hi Utiles VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMEMBER 7. 1899. MO 102 BINGHAM ROBERTS IS EXCLUDED l'lic House Onlsrcil an limslklioii BY AN OVERWHELM ING MAJORITY The Utah Congressman-Elect Presented His Own Side of the Case. Wahiiincton, Dul 5. After tin inter OHting debate three hours, t hi; house to duy, by a votit of .'102 to III), adopted the resolution offered by 'JV.ylor, of Oiiio, yeHterduy, for the apjtoi tiLmeiit ul u Hpcciul committee to invcatignto the charges against Brighuin II. Roberts, the Mormon representative-elect from Utah. Previously the house Imd rejected 11 nub Htituto resolution offered liy Illehiinison, tliu leader of the minority, to allow Rob erta to lie sworn in und to send the whole mio to the judiciary committee. Thia mihatituto resolution, however, by no meiiiti) commiinded the full Democratic Ktruiigth. Only fifty seven members voted for it. Of the thirty who then voted against the Tuyler resolution, nil wore DiimociutH oxoupt two L')iid,u Citliforuia Republican, und Newlunds, n eilvurite from Nevudu. By ihe terms of the resolution Roberts in not only excluded from nil purtiuipa- tion in the proceeding of the houHe until the committee reports und the haute passes upon his e.ife, but he in denied u weut in the hall. Whether this will be interpreted to deny him admission with in the chamber pending the dis position of his ense is yet to be decided. The reading of tho president's message wiir compluttly ovornhadowed by the Democratic proceedings which resulted in the action of the house today. The tralleriea were thronged with flpectutorB, inoHtly women, who sat patiently through tho three weary hours thut preceded the debate, und then waited on three hours more until it was concluded. Tho moat remarkable feature of tho debate waa tho fact thutlioborts' presen tation of his own aide of the case, which lamed almost an hour, became ho absorb, ing that ho won the sympathy of many of those in the galleries, mid was several times fihowered witli applause. It was evident that he rcali.ud that the house waa overwhelmingly against him, und tt times he Hpoko very liercely und defiantly. During tho debate, Grosvenor of Ohio roie to ropul indignantly an insinuation of Hoberts thut the president had know ingly appointed men utility of polygamy to federal oflicea in Utah. a kimik vvitK ion oitoirr. Twuuty-llvo Vunrk CmiHtnnt Uh With out II Kill 1 11 m. Tlie II Mt indication of croup Is hoarso iicsh, and in n child subject to that disease it uuiy bo taken as a sure tin of tho approach of un attack. Following thia hoarseness is u peculiar rough cougti. If Oliuuiberluiu'ri Cough Remedy ia given as soon na the child becomes lione, or oven after the eroupy cough appears, it will ptovont tho attack. It is used iu many thousands of homes in tlitH broad land and never disappoints tho unxtouH mothers. We have yet to learn of a nluglu instance in which it iiaa not proved elleeuta). No other preparation can tdiow stiuh it record twiiiity-livo yenra' constant use with out u failure. For Bale by Bltikoley it Houghton. , Senator Quay Will He Seated. Nkw Yokk, Dec. 0 A special to the Herald from Washington says : Ae the result of a canvass made by Quay's fnenda since tho senate convened yester day, ia is asserteil that forty-six of the eighty-five senators will vote to seat him m lenator from Penncylvor.ia. Theto figures are obtained by counting the thirty senators now iu the senate who voted either for Corbett or Muutle and sixteen others from whom, it is nfcserted, promises have been obtained lnvorable to Quiy. Soniitor Chandler has called a special tnooini! otiho citntnittco on elections to consider the o ii-if Quay on Thursday. Til.) Ai'litn or a C'.diit Is envied by ull poor dyspeptics whose stoniiich and liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. Kinu's New Life l'ills, the wonderful Moiniieh "and liver remedy, (jives u splendid appetite, sound dig'-stion and a rej, ilar bodily habit that ltifciires perfect health and great-energy. Only 25 cents ut any drug store. 