The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 04, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
V nr. s " cal "cQ " n.v. ot
Geo. W. Bowen
wood toiluv.
is over from Glen
Mr. and Mrs.-W. H. Moee?. of
laml, spent yesterday in the city.
Wm. Knox, of Golilendalu, was reg
i?tered at the Uinatilln yesterday.
Miss Mattie Builey, who Iimh been
teaclnn-; at Grass alley, is visiting' at
Jjer lioine in this city.
"Miese3 Bertie and Edna Glenn, who
nnvo epurit several days in Portland, re
turned homo Miturdaj; night.
Misse? K e and Mamie Buchler, who
Iinve been visiting in 1'ortland, returned
on the boat Saturday evenini:.
.Mrs. IJ. u. Uiarlc awltwo pons re
turned to their home inrortland today,
after npendinc a week vcitli her brothere,
J. M. ami Ji. is. tiunjtugton.
Mrs. Annie Johnson, accompanied ru
ber three children and her fhter, Mrs.
Dnnhar, of Gold"iidale, arrived in the
city on last eveninsr's train, bringing with
her the body of her deceased husband ,
Unas. H. Johnson.
Dr. J. H. Rosenberrv, V. Werzweiller
and Alt Allen ctme up from Portland
yppterdny on their waj to their liome at
W. T. DovpI', who delivered the
euloay at the Elk memorial yestcrdav,
returned to hi home at Walla Walla
last nijrht. Thnn who met. Mr. Dovell
regretted that his visit in The Dalles
was of such short duration.
K. H. Lon-dale will leave the illy on
toniuht'i? train bound for a few mo'nths
Htay at his home in Columbia Mifuouri.
Harry's friends all hope to vee him buck
in Tho Dalleo ponn, wheii hu will be
greatly uiieeed duritij; hh? abfence.
Ash your grntwr fo Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Sacrificed to
Blood Poison.
Those who have never had Blood Poi
son can not know what a desperate con
dition it can. produce. This terrible
"'sease which the doctors are totally
' mWv'e to cure' 13 communicated from
' orio'gWfv "ftt:on t0 ter, inflicting its
t..ti.K..Wi, 'untlesa innocent ones.
Lt" , "as ocul.ted with poison
'"a,my babe wlth bl00d
' talirt. Thu little xm ivk.
unequal to mo striJBKfc:
hM its lifu was ylelMHfl
up io inn leariui poison
1'or tlx long years I uilf-
Tvred untold rniery. I
iihk covered with sorva dBriwk
untl ulcers from heaidao tfT . Slim
t foot, ami no Ungnrtge- Wfr " ijT
cancspresa my fwllup.
o: woo (luniiK motw n;
years. 1 1 hud xm
liiedlvbl irWtii
I JlWSTVl"- .1... .ll-TSMW.Wl
niirpose. Tho mer--ry
and iwtash seemed to add fuel to the
awful llame which wan devouring me. I wai
advised by friends who had seen wonderful
cures made by it. to try Swift's Specific. We
ot two bottles, and I felt hope again revive in
my breast hopo for health and happiness
again. I improved from the start, nud a com.
pleloand wr.'ect cure was tho result, o. o. b.
Is tho only blood reiaedy which reaches des
Oicrato cases. Mas. T. . Lke.
Montgomery, Ala.
'Of Che many blood remedies, S. B. S.
Is the only one which can reach deep
seated, violent oases. It never falls to
fontlv nnd nermanentlv tho
most desperate cases wnicn ure uoyouu
(the Teach of other remedies.
i - , . . i- j I
For Dlfv.fl
is ruBBir veqbtabik, and ia the only 1
blood'remedy fiuai'aiitccti 5?t,Li? no
"Valuablo & free by Bwlft
Bpeciflc Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
RmchiIo T,ntB No. ,103, II. I. O. K., Meet
In Lodge of Morrow Yeftterduy.
There are none to whom tho thought
of being remembered is not n sweet one,
and tho pangs of death nre somewhat
lessened if wo but feel that in tho hearts
of thoso wo love our memory will still
live. The idea of memorial day as
carried out by tho Elks, is therefore a
custom worthy of nn order whose object
is to care for and protect those In need
and to keep evergreen tilts memory of
their brothers after dentil. If in their
social functions the Elks neglect not the
slightest iota which would enhance their
success, neither do they when it comes
to preparing for tho exercise in which
they honor their dead, and each year as
they gather, some new feature ia intro
duced which will the more firmly Im
press upon them the memory of thoso
who have passed to the lodge above.
