Acts gently on the Kadneys, Liver dneys, amd Bowels r,i EANSE5 THE 5YSTEM e. EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES ' ' "ST M PERMANENTLY 175 EFFECTS. BUY THE GENUINE - MANT'D Dy ' KV. S " CALa T0 V1- M.VC rEoriiK voir AM. KNOW. J. B. MuAteu is in from Hufur. S. .1. Nutting left this morning for Antelope. J. M. Minkler, ' of Priuevijle, was in tOA-u jeitt'nJuy. Walter llruillcy ciine down from Arlington yesterday. Geo. II. Brunson is a visitor from JPrmeViUu in the eity. A. J. Dnfur came in from Ditfur today -on his way to Portland. W. J. Baldwin is registered nt the Umatilla from Sprau'iie. G. V. Bowers came over from Glen wood on business yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Frantic i) came up from Lyle yesterday, retiirnini: today. Supt. C. L. Gilbert went down to Hoed liivur yesterday to spend u few days visiting schools. Mr?. L. Miller, who lias beffn visiting her cousin, Mrs. S. Unlton, etnrned to her home in Purtlaud yeerday after noon. Wasco county is liable to lose one of its be-t citizens and thriftiest farmers. K. II. Gilbreth loaves on thi afternoon's train for Linn county, whee lie yoes to look overa place -liiuh he is ronteinplat i tit: tixuhanitint; his farm du 15-Mile for. We nope, however, that he advantages our county bus over tlioo of the Valley win oe oo marl:eu that be will remain wiih us. Time of AVlimU Ilarveht in the World. A wlipnt calendar, eivinu tiie time ol ripening in various countries, phowe how the grain has all seasons for itc own. Da-tillers in tlie United States, for ex ample, where so much of the land ie resting during the winter mouths, find by the calendar that wheat is at. harvest point of growth in December for Burma and Now South Wales agriculturists. January witnesses the same etnue of do vel'itmiKnt in Australia, New Zealand, Chile and Aryntitie ; while February jmtl March are wheat harvest mouths Upper Eirypt and 'India. The list dor .nine, Jiuy and Auirust ie the fullest. 'There ie one feature, almost inevitable, in the world's annual wheat Btory. A -eliortaae, r'al or fancied, is apt to be reported in i-omu quarters, and then speculation sees its opportunity quite as floun as leitiui-ite dealing, Cnturili (Jnniiot )u Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seal of the ditense. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it tan mutt lake inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and nets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure ie not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the Lett physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous bunhchh. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Fend for testimonials, free. F. .1. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O. Hold by (lrrni;it8, price 7iic. Hall's Family Pills are the bent. 12 'Ij' was neurly dead with dyspopslu, triwijy lectors, visited mineral springe, nmrcrdw worce. I used Kodol Dyspep sia Cute. That cured me," It dlms what you eat. Cures indiiceUoa, sour etomach, heartburn, and nil fouus of dyspepsia. BUSINESS LOCALS. Feed rve for sole at' the Wrbco Ware home. tf Clarke it Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Clarke & Fulk's flavoring extracts nre the best. Ask your crocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke it Falk'a pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Latest thlngln cameras are Im proved Mngnsirne cyclones ut Donnell's drujj store. Paint your house witli paints that are fully guaranteed to