Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEAnses the System r rr ri. 1 1 mil y. ', An! OVERCOMES ' rrr&J PERMANENTLY 1T5 EhcIT EFFECTS BUy THE GENUINE MAHTO By (auivrnia Tg ,Syrvp(s r01SAUBYlCRUGGHTi FKltLSCc flRKint. I'EUl'LG VtlU ALL KNOW. Emil Strassjr, of CelHo, is :n the city. Mrs. C. B. Cushing, oi this city, left yesterday for Moro, where she will spend a short time. Victor Sampson came up from Cas cades Thursday and is spending a few days at home. I. N. Day, of Cascade locks fame, came up from Portland last night and remained over today. l)r. V. Oertrude lienc!i returned to Portland yesterday, after spending lliankS)iiTiug at Dome. W. T. Dovell, who is to deliver the eulogy at the Llks memorial tomorrow atternoon, will arrive on the mornmtr train and be the guest of his friend, F W. Wilson. R. L. Winniford and wife arrived last night from Tortiand and arc visiting Mr. Winniford's brothers, J. F. and K. E. Huworth in this city. Elmer SpauldiiiB, who spent Thanks civini; in Astoria anlnlaved with the Northwest Dental College foot all team, returned ' last mt;tit to Ins duties in Gieger & Co. '3 store. S. E. Van Vactor, who is now practic ing law at London, came down this mornine and will remain over until aftr the funeral of his brother-in-law, Uiias. Johnson, on Monday nest. I1DKN. In tliis city, Friday evening, Dec. 1st, 10 Mr. anti Aire. a. u. fcrxton, u son. Advertised Lettcra. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postofHce at Tho Dalles un called for December 1, IS99. Persons calling for the same will give date ori which they were advertised: Atwood, C M Lyle Trailing Co Barzee.MrsCordelia Poland, T Balden, Henry Phillips, Win Buster, L B Rutherford, Bert Butcher, Keller litx, .lames Hy-re, JIihs Is-lho Rowland, S A CoiiIhv, Mis U Richardfon, Mrs A Sanies, C M Sachs, August Smith, Ctiarlio Smith, Bell 2 Smith, W .1 Confers, Henry Ootte, Miss Grace Cox, Mrs Lillie Dimes, Jake 2 Evens,' Mrs Ida B Felphf, H Gnld, H B Haves, Mrs M Ha llv, Mark HaJley, W B Fiemmini:, Mav Hall, Mre Li ' Hill, Mies Lain Johnson, 0car John, VV J Hicks John Wratim, L G Syhes, Mis Edith Syhee, VV Z 2 Shaver, P H Terry, 31 rs B Thorn peon, N Wuldi, J VValin, L G Williams, Mrs Otto Williams, KJ VVillanuhiiv. Wm Winger, T H VVVIks, M P H. H. Riddkll, P. M. I!td Ilo i From tho Gun Wah the ball that iiit G. B. Stedinan of Newark, Mich., in tho Civil War. It cautea Horrible ulcers that no treat ment helped for twenty yeare. Then Bucklen's Atnlci Salvo cured him. It cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons, corns, skin eruptions. Beet pile curj on arth. Twenty.five cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Hold hy Blakeliy & HqukIi ton, ilrucgists. 3 A Iteliulilo litcinn. If ynu have had trouble in gelling Klaseeu to suit, you will please call on Theo. il. Llehe, now located at II. C. Liobe'o, in the Vogt block, who will ex amine your eyes I'lttii: and tell you whether your eyesight can bo bent-filed by the use of properly fitted glasses. Charges for Klapes reasonable. J)ecl 3 Al) your grocer for Clarke & Falk'e pure 'concentrated fUvoriw.' extracts. OUR CHURCHES Christian. Science meeting in small K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Young people'H meeting at 0:30 p. m. Sunday echool at 10 a. m. Services at the Me! hod 1st Episcopal church tomorrow at 11 it. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Ulysses F. Hawk, tho pastor, will occupy the pulpit. Horning subject "True Sabbath Observance" Evening, "Our Honored Girls." Mre. G. T. Parr will render a solo entitled "Calvary" at the evening service. Christian church Ninth and Court streets, Rev. G. Rushing, pistor. Preaching morning nnd evening, at 11 a. in. and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday school at 10. Christian Eudeavor at 0:45 p. m. Morning subject, "The Royal Priest hood." Evening, "Building on the One Foundation." Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor. Morning service at 11; Sunday school at 12:15; Junior Endeavor, 4 p. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Evening service 7:30. Morning subject, "A Thanksgiving Meditation." Special music for both service. Morning anthem by a quintet, "How Good is He the Giver." Root. Evening subject, "Tho Mysteries Which Lie Concealed in the Shadows of Castle Garden." Male quar tet will render the offertory. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Fresh Saratoga chips and salted almonds for sale at Dawson's grocery store. 11 tf Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufacturedjhy Clarko & Falk. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch2o-tf Cle Elm coal $6.50 per ton; Rock Springs coal $9 per ton, delivered, at Maier & Benton's. Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carnage, wagon and bam paints manufactured by James E Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., says, "Sup geous wanted to operate on me for piles but I cured them with DeWitt'e VVitcl Hazel Salve." It is infallible for plies and skin diseases. Be.var3 of counter feits. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 ctE. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Clunge of Time un the O. It. .V X. Beginning Dec. 1st, the O. R. & N. will run their Spokane Flyer .via Wal lula and the S. R. V. R. R. : Train No. 4 will leave Portland at 3:45 p. m., ar riving at Spokane at 7:15 a.m. Train No. 3 will leave Spokane at 4:30 p. m., and arrive in Portland at 8:00 a. in. In connection with the above trains, the O. R. & N. will put on a passenger train leaving Dayton at 9:00 p.m. and Walla Walla at 10:30 p. m., connecting at Wallula with No. 4 from Portland at 11:20 p. m., and with No. 3 from Spokane at 12:05 a. m.; leaving Waliula at 12:10 a. m., and arriving at Walla Walla at 1 :20a. 111, and Dayton at 3 a. ir. "One Minute Cough Cure is the bes remeuy 1 ever used for coughs an colds. It is unequalled for whoopiw cough. Chrildren all like it," writes II. N. Williams, Gentryville, Iud. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedv that gives ire mediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarness, croup?- pneu monia, bronchitis and nil throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents onsuinption. Ch1 tit lour cr.eolii, All count v warrants registered prior to Jan. 21. lStfo. wl bo ra d at mv office. Inturnst ceasfri after Nov. 13th. 1899. O. L. Pjiilupb, Oountv Treasurer. ilrs. R. Churchill. Berlin. Vt.. savs. ("Our baby was covered with rnnnlriK sores. DoWltt'd Witch Hazel Salvo cure1 her." A specific for piles and skin dieeases. Beware of worthiest counterfeits. The Supply l.luiltril, Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Luke. PIhcm your orders now for Christinas or you may get left. Giflbrd. nl7-Ifn "I was nearly deud with dytpepsin, tneu uuctorH, visueu mineral spruiift and uruw worse. I used " 7" 'K" wlint vnn nl . 1:11 rua liifliuAtllnn mn, tin f on..., ........I ,. -...