GREAT CLEARANCE SALE On monday, Dec. 11, 1899, , Ifi OVH DRY GOODS DEPART CQEfiT, t X7E will commonco a Great 'Reduction Sale. This is the sale that has usually taken place in January, but wo V V have deemed it advisable to inaugurate this sale when it will be of most value to the public. This 'wo think will meet with the approval of all who have Holiday shopping to do. The prices that we will quote from time to time will bo so phenomenally low that it will induce every one to take advantage of this sale. Announcement Extraordinary! Commencing Monday, Dec. 11th, we will inaugu rate a general clean up sale in our Clothing and Furnishing Goods Department. We intend making this the sale of the Century and the greatest money saving sale in the history of The Dalles. . All goods marked down to Bed Rock Prices. Look for the rod tag. It Means Dollars and Cents to You. Shoe Department. In this line we do not advance prices. t Cut Priees. And in keeping with our usual custom, we lead all competitors, and in so doing the price of special lines will be cut in two. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures PEASE & MAYS Dalles Daily Chronicle, Telephone No. 1. SATURDAY ... - DEC. 9, 189 Oysters served In every Myle by KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. That "Little lied Tag" stands for all nt I'ease & Maya' clothing department. Look for that "LiUle Red Ton" in tlio clothing department nt Pease & May. Tliu "Little Ked Tug" means money saved at Pease & Mays' clothing depart ment. F,d. Smith, of ThY Dalles, line bought a half interest in Henry Wright's liveryJ UihIhosb. We wish the now firm suc cess. Grass Valley Journal. A special invitation is extended to the young men of the city to attend the evening service at the M. K. church to inoirow, hb tho pastor will speak to the "Uncompromising Young Man." Yesterday afternoon Drs. Logan and Geisendorffer performed an operation on Karl Swain for appendicitis. The little fellow came through fairly well, anil tiie physicians think lie has about 'ven chances for recovery today. Mies Rose Lay of Portland, Or., is lo oted in room 5, Gates block, and will Uke pupils in shorthand in tho evening irom 7 to 0. A thorough course given, including shorthand, spelling, grammar, correspondence and ty pewrlling. 9 1 w The sheriff roturnnd on last night'B 'rain bringing with him Harvey Koltr. "iftn, who is wanted hero on two charges t forgery. He Is but a young man 18 yt'ars of age and waB In school at Gres "m when the officer wont to Becure ''m. Grime in one so young always miib tho more deplorable. Everyone who is to take part in the carnival Tuesday evening should bo at the Vogt tonight promptly at 8, as thia ie the last evening of rehearsal. And ull lio denre to bear something new and very catchy should attend Tuesday even m Tlllt! rrt"Keuit)nt is gotten up by Mra. Virginia Sliarpe Pattersen, of Ko koroo, Ind., and is an attractive enter- tninmenf, as well ns a splendid ad vertisement. Thursday and Friday eveninge, the 14 tli and 10th are the dates for the Lutheran fair. The musical programs are under the supervision of Prof. Birgfeid and the very best talent in our city line been engaged. You will find also that the ladies have on sale all sorts of useful and fancy articles, as well as pastry. Further notice next week. Thureday evening as the O. R. & N. passenger train reached Falrvlew, a prisoner by tho name of Jones, wiio was on his way to the penitentiary, together witli another prisoner, in charge of Sheriff Livingston of Grant county, jumped from the window and escaped. Tho sheriff offered $50 reward for bin capture, but so Jar as we have heard he is still at large. Speaking of our beautifully paved streets reminds us that there is more than one way of killing a cat; and it is an advantage to that domestic animal that it has nine lives; particularly so when the elements combine against them, as was proven yesterday, and they narrowly eecape a catastrophe such as one specimen of tho feline tribe en countered on Court street near First. An Insignificant, scrawny looking Tab stood on the sidewalk viewing the river of mud with a critical eye, as if It had one more river to cross and1 a tough one at that. There were no crosswalks in sight, no boat or other means of transit visible, so she determined to watch her chaiico and take it afoot. But the un fortunate creature had not calculate;! on the bottomless conditions of Dalles streets nt. present, and gaining the mid dle of tho road found herself trying to swiin, with jiiBt the tops of her ears see ing daylight. She floundered hopeless ly, when a Chinaman near by, who was "doing nothing but sawing wood," took the cue and also his life In Ills hands and went to the poor thing's rescue. She was a miserable looking specimen as lie lifted her out by the napo of tho neck, onn mass of mud; but haa determined to forsake tho Populists and keep out of the middle of the road. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. . A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and ludlgestiou, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley k Houghton Druggist?. Subscribe for The Chronicle. ANENT THE FIRE SYSTEM. Tlit, I'ropoRltlnn or the Heufert V Condon Company Accented, The councihnen met last night in special session to consider the bids of the telephone B.vBtems of our city to furnish and maintain the power for the Ore alarm By stem, the Oregon Telephone Company having been induced to put in a bid since the last meeting of the council. There were present Councilmen Stephens, who acted Hb chairman; Keller, Cloogh, Gunning, Jobristou, Shackelford, Kelly and Wilson. The Seufert & Condon company sub mitted two propositions and the 0. T. & T. Co. one. The lirst proposition of the former company was to furnish and maintain a suitable and necessary line of wire, poles, etc., tit the rate of $12.50 a mouth for seven boxes and $1.50 for additional boxes which may bo put in. Also furnish a fire alarm to be placed at central. The second was to maintain the same for $1 u mouth, providing the city pay t he net cost for the erection. The proposition of the Oregon Tele phone Company was to lurnish all materiul and labor necessary to con struction at actual cost to the city ; allow the city the use of poles without any cost wiiatever, and to supply all poles neces sary free of charge and maintain the same free of charge. On motion of Gunning the city ac cepted proposition No. 2. of the Con Ion Company. Au estimate of construction made by J, A. McArthur was submitted to the council, placing the cost at $200.50. On motion of Gunning the council ap propriated $200 60 in favor of tho Seufert & Condon Company to bo used for the same. The council then ordered tiiat the old hook and ladder truck be sold to Long of Portland, of whom they are purchasing tho apparatus. It wus ordered that an electric light bo placed in front of the South Side Hose Company's house. Gunning then introduced ordinance No. 307, amending the former ordinance providing for the various fire companies, The amendment authorizes the changing of thename of Columbia Hose Company to" Columbia Hose and Chemical Engine Company No, 2," and also changiug the nature of tho company to correspond with the name. The same was passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned, ChriRtinaB Giving. To Al.IiFlUKXDS OF tiie Woutiiv Poon : Have you thought how near Christmas is at your doors? Have you thought how you could best brighten some other life than your own on this, the anniversary nf the birth of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? We, the Salvation Army, are now making a canvas of the city looking for those most in need, and we find many who, not known to be among the poorest of the poor, yet are in need of the neces sities of life. And now we have more than we can help ns wo should like. Will you help us to bring cheer to many homes this Chi istmns tide? If so, you can in the following way, by giving to our solicitors any of thefollowing things: Food of any kind potatoes, flour, eggs, apples, butter, turkey, chicken, etc.; new and second hand clot'iinu for child ren or grown persons; toys of all kinds, new and second handed; candy, corn, nuts. In fact everything one needs in one's own home. "The Lord loveth a cheerful giver." Do you wish to be loved by him. Our hall is just across tho street from tho Cuito.Nici.ii office. Leavj word and do nations at our head quarters, j Yours living for others, Gait. Tom Rkki Hii.iiist, LlKUT. FlIANK MKItltKM, jASl'KIt. Mioultl Nut lie Driven. PORTAGE ROAD NOT A BLUFF Editok Ciiko.nici.k : Noting with satisfaction that your paper has always spoken fearlessly in the interest of the dumb animals and agitated tho question of a humane society, I would call your attention and that of the citizens of The Dalles at large to a horse which is daily driven in an express wagon about our streets. The poor thing is as thin as an unlmal could possibly be, and looks as if it were about to drop at every step it takes. With many others I believe the owner should bo compelled to cease driving it, and if tho cap fits any of our expressmen let him put it on. HUMANlTAltlAN. The Alorieru Mother Has found that her little ones are im proved more by tho pleasant Syfup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co, only. Subscribe for Tug Chiionick. No Hy I'atil Mnhr, ami Deflr Anyone to I'rnvn That tlm KallroHtl Cnni (mule An Interested. Mr. Paul F. Mohr bulng interviewed today was shown an article in the Port land Evening Telegram of Dec. 7th, in which it is Btated that the portage rail way ontcrprlse of the Central Naviga tion & Construction Co. is merely a bluff being worked at tho Instance of tho Northern Pacific Railway Co. Mr. Mohr replied, "If truthfulness wero painful the Telegram's informant would necessarily have to be remarkably free from pain?" Mr. Mohr says thot it has been part of tho game of those who are opposed to the opening of the Columbia river to make the people of Oregon, Washington nnll liiho believe that the work being done by I he Cen tral Navigation & Construction Co. was really done in tiie interest of some of the large railroad corporations now con trolling the traffic of the great basin of the Columbia river; at other times that it was a scheme to hold up the railway companies to com poll them to buy their rights, and