fir r Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEANse5 the System e OVERCOMES h4BiTUAtC0HST.ON ! umw PERMANENTLY EUy THE &ENUINE. MANT'D By rKoi'LE yon am. know. W. L. Vanderpool is in from Dufur. T. Reynolds is in from Watuic today. J. L. Maxon came over from Golden dnle today. F. N. Jones is in from his ranch near Deschutes loJay. F. T. Esning arrived in this city this afternoon from Antelope. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. L. Skibbe went .to Portland on yesterday's boat. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hutton came over from Gotdendale today on their way to their home at Ilwaco. Mrs. Sj. S. Johns, Miss Nora Turner and Miss Samuels, nf Dayton, made ttie trip to the Locks today. Mrs. Francis McCowan and Miss Mary Snipes were passengers on the boat this morning bound for Portland. Messrs. Brent and Ike Driver came in from Wamic tnis tuorninc bringing with them a huye hand of hoys, which they eold to C. M. Grimes. C. C. Alvord, of Goldendale, is in the city today and will leave tnnieht for an extended visit in Chicago and other Eastern cities. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Parr and little eon were passengers on this morning's boat for Portland, and will leave tonight for California, where they will remain until tne lirst of the year. Mr. nnd Mrs. P. F. Chandler, who passed through this city about a week wo on a wedilinp tour to ttiu Valley, re turned on lust evening's train and left on tile niuht train for Canyon City, dir. Chandler beiijjj editor of the News at that place. A1 vwrUneil I. titters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postotlice at The Dalles un called for December 8, 1S99. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised: Boortnan, A W Biown, L J Bilaid Uhaq Bolter, Alph ii.tntuii, Mr. Cramer, W li Blackmail, Henretta Cunt!(loi).Mi-s Frank Cripps, Mr- Wm Cooper. Christina Donalaeon, Alice Ebee, Miss Anna Cruw.J H -hiil?, Laura Crittenden, Alvin-" Eureka Art Co Clint, A C Erick, Mrs A F Davidson, Dsrward Gipson, Mrs Marv Edjjer, T B Hretzer, Ellen " J-ainray, Aril Fratie. John Fain, Frank Heitz. J G Hansen, Mrs C Hughes, Mi3 Myra Howlautl, Fun n ie' 0 Johmon, Mrs A N McNeal, Mist Llnna Mathews, Llllie McDevitt, Mit B Melvin, Oinmella May, .Mrs Moilie Miller. Mfi-a H M Hex, Mrs Maud ltayburn,Miefl Delia Kiidit, Ethel Kich, Mrs Julia Kobiusoii, Mrs Julia Kinc.irt, Frank E Kuqua, rfG Lyon, Antone Lord, U W MacKay, John Mutiiuonck, John Miller, J I. Martihy, Tln-odore McN'ultv, John Mitchell, A A Piaster, G-o.-ge Piinaii. M 7. Iieed. L H Stanley, S ltutaitll . .litimiii M-' Swarlz, Mrs Viola Springer, Mat tie SI ay to n, E T 1 rue, Jlrs II V rscliupiimnuer,Jolin Taylor. Mi?e Belle fiimes, L M Ware, Miss EHie Skoog, Ojcar Slllmarit, Dan-2 Thompson, Lonen Terry, Bin, Triilclieg. John Wilson, John W WIIhoii, U C H Warden, Mrs May Taylor, Walter Taylor, O M Trunk, Geo Woigel. W W Word.Tnos M II. HlDIIKLL, P. M. "I! low th l.lulil Out." W, W. Miilleiidore. a leading lawyer of Sevier county, Tenn., wrote the fo. lowing letter for his eon a few iiouis be fore he killed himself by drinking w'ood alcohol : "Little children step ofT this earth in to the infinite and tear our hearts out. -i tCir.r r i uallt, I dnn't think wo deplore the death of the old, who have had enough of living. It seems time to go, for where is the pleasure of staying when the feast is over and the guests gone? "Isn't it better to blow the lights out than sit among the broken meatB and collapsed jellies? I go to what I don't know. "One paces up nnd down the shore yet awhile nnd looks toward the un known ocean, and thinks of the traveler whose boat sailed yesterday. Those we leave can but walk down to the pier with us. The voyage we must make alone. Except for the young or the happy, 1 can't say I nm sorry for any one who dies." The minister read this letter