-..., vm, jauumm uimi;, uwier preparaiioD stomach, heartburn, and all foirus of can approach It in efllclency. It in dyopepsia. iitantly relieves and permanently cures Djapepsla, Indlgejtton, Hwirtburn. All persons wishing to 'take children, 1 ehher bo,, or ,W for .ea. adoption or j on indenture, ihould write to V. T. I Tho fteamcri lowtiic MShcdiilo, M-hcdulu m 1 1 lion t T yStr. nocutntor. (T (Limited Undine.) Str. Dnlloa City. (Touching nt nil Way Points) !; now. vv. l.v. I'ortund nt 7 A. M. Monday . . .Wediiesnny . ...1-ildny Arr. Dalles at 5 r. m. DOWN. I.V. llHlIC nt ii::io a. m. Monday . . . W.ilncMliiy . . Frlil a v Arr. l'orlliiiid (uncorta(ti) ll'S lit S A. M. Tuesday !, Tliuttdny Saturday. j .rr. t'ortlaml 2, at 5 v. u. 2, l.v. FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by tho Steamers of thu Hriiulator Line. Tho Cnmany will endenvnr to give Us pat 5 rons the best beivlcn possible. For further Information nddren ! 3, Portland Ofllce, Oak-Street Dock, 5 C. C. COOPER, MANUl'ACTUKKll OF High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. DKAI.KIt IN Tents, Wagon Covers, and all articles usually kept in a first-class harness shop. Opposite Mood 'a Warehouse, THE DALLES, Gardner, superintendent of tho Boya' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for them de sirable children of all ages. All applica tions must be filed in advance. tf NOT HIS BUSINESS AT ALL. Slie Not Only Itoilt; a lllnniuml Frame llleyoli-. Hut She Had Hlui Arretted. Bewildered, indeed, must have been the man with views about women and diamond frame bicycles when he found himself hauled before n magistrate, as sailed with a judicial warning to mind his own business and fined live dollars, and all because he told a wheelwoman that no respectable woman would ride astride a wheel. it is and has bsen since the dawn of life so much the habit of men to admon ish women in general as to their upris ings and downslt tings, it U not surpris ing that when a man with cl tar-cut opinions as to just how girls should go a-sportiug meets with a young woman who is so radical as to prefer a diamond to a drop frame bicycle that he should condemn an exhibition which to him savors of immodesty. Have no! he and his fellows for countless generations defined modesty for women, who, as a sex, meekly ac cept their decrees; but here this upstart of a nineteenth century girl not on!y did not" graciously receive his rebuke, but she declined even to argue the mat ter. Audaciously she mounted the for- her-inilecorous steed, thus affronting liis vision, and away glided she, not vouchsafing him so much as a look. She went, however, only to return with an arm of the law, t lint grabbed the rebukur and forced him tribunal ward. This dictator will in future probably confine his offensive remarks to the women whose misfortune it ii to be re lated to him. One lesson in public man ners at a cost of five dollars will prob ably suffice him. Vogue. Hinrtlwi to Vmir Own I'nillt, As well as ours. 'Tis not how much you smoke, but how you enjoy It. Try our .Mascot ten centv a ocal nroduct that t eats the world. Ben Ullrich. Theodore II, Liebi, uraduate optician of the IVoria Optical Colleire, is now lo c ted with H. (J. Liebo in tho Vogt block. Persons desiring to have their eyes examiued will do well to call on Mr. Liebo. Lvd-a Good Ittcln-i single htituy and liar ness for sale at a bargain. Call on Haworth, the printer, over Dalles Com mission Co. rct2o.dttw-2w Now is the time to sit for X.nas photos. Cloudy weather preferred for sittings. So says Gifford. nov!7-lm Paint your house with ully puarauteed to last. av them. pilots that ate Clarko & Falk Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Kodol Dyopop- fj"r, In strenKtbenlng and recon e ' It (iieet:ii tructf oar the exhausted d gestlve or B. n digeets I8D8 it ia the