The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 06, 1899, Image 1

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NO 101
SlelliDE of Brilish Camp at Laiysiiln
fas Very Effective.
By Three Hundred British Other Ugly
Charges Made Against British
Soldiery Boer Losses at Battle of
Moddcr River.
London, Dec. 5. Tho war ofhco today
received the following dispatch from
General Foreatier Walker, under date of
"General Methuen reported that at
Moddcr river he found twonty-three
bodies uud that twenty-eeven bodies) had
oince floatod to tho surface of the river.
I'eojilo say that Borne bodies were buried
und others wuro taken on mules to
Jiicohsdal, where the seriously wounded
uIho were taken. Cou)nundant Alhrecht's
waguu, perfectly fitted up for pharmacy
and surgery, was captured. The enemy's
loss was more than ours, and their
morale has been much shaken.
Tho Herald from Pietermpritzhurg
Bays: News from Ladyemith is beginning
to come in more freely. The lateBt die
patches say that from the beginning of
the investment I up to last Saturday,
November "5, there were 832 killed and
wounded, including both military and
civilians. The lioera shelled the town
from nil sidee, their favorite time being
at midnight.
. The heaviest casualties occurred on
November 0, when the Boere made a
determined attack, advancing close to
the camp. They were routed with heavy
loss, our casualties numbering twenty
one. Tho next day General Joubert.
begged medicines from the British.
VVu lost one in an attack on tho 24th,
the Boera agaiu losing heavily. On the
20th, bombardment, which had been
more or less severe, damaged some
buildings. On the following day it was
announced that the Boers .were going
Ninety Boers Massacred.
Nkw Yokk, Dec. 5. A dispatch to the
World from London says : Ugly charges
ure made Hgitiust British soldiers at
Eland's laagto by a correspondent of the
leading Amsterdam paper, tho Algeinin
Handeleblad, who visited tho Boer
prisoners aboard tho guardsblp Penelope,
in SimoiiB hay. It is charged that the
priaouers und tho wounded were robbed
of everything valuable, even wedding
rings, und that in one case a Boer's
finger was cut oh" to get u ring. The
correspondent says:
"Never have I thought Englishmen
to be euch brutes. I imagine that ubcut
ninety men were buhind u kopje when
aoo lancers attacked them. The Boers
had to surrender to such overwhelming
numbers and threw down their weapons
in token of submission. But the captain
of the lancers shouted 'Kill the ,'
whereupon a tremendous maesacro
uneued. Sousenthaler, tho only prisoner
union g ihom, was spared because he had
remained flat on the ground."
The Appetite fu Gout
la envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and livor are out of order. All
ouch bhould know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and
liver remedy, gives n splendid appetite,
eound digestion and u regular bodily
habit that .insures perfect health uud
great energy. Only 25 cents at any
drugstore. '1
Mistaken for Ayuinuldo,
Vancouvkii, B. 0., Dec. 4. Tliia city
wh thrown into a state of tremendous
excitement today by the detention at
police headquarter of a man supposed
to be Aeulnuldo. II, W. Treat, of New
York, iolormed the American consul
this afternoon that ft suspicious looking
stranger, bearing n marked resemblance
to Agulnaldo, had oorao over from Vic
toria torlay. It finally developed that
the stranuer, who is a Hindo, had been
under suspicion in various American
cities. When he learned that lie was
believe! to be AgninaMo, he quickly
proved nn alibi and whs releateV..
Change ar Tlinn tin the , It. & N.
Beginning Dec. 1st, the 0. It. & N.
will run their Spokane Flyer via Wal
lula ond the S. R. V. K, It. : Train No.
4 will leave Portland at 3:45 p.m., ar
riving at Spokane at 7:15 a.m. Train
No. 3 will leave Spokane at 4:30 p. m.,
and arrive in Portland at 8:00 a. in.
In connection with tho above trains,
the O. R. & N. will put on a passenger
train leaving Dayton at 9:00 p.m. and
Walla Walla at 10:30 p. in., connecting
at Wallula with No. 4 from Portland at
11:20 p. m., and with No. 3 from
Spokane at 12:05 a. m.; leaving Waliula
at 12:10 a. m., and arriving at Walla
Walla at 1 :20 a. rn, and Dayton at 3 a. m.
Baldwin Hotel Site Sold.