Ihrinmh all the beautiful decorations
of purple and white, the potted plants
and flowers and other artistic arrange
ments so gracefully in evidence about
the hall yesterday, somehow tiie band
of crape teemed to show fortii with
added significance and the session was
a lodge of sorrow in every sense of the
word, the suppressed feeling of renewed
sorrow at the recent death of one of
their number being very evident
throughout the exercises, the tolling of
the bell in answer to the names of
George Clacking, Owen Williams and
Orin S. Waud at roll call, only intensify
ing it.
The exercises throughout were beauti
ful, the opening of the lodge being a fit
prelude to what followed. Rev. D. V.
Poling made the opening prayer, and
was followed by Miss Myrtle Michel!
who sang in clear, sweet tones a very
touching and appropriate selection, "A
Dream in Paradise."
Next came the eulocy, and as Mr. W.
T. Dovell, of Walla Walla, arose and ad
dressed the lodge, each listener was ut
once struck with the peculiar richness of
his voice, which is in itself a gift n.ucli to
be envied and more than half of the suc
cess of a speaker. But without it Mr.
Dovell's addresB would have fully
reached the excellency which all had
anticipated. His language is perfect,
everv sentence being rounded out and
falling upon his hearers in a most
pleasing manner. The perfect faith
which the speaker expressed in regard
to the all-wise dealings cf an all-wite
Creator, and the optimistic view of
death taken by him and which was ex
pressed in such an eloquent manner,
couldnot fail to have the desired effect
on his hearers and particularly on tiie
members' of the order who commemo
rated the memorv of their deceased
brothers. One of the highest cnmpli
mente which a speaker can receive is
wnen those who listen to him deem his
address all too short, and sucii was the
opinion of those who heard Mr. Dovell
A male quartet, composed of Prof.
Landers, D. V. Poling, Dr. 0. D. Donne
and Prof. A. W. Lundell, sang "One
Sweetly Solemn Thought,", the arrange
ment being very pretty and well suited
to their voices.
Judge W. L. Bradshaw then gave a
touching address in which he spoke in
a tender manner of the lives of those
wliose memory they had met to perpet
uate. He recounted the death of each
and the peculiar circumstances attending
their demise, speaking of one passing
away in the morning of life, the other ut
the noontide and the oilier at the even
ing hour, drawing therefrom the lesson
that death is certain and the time of its
advent most uncertain. He spoke of
the leseons to be gained therefrom and
what their effect should be on the lives of
those who remain in the lodge militant.
The quartet sang that beautiful se
lection which never grows old, "Nearer
My God to Thee," after which the clos
ing exercises of the lodgH took place, and
Kev. D. V. Poling made tho cloeinir
All Iinportuiit IMITurtfiici-.
To make it apparent to thousands,
who think themselves ill, thut they are
I not sMi'iiled witu."' urease, but that
the eyiim simply weeds eteanjInB, is to
bring comfort home to their hearte. as
a couive condition is easily cured by
uiing Syiup of Figs. Manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and
gold by all druggists.
A Hellnlilo Optician,
If you have had trouble in getting
glasses to cult, you will please call on
Tlieo. H. Liebe, now located at H. C.
Liebe's, in the Vogt blcck, who will ex.
amine vour eyes kkkk and tell you
whetlier your eyesight can he ueneiueo
bv the use of properly fitted glasees
- ,
Charges for glasees reasonable. Decl 3
At the club dance last Friday evenlnx
some one by mistake carried away u
i ii.. .i.i..r
vurv tiretiy linen intinitiisni'jii
ace edgin(, leaving In its place quo
i.ij,i fttembles it, hut of cotton ma-
UtM. The lundkerchid bu the name
i0f the owner In the canter, and. ehe
would be grateful if It were left tt this
oflice. 20. 3t
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your trrocer for them.
Fresh Saratoga chips and salted
almonds for sale at Dawson's grocery
store. 11-lf
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured!)' Clarke
& Falfc.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the
Wruco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tf
Cle Elm coal $G.50 per ton; Hock
Springs coal .'J per tun, delivered, at
Muier & Benton's.
J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sisr
geons wanted to operate nn mo for piles,
hut I cured them with DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salvo." It is infallible for piles
and skin diseases. Beara of counter
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you cat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back, "o els. and 50 cts.
Blakeloy fc Houghton Druggist".
Stop Thief!
