Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver jxnd Bowels Cleanses the ystem EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES JlT ' rJ, UMt PERMANENTLY DUy THE GENUINE - MAHT'D By (aui?rn!aFgpSyrvp(s 1'KOri.E TOO ALL KNOW. J. 15. JIcAtee is in from Diifiir. In E. S. Pratt, of Wawic is a visitor in the city. S E. Van Vactor will return to his h me at Condon tonight. VV. E. Campbell left on the boat this nio.-nini: bound fur Portland. K. H. Webber was a passenger for Portland on tins morning's boat. Patrick McGreevey was over from his Lome at Centerville yesterday. Henry Siegmaii anil dauehtcr were oiur irotn Centerville vesterdav. Ed and Hugh. Greer, of Antelope, Were doing business in town yesterday. Mi?e Jeannetta Williams arrived in the city lat evening from Portland and will spend a short time here. Attorney Geo Stapleton, of Portland, has spent today in the city and wi 1 have on this evening's east bound train. Mrs. W. D. Harding and daughter, Edna, will leave totiiuht fur La Grande, where tliey will make their home this winter. W. F. Clark, one of Kingsley's lively farmers, was doing business in town yesterday anil called at the Chronicle offlue hist evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lord Itfff the citv yester lay for California. wOiere the will Biet:d the winter riioiiUr?, making Santa Barlara their lieadqurtrieis. Mr. and Mra. 1 E. Crowe went to Portland vesterday murniiiL', Mr. Crowe returning last nliht, while lii wife will spend the-remainder of the week there. Frank Wood, who lias, been employed by Irvine & Co. at Aptelope, came down from that nlace Saturday and left yes terday to join his father at North Yaki ma, wtiere a position has been offered him. Mr. and Mrs. Chip. H. Bass will leave the citv on the evening ttaiu for Colfax, tlkuSi fnifiii hrwua lTr inn naof mnnl li Mr. Bass has been verv ill, and her physicians have recjinmeniled that she I make the change In hope of leodving: benefi' a id Dene Iwing wtiere fhe cmii nave t ne cure ot tiernmttier and reiHtiv a. Mr. Bass is foreman at the Times Mountaineer and will return as coon as poeible to his duties here. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by umig Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indiueetion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck. 'Jo cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton DrucgisK Mr. .1. Sheer, Srdulii, Mo,, saved his child's life by One Minute Cough Cure, Doctors had givuiiiitr up to. die with croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs, cold-', grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and luiu troubles. Relieves at once. g Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive uuarautee. Cnresjhe'irt-hurn, rtiisim: of the food, distress after 'eating, or any form of dvsjxpsia. Que little tablet Klves immediate rel.ef. 2o cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Huuutiton, drug. gilts. "I wa m-arly iieml with dyspepsia, tried doctus, vbited mineral: springs, wtd iifvi worse. I used Kodol Dyspep sia Cure, That cured mo." It digests what you eat. Cures indigestion, sour Btomach, I eartbiirn, and all tor ma of dyspepsia, Ut in Vuur onoh. All countv warrants registered prior to Jan. 21, lBfO, will' he paid at my office. . Interest waaes after Nov. 13th, m. 0. L. PlIIl.LIHH, Count v Treasurer. A Itellahle Optietan, If you have had trouble in getting glasses to suit, you will please call on l'hvo. H. Liebe, now located nt II. C. LiebtJ's, In the VoRt block, who will