Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r,EAN5ES THE 5YSTEM .EFFECTUALLY 0,1 UAL PERMANENTLY tTSBtKUffECT5' BUy THE GENUINE-MAHT'D By fiUIvRNIATGfSYRVP(2. tea sm iy a t DRixwiSTi row sot Kinc. rKUPLK VOtl ALL KNOW. V. H. H. Dulur was in from Dtifnr yesterday. L. E. Bentley and Miss Lillie lJeutley weie visitors m the city yesterday. L. L. Hill intt last night for his mine near Canvon City, where he will spend the winter. J. C. Winiififld and W. J. Davidson were in town frcin Victor on business yesterday. C:harlts Cl.irke came up from Hood r.iver last evening, and returned this morning's! train. Fred Snipes passed through on this afternoon's train on his way from rintnpter to Portland. John ChaDnH passed through the city yesterday nfternoon on his way from Go.dentlale to l'ortlanu. Miss Eva Slasher catne in from Dnfnr vesterdav on her way to visit friends in Portland". She will leave ou this after noon's train. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stark, who were married in Centralia last Sunday, came lit) on the boat vesterday. and left this morning for their home at Dufur. MAKK1EI). At the Christian jchtirch in Centralia Wash.. hih noon of .Sunday. December 3d, bv Kev. T. F. Gorde. H. G. Stark, of Antelope, and Mrs. Elia Hanna, of Dufur. 1SOKN. In this citv vesterday. Deo, oth, to Mr and Mrs. John H. Matthews adautjhter Circular Letter from It. S. I'niiue. The following self-explanatory circular has been received by the volunteer ob servers and crop correspondents in Ore gon, and aleo the river observers, wheat reporters and display men in Oregon, Washington and Idaho: PouriiAND, Nov. 29, 1S93, Gkntlkme.v : Under date of November 10. 1899, Prof. Willis L, Moore, Chief of U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. writes me a9 follows : "It is the desire and intention of the central office that all of the forecast of. tieiaW of the weather bureau tliall have practical experience in forecasting for all the ilir-trii'is in the United Smee. For several years ) on hive had exper ience in issuing predictions for the Pi cnic uiast state, and it Is thought that you should lit come familiar with tlio work ol foreasting in the ent rn sta'en and the stales of tiie central west. You will noon receive orders for temporary 4iiniii4iii at Chicago. This assignment will common from three to six months. It. ii Hxpected that you will arrive at Chicago by January 1st. Theoiders metitionftl have hern re ceived. I shall leave this city about the middle of December; during my absence Mr. Geo. N. Salisbury, section director, i weather bureau, now in charge at Seat tle, will be the official in charge here. The work of thin office will proceed uninterrnpttdly. The forecasts weather, temperature, rain, snow, frosts, river and storm warnings will he prepared and Issued hy Mr. S ilisoury and he will do all other work heretofore done by tne, until my return. For eleven years I hive been In eharjfe of this oflice; hnvo always had t hu j cordial support of all pereons co-npei-, uting with this bureau and I request that tho eame generous courtesy he given inv nucossor .p. m it .i .t The oflice has gtown, tluriiii the tinio .that I have been here, from it final! tn a aino one, Formerly two perjotiB did nil the work, now tltero are seven. Fore casts nre Issued only from the offices in Washington City, GIiichko, Sun Fran cfcn and Portland, henco the Import ance o( t hie oflice nntl the responsible posttim of the official In charge are ap parent. The rank or grade of tlila office ami tiie euecess of its work is largely duo to you who have f.o generously and will iiiuly aided me. I nin deeply grateful for y iiir co operation nnd trust that by July 1st, 1900, 1 shall ho in your midst again, and that success will crown your labore and those of this bureau as well. Very respectfully, 11. S. P.uiui:, Forecast Official and Section Director. BUSINESS LOCALS. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house. 11 Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. the Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer lor them. Ash vour irrocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Latest thing in cameras are Ini- nruved Masazine cyclones at Donnell 8 drug store. Paint vour house with paints that are fnllv iruaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wascu warehouse, rinest kuul ot chicken feed. nichj-tl Cle Elm coal ifG.oO per ton; Hock . . . i i ... Springs coal per ton, ueiivercu, ui Maier & Benton's. Clarke fc Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James 1:. Patton jtrictly turns liquid paints. Now is the time to fit for Xaias photos. Cloudy weather preferred for sittings. So says Giltord. novii-tm One dczi-n of Giflbrd'a photos will make yon twelve tine presents. What would be appreciated more for the holidays? novl7-lm Good Itacine ' single buggy and bar ness ior sale at a bargain. Call on Haworth, the printer, over Dalles Com mission Co. ocf25-dAW-2w Clarke & Falk have a full and com n'ete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paint3 manufactured hy James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. DoWitt'a Little Ea"rly Risers purify the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the system. Famous little pills for consti pation and liver troubles. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his child's life hy One Minute Cough Cure, Doctors had given her up to die witlt croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs, coldj, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. Relieves at once. S'ck Headache absolutely and pernia. nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 23 cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley &. Houghton Druggist". J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., says, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for pile?, nut I cured them with DeWitt'e itch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles and tkin diseases. ,Be,variof counter feits. Little Pimples Turn to Cancer. Oaneer often results from an 1m Btiritv in the blood, inherited from generations back. Few people are en tirely free from some taint-in the blood, md it is impossible to tell when it will break out in tho form of dreaded Can tor. What has appeared to be a mere pimplo or scratch has developed into the most malignant Cancer. "I tad n sovero Cancer which -vra3 at flrst only a few blotches, that I thought would DUUJl JIL9 . . ff treated by several able physicians, but ta splto of their effort tho Can cer spread until my con dition became alarming. After many months ot treatment and growing isteadlly worse, I do cldod. to try 8. 8. B. which was so atronirly recommended, Thollrst bottle produced an Im provement. I continued the medicine, and in fourrnonthn the last lit tle scab dropped off. Ten voara have elanscd. tnd not e. sign ot tho dUeaee has returned." H. V. Williams, I OlllGburg, Miss. I It is dangerous to experiment with i Cancer. Tho disease is beyond thonklll of physicians. 