San Fkancisco, Dec. 5. The Exam
iner announccB positively that E. J.
Baldwin has finally sold the entire
Baldwin hotel site to James L. Flood,
for $1,425,000. It ia understood that Mr.
Flood will immediately begin the
erection of a modern building whjch may
cost as much as $2,000,000.
. (iliirloun NewH.
Comes from Dr. 1). B. Oargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes :
"Four bottles of Electric Bitters haB
cured Mrs. Brewer of ecrofula, which had
caused her great suffering for years.
Terrible sureB would break out on her
head and face, and the best doctors
could give no help; but her cure is com
plete and her' health is excellent." ThiB
shows what thousands have proved,
that Electric Bitters is the best 'blood
purifier known. It's the supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcere, boils and running sores. It
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
exnels poisons, helps digestion and
builds up. the strength. Only 50 cents.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Insane Asylum Report.
Salem, Dec. 5. The report of Super
intendent Pttlno, of the Oregon insane
asylum, for the month of November,
shows the following:
Number of patiente October'31 1151
Number received during November. 35
Nuinber returned escapes 4
Total 1190
Discharged, died and eloped 28
Number of patients November 30. -.1162
Average number of patiente daily. ..1155
Average per capita expense, monthly,
$9.55; daily, .32. Number of employes,
The account for articles consumed
shows a total of $5546 54 for the month.
The total payroll amounts to $5496 05 for
the month
Twenty-live Years' Constant Use With
out a Failure.
The first indication of croup is hoarse
ness, and in a child eubjVct to that
disease it may be taken as a Etire sign of
the approach of an attack. Following
thla hoarseuess is a peculiar rough
cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is given as soon as the child becomes
hoarse, or even after the croupy cough
appears, it will prevent the aittick. It
is used in many thousands ol homes in
this broad land and never disappoints
the auxiou9 mothers. We hav6 yet to
learn of a single iustunce in which it
has not proved effectual. No other
preparation can show such n record
twenty-flve yeare' constant use with
out a failure. For sale by Blakeley &
Your tfttoe
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well, impure
Wood makes itself app-ent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are teeiing
...Uair mwi worn out oud do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir, n cure uu muuu
diseases whore cheap SareapnrlllftB and
so nailed purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley & Houghton, drugglste.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
ftey See No Cay of Hose In Tbis
Anti-Expansion Leaders Met With a
Chilly Reception The Oregon
Washington, Dec. 4. A group of sil
ver senators gathered on the floor of the
senate after the adjournment today and
held a forlorn-hope meeting. Teller was
the leader, and Pettigrew was his second
There were the populist, Harris, and
one or two Democrats. Neither Jones
nor Stewart, of Nevada, was among the
number. They are silver men for effect
in Nevada only. To this hopeless group
came Chandler.
"I would really like to do something
for silver." he 6:iid.
"What can you do for silver?" growled
Teller, "with sixteen Republican majori
ty in the senate," and even as he spoke
his colleague, Wolcott, was In the finance
committee-room neBieting in perfecting
the gold-standard bill.
Ab the provisions of the senate bill be
came known it became apparent that
the measure finally agreed upon will fol
low the line of the senate bill, if it is not
wholly adopted.
Efforts will be made by leaders of
sound-money legislation on the Re
publican side to get the house caucus to
adopt the features of the senate bill in
the hope of more speedy legislation and
harmony between the houses.
The leaders against expansion in the
senate Hoar, Pettigrew and Mason
met with a chilly reception today or
were laughed at and ridiculed when they
told their colleagues what they were go
ing to do. Hoar is regarded as a granny,
Pettigrew as a crank, and Mason as u
buffocn by nearly everybody in the
senate, and expansion will not suffer
under their assaults.
Representatives Tongue and Moody
were both in the houee early this morn
ing, and answered to the roll-cill. After
casting their votes for Speaker Hender
son they were sworn iu, and then gave
their support to the adoption of the rules
of the fifty-fifth houee. In the lottery
for seats they were unfortunate, but
secured seats near together, in the back
row, about the center of the Republican
side. There is but one member separat
ing the two Oregon men.
Senator Simon represented Oregon in
the senate today, Senator McBride not
arriving in the city until after the senate
adjourned. There was nothing to do,
however, but answer to the roll-call, as
no bills wete introduced.