ex amine your eyes fiike and tell you whether your eyesight can bo benefited by the use of properly fitted glasses. Charges for glasses reasonable. Decl BUSINESS LOCALS. Subscribe for The Chronicle Feed ryo for sale nt tho Wasco Ware house, tf Clarke & Fajk have on sale n full lino ot paint and artist's brushes. Use Clarke it Falk's quiuino hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. Clarko & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Ah your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Fresh Saratoga chips and salted almonds for sale at Dawson's grocery store. 11-tf Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. ManufacturedJbyJCIarke & Falk. Latest thing in cameras aru. Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch2o-tf Cle Elm coal $6.50 per ton ; Rock Springs coal .9 p,er ton, delivered, at Maier & Benton's. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patten strictly pure liquid paints. Now is the time to sit for X:nas photos. Cloudy weather preferred for sittings. So says Gifford. novl7-lm One dczsn of GifTord's photos will make you tweive fine presents. What would be appreciated more for the holidays? novl7-lm Good Racine single buggy and .har ness for sale at a bargain. Call on Haworth, the printer, over Dalles Com mission Co. oct25-ddw-2w Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Harry C. Liebe, tho jeweler in the Vogt block, carries nn elegant line of sterling Bllver novelties of many differ ent uesigns. Decl-3 A most complete line of watches, chains, rings and gold jewelry can be found at H. C. Liebe's jewelry store in the Vogt block. Dec.-3 DeWitt'a Little Early Risers purify tho blood, clean the liver, invigorate the system, famous little pills for consti patiou and lifer troubles. Eitray Nutlc j. Strayed from the range on Dutch flat, one dappled gray horse, four years old next spring; branded on left shoulder thus, U. Fivo dollars reward will be given to any person returning same to my place on 3-Mile. nov29-lmo 0.. W. Cooi:. 1 It takes hut a minute to overcome tickling in the throat and to stop a cough by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. Hariuless and pleasant to take. It prc- vents consumption. A famous specific for grippe and its after effects. Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., says, "Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve cured her." A ppecific for piles and ekin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. For Sain. A good farm in Klickitat county Wash., five miles from Columbus, con sisting of.210 acres. Price .$1000. Apply to H. E. Curtiss at A, S. Bennett's office. iil3-d&lm TIih NUiily l.lmltvil. Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Like. Pitted your orders now for Christmas or you may get left. Gifford. iil7-lm To Cure a Cold in One Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All di'iiugisiH leiuiMi the money if it fails to cur-. 'Jo-. You will- not have boils if you Clarke & Falk's sure cure fur boils. take OKlSKSDOUfKKIt Physician and Surgeon, ' Special attention given to turscery. Room 21 aud 22. Tel. 32S Vnt Bloc jLJA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Otllce over French & Co.'s Hunk l'Jiunc C, THE IJ.U.J.K3, OltKGON II fi JIUMTIKOTOK U H WIWOH HUKTJKOTOK 4 WllfiON, ATIOHNKYB AT LAW, THE IMJ.I.Kc, ORKliJit OOlco ov'T Flrtt tin. Uituk IT IMPLIED TOO MUCH. The Young Mnn Waa Aroaned nt the StiRKeotlon of 1'rpvloun EiiKitirenien t. He told the nliop assistant that he wanted to purchase something