For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Panting, Ovcrcontin-or Fancy Vesting. Kindly rnll nnd examine ray stock of Im , xatltd and Domestic Woolens. A tine stock to elect from. Butts made from the lowest prices to the high est grade. J. A. Eberle. Flno Tailoring. THE DALLES OHKOON. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 9UB8ClUlTJON l'KIOK. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 MONDAY DECEMBER 4, 18f9 BREAKING FROM BRYAN1SM. Iduho's secretary of statu, M. Tutrie, who is one of the silver sec tion of the Republican party which seceded at the St. Louis Republican Convention of 189G and went over to Bryan, says the time has come for all his clement to return to the Re publican party. Ex-Attorney Gen eral G. M. Parsons, another Idaho silver Republican leader, takes the same view. "The conditions that caused us to leave the Republican parly no longer prevail," he declares. "Prosperity is strongly in evidence throughout the nation. The cry of silver has lost its force and power to Tally men under strange political ban ners." Tliis talk is significant. The men who are taking this view live in the silver mining region. Naturally they would be expected to cling to the silver idea with more tenacity than would those who reside outside of the mining quarter. When they be gin to abandon the free coinage propaganda and come back to the Republican party, as they are doing in large numbers throughout the entire mining locality, it is plain that the Republican parly will have a large number of votes in 1900 that were cast against it in 189C. The Salt Lake Tribune, one of the able6i and most conspicuous of the silvci Republican papers of the countrj', foretold more than a year ago the return of its element to the Re publican party. The movement is now under way, and will grow in volume as tbe time for the election approaches. It-was made plain by the elections of the past year or two that the drift of the silver Republicans back to their old party had begun. This is the reason why Washington, Wyom ing, Kansas and South Dakota, which went to the Democrats in 189G, have eome back to the Republican side in the canvasses of 1 898 or 1 899. Colo rado and the rest of the Western states which went to Bryan on tbe silver issue in 189G will do this ulti mately. There is a chance that several of them which have not yet left the Bryanite side will do this next year. Senator Teller himself, the leader of the seredcrs, is likely to be back in the Republican party in 1900 or 1901. The Teller faction of tho Brynnite coalition were tho one ingredient which gave that ag gregation respectability. But Teller nnd his followers can no longer re main in this fellowship. They arc Republicans on protection, expan sion and all other issues except silver, and, as silver is being dodged now by theDemooratlc leaders, and would be abandoned altogether were it not for the fear that this would repel PopuIUihd silver Republican sup port, tbe latter element can no longer be held in line with its yoke-follows of three years ago. That was an un holy alliance, and was bound to fall to pieces quickly. It is clear that the Domocratio vote will bo much smaller in 1900 and the Republican vote larger than each was in 189G. Globe-Democrat. Acker's Ennllah Remedy will stop a cough nt liny time, nnd will cure tbe worst cold in twelve bourn, or money refunded. 2o cts. and 50 cte. ftlakelny & Houghton, druggists. admiral George Dewey Will receive the most royal welcome on Oct. life next, that was ever accorded to an American citizen. You will find a complete biography of this great hero, including his brilliant victory over the Spas tih fleet in tho great, authoritative- and up 1 "-date work of reference, the New Werner Edition of tbe Encyclopaedia Britannica This ia the only encyclopedia on the market that tnentions Admiral Dewey. It gives tho date of hit birth; how ho spent his boyhood days; the part ho took in the Civil War; how after the War he was employed on the European station; in tho Naval Academy; his rise to the rank