The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 12, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses theystem
roa sau ET41 vcwiiTi rsna 50c nuaatu.
Why He J lliHiikful Hp Grown Senti
mental, Hiul Tlwu Tells About
Mutlncl.s Mule.
The Gkee.shou.v, Dec. 2, 1809.
Editok Chkonicle:
Thanksgiving has come, and like most
other jrood thinps gone. Thanks to T.
J. Seufert, tliH hoys in our cabin dined
on tnrkey, with celery, cranberries, and
doodles of other pood thing;, for which
we were thankful at the time, hut which
now stand well to .the front in the
column of retrets. It is difficult some
times to discover just what we have to be
thankful for, and yet n little thought
would give to all of us abundant reasons.
Now in my own case, I console aiyself
with the inflection that a year ago Van
derbilt was worth f lOO.COO.OOO, which
was f 100.001. 000 more than I possessed,
the $1,000 heiug.the sum that I had to
get before I was even with the world.
Today the sum I have to earn to get even
does not exceed ?99S, while Vanderbilt
has dropped all of his, and gone to that
unexplored country where the Lehigh
Vullev Railroad Co. and other Vander
bilt railroads do not. control the full
supply. He is dead and will remain so a
long time, while 1 yet wade around in
the en j w with both feet still cold.
You may or may not remember that
in a communication to the Ciiiio.m'cle
something like a year nuo, 1 told you
of an old miner who brought me a letter
found in an old cabin at Rolinsotiville,
which said letter I sent to you. Well,
the old man was over the other dav and
brought, me a whole jacket of letters and
written matter, found in that same old
cabin. I have examined the package
and nnd It contains not only letters
written to the dead miner by his sweet
heart .thin y years ago, but it contains
also the letters written by him to he,
and returned to him, as one of the
letters showe, when t-be married the
other fellow. I wonder if it would he
wrong for me to read atid edit that cor
respondence. 1 found some things that
pleased me ; hits of humor, glimpses of
pathos, ami here nnd there a bit of
poetry that welled up at the touch of
Lovo from the heart of the now defunct,
as the water flowed from the rock at ttie
touch of MoeB' rod. I can't quite bring
myself to pubiithfiii: this correspondence
and yet I am sorely tempted. However,
I shall venture a fe lines at the risk of
being tiresome, jut to show what the
Hmvt did tor ihi late lamented as he
wrestled with the uncharitable world as
exemplified by J'.obinsonville 30 years
ago. J his is evidently to his sweetheart
She wore my town In her hair.
And other on hur htuoui (air;
Hut sweeter even
Ttiiiu (hee, ttiu vinl :l of tier evis
Tlint CHimlit their line (rum Mimmcr sklet
A gill Hum heaven.
Sou wore my roues on her hrcriHt.
Who hiiow tlulr etluiK)n iietuU nrmed
With velvn til;
but Mvveeter roeH Mixum-d uhnvv,
The fln t, Hwrctuitlluvrur cf love
lier rokettud Hi.
The row W (pieen of lloivon mid yet
Her ujeM lire duHuy violet
Jwtt hi to lilooiu.
The violet U the hivoliutt (lower
Anrt yet her Una twin roehud mo
With their jietdime.
Bill Matlock used to own an old mule
just about the time the tbove lines were
written. The mule and Matlock were
located at that lime at Umatilla, Mat
'lock being in the town and the mule on
toe oagebruth rane In that vicinity.
the mule harfa nata" about ninety" feet
lone attached to himself, as Virgil puts
it "pendet colta," which literally meant
"lie had it in the rieck." Now you
couldn't get into Umatilla from any di
rection without seeing that mule unless
you came up from the lower levels.