tliut would be n suitable present for n young lady, says Tit-Hits. The clerk brought out albums, books gnltl pens and pencils and card eased but ncthlng seemed to suit. As the lust resort he showed the young man it it en- gnirutnent calendar a beautiful littl tablet on which to record the engage ments for each day of the week "Quite the fad now," he explained, ns he displayed the calendar. "All -the young ladies feel the need of them, es pechilly during the season." "What is it?" nsked the young man. "An engagement calendar," replied the simp assistant. "She'll find it in valuable" "Vnn tl,!..l- ol. ,,.,M,li1 lib,. ni1" one asked the young man, with calmness. forced "I'm sure she would, if she hasn't one already," ?aid the assir.tant. "Well, I want to say to you that she wouldn't." exclaimed the young man. losing control of his temper. "I know her nud you don't, and I want you to understand, sir, that she has no use for any such calendar. She doesn't have to keep any record of her engagements. Tills is the only time that she has ever been engaged, and any man who say.s that she will cvur lie engaged to anyone else or that she has to put it down on a tablet to remember has got to fight. That's all there is to that." He had left the shop before the as sistant had sufficiently recovered from his surprise to explain. HOW TO HAVE A PICNIC. Tlutue WIhi Follow TIiIm Advice Will lie Sure In Iltijoy the OcciiNltin, Before many weeks we will wake up some fine morning to find out that the leaves on the trees have begun to blush with pride just before their fall and that summer has gone. .Then we will hear from nil sides: "Oh, why didn't I do this or that? I intended to all summer but didn't get around to it, and now it is too, late!" says the Detroit Free Press. One of the things to be deplored will be that more time was not spent in the open air nt the parks, on the river and at near-by country places. It is so easy to set out the summer doing nothing. But it is a bad habit, for .vhen winter comes again it seems like :r; old story and isn't half so welcome - if the summer had been spent in eom Irte change. This is genuine.old-fash-r (I piuwe season, and the picnic ";,'l:t not 10 be despised. Nothing isso Ii'ik'I.tfuIly unconventional; and re laxation, of course, is the basis of r.est. But it is a great mistake to think tltat n picnic is not a success unless the en tire party is roused out of bed nt sun rise and the lunch big enough to feed a r'-gimont. Quantity there must be, of course, for everybody expects to eat too .nueh, but more than anything else, have the lunch a dainty one. One doesn't mind n grasshopper or two in the lemonade or a family reunloli of rnts on the cake butif th- sandwiches an- thick and the cuke is dry and other thing.-, nre in the same black list, not even a picnic appetite will be satisfied. POOR PAY OF MODELS. A Cnllliin Thai. U Full of lluriUlilii mid Milk ex Hut Small Itelurii. The amount of stulY that is written, and presumably read, about models nowadays leads one to suppose that the life of these men and women is very pleasant and delectable. Like most fig ures of "realistic" fiction, says the Phil adelphia Press, tills one is not (iiitc real. One of the few good models of Philadelphia said the other day: "For class work I get four dollars a week and work as muny hours n day, going on the stand tit bt iSand posing until with a rest of ten minutes in every CO. The 'bend' model hns to do just as much posing of the body as any other, and gets less money. Howeer, it's