Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System OVFRCOMES N.TUALCONST' i umu PERMANENTLY BUT THE GENUINE - MAHT O By (AUf?RNIAlTGPSYRVP(2. njasuat4ic!i'jc6ijri feu si fin term. OUR CHURCHES Christian Science meeting in email K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Eev. Brenner, of Oregon City, will preach nt the Lutherim church tomor row evening, Dec. 10, at S o'clock. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Recular services nt 11 a. in. and 7 :30 p. m. Young people's meeting at 6 :30 p. in. Sunday school nt 10 a. in. Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth and Washington, Rev. U. F. Hawk, pastor. Regular Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 10; class meeting at the cloae of morn ing service; Junior League at 3:30; Epivorth Leagne, G:30. Jlormng theme, "God's Opportunities." Evening, "The Uncompromising Young Man." Connregntional church corner Fifth and Court Etreets. Rev. Poling, pastor. Morning service at 11; Sunday school at 12:15; Junior Endeavor, 4 p. m.; Christian Eudeavor, G:30. Evening service 7:30. Morning subject, "The Use and Miue of Adversity." Evening, "Ma'k and Maskers." In thp evening the male quartet will sing, "Let tiie Lower Lights be Burning." Christian church Ninth and Court Etreets, Kev. G. Rushing, pastor. Preaching morning and evening, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10. Christian Endeavor at -6:43 p. m. Morning subject, "The Unpopularity of Truth." Evening, "The Swelling of Jordan." Rev. Rushing had preached upon tte latter theme recently, and by special request will repeat it. Th Appetite nfa Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of order. All ' sncti should know that Dr. King's New ' Life Pills, the wonderful, stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, eonnd digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perft-ct health and great energy. Only 'Jo cents at anv drug store. A inirl uuliy. Any boy or girl, about 12 or 15 years of Hgu, desiring a place to hoard and go to school, can recur a good home by ap jnying hi mm onu-e. m anted lor a :ouipaniun. 4 Iwd&w "I was nearly (lead with dyepepsia, tried doctors, vielhd mineral eprlngf, and grew worse. I used Kodol Dyspej, ma Cute. Thatcired me." It digsts what you eat. Cures indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn, and all forms of dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-bum, ralsiug of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyepepnia. One little tablet ilvee iminrdlatp rehef. 25 cte. nuil 60 nts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. Mrs, Ii, Chuicjiill, Berlin, Vt., save, "Our baby was iiovvred wilh ruiiulue sores. DeWitt's Witch Hwl Salve cured her." A prniflis for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless cou n lerf ei ts. The litippljr Limited. Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Lake. Fitted your orders now for Christinas or you may get left. Giflbrd. n7-lui BUSINESS LOCALS. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house, tf Use Clarke k Falk's Rosafoam for the teeth. You will not have bolls if you take Clarke A Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke fc Falk'e flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandrufTfrotn the head. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's purB concentrated flavoring extracts. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. ManufacturedJbvICIarke & Falk. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Cle Elm coal ?G.50 per ton; Rock Spring" coal fll per ton, delivered, at Maier & Benton's. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints. One dozen of Gi Cord's photos will make you twelve fine presents. What would be appreciated mure for the holidays? novl7-lm DeWitt'a Little Early Risers purify .the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the system. Famous little pills for consti pation and liver troubles. Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and bain paints manufactured by James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles, hut I cured them with DeWitt's Witch Hazsl Salve." It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Bewar3 of counter feits. Miss Annie E. Gunning. Tyre, Mich., says, "I suffered a long time from dys pepsia ; lost flesh and became very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured me." It digests what you eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble. It never fails to give immediate relief in the worst cases. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. It is uueqnalled for whoopiiic cough. Ghrildren all like it." writes H. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless reniedv that gives irr mediate results. Cures coughs, colds, heartless, croup, pnen monia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his child's life by One Minute Cough Cure, Doctors had giveji her up to die with' croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. Relieves at once. Estruy No tic 3. Strayed from the range on Dutch flat, one dappled gray horse, four yeore old next snring; branded on left shoulder thus, C. Five dollars reward will he given to any person returning same to my placo on 3-Mile. nov29-lmo O. W. Cooi:. Cash tu luur C'fccKH. All countv warrants registered prior to jan. zi, iavu, win lie nam at my office. Interest ceases after Nov. 13th, lom. Kj. u. riULUPH, Countv Treasurer. For Sale. A goid farm in Klickitat county Wash., five miles from Columbus, con sisting of 210 acres. Price $1000. Apply to H. E. Curtiss at A. S. Bennett's office. nl3-dd:wlm Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 eta and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. To Cure a Cola in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if u iuiip to cur. 3,ir. From 2 to 4 o'clock Saturday after noon Prof. Saudvig will give instruction in dancing to lady beginners. It will be a splendid opportunity to learn. Be on hand at the Baldwin. C-td ftERVITA Kmiotm VITALITY. LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wagtiwe di&ea&es, all effects of self- ubuse, or excess and India cretion. Anerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cbeekn aiv restores the Are of youth. By mail COe per lio:; O boxes lor $2.50; with a written trimran tco to euro or rolund the money. ' NERVITA MEDICAL CO. CHnW. ft Jackson St, OH1CAOO, ILL Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. The Dalles, Oregon. i TK-OKiHENOOHrrEU Physician, and Surgeon, Special attention glveu to surgery. Boomt 21 and 22, Tel. Voxt Bloc CIRCUS ELEPHANTS. Some Interesting Points About the Curious Creatures. Their ITacertalntr of Temper Makes Them DMRcrnni Charffea How They Help la the Work. The elephant men have to mind their charges every hour of the day and night. The "bull," to use circus stung, sleeps only nbout two hour., and often loes that on his feet. One fool African elephant they can't be taught to do anything, and the conimont.-t Miying about n show is that they tire not worth the liny they eat has been known to go three weeks without lying down nt nil. The elephant is always fidgeting nbout, always swaying that ritlieiiloti.- hulk of his, which seems to be clad In his big brother's cast-oil breeches, nlwnys stirring up strife, nnd nlwnys picking at something with his trunk, lie might loosen his stnke and run wild. He must have something to occupy his mind, and so bales of hay nre nlwnys nt hnnd to be doled out to him. lie must be always scolded and tnlked to, nnd told to keep out of that, or get baek there, or come out where he tan he seen. When he isn't being talked to he is being rapped on the nose with n "bull hook." An elephant has n hide about an inch thick, n temper that is as uncertain "as the Uiss of n coin, the cruelty of nn Apache, and the tU'strnctiveness of a tornndo. Some wise