Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System rl EFFECTUALLY OVFDCOMF5; ' 7r7 C I --r h.RlT11A1CSTPAT.ON " wi-i nr nn Kjrkm v rLnmwiiLiiiki. BUT THt GFNUINE - M ANT'D By (UI?RN!ATG5YRVF(2. CAU. '9ft, roe suerAtcKv.'G3aTi feu sot nRKmt- PEOPLE YOI7 ALL KNOW. A. L. Bunnell ie over from Centralia. d McGreer wna in from Antelope yesterday. V. G. B ocl-, of Wasco, was in town yesterday. P. T. Nicholas made a business trip to Lyle today. J. V. Koontz went to i'oAand on this uuuniiiif'ti boat. David Bonner e.'t the city this niO'n iug for Portland. Mies Alice Huot returned Satcdny evening Iroui roriiaud. C. J. Slubling left this won tug on a Lu;iues trip to Stevenson. Mrs. J. C. MeinB was u passenger on the tiuat Una nurirni: tor I'uitiaiiU. Mrs. L. . Crowe returned home on Saturday mgLi, alter a week's visit m Fortlund. Mies May Enritht came up from I'orr. laud S'ntuiday una epent ycsterdi'v vt friends iu life L'allee. Miss JeauuetLe Williams, tccouipanied by tier sister, Florence, leit on jester day's aftern ion train for Portland. Mr. Clarence Hout, of Corvallis, ar rived lu the city .Saturday ana is spend ing n few days with friends. J'r H. A. 'palef.;ro arrived in the city from Portland Saturday n.jriji, tu resume her duties as proteesiuual nurse ut Dr. tieiseudoifTer's othce. Mr. and Mrs. Zichary Taylor came up from Salem yesterday, wiiere they tools the hudy oi their eon for lurtul." Mrs. 'laylor ,eft this morning for lier home in Antelope. Mre. S. P. SUnnrd, of Brownsville, it Spending a few days in the city with tier aunt, Mrs. L. L. Hill. She "is on .tier way to join her husband, Eider Jsianant, who is stationed at Adams. Arr. aud Mre. L. Klinger, who left several weeks ago lor California, in com pany with Mr. and Mrs. L. Rice, Have returned to their home iu Uutur. Ore-" gon, they say, buus them all nnht. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Blakeley wiil leave on this afternoon's train for" Portlaud. Mr. Blakeley will atiend a meeting of trie Pharmaceutical useociation, wtiile wile v. ill visit her parents lor a few lays. Grant Majs returned home Saturday night, having spent two weeus lu Call lutuia. tie attended the football naie between the Beikeleys and the Staulordb ou Thank-Kiviny, in" which the former won in a ccore ot 30 to 0, aud Uriiuf. hasn't not through yelling yet. MAIlltlEI). In Tim Dallec, S.n unlay livening, Dec. 9th, at 7::iU, at ttie iiome'of L Ricliard boij. near the garrivun, Justu-i L. I'iiouihh and Miss Agues Wilkius, Rev. U. F. llnw'i otficutiuj;. The rnoui is a Dalles voting man, liaviiie been iu the employ of Seufert Bros, for some yeare , and the bride is the daughter of S. Wilkins, a prominent farmer of Klickitat cuuuiy. The Donation. Appreciated. PouTLA.vii, Or., Dec. 8, 1809. EniroB Cui:o:;icLt; '1 ht lUHiiagement of the Boys' and Girls'Aid Si cii'ty of Oregon feel extreme ly grutelul to the pupils of the public achoola of your city for their generous donation on Thaukegivlng. which was the beat donation received outside of Port land at any time fince the existence of this institution. The board of directors N and the ladles' advisory board feel that they cannot sufficiently thank the little ones for their kindness in remembering other children who had been less fortu nate than themselves in having a good hciun and fair treatment with their parents. It might be interesting to many to know how much In the aggregate a do nation from the children of the public schools will amount too, and they can readily see how much such