during the funeral. Your T'acn Shows tiie state of your feelings and the statu of your health as well. Impure blood makes ifelf apparent in u pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas nnd so called purifiers fail; knowing this wo sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Hem! Them In. It is a little out of custom in a news paper oflice to have reportera stantl and watch trains for arrivals and departures. It is the custom in great cities or small ones to write out your personals at home and send them to the newspaper oflice, where they are taken in over the counter and put on the editor's desk, as a matter of course. Therefore, do not hesitate about briDgingiu your locals about your visits or visitors. Newspaper employes arc not allowed to blab, so no one knows who brings in information or items. The trained newspaper employes never "know" anything until it appears in print, and then they simply deal out the papers. Send in your items about vourself and friends. Ex. BUSINESS LOCALS. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house, tf Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your erocer far them. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Cle Elm coal $6.50 per ton ; liock Springs coal $9 per ton, delivered, at Maier & Beuton'e. Clarke Sz Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton atrictly puro liquid paints. Now is the time to sit for X.uas photos. Cloudy weather preferretl for sittings. So says GifTord. novl7-lm One dozen of Giflbrd'a photos will make you twelve fine presents. What would be appreciated more for the holidays? novl7-lm Good Racine single butrgy and hai rless for sale at a bargain. Call on Haworth, the printer, over Dalles Com mission Co. ' octL'5-d4W.2w Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his child's life by One Minute Cough Cure, Doctors had given Iter up to die with croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs, cold', grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. Believes at once. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Ten. A pleusaut herbdrink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. cts. and oi) cts. Blakeley Sc. Houghton Druggist?. J. B. Clark, Peoria, III , says, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles, hut I cured them with DeWm'e Witch Hz9l Salve." It Is Infallible for piles and tkln diseases. Be .car 3 of counter feits. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. It is unequalled frr whooping cough. Chrildren all like it," writes II. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives iirmcdiate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its eatly uee prevents consumptionj My son has been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago I persuaded him to take some of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea P.emedy. After using two bottles of the f I 25-eont size he was cured. I give this testimonial, hoping somo one similarly ntllictcd may read it and be benefited, TitoM.VH C. Bowku, Glencoe, 0. For sale by Blukeley fc Houghton. Cntnrrlt C'ntinnt hu Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is u blood or constitutional disease, nnd in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood mid mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is nut a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the host physicians in thiB country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Ciiknky & Co., Prop"., Toledo O. Sold bv drrnggits, price 7ic. Hall's'Family Pills are the best. 1L' The .'Modern Mother Haa found that her little onus are im proved more by the pleasAtit Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a L'entle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it nnd it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of FigB, is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup i Co. only. All persons wishing to tako children, 'either boys or gi-ls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for them de- , sirable children of all ages. All applica tions must be filed in advance. tf A Omul iinirt unity. Any boy r girl, about 1" or In years of age, desiring a place to hoard and go to school, can secure a gooil home by ap plying at this otlk-e. Wanted lor a companion. -l-lvdfcw Acker'a Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. "5 cts. and SO eta. Blakeley A Houghton, drug gists. The Appetite of a (lout Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whoso stomach and liver ure out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, tht! wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit tiiat lusures perfect health nnd great energy. Only 23 cents at any drug store. 4 'I was nearly dead with dyspepsia, tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew worse. I used Kodol Dyspep sia Cure. That cured me." It digests what you eat. Cures indigestion, snur stomach, heartburn, and nil fuiiue of dyspepsia. Mrs. It. Chutciiill, Berlin, Vt., says, 'Our baby was covered with runuine: sores. DeWitt'd Witcli Hazsl Salvo cured her." A specific for piles and akin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits Uaiih In Viiur Ct-.eulia. All countv warrauts registered prior to Jan. 21, lHfc'ti, will be paid at my oflice. Interest ceases after Nov. l'Jch, UW. C. L. PlIILMI'S, Countv Treasurer. for Sale. A good farm in Klickitat county Wash., five miles from Columbus, con sisting of 210 acres. Price $1000. Apply to H. E. Curtiss at A. S. Bennett's office. nl3-u&wlm Tim Supply Limited, Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Iike Place your orders now for Christmas or you may get left. Giflbrd. nl"-lm Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough ut any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 2o cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley &. Houghton, dniL'uists, To Uliro a Cold 111 Olio Day, Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tai lets. All druugists refund the money if it fuiln to cure, 25c. From 2 to 4 o'clock Saturday after noon Prof. SJiidvig will give instruction in dancing to lady beginners, It will be a splendid opportunity to learn. Be on hand at the Baldwin. (i-td J-IC iKlHKM)OKTKlt Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to iir?ery, Rooms 21 and 23, Tel. 324 Vnt Illoc JJA. STUHDEVANT, Dentist. Office river French & Co.'n Hank Phone C, Till: UAM.Krt, Oil ltd ON a k HUNTINGTON It H WILSON HUNTINGTON Ji WIWON, ATIOKNKVS AT LAW, , . THK 1MU.KS, OHKUJf. 0ce OT'r Flnt Nut. linuk NOTICE. STATi: OF OltKflON, KXKCUTIVK IIKI'ARTURNT, rJIKNT, 21, 1MM.), ,N tw in nernriliinrc with tlm iitovlMons nf nit Act entitled "An Aet sulimlttliiK tn tho KliHtiiw of the Httite of Ori-soli lit ttiu iii'iiunil K'totlou to liolu'lilon the (Hit MimiMylii .hnie, UXXl, tho Kiullng I'rnptwtl I'onstltntloiiiil Amendments, February H WJ, 1, T, T. (ieer, (inv ernnrof thoHtiiic nf Otetum, do hereby chum1 tho followlnif iiroMiHl iimcnilmentK to ihot:outl tntiouut llieHtnte i.f otepiii, nt rcrlllleil to liV the Secretary of Hint-, to lie published for live eonocullvo weeks In Tin: D.u.i.ks cithotJici.r., n nowsiMiper punll-lK'! In the seventh Judtelal District of the Hliiti of Ori-Kim. pone lit the Cniltol, nt ."idem, Orrnnii, fn:.ll.1 thl)i Jl-t tlnv of November, A. I. IfVJ. 'r. T. uKIIll, lioveruor. Jlv thu (inventor: K. I. DlMl.Ut, Sterctnry of Stntc. SKNATi: JOIST ltr.SOI.t'TION, NO. I. lie It resolved lv the Soimle, the limine eon. currlni:; l'hut the'follmvtHK iiiiiL'nilment to the Con-tltullon of tho State of Oregon be mill Ik hereby iirnrosed ... , Tluit stfptlon Hi of Article tho ConMtlu Hon nf tne Mute nt (In'itnu tie nnd thoMimo N herebv iibmnuted, mid lu lien thereof ruction 10 of Attlelu XI. shall lie us ap.tic'I.i: xt. fc'eetlon 10. No enmity, elty, town, school din ttlet or other municipal enriioratlnii .shall b! al lowed to heroine lnitebml lu any manner or for anv purpose to mi iimoiint luelmlliiK ptisent o. litinK Indebtedness In the iiRKrviiati! exeeedlm; live per eentnm on tho value of thu t.iiblu property therein to lo uvertnlned by thu last av eMiiciit for Statu mid countv taxes pluvious to thu Incurring of sui.'h indebtedness, Adopted hv the Sennit) January Ml, 1M. C. W. Fulton, President nf the Senate Concurred lu bv the House. February'-'. ls'JI. W. 1'. KkaiiV, Speaker nf thu House. Adopted by the senate .Innuary :tl. lsM. Jotr.rit SIMON, l'leslduut of thu senate. Concurred in by tho House. February I, l"aii. dug. II. Moouks, Speaker of thu llimsu. SKNATF. JOINT KES'H.t' HON, NO 13. He It re-ulvcd hv the Senate, the Home ron ourriiiK; That thu (oIIowIiik amendment to tho Constitution of the State of OreKou, in lieu of Seollon Ten of Artlclu Seven (7). be und thu samo Is hereby propo-cd, SUCTION TKN. The LcRltlatlve Asembly may provide for the election of supreme ami t ltcuit JudKes lu ills limit ela-s, one nf which ela-es shall consist of live Justices of the supreme Court, who sha.l not perform circuit duty: ami the othei class shall consist of us many Circuit Judires as may builoeinul necoss ry, who shall hold full terms without allotment ami who slmll take thu mine oath as tliu supreme .IuiIk.-s. 'I lie UKisb'tivu Assembly mnycreali as many circuits as muy be necessary. Adopted bv the Senate, l ebruary 1.5, lb'J.!. C. W. Fci.ton, I'nsldentof thu Senate. Concurred In bv the House, February l.'i. Is'J.i. W. 1'. kkady, Speaker of thu lloue. Adopteil by the S'emtte, January 'II, IS'JV Joscrit Sdion, l'resldeut ol thutienute. Concurred in by the House, February C, lsy.i. Cit.ts 1!. jiouiihs, speaker o! thu Hoie. HOl'Si: JOINT KKSOI.L'TION, NO. 10. Ilcsolved by thu House, the Senate ronrurr lnc: That the follou-iui; mneudmcnt to the Con stitution of Iho State ol Oregon humid huieby Is prniocu. : Tiiat tho Constitution lie nmuiidcd by adiliug Article XIX. as follows, to-wlt: autici.j: xtx. Section 1. Tho tieceary use of lands for the ronslructl'Oi of reervolrs or storage b.tsln f?r the purpose of Irilgiithm or for rights of way for the conitiuctlou of canals, dllclie-, Humes or pipes to convoy water to die placo of usu lor any useful, bsiietlcbd or nceesar' purposu or for nrnlinigc, or for drainage of mines or thu work lugs thereof, by menus of roadi, railroads, tram ways, cuts, tunnels, cnalts, holding works, duniior other necessary me.uis lo their com plete development or anv other ue nece-snry to the complete development of thu natural re sources of the statu or preservation of the health of ns Inhabitants, Is hereby declared to boa pub lie iDe ami subject to the regulation mid control oi tne Mine. Section 'J. The right to appropriate the lump proiiil-tttd waters of any natural utrcain to ben ues shall never bedenlnl sts'tl ii,". The uso nf all waters notvamiro priattd for sale, rental or distribution. aHi of all twiters originally appropriated for prhatouse, but which, after siieu upprop'l illoti, has herido fore been or muy hereafu-r be Mild, rcnUd or dls trlhuted. 1 hereby tfenlared to b it iuidloue and subject to tlx: rcculallon a ii control nf the Btate in tne manner pre.-.cribtu ny law. nut tin right tiiuse and appropriate such waters hIimI, be subject to such i rovislous of lav, for Hi - i.m lug of private prox.'riy for public or prlv .tu uu as provided in Section Hi, Article 1 of ihu Con stitution of tliu Statu of Oregon, Section I, 'Ihu ilehttn cullect ta.tes nr ciini ICUtallon for thu use of water supplied to am COtllltV. eltv. tnwti up it-.ttor- tit. trior np Inlinlttt mils thereof, isu franchise, and ;,innnt iHsc.ter cistd except by authoiity uf and lu a manner pjeftcrineii oy law. Adopted bv the House, February 1.1, ISO 5. vt . 