f3m 4 sal 1 l3 Hi KM KM 5S For a Nice Suit of Clothes. lVmting, Ovcrcoatln-or Fnncy Vesting. Kindly rail nnd examine my stock of Im ported and Domestic Woolens. A line stock to elect from. Suite made from t he lowest prices to the high est grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. IB! DALLE: , (tltEGON, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BCBSCRII'TION l'KICE. Obe week ? IB One month 50 One year 6 00 SATURDAY - - - DEC. 9, 1699 SOCIALIST MAYORS. It may seem strange to many -people that several Massachusetts towns have for successive years recently elected socialist mayors, says ibe Telegram. But in practical politics the socialism of these officials does not mm, or, at least, does not attempt to accomplish, very much "beyond municipal ownership of all public franchises, such ns those for light and water plants, telephone S3-stems, street-car lines, etc. The 3'oung men elected in these two or three New England towns are social ists of the Bellamy school in pro fession, but in practice they are so United by their environment and by the status of society and the business world, that they are powerless to do any great amount of harm or good. As to municipal ownership of what is somewhat vaguely classed as "pub lie utilities," such as were mentioned above, a great many people who do not class themselves as socialists are of the same way of thinking. Hence the election of two or three socialist mayors in New England does not portend any great social, economic or political upheaval. The report of flic capture of the "British Ninth Lancers by the Boers, though false, brings up once more the discussion in military circles as to the value of the lance. In the French army the adversaries of the weapons ate in an immense majority. They ridicule the thing, nnd insist that it should appear only in museums, nmong the relics of the middle ages. For ten years, never theless, the little group that favors the lance has held out. Probably the pretty effect of a regiment of( lancers on parade has something to, do with the stubborn resistance, I "But the moral effect of the thing in j actual waifare, as compared with. that of blazing carbines in the bunds of charging horsemen, who hold their sabres in reserve, counts for little in, the opinion of French olii cere. In the German army it was abolished some time ago; but it was recently restored. Austria has thrown it out ccmpletely, and in Russia it Is preserved only in a few Cossack regiments. On the 'other hand, in the war of the Soudan, in which Gen. Lord Wolseley distinguished himself, Gen, Graham's corps came, nearly being annihilated by Aiabs armed with long lances. Statesman. The death of Senator flay ward, of Nebraska, will reduce by two the Republican majority in the United States senate, says the Review. Hay word was elected, after a bitter strug gle, at the last susilon of the No. braaka legislatures, but sickness and teath prevented his sitting in the senate. Under the constitution, "if vacnncics happen by rcsnatlon or othcrwiso during the recess of the legislature of any state, tue executive thereof may make temporary ap pointments until the next meeting of the legislature, which shall then till such vacancies." Tho executive of Nebraska, Governor Poynter, is a fusionist, and will appoiut a fusionist to sncced Ha v ward. a suite cirni: fu: cnoi.Tr Twenty-flve Venrb' Ciiiintiint line With out n Fttllurii. The Brat indication of croup is hoarsi nesp, nnd in a child subject to Unit disease it mny lie taken ns u sure eitrn of the approach of an uttnek. Following this honreeness is a prcnliar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Conch Remedy is given as soon ns the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy conh nppenra, it will prevent the attack. It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the aiiskuio mothers. We have yet to learn of a single instance in which it has not proved effectual. o other preparation can show such a record twetitv-live years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. " Your Fac. Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health ad well. Impure blood makes itself apparent fn a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples ami Skin Eruptions. If you nre feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sureapnrillas and so called purifiers fail ; knowing tins we sell every bottle on a positive Kiiurantec. Blakeley & Hontrliton, druggists. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Doiu.ell's drug store. Admiral George Dewey Will receive the most royal welcome on Oct lst next, that was ever accordod to an American citizen. You will find a complete biography of this great hero, including h!s brilliant victory over the Span ish fleet in the great, authoritative and up ' '.-data work of reference, the New Werner Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica This Is tho only encyclopedia on the market that mentions Admiral Dewey. It gives the date of Ml tirth; how ho ipent his boyhood days; tho part b took in the ClvU War; how after the War ho waq 6m ployed on the European itation; In tho Naval Academy; bis rise to tho rank of Commander and, President of the Board of Inspection and Survey; hla command of the Asiatic Squadron; how on April 2Hh bo left Hong Kong with bis squadron, round and destroyed the Spanish Fleet, at Manila, on Hay 1st; his appointment as Acting Rear Ad miral, the honors bo received from Congress, and how on March 2nd, 1699, be was created full Ad miral. It speaks of him as a strict disciplinarian, an all-around athlete, a daring horseman and huntsman, and socially a good club man and a general favorite. It tells of his marriage to Mite Busy Goodwin, a daughter of the "fighting gov ernor" of New Hampshire, who died In 1872, leav. ing a son, George Goodwin Dewey. R Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and scores of other noted personages not e7en mentioned in any other Encyclopaedia receive tba same attention In this edition of tho ' Encyclopedia Britannica 1 It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Santi ago; of General Henry as Governor-General 01 Porto IUco ) of Agulnaldo's declaration of War gainst tho U. 8. "i"Hf YOU SEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge and progress, wherein infor mation Is more easily found and acquired than in any other book or encyclopedia In the world IN YOUR HOME. oa iiu it I. C. NICK ELS EN, A good drug sign. You well know that a good drug sign is the patronage which is bestowed on the store. It is tho purity of the goods httudled and tho manner of doing busi ness that makes and keeps tills business. We are pleased with the result of our ef forts to Bunnlv the best drugs at the best price. We are particular about the compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES Just What Yoa rxiant New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as wo are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper nrices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yonrs lor a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. More Flies Are Caught J with lnolnsseB than vinegar, is an old HUVUlg, 1)111 Tanglefoot Fly Paper catches morn than either. No insect 1 ciiii resist ltn attraction and once within its power Wie tormenting possibilities of that infect are over. Price 5c per double sheet. Our stock contains ninny other prepa rations for destruction of insect life. m: z. donnell, Druggist. !: BROS. a UENKKAL ANDat rs Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fiah Brother' Wagon. t TIM and Jeflti'on, Pbone 159 1 I71KED. W.WlLfiON, ATTOKNEV.AT LAW, T1IK i)ALI.E8, OREGON Ofllce ovti F'rst Nat. B111K. u J i. i v v. HUBS Horseshoe nssp iiKr.vr.T rim tiki: cciikiujlk. i' 110 ii u.vllk9. AlllttVK FllUM. I'HSt .Mnll 11:45 . in, Suit I.nkc, Denver. Vt. fii't Worth. Onialni, Kim- Mnll 5K5 City, St. l.miK b:m:p m Clilcneo Hint En.it. i Biiokuue Flyer 7:0S p. nil Wnlln Wnltn, Sixiknnc, Minneapolis. Kt. l'lilll, i u 1 ti t li, Milwaukee, Chicago nnd East. Biuiknuu Flyer. lliMn. m b p. m. p. m. Tkoji 1'oriTi.ANn. Oi'omi HU'iiniHlilpB. For f-tin Frniiclco December :s, S, IS, IS, 13 nnd Itt. S p. m. Ex.suiulay HBtitrdny 1U p. m. 4 )). 