one of the few lines of business where women do better than men. The latter don't seem to have the required bodily en durance. Put yourself in the most com fortable position and try to remain so, unmoved, for five minutes, and you'll understand iiomething of what I have to go through for ten times that long without n break. For that reason most models prefer to pose for male chthses. Men always have more consideration. A woman painter will make you stand till ner own hand Is t red with the brush. Yet in the studio of the most eonsiderate one must undergo torture. There is u lot of pity given to factory girls, of which a little might be ex tended to us. for the fact is that there is no business in which a woman can en gage where she will suffer so much fa tigue and get so little remuneration us that of uii artliit's model." Dofeetlvu llunriiitf on llallroatl. Attention lb ealletl In ineillcal jour tiala to the desirability f te8tiii rail road employes for defective hearing as well ns, far eolor-lilliidness. A recent examination in Kurope developed the fact that out nf 82 II run en and engine drivers only three poskehsed perfectly normal hearing. It i miKf,'cU(l that there should lie a Jniiard of hearing power for the tumiiiatJon,of employes who have to depend upon sound signals. NOTICE. STATU Or OltKdON. ) KXKCtlTIVK IIKtMUTMKNT., Nov 21, 1MW.) In nrroriliince with the provMoux (if nn Act cntltlttl "An Ar.t Saluiilttlnir to ti.u Klretnrs nt the Stmo ot nrwiuiit (lie UOnonil HVrtlim tu lie held nn tliu Hint Molality III Jane, VM), t tin i poiidlnu I'rnjmMMt Coimtlllltlotiiil Anu'iulmuiits," I iiltimvi it l'cbtiniry IS, IMl'J, I, T. T. (iirr, (inv ' oriiiirnf thoHtitie of Oregon, do hereby chiimi Hi" 1 lollotvlnn (imposed nmriuttiu'iils to the CoiikII- 1 tiltlouof thcHtittfiif (ircKiHii mi rortllled In lv i theSccrctiiryiW Hint-, to tin imhttihnl for live ' rniiMiciilivo weeks In Tiik Ciihiinii'I.k, ii iieviuiiivr iulillliel In thu euvcutli Judicial . District of thu unite of OreKnli. 1 Doiiii nt the Ciil lol, nt Hnloin, Oicimn, 1 fi;.ll.l iiu jii iiiiv in iMiveinner, .. u, iwj T. T. (iKHK, tlovcriinr. lly the (litvernor: V. I. DtJiNIIAlt, Secretary of Htnto. SKNATK JOINT ItKHOI.I'TION, NO. I. He It revolved by the Helinte, the House cnu ciirriiiK: Thut the following iiiiieiidiiient to thu CoiiHtltutlnn nf thu .State of lltwm bo and 1 hereby prnnwed: Tlmt Sfctlnu Id of Article Xt. nf the Constitu tion of tliu Suite nf (Ireiron he unit thcsiimu Is hurchr nbrociited, mid In Ilea thereof Miction II) oi Ainciu A I. KIIHll lieni loiiows: AI1T1C1.K XI, ' Section 10. No county, city, town, school dli ttlct or other iiiltitielinil rorinirutloii sliull lie lotted to become Indebted In nay iiiniiiicr or for ii 1 1 v miriiosu to nn amount liiclnil lie nreseiit ex IxttiiK Indebtedness In the imtsrtKate exceeding live pur euiitiiin on the value of thu tuxnblu jiro)rty therein to bo ascertained by tho last ns scssmciit for Htnto and eottntr taxes previous to tliu IncurrliiK of such lndelitediiesH. Adojited liv the ictiiitu Jniinarv ."Jl, 1 SOU. O. V. Fulton, l'reslilcnt of thu Kenittu. Concurred In bv thu Hmuu. Kehranry'J, lS'Jt. W. V. Kkaiiy, Hpeakci of the llotise. Adopted by the Senate JMiiuary :il, lS'jj. JoskI'H bIMoN, l'leshliiiit of thuHctintu. Concurred in by tho House, February I, t.V. Cll.ts. II, Mouiu:s, Speaker of the ttiaiso. SKNATK JOINT KKHOM'UOX, NO 1.1, He It resolved bv tho Senate, tho Ilouso eon- currlnk'l That thu fullntvlui; aiiieiidiueiit to tho Constitution of the .State uf OreKou, In Itcu of hcctlnn Ten of Artlclii Suveu (7), bo and the suniu is nereuy proposeu, to-wit: si-xnns TEN. The I.cclshitlve Astcmblv niav nrovldo for tho election of supreme and Clieult .Indues In ills. tluut classes, jiiic of which classes shall consist of live Justices of the -uprenic (.'ourt, who slniil nut perfotm circuit duty: and the other class shall consist of us many Circuit Judires as may be devmtd liecess rv. who shall hold full term's without allotment and who shall take thu sumo uatb as the .