a donation can help mi institution such as the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, in caring for its many I'hnigce through the winter months. It must be remembeted that iu many instances n child wiil bring n can of jelly, n can of fruit, n Btnnll pack aje of grbeeries, an apple or rolato or some cabbage, but when this is placed together it amounts to a present well worth the acceptance of any charitable institution, and in tiie case of the school cbildre n of your city it amounted to as fol'ows: 16 two-quart jars, 27 one-quait jars, 15 pint jars, 11 glasses of jelly, 20 tin cine ot goods, 4 bottles of catsup, G packages of mush and raisins, luiscel laneoui packages dried fruit, rice, nuts, toys, loan?, 2 sacks potatoes, 1 cake, 1 1 ox apples, 1 box cache's and clothing; also $"3 25 in cash, after deducting 00 cents for dray ago. The things were all brought f") the' store of Messrs. Blakeley & Houghton, and Mf. Blakeley, who acts as agent for the socio: y, packed the goods and forwarded them by boat, Mr. W. C. Allaway, the agent, kindly bringing them down free of charge. Superintendent Gardner wishes to eay that he feels yery guileful to his friends at The Dalles for their kindness, esprc I illy to Superintendent Gilbert, of tiie cjunty" Ecliools, and Professor J. S. Lauders, city superintendent, and trusts that in yea-e to come this practice may be continued, and feels sure that it will be highly beneficial to the pupils of the pubMc pclu-ls, to say nothing of the creat cood that it will do to dependent children of the state. V. T. Gakijkek, Superintendent. A Good Optmrtunlcy. Any boy or girl, about 12 or 15 years of age, desiring a place to board und go to school, can secure a good home bv ap plying at this office. Wanted tor a companion.. 4-lwd&w "One Minute Cough Cure ib the bett .emedy I ever used for coughs and colds. It is unequalled for whooping cough. Ghrildren all like it," writes II. N. Williams, Gentryviile, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives itr mediate results. Cures coughs, colde, hoarness, croup, pneu monia, bronchi: '8 oud hM throat and Inn? troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. Mias Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., says, "I suffered a long time from dys pepsia ; lost flesh and became very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured me." It digests what you eat and cures till forms of stomach trouble. It never fails to give immediate relief in the worst casee. To Cure a Cold in One Ilayv Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. A'l dru'ugists refund the money if it faile to cure. 'Jhc. Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Eczema ! The Only Cure. Eczema is more than a skin disease, and no skin remedies can euro it. The doctors are unable to effect a cure, and their mineral mixtures are damaging to the most powerful constitution. The whole trouble is in the blood, and Swift's Specific is the only remedy which can reach such deep-seuted blood diseases. Eczema broke out on ray daughter, and con tinued to spread until her head was entirely covered. She was treated by several good doctors, but grayr none, and the dreadful disease spread to her face. She was taken to two celebrated health springs, but re ceived no benefit. Many patent medicines were taken, but without re sult, until we decided to try S. 8. B..and by the time the.flrst bottle was finished, her head be gan to heal. A dozen bottles cured her com. pletojy and l?lt her skin perfectly smooth fihe Is now sixteen yearn old, and hasamaKnlflcftnt growth of .hair. Not a sign of the dreadful disease has ever returned. II. T. 8IIOBE. 