111. Ex.bumttlJ Columbln Uv. Steamers. To AbTomA mid Way Uiudlug!. Ca. m. Willamette KtVKii. i 4:R0p. m. Ex.bumtaylOrcRon City, Nowhere, lEx.buuUny balcm A way Uuid's. 7 H. Ill, 'WlM.ASlKTTK ANIl YAM- :i:so n. m. Tues.Thur. juli. Kivkkh. Jlon.,wt and but. , Urepnn City, Dayton,, ami txl. nnd Wny-UuiditiKS.' C n. m. YlLLAMETTK UlVF.lt. ' 4:30 p. m. Tue..TliUT,lPirtlnml to Corvullls, Mini. Wrd and Sat. , ami Way-ljimilnus. unit I'rlilny t Snake I'.ivkr. Klparia to Luwlsluu. Leave i.kwisto.n daily S :S0 a. m. I.v Itlparlu doily HA) u. in. l'artles deilime to co to lleimner hliould take .no. 4, leaving 'llie Dulles at 7:u.'i . m making direct ronnecllons at Meppuur Junction Keuiruiiig inaklngdirir.tcoiiueutioii at lleppner jiiiictlini with No. 1, arriving at The Dullest at -:5." i. in. No. a;, tlirouclit frclcht. cast bound, does lint carry passengers; arrives -;'M u. in., departb 3:.'0a. in. No. "I. local freight, cnrrles pasfengurs, east bound: arrives 4 :'M 11. ni., departs h; 16 p. m. No. -1, west bound through irelutit, does not carry passengers; arrivuh b:15 in., departs Ui.TO p. m. No. ', west bound local (relctit, carries pas. scuxers; arrives 5:15 p. in., departt 6:20 a. in. For full particulars call on O. It. is N. Co.' agent The Dalles, or uddress W. II. HUKI.HUilT, den 1'us. Ast.. I'ortlaud, Or. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop. Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Dor. Sctoui d Lanatliu. 'PHouc 157 Tie CoiumDia PacKing Co., PACKERS .OF PORKand BEEF MANUKA CTUUEK8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D JJEEF. ETC. J.8. BCIIKNK, H. M. He A I. , Cusliler President. First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREQON A General Banking Buaineaa transacted I'oponub reueivuu, anoieci to Hlgnt CoTlectlona made and proceeds promptly Bitjht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on xi ow xuri, nan rranoiaco anc Port land. DIHKOTOWB D. P. Thomphon. Jno. B. Schkmci. Ed. M, Wili.iamb, Gko. A, Likiih, U, M. Bkai.Ii. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE SSSSSSSSSSSf Trade Marks Joions COPVRIQMTa Ac. Alirono senitlfiR a tketrh mid rtecrlptlon mv ll()iiitrlctlrcoiiUrteiitliil. lliindbookonl'steiiu out fro, Olrttwt aiioncr for securlnirpateuu. 1'nioi.ts taksn tbriMiuli iluim ctVrecelv tpfttat ttotitt, without obsraa, u tho Sckmifk nmtim. A Iwndiomelr llloiitrsted weoklr. Ijirtt etr. ctjv. '.''r. l ' .' . hviu vi mil now muftiftra SBIBrosAia. Ilaiii Vnrl MA.NUI'ACTUKKD 11V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars nnd particulars (urnlalieil on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, un'Jf. THE DALLES, OREGON C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHIBKTEY from '.76 to lU10per mil I on. (4 to 15 yeura old.) IMPOKTED 00GNA0 from 7.00 to $1.00 per"irallon. "(11 to 0 yeara old.' OALirORNIA BBANDIEB Ironi tli.'Jh ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLTMPIA BEER on druuirht, nnd ViU Blutz Btid Olympla Beer In twttlM Imported Alu mid I'ortor. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey wliito wash? Yes, and wash whito. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, hut the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OB. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot til kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinda Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, of M?LL FEED Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- tOH FlmiT '"''B l,''onr 18 manufactured expressly for family wvyAA "a" xyj u"1 use : everv flank i guaranteed to give Butmfaction. We eell our poodo lower than any liouee hi the trade, aud if you don't think call and get cur prices nnd be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. CrandallS Burget DEALERS IN 'All kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer; and Motors to tO.OO pt-r trallon. ( to 11 yenra old. rjobes, Burial Shoes Etc.