-uiiremc Jinlk'es. lhe lAalslatiVf Assemblf mnvcrentu as lnniiv circuits us may be necessary. Adopted by thu Semite, February 15, Is.!)!. C. W., I'usldcnt uf thu hcimte. Concurred in by lhe House, Fchruary 13, 1VJ1. W. V. Kk.uiY, Hpeukerof thu Huu-e. Adopted by the Senate, Itiiiunry 'II, 1'.i3. JosKl-lt hlMON, I'realiluut of thu fiennte. Coucurmt in by thu House, FebriinrvC, la,l. H. iiooitKi-, bpunkcr of thu liniisu. HOUSK JOINT UKSOI.l'TION, NO. 10. Itcsolved by the IIouo. thu Keiuitu rnururr- im;; That the follntvliie iimeudmenl to the Con stitution of the Htate of OrcKon bu anil hereby Is propii'cd: inai me i.onsutiinon ne nmciiilcu by uudliiK Article XIX. us fullons, to wit: AKT1CI.K XIX, Section 1. Tho ueeets.irv usu of lands for thu construction nf leservnlrs or stoniKu bislns fir the puriKise of IriiKattim or for rlKhts of wnv or the constiiictlon of canals, ill lehet. Humes or pipes to ronvuy water to t le jilacu of usu lor any utuful, beneficial or ncuvssarr purpose, or for ilrainnKc or fordrnliiiiKe of mines r,r tho work iiiks ineieni, ny means ol roads, railroad, tram way!!, cuts, tunnels. Eliafts. IhiI.IIhl' works. dump or other necoatnry enus to their coin. piuieouveinpriiciiioriiiiv otner uo necessary to the complete, development of tho naioriil to. sources of the htnteor presurvallnn of thu lientlli of ns Inhabitants. Is hereby declared to bu u pub lic use and subject to the leKUlatlou nud cuiitml of tho .State. iction'' Thorfehttn ntmroiiiPiti. tin, n.m.. propilated waters of any ualural stream to bun elleial uses shall nuvcr bcidenlnl r?ce(Uu:j. 1'he Use III fill walnrs tmw nfioro. printed .'or sa'e, reiilnl or distribution. nboof nil water orlLdnnllv nm,rii,iriitt,.ii f,. ,,.i. n.. but which, after suen afipriipil itluii, has hen-tu' fore been or may hereafter be -old, renUd or ills- trinuieii, is nereriy deehuiM in hi) a umlleiiK' ami siibiect to ti,e leunliiilon , -,i ...ur,,i r n,,. htnto in tliu manner pruscrlbeil by law. Hut the tltftlt til USU and altliriifirl,, Ii, h 1 1 . 1 1 ii-.iti.rt, ulinl. bu subject to such i rovi.lans of l,iu r,,r ti.- t,.ii Ulir ot private nroocrlv for i.nhllr, IP III I V . t II hft as provided in Section lb, article 1 ot tho Con- .Tiiiiiuuii oi uif niaio in uieK'on. beclluii 1 'j lie iKht to collect taxes or com PCllnilliui for the ll.o r,l .lr .,ill,.,l o, eoiinty.eity, town or tviiler district or Inhabit - IllltS thereof. Is a frillleliUi. mill .,,, ,,,,1 I,,. ,.v..r. t-.u ';.eepi oy iiiitnuiity ill and in ii ii cr Adopted by the Hoiikc. IVbrunrv 1.1. IkM. W. 1'. Kiiaiiv, Speaker of tliu Ifoiue. taiKiicu Jiarcn 7, u'JJ.J Adopted bv the Semite, Febrimry 17, 1SW. C. W. FULro.v, President of tin; henale. (iKlied ilarclf.'M, JhU.I ) Adopted bv tho House, February 0, l y:,. LIIah. 