Matlock loved that male; he mourned
when he couldnt see him every day, and
he used to inquire of every Btrnnger that
came to town if he had "seen a vener
able mule with rawhide ropo uttached,
as he came into town.'' Of course the
stranger had seen him. Then Matlock
would say he wanted that mule nn fully
bad, that he had been looking fur him
for two weeks and what would the
stranger take to go out and bring him
in? Bill wanted that mule so badly that
it made no difference what price was
asked he always promised with uheerful
alacrity to pay the deaired sum as soon
as the stranger arrived with the mule.
J Then you would see the stranger hike
out. Now, the fact was, that mule was
peaceable, but the minute anyone at
tempted to pick up the rope he was
dragging he would turn, fighting end on,
and with his head down, he would come
with his hind feet in the air and going
like a sternwheel steamboat trying to
backoff a rand bar. A man might as
well try to bring in a cyclone. Matlock
used to feel awful bad when the strangers
would return without the, mule, but he
never despaired of finally getting him.
Tiie mule had onl one rope on him
when he was turned out, but he accum
ulated riatasand McCartys, hemp ropes
and cotton ropes and ropes of every
kind. Whenever anyone threw a rope
on the venerable relic it was a gone rope
for it was ngaicst the mule's principles
to ever give up anything he got on his
neck. He was an "expansionist" or
"imperialist" (whatever that is), but he
finally got so many ropes on him that
he couldn't keep cases on all of them,
and when he backed up and began to
kick he was like a Dalles girl with her
first dress en traine begot his hind feet
tangled; and when he kicked, the rope
broke his neck. I am told that Mat
lock sold more than nine miles of rope
harvested from the remains, but I won't
vouch for this, because I am
A Gueenhokx.
Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware
house, if
Use Clarke & Falk's Rosafoam for the
You will not have boilB if you take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Clarke & Falt's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
Ash your grocer for Clarke & Fulk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
waI sunburn. ManufacturedjbytClurke
& Falk.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fulk
have them.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. nich25-tf
One dczsn of Giflord's photos will
make you twelve fine presents. What
would be appreciated more for the
holidays? novl7-lm
DeWitt's Little Early Risers Jpurify
the blood, clean the liver, invigoratb the
system. Famous little pills for consti
pation and liver troubles.
Clarke & Falk have a full and com
plete line of house, carriage, wagon and
barn paints manufactured by James E
Putton, of Milwaukee, Wibconein.
J. Ii. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sur
geons wanted to operate on me for piles,
but I cured them with DeWitt's Witch
Hazal Salve." It is infallible for piles
and SKin diseases. Uetfars of counter
Dyspepsia can bo cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
muney refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker'fl English Remedy in any case of
coughs, cold or croup, Should it fail to
give immediate relief money lefunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., soys,
"Our baby was covered with running
sores. I)e Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
cured her." A specific for piles and
nkiti diseases. Beware of worthless
Tonight! Toulglit!
A lecture on God's promises and warn
Iiikh to the Children of Israel and their
fulfillment, at the Christen church, by
Homer M. Street. Come out and see
the wonderful miracles of God. Services
begin at 7:30.
To Cure Cold iu Out limy.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. ?
Subscribe for The Chronicle,
Letter of
a I.nil- Who Took Tmln
thr Locomotive Warn
In Its Infancy.
Uravelinp is now so ensy, nnd used
to be so difficult, that it in hard for us
to realize tlint the introduction of so
useful an improvement us the "iron
horse" wis not immediately nnd uni
versally welcomed; but it wjik not. In
an old family letter ure recorded the
impressions of an early traveler by rail,
after her first journey behind n loco
motive. "The .speed is very terrifying," she
wrote, 'nnd the clattering and jnltlnp
inconceivably unpleasant. The atmos
phere is less oily thnn I expected; but,
on the other hunt, 'there is so much
soot nnd grime upon everything, even
shortly upon the faces and hands of
the travelers. Then the appalling
screeches proceeding from the loco
motive engine, which it gives out on
coming to n stop and at other times ure
most distressing and discordant.
"It is a method of travel with but one
advantage, a aving of time; and with
more disadvantages than 'can be
enumerated, beginning as they do with
Danger, and concluding with Dirt.
"Between cities of large population,
whence the necessities of business
force men to hasten to and fro, and for
the carrying of goods and merchandise,
the railroad is no doubt destined to
fill a useful position. But that it can
ever be employed for ordinary travel,
after public curiosity is satisfied, by
individuals of leisure and good per
sonal habits by gentlemen and gen
tlewomen, in short or even by clenn
ly nnd comfortable people not gently
bjed, unless in cases of necessity, 1 can
not believe."
It is easy to sympathize with this
dainty lady's dislike of grime nnd
noise, but what would she have said
could she have lived to ride in n par
lor car, dine at a dying buffet, or sleep
away n journey of 300 or 400 miles, se
cluded in n comfortable berth?
Youth's Companion.
Sheriff's Sale.
rs the cir.rT'iT .:otniT ok the .statu ok
Oregon, tor Wuteo County.
J. 1' Melnerny, us administrator of the estate of
I'uillli llnuriiu, dicennsd, 1'lulutllt",
N". V. Wallace unit S. K. Wallace, IlefeiKtiilit".
Hy virtue of an execution, decree mid order of
sulci duly Issued out of mid under the (eat of
the circuit court of the Mute of Oregon, for the
county of Which, to mo dlrecttd nnd duted the
jsth itHy of November. IS'jU, iion ii decree for
the foreclosure of a certain mortiriiKe, In favor of
nlalntitVaud against said defunUiintH, mid juris
ment rendered nnd eut"red In suld court in the
ubnvc entitled ciiux.'. In fuvor "f iilaintlll' mid the defenduut N, V. Wiillace, as juris
meat debtor, In the sum of one thousand and
thirty two mid 2J1CO dollars ($HW-Vi!) with ln-terc-t
thereon from the Sth day of ccpteniher,
1SW. at the rate of ten 10 per cent tier milium,
and the turtoer sum of one hundred molars
?lio;anttnriieJfes.undthe further sumof thirty
mid vO-lUO dollar 1130 '20 mid the cost of and uii
on this writ, mid couiniandiiin me to make Mile
of the rem irorty embraced in Mich decreu of
foreclosure and hereinafter describtd; said de
cree and judement linviiiK been rendered mid
ntered on the 2 1th day of October, Ih'JU, I will
on the third day of Jmiuar , l'JOO, at the hour of
'J o'clock in the afternoon of suld dn and at the
front d-)r of the county court house, In pxlkn
City, Wasco coum, Oregon, ell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash lu
hand all the right, title mid lnteiest which
the defeuoantsN. W. Wallace mid s. F. Wnllace,
or either of them, had on the aith duj of Sep
tember lb')l, tin! date of the mortgage foreclosed
herein, or which Mint delendHiits or any of the
defendants ho. eln, have Miiec ikoii red or now
have In mid to the following do.-crllkd real prop
erty, i-itUHted and being in Wnseo county, Ore
gon, to-wit. Th- routhe t quarter of the i,outh
west iiuurter. the south ha.f of the southeast
quarter, and the northeast quarter of the south
east quarter of notion township
eveo south, i'f range ccentetli cast, Willamette
Meridian, containing W) acres, or m much of
mid pro)eriy as will satisfy nnd judgment mid
deciee, with c.hls mid uccriiiui; costs.
bfiid pmpurt will he fcold subject to confirma
tion mid redemption as by law provided.
Puled ut Palles City, Wa-co count), Oregon,
this i'JIh day of .November, WH.
dec2-ii Sbcrllfof Wasco County, OieAon,
Eczema !
The Only Cure.