2701 Lucas Ave., Ht. Louis. Mo. Don't expect local applications of soaps and salves to cure Eczema. They reach only the surface, while the di sease comes from within. Swift's Specific SLSLSHLfift is the only cure and will reach the moat obstinate case. It is far abeftl of all similar remedies, because it cures cases which are. beyond their reach. S. S. 6. is purely vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no pot ah, mercury or other mineral. Books mailed free by Swift SpecJfc Company, Atlanta, Georgia. BUSINFSS LOCALS. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware bouse, tf Ueo Clarke & Falk's Rosafoaru for the teeth. Yon will not have bolls if you take CI rke & Falk's sii'e cure for bolls. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tiie best. Ask your urocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping nud unburn. MabufacturedJbyJCIarke '& Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to lust. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. inch25-tf Now is the time to tit for X:nas photos. Cloudy weather preferred for sittings. So says Gifford. novl7-lm One dozen of Gifford's photos will make you twelve line presents. What would be appreciated more for the Iholidoye? novlclm DeWitt's Little Early Risers fpurify the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the system. Famous little pills fur consti pation and liver troubles. J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., says, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles, hut I cured them with DeWitt's Witch HHZel Salve." It is infallible for piles end Ekin diseases. Berar3 of counter Vits. . Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will cive immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin tinges at 25 cts. Blakeley & Uuugh on Druggists. Experience is tiie best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of cougji?, cold or croup. Should it fiul to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Mre. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., says, 'Our baby was covered with runtiini! sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazsl Sulve cured her." A specific for piles und skin diseases. Beware of nortliless i.o u n t erf e i ts Crime In Ciiuluml. Sir James Vaughau, for 35 years a police magistrate of London, notes a wonderful decrease in crimes of bru tality and violence, and an increase, less marked, in the crimes which require brains and ingenuity. General educa tion doubtless favors morality and re finement; but there is in the cities a limited crop of children with inherited or acquired criminal tendencies; and when thcbe are gathered into school, unless great pains are taken to coun teract the influences of the street and of their wretched homes, the mere quickening of the intellect only gives new power for mischief. Hlcli Opinion of the Ilnli. Col. Ingersoll used to tell a story of a Boston man who asked his advice as to what to read. The colonel recom mended Shakespeare. After a year or two the Boston man came back and thanked Col. Ingersoll for his advice. "The plays are first-rate," he said. "I tell you, Col. Ingersoll, there are not ten men in Boston who can write like that man Shakespeare." A Queer Expedition. An expedition coiiEisthiK' entirely of women has been formed in Australia to explore the Solomon islands, the home of the