Acts gently on the dneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System hABlTUALC0NSTPAT.ON r l BUy TH GENUINE MAMT'D By (aui?risia Tg yrvp(. " KV. ' KV. V Cal Cq N.YZ fCA SALS BYA0RU&TS SCt f tR QCTTIL Double Wedding ut I'uaco. A quiet double wedding took place at high noon Sunday, Nov. 20. 1S99, nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Fioyd, Pa?en, Wash., Mrs. Floyd beinir a sister of William and Ada Fulton. The four linppy young persons were Fred S. Stone and Miss Ada Fulton, and WilJam Ful ton and Mies Belie Walker. All are well known in both WaFcoand Sherman counties. William Fulton and bis Bister, Ada, L'rew up at The Dall jiiid are well nnu favorably knovjurhere, they being a son and daughU?rof one of niir oldest families of this conntv, Mr aud Mrs. Jam Fultpfi. Miss Walke Attended the SistefV academv ut The Dalles for a nunxKer of years, and ha many friends wfio wish her happines and success in her new relation in life, Mr. Stone l from Wasco, and is one of the well known wheat growers of Sher man county. The mbdding was very private. N invitations were issued, there being presentMr. and Mrs. Floyd, Ruth, and Lei and The and Ilev. Callaway jrides were becominclv dressed in p'ire white, including slippers, dresses gloves, etc., and carried white crvsan theinuiiif and carnations, were atiiV'd in black. The groom Master Jielanil, with his little sister Kutb, led the bridal parly to the parlor which was beautifully decorated with cut flowers. MisKuth wore a pretty while silk dreSS nn7t-vtrrj(;) fl :ic liuncn oi sweet peas, ami marie a very pretty little maid of honor. Mr. Stone, followed with bis bride, then Mr. Fulton and his bride. The ceremony was per Scrofula, a Vile Inheritance. "Scrofula is the most obstinate of blood troubles, and is often the result of an inherited taint in the blood. S. 8. S. is the only remedy which goes deep enough to reach Scrofula ; it forces out every truce of the disease, and cures the worst cases. My son, Charlie, was afflicted from Infancy With Scrofula, and he suffored go that it was Svi p r h hi . i I I I i V Impossible to dress him ilor three years. His l:cad and body wero a mass of sores, and his eyesight also became taffec.tetl. No treatment vras spared that wo Lit. ....... 1.1 liliu, but lie (,'rew worse until ins eouuiuon wax Indeed pitiable, I had, almost despaired ofhln ever beliiK cured, when liy the advice of a friend we (rave lilm S. 8. H. (Kwift'u Sm-clfla. Ade. .eided improvement vas the result, and after ilic had taken a dozen bottles, no one who knew of Ills former dreadful condition would have sreeoKnlzed him. All the sores on his body ihave healrd, his skin is perfectly clear and smooth, and he has been restored to perfect health. Mas. 8. H. Mahcv. 00 Kim St., Macon, Ga. For real blood troubles it 1h a waste of time to expect u euro from the doc tors. Blood diseases are beyond their skill. Swift's Specific, Blood The rencheB all deep-seated cases which lither remedies have no effect upon. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, und contains no pot mah, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free to any address by i 8wift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. I formed by Rov. Callaway, of the First M. E. church, After com-ratulatlonR were exchanged, nil were invited to the dining room, where nn elaborate dinner awaited them. Mr. and Mrs, Stone will make their future home at hie farm near Yakima, while Mr. and Mrs. Fulton will spend the winter at Pusco, Wash A FlIIKXIJ. lined Hy mulsh Suldlur In Afrlcn. Capt. C. G. Dennison is wull known all over Africa aa cnmuiaiidur of the forces that captured the famous rebel Galistic. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897, from Vryburg, Bechuanaland, ho writes: "Before starting on the last campaign 1 bought a quantity of Chamberhiin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluua Remedy, which 1 used myself whou troubled with bowel complaint, and had given lo my men, and in every case It proved most beneficial." For sale by Blakeloy it Houghton, druggists. BUSINESS LOCALS. Use Clarke & Falk's Rosafoam for the teeth. You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Fresh' Saratoga chips and ealted almonds for sale at Dawson's grocery store. 11 if Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufacturedby Clarke & Falk. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Fineet kind of chicken feed. nieh25-tf Cle Elm coal $0.50 per ton; Rock Springs coal $9 per ton, delivered, at Maier & Benton's. Experience is the beat Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 23 cts. and 50 cts. I31akeley & Houghton Druggists. Htruy Notlcu. Came to my place about ais weeks o, a gray Bfitman colt, about three years old ; brand eimilitKto an inverted V with a cap over it. Owner can have the animal by proving property and paying all charges. The Dalles, Nov. S, 1S09. A. F. Carlson. Ranch in Company Hollow, eight miles aoutheasLpf The Dalles.) novivlm 8tray llorne. A StrayedVrom my place neAr-Kiogaley one Clyde Duyl llnree ; fetarin foreliead ui 1250 uounda: branded likfat Hon left etifle. Will fnv-None brint-int' him to for information concern aboute. ClIAI'.LKS Fit :y. ''I was nearly dead xrhbr dyspepsia tried doctore, viaitei-mineral epriii9 nnd rew woraoiiised Kodol Dyspep sia Cure. JWfat cared me." It digests whaJrrtT eat. Cures indigestion, sour omacb, heartburn, and nil foims of dygpepaia. Cash In Vour cr.eenn All countv warrants regiaterefj prior to Jan. 21, lSfe'O, will be paid at my offiee. Intereat ceases after Nov. 13th, 1HSIU. U. J.. 1-HILLll'H, Countv Treasurer. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedaiitt, Mo., saved bis child's life by One Minute Couh Cure, Doctors bud given her up to die witii croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs, colda, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and luii'; troubles. Relieves at once. J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sur geons wanted to operato on me for piles, but I cured them with DeWitt's Witch IIn;:el Salve." It is infallible for piles and skin diseaeos. Betran of counter feits. Ar You Looking fur I'ltper Itundft? We don't sell them, but if you wnnt t lie beat five cents, worth in this town, try our Far West cigars. It'll make you feel (cood all over, and only five cents. Ben Ullricti. Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carnage, wagon and bai ii paints manufactured by James . Pat ton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mrs, It. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., says, 'Our baby was covered with running sores, DeWitt's Vvitcli Hazel halve cured her." A spenitk for piles and kin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. The Hupfily Limited. Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Lake, Plitca your orders now for Christmas or you may got left, Giflbrd. nl7-lm Help WMI-tad. A girl who desires to do general house work can obtain employment by apply ing at J. C. Hosietler's on Fifth street. 