Acts gently xn the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEANSES THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY DisS ' Unh nrniiAkirikiTiv PERMANENTLY BUST THE GENUINE - MAHT'D By 0osyt.- roasu triivcr.viiiTi. rmci 50c wtecrut. l-EDl'LE YOU ALL KNOW. II. D. Butler, of Boyd, is a visitor in the city. Clyde Bonney is up from Hood River on businesss. J. L.Thompson has returned home from Bakeoven. H. G. Stark and J. H. ProtU were in from Dufur yesterday. W. J. Harriman, one of Endersby's leading men, is in town. F. T. Hurlburt, cashier of the Arling ton bank, is in town today. Mrs. E. 0. McCor was a passenger on last evening's tr.iin for Wasco. Misses Bertie ami Edna Glenn went to Portland on the FKer today. Mrs. J. W. French returned last even ing from a short visit in Portland. W. H. Moore came down from Moro yesterday, spending today in the city. A. A. Jayne was a homing; passenger from the metropolis yesterday afternoon. Chas. HupDner came up last night from Portland to spend Thankpgiving at home. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Eihelman came in from Dufur today to spend Thanksgiv ing in town. Mi-s Eflie Bolton, who has spent the past few days in Goldendale, returned home on the stage yesterday. E. M. Williams ami Frank Cram, who have been in Portlund on a business j trip, returned home last evening. Kev. Jos. DeForest will leave tonight for Denver, where he will accept a call to the pastorate of St. Peter's cnurch. Lawrence Ainswortb, who for the pat few months has held a position in the D. P. & A. X. office here, will leave for his home in Portland tomorrow. Mr. Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Catarrh is one of the most obstinate diseases, and hence the most difficult to get rid of. There is but one way to cure it. The disease is in the blood, and all the sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures in the world can have no permanent feet whatever upon it. Swift's Spe- fu Genres Catarrh permanently, for It is i hr Illv remedy which can reach the My Jli, l'' 3I(3A"istr of Harrodsburg, "KT iuiti """tar-h for years. He writes: ir''..V.liin.. "" improvement whatever, Cjhou!iiI'wtti 'instantly tri'iited with upruya !iiiu wasiics. and differ ent tnhnlliii, remedies in fact. I could feel that ench winter I was worse '"an tho year previous. - 'iliafiy ft was .... - Httn my notice !..;. arrhwasablood UialUft. id after think. clJgeat'K matter. I i in over v. -eaionahle .wltwMllt.. .,red by ifinKi few bottles werffUf . Jf'-.l 13. U. 17. . tlcedil percc the remedy. ntihli. Imnrovement. JontJtM tho iIUhhm was forced out of y ..nm..!.tii i.urn win tllii Jfilllf. Imivlioall who have thin dreadful disease to Jbuiiunn thelrloenl treatncnt.wlilch ha iiiever done them anyitood. and take b. 8. b.. a rem edy that can reach tho ditae and cure It." To continue tho wrong treatment for Catarrh is to continue to suffer. Swift s Bpcciflo is u real blood remedy, and cures obstinate, deep-seated diseases, which other remedies havo no effect whatever upon. It promptly reaches Catarrh, una never fails tocure even tho most aggravated cases. most uggruvuitu S.S.S.1 for Rlnnri is Purely VegetnUlo, anu is ins iinij lilood romedv Guaranteed to contain no dangerous ritinerals. Books mailed free by Swift Speolfla Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Ainswnrth has made many friends here, who will dislike to see him leave. Misses Beulah nnil IMidence Patter son will leave for Wasco on this evenlne'a train to spend Thanksgiving with their parents. ' Dr. C. Gertrmta French came up from Portland on last niuht'a train and will spend Tminkeplvlnt; with her parente, Mr. and Mrs. S. French. Cooper, who has been absent from homo for eight years, arrived Mon day from Montana and la visiting his panntf , Mr. and Mrs. 1). J. Cooper. Will Frank, who has been absent from The Dalles fur the past sis months, is a(!Hin on our streets erecting friends. lie will remain here for a time at least. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koedieck and family, who havu made The Dalles their home for tt.o past year, hjft today for Eugene, where they expect to reside. Hon. and Mrs. Orin Patterson left on last night's train for their homo at Long Creek. They aro returning from a visit to their old home in Indianapolis and stopped over a few days with Mr. Patterson's hrotlier. More School lillirurle. Through the energetic efforts Supt. Gilbert, a growing sentiment favor of school libraries has firmly taken root among the schools of our county. Today Wasco county stands among the foremost counties of Oregon in the fur nishing of good, substantial, healthy, supplementary reading material and the obsolete method of teaching mere elocu tion has been supplanted by the more healthy one of teaching students to read silently, rapidly and accurately, mater ial which they may digest. With such a plan in mind' Miss Bessie Hastings, teacher of Liberty school, and students, with the aid of friends and patrons, proceeded to givean entertain ment and box social at the school house on Friday evening, Nov. 24. It was n decided euccess both socially and finan cially. A full house was well entertained and $31.50 netted. The following pro gram was the beginning of the evening's entertainment. fconu "breeting Olee" bchool Recitation "Beautiful Hands' i. . . . Erma Bolton Recitation "Rock of Ages" : Maggie Hastings fcong "Jesus fcaid of .Little Children" Class Recitation "Women of Mumble Head" ,. .Flossy Adkisson Recitation "Childrens' Hour" .Lnra McHaley .Uncle Snng "Our Happy School." Du t- 'Cniming Bell," Nelly mid Lura McHaley Recitation "Grandma's Angel" Elsie Adkisson Recitation "Seein' Things at Night" Ray Bolton Recitation "Jamie Douglas" Nelly McHaley Song "Little Candles" Recitation "That Line Fence" CJuiutus Underwood Song "Dash It Down" Recitation "Not Gniltv". ,Roe Wilson Recitation "The Inventoi'H Wife". . L. L. Bell Song "Nearer Home" School Great credit Is due Miss Hastings and others for zeal displayed. May it bt como thoroughly contageons throughout the state. There is an urgent need of teference material along the line of his tory, biography, geography and the in dustries of our country. It is certainly desirous that our children become more tlftronghly acquainted with the lives and aims of such men as Longfellow, Wliittier, Emerson, Hawthorn, Wash ington, Lincoln, Garlield and others, their works and the effects of the same upon mankind. "A good hook is the precious blood of a master spirit embalmed and treasured up on pui pose to a life beyond life." Friend. "Follow" Object In I'ollte (?) Term. The Dalles, Nov. 29, 1899. To the Ciikonicle: Your remarks in Monday's issue anent a horse that was alleged to have stood all day Sunday tied to a post in front of Michelbach's saloon in the pelting rain, tightly cinched, while its owner was rioting In a debauch, displayed a frugality of truth that verged oi the border-land of parti raony. The horse was only thero from about 9 p. m. till 11 o'clock, while his owner awaited the arrival of a train. He )os not tightly cinched, nor was he exposed to the pelting rain but was carefully covered ( with his owner's mackintosh overcoat. Maj be the citizen who took pity on the animal and took him to his barn was kind-hearted as you ray. nut tue nam was an open alley with three feet of slushy cow Alltlrf. for itn flilrir nnrl tUn tblrwl w eu citizen" took good caio to dc j.. . u beaut nf Mn hlimlii't Hnil amlilln im'W " and mv Oveicoa,i flnU nltt-'r turning the animal' oc tat ,0 where these tf;ltf' lUl Ttao kind-hearted citfJWW'"1 not notify tho "fellow" where hiV Uom thi be found, and the "fellow" aftW liunuiK H Sunday night accidentally discovered tte animal in