Eczema is more tliun u skin,
and no skin remedies can cure it. The
doctors aro unable to edeet a euro, and
their mineral mixtures are damaging
to the most powerful constitution. The
whole trouble is in the blood, nnd
Swift's Specific is the only remedy
which can reach such deep-seated blood
KczemabroUo out on my daughter, and con
tinued to spreed until
her head was entirely
covered. Shovas treated
by several good doctors,
but grsw worse, and the
dreadful disease spread
to her face. BHo was
taken to two celebrated ?
health springs, but re
ceived no benefit. Many
patent medicines were taken, but without re
suit, until wo decldod to try 8. 8. B.tandl)y tho
time tho llrst bottle was finished, hr hend be
gan to Ileal. A dozin bottles mired tier com
pletely nnd loft her skin perfectly smooth. She
Is now slxtn years old, antl'has magnificent
arowth of liatr. Not a sign of the dreadful
tseAMO has ever returned.
H. T. SuortK.
2701 Lucas Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Don't expect locul implications of
soups and salves to cure Eczemu. They
reach only the surface, while tho di
sease comes from within. Swift's
For Dlrx,
is the only cure and will reach the most
-. . -
obstinate case. It is fur ahead of all
similar remedies, becuusu it cures cases
which are beyond their reach. S. 8. S. is
purely vegetable, and is the only blood
remedy guaranteed to contain no pot
ah, mercury or other mineral.
Books mailed free by Swift Spaolie
Company, Atluntu, Georgia.
e e c
8A!.KM,N0V J1,1S'JU.
III necordntico with thn provision of nn Art
entitled "AU Act Submitting to tun Electors of
tho Stale of Oregon at thu Hcneral Klentlon to
he held on tho !lrnt Mmidy In .liino, l'JOO, tin;
pending I'rnposod Constitutional Amendment ,'
npproved February IS, lMI'J. I, T. T. derr, Onv.
ornor of the Slate of Oregon, do hertby ctiuso tho
following proposed miiciiiliiieuts to the CohMI
tiltlonof the State of crcgon, as rertllled to bv
the Secretary of Stat , to he published for live
constitutive weeks in Tin: lui.uis ciihomci.k.
n newspaper published lu the rivventh Judicial
District of the Mate of Oregon.
Done at the Capitol, at Palem, Orcirnn,
PK.lL Oils Jlst dnv of November, A. U. IH'J'J.
T. T. OKKK, tiovernor.
ltv the (ioveroor:
F. 1. Dl'NJl.Vlt, Secretary of Statu.
lie It resolved bv the Senate, the House con
curring: That the following ammiilmeiit to tho
Constitution of tho Statu of Oregon he and Is
hercbv proroseil1
That ,-ection Hi of Article XI. of Iho Constitu
tion of the htate ut Oregon bo and the same Is
hereby abrogated, and lu lieu thereof Stctloti lu
Of Article XI. shall be as follows:
Section 10. No comity, city, town, school dis
trict or other municipal corporation shall lis al
lowed to become, indebted In any manner or lor
any purpose to an amount including present ex
isting indebtedness lu thu aggregate exceeding
live per centum on the value of tho tnxablu
property therein to ho ascertained by thu hist as
sessment for State mid cotitttv taxes previous to
the incurring of such Indebtedness.
Adopted by the Sciiato January .'51, tsWI.
C. V. Fulton, President of thu senate.
Concurred In bv the House, February 'J, ls91.
W, P. Kkaijv, hpeakei of tho House.
Adopted by the Senate January tit, 19.1.
JosKl'li Simon, I'lesldent of thcMcnntc.
Concurred in bv the House, February 1, 1SM.
CIlAs. II. MuauK.s, Seaker of the House.
Holt resolved by the. Senate, the Ilousu con
curring: That the following amendment to the
Constitution of the Statu of Oregon, lu lieu of
Section Ten of Article Seven (7), lie and the same
Is hereby proposed, to-wlt:
The Legislative Assembly may provide for tho
election of supreme and Utrult Judges iu dis
tinct class' s, one of which cIiisscn shall consist
of live Justices of the supreme Court, who shall
not perform circuit duty; and thu othei class
shall consist of as many Circuit .In it ires iik may
be deemed uecessry, who shall hold full terms
without allotment and who shall take the same
oath as the Miprcmo Judges.