Stop doing business. This is the way
you feel after buying some ten cent
cigars. Try our Mascot ten cent smoke
and find out where your real friends are.
Ben Ullrich.
Mr. J.-Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his
child's life by One Minute Cough Cure,
Doctors had givtn Iter up to die with
croup. It's un infallible euro for coughs,
colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and
throat and lunz troubles. Relieves nt
For Sale.
A good farm in Klickitat county
Wash., five miles from Columbus, con
sisting of 210 acres. Price $1000. Apply
to II. E. Curtiss at A. S. Bennett's
oflice. iil3-d&n'lm
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. CuretJIieart-hurn,
raising of tho food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief, t'5 cte.
and 50 cts. Blakeley iS: Houghton, drug
gists. Cmli tn Your CI:ec!U.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Jan. 21, 18S0, will he paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Nov. 13th,
US't'J. C. L. PlIlLUl'H,
Countv Treasurer.
Mr. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., eays,
'Our baby was covered with runninc
sores. DoWitt's Witcli Hazel Salve
cured her." A specific for piles anil
skin diseases. Beware of worthless
The Supply Limited.
Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Lake.
Placi your orders now for Christmas or
you may get left. Gi fiord. nl7-lni
"I was nc.rly dead with dyspepsia,
tried doctcre, vibittd mineral springs,
and grew worse. I used Kodol Dyspep
sia Cuic. That cured mo." It digests
what you eat. Cures indigestion, sour
stomach, heartburn, and all .fotms of
Ninolin to Your vrii I'rollt,
As well as ours. 'Tis not how much
you smoke, but how you enjoy It. Try
our Majcot ten cents a ocal product
that beats the wot Id. Ben Ullrich.
Theodore H. Liebc, graduate optician
of the Peoria Optical College, is now lo
cated with H. C. Liebe in the Vout
block. Persons desiring to have their
eyes examined wili do well to call on
Mr. Liebe. Decl-3
Are You Looking rorl'apur llunils'.'
We don't ec!1 them, but if you want
the best five cents, worth in this town,
try our Far West cigars. It'll make you
feel good al! over, and only five centc
Ben Ullrich.
A moat 'complete line of watches,
chains, rings and gold jewelry can bo
found at II. C. Liebe's jewelry store in
the Vogt block. Dec.-a
Harry 0. Liebe, the jeweler in the
Vogt block, carries an elegant line of
sterling silver novelties of many differ
ent designs. Deel-U
Good Kiclue single buggy and bar
nese for ealo at a bargtin. Cull on
Haworth, the printer, over Dalles Com
mission Co. 0(:t2.').(iaw'2w
Now is the time to tit for X.uas
photos. Cloudy weather preferred for
sittings. Bo says Gilford. novl7-lm
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fulk
have them.
To Cure K Cold in One !y.
Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tab
lets. All (IruggiHts refund the money If
it falls to cur.
One doztjii of Glfrord's photos will
make you twelve due presents. What
would be appreciated more for the
holidays? uovl7-lm
STATU OK OltlitiON, )
.Sai.hv, Nov ill, 1MM.)
In ncronlniire with tho prnvMniM of n Act
riitltliil "An Act Mibnititlwc to tiio t'.lretor.i n(
the Htmo of ori'imu nt the Hrucriil KVnlhm to
l"holilon tho lit Mt Monday In .luni;, I'JOO. tin;
pending I'roiioMil Constitutional Amendments,'
inii.rnvrd Kchrtmry Is, lMi'j, I, T. T. (Uvr, Gov
ernor of tliuHtnio'if Oregon, doherthy oiiine the
(ollnnlni; proposed Hinendinenls to the Consti
tution of thu State of Oivgon, as eertllleil to hv
the Secretary of Ktat , to lie pnldlslml fur live
eonsiiciillvo weeks In Tin: Imi.i.k CithONici.t:.
n newsiuiper published In tho Seventh Judicial
District of the mate of Oregon.
llonu at the Capitol, at Salem, Oteiton,
si:.u. this Jlt day of November, .. Ii. Ifi'.iU.
T. T. (iKIUt, tiflvornor.
liy the (iovcrnor:
T. 1. DUN1IAH, Secretary of Ktnto.
He it losolved hv the Senate, the House rim
ctirihiK; 'lhat the following amendment to the
Constitution of tho State of Olefin be and Is
heieby proposed:
ThHt .-ectlon 111 of Article XI. of the Consllltl
lion of the State ut (IrcL-nn be and thesamu Is
hercbv abrogated, and In lieu thereof Miction 10
of Article XI. -shall be nx follows.;
.viirici.i; xi.