a vacant lot Jlonday morning Tiik "Fbu-ow," AliIICItii. Ojilnfons having varied to audi nn ex tent reurdlnjr the much dreaded ap pMiiHcitie, necllptlie following timely suggestion from the Oregonlan, which tuny partially roiuove the drvad attend, inc its approach : "Appendicitis which came into fashion as a popular ailment, not many years ago, is going out of fashion, at least so far as requiring a surgical operation for its cure. Three doctors in this city havo had this disease of late, and some of them havo had It "bad" but nary n one of them has allowed himself to be oper ated on. r This refusal of doctors to take their own medicine, as it were, may be considered as indicating that the knife has been used too freely in the past. Appendicitis is now treated by the uso of castor oil, sweet oil and other lubri cants in large quantities, and with good success. The method used to be to operato as soon as It was decided that one had appendicitis, the theory being possible that If a mistake was made mid the patient did not havo appendicitis, it was a very good thing to remove his vermiform appendix, as it was of no use anyway, and it might become diseased eomo time. "Doctors themselves, however, seem to have a hankering for retaining thoir own appendices even if they were use less. The practice now is to defer oper ation for appendicitis as long as possible and to use the knife only as a last resort, and If this becomes necessary, to operate between attacks. The plan of operating "on first intentiou" sometimes proved a failure, as in the case of one person in this city, who, when operated on for the cure of appondicitis, was found to havo had no vermiform appendix." BUSINESS LOCALS. Use Clarke & Falk'a Ro9afoaru for the teeth. You will not have bolls if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke A Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Fresh Saratoga chips ailil salted almonds for eale at D.iwson'e grocery store. 11-tf Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcl)25-tf Cle Elm coal $0.50 per ton ; Rnck bprings coal s9 per ton, delivered, at Maier & Benton's. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of cough", colli or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 els. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Htrny Nntlue. Camo to my place about six weeks ago, a gray stallion colt, about three years old; brand similar to an inverted V with a cap over it. Owner can have the animal by proving property and paying all charges. The Dalles, Nov. S, 1S99. A. F. CutLHON. Ranch in Company Hollow, eight miles southeast of The Dalles. novS-lin Stray Homo. Strayed from my place near Kingsley, one Clyde bay horse: star in forehead: weight about 1250 pounds; branded something like an H on left stifle. Will give $10 to any one bringing him to Kingsley, or $5 for information concert.- iig his whereabouts. 15 ltllW CitAItI.ES Fl'.ALEV. "I was nearly dead with dyspepsia, tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew ivorse. I used Kodol Dyapop sla Cure. That cured rne." It digests wnat you eat. uures inuigestion, suur stomach, heartburn, and all forms of dyspepsia. Caili Id Vour (Jbeoka. All couutv warrants -registered prior to Jan. iuu, win tie pain at my office. Interest ceases after Nov. 13th, IOWJ, U. L.. riULLIl'S, Countv Treasurer. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedaliu, Mo., Raved Ilia child's life by Ono Minute CoukIi Cure, Doctors hod given her up to die with croup. It's an infallible cure fur coughs, colde, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. Relieves at once. J. IS. Clark, Peoria, 111.,'eaya, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles, hut I cured them with DeVVitt's Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles and skin dlseates. Betrara of counter feits. Mrs, It. Churchill, Berlin, Vt,, says, "Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve cured her." A "peciflc for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Help Wautad. A girl who desires to do general house work can obtain employment by apply in g at 3. C. Hoiietler's on Fifth street. Admiral George Dewey Will receive tho most royal wclcomo on Oct. lt next, that wou over accorded to n American tltiion. You will And a comple'te blofrraphy of this gttaX hero, InclmlluK his brilliant victory over tho Bpcr Ish fleet In the great, authorltaUve and up ' "-date work of reference, tho New Werner Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica This to tho only encyclopedia on tho market that taenttons Admiral Dcwcy. It gives tho dato of hli llrth; how ho spent hla boyhood days; tho part ho took in tho Civil War, how after the War ho was employed on tho European station; In tho Naval Academy; his rlso to tho rank of Commander and President of tho Board of Inspection and Burvey; hla command of tho Aslfttlo Biuadron; how on April 2Tth ho left Ilong Kong wllh his squadron, found anddcitrcyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila, on May 1st; hU appointment as Acting Rear Ad miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and how on March 2nd, 1SW, ho wa created full Ad miral. It speaks of him as n strict disciplinarian, an all-around athlete, n daring horseman and hunttman, and socially a good club man and general favorite It tells of hla marriage to I'.'m Eusy Goodwin, a daughter of tho "fighting gov ernor" of Now Hampshire, who died In 1672, leav ing a son, Georgo Goodwin Dewey. Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of tho Oregon and scores of ether noted personages not C7cn mentioned in any other Kncycloa.dla rccclvo tho tamo attention iu this edition of tho Encyclopedia Britannica ' It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Eactt ago; of General Ucnry m Governor-General ol Porto Rico ; of Aguinaldo's decIaraUon of War against tho U. S. ' wVk YOU NEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge and progress, wherein In for matlon U moro easily found and acquired tlmnln any other book or encyclopaedia in tho world IN YOUR HOME. I0E DALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, GRID BALL AT THE E, aivn.v ny Jackson Engine Go. Thanksgiving Eve, To-night! Music will Ih furnished hv Prof, nirg feld's Orchestra. A general good time is assured. Tickets, $1.00 Turkey Hl,t. There will he a turkey and pigeon shoot on tho heaeh Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 20th and 30th, conducted ny A. Y, Marsh and Isaac Joles. td-thtw Are You Looking for rier IImikU? We don't eell them, hut if you want the best five cents, worth In this town, try our Far West cigars. It'll make you feel good nil Joyor, and only fivo cents. uen uilrlctu Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by Jamus K. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. TIB Limited. Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Laki. Placa your orders now for Christmas or you way get left. Glflbrd. nl7.1ni BALDWIN DPERB $ Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or poat. ..04o.-O-.ovo" ConRtruotlon-Thli I" nn "lr th-lit hculer o( tin- nvnl sluot steel tviU It hn CAST IIIC1N I.ININ'liH, ii'iaklng It iliinililo; nln hut I nm (ceil door, cntt top nnil bottinii mill ornniiH'iitiil Ihk top, with Krlddlo cover uiideinciitli. NIoknllriR- It him nlckulol urn, iiiiiiiu iiilu mill foiit rnl Is. Wo havo a i'iiniilvlu clock of tnciii on hum!, full mid keo i.ur tot'k beforu hiijlng ulsutvheru. The Busy Store. . KauU day our litiHinuas shows the people 1110 fiiul i uir out wc nrc pushing to the front with hotter -goods, lower pricc9, salespeople the very best, nntl Inst, but not lenst, buyers who know their business nud buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. 