6 u beer 1 be for The CmtONiCE, weight abo Rovuietliil iriva siu to h Kintfelev. or io inv nlsyhere 15-lmw I Str. Regulator. (Limited IjuiiIIiir.s.) Str. Dallos City. (TouehliiK nt all Way Points.) DOWN. l.V. llJllll'S tn l.v. Portland nr. 7 a. m. .. .. Monday ..Wed tie-nay . . . Kriday Arr. Dulles at 5 l', M. DOWN. I.v. Dalles M at S A. M. at liifO A M. Mondav VVilinvdny . Frldav Arr. Portland (uncurtain) C Thursday l Saturday. . . f: Arr. Portland J! at 5 r. it. H FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, i-. Travel by the Steamers of the HeKillator l.tue. The t'omiauy will endeavor to give its pat H runs the heat service possible. I'or further Information address , Portlnnd Ollice, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt., Thu Dalle. C. C. COOPER, M A N' UFA CT U it HI! OF High-G-rade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. DI'ALKK IN Tents, Wncon Covers, and all articles usually kept in a flrst-ulnsd harness shop. opposite Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, POWER OF NIAGARA. Ihe Enormous Force Generated by the Falls. Electric IloudH Thou ty-Flvc Blllea Awy Are Uiiuruted liy the Current Tormito to lie Supplied. Kiagara Falls enjo3s the distinutlon of having1 n power house under the roof of which there is more power developed than in any other power station in the world. Years ago the people who journeyed to ?'iagnr;i had their minds wholly oc cupied with the magnificent scenic features they were to find there. Hut to-dny there is a new iui' iilse to many of these journeys. On the bunks of the Upper Niagara river, about n mile back from the cataract, there litis grown up the greatest power station in the world, and men of scientific and engineering talents who desire to keep up with the latest feat urea of the development of power travel to Niagara. In this station there are in opera tion eight mammoth generators, eacli . cf which is capable of developing S, 11(10 horse powejvmking the present total cnpacU-y-of the station -10,(100 horse pow- j eixBut, in addition to these, there are i now in course of erection two more gen erators of the same capacity, which will ' bring the output of the 'station up to : 30,000 hon-e power, n wonderful amount of force. Kaeh of the 3.000 horse power generators is connected by n lor.r steel tube to a turbine at the bottom of the big wheel pit, winch extends, slot like. iur over iuu icei oenentn tne noor oi the dynamo room. This wheel pit Iins Deen walled in with bricks, and it is one of the most interesting places at the falls. Huge penstocks, eight feet , in diameter, carry the water from the inlet canal to the turbines, (lie head under which the water is used being 130 feet. An electrically operated ele vator affords means of going down in the pit, and all who are fortunate enough to be allowed there are well repaid for the trip. Incandescent lights break the gloom, and on the lower landing one Htnnds over the tur bines' home amidrit u deafenintr noise. The generators in the dynamo room produce current at n voltage of 2,200, ami the force of tho station is divided up and sent over various lines to give service to the power company's patrons. It is used in many ways and at many voltages. Carborundum, ainiuinium, caustic soda, blenching powder, pcrc.v- ; idc of soda and other articles are man ufnuturcd in the fnctories operated by electric power from this station. Ail the electric roads in the city of Niagara Falls are operated by the current; the trolley linns from Niagara fulls to Buf falo and from Buffalo to Lochport also fun under this power, w h le 2fi miles away, in the city of Buffalo, trollcvears are propelled and the streets lighted, malt houses, elevators und flouring mills, printing presses and other ma chinery are run by the subtle force of the wonderful Niagara development. In one great grain elevator there Is a long line of motors operated by Ni agara power, and these motors serve o transfer grain from the elevator to the boats or from the boats to the de al tor. Soon this power station will be still further enlarged or a new one. of sim ilar capacity built close by, which will give u total of 100,000 horse power. Over on the CnnudJnn side, back from the Horseshoe fall, the Canudian Ni agara Power company, Js ubont