For a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting, Ovcrcoatln- or Fancy Vesting. mornmi:, when two hours' additional sleep might be nllowed, if the comfort of the porter itid not have to bo looked after; they provide coaches, the windows of which can never be opened, and the doors of which will rarely remain shut. And m tho face of all the sins of omission and sins of commission, they talk of capitalizing j their entire business for 870,000,000, in order that they may not lose money under their present rates. The sleeping car companies have much to answer for, and they will not 0 free by the payment of 7."0. Spokesman-Review. Klnfllv rail and examine mr Mock of Im ported and Domestic Woolens. A fine stock lo elect from. . Suits tnaUc from t he lowest prices to the high st grade. J, A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. THE EALLH: , OllEGON. A good drug sign. A Thuuminil Tongues Gould not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1123 Howard et., Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctora could Rive her no help, but Bhe bbvs of this Royal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can Ttw tlallpc ftailv fihr-nniele now 8,et,p sountl,-v' ouiethinC 1 can IDS UaiieS UaUy UIlTUUiUC. i renrcely remeuiber doing before. I feel I like sounding its praises throughout the SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 TUESDAY DEC. 12, 1S99 FOR ONCE THEY LOSE. has secured universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c andfl. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug etore; every bottle guaranteed. 5 Entrny utlcj. Strayed from the range on Dutch flat, one dappled gray horse, fonr years old nest spring; branded on left shoulder Five dollars reward will be You well know that a good drug sign is the patronage which is bestowed on the Btore. It is the purity of the goods bandied and tho manner of doing busi ness that makes and keeps this business. We are pleased with the result of our ef forts to supply the best drugB at the best price. We are particular about the compounding of them. 0.R.&N. EBBM,! JUS l.W.M.'M.l.HllM.'.m nr. r art rou TIUK JCIIF.MU1.1C. 'IU1M Daliks. AnniVK Kmom. Fust Mall 11:45 ). m, s'nlt l.nkr. lenvcr. rt. W.irtli. Onmtiii, Kan-! mi City. ft. l.mtl, Chicago and Kast. Filt Mall 2;.V:i m Spokane rlyer T:os p. m Walla Walla, t)okanc,! Stnknlic Mtnneiills. st. 1'aul.j Klrur. ji II 1 u l II, 3iiiuaiikvu,i .." . ui ClilCHCo una .hsu S p. m. 8 r. ra, Ex.sutulay KnOM l'ORTLANn. Ocean Steiininhliw. For Snii KralH'lH'o December n. s. 13, IS, Mi and . 4 p. m. 4 ). ra. Columbia Kv. Steamers. Ki.bundaj 'To Astoria aim ay Saturday I-itiidlngs. I 10 i. m. t'iB.m. Willamette Kivkr. 4:30 p.m. Ex.biltidayiOrcRiin City, Newberc, Ex.bunday tialcm A Way Luud'k. Ta. m, .Willamette and Yam- 3:30 p.m. Tues.Thur. ntLl. KlVKi'.s. .Mon.,Wed and eut. Orepou City, liayton, and Krl. and Way-UmdiURA. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Secon. Street. THE DALLES A New York man judgment against the "Wagner Palace ' . r? Car Company for 750 as damages, piven t0 nny person returning same to Ibe company having given to a my place on 3-Mile. woman a berth for which the plaintiff i nov29-lino O- W. Cook. He was compelled to Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effeutB at ordinary pricee. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a Email price, at our store on Third street. Also a fall line of house paiote. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Admiral George Dewey More Flies Are Caught Encyclopedia Britannica F. S. Gunning, hat a ticket. sit in the smoking compartment from Cleveland to New York, and the comments of the other passengers so injured his feelings that he thought himself entitled to money compensa tion for such mental suffering. Little sympathy will be extended to the palace car compai'. It had sold two tickets for the same berth, and no one acquainted with the diffi culties winch attended the settlement of a controversy arising out of a mistake of tbis kind will express much pity for the person or corpora tion making tbe mistake. The plaintiff was as much entitled to tbe berth as was tbe woman, who . held a counon for it. and because he - w"lll receive the most royal welcome on Oct. lst attempted to expound his rights, his j Qcxti aa ever accorded to an American fellow passengers evidently called : tiuzen. ' ! You will find a complete biography of this greet him a bog, who had none Of tbe hero, including his brilliant Tlctory over the Spaa Gentlemanly instincts which would to fleet In tho great, authoritative and up- ... , , . i ''. "date work of reference, the prompt bim instantly to sacrifice bis 1 own comfort in behalf of a lone lady flfif WeiTier EditiOll Of tllfi passenger. I The fellow passengers, whose right and title to berths was not brought , into question naturally viewed the situation with equanimity, and gave tbeir opinion as to what should be, lone from the standpoint of cbivalrj'. ' The contestant perhaps sympathized , with thfi fair pnntpstrf liiir. linvintr . This lc the only encyclopedia on the market tha, ...sti, .nrilneunH Hint, vi? i nn nlil paid tbe customary two prices for a mentions Admiral DeweyfltgivcB the date of hi mSiL Imt "W, is an old .n,,i ..i.i... i.i .:.i. tirth: how ho aDcnthia boyhood days: tho part ho 1 - ' i' l h riir Hiiirir, n v r h tim t r-i m iwi vr u ixi o j I i Jast What Yoa uaant. WjJ Wl r. a. ra. WlLLAJlETTE ItlVKB. 4:M p. III. Tuc.Tlmr, Portland to Corvullln, .Mnn. Wul and Sat. and Wiiy-ljiiuDiiKs. and 1'rlday and Motors .MAXt'KACTL'ltKI) IIY AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DR1VINO O-ENERATOKS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulnrs and particulars furnished on application. F. S. G-TJNNINGr, Agent, unG THE DALLES, OREGON I.v IMparia dally a. ni. S.VAKK KtVER. lUlarlu to lAiHlbton. I.EAVK I.KWlhTO.V lally B:i;0 a. in. Turtles deMtinc to co to IH'Mmer Kliould , icaviiiR uif imiifR at t:u. p. in inakiiiK dlm't connectlmiN at llepimer Juimtlim ltetuniliiK niakliiBdlreclfoimeotKui at Ueppnur Junction with No. 1, arriving at Tho Uatles at 'J:So i m. No. ssi, throncht irelRtit, east bound, does not carry pustcnKera; arrives 'J:50 a. ra., departs 3:oOa. in. No, 21, local freight, carrlei pnjunicers, east bouml; arrives i::u p. m., departs 815 p.m. No. i!l, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives Mlft p m departs u:su p. ni. No. 23, west bound looal frelglit. carries pas senders; arrives 5:15 p. m., departs S:30 a. ni. Kor full particulars cull on O. K. N. L'o.'s agent The Dulles, or address W. II. HUKI.IIUUT, (ten Pus. Agt.. Portland, Or, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. tooi employed on tho European itatlon; in the Naval Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Secoui& Laiblin, Tbone 157 TAe Columbia PacKing Co., PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF iiANUFACTUKKUB OK 'Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHIBKEY from -&J ftl.OOpfr uallnn. (TtoTS fnarn ojd.") "" " ' iMP0BTED006NA0 fronijf7.00 to 12.(K) per trullon. "(11 "to "0 yenrp old.' OALirORNIA BRAKDIES I'tun M.'Jb lo Iti.UO per itbIIoh." (4 lo 11 yfnrs oldT" ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LTMPIA BEER on draught, and Vnl Blntz Bnd Olympia Beer in bottln Imported Alo and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Yes, and wasli white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OK. its HiiamntiR prm vpiiienr'ps fnr iinrlrnos ing.he was in dutv bound to insist ' etAnkl 9oniiner6 1 catrheB mi - President of the Board of Inspection ana Survey; cba ref iet i uiut iuu uui jjuruuun luiui us (mri oi L im commana or the Aiiauc bquaaron; now on thp printrflft Pril 27ln he left Dong Koc wltl1 squadron, ' round and aeatrcyed tho Bpanlsh Manila, He is a brave man who has the an May lit; hla appointment aa Acting Bear Ad- couracc to nttemnt to wrench exact ' al'.o honors be received from Congreas, and