and kind-hearted men in New York who couldn't bear to see n poor dumb brute suffer, decreed that the "bull hook" must not be used. They didn't have to be with the ele phants all the time. The men who did either hid the hook part in their hands while the agents of the S. P. C. A. were around, or displayed broomsticks thnt would bring nn elephant to time nbout as soon as n feather duster would stop a cyclone. The bull hook is shaped like a beat hook. It has a straight point. This is to jab in where the skin is tenderrst, near the root of the tail. It is n sight well worth seeing to wit ness Patsy I'crepaugh (his name is Mcars. but he was with Addie Fore- pnugh so long that people hardly know what his right name is) get the ele T hants to I tint the wagons up from the basement of the Madison Square gar den. He in the boss of all the herd, a short, stocky little mini .with a quick eye he needs it in his business End s'metiimg nnout ins looks which says thnt if you want to get into u fight with him you had better make arrangement to spend about six weeks in the hos pital. The workmen get the wagon sVwed around, so that it will go up the irclined plane. Then they scatter like fash before a broom. Here comes Pntsy walking nlong with- two ele phants, their attitude seeming to say: "We don't want to," while Patsy seems t- say: "This one right here.' All to rether now." They make curious riches. They sometimes whine so that you can locate the very spot it comes from, and other times not so unlike the Inst pedal key of a church organ. 0ftcnc3t it is like nn amateur trying to blow a cornet for the first time. They shuffle up to a wagon, put their foreheads against it, and up it goes. Patsy trots behind them, making vicious downwnrd jabs with the hook, while he shouts: "Iiooyah! hooyah!" They scull their way along the inclined plane und toddle down ngaln for more. Once I saw a wagon half way up, come rolling down, while the elephants turned tail and ran trumpeting with terror. A lion inside, nngry at having his sleep broken, roared. That was all Homey nnd Johnny wanted to hear. They fled, Patsy after them with his hook, and though they snuffed nnd breathed hard, they had to come nnd ush thnt wagon up. Perhaps they will treasure that up and some day. Well, some day they are sure to get him. Eugene Wood, in AlnsIeeV Magazine. The DliiKiioalN Wna Correct. A famous Scotch physlclnn was, un fortunately, given to drink. He drew the line on the safe side of uproarloiW ness and Incapability, but not Infre quently he was so muddled as to be con sciously unfit for his work. One night, when he had more than nweedrappie In his e'e, he was bent for by a lady of title. He responded, went to visit her, sat down gravely by her bedside, looked at her tongue, felt her pulse and asked one or two questions. Conscious ness of his unfitness for work, he mo mentarily forgot himself and ex claimed: "JJrunk, by Jove!" Ilecover fhg, he managed to write out n simple prescription and went home crestfallen that he had so badly given himself away. The following day the physician received a message from his noble pa tient asking him jocall. He responded, though much uneasy In his mind be cause of the summons. The lady told him that the had a confession to make. that he had rightly diagnosed her con dition, and that, unfortunately, of late she had given way to Honor, and that she Implored the physician to keep the mailer proiotinuiy becret. He listened us grave as n judge. "You may depend upon me, madnm." he said, ut length; i snail ue as silent as the trrave," Gentleman's Magazine, JJA. 8TURDEVANT, Denim, Office over French dt.Co.' Uank J'bouo 6, Tift JJAl.LEtj, OKE0ON NOTICE. TK OK ORKGON, ) JXKCCTlVK lt:rllTMSNT, HALRH, Nov Sl.lMW.J In ncporrtnneo with the irovlnlonii ol nn Act entitled "An Act Milnnlttliig to tne Klcettirn of I the Sin e (if UP'tMiu nt the Uciicrnl Election to be hold on tlio first Mninluy tn Juno, WW), llio , IK-mlliiRrropoM-iICoiistlhittiiiml Amendment," niirovfil Ki-lirimry is, is;i, 1, T. T. (leer, Gov. i-rniir oi ni ftina1 in wrrjjon, no riercoy rnuw inu lollowltic propo'i-d iiiiHiiiliiH'iits to the Coiihtl. , tntltm J tlii! Stntu of tiriTon, an curlltk-il to liv , the Secretary of Hint , to he jinlillslicil for live i COIIHUCIItlVO WCCKN 111 I II I: 1IA I.LKS I II HON I tl.K, a ncwHuitier uhllshfl la the seventh J iidlelitl District of the Htntc of Oregon. Potto nt the Ca)It(il, nt FmIciii, Oreiron, SEALl tin Jlt ituy of November, A. I. 1MIU. '1'. T. tiEHK, Governor. Ilv the Governor: V. 1. PUNKAH, riccrctnry of State. SKNATK JOINT KKSOl.UTION, NO. I. He It Tesnlvel bv the Semite, the Hoiikc eon. etirrlni;. 'l lnti tln-'followliiR nmetiiltiient to the 1 coiihtitittinn ot inu s tu to oi Oregon tie uiiu is horehv proroneri : Tlnct section 1U of Article XI. of the Constitu tion of too State ol OrvRon he and the same In hurebv nhroirutetl, and In lieu thereof dietloti 10 of Article XI. shall he tin follows; AKTrULK xt. Section in. No county, city, town, nchnnl dis trict or other intitilclil corporation shall Jia al lowed to become Indebted In any manner or for any inirHse tn an amount including present ex IstltiK Indebted tics In thu tiRureRate exceeding live per centum on the value of -the Mxahto properly therein to bo ascertained by the Inst me sessinent for state and countv taxes piet-loux to the incurring of such Indebtedness. Adopted bv the Senate January 30, )S'j:i. C. V. Fulton, President of the benato. Concurred in bv the House, February", IS!)?. W, 1'. KEADY, SpeaWirol the House. Adopted by the Senate Jniitinry 31, 1MD,"). JosKt'li teiMON, 1'ieslilent of the betinte. Concurred in by the House, February I, ISDb. Oias II. Mooiiks, speaker of the House. SENATi: JOINT RESOLUTION, NO 1.1. lie It resolved by the Senate, the House eon mining; That the following nmeudmeut to the Constitution of the .State of Oregon, In lieu of Section Ten of Article Seven (7), he aud the sumo is nereuy proposeo, io-wic; SKCTION TKN. The Legislative As'embly may provide for the election of otipreineand citcult Judges In ills, tluct classi s, one of which classes shall consist of live Justices of the ruprenic l.'ourt, who sha.l not piirform circuit duty: and the other chess shall consist of as many Circuit .Indues as may be deemed necesry, who shall hold full terms without allotment and who shall take the same, onth ai the Supremo Judges. '1 ho legislative. Assembly may create in tunny circuits us may la; necessary. Adopted by the Senate, February 15, lS9:t. C. W. t-1-i.To.v. I'rtsldent of the Senate. Concurred in bv the House, February 15. Isui. W. 1' Kkadv, speaker of the House. Adopted by the .Senate, January 31, 1SU5. JohKi-ll siMo.v, President of the iienate. Concurred in by the House, February 11, lb'.li. CIIas. 11. jlouitF.N, Speaker of thu House. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION, NO. 10, Resolved by the Utilise, the Senate concurr ing; That the following amuiidtneiit'to thu Con stitution of the state of Oregon be nnd hereby Is lroioed; That the Constitution he amended by lidding Article XIX. us follows, to wit; AUTICLF. XIX. Section 1. The tiece-sary use of lauds for the construction of reservoirs or storagu bsln lor the putixisu of irrigntlou or for rights of ny for trie construction ol canals, dltcho, ttumes or pilars to cotive water to t ie place of use lor any useful, bviietlcM or necessarv puriiose. or fo'r oralnage, or for drainage of mim-n.r the work ings llieieof, by means of road, railroads, tnun wayH. cuts, tunnels, thafts, liolntliiR works, dump or other necessary means to their com plete development or tin y other use neconsaty to the complete development of the natural re sources of the state or preservation of the health of i s Inhabitants, is hereby declared to lie u pub lle use and bubject to the regulation and cotitrul of the Statu. eietlon The right to impropriate the unap propriated witters of any natural stream to bun ellclal uses shall never he denied Thu use of all waters now appro priated Jor sale, rental or distribution, also oi all waters originally appropriated for prl ute use, but v. hlch, after sucii Hpprop-MUoti, has hereto fore been or may lieieafier be Mild, letil.