of Commander and President of the Board of Inspection and Survey; tiia command of tho Asiatic Squadron; how on April 27th he left Hong Kong with his squadron, found and destroyed the Spanish Fleet, at Manila, on May 1st; his appointment as Acting Bear Ad miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and 'Low on March 2nd, 1SS9, he was created full Ad miral. It speaks of him as a strict disciplinarian, Hn all-around athlete, a daring horseman and huntsman, and socially a good club man and a general favorite. It tells of his marriage to Mi Busy Goodwin, a daughter of the "fighting gov crnor" of New Hampshire, who died in 1872, leav- lug a ion, George Goodwin Dewey. ( GovernorTheodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and scores of other noted personages not even mentioned in any other Encyclopedia receive the same attention in this edition of tbe Encyclopaedia Britannica ii- it speaks of General Wood as Governor of Sacti ago; of General Henry as Governor-General oi Porto Bico; of Aguinaldo's declaration of War against the U. S. jjpr YOU HEED TUIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge- and progress, wherein infor matiou Is mora easily found and acquired than in any other booh or encyclopedia in tho world IN YOUR HOME. JOB DALX S7 I. C. NICKELSEN, A good drug sign.. You well know that a good drug sign is'the patrotiugo which is bestowed on the store. It ia the purity of the (roods handled nnd tho manner of doing busi ness that makes nnd keeps th's lius'.nees. We nro pleased with tho result of our ef forts to supply tho best drugs nt tho beat price. Wo nru particular about the compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES Jast What Yoa uiant. j(;T TIMK SCIlr.ltUtK. AlllitVR HIR 1-ltOM IUI.I.K8. FllOM. Fast Suit 1-nUr. Denver. Kt. lriit Mull Worth, Omi'lm, kirn Mnll li:soii. m. mis city, St. LouU, a:l! p in Chicago iml Kait. bnol-"io Wiilln Walla, Bpokimc, Btmkauu j-lyer Minneapolis. St. I'mil, Hjcr. 3:Ol. ui. iMilutli, Miluimkcv, ft:H)ii. in Chicago mid Kast. 8 p. ni. From Portland. 4 p. m. Ocean Ktemnslilps. For Sim Franrlkpo January '!, nnd every II vo days 1 thereafter. 8 p. m. i p. m. Ex. Sunday Columbia Uv. Steamers, Kx.Humtii) To Astoria and Way Saturday Landing. 10 p. m. i tin. m. Willamettk ItiVKit. 4:80 p. m. Kx.Sumlay Oregon City. NoivberR, Kx.huuduy Saturn it Way Land's. i I Ta. m, 'Willah'mtk and Yam. ilt.mii. ni. Tucs.Thtir.l iiai. ItlVKlts. Mon.,Vcit and but. Oregon City, Dayton, mid Frl. I kmtl Wuy-Ijuullngs. fin. m. Willamsttk Hivkk. 4:30 p. m. Tue.,Tlmr1l,ortlantl to Corvallls, Tile,, 1'titit and Sat. and Way-landings. and Sat. SNAKi: KlVKII. I.KAVR l.v ltlp.vla Itlparla to Iwlston. U:vi.sto.v daily ' dully Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflclallvdlirest.flthftfnnrt nH nido ilaturfi in Rf.rfincrthnnlrm nnri numn. strutting the exhausted digestive or fans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation' can annroach it in efficlennv. Tr. in. Btantly relieves and permanently cures uyspepsia, inaigesuon, ueartburn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache,Gastragla,Crarnps,and all other results of Imperfectdigestion. rsoarca oy t. u. uewr.. a Co.. Cblcaqo- KERVITA Sttlorts VITALITY. LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- ubuse, or excess ana inula cretion. Anervotonicainl blood builder. Brings the pink flow to palp cheeks aiv restores the fire of youth. By mail 50c per ho:; boxes lor $1I.G0: with a written tjiimnii- teo to euro or rottiud tho money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO, Clinton Jt Jackson Sin.. CHICAGO. ILL. Hold by WaUeley & Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. New ideas in Wnll Paper here. Such wide variety us wo are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Heal imita tion creton effecte at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful coloring, yours for n small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATTSE, Third St. More Flies Are Caught with molasses than vinegar, is nn old saying, but Tanglefoot Fly Paper f'lltf.flpn mnrrt tlmn nlHior tnaanl can resist its attraction antt once within us power tuo tormenting possibilities of miu nittci are over. Price 5c per double sheet. Our stock contains in.iny other prepa rations for destruction of insect life. M. Z. DONNELL, Druggist. 