8. 8. 8. is tho only cure, because it is tho only remedy which I goes deep enough to reach Cancer. S.SS.Thc Blood I (Swift's Specific) is tho only blood remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable, I A11 cl"B con,tuin potash and mer- !cury, the most dangerous of minerals. . J t runeer nd blood diseases ' mnafWran hv fiwlft Snoclflc OomMOTi I , Atlanta, Georgia, BEAR DELAYED WEDDING. A. Hold Hunter Who Could Not Ile alst the Temptation to ling lllw Gnnio. A big black she bear was the cause of a day's delay in the wedding of n couple residing In the mountains, near liar iiiou, La., recently. All the mountaineers in the vicinity of Harmon have been Itching to get a shot nt a biir benr which many report ed having seen, but without being able to get within range. John Lilt was among the hunters. Lutz was to he married on a recent Wednesday. On Tuesday, while scrap ing some of the stubble from his chin, he caught sight of a black spot up on the mountain that sent Ids heart bob bing against his ribs like a return ball on the return. Dropping his razor and snatching up his Winchester, he rushed from the cabin, with the lather still on his face. After half an hour's hard climb. T.ntz came unon his tiroy, an enormous hlaedc she hear with three cubs of him the bear reared up on herldnil legs. Lutz lired nntl the bear made fot Tim. but the hunter stood his ground until lie had poured all the lend In his magazine into the brute's hotly. The bullets did not seem to affect the bear however, and she made for Lutz with a rush. The hunter turned to flee, hut the odds were all in the bear's favor, ami before Lutz had gone 20 puces sin was upon him. As Lutz turned upon the beast she reared upon her hind legs ntrnin. The hunter tried to club her with his otherwise useless gun. but it was sent spinning from his hand In nn instant. As a last hope he grappled with the bear. His hugs were returned witlt a will, and in a moment they were rolling down the mountain side togeth er. That was the last Lutz remem bered until the ncNt morning, when he was discovered by a party of his wed ding guests, who, unable to find him, had followed his trail for live miles. When they came upon Lutv. he was de cidedly the worse for wear and tear. One of his legs was broken, his body was covered with scratches nnd cuts anil his clothing was reduced to the dimensions of an Asbury Park bath- to c suit. There was no trace of tne bear except a trail of hair and blood, by which the wedding guests had tracked their way to where Lutz lay. The bridegroom was carried to his cabin and put to betl. The minister nntl the guests returned to their homes, but the bride-to-be. Miss Dell Nelson, remained to nurse the sufferer, fc'o suc cessful ditl her ministrations prove that on the following day Lutz was able to sit up in bed, swathed from head to foot in bandages, and go through the wedding ceremony. Philadelphia Press. My eon has been troubled for yearc with chronic diarrhoea, boinetimo nyo 1 persuaded him to take gome of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera antl Diarrhoea Remedy. After using two bottles of the 25-cent size he was cured. I k'ivh this testimonial, hoping eomis one similarly afllicted mav read it and be benefited. Thomas C. Bowkh. Glencoe, O. For eale by Ululieley & Houghton. Culi In Vour C'.eckft. All countv warrants registered prior to Jan. 21, lbu, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Nov. 