fiercest cannibals known. Hitherto white men have been nble to penetrate only a few miles inland. Ilanilet'M I'lijalcnl Proportion. A curious symposium hns been pre sented in La Itevuc Iilanche, of I'uris. It deals with Hamlet's physical pro portions, apropos of a recent duel fotitrht over Sarah llernhardt's inter pretation of the melancholy Dane. Max Nordau leads the list. To him Hamlet was red-haired, clean-shaven, "stout, short and 30;" he was also a (jreat drinker. M. Louis Ksnault defines him as "tall, stooped, fair and IS." Signora Diligent! dei-Iares him to linve been "fair, fat and a:,," while Mine. Hachilde loves lo think of him ns "small, dark, subtle and ugly, with the experience of CO, summers or less." St. Louis lie public. fin flflLM.M'(t ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS Itf-raore Plmpl.,, Prrnk Bi'lunjtiiM, f urlir thulllo&d. Iliir II .mil ..K. I, , T ..ui.iichimi ii- ,i V . V a i,mll miil r. ut fall Uni t,,, 14c tild u, dx0wuiu OK. e0SNK0 CO. Phil ' will riiall MmiiU Iron, ut fall box tixrnn . - JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Offlco over Krcneh & Cn.'a llsuk I'h one f, THE IMl.LKi1, OHKOOS ' r. MC08C. JOHN OAVIK MQ0RE k GAVIN, ATTOUNEVfl AT LAW. Ilootai 39 and 40, over U. 8, Land Od'cc, c a ncyTiNOTOMi h a wiuom HUNTINGTON A W1WON, ATIOKNKYH AT LAW, THE DALIiEo, ORCUJi. Olflec over Flnt Nat Bauk NOTICE. STATK OF OttK'ION, Kixrnrivic okimitv wicNr, 21, 1MM.) hai.jcm, MIV In nrrordiince wllh the irivUlmm of nil Act (Hi tied "All Art Milinilttlu-r. to Klict its of the HtH'o of Hilton ut the ui'ihthI K' ''thin to lie hold on the lliot Monilny In Juno, 1W0 the voml'ii'? I'ni!o..cilConHtiltloiiiil Alni'iiilmoiilV niiti-ov d February I'l. Jtl!, 1, T. T. (ieor, C'uV' einnr of thoHlii'c i( Oioion. dolirrtby eiiilm llio fol oivlnic piopoHid niMi'iidiui'iitK to tlim'oiiM tiH'otio'. ilu Slati- n( ir"?oii, us ceiillit-d 'o bv the SMretnrv of , m Im juilillnhod for live co.necauve'wwkn In Ti.k I)ai.m:i ('in onici.k. a oi'WKi.HH.'r iiiibllxliisl In the buvvnth Judicial ixx.lici of the tsinte ol OreMin. Done nt tlu Capitol, at Pulctn, Oregon, ttKALl this Jlt day of Novon.Ucl. A. H. IJ. '1'. T. l.Ki;u, lioveriiot. llr tl o (iovorttnr: 1. 1. DU.N11AK, Secretary of Stale. fil'.XATi: joint im:som'tio. NO. 4. lit- It re-toWed bv the SoiihIu, the House con curi;tii; That tho followlni; iirtii-iiiliiiuni to the Con itutUm of the State of Oregon lie ami In lu"i'li iirnponil : That M'Ctlon 10 o? A.llrlc XI. of tho Constliu tloii of the Mate ul Oii-iou be nud Uicmuiic Is ho eby aurigatotl, anil in lion thoioof & clion lu (i.' Aitlu'e XI. !liall be nt follov: AIITIL'I.K XI. "ootlon 10. No pniimy, city, town, koliool illn trim or oilier mtiulc'p il oorimralloti aball be al lowed to brronie liuiebteil lu any imiiiiiei or fur auv iiUMin' to an aiiiotttit Itieliulliii; ih out ex IsiiiiK liidehtt'itiieiiN In the HKKrtP'iu exi'itilln-r tlve )K!r oeiitiim ou ihe value ot iiie luxjble lifiiK!i y therein to bo awrtnlncd by the List an. M-.i,ifi.t for Htntu mill coutitv hixoa piu't'loim to the Iiit'iirrliiB of sueh liulebteilneas. AdoptiMl bv the Senate Jniniiuy ai, IS":!, C. w, Fulton, I'ro.ililcnt o. the ctlnie. Concurred lu by the Hoii-e. Febiuaryi! 