1'artlCH desiring to ko to Honpiier should mti'iin. i, leaving inu mini's ai i:;ji ,. in mukliiK direct rotiuccltous nt lli'ptior junction Itvtnruliif; inaUliigdlrcctcoimeclinii at llcppuer Junction with No. 1, arriving at Tho Dalles at .1:15 i. m. No. 'i.', tlironcht freight, cast wound, does not carry paiscntfers; arrives 'Ji.'O n. m., departs 3:S0u. in. No. l!l, local frelKht, carries paseriKers, east bound; arrives l:;ai. m ilcparts n:15 t. m. No. 1!I, west bouiiil llirouiili frelirtit, lien's not carry passengers; arrives h;1A in., departs p. m. No. "J3, west bound local frelulit, carries pas sengers; arrlM-s o:l! p. ni., aeiuirU8;uua. m. For full particulars call on O. It. A N, (.'o.'s agent The Ihillcs. or address W. II. IIUHI.1IUIIT, (ion l'as. Agt.. I'ortland, Or, F- S. Gunning, Bt?OS. OENKKAL lutHs III ...AND. Horsesnoe is ' Wagon and Carriage Wark. Flah Brothara' Wagon. r iijuu auu juiiiiiii, ruuuu 10a lRKi). W.WILfON. V ATTOKNKY.AT LAW, TIIK DAI.I.KH. OHKdON Oflioe ovei V'nt Nt. Iinuk, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Second & LansWin, 'Phone 167 THe Mmfiia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTOUKHH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON j)RIKD BEEF. ETC. J.e.BOIIHNIt, Prtnldeut. U. M. Ukai. , faalile; First National Batik. THE DALLES - - - OREdON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, aubject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collodion. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Now York, flan Francisco and port land. DIKBOTOKS. D. T. TltOMFHON. Jno. B. Bohbmok. En. M. WiivMAMB, Gko. A. Likbk. II. M. Bkall. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE and Motors M ANUl'ACTtlltKI) 1IY AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVINQ GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC CirculurB and particulars (uruiHlieil on application. F. S. G-UNNINQ, Agent, rnl!G THE DALLES, OltEGOB C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY "from $','.7f to iftl.OO per Ballon. (Tto IfVymirH ijilcl.j ' IMPORT EIOOGNAO froin $7.(10 to liI.M per Vnllon. ""(ll"to"ai) ynirn old.' OALirOBKIA "BBAMDrEB Imni .L't.'-T. to itli.OO per imllnii. " (4 lo 11 yt'iirB"7iuV" ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LTMPIA BEEB on draught, and Vul Blatr. and Olympm Beer in Imttlw Imported Alo nnd l'orttir. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash ? Yes, and wash whito. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choieo, but tho standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OF. Was co Ware house Com pan) Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kind Headquarters for Feed Grain oi fii lands. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, of M?LLFBro Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton "P1lmiT ThiB Flour ih manufactured expressly lor family v M.x . ovurv pnek jH Kunrmiteed to givo BiitiBlacUM. Wii Bull our poodii lower than any lioimo in the trade, and if you don't thiuKM call and uot our jiricee and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats. DEALliUS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Trade Marks irPHHH JEQIQN8 rrT. COVRIOHTS AC. Auronn lending n akotch nnd devcrlptlon inn" quloklr tunerinlii our oplnliin freo wlielljer iiveiillim robnUfy iitMtnbio. Communlc. tliMwtirlctlrjonu(loiitfl.llniidtK)okoiilMUinu I'alm.ti i tkn , lfirouIirlunir&U:vlclv Sckiiific Mmtm, A handfomelr Illatrler1 klr. MrvMt dr. rulttluu of nr icIantlUo lounml, Trui. 3 iSXS'S01'1- "U brill I MwidMlm :n.atBrMMy.HMifYfirk co. m V HU WMUlLilo" lS,Xi. "'MM ft Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS tfi EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Jjobes, Burial Shoes Ete. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer,