She Dalles VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMEMBER 8. 1899. NO 103 A Great Name is a guarantee of superior In baking powder, in these worth days of unscrupulous adul teration, a great name gives the best security. There are many brands of baking powders, but "Royal 'Baking Powder" is recognized at once as the brand of great name, the powder of highest favor and reputation. Everyone has absolute con-) fidence in the food where Royal is used. Pure and healthful food is a matter of vital im portance to every individual. Royal Baking Powder assures the finest and most wholesome food.' Avoid alum baking powders. They make the food unwholesome. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. ROBERTS FOR THE SENATE Ho May Make an Attempt to Ftlw Quay's Tactics. HIS FALL WILL BE HARD Senator Mason, of Illinois, Introduced a Resolution in the Senate Wishing the Burghers Success in Their Fight for Liberty. Nkw Youk, Dec. 0. A ejtcial to the Iloruld from Washington eays: If Huberts is finally rejected by the liouee, a weiii inevituble, there ia a possibility that lie may couiu forward as a olaini uut fur u seat in the senate. Ilia rt jeetion by the houso, it is expected, will add to lila popularity In Utah, and it is suggested that "if Quay in united by the Hoiittte, the Democratic governor of Utah may appoint Roberts to fill the vacancy that exists in Utah's representation iu that body. Huberts' Investigation. Washington, Dec. 0, B -preeentatiYe Tayler, of Ohio, chairman of the special committee to investigate the cape of cats of Roberts, of Utah, has called n meeting of the committee for 11 o'clock tomorrow. Tayler says, this initial meet "IK will be to determine upon u lino of action, He could not say how eoon the committee would be able to report. Roberta was about the house during the day. There was no session, and he chatted with groups of members and visitor! Mho showed a friendly disposi tion towards him. Kyle (South Dakota) and Walcott pre eentod a number of petitions agalust polygamy. Aldrich, chairman of the fi nance committee, pre&tiited a finance measure to "ufiirm the existing standard of value of all forms of money, to refund the public debt and for other purposes. " Itawlins (Utnh) presented a resolution providing for a full investigation of the alleged polygaaious practices in the United States and whether the president has appointed polygamies to federal offices. Referred to the judiciary com mittee. Mason (rep. III.) offered a resolution extending the beet hopes of the senate to the Boers in their contest for liberty. At 2:50 the senate adjourned. Many Reports Presented. Washington, Dec. C At the open ing of the seseion, the annual reports of the secretary of the treasury, attorney general, comptroller of the currency and various ofllcials were presented. Spooner (Wis.) presented resolutions from the legislature of Wisconsin urging congress to take action looking to the advance ment of American shipping interests. (llorluiis News. Comes from Dr. D. B. Oaiglle, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured MrB. Brewer of eerofula, which had caused her great suilering for years. Terrible sores would break tout on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is com plete and her health is excellent." This shows what thousands luve proved, that Electric Bitters Ib the best blood ptiritler known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, totter, salt rheum, ulcere, boils and ruuulng sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion and builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Guaranteed Killed By Deputy Sberifl'. RKi'UULic, Wash., Dec. 0. Job Will iams was shot this morning by Deputy Sheriff W.T. Swan. Williams had charge of the gambling games In the Butte ealoon. He had been drinking heavily aud was quarrelsome. He went into another ealoon and was flourishing a Kumi wrenched it from his had, when Williams, who le a poweiful J man, threw the officer ten feet. Swan then fired Williams' pistol, and the ball passed through the bodv near the heart. The wounded man grappled with the officer, wrested the pistol from him, and was about to fire when strength left him and he fell back and exnired. A cor oner's jury fully exonerated the officer. A I-lfe And Dentil VJcht. Mr. W. A. Ilines of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraculous escape from death, says : "Exposure after meas les induced serious lungUrouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, which com pletely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost if 5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat, CheBt and Lung troubles." Regular siz3 50c and $1 .00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Seattle "P. I." Changes Hands. Skattlk, Dec. 6. The Poet-Intelli-gencer formally changed hands today, and the new management will he in con trol tomorrow. Aunoucement of the sale will be made iu tomorrow's issue. Tho names of the new purchasers are not gi ve, but it is understood that they are E. O. Hughes and Maurice Mc Micken, leading Republicans and mem bers of the law firm of Struve, Allen, Hughes & McMicken. E. B. Piper, the editorial head of the paper, and George U. Piper, the business manager, an nounce their 'retirement, but state that they will remain in the stateof Washing ton. S. P. Weston was today made business manager, The purchase price is understood to ba $850,000, the hulk of which was paid iu cash today, It takes but a minute to overcome tickling in the throat and to stop a rough by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat aud luug troubles. HamlesH and pleasant to take, It pre vents consumption. A famous specifio for grippe nud Us after eilVcts. You will not have bolls if you take Clarke & Falk'a cure cure for boils. INSURRECTION IS NOT ENDED Hope of Ending Philippine War Has Again Faded Into Uncertain Future. New Youk, Dec. 7. A disptach to the Herald from Manila says: Hope of end ing the insurrection and halting mili tary operations in the Philippines, which seemed eo bright a few days ago, haa again faded into uncertain future. Much has been accomplished. During the last few weeks the campaigning has been almost phenomenal. In dreadful weather, through a devastated country, across swollen rivers, along roada that were impassable for wagons, artillery and in some cases for cavalry, the ad vances of the troops have been eo rapid and in so many directions that they have often been beyond the military telegraph lines, and operations have ueceesarily been independently con ducted hv the field commanders. The army is rightfully proud. The insurgents have had a eeries cf routs and disasters. The slaughter has been creat. They have lost a largo quantity of Etipplies and munitions of war and more thnn 1000 armed men have surrendered orbeen captured during their retreat in the last few weeks. Their government has been scattered or cap tured. What of it ia at liberty is in flight A portion ot Aguinaluo'a family are in our lines. Aguinaldo himself is a fugitive Notwithstanding all this there is no reason for an extreme optimistic view of the situation. Nothing more is heard of having the rebellion stamped out in the course of a few days. That sort of talk only lasted while the insurgent leader was slipping away last week. Field com manders now think that the end is etill afar. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber lain's Pain Balm i9 gaining a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ail ment since 18G2. In epeaking of it he says: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot waa swollen and paining mo very much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale bv Blakeley & Houghton. Treatment is Effective., Dec. 7. It is the general opin ion that the number of patients at the Oregon insane asylum ia rapidly in creasing. This is erroneous, however, as the records will show. On November 30, 1S0S, there were 1100 patients, and on November 130, 1899, there were 11C2. There are almost daily reports in the press of patients received, hut there is seldom mention of patients diccharged. The records show that the treatment given at the asylum is productive of good results, for in the latt eleven months the number of patients discharged was 187, or 17 per month. '1 he greater portion of these wero fully recovered, while a few were discharged because their con dition had improved sufficiently to warrant their being given liberty. He Fiiiilfcl Dm SuruBoiiD. All doctors told Itenick Hamilton, of West Jeflereon, O., after snll'ering 18 months from Rcctaf Fistula, ho would die unless a costly opeiatiou was per formed ; hut he cured himself with live boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the bud Salve iu the World, 25 cents a box. .Sold by Blakeley & Houghton liruggists, 4 Quart About Malheur. BakkiiCitv, Or., Dec.0, Dan Bruner, who haa mined in this section for nearly forty years, left this city today for California, where he will pass the winter. Speaking of the new enterprise of quartz mining iu the placer field around his hometown, Malheur City, thirty miles from here, he said : "The best chowlng Is on the Golden Eagle, owned and operated by a Portland company. Assays of theoro show values of $200 to $260 per ton, Deep sinking is under way, and will continue all winter. The ompaiiy will erect a quartz mill in the spring, as early as practicable." Clarke Jc Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brusher, STYLE 1. New Styles In Dress Skirts Opened Today, Every garment strictly high grade man tailored. We mention three numbers hero. STYLE 1. A circular shaped skirt, rnnde ot u worsted in pretty small iirav check; mnde with 'habit back, scalloped panel front. , $6.50 New shape, French back, black serge skiit $4.75 STYLE 2. STYLE 2 Made of a splendid quality black broad cloth, stitch ed panel front, habit back, good quality black percaline lining, corded velvet binding $7.00 Coats .For the Babies, AT SPECIAL CLOSING-OUT PRICES. Every baby in town should have a new' Coat at these extra prh.-e inducements. Coats made of Flannelette, Flannel, Cashmere, Bolides and Eiderdowns f in all liuhl ii ml dark colors, plain stripes and plaids; are trimmed iu braids, others in ribbons. Lamb's-wool, Swan's-down and Angora Fur. . $1 25 ones aro now selling at $ .83 if 1.75 V " ' 1.22 $1 95 " " " 1 37 $3 25 " " " 2 33 $3.00 " " " 2.65 $4 50 " " " 3.29 $5.00 " " " 3.54 A. M. Williams & Co. vv vv v w V V -SVV VVVVVVVVVVV REGULATOR LINE. Str. Regulator. (I.lmtk'il Landings.) Dalles, Portland & Astoria jiav. ft j The Steamer of tho Hegulator Line will run us jior thu fol-' lowing tchi'diile, the Company icscrvhiR thu right to chaaso ' M'hedule w tttiout notice. Str. Dallas City. (ToucliliiB nt all Way I'olntk.) Str. Inland Flyer. (Miulteil landings.) DOWN. l.v. Dulles lit S A. Mi Tuentuy . ., Thu inlay Saturday. . ,ur, rumiiim nt ft l'. M, up. l.v, Portland nt 7 a. M. ,. . Monday . WVilneeiiHy KrMiy Air. Dalles DOWN. I.V. lllltlCI. Ht li?0 A. M, Monday ., WViin'iliiy . , KrlUnv Arr. I'orllnml nt 5 r, h, (uncertain) ui l.v. Portland nt ii a. u. ... Tuesday Tlmroiluy .Saturday Arr. Dulles uncertain) DOWN, l.v. Dalles nt h A. , Moiuliiy Wednesday ... Krlduv ..... Arr. l'orlluiul nt a a) r. m. vv. l.v. Portland at 7 A. u. ,,, . Tuesday ...Thursday .... Saturday Arr. Hallo itU;;td l'. M, FOR OOMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, . Truvol by the Steamers n( tho IICRiilator Line. Tho I'oniiiany will ondiMvor ti kIvq Its pat ron i on ueti terrien luntiuiv, rur runner luioruiauoii anureaa Purtlaud Olllce, Oak-Street Dock, tutur.xjrjr.t.T4Ju. W. C. ALI.AWAY, Gen. Agt., TholUllw. .! rivKly.VtyrrWrvtri.vt-r-r,tiri'irTf rxwi Advertise in The Chronicle