The lAgislativu Assembly nicy create in many
circuits as may be necessary.
Adopted hy the "ennte, February 15, lh'JX
C. V. H'i.ion. I'nsidcut of thu Senate.
Concurred lu by the House, February 15. ls'J3.
W. I', Kkaijv, Speaker of thu House.
Adopted by the Senate, January II, 1MX5.
Joseph Simon, President of the Senate.
Concurred In hy the House, February 0, wa.
Chas. It. jloor.Kh, Speaker of the Houe.
itevilvcd by the House, the Senate concurr
ing; That the following amendment to the Con
stitution of thu State of Oregon bu nnd liutuhy is
proposed i
That the Constitution be amended by adding
Article XIX. as follows, to-wlt:
AltTICLK xt.x.
Section 1. The necesary tiso of lan(tfor the
foiisirnetlmi of teservolrs or storage luslns for
the puri-osu of Inlgatlou or for rights of way for
the con'-truction of canals, dltche, Humes or
pll:? to convey water to t ie place of use lor any
useful, b.iietlcbil or necessary purpose or for
drainage, or for drainage of mines or the work
ings thereof, by means of roads, railroads, tram
ways, cuts, tunnels, uaft, hotiting works,
dump or other necessary means to their com
plete development or auv other usu necessary to
the complete development of the natural re
sources of the Stale or preservation of the health
of I s Inhabitants, Is hereby dechiTcd to bu a pub
lic use and subject to the legulation mid contn.l
of the State.
sectton ''. The right to impropriate the unap
propriated wuters of any natural stream to bun
ellclal uses shall never bu denied.
.-eotl n 3. The Use of all waters now appro
primal .'or sale, rental or distribution, also of ,.11
waters originally appropriated for priuituusc,
but which, lifter such appropiHtiou, has hereto
fore been or may liuieafier bu sold, iuuU-d or dis
tributed, is hereby declated to be a iiim11cuu
and subject to the regulation a nl control of the
State lu tho munper prescribed by law. Hut thu
right lu use and appropriate such waters shul,
bu subject to such i rovlslous of biu for th" tak
ing of private proH.-rty for public or priv .to use
as provided iu beellou lh, Article 1 of thu Con
stitution of the State of Oregon.
section . 'J he right to collect taxes or com
pcmntlon far the use of water supplied to mi)
eountv, city, town or water district or Inhabit
ants thereof, is a franchise, mid cannot bu exer
cised except by authority of and lu a manner
prescribed by law.
Adopted by the House, February 1'i, JSD1.
W. 1', speaker of tliu House.
(Signed March 7, 1MW.J
Adopted by th" Senate, February 17, !)!.
C. W. I', 'resident of theSunatc.
(signed Jlarch , lft'JJ)
Adopted bv the House, Iibruiiry C, l-l)."i.
Cius. It. .Mooiiks, speaker of the House.
Coiicurnd iu by the" Semite, February II!, lXi.
Josi:ru SuioK, President of thu Senate.
proposing mi amendment to thu Constitution of
the stale i f Oregon, by lepeallng Section HI of
Article 1.
Kesolved by the House, tho touiite concurring;
That Section 25 of Article 1 of thu Constitution
be mid hereby Is reiiealid.
Adopted bv tho ilousu, January 11, 1VJ3.
V. p. Kkuiy, npaokur of the House.
Concurred iu by the Senate, January iiO, lsal
C. W. 1-Ul.TON, l'rehidelit of thu sumitu.
Adopted by the House, January SO. 1VJ1.
Chas. it, Mooiiks, Speaker of thu House.
Concurred In by tliu Senate February 12, ifeUJ,
JosKi-ft StJio.N, I'rvsMcui of thu Suiutu
Ho it resolved by thu senate, thu Houso con
curring; That the following amendment to the
Constitution of thu Btato of Oregon bu and is
hereby proposed:
AiiTlcr.K I.
The elective franchise In this State shall not
hereafter be prohibited to any citizen oil account
of sex.
Adopted by the Senate, Fcbrurnrfi, p-u,-,,
JooKi'it Simon, I'lesldent of the senato
Adopted by the House, February ft, lttj.j.
t has. it. Mooiiks. bneuker of Hm lino...
Adopted by thn Senate. JimunrySl. IWJ.
'1. C. TAY.oit, President of tho Senate.
Adopted by thu House, January Ih'.o.
B. V. Caktkii, Speaker of tho House.
Olllcu of Kwrutary of fitatu. )
I, K. I. UI.'NII AIt,ric(;rlary of HUto of tho btata
Htate.d;. hurthy cvrtlfy that 1 have "mi i.urw
tliuirtvdliiKcmiy of Hunato Joint Itcsuliitlot!
r.i i r V. ";"! rtiitummy 01 is'j.j,
o,,",i l'"1,!l,iIL',l,"-'"H '"nundiuuiit;" Bun le
Joint Itfttfihitlfni Ki .r i.Vu '
, V . f. , .;' Aluminum;" iioimu
Joint Ituso utlmi No. IU of tho Ulslativ" As-1
symhly of 1W; -Irrigation An o il mm,"1 '
... ...... ,mv, himi tiiKt uiu rtiuif lit u corrL'Ut
T 1" .. .
' ...... tieiiiiop. I liiivo Ikiiu.
lihlo!t my ImiK and alllxwl h iii-tii
Isk AL) tho teal of t htaio of ulvuw.
wis. y 01 kom""'i a. D:
K. I. I'l.'NIIAIl,
fct-crttttry of bluto.
For wood, chips, knots,
shavings, corn cobs,
hay or poat.
ConBtrucllon-Thls Is an iilr
tight heater of the oval sheet steel
tviHi: It has CAST IKON LINlMiri,
iiiaklng It ilurHhle; ubo has frou
feed door, cast top mid bottom mid
ornamental swing top, Willi grlddlu
cover underneath. .
Nloknllner-lt h"s nickeled urn,
name plate and rails, Wo have a
completer slock of ininn on limid.
Cull mid see our dock before buying
, wnw .-r-' H f i" yi
C. F. Stephens
...Doalor In...
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Cents' Furnishings.
Hoots, Shoes. Hats, Cup", Notions,
for YV. 1.. Doug us Shoe.
Teleiihone No. Ml.
i:H Second St.,
Tic Dalits, Or.
..CHAS. FRflfiK..
and Farmers
Kitjib on draught the celebrated
COI.t'MIHA llhKIt, acknowl
edged the best beer In Tho Halles,
at the usual price. Conn' lu, try
It and bu 'o:.vlnee,l. AImi thu
Finest brands of Wines, 1.1 juur
and Cigars.
of ull Kinds always on bund.
and Embalmer.
Rooms on Third Stroot,
One Block Back
French & Co.'s Bank.
'3W 33S QNV 3WOO
Letters of Credit iflflued iivuihiblo in the
KHtnrn Klul
fiitfht Ekctlittnife ttnd TelettrHplnt
TrunilorH Hdlil nn Vum v,.,.i, ni.i,..,.
8t. Louie, bun FrAticiHeo, FortlAnd Ore-
...... U......I.. ti ' .
pun, nrmutj nnU,,UU variouK pointe
lu Orugoti and Wahlntiu'ton.
CulllmtinilH Iiiii'Im ul nil rmliilii .... L,i.
orulile turuiH.
Riaier & Benton
Vli iu i our Clinch.
All coaiitv WHrruntu rmititil prior
to Jan. ?l, I8i'0, will lw paid ut my
ofllca. Inusrest jj8h after Nov. ltlth,
C. L.'H,
County Trewmrer.
rjubscrlbo for Tim Ciiuoxici:.
The -Shasta
or Tita
Southern Pacific Comrv
Tmlus leave slid are duo to nrriva t rortu
Prent,. Hnll.m. Ilr....
ourg, Athtsiul. Hi. t
rfitmmto, Osdcn,Hnl
'7:00 l'.M.
. ,niiii4.iUi,, .lOjliVl.
:15 A.Ji
, : -', nut
m'v-.- iiriiti.tiB
lioseburc anil u',.
i i.hkl
h:30 A. M.
ii "'"'
fy lft Womlburi lor i
I Mt.Ai.gul, flllverton,
I W,r,Ht ftol" Ilruwus.
yllle,8prlii(;lleW and
INatron ... , ,
jCorvullls Hiid wnyl
I stations , .
1:301', it
I7:n0 A. M
Dully (except Sunday):1 """
;R0p. ra. il.v I'ortlftiul .Ar.i - At..Kr.lIlnuvllle..I.v.5
h:.'hi p. in.
f xr. . Inai,,.i.iiH...... , .. -.----(in
....... ..v.,.v,,I.V(Vl,V,I
Dally. tDatiy, except sunitny, "
Attached to all Through I'raiui,
Dlrwt connection at San Francisco with rm
dental and Orleutal and I'nclflc mall ,tMmZ
Hum for J A PAN and CHINA, Ratlin totTS
b plication.
lutes and tickets to Eastern point andJt.
rmo. AlsnJAl'AN, CHINA, IlbNOLULIJ 2
All above trains arrive at and depart hm,
Grand Central Btutlon, Fifth and Irving itrM
l'Hscngcr DoHit, liait of JeBemonitreet
U'ave for Hhorldan, week days, M4.'i0n.m
Arrive at 1'ortlaiid, U::t0 a. in. 1
U-ave for AIHLIE on Monday, WcdnnJttiM
Frlrtay ut 8:115 a. in. Arrive at rortUatTu
dav, Thursday and 8aturdu it 3:05 p.m.
'Except Sunday. "Kxcept Batnrdtj'.
It. KoKlEK,
(.. it. MAHt-niu
Asst. Ct. F, it Pau, An
Through Tlckut Office, l:n Third street,
through tickets to all points lu the Einm
HtattK, Cnlisda and EuroH" can bo obtilatu
lowest rates from
J. II. KIltKLANI), Ticket Aral
Wood Saw
Will run every ilny except Sunday.
ItatuH Kcaeotiable.
Telephone 201.
W. A. CATES, Prop,
C. S. Smith,
Fresh EpitB titnl Cri'iiuiery
I liuttur u specialty.
2d Streat.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat
1 It artificially digests the food andald
tfRt.tirn in HtrPiiPthi'lllllL' UD0 KCOD'.
BtructiDRtho exliiiuated digestive w
yans. It IsthclatestdiscovereddlgMV
ant and tonic. No other prcptloj
can approach it in elllclcncjr.
Btantly relieves and penuapentlycura
Dyspepsia, Indlk'estloti, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Vtm
all other results of iniperfectdlguo
Prepared by E. C. DeWltt ft Co.. CbM
Himio I'lmploK, l'rnront
IlIllriiuncH., I'lirify lliuHln'ali
uaro llvAitulin ami lyM'lnm,
ioh ily I' aVi.
n iiidvi'lnnliL i,l tho imwuH i'
lor himlt i. Tlifr iliorsriMo "''''JSliKi w
T im ... ulll ..II ..m . (r...l. of (Oil
4c. UulUbdruKsliu. 08. U0SANK0 CO.r
I'lioiio C,
llli; i)Ai.i.wv.
M00KK & GAVi
;IU mid 10, over 1'. lJt
' .. . na"
Phviiau and Surgeon
BKM)UI MtUiiltlou lv" 10 "
r ' ,.nrcerr i
.. alii ,
iUxiiiu n autl '