courage to aucmpi 10 wrencu exact bow oa jmrd, 2nd, 1699, he woa created full Ad. justice from tbe modern sleeping car,tniral. Itpeaka oflilm as a atrtct disciplinarian, eomnanv TIipv nwiims tn nrnvlflo 611 "-ound athlete, a daring horseman and company . i hej assume to provide . hunUm,ni ond ft clnb Bftn Md , fcr every comfort of the traveler, I general favorite. It telU of hi marriage to M1k and enforce regulations which result! Buiy Goodwln' daughter of the ''flghttng goy anu eniorie rcguiauons wuicii resuilj crnot.,ofKow Hampshire, who died in 1672, lea valy ID discomfort. They profess to j Ing a son, George Goodwin Dewey. be moving hotels, but approuch to tbe character of bostelries only in the matter of tariff. They ask that in- Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon ore than either. ?so Inpect ' Its attraction mid odck within ' its power tnu toruicntini; poesibiiities of : ' ttmt insect are over. i Price 5c per double sheet. Our stock contains many other prepa rations for destruction of inetct life. M. Z. DONNELL, Druggist. JI'.IKD'BEEF. ETC. J. S. HCHKKK, lreldent. H. M. 11RAI. , Cud h lei Encyclopaedia Britannica civilities be reported to headquarter.', bat reports generally die in pigeon lioles. They take upon themselves no reapoiwibility for the safety of i Bdll,c"?,of otbe! ot? 1" . mentioned in any other Encyclopa.-dia receive tbe passengers property, and yet porters same attention in this edition of the are supposed to be ti;r.ed for looking after Much property. Tbey promise a good night's sleep, and yet suffer fierce looking conductors lo thrust enormous lanterns into the faces of dreaming passengers and order a aearcb among scattered clothing fur railroad tickets. They keep tbo coacbos excessively bot or extremely cold; they haul down upper birds when tbey nigbt just as well be kept ap with no loss to tbe company ; tbey route through passengers early iu tbe It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Eantl ago; of General Henry as Governor-General ot Porto Blco; of Aguiaaldo's declaration of War against the U.B. 40t YOU IEED THIS COIPLETE SD111R! of human knowledge and progress, wherein infor mation Is more easily found and acquired than In any other book or encyclopedia is the world IN YOUR HOME. 1B SAU ST I. O. NICKELSEN, LiANE GEN'EICAL B$OS.. GE.N Biacksmiins ! First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON I A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly ! remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on j New York, Kan Francisco and Port land. DIKBOTOKS D. P. TUOMPHOW. JHO. 8. BCHBIfCE. En. M. Williams, Gxo. A. Libbi. I H. M. Bkalu Wasco Warehouse Compan) Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot? 11 km Headquarters for Rolled Grain, au kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, 2? Headquarters' for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton Tlnnr This Hour is manufactured expressly for family w" use ; evurv Hack Is guaranteed to give BfttiefacUon. We sell our poods lower thau any house lu the trade, aud if you dou't thiol call and get cur prices und be conviuced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE AMD HorsBSDoeis ' Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brother' Wagon. ; Third and JefTcrnn. Piioue 159 m Tiiadc Mark JeataNB COVRIQMTS SlC. AnronesenrtliiK a nketrti nud dMcrltitlnn oia" uuiuair liraimN HUT lipilllUll irU Wllllttlttr "l . Invention prnbnblr nnlentoliio. Omiiraunlc. tl(iiirlctly c,mniloiittal. lUndbookcm I'ateuU etit (rim. (fl(lat uitncrfur Mcurliur imtenu. rt laaon tnrouuu luim t Co, rscelre wrtr. ... II. tew. M iHvrfb.'f'i' in. T 1 W TilK DAU,Y.b, OKKUON UBiee ovei First .Sat. fiamt. l-iitui.u Ukan tlirouuU ilunii k. metal nottet. Wltliuut chirua In ,17. Sckntlf k HmrkM. A hantUomalr lllujitratfMt WMklr. 1Umt dr. len. tBtlraaoB. Haul VarlV Tyi.uWaifl!if.t., Crandall & Borget DEALERS IN RobeS, flH kindS 0f UNDERTAKERS BUPial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.