1S'.U. W. I'. ICeaoV, blwaLir of the ..ouse. Adojitcil bv the Senate jBiniary SI. lh'tt. JosEl'll mxiiN, rimliluot of thohcfatc. Coiicui.ed In bv ihe House. February ! ISli1). C'HAb. II. Moouks, Hiieaker of thu Houlc. SEN.VTK JOINT KESOl.f I ION, NO lit lie It resolved by the Senate, the House eon (Miuinc; Hint the following iiiiieudiiioiit to the Coiiatlliitlou of the Stale of Ou-jon. Ill Hell of hen.iOii Tell of Article Seven (7), be nud the mime Is be.eby iuo)ioseil, to-wlt: suction TJtN. The Isclslntlve Aetnbly may provide for tho election of nuinetne unit i Iroult Jml'e In ill. Unet e Ilium , one ol which ehidM'.i hhall euiixlnt of tlve Juitlee of the -iiireine Couit, who slui.l not terfoim clronlt duty: nud the other cIm-h hhall eoliMbt of an inuny Circuit .lud';en ah may bo deemed noccss ry, who hhall hold full toimi ' w i luoui ai louiieui nun wiiomiiiii uk me miiiio I lucli a-, the Miiremu JuilKei. I '1 he I vKihlative A-seinljIy may ereatu ai inuny eireuiiK a.s may ue neeoMiry. Adopted by the Senate, February 15, lt9:l, C. W. Ia'Mon. rrthldeut of the Bcmr.e. Concurred In by the !Intie, February Ift, 1S1U. W". V Kkadv, bjifaker of the House. Adopted by th Semite, Jauuarv l-i).j. Joski-ii mmo.v, l'resldetitof the iiunato. Conciiried lu by the, February li, 1493. Uhas. II. .Mo or. us, ba.-aker of the Houhe. IIOUSi: JOINT KESOM'TION, NO. 10. l',co'vi'd by the Hone, the Heiiate roncim ln: Tluu i tn- Hillmviiis iiinendimyit to tiie Con hti.itxo) n . no rit.-.e oi Oregon be mid beieby Id Iirokui rrt ; Hip Constitution be nmeuded by nddiiiK ArUelc XKC. n iiilloiva, to-vrit; AUTICI.K XiJT. eectlon 1. The wv.e oary use of himlH for the rou'iue'iiiii ol le-ervolm or storage b isio- In tiie iii.,iioo( luluatlon or for ilr;htH of uay 'or Ine . uiiiloii of ealialH, illiehe.-, Ilunies or pi)' lo i oiiver water to i ,.e iiliu-o of uw .or any tiiei'iil, biiie.leial or necessarv )iuiioe. o for o.iitnii ;e, or for dialimxe of mliiei or lucuciitt 1 1 rii ihuieof, by ine ins of iihidi, lallioaiU. l.uiil wjya, cuts, tunnels, ili:ii'i, holiilng works, diimpoi oilier liece -nry me.iin lo their imi.ii piu.e development oi iiiiv oilier use nece -scty to ine comnleie devuloi incut of the lii'tui il ie sounis'soi lliecl item im-servutloiiof ine lii' tui of i s luhrbit :uts. In jerebv il'.iilareo tol a pub lic use and Mt'i'et-t to ihe lesulallu-i and vniiiiol of the Shi lion'.'. '1 ju liht 1 1 nopumilntc the u-.i'p-Iiroinia;33 wnlns oi Hiiy iiauiui utremn to ben e.ici:'l li-en h'unll never ImdeuUd. crti-ua, 'ihe use of all wa' -ih now who p'iatnl 'orsiic. .en! iloi dht ibutlnn itlson, all iv i. " tirt'Jy Bppiop.iii ' d lor p. vi-'.oiise, nut whli.ii. i 'i niie.i eppiojnH; im. bus neiet fo.elicen or nuv jieiei.', ir be solj lordis' li mil id, h heiflir !' nlmerl lo bo a Ml "u ue a id subj 'ft ,o .i-iiil:iiinii a d toutiol ul thu State l,i iue tinniiier p o-c. ..r.,l by law. Hut ihe ilsiit t juw and r ipiop in Mieh iva'.eis hhnli us subji.f. to Mtcn i iovikiojs of Ijw lor the ik 1m: of private pnieMy .or puulie or piiv lie ue ai provided in,! 11, Aiiiele 1 of the Con NttlUi.Oii ot Hie Stale oi Olv ;on. fct Jtlou -1. 'J lie r'-jiil i eolteet tx-n or cimi enka.ioii ,'or the uo of wu'er au-iplled ' mii eountv, ei'y, town oi distiiiu in liihntill-ntititi-e.'of, Is n fritnchUe, and cannot Imexer Lined exeunt by I'lttlioilty of nud iu u lmi.ilier piescilbed by law. Adopted b) the House, l'ebiuriry 15, 1MM. W. 1'. Keaiiv, hpenUer of tliu llouve. (diKti' U ilureli 7, 16'J l.) Adopted by tho Hciuitc. February 17. I&ft. C V. Ft'tTOS, i'reildeut of tlieaenutc. (ili'iied .Muich a), lb'.) Adopted bv tho House, February fi. l-'j.'i. Ciiah. II. .Moo i i:h, aieukerof tl e House. ConcurrHl In by the Pennle, 1 cbiupry 13, 1,1!3. Joi:rn oimo;;, l'leaiJeut of ihe Semite. HOUSi: JOINT KKH01.UTION NO. 2. promising an nmenduieut to the Constitution of ihu state i f ureiiiiu, by re;aliiii; Suction ai of Atlicle 1. He .olved by tho House, thusenatet'Oiii'U.iiuir; TllHtsieotluu:;iif Altlrlo 1 of Ulu COIIb.ttlltlou be and hereby Is ri'iwiilcd. Adoji'.ed bv tiie House, January II. lfi'J.!. W. I'. Kt:iiv, Api-iuer of t.iu House. Concurred In by theKiinale, .limitary Hi), lw:i. C. W. I ULioN, lrtileutof tburieuate. Adopted by thu House, January :!0, Ciiah. 