other stories, which, al though absurd to the "knowing ones" Impresses many thousands tt people wl o are not in a position to know the facts. The financial standing, intelligence, character and business ability of the capitalists of the Central Navigation & Construction Co. ouuht to be sufficient to satisfy the doubting Thomases in all communities. I. N. Peyton, President of the Exchange National Bank of Spo kane, Frank H. Giaves, a great lawyer and capitalist; George Turner, famous as a statesman, lawyer and capitalist; W. J. Harris, a man of great wealth and bueiness energy, and W.J. C.Wakefield, a very rich and distinguished lawyer, are not men who would be willing, or who could afford to act as stool pigeons for any railroad. He says this portage railway is being built as a legitimate business enterprise, partly because it will pay, and partly because it furnishes an important means for Spokane to obtain such rates as will enable it to control the trade area which is tributary to it. There are many people who like to put on a long wise face, and to become oracular for the satisfaction ef seeing their opinions in print; but Mr. Mohr eays he feels kindly to these people and abhors the 'time which is wasted by them in discussing thintrs which they know no more about' than a pig does snipe shooting. The company therefore has set aside the sum of $5,000 to be given to Bny man who can prove any thing wiiich ia being said against the honesty of the intentions of the Central Navigation & Construction Co., or who can prove that either the O. R. & N., the Northern Pacificor the Great North ern Railway companies have any inter est in the Central Navigation & Con struction Co., or in any of its work, and to facilitate any inquiry of that kind made by any decent or responsible per son, properly accredited, by opening freely its books, vouchers, correspond ence, or anv paper or papers which may be demanded. Mr. Mohr says that all of the work on the portage railway is . under contract, and by June tho first of next year the new transportation line will bo taking freight from between Lnwiston to the sea and rice versa. PICO t'l.K YOU ALL KNOW. U. Isenberg is up from Hood Rtver. H. E. Steed U a Hood River visitor in the city. A. J. Bori", formerly of Pendleton, but now of Portland, was in the city today. Bert Barrett camo tip from Portland last night to attend tho funeral of his cousin, Dora Alexander. C. A. Shurte, ono of Arlington's lead in ir merchants, camo down from that place on yesterday's afternoon train. Superintendent J. P. O'Brien, of the O. R. & N., was in tho city font short time yesterday afternoon on his way up tho road. Miss Lena Llcbe, who has spent the past three months in San Francisco and other California cities returned home last night. Mrs. Theodore Liebe and daughter, EIIh, of Portland, arrived in the city lnt evening and are guests of Mr. ana Mrs. G. A Lb-be. W. F. Byars.of th GoldendalM Senti nel, was registered at tho Umatilla House yesterday afternoon; but if ho remained over in the city he did not make ns a fraternal call. Alurrieil nt Knilrly. On ThtirdAV. Dec. 7, 1S99, nt 5 o'clock, Mr. John Davidson and Mies Iva Leabo were united in marriage at the home of tho bride's parents at Endersby, Rev. Smith of Dufur M. E. church officiating. The bride was attired in a most be coming dress of light blue henrietta and white satin, and wore white chrysanthe mums. About forty guests were present, mostly relatives of the bride and groom. After the impressive ceremony the newly married couple received the con gratulations of those present. The dining room was next sought, where a bountiful snppnr was served. The remainder of the evening was Bpent in social conversation, and all left feeling that it had been the most en joyable event for many days.. A Guest. Notice. We will discontinue giving tickets for amount of goods purchased, redeemable in hand painted china, after Dec. 20, 1809. This china will make very de sirable Christnlas presents and you should avail yourself of this opportunity to get some of it free. Also we would suggest to those who now have some of it and want to complete their set, that the time is limited so do not put it off. We will keep the china on hand after above date until all tickets are redeemed. 92td-lw New Youk Cash Store. No Apolosy to Alke, "I haw noticed," said tho Rev. Dr. Goodman, pausing in his discourse, "that two or throe of the brothreu have looked at their watches several times in the last few minutes. For fear their timepieces may not agree, I will say that the correct time ia 11 :4b. I set my watch by the regulator at tho jeweler's last night. The sermon will bo over at 12:01. It would Inve closed promptly at 12 btu for this digression. Let us proceed to c insider now what the npostlo means when he s.u-s, 'I press toward tho mark.'J Paint your house with p.iints that are fully guaranteed to Inst. Clarke k Fulk have tlieni. J Clarke tk Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. THE GENUINE I Wilson Aitf-Tight Heater OUTSIDE DRAFT IiIKE THIS: 1 EflPD-ija There nro othoi AIR-TIGHTS, but nonu that'ooual tho WILSON. ....SOLD ONLY BY.... USttlH MAYS & CROWE, Sole Agents.