4 To Kim Leys Down Hood River. Jlooi) liivi.'it, Or., Die. 5. 'The enuine to he used by tho U'lnune brothel h in drugging tfie logs from the bliill's of the upper Uond river down to the fctreiim has in rived, and is being transported up into the limber belt, with GOO feet of cable, is have been thrown into the liver, and tome of them are coining down of their own accord, showing that it is possible to run logs down Hood river, an experiment that has given no little concern. SICK SOLDIERS FOUGHT -AT V1G4N AmtriDans llsi Onlv Hue Csiipy ant 1511 Sick Mai, HAD TO FIGHT EIGHT HUNDRED tlorlfiiH NWM Comes from Dr. 1). B. Caigile, of Wiishitu, 1. T. lie writes: "Four bottles of Electric Hitters has cured Mrs. Brewerof ternfulu, which had canned her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; hut her cure is com plete and her health is excellent." This ahows what thousand have prov d, that Electric Bitters is the best blood puritier known. It's the Bupreme remedy for eczema, tetter, Halt rheum, ulcers, boils and i tinning sores. It stimulates iiver, kidneys and bowels, expels prisons, helps digestion and build up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blukeloy & Houghton, Druggists. Guaranteed. Actress Wants a Divorce. Nkw Youk, Dec. 5. A special to the Times from Burlington, Yt., says: Julia Marlowe Tuber, the well known actress, has applied for a divorce from her hus band, Robert Tuber, on the ground of intolerable severity and neglect and re fimil to support. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of tho food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. Ono little tablet, gives immediate. relief. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. To 11 is Post. Poktlam), Dec. 5. Ex-Governor W. P. Lord, minister to the Argentine re public, left for his post of duty tonight, lie will stop In Washington to receive: final instructions from the state department. Filipinos Were Commanded by General Mi no, and Lieutenant-Colonel Parker Commanded Americans. ' Manila, D'c. 0 Lieutenant-Colonel arker, of the Forty-fifth infantry, com manded fit VigRti, province of South II cos, when that place uo attacked on Monday, December 4, (not last night as previously announced), by a force of in suryente. The American force consisted of company 1!, of the Thiity-ihird regi ment, and )50 sick men, many of whom shaieii in the first attack, which was made at 4 o'clock in the morning, and lasted until S o'clock. The Filipinos, who were estimated to hove numbered about S0O men and who were commanded by General Mino, came from the ouf-txii ts of the town. Fitrhting was from hou-e to houte and almost from hand to hand. The Americans cap tured eighty-for,r rifles and several prisoners. The official report says three men were wounded. Colonel Bisbee is Bending reinforcements to Viean on the gunboat Wheeling. Colonel Parker praises the btavery of the sick American soldiers. Every man who was able to Etand, handled a rifle during the attack. Cliuiiee of TIiiih mi tho O. It. A." N. Beginning Dec. 1st, the 0. K. & N. will run their Spokane Flyer via Wal lula and the S. K. V. li. II'. : Train No. 4 will leave Portland at 3:45 p. in., ar riving at Spokane at 7:15a.m. Train No. 3 wLl leave Spokane at 4:30 p.m., and arrive iu Portland at 8:00 a. in. In connection with tiie above trai2c, tho O. R. & N. will put on a passenger train leaving Dayton at 9:00 p.m. and Walla Walla at 10:30 p.m., connecting at Wallulu with No. 4 from Portland at 11:"0 p. ui., and with No. 3 from Spokane at 1":03 a. in.; leaving Waliula at 12:10 a. in., and urriying at Walla Walla at 1 :20 a. m, and Dayton at 3 a. m. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber lain's Pain Balm is gainini! a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Inri., has been troubled with that ail ment since 1802. In speaking of it ho says: "1 never found anything that would relievo me until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It acts like mogic wiih me. My foot was swollen and painini: mo very much, but one troori application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale by Blakeley & Ilouchlon. K s lit at Hood River. Llooi) Riviiii, Or., Dec. 5. Tin city election today resulted as follows: Mayor, F. C. Brosius ; alderni'n, A. S. Blowers, C. A. Bell, J. J. Luckey, D. McDonhld, P. S. Daviion, Jr.; treas urer, G. P. Crowell; nemder, J. II. Nickelson ; mnrehal, E. S. Olinger. A I.lfo And Dentil Flfjlit. Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la., writinc of his almost miraculous escape from death, bays: "Exposure after meas les induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed nichtand day. All uiy doctors f-aid I must soon die. Then 1 began to uso Dr. Kind's New Discovery lor Consumption, which com pletely cuied me. I would not be without it even if it cost iro. 00 a bottle. Hundieds have used it on my recommendation nnd all say it never fails to cure Thr.oat. Chest and-Lung troubles." Regular sizi 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley it Houghton's Drutr Store. BATTLE WILL BE TERRIFIC Distinguished Testimony 'n ,.prni Kooietv in tho world stands hicher in noble aims nnd charitable accomplishments than tho Knights of Pythias. That order and ono of its finest institu tions is the Ohio l'ythiau Home, nt Springfield, Ohio, which is ably presided over by Superintendent Lu Fevre und his wife, Mrs. Cnllie I. Le Fevre, the matron. The latter has recently written n letter, which will command widespread attention because of the prominence of the writer. It is us follows: "Messrs. W. II. Hooker & Co., New York: Last year I used Acker's English Remedy at tho suggestion of a friend, for a serious, long-standing throat difficulty and extreme ly hard cough. Had used many well-spokon of prepara tions without relief. I can honeGtly say that Ackers English Remedy removed the difficulty and stopped tho cough. I did not purchase or use more tnnn tiiruo uuv- r is doing great good, Ladysmith Garrison Bcu'mning to Cast Anxious Eves Southward. Ntw Yoiik, Dec.0. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says': From Natal the press dispatches which came through yesterday were forecaste of the terrible battle impending on the Tugelu river. It is now certain that the Boers are in ureat force on the further eide of the river. ' The Boer army, which invaded Natal, was put by good judges at 25,000 to 30,000 men. If we accept the hitter figure, and deduct 2000 for losses which may have been made good by disloyal Dutch recruits from Natal, and another 10,000 for the remaining force at Lady smith, the lotal of the ..army confronting Geneial Buller may be from 15,000 to 20,000 men. Loxno.v, Dec. 0. A budget of news from Ladysmith, which arrived today, bring'j the hhtory of the beleagured garrison up to November 29. In suite of the rumors of u retrograde movement upon the part of the Boers, the stories just received show that the garrison, al though still strong, was suffering from confinement, restricted diet and the In creasing volume of tho Boer artillery fire, especially that of additional heavy-callber guns, placed iu position 5000 yards from the Western defenses. The dispatches relate that the Boers had discovered the most vulnerable points of the carnson and that the shell int; was becoming disagreeably effective. The rations had been reduced and there wnsagieat deal of sickness; neverthe less, the troops of the garrison were in , every way piepuring to meet tho assault which it wiis anticipated the