atest discovered digest. uns. Iti8thelateStdlcovereddjge3t. lining ,nnin .i B . r Stlrien' , lJr P10.00.0 U8ea. SSSSW Prenorad by e. C OtVlK. Co rclcBfloT TDTTTTT A wrT T TTSTTP. Dalies, Portland & Astoria Hav. Co. : of thii ftrguutor l.lnu will run ns vcr tliu rol- H the Ootiiiiny icscrvliiR tho tight lt i'Imuko jJ notice. Str. Inland Klyor. (Limited l.iiiiitlUK's.) UP. I DOWN. l.v. Portland 1 l.v. Dulles i'r. Piirtlund l.v lit I'. A. M. Mt H A. M. nt 7 A. Mi ... Tui'Ml.iy ,. ThurMtny ..Saturday Arr. Dalle (uncertain) Monday Wednesday ... Kildny Arr, Portland nt ::::n r. m. . . TiicmIiiv ; ,. Thursday ., Saturday Arr. Dulles nt l:iW r. m. W. C. ALLAWAY, Qon. Agt., The Dulles This Stamp a Guarantee MAKER OREGON. of Quality. Admiral George Dewey tVIU rccclvo tho most royal welcoiao on Oct. lrt next, that was ever accorded to n American citizen. ' You will find, a complete biography of tbti gTMt hero, includizf; his brilliant victory over the Spu Lsh licet in tho groat, authoritative and up ' ' work of reference, tho Hew Werner Edition of the Encyclopaedia nianmca Thl3 ia tho only encyclopedia cn tho market that taeations AdtalralDoucy. It gives tho dato ol hh Llrth; how ho nponthlu boyhood days; tho part ho took In tho Civil War, how after tho War ho was employed on tho European ntatlon; In tho Naval Academy; hlo riso to tho rank of Commander and President ot tho of Inspection and Survey; Lb command of tho Asiatic 3quiulron; how on April 27th ho left Hong Koiia with hla squadron, found and deitrcyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila, on Hay ltl; hu appointment as Acting Hear Ad mind, tho honors ho received from Congress, and how on March 2nd, 16, ho was created full Ad' tnlral. It (peaks of him as a strict disciplinarian, an all-around athlete, a daring horseman and huntsman, nnd socially a good club man and ycneral favorite. It tells of his marriage to Mli& Susy Goodwin, a. daughter cf tho "lighting gov ernor" of Now Ilampshlro, who died in 1872, lev Ing a ion, Georgo Goodwin Dewey. Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and ecorea of ether noted personages not e7en mentioned in any other Encyclopedia receive the tamo attention in this edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica1! It spcaka of Genera! Wood as Governor of Santi ago t of General Ilcnry as Governor-General ol Porto Rico; of Agulnaldo'a declaration of War against tho V. 8. YOU NEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge ond progress, wherein infor mation Is moro easily found and acquired than in nay other book or encyclopaedia in tho world IN YOUR HOME. 10a MU ST I. O. NIOKELSEN, I'or Sale, A good farm in Klickitat county Wash,, Ave miles from Columbus, con. sletinif of 210 acres. Price $1000. Apply to II. Ii. Curtiss at A, fj. Uenntt ofllco- iilS-o&wlm Htitp Tlilnfl Stop dolni? butineeo. This is the way yon feel after buying aomo ten cent clgnre. Try our Mascot ln cent smoko wad And out where your real Irlenda are. Ben Ullrich, ; I H Trilby For wood, chips, knotB, shaviriRS, corn cobs, hay or poat. -.060 0$0" Construction-Tills Is nn air tlullt luviler of II"' 'Will shrtit twl tvro: It Iiiih i'ahT IltUN I.ININU8, liiiiklng It diiriiblo; uli has Iron foiil elixir, rait to, mul bottoin mid oriiiiiiieiitiil rviIiik t(i)i, Utlt K'lddlo cover iiuilciiiciitli, NIckollnK-U lini nlcliuliMl urn, miiiiu (iliitu mul foot rnlli. Wu Imvo a cnnikt.' Murk of tnem on liniiil. dull iitnl sec our stiiuk befott buyliiK ulsuu here. 1 i! The Busy Store. Kacli tiny our business sliows thu people arc llndmir out wo tiro pushing to the front with