11, Muoi:r;u, na.-ulier of thu House. Concuired In bv thu Senate. February 12, 1MB. JOMKl'II hIMoN, 1'resliluilt of thu builatu FENATE JOINT ItEHOI.UTION NO. 7, I!o it u-holvd bv ihu beualc, tho House con eir.i : That the o' iiwIiik iiiiiemlmuut to thu luitlon of i iu tiialu of Oieguu he und ih iieie'oy pmpi d: AISTK.I.K I. Tno elective finnchlsu in tills St.ito nhall not be prohibited tomiveiilziMi no iiiiiiitit of se.x. Adopted by the Kenntr, Fchiuiur C, IMi'i. JonKi-u uimun, I'iraldeut of the fienato-Adop'.t-d by the Houiie, February fi, 1H'I3. CllAH, II. Mooiikh, Hjieitker of the House. Adopted by the Keunte. Ianuiy 81, IDS. J , w, i A vi.ou, l-ii siueni ol thu henatc. Adopted by the House, January Si, U"j, E. V. CAiriKR, Hpeukcr of thu House. UNITED BTATK3 OF AMEUIOA, HTATKOrOllKdON, Oliicu of riecretury of State. ) I, F. I, DUNBAH.Hecrcujryof Htatoof tho MtiitA o. Oioii und CimtiKlluii of the Heal of mild HIb ,rto .icreby leitliy that I have coinp.irtd thu nKC'jlli.- copy nt Huiiaiu Joint lUko'.iillou Mi. i of thu U-sUla.lvu Asi-nibly of l,"!ij, "I UP InJp.-l indcbtediicsiiaaioiii iielit!" Senute .lo'nt Ilewiliitlo'i No. 1.1 of Hie I u'.ishrivo As- i rtrnlil v ttf i'.' t liiiii.( .... a i ......... , -j. ... J. '. ii.i,,u .im AIIIU U I II II!" lloue Joint ltc-oliit:on No. 2 ol thu lirisl.iiii,, A finhlJ ; of lUi.-'' Kuncalliix Ainenauiuiit: Biul huim'uJol it ilMolulion No. 7 1 1 the u'iU. ...... u ui is-.i, T.f IIIII hU Vlil to tunscipt theiu.rora and t lie hole tho4uf."ft0 ) '!V,"i'S"t:r. I have hmo. iHtxi tlv will of thu hi itu of OreaiHi. jjdj Tlihd uay of Noveinlii, a. U. F.I.lJL'NIlAlt, BecieUryof Btaio. Huih' j-iu.k lnnltiK t.e). flulp, Hshcilulo without Str. RoRulntor. (I.lmltiil IjimtttiR.i ) Str. Dallos City. ( Cot'Chlnc nt nil W'ny 1'oltiln,) IIOIVS. I.v. D.'U-h It.S A. U. Tui'Mlay Thu inlay ..... SitUlltV. Air. t'c .tatul at ft 1'. 3 DOWN. I.v. Hiilles ii(r:aiA. m. .M'liutav . .. IV dlir'ilnv . , Kiiiinv Ai. I'oitlati l (ii'ii'O lain) I.v. I'" t' Mil a. 7 A. It. . Mo III y . Vt rim-Mi iv l-.nlay AI.. Dallon 1 1 ft r, ii. FOR COMFORT, EUONOMY AND PLEASURE, 5 Travel he the Stwiiuow ol the UeRUlatnr t.ltio. The Onmimiiv will ondeavn,- tu dvi. it. . tj roiiMho bout i-ervleit jionKlhie. I or fiir.hor Indiiuiatloii nddrci h'M-u"P- C, "'or.lniid O'llce. ()aJ-3ftot DocL. Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or peat, .OO.'0-.OvO. Construction This is im n'r Unlit henlur ol the oval slnsil steel type: It hn (.'AST I HON MNINKS, making it durable; ul") has lion feed door, east top mid bottom and nriiHiiieiitnl nuIiik top, with Kildille cover undeilieatii. Nickeling- It has nickeled iimi, mu i it) pi:itu and foot rails. We have u complete stock of tnem ou hruil. Cull nrrt set- our stock before Im) Ins elsewhuru. r C. p. Stephens ...Doalor In. ? tins floods. Clothino. j WCt.3 fUl'lJlOlillJa, Hoots', Bhoe. Huts, Clip', Notions. .;,-t. lor W, 1.. l)oui;.'us sIiih;, Telephn-ie No, Hj. li I fi ttl'HI M ..GHAS. FRAHK-. Butchers end Fattmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on drnuuht thu celebrated COLUMI1IA iIKl'K, ncknowl. edced the bent beer lu The Dulles, utjthuuHUul price. Come In, try it und lie roil vl need. Also thu Finest brandi of Wines, Liquor and Clears. Sonduiiehes of all Kinds always on hand. W1?S. Oliltflfl W. 0lGflli, TUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASON10 BUILDING, Third Street, between Court und VVaoh. toil Stmetc, The Dallns. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilANHACT A KNEKALUASK'INO IIUtilNKtl Lottora of Credit iaoued available iu the Eautern BUtea. Bight Ej.c.tiao( and Telraphtc rranafere aold on Now York, OIiIcmko, ht. Ixiuia, Ban FrAticlaco, Fortlnnd Ore Kon, Seattle Waah,, and varioua polntt in Oregon and Waahiagton. Oplleotiona uia Je at all poluU ou fav orable terma. I 1 j jaiei & Beqtoo I ThP Hp pc fir ' l lilU UUUJL't Ul, I r KJiitjrujuaruB LINE. Dalles. ForilanH & flsioria Hav.Go. .( tlx, ftr-frubtor Ut-c will rutin, .,, .. tho Company rcstm-tog the tlnl.t i, 1 0l" untlic. 81 10 ch,8 Str. Inland Flyer. (Limited Landings.) tip. I.V. Portland nt It A. li. ..... Tue'iday , ... Tlumdiiv . . .Batiirdny Air. Ilallu.4 (u lee-taln) Iiown. I.v. I).iles t H a. M. Voi'iUy , ,, W"lIOIltjV ... f-lldnv Arr. iWu.tnd" ntai3.) v, u. , -'r. W'PmlUml ml i J tlililh(lir , Maturday At. D.illri nt Kill. ' W. C. ALL AWAY, Gen. A6t., ihoim. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Rout or THE Southern Pacific Compy. Traliia leave and are due to arnvc it Portlii LKAVE. OVEKINI) Ex press, Halem, Itose burR, Ashland, Sac rM.tif.,,,,, f, i :U A. M :(W I'. M. 1 Franclseo, Mqlave, 1 JH A lltritl.t. 11 l,uur. New urleuuit ami Ilium 1 1 linsvburg Hiid way sta-l tloim fVIa Woisibur? fori I .MlAukuI, Hilvurton, Went Bt-lo, llniwns. V hill) A. M, 4:30 r. a Dully exeept tttiiiduy Dally eiwpl BttUiltTi I villu.Hprltirtiuld and t : Natron I7:: A. II. ICorvallla (KtHtlOtlS and way I IKUEI'KNDENTE I'ABSENOEK. Expnai tati Dully (exeept Sunday). l;Mp. iu. (l.r,,.. ..I'ortliuid Ar.) S:25i.B 7:)p. m. ?Al ..McMllilivllle l.v, 5:M,o b:!lUp. m. (Ar, ,liirtipendeme..I.v.) i:HLi Iiul'y. tDniiy, exrepl Mimmy. DiNINH CAUS ON OGDEN HOL'TE. 1'OUi.MAN 1ICFFET BUErKP AND KKCOND-CIASS SLEKI'INP CASl Attachi-J to ull ThroUEh Traht. Dlreet coiiiiertlnii ut han franclnco with Oeo dun tal und Oriental and Tactile mall tuiulili linen for JAPAN nud CHINA. Hulllux dita ot ait'H'' Hates nud ticket to Eastern ikiIiiU tndll mix:. Also .1 A i' AN, CHINA, UONOLUtU lad AUSTRALIA. All hImivu trulim arrive nt und deptrt In Oruud Cuutrul Stutlou, Fifth and Irving itrNb VAMHII.I. DIVIelON. l'nsseiiRi-r Dejsit, toot of Jutlcrsii ilrMt, ahvv for Sheridan, week days, W:S0p.a Arrive ut I'u.Uand, U:M a. m Ia-uvc- for A I KI.I E on Monday, WislneidMud rrloay ut :35 a. m. Arrlv at I'urtUml, Io dav, Thursday and Hnturdiij it 3:05 p. m. I.v .iday. "Kxcein Saturday. It, F.M.KU, , H. MAl'.KHAM, ..I Miouer. AssU U. F. .V Fua, Alt Tlirougli Tleket OKlee, Ul Third tret,wk throuirh tlcketii Ui all poluts iu the lultri States, Canada und Europe can be obtilnw lowest rutes from , . J. H. KIKKLANJ), TickctAtait or N. W1IEA1.DON. ...STEAM... Wood Sai Will run overy day except Sondty. Ratee Kfiitotiuble. Telephone 201. I W. A. CATES, Prop, j C. S. Smith, THE Up-to-date (Jroeer Fresh K'f& bikI Creaniery iiutter u Bpecinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. Kodol Dyspepsia Curt Digests what you H- ititinoiiiy aigesibwic t- Situn Id strengthening , ond "ft fafAilence, Bour Stomach, 5l lekHMdache.Oastrslgla.QramKC Pltysiciau and Surgepf, Bpvcl.l attantion glvuu lowf , ,, i ytfi1" Kcom21imd!a, l"'-8-