4 ..GHflS. FMW- Butehens and Fanmcrs ..Exchange.. Keepnoii driiimht tho calcinated COI.IJJIIHA lll'.EH, iiukiiiiwl idKitl tho best heer In The lmllen, at tho uiuul price. Come In, try It and lie convinced. Aim the Fluent hriiudv ol Wines, l.l-juor and Cigars. I Sanduuiehes 1 of all Hindu alwayN on hand. u STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third fitroot, hotweon Court and Wash ton Streets, The Dalles. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TUaNHACT A KKEUALUANKINO II UK IN EH Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern Htates. Hight Exchange and Tolegraphit Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, 8t. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore-' Kon, Seattle Wusli,, and various points In Oregon and Waslungton. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. ' JOHN 0AVIN MOORE & GAVIN, A1T0KNKYH AT LAW. Kooini 89 and 4D, over U. S. laud Ofllcc. Dialer & Benion EAST and SOUTHviT The Shasta Route il -or THK Southern Pacific Como'v Trains loavontid nrc duo tn ,h " ' rottltt, LRAVK. OVEH1.ANH KX.l lire),, HhIciu, H,u. I hum, Antihunt, hko- I 7!00 V. JI ...uitiiiM, uiUCtl,HiH I KrnlioUco, M,.l... 0H5 A. u New Kl orlcniiii nun, iillii Kntt H!SU A. M. OM'Imrir mill timiR . ... fVlH Womlhura fori'. J :'VlS.l'.HI,'vurt''. , i!20 I'.u Dully except Humeri, Dnlly except Htllidayii vllv,riiirlngulil mill l 4. Ilifllll , 17:30 A. M, ICnrviilllN Mtiitliiiin , nnil wuyl UlMt'.M. I N 1 ) K l'K N 1) I: N' OK l-ABUKNOEIt. K,roM tr.1. Dally (cxeeiit Huiiilny. ' ,Mto llfiOp. m. (lA'.....l'nrtlaml .,,r. s . . 7::w i. in. H',.su 1 1. m. AI..!l!Mlimv o. l.v.S 8Mi? Ar..lll,1,,uHl,ln.. I.V( ""itt -1-vilUMHVtlMll t:fli.B Dally. tunny, uxcein buimny, " " ' DINING CAttH ON OODKN UOUTB. 1'III.I.MAN IIUFFKT Hl.t'Kl'ERS AND HKGOND-01.A88 HLEKl'INO CAM Attached to nil Through Traim. Direct connection at Han KrinicUcn with Dm dental mid Oriental mid I'kcIIIo mull trZ&L linen (or JAl'AN Ulld CHINA. Hullluir rt.iiTT: hi iilleatlon. ltateH iiiid tlekota to Eastern pnlnlii and rniie. Also JAl'AN, CHINA, AIIHTUAI.IA. HONOLULU u All iibovu trnltiH arrive at inul depart Inm (Irand Central Hlutlon, Filth and Irving- ttitZ YAMltlLI. DIVIHION. 1'anciiKer IK'iMt, loot ul Jetterion itrtut lave fur Hhcrldan, week ilnyn, Arrive at l'ortlaud, U::iO a. in. ntlWp.j I.i-ttvu for Alltl.lK on Mnuitay, WednrtliTUd Krhliiy atH:lHa. in. Arrlv Ht 1'ortland. Tut. duv, Tliurmlay and Haturdu) u n;05 p. m. Except Humtay. It. KuK'.l.EK, i Miiiiucr. Exccjit Hntiirdny. 1, II. MAHKHAM, Aunt. 0. K. A Vim. Alt Through Tleket Olllro, 111 I Third utreet. when throiiKh tlckeu to all pulnu In the Kutcti Htnten, Cauaila mid Kuriipe can )e obtilnegit rateK Iroin J. II. KIHKI.AND, Ticket Actnt or N. WIIKAI.DO.N. b '.'steam... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday, Itntcs Keaeoimblu. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. i C. S. Smith, the Up-to-date Qroeqr Fresh Egw and Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, and EnikiliiE THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3iaj aas ONW 3 woo. NOTICE FOR 1'UIU.ICATIOK. Laud Ort icK at Tim '-',Si'Ju'' Notice U hereby Klveu thnt I ? '.' '.V.VA7. '" " ;..M..i,i liHiiK-d ettler lm llled milieu ol i '.""n(J io iiiiiKe iinai prooi in np " v . . .i,.. Holilr Hint tiild proof will li iiinle liefom II nnil Keeelvernt The )iille,Ure('m,iiS"tufuJ. November !M,. I8!W, vl.i ... , IHO V. HowUlld, of Tl DD-; Wnnextead Kntiy No. WKW, lor the W HIIX SKH mid rJVH SHU hi-e, IS " riuiKu II K., W. M. . . ,,..... in iirov Ho HHiuel the la Imvluir f . ,nlvi oo liUfoiulniioUMreiililcuco upuii iiml tuiu "'.".'i1 if.'"!.' vi- !.t,.i ftrnwent i A . . . .. . it nr ii lit f nil in. ' nn ONI FOR A DOM. RSMAM (Jure liAd&dhi If iliUHMUOU. A moriimflnt i for iiMUh, ThttF nf Ithar orip norl Plmplw, Prnl PiiflfiliHluud. . .Oil DniMMM. if th. lHr.u .1 nsnraBaf