hotter goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, mul lust, but not least, buyers who know their business mid buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Butehers and Famcrrs Keeps on dniiiKlit thu cclebniti-it C01.II.M1IIA IIKKIt, ncknowl c1ko1 tlio bet brer In Tliu Diillci, at tlio UMiiil price, tkjinu In, try It unit be convinced. Abo the KliK-st brniidi ot Wines, tl'iuur umlClKaru. Sapduiiehes ot all Kinds alvvnya on band. HtS. OltlVlA W. NOHGAN, TUDIJO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC UUlhDlNG, Third Street, between Court nnd Wash- ton htreote, 'llio Dalles. FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. ritANHAOTA KNKKAIjIIANKINO DUBlNKH Letters of Credit iHsued available in the .agtorn Htatee. bfullt Ekohunira anil TaIiuniiIhi Transfers koI.1 on New York, Ch!KO, Mt. IvOiile, ban I mnuiHcrj. Poriluml ilru. ton, Seattle Wahund various point n Oregon and Wo8hintan. Collections luaUo at all points nn fav orahle turiufl. I iiU - I u sin i mn ' F. MCOBK. j0)H (jAvN M00KE & GAVIN, A1TOHNKYH AT bAW. Itooma sy and V), over U, Uiid Olllcc. EAST .hH u , H The Shasta Rout M TII6 Southern Pacific Coitid'v Traliia leave ana arc duo to .., I-KA VK, 0VKItl.ANI) KX. ircs, Hdlcw, Hose. riitiivnto, OHileii.Snn 7:00 1', M i !' J 1P1t. MU.X u. . "r,ll,1l ami lt.iscbiirff"iiVur .'.I n:au a. m. Him. y,,.n,.w:,',?l,''l 'ion Mt.AltVK . Mil ,-...1..'. !Mr.n BUlj except Daily UX(!l!lt Hlllltlliyh Wct Hcto, llroiv,,,:1 VlllU.dlirlllirHriM ....1 In t:ao a. 11 (Comllla lttl(MIN., and wy 1 5-MP.M, lally (except Huuilay). rre"t"1 i:SK-r svr-'... .am 8!0 p. m. iAr..lii(letiviidcncv.,i.' v.) 4:MtS Dally. Daily, oicept uuiiaat. OININU UAH8 ON OOMBN K0DTK. HUIXJIAN BUI'FKT Kl.t HI'KRa ' AD HKCONlM'I.ABrt HI.KKPINU CAb aimuiicu 10 Mil Tnrouir 1 Triln. Direct caunvctlnn at Han h mncUco with rw, 1I011UI anil Oriental anil Pacific mill ,iSSS? "lie for JAPAN and CHINA. Billing S Katua nnd ticket to Ktcrn jpolnts imt A?ISTKAUA'AN' 0Uli;A' "WMJl All itbovb trninn arrive nt nnd dewrt 1-. CJrnnd Central SUtlon, Kitth and irviiS "tJ YAMIULI DIVISION. PnnciiRcr Dciot, foot of Jsncrnoailrctt, U'iivq lor Hhcrldan, week dan, uii)..n Arrlvu at Portland, a. tn. U'avc (or AIIII.IK on Monday, WcdMidatn4 Krl-lny ut 8:35 a.m. Arrlv at I'ortlani. Tnu iliiv. ThllrMilnr nml WMtiinln. iro 1 . j - ....... ..v.wji.ui, Esccjit Bundoy. "Kxccpt Hntunlay. It. KOK.'.i.KK, (1, It. MABKUAS. Mnnakt-r, Ami. (i. F. h fui.Att ThroiiRh Ticket Oltlco, 181 Third Itmt.tbo thrniiKti ttckctx to nil otiitH In the Iui Htito, Cuiiiulu nnd Uuropu cmi bo oMilmj luivvsk niivs iruiu J. II. KIUICLAKD. TlekctlMf or N, Willi AbUON. - - - - $ ...STEAM.., Wood Saw Will run overy day except Suntlir, Ilutes liciieuimbli.'. Tolophono 201. i W. A. CATES, Prop. C. 8. Smith, Tin; n-m-i aro . moor Fresh Kgijs mul Creamery Jluttcr u specially. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. PLEASE LOOK HERE- WM. MICHELL, r and EiiilJiilir. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, Ono Block Back of Fronoh &Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. aw 33s awyawoo. VOTIflK FOR I'OHLIOATION. Ii..Nii orriua at Tiif Notlcu U IierebyBlven Ihat tUo toW iuine.1 ettler Iihh Hint notice- ' EiiiJ tn imiku llmil uroof III fcllppiirt 1)1 l'l?,c',i,".Vut IIIIH hlllll lirOOI Will l" .... a.mnllli November 0, low, viz; lanno V. II.iw1.uhI. of Tl. liUcoiiilnuoii reldeiieo upun h1 cum" of alil land, vizi ,.,, RlirBet tui ejUler. ONE FOR A DOSE neniQTn Pimple.. I'nfMt nilluuMiiu.. Purlly tlioliluxij. Dure UumUcbo tin) lly.iwii.U. TTSSSlI rIaltli.7rlinlbriirluaaiilckmylM p is