregon, on the Oth day of
January, 1900, nt the hour ot two o'el ick i m,
then and there to show cause why a license
should not be gianted for the sale of such estate,
and that this order be published at least three
successive weeks In The Dulles Chronicle, a
wetkly newspaper printed .In said county.
Dfttea this tlta day of December, isifil.
1.011 MIT .MAYS.
declS-I County Judge
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange aud Telegraphit
Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago,
fct. J.ouis, tean hrancisco, rortland Ure
on, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon anu Washington.
Collections m.vle ut all points on fa
orable terms.
jyiRs. OLivm w. wW,
Third Street, between Court and Wash
ton Streets, 'J he Dalk-s.
:iott3 V'i J ALITv,
Cures Impotencj', Kipht Emissions and
waptinn diseases, all clTtcts of self-
abuse, or excess and inula
cretion. Anorvetonicuul
blood builder. Brined the
rilntr' in inh" r.lir-nlrsnn
WwSlv rcstores t!lc fire youth.
ifitSSil By mail iOc per box; boxes
for $-GO; with a written ytninm
tuo to cure or refund tho jiioncy.
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
Sold by Blakeley & Houuhton. The
Dalles, Oregon.
CV11D l Olt
Ely's Cream Balm
Eay nnd pleasant to
lie i Contains no in-
Jurlons dniL'.
li la ijincKiy aiiitoriie'l.
Given 1'jtiMet at oiict.
Hoole and 1'rotccts tlio .Membrane, ltesloreu tlio
Hurutes of Tmte unci fcimell. Larire ISize. 60 centa at
lew or liv tnnlli Trial Mm, 10 cent by mall,
f BttOTiltatti, GC Warren BUett, New Vork.
Land Omou at Tiik, Okeook i
..,., . -S"V. 'A.lkW. I
J-otlee 1 hereby then that the fnilmvim,
nnnicd ,ettler linn Hied notice of Ills Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
that sild nroof will be made ta-loro thn reil.t...
uud recelvor ut The Uiille, Oienon, on Friday.
iiucembcr a, lulfJ, viz;
Milton H. Vox, of Tim Uttllra, tlr.
II. K. Ko. 6Mf7. for Ihe YM HW! and KWl W.A
Boe. an, uud KKju Hi'A Hoc. 23, fn. 1 N. li:i.' if.
W M. ...
lie name the followlne wllnessis tn tirr,v
hl tonllnuous residence ui-on and vultlvntlon
of ald lui'l, vUi '
feter Fhkuii. Charles Matuoy, Isaac Matney
and Wllllcm UuodiiiNii, nil of 'I he Ullos, Ore.
Novel l JAV V, LUCAB, ifegUter.
TT V1-
lixrcfTivr. iiKiuaTMnsT
2i, lvjy.)
In neeordmiec with the provisions of an Act
entitled "An Act MlhmittlUR tn the Electors of
tlic Sta e of Omron at the ueiicrnl Election to
bo held on tho llrst Monday In June, liMW, the
ln'iidlliK l'roiosed (,'otistltiitlonal Amendments,"
approved February 1, lf!l. 1, T. T. tleor, (lov
emor of the Stale of Orcr-on. dohorthy cause the
lollowltii: proposed miieiiiliiients to tho t:onstl
tutlonof tho State of Urcpmi, as certified to by
the Secretary o( H to t , to ho published for live
consecutive weeks In Tin: I)am.i:h cukinici.k.
n newspaper published In the Seventh Judicial
District of the State of Oregon.
Done at the Capitol, at Fnlein, Otecoii,
seal this Jl-t day of November, A. D. IS!M.
T. T. l.El.K, Uovetnor.
llv the finveriior:
V. I. DL'.MIAK, Secretary of State.
He It resolved hv the Somite, the House, con
curring. That the following amendment to the
Constitution of the Stato of Oregon be and Is
hereby proposed :
t)()n , ue htBl0 , ',, KRim nm, tl)C SHlm ls i,r(11;atwl, and In lieu thereof Siclluii 10
1 rial teenon m oi .riicie oi ine i;oiisiiw
of Article XI, shall be as follows.
AiiTtei.r. xi.