1'. Kf.'.Miv, Speaker of thu Ifnuic (aigueit March 7, le'J-i.J Adopteti hy tlm Senate. February 17. ItstW. C. W. I'UI.TON, President of the SiMiittc. (-.ignetl Mitrcli va, ls'J.i ) Adoiited bv the House. Kt brti.irv 0. 1-u.l. II. Mutiny., speaker of tliu House. Coiicurrnl lu by tho Senate, Feliripiry VJ, Js'J.5. JojKi'it Simon, rruil'luitt of Ilio Senate. HOUSi: JOINT ItKSOI.l.TION NO, 2. rropodng an nmcndmiit to tho Constitution of the statu t f Oregon, by lepeiiluig Heullou II) of .rnciu i. Hesolved by thu Hoine, tliu lOiiHte concurring; That Section HI of Arttrlu 1 nf the Constitution be and hereby is rei,oalcd. Adojilcd by thu House, Juntiary U, ly:). W. I'. Kiuiiv, spjakorof tho House Concurrcl in by thu Sennlu. January ,'iO, IVJ.1 4C, V. . Fci.tu.v, President ofdho Benatc, Atlopteil bv thu Hon', January :W. lsy.1. CHAS. 11. Jliiiiitr.H, heaker of thu House. Concurred In by thu Senate, February 11, ls'J.1. Josiil'il StMu.'.', I'reslik'tit of thu Senile fiUNATK JOINT UKSOI.l.'TION NO. 7. He it rcsolvtd by thu huuate, tho lloijsoeon currlug; That thu follolug aineiitlnient to the (.'onstltlltlon of thu Stale of Olegoit be anil is hereby proposed: 1, Tho elective franchise In this Htato shall not heieafter hi prohibited to any citizen on uccount 01 sex. Adopted by tho Senate, Februritv 0, iXl. Josui'ii Simon, President of the senate. Adoptisl by thu Houe, Feliruary i, ISM. ClfAS. 11. looitKM, Speaker of thu House. Adopted by Mm Senate. Jauuiry III. ISrj, T. C. T. vmii, Pftsldent of ttiu t'ciiitte. Adopted by the House, January 31, IH10. v.. V. Caiitkd, npuikcr of tho House. UNITKD STATCH OF A.MKUICA, ) hTATK OF OlIKIION, Olllco of Hwretary of Htatc. ) I, K. I. DUNHAIt.Ktcrctaryof State of thu Hint" of Oregon and Cimtndliiti of tho heal of said Hluto, do hereby certify that 1 have compared M10 preceding copy of Houato Joint llesoltttloii 'Jlun elpul liidebtnlness amniiiltiienti" Kent to Joint absolution No. 1:1 of thu Uglslatlvo Ah einiii) 01 !,--juuieiary Aiiieuiieut!" House Joint lUikOlutlon No. IU of tho U-gUlaMvn As embly of lfcy.l,-';lrrlgtloii Ameiidinoni" Houio Joint Itesoliitlon No. 2 of tho Ughulvu Aitsemul of lbUi. Itupeallng Aineiittmunt;' and Senate Joint Hwtolullnii No. 7 of thu I-u1h-lltlvo Assembly of 1V.M, "K01111I HtlU'rauu Amcnt m'-'iit." witli tho oilgliuil Aoplos now mi tile In Mil, anil tlut Iho Kiruo Is a corrce transcript therefrom and tho v. holo thereof. In Tkstimohv Whbiikop, 1 have hero. lyitosct my haml and nllUed hereto dial, tho seal of tho Ktato ol Oregon. i" PJ1101'. "t Kaleni. Oregon, thU Hilrtt tluy of November, A. d! I'. I. DtlNHAIt. becreUry of Stutc, Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavinRS, corn cobs, hay or poat. ..0Ao.-O-.oAo.- CortBtruotlon-Thls is an nlr llgllt healer of the nvnl sheet steel tvpo; it Inn CAST I HON I.ININl.H, n'nikltig It durable, ul has fruit fettl dnnr, cast tup and bottom nnd ornamental awing top, with griddlu cover uuilcineitth. NIckollnB It has nlclvflcd urn, t'tiiiio plate and foot rails. We Ipivu m complete stuck nt tneto on limit!. Call and stu our stock before buying elsewhere. CM .-.s-t--'s fct- C. F- Stephens ..Donlor In. u Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots, SIhh.'s. Hat, '"aps. Notions. Agt. for " . I.. Doug as sun'.'. Telephone No. SX. TUc Dalles, Or. i;h seuomi St., ..gjias. m- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps nn draught tho celebrated COl.t'Mll.A HKKIt, noknoA'l tdgui Ihc btst beer in The llalles, nt tho usual price. Come in, try It nnd h: coi.vllired. Also thu Fltnst brands nf Wines, Minor itid Cigars, Sanduiiehes of all Kinds always on baud. jVItS. OliMA W. WW STUDIO ' AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court nnd Wush ton Streete, The Dulles. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ri'.ANBACTA KNEl'.AI. HANKINO llUUlNEH Iittero of Gredit isoued available in the Euntern fitutee. Hlkflit Exclmiit'e and Telegraphic Trunufera Hold on New York, CliicitKO, St. Louifl, Sun Franoifico, I'ortland Ore on, Seattle WiihIi,, and varioun. point in Oregon and Wanlunuton. Colleutionu made at all pointe on (av orahle teriuH, F. MC0KK. JOHNOAVIH MOOJtE & GAVIN, ATTOItNKVB AT LAW. JioomH :w and 10, over U, S. Utml Oflice. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. IJoln.. I ' v.,w.,i.a uitu IUUU BUU HlUB nutUre in HLrnnu'rhnnlncr n BtruotlpBtho oxhauBted dlKestlvo or fans. It la tho latest disco vored digest ant and tonic. No other preparation "W""""! m 111 unicieucr. 11 in. BlckHeadaclierGMtr illotherresulUoflmnerfectdlgeatloD; Prtpartd by E. c. OeWlV. Ce & IcaggT maier i mm Btantiy rollovea and permanently cures te0& IndlKestlon, Heartburn, DiatUlence. Knur, X7n.. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route 01' THK Southern Pacific Comn'v Tmlim lotvcnna arc duo to arrive nt I.XAVK, OVKKUVND KX.1 I'tcss, Hulem, Hose. I hitrg, Ashland, Hue. I riimtmto, OKdcn.riau I b rilllniNi.ii tni 7.00 V. M, UmAligelcs.EU'Kso! Nuw Orleans ami I 9:13 A. M ilium I iisebtUB ami way st,. thins .... tea) a. m, f wotMlhnrr fori W est Hnlo, Drowns. ylllu.HprliiglleM and 1 Nutroit J 1:30 , h Dally Dtixcepi Dally VS(!Vlt ButiUays -..,. . K!orvnlllM unri vnt iii.w a. i. (, ::- - t.M,, INDKl'ENUKNflK l'AH9KNCii:it. !!,.,.,. Dnlly (except HuiiiUy). ;I.V Portland ,Ar.i Ai..:nMlnnvllli...I.v l-ml'm !Ar.1nulcjmlenf0..I.v.) i;M) p. m. 7:J p. in. w;;to p. m. Dully. tDally, exccpi suiiuht, ' DININO CAKH ON OHllBN 110UTK, I'UI.IJIAN IUIFFKT m.KICI'KKB AND HKCOND-CIiASS Bl.KKI'lNO CARh Attached to all Through Trlni. Direct connection nt Stin Kranclscn with nm ilentnt anil Oriental and Pacific until tMmSt, lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Hulling tUtaTSS H plication. Itntes hitd tickets to Kasturu mint and n ropu. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU 4 AttHTKAl.IA. All above trains arrive at ami di.Murt tm. (Iruiid Central Btatlou, Fifth and Irving itnfe YAM1UI.1. DIVIHI0N. Passenger Dct, foot of Joilcrsim mrcct, I'itve for Hherli'.an, week tlay, atl:80n.i Arrive at Purtlund, u:S0 a. m, U'Kve for AIItl.IK on Moudny, Wediindiruui Krloitv at 8:;1 a. in. Arrlv ut 1'ortlanO, Tdo dav, Thursday and Uutunhu it 3:0,1 p. m. Kxccpt Sunday. "Kxcupi Htiturdny, It. K0KM.KII, 1 imager. 0, It. MA1IK1IAM, Asst, 0, F. A 1'km. Ait Thrnugh Ticket Ofllco, 131 Third utreet.wbw through ttckots to all Hilnts lu thu Kitten Htates, Cttimda and Kuropo can bo obttlnet! u lowest rates from J. 11. KtltKI.ANI), Ticket Anal or N. WHF.AIdiON. .STEAM. Wood Saw 1 Will run every diiy esrept Sunday. Kitten Keueunitlile. Telophone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. i 4 C. S. Smith, thi: Up-to-date Qroeer Freeh Erb nnd Cmimery iititter a Bpeuiulty, , 2d Street. 'Phone 270. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. IV1ICHELL, it THE DALLES, OREGON s-r Rooms on Third Stroot, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. '3IAI 33S afUV3WOp NOTICE FOB 1'L'ULIOATION. 1.ANI. OKI IOK AT TU K J'V'i";""'! Notlro H liuroby Klveu that lh iiHitutl ettlor Iihh illttl notlcu of ' !",d to limlio fliitil liroof In mii'f'irt o j W'uv tlint Hiiltl protil will bo iiimlo ! " V'BOurdr. mill Itftulvor lit Tlio I)iilliw,OlcKtMi,oiiWu,u NoVfiiiUir'Jft, l!W,,vl!!! ,, . n, !,, V. llMWlHIHl. f T"" '""I sju, WfiincMU-Hil Kutiy No. for ",v,rM norl'u. All )( NKK unit NW H ri'' 1 nuiKo H K W. it. ,, . ...i,.k. to prv It" n-liios llm fo lotvltu? " 1 'Tl till vitJ''3 Ilia rouMmiou icaltleuco UI'H" 'Wifiro J..frv.r.l hiiwnt o1 Dr.GUNNS. ONE FOR A DOlt. , ltraor Plmplo.. Pfint IU I'urlfr lliuil Ullll. ft..... II lk.M..,.,,.,lA tv iiiovpiniint nr llm iwwei cu for lioaUli. Tlmr. utlthw itrliw lior lit flnoajriKi, wh will ma I miii pi; if ';j."in mIU. PUIS