13th, ISfUJ. C. L. I'liibLii'S, Countv Treasurer. l'(ir Halo. A "O'jd farm in Klickitat county Wash., fivo miles from Columbus, con- eiatin;' of 210 acres. Price $1COO. Apply to II. oflice. K, Curtiis at A. .S. Uennett'e nlS-o&wlin Tlio Supply l.linltnl. fiunriee on .Mt. Hood from Lost Like. Pined your onlers now for Christmas or you mav uet left. Gtfl'ord. ji17-1ih "I was nearly dead with dyspepsia, tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and yrew worse. I used Kodol Dyspep sia Cure. That cored me." It digests what vou eal. Cures indigestion, eour stomach, heartburn, and all (onus of dyspepsia. Acker's Kimlish Remedy will stop a cQiitfh at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 2o cts. and CO cts. Wakeluy & Houghton, druguislH. Floral lotion will euro wind chapping and sunburn. ManufacturedJbylClarko & Falk. Use Clarke & Falk's Rosafoain for the teeth. jlf UK'tHISNIMKi'KKI( fhysician and Surflfoon, Speelol atteiitloa si veil to surgery. Koonis 21 ami 'ii, Tel. 324 Vot llloo JJ A. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French & Co.'s Hunk Phone C, TUB DALLES, OHKUON 11 H I1UNTIN0TON U H IVIUIOH Hl UNTJNOTOH Si WIIilON, ATlDKNEYh AT LAW . Tlir. j;al,j.cb, uueuu.i uaiceov r rirsi nsuit NOTICE. STATU OK OltKOON, OltWiON, ) tlVK IIKI'.11TMKNT, i H.U.K1, NOV 21, IWJ.J KXKCUTIV ri.ii in ncronlaiirewltli the lirovtidmm 'of ' Act cntltltd "An Act MilmiltlltiR n tuo '" tl o Statu of tho UiMiornl h V t mi t bu held on tho flmt Monday In June, HX.0, tin ii Hub 1'tni.ove.t CiinMllntlniml Amendment,' ,V,.r.,vol Kebrnnry ;K IMW. I, T. ' H.Vi.Viho ' crimr of tho Stale of Oregon. lo liert.b.y en ivi t h follmvliiiMml-MM nmciiilimMils to the 1 1 Ml tatloa of tho Mtnte Oieooii, ns rertlliiil to li i thoHcoretiiryof Hint-, to hu imhllMii.l for I vo consm-utivo weeks in Tin: i m -j. ii nevstior t.utll.-liol in tho Seventh JmllPliil District of Iho Slntu ot uicfftm Dotio nt the Ca.ltol, lit Vnlcui, Ofwnii. this Jl-tihiy of Novcnilier, A. I), lsiw. SK.L T. T., iiiivwiiuii. Itv thoOoveriior: K. I. liUNliAll, secretary oi fiiui;. SKKATi: JOINT HHSOI.t'TlOX, NO. 1. itr. It icolvwl hy the Honato, tlio House-con curring: 'that tliulollowltig iiineiiiuiioai 10 mo f oiitltiittou ot inu niaio in uris"i w " hereby vnit-oscil : Hon of tlioM.itcot Ori-Konho ami the sa no Ii .rl,v iihtiurutnl. anil In Hell tlli'icol hiCtloll it) of Attlclo XI. shall hens fiillmvs; AUTICI.K XI. Kcctlou 10. No comity, city, town, school ills trlnt or other iiiutildl'al coriioratlon sliall lio at I i ,.. i i,i. i. .in.., i iii .mi- milliner or for iiirlii any iniriinso to an aniount lacttnlltiK iri'sent ex ii.tij,in i,i,i,.hti.iliiess In tho iiKcreKutocxrfiilltu.' ll .... .. fimt tlHil (111 tin. vuliiniif the tuxiiulu tirotietly therein to ho asiettalncd hy the last as sessment for S tutu ninl cotintv taxes mevioui to Iho Incurring of such linlemeillieis. Ailnptcil hv the Seiinto Jannary ), 1Sj.J. C. W. KUMOK, l'teslilent of tlio hotintc. Coacurml In by tho IIi)Ue. Kehruary'J, 1KH. V. 1'. Kkadv, Hieaki ol tho House. Ailoiitcl by the Semite .l-iiiiary .11, ISM. Joi:i'll fciMON, I'le-hient of tho henate. foueurrcil In by tho House, February I, Ku cha. 11. iloouEs, bioaUcr of tho Ituiiso. SUNATK JOINT KKSill.l'TtON, NO K. It.. 1. rnsnlvnl hl-lllll Keililte. HlO 1 lllllSO ('(III- currlnui That the follow I m: nmoinlmeni to inu Constitution of the State of urexon. In Hen of l-eet on Ten of Article wrciifi , iwnau uiomihiu Is hereby