Section 10. No county, city, town, school dls
trlet or other niiiiilcloal rornoratiou shall ho al
lowed to become Indebted tu any manner or for
niiv Ttiiriinsp tn nn iiiuninit hielitdlnir oresent ex
hthiK Indebtedness in tho aggregate exceodintr
live per centum on tho value of the taxable
propel ty therein to bo nscer tallied by tho last as
sessuicut for Statu and countv taxes previous to
the incurring oi Mien iniie&
Adopted hv the Senate January in, 1S'J.'I.
V. V. 1', President of tho senate.
Concurred In bv the lloue, February'.', 1MM.
W. 1'. Kk.uiy, Speaker of the House.
Adopted by the Senate January 31, 1S5.
Joseph Simon. President of the senate.
Concurred in by the House, February I. lEi..
CHAs. II. Mooi!Ks,1 Speaker of the House
Ho It resolved by tho Senate, the House con
curring: That tho following amendment to the
Constitution of the State of Oregon, In lieu of
section Ten of Article Soveti (7), ho and the same
is hereby proposed, to-wlt:
skctios; TKK.
The legislative Ascmbly may provide for the
election of (supreme and Ctieult Judges lu dis
tinct classis, one of which classes shall consist
of live Justices of the supreme Court, who shall
not perform circuit duty: and the other class
shall consist of as many Circuit Judges as may
bo deemed ry, who shall hold full terms
without allotment and who shall take tho snnio
oath as the ntiptcmctludgcs.
'llie I.eL'ls alive Assemble mnv create :is manv
circuits as may bo necessary.
Adopted by the Senate, February 1.'), 1MJ.
C W. ruiioN, i'ritldcnt of the Senate.
Concurred In hv the House, February 13, IS'J).
V. p., Spvakcr of Hie House.
Adopted by l he Semite, January 'JI, 1S'J5.
JosKi'll SimoK, President of the Senate.
Concurred In by the House. February . b93.
Cli.if. 11. jiouiihs, speaker of the House.
norsi: JOINT ItKSOI.UTIOX, NO. io.
itcsolvisl bv the lloilte. the .Senate roiirnrr-
ing; That the following amendment to the Con
Mltutlon of the statu of Oregon Ijo mid hereby Is
That the Constitution he amended by adding
Section 1. Tho lii-cessarv nso of liiii.-lx for the
construction of lescrvolrfc or storage bisliis lor
the putpoto of lnlgatlou or for rights of way for
the eonstiuctlon of canals, ill iebe, Humes or
pi lies to coin oy water to t e place of us lor any
useful, beiietlclal or neeessarv purpose or for
uiniuriKv, ur nir iiraiiiage oi mines or mo worK
lugs thereof, by means of roads, railroads, train
ways, cuts, tunnels, Ebaft, holitlng works,
iiiiuiti;i .iiiHT necessary nieiins io mcir coni-
pieieueveiopmeuior any oilier uso necessiiy to
the complete development of the natural
sources of thuhtateor preservation of the heallh
ui rii iniiauiuiiiis, is iiereuyui-ciareil to lain pub
lic use and subject to the regulation and control
of the Mute.
section '-'. The right to appropriate tho ii'iap
protiilated waters of any natural stream lit ben
ellelal uses shall never b.i denied.
hccll n a. The use of all witters now appro
priated .'or .sa'e, rental or distribution, alsoof all
Haters originally appropihited for prliate use,
but which, after sucii approp'l illou, lias beret.i
fore been or may heteafter be Mild, rent, d or dis
tributed, is hereby declared io bu n mi llcti-e
and mbjeet to tiie reaubitlon a d control of the
Mate in the manner pren'rlbed by law. Hut the
right to Use and fit,iirot,ti.iii, kii, .),.!.
be subject to such tovlslons of law for lb- UK
Ing of private property for public or prlv ito uso
as provided in .Si-cllon Is, Arllelo 1 of thu Con
stitution of the fj tutu of Oregon.
fccellnu J. 'J lie tight to collict taxes or com
lieusallon i for tho use of water siitiplled Io an
county, city, town or water district or Inhabit
ants thereof, is a franchise, and cannot l exor
cism except by authotlty of mid in 11 manner
prescribed by law.