Boers would cauy out In u linal effort to reduce tho 'city. The belief whs current in Ladysmith that the Bjers were prepar ing lor a retrograde movement after another ultack. Mr mk New Styles Dress Skirts STYLE 1. -or v it Opened Today, Every garment strictly high grade man tailored. We mention three numbers here. STYLE 1. A circular shaped skirt, made ot a worsted in pretty snj all . crav clieclc: inside with habit back, scalloped panel front., $6.50 New shape,' French sci "c skiit back, black $4.75 STYLE 2. STYLE 2 Made of a sihndid quality black broad cloth, stitch ed panel front, habit back, yood quality blnck percnlinc lining, corded velvet binding $7.00 Coats .For the Babies... B AT SPECIAL CLOSING-OUT PRICES. Every baby in town should have a new Coat ut these extra prife inducements. Coats made of Flannelette, Flannels, Cashmere, Unifies nnd Eiderdowns; in all liuht and dark colors, plain stripes und plaid; aro trimmed iu biails, others in ribbons, Lamb's-wool, Sunn's down and Angora Fur. $1.2.") ones are now soiling at .83 $1.7.') " " ' 1.22 $1 95 " ' ' " 1.37 $:i2.-) " " " 2.I1S $:i.00 " " " 2.05 fl 50 " " " 3 29 $5.00 " 11 " I1.5-1 A. M. Williams & Co. 1,1 1 g, ,ar"'p CM.UK I. Le Fevre, Matron Ohio Pythian Homo. llish Scdyi to B ci.llion. wifo of the preside' it of the Troy IV n sfcr Co ot Vrly O liio, Where this remedy has accomplished many other in rn in Throat mid Lung Troubles. In conversation with an accjuain anco I V- i l-'e .realsosaid "'If you will call on Mr. W. H. Scliauss, a prominent f i , i rt .nerchui t of Springfield, Ohio, you will find that ho, too, has had ss; Remedy in his family' aad tUiuka they cannot g Jeep e wUU.t It. AckorJineu"KB" failure. c, sc. and Si a buttlu in tliot your 'on "d' i EiiKland, is. ad., jr. id., and 48. 6d. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUO-HTON. ono dappled gray horse, four years old'S'1 next spring; oranueu on leu snouiiierjM U. Five dollars reward will be REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, Poniana & Astoria pi. Co. : The Steamers of tlio flegulutor l.luu will run 11s jier the fnl- 3 evmuilll', HV K. illlljiail I t-SLT VI II1U (IH'l- I" t-IlnllU thus, given to any person my place 011 3-Mile. nov20-lmo returning same to J, O. W. Cook. It takes but u minute to overcome tickling iu the throat and to stop u cough by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures ull forms of throat and lung troubles. JianulesB and pleasant to take. It pro vents consumption. A famous specific for grippe nnd its after ellects. Mrs. K. Churetilll, Berlin, Vt,, euyp, "Our baby was covered with running sores. DoWiu'B, Witch Hazel Salve cured her." A spec! tic for piles und skiu diseases, Beware of woithless counterfeits. , Str. Regulator. (Limited Landings.) Str. Dallos City. (Tniililug at nil Wiiy I'olntn.) i.v ill'. I'orlLuid at 7 a, m. .Moiulii) WllllR'MlHJ- KlMiiy Arr, Unties ut l V. M. nnw.v, I.v. Dalles lit liti'O A, SI. Moiidtiy Wnluesiluy . . 1'rlOnv Arr. I'oril'iiul (iiia'eiluiii) I.v S DOWN. ,., I.v. Dalles U lit 8 A M. r Tni'silay . . p, Thuiniay .. ., i( Saturday . 2' Arr, 1'nrtlaini J. ut i r. m. , '1 FOR COMPORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ui". I.v, 1'ortlainl III I) A, M, TiieMlay ... TliiirtdHy Saliuday Arr. Dalk-s (uncertain) Str. Inland Flyer. ( Limited I.aiiilliih's.) DOWN. I.v. balk's nt h A !l. Moiulay . ... Wt'dnesiluy ... Kllday Arr. ('.inland at;i:;i) I-. u, ITI t'ortlaiut A Ul A. , M ... Tuesday 'H . .Thlirsdiiv n ,. riauirday 0 Arr, imiiui ut l:;il I', u, 3 Trnvel by the Steamers of tho HofftiUt'U Mac. Tho Compauv wilt uii1ohv i; to rIvo (ta jit- q tuna nv met vi ivv I'uoatwiv, i ui iu 1 iti vt iii mji iuuiiuu minrua M B, l'ortlaud Olllcc, Oak-Strtut Dock. tutu W. C. ALLAWAY, Gon. Agt., TJio Dallei. ,i isri Ti TiYi YMtizrutuu y t.T vi.y itit;.t :.-ri.-.j Advertise in The Chronicle