All persons wishing to take children,
either boys or girl, for legal adoption or
on indenture, should write to W. T.
Gardner, superintendent of the Boys'
and Girls' Aid Society M Oregon, at
Portlaud, who can procure for them fit
sirablechildren of all ages. All applica
tions must be tiled in advance. tf
Senator Hayward Bead.
Ni!Iirahka Citv, Dec. 5. Senator
Hayward died this morning.
Washington, Dec. 5. Another sorrow
had faljen upon tho senate before it con
vened today. Seuotor Hayward, of
Nebraska, while not officially a member,
was regarded aa one of tho senate.
Major Pruden, assistant secretary
to the .president, was recognized
by the chair and presented the message
of the president.
At 2:38 the senate adjourned,
lie fooled the Hurtfeous.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of
Weet Jefferson, O., after suffering 16
months from Rectaf Fistula, he would
die uulesj n costly operation was per
formed; but he cured himself with five
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salvo in tho World. 25 cents a box. Sold
by Blakeley AHouchton Druugists, 4
A I.lfe And Death Fight.
Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la.,
writing of his almost miraculous escape
from death, eays : "Exposure after meas
les induced serious lung trouble, whhh
ended in Consumption., I had frequent
hemorrhages and coughed night and day.
All my doctors said I must soon die,
Then I began to use Dr. Kinfc'a New
Discovery tor Consumption, which com
pletely cured me. L would not be without
it even If it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds
have used it on my recommendation and
all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest
and Lung troubles." Regular ezi 50c
and $1 .00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
& Houghton's Drug Store.
"One Minute Cough Cure is the bet
remedy I ever used for coughs and
colde. It is unequalled for whooping
cjugh. Chrildren all like it," writes H.
N. Williams, Gentryville, Iud. Never
fails. It is the only harmless remedy
that gives itr mediate results. Cures
coughs, colds, hoarnees, croup, pneu
monia, bronchitis and all throat and
lung troubles. Its eaily use prevents
Estray Notlc).
Strayed from the range on Dutch flat,
one dappled gray horse, four years old
next spring; branded on left shoulder
thus, U. Fivo dollars reward will be
given to any person returning eamo to
my place on 3-Mile.
nov29-lmo O. W. Cook.
As a cure for rheumatism Chambet-
lain's Pain Kalm is gaining a wide repu
tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond,
Ind., has been troubled with that ail
ment eince 1862. In speaking of it he
says: "I never found anything that
would relievo me until I used Chamber-
Iain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic
with me. My foot was swollen and
paining me very much, but one good
application of Pain Balm relieved me.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Knew Her lloy'd Footstep".
They are telling' a story, which may
or may not be true, about n rising
young politician who has unusually
large feet. His mother is a lovable
old woman and quite deaf. She lives
in a flat in the neighborhood of Grant's
tomb, in New York, and is always de
lighted by a visit from her son. When
the United .'States cruiser Urooldyn.
'which was anchored in the Hudson, ol?
the tomb, cn Memorial day, .fired a
salute of 21 guns the old ludy was ob
served to start, ft.v her cap and smooth
down her apron. Then she said, with
a sweet smile: "George is coming; I
hear his footsteps on the stairs." Chi
cago Chronicle.
The Bank President Aie you nwnre
the cashier has taken a half interest in
a yacht?
The Confidential Adviser No. 'Per
haps we had better sec he does not be
come n full-fledged skipper. Indianap
olis Journal.
Volcanic Islands.
Since the beginning of this century
no fewer than 52 volcanic islands have
nrlscn out of the sen. Nineteen have
disappeared and ten are now inhabited,
Kent of TcIi'Krniih Wire.
Scientists say that telegraph wires
are better conductors on Mondny than
on Saturday, on account of their Sun
day rest.
It lakes hut a minute to overcome
tickling in the throet 'and to clop a
couh by tho use of One Minute Couh
Cure. Tins remedy quickly cures all
forms of throat and lung troubles.
Harmless Hiid pleasant to take. It pre
vents consumption. A famous specific
for grippe and its after effects.
Acker' Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cureelieart-hurn,
rulsintr of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
and CD cts, Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., says,
"Our baby was covered with running
sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo
cured her." A specific for piles and
skin dieeaees. Beware of worthless
To Cure Cold id One May.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it Ml to cure. 25c,
An Imuortant
Now On.