Adopted by the House, February Li, IS'JT
W. 1' Kk.wv, Speaker of the IIoiik'.
(Slgneil March 7, IfclM.)
Adopted by tho fienate, Kehruary 17, If-VLJ.
O. VV. I'Uf.roN, President of thA iseiiale.
(-Ignc.l iiarcii ii, WXS)
Adopted by tho House. February !, l"J.i.
CIUH. 11. Mooiikh, ojieakerof thu House.
Coucurrtd lu by tho Senate, 1 ebruary 111, lh!0.
Joski-ii riuio.v, I'resldentof thubenatu.
hou.'-i: joint iii:.som:tion no. :.
proposing an amendment to thu Constitution of
Ihe state i f Oregon, by repealing Section ii' ol
Article 1.
Hcwilved by tho House, thoienato concurring;
Thutrieelloiililuf Article 1 oj ihu Constitution
be ami hereby Is reia'alcii.
Adopted bv tlio House, January tl, P'J'l.
W. 1'. Kkajiv, ftp.-nU-r id Iho House.
Concurred lu by thoijcuale, .Inniiary sit, Is'j.l.
C. W. Kulton, I'rtiideiitof IhoKenaU.'.
Adoptiil by tho House, January Ml. lh'j.i
Ciias. II. Mooiiks, hpcaUei of Ihu House.
Concurred in bv tho Senate, tehruary U, ib'.ii,
Jiwki-11 Simon, President of tho Seiiatu
lie It resolvtd hv tho Senate, the Iloiisoeoii-
enrriug; 'lhat thu following amendment to tho
Oubtltutlon ol ihu ritalo of Orwiu be and is
nertoy projMtn;
Tho I'leclive frnnchiso In this Htato shall not
heieaftur bj iirohlhlteil toanvclliien on account
of sex.
Adopted by thu Senate, Kebrurav 6, 1MB.
Joir.Pii Simoh, Prt'sldeiit of tho iicnatu
Adopleil by thu llousu, February 0, aXi.
tHAB. 1). Moouita, hpeaker of the House.
Adopti-d by thu Senate. Jammy ill, IfeM.
T. 0. Tayiok, i'le.ldint of thu r'euatc.
Adopted by thu llousu, Janilaiy IKK).
K. V. Uab-ckii, Speaker of tho House.
KTATR Of Okkiuin,
Olllco of Secretary of Stattr. )
I. K.I. DUNIIAlt.Sicretarvol suto of ii,..mi.i
of Oregon and Custoillan of tho ijeal of said
State, do hereby certify thut I havo finirtsl
i ."i7 i;i pi-iium joiih itesoniiioii
No. t. of thu Ltiimallvu Asu-miili' ism
Municipal Indebtwlnesa aiiiundini;nt:" Stiatc
umnivi.iiiiiiuii nn, i.i in uiu i.egisiailvt! As
nembly of lfJ.l,-''JudlcUry Amundeiil;" llimso
Joint llekolution No. 10 of ihu U-rltatlvo Am
"ly, ' IVW; Irrigation Auiendinu it;"
llouto Joint liesoliil (mi No.? of thu lAgnlallvo
AsseiuM of !V-" Ueiieallug Allleninlellt.,
and beimtu Joint itenolulfon No. 7 of Ihu.lx-ulM.
latlve Ansembly of jsu.1, -"Konal smiiago
Amendment." with Iho original copies 1 1. w on
file ill this oIUcu, 11ml lhat tho mine Is a correct
truustflpi therefrom mid tho wbolu thereof.
In Tkstimonv Wmiiuciif. I huvo here.
unto nut mv hand and alllxcd lioieto
ukal , tho eal of thu Statu of Oregon,
...... 1 4wvviuour. j
. BeereUry ol ft talc.
For wood, chips, knots,
shavings, corn cobs,
hay or poat.
ConBtruotlon-Thls Is an air
light heater of the oval sheet steel
tvpoi it has CAST IKON I.ININIIH,
making It durable; also baa frou
feed door, cast top mid bottom and
ornamental swing top, with griddle
cover underneath.
NIckolliiB It has nickeled urn,
name piate and (not rails. e have a
complete stock of tiiem on hand.
Call and see our stock befoio bujllig
piaier & Benion
Kiic'j tiny our litisinesis shows
thu people tiro iiiiclint; out wo"
nre. pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very beat, nnd
lust, but not least, buyers who
know their business find buy
fop the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
.GHflS. FHflllK.