to build power station. Ninety miles away stands the progressive city of Toronto. and she Is looking toward Niagara for tne winning of the generators that Hhall in time develop power to be trans mitted to .that city. .V. V, Tribune. Dalles, Pordana & Astoria lav. Co. Tlio Stunners of tlu liomilator Mini will run us per thu fol lowing t'titdule, thu Company tcsurvlMK tliu rlglit Hi cliaiip.0 Mihcdule without notice. Str. Inland Flyor, (l.lialtcd I.iiimIIiiks.) UP. DOWN. i:i'. '3 l.v. Portland ,5 at 7 a.m. .... Tuesday "A .. .Thursclny ... Hatiirday W Arr. Dalles H it-liiW 1'. M. l.v, Portland ' l,v, Dulles at 11 A, M. ill h A. M, . . Tlit'Mlny Monday .. .. . Thursday Wrdne-day ... Saturday i Friday Arr. Dalles 1 Arr. Portland (uncertain) , at t! :."',) r, M. This Stamp a Guaranteo v MAKER OREGON. of Qunllty. 1 'mN Admiral Gaorge Dewey Will receive tho most royal wclcoao on Oct. 1st' uezt, that wan over accorded to nn Aiucricao Cltlzcn. You vllt find a complolo biography of this gttat I hero, IncludluK his brilliant victory over tho fiif Uh fleet In the sroat, authsrltatlve and up ' '.'-date work of reference, tho New Werner Edition of the lia m Britanaica I This fatlio only cacyclopaidlo on tho market that toontlous Admiral Uuwoy. Iti;lve3thodatooflili "r'h; b"f.KKatVat h0 Acadcmy; hisrlsoto the rank cf Commander nnd President of tho Board of Inspection and Burvoy: his command of tho Asiatic Bnuudron; how on ; April 27th ho left Hone Kons with lila Bqiiadron, , found and destroyed tho Spnulsh Fleet, at Manila, on y ut; uis appointment as Acting Bear Ad tniral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and Low on March 2nd, 1890, ho was created full Ad talral. It spcak.1 of him us a strict disciplinarian, an all-around athlete, a daring horseman and huntsman, and goclally a good club man and a Ccncral favorite. It tells of hla marriage to V.n, busy Goodwin, a daughter of tho "fighting gov ernor" of New Hampshire, who died la ie72, lcav Ing a ion, ueorgo Goodwill Dowoy. Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and icores of other noted personage not 07n mentioned jn any other Encyclopadla rccelvo the no attention In this edition of tho Encyclopaedia Britaruiical Itapeakaof aonoral Wood as Governor of BanM ago j of General Henry as Governor-General ol Porto Wco : of AculnaldO's declaration of War against the U.B. YOU HEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledgo nnd progtCM, wherein Infor mation Is mora easily found and acquired than In any other boon or encyclopedia In tho world IN YOUR HOME. I0B HALS BY I. C. NICKELSEN, Kor Hal... A Rood funn in Klickitat rotintv 1 EncYclonsBd V JL WftBh., five inlles from Colninhua, eon- TmnnJeri) Bold on Now York, Chiumo, oiHtinof210ucre8. Prieo 1000. Anulv Kt' ?uis. Sun Friiiiflseo, Portland Ore t u v o...i ' ' 1 iron. Knuttltt Wimli . j to H, E. Curtiss Ht A. - V,uJy oflice. Htiip Ylilnfl Stop doinit hti8inei8. This is the wny you feel after Luyiim eorno ten e..i cigara. Try our Maseot ten cent amoko and find out where your real Mends ore. Ben Ullrich. Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or poat. Consti-uctlon-Thli Is an air tleht healer of the oval Mieot Meet type) It ha I' .1ST J ItO.S l.INI.N'tiH, making It diirnhle, ulvi Iihk froti feed door, cast top and bottom and ornamental xulm; top, with f'rlddlu cover lliuleineath. Nlokollnpr- It has nickeled tirti. I'limu plate and foot rallh. We have a complete ptock of Ineoi on hulid. Call and see our Moek before btijlni; elsewhere. jnaier i Benton The Busy Store. Tiucli day our business shows the people are finding out we are punning to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople thu very beat, und last, but not least, buyers who know their bu&lness nnd buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. 1 ..CHJ1S. FfiflM.. Butehens and Fofmepj ..Exchange.. Keepinn draught tho culnliratcd OOl.lJJIIIIA JIKHK, aiikiiowl. edKfd tho beat tiwr In The Palled, at tho anna! price. Conic In, try It and be convinced. Alio thu KIiH'Ht hraudi of Wltic, l.lrjuor and Ctffarii. Sanduaiches of all ICInda always on hand. W8- mm w- W")iN. STUI AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC UUILDING, Third Street, between Court nnd Wash- ton atreutH, The Dalleo. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritAN'HACT A KNEHAh 11ANKINO HUlilNEH Lettere of Credit IbhuciI BvaiUble in the fcantnrji BtHtea. Hiiflit Exulmnife nnd Teleuranhic Collections Hindu at. ull rtnlnl.H An fair. orublo termu. ' ' C0K' JOHN OAVIN M00KE & GAVIN, ATTOIINKV8 AT LAW. Itoonw li'j und 10, over U. S. ImuI Ollice. EAST and SOUTH vis. The Shasta Route OP THK Southern Pacific Comn'w Trnlnn lenvuiiiid arc dim in " ' lvc 1'orti.t I.KAVK. OVKHI.ANl) HX.1 prens, Salem, tin.,.. bun?, Ahlutid, Hue. I .unatnl, H,uv I i Oipton.Hriii I oli'n.KllW .00 J". M, IMtlltllllOi U Kranulf.wi. l-onAiiKolea : A. M New Drleaiu uialj '!!) A. M oseburR and wy ta- r Via Woodbury fn,." ,!-",.Ji Jlally except Hundaya MLAliKel, Hllvertan. 1 1 "cut Ho o, llrowin A ""' IT:!10 A. M. Corvullln una tRtlonN..,.s.. way J &:tolM. ! lially (excopthiiudny). pre",I11' . ...n .. .... .... . " iii. ilv roruaim ,,t. e.oi. Tisop.w. Uj .McMlnnvllli, . " J:gJ Dolly. tl'wiy. except huiioay, DIKING CAltH O.N OGDKN KODTE. 1'tIU.MAN I!lJm'.T BLFKMCttt AND HKCOND-OLAScf HI-KHI'ING CAW Attached to all ThroiiKh Traliu. Direct conniption athari Prnucliro wllh Dm dental and Oriental iiml l'aclllc innli .tcmiiSfc linen for JAI'AN aud CHINA. Baillni SJtofs ai plication. 1,1 011 ItiilfH hiid tlnketN to EnHtarn imlni -n. I AUo JAI'AN, 01IINA, S AliHTKAI.IA. " All iihovu tralim arrlvu at and drairt in (rand Central Htntlon. Fifth and Irving ihHJ YAMIUI.l, DIVISION. riiM't'iiRer DcmH, foot of Jcitcmnnilrert, U-ave for Khcrlitan, weok day, itl'n.i Arrive Ht i'ortlalid, li;M a. in. m U-avc for A1KI.IK on Monday, WialnmUr tnd Friday at h:.'W n. m. Arrive nt I'nrtltml, Ton dav, Thuraday and Haturilaj it 3:0.1 p.m. Except Sunday. Kscejit Batutday. K. Ki.K'.l.KU, (), 11. MAItKHAM, Jlamucr. ANt. (i, F. .V I'm. Ail Through Ticket Ollice, 13 1 ThlriUtrect.wbm through tlckuta to all )iotnt In the Etittn Htati's, Canada and Juro)u can be obtalnalu lowi'Kt ratvH from J. II. K1IIKI.AN1), Ticket Am or N. WUKALDON. I ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run everyday except Sunday, llatee Bcaeuimble. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. i C. S. Smith tiii: ip-to-date Qroeer Fresh Ki?kp and Creamery Butter ii Hpeeiuity. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. PLEASE LOOK HERE. 1 WM. MICH ELL, and Einklii, THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3W 33S QNtf 3IAIOO NOTIOK FOB J'UDLIOATIOK. Land Orneis at Tim .'ln , (member it wf-j... Vntlnn I. lu.rnln- L'lvell tllllt till) fl T'," imnie.1 settler haa tiled notleo of , ' , ""'S lo make llnal prooi in vii h" ' ',i Karl-Kf that said nrooi will bo iiiialu bofiira t o ' and llecelveratTlio Diillos.oteijon, u" November W, Wtw, viz i .. . Isaac V. IJowlnnd, of -mo "".,"' NKUl WnneaU-fld Kutiy Nn. wo, far ' n0rtU. HIIW NKW and Nn Ji bl'.H ovv. 11 II bin .acioiirlnuousresldeiico upuu ami lU""" of said land, viz:.., ... Klirir(;nt and J. said land, viz: , , , ,, . Krir,.nt nnd ' I 11 Urn, I W. Jnfrv. I red hlirKCUl n Dr.GUNN$. ONE FOR A DOSE HmoTo Plmplft., PfT.nt nillvnanvM, I'arlfr tliu Ulooil, (Juru IIhaiUoIiu .ii il Djiail A lliuvt-aiaut of tho banal, eaoh KM"" riiriiuaiin. T, lu.ltli. Tlmi- iiltlwrsrlpiMfW'i;i tlno. fu, w will mil Mrninnrm. ' iuK o. tiuldii druMlsU PR. BOSANilO CO. VW . .i i.w urn Oil IV