Section 10. No county, city, town, school dls-
trict or other munlclnal coriMiralion shall Iu al
I lowed to become Indebted In any manner or for
' any purpose to nu amount including present ex
l-ting indebtedness in the aggregate exceeding
five per centum on tho value or the taxatiic
nrorierl v therein to be ascertained by the Inst as
sessnient for State and eountv taxes previous to
the Incurring ol such indebtedness.
Adopted hv the Senate Januarv ItO, lS'J.'!.
C. W. Kfl.TON, President of the feonnto.
Concurred In by the House, February 'J,
W. 1'. Kkadv, Speukci of the House.
Adopted by the Senate January 31, 1HM.
JosKi-ii sikon, President of the Semite.
Concurred In by the House, February I, tsw.
Ciiak. 11. Mooiibs, Sjienl-er of the llutise.
licit resolved by the Setmtc, the House con
curring; That the following amendment to tho
Constitution of the State of Oregon. In IUu of
Section Ten of Article Seveu (7), lie uud the same
ls hereby proposed, to-wlt;
suction Tn.s.
Tho legislative Assembly may provide for the
election of buprcuiu nml i liculi Judges In dis
tinct clays' s, one of which Classen shall consist
of live Justices of the Miprcntc Court, who sha,l
not perforin circuit duty, and the other class
shall consist of as many Circuit Judges ns may
bo deemed necess ry, who shall bold full terms
without allotment and who shall take the same
oath as the Supreme Judges.
'I he Lvgisbitivo Assembly urry create us muny
circuits as may be necessary.
Adopted by the Senate, Kebruary 1.1, 1SD.1.
C. W. I I'uo.v, Prisldent of the senate.
Concurred in by the House, February 1.1. Is'.iJ.
W. p. ki:aiv, ripviikerof the House.
Adopted by the Senate, January "11. Is'Jj.
Joswh Simon, President of the sienate.
Concurred in by Hie House, February (1, lslii.
Chap II. Aiooi-.ES, sjicaVer of the House.
Resolved by the House, the Senate concurr
ing; That the following amendment to the Con
stitution of the State ol Oregon be and herebv ls
i nat ine cousuriitiou
be amended by uddlng
to wit:
Article XIX. iih lullfm.H
FiTtlon 1. Tho niTOMiry use ol Iiui'Ih for the
contriiftlnn of reservoirii or r-toMKu bikini tit
the jiuriKiku of IriiRiitlou or for rlKhta of uny lor
the con-itruetlon of cuimls ll!elie, llnmea or
pi I toronvey wnter to t .u j'liiee of imu lor any
Ubvfnl, b nellelnl or nveoKMirr )mr)MJ or for
CrnliiHfri-, or for drnlnnse of mlncx i.r the work
Iiirs thereof, by memm of ro:id, rnllninilv, trmu
wily?, cuts, tunnels, ilmftf, holtIiiit workk,
duin)ior other neeeniury moani to their eom
jilete (leveloiiinent or imy other us nvrusinry to
the coint'lutu develoiunent of the nutnrnl re-r-oureea
of the btnteor irokervtlouof the heiilth
of t lnhcbituntii, Is hurt by dtchireil to be a pub
lie use nnd bUbJect to the regulation r.nd control
of the Mute.
r-i'Ptlon 'J. The rlcht to niniroiitlnte the tiMiije
lironrluled WHterii of imy liHiunil Mreuni to lien
cliclul iiwh (.hull ra-vt-r b.'denlid
fcectl n Z. The use of nil wiiIith now umiro
Iirii.ted .or wi'c. rentnl or diktrlbutloii.ulouul nil
wiiteri orlKlnnlly iippropriuleil for primtu nw,
but which, utter Mien n.iroi-i tlon, hns heret
fore been or limy hereulier be '.old, rentt'd or dls
trlhutiil, In herrby declurel to be a iu lie uc
nnd tubjeet to tLe rerulntion it d control of the
Mute In the iiinni'er pre. ediied by law. lint the
right to use nnd iipproprlnle Mich water cliyli
uv nuDjtet iu Mien rovixionh ol law inr tilt- tali
ine ol private properly for public or rlv to use
as provldeil In Seellon ls, Article 1 ol the t.o:i
fctltution of the .statu of Orerjoti.
fectlon I. 'Ihe tlclit to eolieet t.ixcs or cota-It-ni-ullon
for the use of water Mipplit-i loan)
eountv, dty, town or water dUtrlct or iiihiihll
llIltB thereof. Is a franchise, nml eiiimiit l tcr.
clstd except by uuthoilty of nnd in a manner
i'lesenoeu ry law.
Adopted by tho House, Tebrunry II, 1S9J.
W. 1' Ki:,DV, fcpenkerofihe lloiibe.
(jifji.wi iiareli 7, IKH.)
Adopted by the Senate, I'ehriuiry 17, W.).
V. W. l-'L'l.TO.v, I'resldentof thebeniite.
(-liined Jlnrch ls'JJ )
Adopted bv the House, lebrunry C, l-'J."i.
tlUH. J!. Mooiikh, speaker iif the House.
Coneumd In by thehennte, 1 ebruury is, Is'jj,
Jo.sui'H Simon, l'reslaent of tl.u Semite.
iioCbi: joint hj:.ioli'tion no.
jirojiOslnB an Bineiidinent to the Constitution of
trie state 1 1 urenou, jy repeal ns section ii of
tiruciu i.
Hcsolvcd bv tho House, tho leiiKteeonenrrlmr.
That ni-etlon U.'i of Article 1 of lliu tJoiiMMtutlou
be and hereby is rejK ale.1.
Auopieu ny ine Mouse, January 11, wxi.
W. I'. Ki;nv, rpjiucr of the House,
Concurred In by thcbenr.te, January :;, ls'j;i
f. W. 1't'I.ToN, i're.ldeutof Iheeeiiate.
Adopted by the House, January :iO. liii'i.
ClUa, H. MuoitKk, bi-caker of the House.
Concurred In by thehenate. I ebruury la, is'j.,,
Joski-ii bmoN, I'resldont of the beuatu
lleltresolvd by tho heuatc. the House eou
eurrliiK; 'I hat the follow Iiijj iiuieiidnient to the
Uinstltutlou of Ihe btalu of Orteon ho nnd ls
hertby proposed :
The elective franchlso in this blate shall not
hcrealter hj prohibited toaiiyeilUeiiou uecount
of sex.
Adopted by the Semite, Kebruray C, iwo,
JosKfii feixo.v, l'lesldeut of the benatc
Adupted by the House, Kebruary li, Wjj.
(. has. 11., Speaker of the House.
Adopted by tho Semite. Jiinutry 31. 18W.
'1. V, Tayloii, 1'iesldent of the l-'euitte.
Adopted by the House, January si, lKa
K, V. CAiiTKB, beaker ut tho House.
bTATC.irOl.MION, '
Ollice of Hecretnry of Statu. )
I, Y. I. UUNll Alt.Secrr tary of bwtu of the btato
of prcKOll mid Cuatialtuii of tho heal of said
State, du 'hereby certify that I have compared
the jirteedlirB copy of Keuale Joint Hesol in,,,
No. !, of tho U'lflslHt VP AsieitilXi- ( un
'Muii plpal IndebtiidneHit auiemluient;" Hei'i te !
Joint Itesolullon No. la of tho UKlslatlvu An' '
kernbly of 18W,-"Judlclary AiitendS il "5 Hoiue I
Joint tteso utlon No. 10 of the UKlslatlvu As"'
n",bly, "'.''"Ik'-tlon Amend ,o,'i; -
House Joint Iteaolutlon No, a of the IKitla Ivu i
Aasembl of JhW.- ' ItepealliiB Aiiiena no '
uud Senate Joint Hesolutlon No. 7 f the iVils-
, li . 4 1 J-'l "'-J Sullrane
." with the orlcluiil uonics in.ur .?,.
trHn,i.VnS,.".r'a "W, ,"u " "" i't
...V.U,,,M Hll lllu nnutu U1UMMH. J
11.T.l!!'I,710NV.H',,.,:'1K"t'' 1 liHveheru. i
ti.. ; !i '""!" uiiixen heieto
m. . umniu u t uriirou.
mi. nut it,,. i.. ... Vz'.'r
, 1
t, J!4t!Ull.'i:tt)l'UUlUJ UlllUi
For wood, chips, knots,
shavings, corn cobs,
hay or poat.
Constructlon-Thln Is an lr
tlKht healer t the oval sheet steel
lyi-e; It has I AST IltO.V I.ININI.ri,
niiiklni; It durable; ti! has Iron
feed door, cast top and bottom and
ornamental swim; top with t.rlddle
cover undeinentli.
Nickeling -ltha nickeled nm,
rninu plate and foot rails M e lime n
connileto stock of tnc-n on hand.
( all and see our bt.jfk before hu) lug
eb" here.
C. F. Stephens
.Doalor In..
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Cents' Furnishings.
( Hoots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Notions. Agf.
1 for W. K Dourr'as Shoe.
THe Dalles, Or,
.chas. mM-
and Fartmens
OkwI the best beer Iu The Dalles,
at tho usual price, Come In, try
It uud be convinced. Also the
Unestlirund of Wines, Uauor
nnd Clicurs.
of all Kinds ulwayt on hand.
Csli iu tuur Cliacfea.
All ,.,,r, ...
1 jnaier t Benton
fv. n .!
, iV. inMrt ws niter Nov. 13th,
18'J. 0. J uV
Oouniy1 Tnlrir.
Job Printer's.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
-or Tin:
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave Htid are due to arrive at rortlii
jtcss, hnlcin, Ilost
burs, Ashland, .no-1
! rameuto, Ogdr-'.San l
i FraiieUis), Mr (are, I 9;1J A.J
I Uis Aiipeles.KI I'nsn, j
I New Orleatie and
LKast .... I
. 'uoscuuris uuu vruy sui-
'lions . . .
1:30 f. k
i in n DiHiuurr jor
tlnllr ' I -i i. a nKvi, cj vur niii.
t rtWu
West eelo, !rown-
Natron 1
l 17:30 A. M,
j stations
aud wayrj.jjpj,.
Dally (except Sunday).
l:Mn. m. rLv l'oitland Ar.i 8:25 LB
7:30p.m. Al..MeMlnnvlllo l.r, 5;S0,B
S:3'Ji. in. fAr..IudcK.-ndcuce Lt I lirOia
Dally. tDaiiy, except bunanr.
Attacht-J to nil Throuuh TrtlM.
Direct connection at trim r ranched with Otd
dental and Oriental and I'acltlc mail tctmifcip
lines for JAl'AN and CHINA, balllug data w
a plication.
Kutea i.nd tickets to Katterti Jiolntt uI;
nil-. Also JAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU at
All above tralnn nrrlvo ot end deput Irw
tirocd Central Station. Fifth and Jnini
l'nssctiKcr DejKjt, fisit of Ji 3erson itrert.
Iavc for Eherldnn, wi-vk duyr, ti:
Arrheiit i'ortland, V.IUa. iu
U'ave for A I K on Moudny, WednHaJfiaJ
Krloiij' ut 8:3 11. in. Arrive ut 1'urUnnd, It
dav, Thursday and Baturdaj it S Oi 1'. B.
Except Sunday. Kr.cipt fatunl.
K. K..-KM.KK, 0. H MAKKUlIJi
.lanaer. Asst. (r 1 Jirut-'
nt ....,... m .)... ciMt. trbtal
1 urouKu iiusei iwii wi iuiu...
throuuli ticket to all points In tbt I
Bbites, Canada uud Kuroi'e tan U- ODIUM"'"'
lowest rates from , .
J. 11, K I II K LAND, Ticket
C. S. Smith,
dp-to-date Cjroeer
Freeh Euuh bipI Crt'auicry
llntter a Hpedalty.
2d Street. 'Phone 270.
Wood Saw
Will run evpry.UyiwptSaudtf.
lUten Kt'iteonnble.
Tolephono 201.
W. A. CATES, ProP-
J0H 0"'
M00UK t 0AVli
d'l ,,1111 IU. o W I ,MUU .
Itooins 8'J uud 10, o it I
n u HlfHTtMflTflN
i A.M. K j)ALI.te.
'oaiwotcrFlntKat. Hauti