-d or dis tributed, is iiureby declared to he a i u Ho use und subject to tt.u levulatloii a ut control of the Statu In the matiner precribcd by law. liut the right to use und approprialu such waters sluil, 1J subject to such rovislotis of law lor th tak ing ol private properly for public or priv ite usu as provided In htoilou lh, Article 1 of the Con stitution of the State of Oregon. eeelion 4. 'I lie right to collect taxes or com pensation for the usu of water supplied In any countv, city, town or water district or Inhabit ants thereof, is a franchise, nnri eiiimot lu ever. clsid except by utithoilty of nnd in a manner j'tunuuueu uy law. Adopted by Ihu House, February 15, V . r Kkadv, speaker of thu House. (aigncu .Mareu 7, iw-i.) Adopted by the Senate, February 17, lh'j;l. C. w. Fclto.v, I'resldeut of the neuale. (jlglied ilurch an, lb'JJ ) Adupted bv the House, February C, I'U.'i. MIak. II. Mookkh, speaker of thu House. Concurred in by tbefienatu, I'ebruary la, Into. Huio.v, l'rcalaent of the Senate. HOUSE JOINT UEriOLUTION NO. 'J. proposing mi amendment to the Constitution of iliustuteil urcr.ou. UV tetiealiiig Section til of Article 1. Itesolved by thu House, thu ti-nate concurring: That neetlou 'Xt of Article 1 of the Constitution be und bcrubyls reiieiiled. Auopicu iiy inu iiousu, January 11, lh'j-l. W. I', Kkapv, epiakerof thu House. Concurred in by thuSeiuilu, January HO, ls,:i.l. (J. W. Fulton, l'resldent of thuSeuute. Adopted by the House, January 'M. IVJ.'i. CIIas. II. JIooiiks, bpeaker of thu House. Concurred In by thu Hunate. February 12, JMK. JosKl-n Simo.v, l'resldent of the buiutu, FENATE JOINT ItEHOLUHON NO 7. 1! It resolvid bv thu Senate tlm Hon currltiR; That thu following ui'ic ndniutit to thu Constitution of thu btutu of Oregon he and is iiuri'uy pioposeu; AltTICI.K I, 'J'llU Cllctlvo franchise in this Hoite sliall iw,t beieaftur bu iirohlhltel tOHiivlilen fin tteeitntif of sex. Adopted by thu Senate, FcbrnruT C, lWi. JosKfii Himo.v, Fresldiut of the Semite Adopted by thu House, February n, WXi. Lii.vH, II, Mooiir.s, Sjjker of thu House. Adopted by thu Senate. Janunry SI, Ib'j. T. C. 'J'A VLOit, I'rusldeut of tbo ri henutc. Adopted by the House, January ,11, Ih'.n. E, V, dr.TKK, hpeuker of thu House. UNITED 8TATEH OF A.MEltICA, ' Btatk or OllKUON, Olllee of Secretary of Statu. ) I. F. I. lL'NHAIt.hcer,.t,,rV-f uiu...r ..... l...... of Oregon nnd Custodian of the Seal of said hereby certify that 1 have compare. thuiirecedliiK copy of Hcimtu Joint Kesolutloi, No. i. nt the lAvlHlitllve Asu-mbly of ib'j.t, "Mum clpul liidebtedtiess iniiendiiiciit:" Senate Joint Itesoliiiioii No. in of thu U-Islllv., uHrti'" i . i 'J"H;I7 Aineiultt;" House ." .""! v'iion Aiiiuudiiiu it!"' til v or iun :.i J..:.r" i tmuscript thoreirom uM iui SSihow1 ' KSTIMOKV WIIKIIKOK, J JvU huro- 1 u,, Illy iUIHIl U BIAt the seal of the htalu iJoneatinuijiii.ip inn Jiura day As.eiubl of WM. Hepe'iuHiK Ainiiirt nei t'' and hutiutc Joliii ; itesolutfoi. No. 7 i f t uVii.Ju. lauvo Assein il, Bt Saluni. oreeon. ' o.-,Tr.v'v'u' bucreury of titato, i Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or poat. "OO.'O-.OO.- 8 Construction This Is nn air tight neuter of the oval sheet steel tviHii it ba CAST IRON LININGS, making it durable; nNn has Iron feed door, cast top and bottom and ornamental suing top, with griddle cover utuleinct'h, Nickeling It has nickeled urn, name plate and foot rails. Wo have a complete stock of toon on hand. Call anil see our stock heforuhujltiR elsewhere. maier b Benton 1 C. F. Stephens .Doalor tn... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents Furnishings. Hoots, SImks. Hnts, ( ap, Notlnnc. Afit. for V, I Doug as shea.'. Telcphnne No. SS. 121 second St., The Dalles, Or, ..GHAS. FMHK Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COI.UMHIA ItKKIt, neknowl. edged the best h er In The Halle, at the usual price. Conic In, try It and be eo'-vliieed. Also the Finest brand of Wines, l.l mid Cigars. Sanduiiehes of all Kinds itlweys on hand. MRS. OltlVlA W. JWOHGflfl, STU AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton Streets, The Dalles. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. THANH ACT A ENEUAL HANKING BUKINKB Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Truuefers edld ou New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco. Portland Orn- uon, heattie wash,, and varioue pointa in wregon anu wasiuncion. Collections maie at all points on fav orahle terms. ' r. MCORE, JOHN UAVIN MOORE & GAVIN, ATIO KM. VH AT LAW. It on in ,fj mid 40, over V. S. lind Olllcc. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artifteiilly dlgesu the f ood ind aldi mature in BtreDgtbeolDir aad recon Lruct,incr t.tio nviianji Mt 8nd tonlc' No other preparation "1"?, " n l" fHIOlBnCJ. II ID' uiotner rnmiitjirif imruu in; r. . . . ,i,uvi ixjv UllCfUUil, Kodol no uiiixeahurcto st"" joiieo ana permanently curat ofOri-Kou. DyHDerjaitt. TnHluoslnn Jiv... of NovemUr, a. ii 6iuia-Ji ' i r, nausea, ?.j?eche,OMtimlgla.Cnunp,and F. I. DIJNIU It. all nthAP roonUa , 4 7.' Jl T, ?! EAST mnri cri,.. -uutri via The Shasta Route or TUB Southern Pacific ComoV Train leave and arc duo to .rr.- ' , ... ni l-ortl- LIAVC. press, Bnlera, Rnse-' httrK, Akhlanil, Sac. '7;00 V. M, S!!10 A. M. tlftlta Dally except MUtidaya I7:S0 A. M. fVlaVrKslbu'rl-. .'I 1:30 Jlt-AliKi'l. Sllvertnn, I r,.,,. West Sato. 11,,-.,' I ulj iNtt!'.'.?:1'1) Corvalll and vnvi I stations .. . 5'MP.JI. TK.nVlilrvtiffuv ti w m u Da lv luxrrur iii,rtJ. r'l'nil I ;50 p. m. fl.V IVlfllu.tH ... ... i p. m 8::top. m, At..&:eMinuY!iio ,i.T: i-Sl Daily. t Daily, except suimari DINING OAUS ON OGDEN R0UT1. PUUiAN BUKm til.FKI'ERS AND HECOND-CIVSS HUSEI'IKG Citt Attached to all Throueh Trila. Direct eojinectlon at Kan Fraucisco with om dental and oriental and Pacific null mV-mii! linos for JAl'AN and CHINA. BalUni dalteS I plication. Kates and tickets to Eastern point innr.. "'jAI-u JAl'AN, CHINA, 1I0.N0LDW S All above trains arrive nt and deiurt Itm (Iruud Central Btatlon, Fifth aud lrTiitf htmi YAMHILL DIVI8ION. I'tssenger Dcsit, foot of JuttcrsonitrMt Umw for Sheridan, week days, it (-so si Arrive at l'ortland, U:: a. ui, " U'avcJor AIK1.IK on Monday, Wednnditaj dav, Thursday and Saturday it 8:05 p, m. Except Bunday. Except Saturdsy. K. KolCiLER, (I, II. MAKKIUX 1 Hiiaier. Asst. O. F. A 1'su. in TbmuKb Ticket Ofilcc, 1S4 Third street, tin through tickets to all H)ltits iu the ttka States, Uanuila and urojic cnu be nbttlHtt lowest rates from J. B. KtKKlNI), Ticket AM, or N. WHEALDON. 5 STEAM... Wood Saw Will run everyday except SuntliT, Iiittee Keasuniible. Tolophono 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. C. S. Smith, THE Up-to-date Qroeer Freth Kkb niul Creauierj liutter Bjieeinlty. i 2d Street. 'Phonfl270. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICHELL, THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3W 33S ONV3il22- NOTICB FOB H'UUCATIO.V. Notice is hereby, Klvcii ''i'1' luW nsnied settlor has illcd notice ' , to make final t.roo u suit - : " kmmp anu iseueivt'r ir .' November i, ItVJ, vU : 0r.i I.aae V. Howland, of The I bliroiiilnuous residence upon a v of said lnd, vU! .. . cut a'' Octlt-H J'u . ONE FOR A DOSE. IUmo plmplns. Pfn il,l.lL,lnl n,l IIVSIIKIISU. A muniniint of tb t'WJ r0.Kl far htaltii. Tift iilthr r I P','7JBil I '2 i rametito, 0Kdcii,sn I j ratielseii, -Molave, f , UmAtigcles.El'Hso iMSA' IemI ..?'rns B,iii Koscburg' anil 'v'mvWl ..... n,n., Undertaker and Entbalmer. BUI rropurto ty e. c. Of Witt Ce Ciblcaa j W Wt INHfll"'1 -