pri)iool, to-wlt: SKCTION TKN. The I.eBlslattvc Assembly may provlile for the election of BUtireme and i.ltciilt JuiIkos In dis tinct classes, ono ol which cl.iste.i sliall con-i-.i .,r iivt. ii,iii.,4 ni int -iinretue i.uuri. iv suiiti notiierfoim circuit duiyi nnd the othei class vi, st nf us mnnv Circuit .Imliiei ns may bu deemed necess ry, who shall hold full terms ultliiiiit iillrtlinent ami who shall take tho same oatli ui the nuiireme Jinljies. The IakIsI-uivu Acnibl me.y create as many circuits u may be necessary. Adopted bv the Sunate, li-liruary IS, lMU. U, W. K-MON, I'rtsident of the Si-nate. C'onctiried In bv the Itou-e, l-'ebrnary l.i. Is'.'J. W. I'. Kkaiiy, hpeakerof the House. Adopted by the Semite, January II, K)5. Jo.icrit SIMON, President of the Semite. Concurred In hv Iho House, l-'ebruary ii, Is;)-,. CHAi 11, ;iO0HKS, hpe.iker of the House. IIOi;.S!: JOINT KKSOU'TION, NO. 10. Itefolveil hy the Home, the Senate eoneurr- Iuk; That the fol'mvlm; aineiulment to the Con stitution of lliotitateol uri'Kon boiitnl hereby Is propojeu: '1 tint the Constitution be amended by mlilltijr Article XIX. us folioivs, ;o-vlt: AUTICI.K XIS. Section 1. Tho nn-emiry mo of lamls for the coii'-trueth-n nf reservoirs or Mhpiko lwtn- I-?r the piirMje of Inliratlon or for rights of way for tho ennMiuetloii of i-miuls, illtehe-, llumei or nines to eonvo,- water tn t -e tilaco of use lor any useful, b.nellcliil or neei-s-an- nut pure or for crnlnaxc, or for dmlnane of mines or tho work inns lliereol, by means ot roaiii, raiiroaui, irnn wnys, cut, tunneli, iluifti', hoUtlnj; works, ilumpor other neee.-saryinc.ini to their eom plete development orauv other use accessary to tlio eomplcte ilovelopmcut of tho natural re sources of thuntntuur preservation nf tlio health ot ns niniiiiiiaiits, is iiereiiyui-fiiariii lone a pu li ne use ami suujeel to inc teuuiauon ami conui i o! theHtate. i-ection'.'. T lio rJif lit to npproptlnte tiie tiniip waters nt any naiurnl slream to ben- eticial uses shall ueer hoileukil eetl n 3. The use nf nil ivalets now appro ptlatul for sa'e, rental or ill st ribii tlon , alsi i of all water- originally appreprlatnl fur private use, but vvhleh, alter .men nppropil itlon, has hereto fore heeit or may herealier be .-oM, runted or ills trlbuleil, Is hereby lieclnrei to bo n i unllc use mill subject to tl.; iivillatiou u il eoutrol of the htate In the manner preteiloe.l by law. Hut Hu riRht liiiisoaml niipiopiUte Mteh waters shall be subject to tuch i rovlsloni of law fr III" tah- Ini; of private properly for publln or prlv ito use ns provided In Section IS, Article 1 ol tho Con stitution of the Stiit" of On-s'on. Ki-cllon I. 'Iho rl'htto collect taxes or eom jiennitlon for the use of water supjilleil tiianv county, city, town or water district orlulmblt iints theriof, Is u franchise, ami cannot baexcr elMil except by authcilty uf mid 111 u manner prescribed by law, Adopted by th House, l-'cbruary 15, IS'.u. W. 1. Kr:.viiy, i-peaUer of the Home. (ilKiicd March 7, ley I.; Adopted bv tho Senate, l-'ebruary 17. ISM. C. vV. 1'ei.roN, I'reslduutof tliebenale (-iKiied .March lo'J.1) , w. 1-ur.ruN, rresinuuioi inesenaie. Adopted hv the House, Fi brunry C, I'M. Ciias. I!. Mooiiks, speaker ol tho House. Coiicumd In by thoPenate, 1-ebruary la, ln'j,-,. JojliHi duioN, I'resl'Jeut of the ritmite. HOUdlJ JOINT J'.KHOI.L-TION NO. 2. proiiosliiK an nmi-ndmeilt to the Constitution of tlio stale i f Oreiiou, by lepei'llni; Keetloii 3) of Article 1. Hesolved by the House, tho lenntocoiieurtlnu; That, .-.eetlon ii'mf Artlelo 1 of tho Constitution bound hereby Is ri-K-aled. AdoiKeil nv mo House, januury ii, ivj-j. W. 1'. KhMir, fcp;" of tho Hcuse, Concurred In by the Semite, Januury ill), Isuj C. W. l-'ULTO.v, I'reslilent of tint .Semite. Adopted by tho House, January SO, Is'J'j. Cll.vs. It, Mooiti'.s, nieaker of the House. Concurred In by tho Senate, Kebrunry MS, itXt, JosKl'li rimoN, President of tlio fH-iidtu SKX.VTK JOINT UK.SOI.irriON NO 7. Ho It resolvid bv Iho Semite, tho Housoeon- currinK; 'Hint tho follo'liiK aiiiendmi'iit to Iho cousiiitiuou in inu iiuna ot utecou uu ami is hereby pru osed: AltTICf.K I. Tho elective franchise In this State shall not heieaftor bj nrohlhlleil toaiiycilUeuoii account of sex. Adopteil by Iho Semite, Kcbrurnr 0, iHl i. JojKHI Himo.s, I'reslileat of the senate Adoplnl by the House, Kebrunry fi, is:0, tlt.vH. II, MooiiKS, blanker of iho House-. Adopteil by tt.o Keuiite, Jaliu try til, )WJJ. T. O, TA VLint, President ol tho senate. Adopted by tho House, January ni, K. V. Cahtkv, Speaker of tho House. UNITED HTATKH OK AMElllOA, KTATK OP OltKOON, Olllco of Secretary of .State. I, K. I. DIJNIIAIt.SvcretHry of HUia of tbu Slate in un-Koii nun i;iisiihiiiiii oi tuo Real of snlil HWto, do hereby certify that 1 have compircd inopreeiiiiiiK enpy oi neunie joint Jltsolutlot No. I. of the IcuUliltlvo Asiemblv of imii. "Municipal IndebtedliesH amiimlmenf," Semite Joint Itesolullon No. i:i of tlio IauUImIIvo As semhly of isu.1, 'Judlrlury Amemlenl;" House j in ii i iietoiuiioii ro. in oi tuo U-lsl.illvo As rcinhlv of P-'j:i. -"Irrluutlon Ami-nil mi, I - llouso Joint Hcsolutloii No.'.! of iho lVKislallvo As-eiiiMi o i'(.i." jieiieaum; Amemimeiit,' und Semite Joint Itesolutfon No. 7 ot the luis- ihuvo Assembly of ISM,--"Eiiual HiiII'iiiko AliieiKliiient." with Iho oilelmil tuples now 7n lllo In IhluotCco, mid Hut tlio nino l i correet transcript thereirom umt ihe iiolu theieof. J.N Tkstimonv Wiikiikof, I have here, unto set mv hand nnd ulllxed heietu skal tho seal of tho htuto of OrcKon. "'.'i'P inltol, nt Knluui. Oreuon, M Hilrd Uuy of Noveuiiwr, A. i). K. I. DHNIIAIt. SucreuryofSmto. Trilby' For wood, chips, knots, ahavinps, corn cobs, hay or poat. ' oto. O.oio- Conntructlon-Thls Ii an air itulit liealer of tin1 oval sheet steel lv,!i: It h t'AHT IltON MXINtlH, maklni; It iluriilile; uln has trim feed door, east top and bottom and ornamental slu top, with Ktlddlo cover tuidettiiiiih. Nlokollnfj It has nickeled urn, vamo pinto and fool ralN. We have n complete stock of mum nn hand. CaU iind ee.ur stock tufmo biijini: elstuvhero. C. F- Stephens .Donlor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, hhi'is. Hats, ' nn', Notions, fin W. ,. llotlK as shoe. Telephone No. S. Tfic Dalles, Or, i;n Rccomi ni., GHAS. FRAM- Butchers and Farmers K.-i.'pi on ilr.itlidit the celehiaUd t'Ol.t'MII'A lll-.EI!, iii'kuowl iilKi d the belt beer III The I Miles, nt the muni price, Come In, try It ami be -oi vlnrt-il. Al"i tho 1-Ini st bramlj of Wlui-s, l.l iior ami Ulnars. ' Sanduiiehcs of all Kinds always ou hand. WRS. OlilVlfl W. JVIOliGflfl, s XJ 2Z z o AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC ISUIUMNG, Third Street, iietwton Court and Wash ton Htreote, Tin D.tlleif. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. THAN9A0T A KNKHAI.JIANKINO I1UH1NKH Lettera of Credit iaaued available in the Kafltorn States. Klht Pchanu'e and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, ChiuiKO, St. Louia, San Francisco, Portland Ore Kon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made ut all pointu on fav orable torniH. ' F. MCOKK. JOHN OAV1N mom & gavin, AVl'Olt.NKYH AT LAW. Hooms S'j mid 40, over U. H, Uiml Olllcc. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. , Itartlflclally dlKests tho food and aids jNaturo In Btronuthonlng und rccon HtruotlnR tlio oxtmusted dlKestivo or lans. It is tho lutcnt discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In ofllcloncy, It In stantly rolloveaand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indication, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour 8tornach, Nausea, Blckneadaclie,GaHtralgla(Orampiiana another resultaoflmporfectdlawtlon. Ppord by E. C. OeWlW Co." IsaioT t, 1 1 .Irvwwwv- gv 0 EAST and SOUTH "m The Shasta Route Of TIIK-. Southern Pacific CompY Trains leave nnd arc Otto to arrive nt 1'ottUi ' MCAVn. OVKUI.AN1) KX. press, Hnlcm. ltns,.. Inirtr, Ashhiml, kc- rametilii, OKden.Xan ! Knineliieo, Mnjave, I l.o.iAiiKoles,Kl IMW. '7i0D l M. :15.V.M rew urtuiimi ami Kust I KiSO A, M. UosehlltK iiml way sta Hons . fvia Womlhnra for I Mt.Almitl, Bllvurtnii, West Held, llrownv vllle,HprlnglluMniii (.Natron 1:30 1', u Dally wcypt Buudtyi. Dally except HiuiOiiya I7!S0 A. II. (Corviillli (stations , ami way 5:60l'.M. INDKl'lSNUKNCE I'AHIiKNOIIlt KxprcBs tub Ifully (except HutiitHy) I'.Mp. m. rl.v. ...Portland ,Ar.) :ji p, in, ai . ..i.u.Miiiuviiie. i.v. HI CO p. Ill, iAr..imicieuucnee..l.v.) 'Dally, (Dally, except Biuutuy, JlININO OA US O.N OODI'.N H0UTR, I'Hl.l.MAN BUl'KKT HI.l'Kl'KKS AND HKCOND-OI.ABfi HI.KKI'INO CAHs Attacheil to nil Thrntigh Tralui, Direct connection at fan Kranclsco with oi dental nnd Oriental mid I'nctllc mail tiotmibiii lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Bulling dtid oa ii plleatliia. 1 KutoH unit tickets to ICastern t mints snlli. roiio. AlsoJAl'AN, UIU.NA, HONOLULU ml All IHTIIA1.1A. .vll niiiivu trains arrive nt mul ilonitt itm Oruiid Coiitral Htntloli, Kllth and lrvni( itru YAMH1I.1. HIVIHION. l'anenner I)eH)t, foot of Jeilernon ilrwi U'live lor Hherldiin. week ilnyn, tt:30p.B Arrive nt Portland, U:K0 a. in Iamivc for AMtl.lK mi Moudny, WeilnenliTMi) Krlnny nt H::Vi n. m. Anlvi- ut rimiina.Tnii ilav, Thursitny mul Hnttirilni it p. m. Kxcept rluiidiiy. "Kxcept Hiiturday. It. Kv..H'-.l.Klt, (i. II. MAUK1IA1I, .MMIiiuer. Asst. (i. fau.Att ThroiiKh Ticket Otllce, Pli Third itrwt, what throiiuh tickets to nil points In the Kutcn Utiles, Ciiunila and Kuriipe can bo obtilwlit lowest rates Irom J. II. KtUICbANI), llckct Aptt. or N. WHKAI.UON. .STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday. lUtea Heiieonable. Tolephono 201. I W. A. CATES, Prop, jj C. S. Smith, Tin: Up-to-date Qroeer Freeh Ktrnf and Creuniery llutter a" specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. PLEASE LOOK HEtto WM. MICHELL, u i I?, IjI THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, Ono Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3IAJ Tc nMtf 31AI09. M1IJOAT10K. vm'irii.' wnu 1MM .'V v I to miikn lliml I'roo n V, i ef. n tl'e H' Unit .aid i.ron! will bo i "''JS, iuBaWiW mid ItecclvurntTlKi l)nIltt,onKu November i, isffi vlsss , ()r.l Wrmwleiid Klttiy No. w. s y ,fl, uin k k'Li urn Nn Ihl.'l'-'1'' 1 ni. 71 vV.' ViV i "l!!".u... .Ana I.U.V.Vii.umuiVeilde.ieu ! . i of tnild land, via: . . ,,.rcll h.irK'ent "u UOtlldl. J'"1'1 - ONI FOR A DOSE, nil ItumoTO Plmpjo". , rf I II