For the Entire Family
A Writing Tablet FEEE with every purchase.
Misses and
Children's Shoes.
Children's Lace and Button Kid
Shoes; kid anil patent leather tips;
medium and light soles; Bizes S lC to
11. Value $1-50;
Reduced to $1.25.
Sizes U. to 2; value $2.00, -
Reduced to $1.60.
A Kid Shoo for Children, with
heavv, extended sole, kid tips; lace
.and button ; sizes 8,' to 11 ; val. $1.50,
Reduced to $1.30.
Sizes 11 a to 2; value $1.75,
" Reduced to $1.55.
Vesting Top Kid Shoes 'for Chil
dren, in both heavy and medium
poles ; a neat stvle for nice wear ; sizes
S'itoll. Value $1.50,
Reduced to $1.20.
Sizes to 2; value $1.75,
Reduced to $1.35.
Lace Shoes, kid with patent lea
ther tips, medium heavy soles; sizes
9yi to 11 ; reduced trom $1.25 to
Sizes lls to 2; reduced from $1.50 to
A Table Full. Misse' and
Children's. Kid Shoe, principally
button styles; sizes 8 to 2; worth
from $1.50 to $1.75 a pair; any style,
Another table full of Heavier Shoes
for Children, all in button; excellent
for winter wear; all sizes from SK. to
2; worth $1,00 und $1.15 a pair,
Reduced to 85c.
A. M. Williams & Co.
Tho fcteamers
lowing tchtdule,
bchcdiilu without
Str. Regulator.
(Limited bindings.)
Str. Dalles City.
(Touching at nil Wiiy I'olnts.)
I.v. Dulles
at S A. M
Tuefcdny . . .,
Hdturday . . ,
Arr, I'urllaml
ut S r, i.
I.V, I'ortl.iiul
nt. 7 a. H.
, . , . Mouiluy
, WuliieMiMy
Arr. Dulli's
ut S I'. M.
I.v. Dalles
nt r:3U A. M.
Moiulay .
V itnebtltiy
Arr. 1'ortUiu!
. Travel by tho Steamers o( the Itegulatnr Line.
roiis iiiu uei semen jiussiuie.
I'ortland Olllce, Oak-Street Dock. W.
Low Prices
prevail in all lines for
the next 2 weeks.
Ladies' Shoes.
Vesting Top Lice Shoes; made
with a flexible turned sole.; stylish
toe with kid tip; astatine eyelets; a
Wonderful value nt $3.50,
Special, $2.65.
Men's Shoes.
Men's Tan Shoes, made of solid
willow calf, heavy extension soles,,
new coin tne; in lace onlv; all sizes
from 6 to 10 inclusive. Value $4.00,
Reduced to $2.85.
Men's fine Cordovan Dress Shoes ;
a fine pair in the larger eizsscnly;
reduced from $5.00 to
Men's Pit. Leather Dress Shoes,
made with vesting tops, heavy exten
sion welt soles, new coin toe; a $6.00
value reduced to
Men's Genuine Kangaroo Shoee,
lace and emigres", in narrow tqnare
toes, capped ; a few large sizes only;
reduced from $4.00 to
Men's Cordovan Shoes, narrow
pquare toes, light welt eoles; reduced
from $5.00 to
A Table Full of Men's $4.50
Shoes, including several pairs of Seal
wet weather Shoes, at your choice,
Misses' and Children's
Rubbers 15c pair
Dalles, Ponw S llslona Nav. Co. :
of tho ftegnliitor Uuo will run as per thu fol
thu Company leservlag thu light to change '
Str. Inland Flyer.
(Limited Landings.)
I.v, Portland
lit li A. Mi
... Tuesday
. . . Thurtihiy
Arr. Dulli's
I.v. Dulles I.v. Vortlaud ,
nt S A M. Ut7 A. it.
Monday Tuesday
Wednesday ,, Thursday ,
Krldav Saturday
Arr. i'ortland Arr. Dalles '
ut;i:;i) p. m. ut i:;n i'. m. ,
.The Comimuv will endeavor to glvo Its jmt- ?
rur niriiier iiiioruiuiiou uunrejs
C. AULA WAY, den. Agt., Tho Dalles. A
Advertise in Te Chronicle