Inst. Clarke it Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcli25-tf C!e Elm conl $0.50 per ton ; Iiock Spring coal $1) per ton, delivered, ut Malar A Kuntou's. Clarke it Falk have received a carload of the celebrated .lames 11. Patton ettiutly pure liquid paints. Now is the time to,it for X.nus i photos. Cloudy weatber preferred for sittimrs. So says Gilford. novl7-lm Ono dczen of Gilford's p'uotos will j make you twelve fine presents. What would be appreciated more for the holidays? iiovl7-lm Good Kaeine single buggy and bar ness for sale at a bargain. Call on Hawortb, the printer, over Dalles Com mission Co. oct"5-dAtv2w Claike it Fall; have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. DeWitt's Little Early Kisers purify the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the system. Famous little pills for consti pation and liver troubles. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his child's life by One Minute Cough Cure, Doctors had given her up to die with croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs, cold?, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. Relieves nt once. Sick Headache absolutely and periuu. nently cured by ujing Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money hack. Jo cts. und ol) els. IMakeley it Houghton Druggist'. J. B. Clark, Peoria, Hi., says, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles, 't ut I cured them with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." It is iufalliblo for piles and skin diseases. Bcvarj of counter feits. Tour KacH SIiowb tlie state of your feeling? and the state of your health us well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow completion, Pimples ami Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have u healthy appearance you Ehould try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseaS"S where cheap SaranpariSlas and so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. "One Minute Cough Cure is tiie beft remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. It ia unequalled for wlioopii.g cough. Chrildren all like it," writes H. N. Williuine, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives iirmediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and all tiiroat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. My son line been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago 1 persuaded him to take eomu of Cliam berlain'ii Colic, Cholera und Diarrhoea Remedy. After using two bottles of the i.'5-cont size he was cured. I give tiiis testimonial, hoping some one himilarly ufilictcd may read it and be benefited. Thomas C. Howki:, Glencoe, 0. For Hale by Dlukeley & Houghton. Acker's English Itemedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the wuret cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and oO cts. Blukuloy it Houghton, druggists. Cunt! In Your GlittUK. All countv warrants registered prior to Jan. 21, 18H0, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Nov. 13th. 18G0. 0. L. Phii.lii'K, Countv Treasurer. For Hale. A good farm in Klickitat county Wusli,, five miles from Columbus, con uietinx of 210 acres. Price if 1000. Apply to H. E. Curtiss ttt A. S. Bennett's ofllce. iil3-a&wlin The rtujiply l.lmltvd. Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Luke, Pined your orders now for Christinas or you may get left. Gilford. nl7-lin To Cure Gold 111 Olio liny. Take Luxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 25c. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. ManufacturedJIiyiClarke & Falk. TWO QUEER MISTAKES. Iltiuiornna I.lltlc Talon Abnnt a. Ilo and n Pnrrot, ntiil n atrl und n .Monkey. Tt Is related of Marshnl MncMnhon that when a very little boy he was left for smile time on u veranda, where the most conspicuous object was a bril liant parrot In a gTcn,t gilded cape. He bad never seen anything of the sort be fore, and soon approached to iiiveoti gatc. Then, growing bolder, he began poking and teasing the gorgeous crea ture, which was swinging hood down ward in a curious way, eying him side ways with a bendy black eye. After a short time tlie parrot had had enough of this; it righted Itself ntiddenly on its perch and ejaculated harshly: "Tlnveyou nearly finished Tlie polite French child was astound ed, but he rose to t he occasion. Pulling oft his cap with his best bow, he re plied, suavely: "Pardon, monsieur. 1 took you for a bird!" A tit ting mate to this anecdote was recently told of tiie little daughter of n distinguished French scientist. Sihe had ncer seen a monkey, so when an organ grimier, accompanied by Jocko in cap ami jacket, appeared before the hous". her father took her out on the sidewalk to view the creature's ant Ics. expecting that she would be much amused, but after a single glance the little maid hid her eyes against her fa ther's coat skirls and refused to look ignln. seeming nnich frightened ami distressed. He soothed and coaxed her. wishing to overcome her fears. lull far some lime in vain. She would not for a moment think of feeding tiie monkey with a biscuit, as ihe was urged lo dn. In detd. she v..uld not even lift her fnee. "Hut you are raoll.v very silly." the father said, at last, turning to take her indoors. "He is a harmless little ani mal." "Animal!" erifrt tlie little girl, slop ping short. "Oh, let me feed It. papa: that will be fun. I don't mind animal, but I thought it was a dreadful little boy!" Cincinnati ICnquirer. FrrcslUK I'urs Mini .IIiiIIih. Once upon a time a woman who had :edar chests in which to store her win ter belongings was considered a fortu nate being indeed and looked upon with envy by her sister housewives. Now cedar chests, camphor und moth balls are all .scorned as old-fashioned and inadequate by the patrons of cold 4tornge warehouses, where furs ore taken care of and cosily draperies, rugs, etc., are sent for protection from the moths. The expert furriers say tbt.: and not mollis is the chief (lunger that threatens furs. A mouth's wear in wi.rm weather is harder on line furs iliim years of use with the thermometer i:t fleering point. Heat takes the life -.nit of fur and pules the color, leaving it limp, dull anil faded. In the modern storage house the furs nre kept in rooms where the air is dry as a bone and the temperature many degrees be low freezing point. Any daring moth that found its way into this room would be ut once frozen stilt. N. Y. Commer cial Advertiser. Yfiirlj- nxecutlniih In China. At Cuuton the average number of executions is about .'iliO per year, but in 16S3 50,000 rebels were beheaded. The heudsman formerly received about four dollars a head, but the supply and competition have reduced the wage to fiO cents apiece. Most of the criminals who nre beheaded are water pirats or land bandits. IIIh tden. , Little Gobi? (in the midst of bin read ing) Why. J didn't know that rabbits knew nnything nb ut 'ritlimetic. Farmer UawhucK They don't. "But. paw, it says here that rabbits multiply with astonishiir rnpidity." Judge. t .Vi-U'miMiHTH In .MiirofiMt. Tlie empire of Morocco is the most important atntc that is absolutely with out a newspaper. N. y. Sun. - Use Clurke it FalkV Uosufoiim for the teeth. RVITA nt.lom VI i ALI'I V, LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Ctire3 Inipotcncy, Night Emissions and wuHtlnp diseases, all effects of ejelf ubuso, or excess and inula, cretlon. Aiiervo tonic (isul blood builder. Brings the pink glow t3 pale cheeks an restorc3 the fire of youth By mall COe per box; O boxes ior ft-. GO; with a written (rimvnii too to euro or refund tbo money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, iLi, Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. Physician and Surgeon, Special attention Riven lo nursery, Koohjh 21 and IS. ' Tel. 328 Vnt liloo Jj a. sturdevaW,""" ' Dentist. Ofllce oVer Kronen & Cu.'s Hunk J'hnno C, THK DAI.I.KH.OUKaON I) H lIUNTINdTON ( 8 WILSON HUNTINGTON it WILSON, ATTOKNKVK AT LAW, TIIE JUI.I.Ed, OKKUUf. OUlccoVr Flrit Nut. hUuH NOTICE. STATU OF OltKOON, Kxkci'tivi: iu:r.inTMKNT, riTMKNT. iV 21, 1MI'.U H.ll.KM, MiV In iiri'otilimre with the pnivWeiiH nf mi Act 1 entitled "An Ant HiihinlllbiK to the Klielifri nt the Htn'o of Oteiioii nt the Heiienil Klectlim to lo held im the IliM .Miuiilny la .lane, HKil. the remllniT I'rnpoM'd Coiuatltiitlniiiil Ameiidmunt, i approved IVhrtmry IS, lSDD, I, T. T, (leer, One-1 erinir nf thoHtme of (Irwin, dn liurthy eniini the Inllmvllie prniio'ivt niiieiiilnielitH In the CommI tatlnnnf the State nf luej-'nii, us eertllled In hv I theScerelnrynf Htiit , to he puhlMied fnr llvo i eoiiHiicuilvo weekn In Tin: I)ai.m:.i Ciimonici.k. ii nvwutmper published In the tevonth Jnilleliil District nf thehiuteot Oregon, ' Dime nt the Cnpltnl, ut Pnlem, Oreuoii, IsnAI.I this Jlt diiv nf .Nnveiiihet, A. D. lhW. ' T. T, OK Kit, Uovcrtint. llv the (Invurnnr! I I". I. DUMIAIt, Sccretury of State. j SlINATi: JOINT I.KSOI.rTm.V, NO. I. He It resolved hv the Semite, the llnnse enn eurrhiKi Unit the following mneiidmeiit In the CelHtltulloii of the Htuto of Ori'Kim ho unit Is heri'ljv piofosrd: That .-ectlon 111 of Article XI. nf the diiiHtlut llnii of the Male ut lliinon lie mid the same W lieretiv nhrnpiliil, und In lieu theteot s.nllou 111 nf Aitlrte XI. shall he ie follows: aiitici.i: M. Sce.tlnn 10. No enmity, elty, town, seliool (Hit ttict or other iiilliilelpul eorpnriillou shall h- id low vil to income linlelitvd In ntiy iniilinor or fnr iiiiv pur)ie to mi iiiiinnnt InoltnllliK priseill ex Istinc lliilehteilness 111 the uiinrenate Cxceeilliur live per eeiitiini on the value of the t-iMihle (herein to he imertaliied by the last hs sessiiient lor Slate mid eoiiutv luxes pievlous lo the Incurring ol .ineli lnileutedness. Ailnplul hv the -eim'e January Sll, lKKI. f. W. l'l'MON, 1'ieslilelit of the MMiatu. C'oiirurrPd In hv the lloue. IVbrimry'J, 1MH. W. 1. un.MiV, hpeak. i nf the House. Adopted bv the Semite .l-nimry 111, 1S'J.". Johiumi mmos, l'teslamit nf thu Hennte. Concurred In bv the Iloiife. I'ebrimry I, Ihuji. (,HAb. II. Mnoar.s. hnker nt the House sr.NATi; joint itKS n.rruiN, no i:i. He it resolved bv the .-uiinle, the Iloii'ccon- ourrbie; 'Unit the fnllimlne miietiilment in tint Cniistttiillmi nf the Stale nf uriiL'on. In lieu of Senlloii Ten of Arllnle Seven (7), he und the same Is hereby proposed, to-wlt: HIICTIOS TK.S The l.eftlshttlvi. Aseinbly miiv provide (or the election nf nupienie und i.lieult .lutlccs In ill limit class s, one ol which clashes sliuli eniilt of live Justices of tlie -ilnruine I nurt. who shii.l nntperfoim circuit diuv , and the othei i'Is shall eons. st nf as nian I'lri'iilt ludwsns may i . ... .. i... .1...11 i.r.i.i i , ..I....