11. ilooiiKS, speaker of thu House. Coiicurrtd in by tho Senate, February H), ISM. Josarn blMn.s, 1'reslUeiit of the Seliitte. HOUrJi: JOINT UKrfOM'TION NO, 2. proposing nn iiinemlmetit to tho Constitution of thu stnlei.f Urenun, by iciumIiiib Sectlnu 31 of iiriiuiu i. Kcsoivcil bv thu House. Ibn keinitiifniiniirrliii., Thilt MSitlou 3Tt nt Artlelo 1 nf thu L'onsillntlim be mill hereby is repealed. auupieu nv too nou-e, January 11, wx W. I', Kkwiv, hp;'aierof thu House. Conciirreil in by tliuSeiinle. Jniiimrv :f(), ls,y:i V. . Fulton, I'resldeiitnf thu Senate. Adopted bv tho House, January :;0. lsy.V OIIAH. 11. .Miliums, blanker of thu House. Concurredlii bv tho Semite, February IS, lh'.l.j, Joski-ii HisiuN, i'resldciitof thu Sciniu fiKN.VTK JOINT IlKHOMJriON NO, 7. He it renolvid liy the Seiiale, thu Housocrui currliiKi '1 hut the f()lloiiiB nincinlmeiit to tlai (.oiistliutloii of lliu Htntu of orwiai be nud is henhy pioposcd: AllTICI.K i, Thecleollvofrarielilsu in this State shall not hereafter It: prohibited toaiiyelllzeiiou account of sex. Adopted by tin; Senate, Februmv 0, JVJ3. JotKfu Simon, I'resldcut ol thu riomito Adopted by tho House, February li, lK'j.'i. Ciiah. II. Mouiiks, Speaker of thu House. Adopted by tliu Senate. Janusrv ill, T. (J. Ta vwjh, President of tho Semite. Adopted by tho House. January :i, lhim. U. V. UAitTKK, biivnker.of thu House. UNITED HTATF.B OF ASIKItHJA, ) Ktatk OI'OllKUON, J Oillco of Kecretnry of Stale. ) I, P. I. UlfNII AH.Sccrctnry of HUto of tho Htnt :,'! "n in mo seal of said HUto, do hereby certify that 1 have compared tliupreteilliiircopy ol Kuiuiiu Joint Itenolittioi) Iso. I. of tho U'tfUlHiIve Amombly of "sjun clpal Indebtedness iiiiiiiiidmcat:" Hem te Joint lteo iitluii No, in of tho U-irllllvo ak ijeinhly of hi).;, 'Judiciary Amcndimij" huw Joint Itekolutlun No. 10 nf thu U-llallvo An" HCIIlblv Of lK'.l.l nlrrlifulli,,, A ........ .. ... Homo Joint KcolutlDii f?o.y of ,o lZ "iu vo iVii,,b,. 0 m,' l"-'J'll"K Amcn.linu mid benato Joint llesolulfon No. 7 of tho l-uH. liitlvo Aim. i i i, ent." with the oilnlnal cop on now im llo la thU ollico, anil tint the imio Ik ii correct tiuiucrlpt theicirom and thu hole tboreof. In Tkwimonv Wiiiikoc, I have hero. (m. . , i '.V'1" ''W,1"""' "H'l iilllxed heieto IHUAI,! the teal of IhuHtutuof OriKoii. W.)h'u"Vl,0l(;'ll",, t.'i'"". OrcKon, win M ""y Kov,!lr. A. D K. I, DUNIIAIt, HccreUry ofatato, Mitlh4.gWBiiwHHl li Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or poat. OAo-O-'OO" Construction -This Is nn air liulit henlur ol the oval sheet steel tvii U ha (j,hT IKON I.ININtlS, laiiklue It durnlilo; ul'i has froii feed door, cast top ainl bottom and on i ' mo 1 1 1 ii 1 suliik- top, with urlddlu cover Ulidetneath. NIckfdlnK It bus nlckolisl urn, fame p. ate ami fool rails o hnvo h eoiiipletw stock of tnuin on hiiud. Call and sec our stock l.cfoie IiiijIiik elsv'tvhcre. Hit m i i.f J maier i Benson C. F- Stephens e? r i .Doalor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, sliif's. Hals, ( np. Nollous. for W. 1.. Hone ns nlioe. Alfl. Telephone Nu, hs, TUc Dalles, Or, i;i i aeconu hi, .GHAS. FRAUK Butehers and Formers ..Exchange.. Keeps on ilrauirht thu culiibriitid COl.t'MIHA IIKi;U, iicknoni islxed the best beer lu Tho iMilos, at the usual price. Come In, Iry It niiil hi; convinced. Aim the Finest brands of Wines, I.I-tior anil Clears. Sanduiiehes of all Kinds always on baud. W1?S. OlilVlfl W. JVIOljGAtf, STUDIiO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MAfcONIG HUILU1NG, Third Street, between Court and WnBli ton Streutc, The Dallcn. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. I'HaNHACT A KNUItALUANKINO JIUKINEH Letters of Credit iasued avalluble in the KiiHtern Htutea. hiejht Exchange and TuleurHplut irunuiurs Haiti on raw xorK, UlilcaKO, St. J.ouIh, San Francisco, l'ortlaud Ore? iron, Keuttlo Wanh,, and vurlotiE points in Oregon and VViiHliinuton, Gollectione main ut all (Kiinte on fuv oralile toriiiH. r, MCOHK. JOHN (IAVIN MOOJtE & OAViN, A'lTOltNKVfi AT I,AV. Itoomi 39 and to, over V, 8. IjuiiI Oillco. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. 'wSnrilflJRl!y dlK?5.t8 t00i JB JNHtUro in fitirnnirl.hnnlnrr ..ri BtructlnR tho exhausted dluostive or fans, it b the latent dlsoovercd digest ant and tonic. No other preparation tantly rolloveaand permanently cures Pniuni by e. c. OeWh? Cli' .11 EA8T nri Cm,... wwvi ,n VJi The Shasta Rout e or TIIK Southern Pacific Comfy TraliiR IcBVowiil are due to ,, ' " i"ortUv I.RAVK. OVKKI.ANI) KX.V burK, Anhliuid. Vnc.l rnmuuio, Omien.H,,,, i riuiulsco, Moj ive ? mAliKcles,Klf;-s,, New urleniis an, T:00 1'. M, :15 A. x ttotHmrMI111 "'"V"'!"- fy.'."l;iiVi. 'ir: J AI .Augu , Hllvurti.ii, 1 Wi ,Nt ,(il!l" hnitvits- L H!80 A. M. :S0 p.n Dllj oxcept fiumuR iMP.Sf. Dally except hundnyH 17:80 A. JI CorvnlllN iHtatloiis "Hi wnyi lhdtV (uxc0,,tH,u;,ll ,ohXpreM,Bl tiryip. m. rl.v l'ortlaud ..Ar.i 7:!io p. m. Ui . .MoMltinviiiu. Ax.l llill. i I Ilrllllllll Av a.. H:;wp. ui. tAr..lii(leH!ii(lencc..I.v.) V'Srr Dally. fDany, uxcept Muiiunt. HININO OAUH ON OOIIKN IIOUTK. 1'WLl.MAN HUFFF.T HLKKFERg AND HKCOND-CI.ASS Hl.KEl'INO CAfc AiiHcncu m an ThriiUKh Tralnt. Direct connection nt Him rranciacn with ru. duntiil mid Orlcntiil nud 1'aclllu mnll uZ-ZS lines for JAI'AN ami CHINA. Kallli rStaS n( plication. ltHteii hud tickets to Knstera poinh tadK aYibtrama ' U,IlNA' U0N0LDI S) All nhovo trains urrlvo nt ntiil ilcMn i Uraiid Central HUitlon, Fifth atiii ltvnij "b!S5 YAMII1U, DIVIBION, FasnciiKcr DeisJt, loot of JuderwnitreK U-ave for Hherldiui, week dnyiil .rrlee at I'ortlnlul. (M.'tll ,, ' ' "-p.B Arrive lit l'ortlaud, ui.'iU it. m iji'iivu mr nvi,ir. on .tioiioiiv. nM,....i ....... i... . tttr t tf ... . Frliliiy at h::i"ia. 111. Arilvc at l'orllin fl.m nii,i..,l,....,iIU.,,.,..l,.. .. n.i. J n I" U,.,, lllUinilllj IIIIU n'lVllllllll tltliUin.TQ. Ksccpt Hutidny. Kxeepi ButunUj, II. KUKM.KII, (i, II. MAKKUAS, jliniHcr. Asst. (i, 1", ,v Put. Art TlirnuBh Ticket Ofllco, i: Tlilrd Ktrcet.vbM tliroiiKli tickets to all points in tho Iim States, Caimiln nud Kurupc cull bo nbUinltf lowest rates from J. II. KIKKI.AND, Ticket Abi or N. WHKAMION. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday, KuteH Keaiioiiable. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop, C. S. Smith, thi: iJp-to-date droeer Froth EtffiH and Creiimery Jlutter a uiiecialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270.. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MIC HELL, THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street. One Block Back of Fronch & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3IAJ 33S ClNtf 3IAIO0 NOTICE FOU Pl'HMOATlOK. Land okkick at "ff'l (ctiibcr 7, 'Jr-ipi mod tettlor Iiiih tiled imtlcu of " ' W4 ta miiko llual lirooi n mil'l.1"" '. Vi.e KW thut nald pruo! will li T'lln',,ouewM mid lieciiivuriitT in DallOitllCK'"1!""0" November 'Ji WJ'Ji viz: V. lluirlHMl. 'f ' u""' V IVninCHteiid Klitiy No. '' 'V.' porWi HII ii M-IW unit N WM til-M hvc li P raimaH i; v, M. ., u,illl0wSc to Ills contlauoa" renhlcucu upua " of mild land, vU:, , ... Sl,rOTnt m1"' OOt lid!. JA 1 1,1 ONE FOR A DOSE m H.moTa Plnipl, Vmtnl llllliiiirfnH.M. Iiiri(v Chliilluoil, Ouru ilvmUaha unit lrmliU. fgTTmSS r7.rTi.itii. ThMinit i.i at i' v:'jL, Sii II u fiiiWdrwuUOB.edSAHK