Bute hens
and Farmers
Keeps on draught tho celebrated
COI.U.MIIIA HKKIt, acknnwl
edged tho best beer lu Tiie Dallen,
at the usual price. Come lu, try
it and be convinced, Aim thu
Finest brands of Wines, l.l iior
and Cigars.
of all Kinds always on hand.
Third Btroot, hutwonn Court nud Wnah
ton StreotH, Thu- DuIIuh.
Lot tern of Credit leaiMNl Hvullttblo in the
lCautnrn SUtee.
rjiuht Exchange und Telegriiphii
TnD8fera aold on Nw York, Cliicno,
Ht. Loula, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore
icon, Keuttlo Wiu)h ami varioua point
in Oroijon and Waahingtou.
Collection!! tuada at all polntc on fav
orable torroa.
' F. XC0BK.
M00KE & GA.V1N,
Al liJlirsl. tn AT LAW.
llOQin 21 and 40, um U, H. Und Olllco.
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Como'v
Trains Iciwonnd are duo to " "
"V I. HI, AMI k'V.I
burg, Anbland, HiMi.
I ranclseo, Mninvo r ..
I.ob Aiigolei,i:i f'S , !l3
7:00 P.M.
i i.-n uricailH
:so A. M,
I7:S0 A. M,
lloscbure ami' iV
fVIa Womlbiir.'i fflr,
J ''Aimel, Hllverton,
n.1!'! Iiwop.k,
lmlly (oscopt Btiiutiiy). '1,pre
i;mp, ni. ri.v I'ortlaiid ...Ar.i
7:.Klp. in. ?Al..S:i!.MInnvllle..I.v
8::w p. 111. ( Ar..lii(lcia!niiciice..l.v.
Dttlly. tlaiiy, except Huikmt.
AttlUlllfsl tl Mil Thrminl. I'l...
Dlrctit connection at Kan Kranritm oi.
dental and Oriental and Paclllc mall iiMnX
Much for JAPAN and CHINA. Balling dK?2
a plication. "
Hntoa nnd ticket to Kastern polnu ..
aVih't haia A " ' 01UNA' "WNoi-uffifi
All ahovu trains arrive at and dcnirt
Orniid Central Htntlon, Fifth ami Irvinj ttiSS
lasciiKcr DeiHit, foot of Joilersonitrett,
Ijenw for Hhcrldan, week day, t(-ion.
Arrive at l'ortlatid, U:80 . m, p,B
U'nve for AI11I.IK. on Monday, WHlniruwi
r.iiy nt ::t" n. m. Arriv Ht l'orUaO, Tna
iv, Thursday mid Hatunlni u HM p.n
'Kxccpt Hunday
Asst. (i. F. fc 1'ut.Alt
Through TliiUct Oltlcc,l:tl Third trMt,hn
through ttckcta to all points In the iutei
States, CaiiadH and Kuroiie can ia! obttlsdit
lowest rates from
J. II. KlItKLANll, Ticket Anst
Wood Saw
Will run itvory ilny oxt'tipt Buntlar,
IttttL's lieueoimble.
Telephone 201.
W. A. CATES, Prop.
C. S. Smith,
Up-to-date Qroeer
Fresh KpcH nnd Creamery
litittcr 11 spfuinlty.
2d Street.
'Phone 270.
Rooms on Third Street,
One Block Back
French & Co.'s Bank.
3IAJ 33S QNtf 3WOO 1
(clotwr 7, jYjibi
Notlco Ik hereby given tli;d M ?ttWw
liailieil MJlllur una li' ; hUfMIOl1"
10 iiiakii final nrool III .Hlipurt f l''s."-u
that mild proof will N iij"'.' "f 'AasJlurW"
and Itifeiver at The iliille,)regwiituMl
Novembers, IsW, viz: ,
. 1 ,,r'i' be 1H"' ' .' ,
Womcatwiil Ktitiy.N'o. SOlKl, for .
Mil u Ni:w ami NWJi flKU tec . l''4
of mM land, vU: ,. ,..,,., Mrgcnt w4'1
K.raoTn Plmplm, rrcni
l!urulluiiil.clii)iiill)nlul'l. fTTSSI
nill..ii.n... ll.irllv IhlllllllU
A iiiot.iii.u1 .if " ",9,l'K.'i.Xkitrf'K
iirlnllli. Tlii; "iralV'?,'V f, ?SlMC'
rlne v., 11
, w win nun ""iKiSluinnLltm'9