- i ,1,' ItLL 1IU 11 UITISI Mil" 1-lllUl IMMll Hill ivillin witiiuiit iilliitmeiit und who shall taUu the same Dtilh n the .supreme IiiiIK'.-s. '1 he Uni"hilivi) A-svinbb limy eretite us n-.iiny circuits us may be necessary. Adopted bv the'-.'nate, rehrnary 15. 1MW. (.. V. fl'l.lo.N, 1'risldi'iit of the .SHiinle. t'oiieurred In bv the IIouc, rebruary l.'i. lkll. W. V KKAIiV, Sjieiiker of Hie llou-e. Adopted by the Samite, January "Jl. l.-U 'i. Johki'II MiloN, rresldent nf Hie (Senate, (.'onciiried lu by the House, t'ebruarv i;, H'.i.'i. Ciias. II. .liuouhs, spuukerol thu lluiisu. imrsi: joint i:ks'.)I,ition, no. id. lte-olveil by the House, the Senate eniicurr Imr: That the follewinx umcmliiicnt to the (.'mi stltiillnii of the State ol OreKoll hu milt horvby Is propo-ed: 1 hat theCoiiBtliution he amended by uildlilK Article XIX. us follows. ;o wit; AiiTin.r: six. hc'lon 1. The ueeessiiry use of 1 a ml s for the eniisiruetl'.n i f icm'I volts or ntnriiKu Iwsm I 'f the pii'.i.e of iriiatOin or for rlirlits nf uny for (he coiistiiiclion uf eanals, dlichi", lliimes ur jilpes to enliven water to t .e place of use lur any useful, h imliclal or neewsan purpose or for ilralmiKK. or for dinimiue of mlhcM.r the work lugs theieof, by iileiius ol loaili, rallrnadii, Irnio wus, cuts, tniiuuls, i hafts, holstluc works. Hum, i or other heccsviry iiiimiis to their com plete ilevelnpineui or unv other n-o neces:ity to the complete development uf the niiiural ie bources of the Male or preservation uf the health of rs Inhabitants, Is hereby declared to bo n pub lic use anil subject In thu U'KUlatlon mill control o! the Mate. section 2. Tlie rlitht to appropriate the uniie piontiiiied wulers ol any mil urn I stieaui lo ben eliclal uses shall ueVcr denltil. sectl n u, 'I he use in all waters nnw iippru pilateil Tor a e, rental or distribution, alsooi nil water orlHlnally appropriated (or prhateiise, hut wlilnh, after such approp'itlou, has hereto fore been or may hereafter be old, leut' il ur ills trlbuted, is hereby (lenluied lo be u i U'.lle ue mid subject lo the regulation a d control of the State lu Hie manner prcerit)til by law. Hut the rlKlit tou-o and appropriate such waters nIiiiI. be subject to such i ruvislims nf law for th tak ing of prlvatu properly for public or prlv te ue us provided in Section lh, Article 1 of the l.'iui sllliitlnii of the Statu of Oickou. Section I, j'he iluht to collect tuxes or com lcnaliun for the use uf water supplied In an cuunty, city, town or water district ur inhabit ants thereof, is a franchise, anil cannot he u;std except by authoilty of muMh u iiiauuer preserlhed by law. Adopted by the lloitw, rehrunry 15, ll-'J.I. W. 1'. Kii.inv, hpeakerof the Home. (digued .March 7, 1NW.) Aduiilcd liv the f-ciiute, I'lihrnary 1", Hi'.M. 0. V. I'cmon, I'reslileut of the heiiale. (ilKlied March 2h, IVja ) Adopted bv the linuse, tebruary fi, 1 !.". , ciiah. 11. iloolU'.H, speaker uf the House. Cuneurnd In by the Senate, rebruary 111, IhM. Jo.ini'ii Simon, I'reaiiieiit of thcSciiule. iioui-k joint ui:soi.i;tion NO. 2. r roixi-iin nil iiniemimeiit to the Constitution uf the state f Oreijon, by tepe.iliiu; bectlnii 'M ut Article 1. , Hes.olvcd by the Itoun', Ihuieiniteconeurrluir; That Section ."1 of Article J uf the (.'oustlliitluu be and hereby Is repealed. Adopted bv the lloue, January 11, I'M. W. 1. Ki.uiv, spaiiher uf the House. Concurred lu bv the Somite, January 110, IS'Jli (;. . i Litos, I'li-sldent of the heiiale. Adopted bv the limine, January .'ill. t'J.'i. Ciiak. II. Mudiu:, hpenkcrol the House Concurred lu by the S.eiiule. february 12, 1h.J" Jo.ilU'lt Slllu.'l, President of thuSonatu BIINATK JOINT HliSOI.f MON NO. 7. He It resolvi d by the Senale, thu Houoc(in eurrhiKi That the fulloxini; amendment to tin; lailirlllutmu of thu Stale ut Uickoii be and Is hereby pioposcd: Al;TICI,K I. The elective franchise In this State shall nut heiealtur lu prolilblud to any clllzen on aeeouiil uf sex. Adopted by the Senate, rehruravfi, Ih'Jo. Joslllil hlllDN, 1'ieslileilt of Hie BCliato. Adripttil by thu House, February ii, lS'J.'). t has. It, .MooiiKH, Speaker uf thu House. Adopted by thn Semite. Juniisrv :il, ISlij. T. (;. 'i'AYl.on, I'leslilentut tliuecnatc. Adopted by the House. Jamiaty .'II, Ifcicj, i;. v. CAitTiui, speaker of tlm House. UNITKD STATUS Ol' A.MEU1C., ) StatkokOiikoon, Olllcu of Hccictiiry of Stale. ) I, V, I. DUNHAIt.Kecretiiry of SUto of the Hlate ol Ori'iion und C'liNtodlan of thu Seal of said Htutu, do hereby certify that I tmvu compared the prtcedltiB copy of Scuiitu Joint Itesoliitlm No. I. of tlio IaikIsIiiIIvo Amemiily of IhUI, -".Municipal Indebtedness amendment:" Senate Joint Hesnliitlou No. l;t of thu LeKUIutlvo As semlily of W;l,-"Juillclary Aniuudunli" llonsu Joint ttendutlon No. 10 of tho U'kIsIiiIIvu Ah. semlily of lhti!.-''IrrlKatlun Aiiieniliiiuaij" Homo Joint Itesnlutlnn No. 2 of tlio IkinUIIvu As.erubl of IHU.-" Heiieallnif Aiiieiidiuent:' and Semite Joint Itesulutlnn No. 7 of tho U-kIs. Iiltivo Aksiimhlv of IW,-"Kiiinl SullraKO Ainendhiunt." with tho oiliiliial copies now on (He III thin olRcu, mid that the mine Is n correct truunvript tlicrolrom mid thu m nolo theieof. IN Testimony WiiKitiior, I linve Imru. hkai. thu seal of thu Statu of OrcKiin. Done lit thu Capitol, nt Knluni. Oremin. Hun Third day of November, A, i. WSJ, V. I, DCNHAIt, Secretary of Htuto. Triiby For wood, chips, knots, shtivinRS, corn cobs, hay or poat. ..oo..Q.ovO" Construction - Thh Is an idr Unlit heiiU" ol the oval sheet steel tvie: it hil l'ST II.'O.N US'INuS, ti'iakitu: It ilnrMhle; ul'O has fmti feed dour, east tup ami bottom ami ornamental swim; top with irriiidlo cover iiiuli'i tii.-n'lt. Nlo!tllrnr It lias iiO..e'ed urn, mini" pniti nod fool lulls Weliavcu complete Mini of tnem on hand, l all and see i.ur hlm-k l.i ;'oie liil ttiK elsen heie ,wi j i i ..Echanqe.. Keeps on dratinht the celebrated IIOU'.MHIA HhlClt. nckiiow-l-edited Hie best beer in The Halle, ut the usual price (.'nine In, lr It anil he cot vlneed. Al-o thu rini'st braiids uf Wines, l.l-iiior mid Clears. Sanduiiehes of nil Kinds always on baud. JVIRS. OlilVlfl W. PRGfltf, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC 1IUILDINO, Third Strcot, bulwiun Court und Wash ton Struots, Th" Oallt'B. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. l'KANSACTA KNKHAI.1IAN1CINO JlUhlNKS L(itturi) of Orudit iHmied uvniluble in thu KuHtiirn fjtatcH. Slirht ExcliatiKo and Tuleurajihit Tratisfura sold on Now York, Chicut;o, .St. J. (mill, San Kritntiirteo, Porlland Ore iron, Sutittle Wash,, and variolic. nointH in Oregon und Wuslunuton. . CaiiL'CtKinu iiui'lu ut all pumte on lav ornblo tnrtiiH. MCOI1K. JOHN UAVIK M00JIE & GVV1N, ATTO ItNKYH AT I, WW ItooniH 3'J mid 10, over t'. h. IjiikI Olllce. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artlflclally digests tlio food and aids nature In fltrotiKthoninK nnd recon BtruotinKtho exhausted digestive or lana. It Is tho latest discovered dlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In etllclency. It in stantly relievos and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, HirteS'Mborr ?t0,K,.ac Nausea! BlokHeadache.Gastra g a.Cramps.and Preportd by C. C. OeWItt Co., Chicago. l'ii ' y pi l ffl nrvr s rt rt i m I B Qr urn n 1 1 Bill 1 til . j i N ...Doalor In... 5j Dry Goods, Clothing, (1 Gents' Furnishings. IjJ . . , li Hfiots, -.hues ll'its, mis. N'. tl ins. ABt. N r li Illl . I,. lUiUK lis nlme. J Tue Dallss, Or. jj Z ..chas. mM- E ClrlfisKoWC. i , I j I and Farmers j ! i it i I i EAST and SOUTH viiT" The Shasta Route OP THR Southern Pacific ComD'v Trallm Iciwu nnrl arc duo t ... ... 1 1'ortlu I.IAVC, OVKULANIi i. v.s press, hiilem, U,u. I Imnr, Ashbmil, hc. i 1 rmnento, OriIcii.w,,,, I 1 I" Mulnv.. (00 1'. M lsAtiKeles.UlfW Now Orleans mid 5:15 A, M . 4...HV ...... I ll.isehnri' ami wi... h:S0 A. SI. lions 7 . ' fVI'i WoiMbiir.-. ur. Mt.Alienl. miu..ri.... 1:30 e. M Hllj Bimlnf,, Dally except huii'.layn imi.apnu. I. Natron .. ICnvvallls stations . IMiliulit J I I7:S0 A. M, una way i Dul V fexcentsiium,... rC!!l" Dully (except Sunnily,.' t ;."i0 p, in. p. 111. hMt p. in. SI A' I'nrtlinid Ar.i Al..M(!MlnuiIU.. t$, Ar..lnih:penllei,i.e..l.v 5 i I, n :., Daily. (Diilty, except simiiny DtNfNd CAltH ON OODUN ItOUTE. ini.i..MAN iium"i;tmi.h'.pciw AND rii:COND-CI.Ah-t bl.l'.KI'IKO CAltb Atlnchcil to alt Throuith Tntla. Direct connection ntfr.n I'mticlsro wit, (, ilenta mid orienlal and l'm-lllr irti .ta'jJS, Hates hlid tickets to Kr.tern tmli... ..... 1 ATItAUAf1'''' t:IUS'A' "bs!uWa 3 All iihovo trains arrive at unit ili-Mrl l, 'irand Central Station, I'llth and Irviilj trj YAMH1I.I, DIVIHION. l'lisseiuter DeKit, font ol .anerwinilretL 1'iive for Phcrldiin. winjk days, jtl'Min. Arrive at I'ortlnnd, H:!!0 u. m 11.'P.B U'iic for A I III, IK on .Monday, W'olnesd,,. 1M , KrMiiy tit h.K.i a. m. Anlve nt 1'imUtiJ. Tu-I I rlnv. Thilrmhie niiil Hiinir,tn irft.,u ' ...... .. ... j "".W1..I1I 'Except Sunday , 11. Ks.K -i.liit, .da tinker. Kxoep. Siitunliij, , H .MAltKIUJl, Asst. (,. I .tl'a8j.A!t , . ..,.,.i.. .vi.. ., . lliiu BirLVl,H,SfM 5 ! thtuiurh tickets to all points lu the Kutrn 't'i.,.i,..i. n'li.i.... riMk..r, iim n'i.i..i.. ....... , v..i KUluaKU lowest rntvv from 1 J. 11. KIl'.KLANI). Tlntptli nr K. Wlir.Al.inis; ' .STEAM... Will run every day except Sunday, IIutCH Iiciiswinblu. Tolophono 201. V. A. CATES, Prop. C. S. Smith, Till. jUp-to-dateQroeer Krceb Ej:i;h tuiil Crcniiiery iStittiu- a specialty. : 2d Street. 'Phone 270. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, E (I THC DALLES. OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, Ono Bloclc Back of Fronch & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3IAI 33S aMtf 3IAIO0 NOTIOK FOU I'L'llMCATIOS. ,AW,)OKr,ia!AxT,i!bu.ujg? to make I! mil proof n 'l'V,,rV.,r. tlio KaW that hiild proof will hu itiiidy lit ! "'XwM nnd llecelveriit The imlle,0u'iin."""u November lift, IbU'J, vu. orl I...H V. Ilunrlimil. r -l"" v'W liU coniliiuoii" reldeiicu upuii ami (' '"j""," line' V.'b 'V. Jufrv. KkU Si.rKcat ONE FOR A DOSE. QII I V , ni.ranin Plmphid. I'rMerit tT ILLU plllmimiMii, Purify t loUluud. ff tliirii (liimlkuliu iul Dynl'l. TTlirSnSS'' A iiiovmiiunt nf tho laiweU, ohj W L Vnifi tiir iiualth, Tli, ult i.mrliw """JS lfcoiM noo mi, w will iiitll '"'"liZllluMn mL tU. Uiliii UruMlnU DR. U0SANK0 CO." J 4 Sew