" t mrr - v r r. a ri in . -y Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels nses the ystem EFFECTUALLY 1 UMU DCDMAWFMTIV ITS DUy THE GENUINE - MANT'O By (AyRNIATGPSYRVP(2. rossAUBYiiscsniGSOTi ma sot Ptsecmr. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Interesting Noteft From Ono of The tin". ;n Student lit That JtlNtltut'.un. Eugkne, Nov. 24, 1S99. Editor Dalles D.iily Ciiiionkji.e : The Dalles, onteide of Eneene, has the eecoml largest number of students nt tending the university this year of nuy city in the state. Ashland lias the honor uf heading the list with nine, The Dalles follo.une with eigi.t. The Dalles itss at the university confidently hope that nest year The Dalles will head the list, with many to spare. At regular meeting of the I.-nrtTti Society the question, IJeeolved thnt we should 'retain the Philippine Islands, was discussed by F. A. Strmige and Con don McCornack on tiie part of the af firmative and Edward D. Baldwin and L. E, Hooker on the part of the nega tive. The decision was given to the negative. The University of Oregon Glee Club has decided to make o tour of the east ern part ot the etato during the Christ mas vacation and will vrry proba'ily atop at The Dalles. If Ihey do eo it will bo a rare opportunity for music lovers of that city, as the Glee Club is said to be better this year than ever before and has been pronounced by Eastern college men who have heard it sing this year io compare very favorably with the Glee Clubs of the great universities of the East. The club will givn a concsrl nt Villard hall on Thanksgiving night for the purpose of raising funds for the trip. Mhs Daisie Allaway has been chosun by the senior class as one of their rupru eentativee in the Iccil oratorical contest which will take place in the winter. She also has the honor of representing the Eutaxiau Literary Society in a joint dt- For You to Read "What puzzled me in the beginning was that I keptlosing flesh without any cause for it that I could see. I had a little trouble with my stomach, too, and after a while began to grow weaker and to cough. The cough, I thought, would soon go away anu cure itseu, but it didn't. It grew worse, and then I began to spit up a pecu liar looking substance. I never thought of consumption, but one day I had a hemorrhage., nnd then was frightened in earnest and did just what you would do. I rushed to the doctor. He was either too busy, or something else, for he didn't dome any good. I kept going on down hill, and the outlook was bad. Things took a different 'turn, however, when I heard of Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, for I took it, and it not ouly cured my cough ing and spitting, but also built up my whole system. I took on per manent flesh, and today am just as healthy a man as you can find in a week's travel. Von mny bo sure I always keep Acker's Eng lish Remedy in tho house, and it is a good thing I do so, for one nitsht my youngest child va seized with croup. That hoarse, wheezy cough was tho first signal, and I lost no time in giving the poor liltle sufferer proper doses of this grand medicine. In almost no tune the disease was under control, and my child, was saved. I advise every parent to have a bottle handy all the time, It serves the same purpose in keeping croup out of the house that a good lock and key serve to keep burglars out. It is both an expectorant and u tonic. It cured me of con sumption and my child of croup, nnd I know what I am talking about." (Signed) Hon. M. Hooan, picture frame manufacturer, 242 Center Street, New York. Aolrtr'a Engliib IttBMdr Itiold br all drugjliU undtr a poiltlfo f oaranUe ttit your monejf will bo 1 fgff--'- - ' 35e.,We.uulabottlolo U.b. and Canada. !nKuglaBd.la.2d.,3.3i.,Ml(li.(& Wt aMortie tllfi OlliW guarunl, It'. UOOKUIt fc CO,, Joprktori, tew York. For Sale by BLAKELEr & HOUGHTON. bato which will take place between the three societies in December. Homer D. Angell of The Dalles, after nohllug nearly every student honor in the clft of the university, is this year distinguishing himself in athletics. As is characteristic with him, he never docs anything by halves nnd is playing foot, ball this year with tliu determination and aggressiveness which won the state oratorical contest last yetr. In the game with the university of California he was pitted against a man weighing over 200 pounds and was successful in holding him down in nil points. lie did so well that he was noticed by the coach of the Berkley team who said that An gel I was the best football player ho had ever seen. The To-Logian Literary Society of the Portland High School challenged the Freshman class of the university of Ore gon to a debate. The challenge was accepted nnd the debate will take place in Poitland on January 13th, 1000. The following question will be discussed: ''Devolved, that immigration into the United States should be restricted to persons who can read and write the Constitution of the United States in some language, piovided provisions can be made for admitting those dependent on qualified immigrants." The Portland High School will support the affirmative of this question, while the negative will be upheld by the Freshman class. Edward Baldwin has been chosen by the class as business mairiger of the contest, he will also act as chairman of the debate in Portland. Sis candidates were chosen by the class as candidates for the team. A try-out debate to decide upon the three best debaters will take place In Villard hall Friday, Dec. 1st, and the three decided to be the best will repre sent the class in Portland in January. At this try-out the question ".Resolved, that we should retain the Philippines" will be discussed by E. N. Illythe, F. A. Strange and Holt Stockton on the part of the nHirmative and Condon Bean, Thomas Hammond and Ben Wagner for the negative. Dr. Strong, the new president of the university, is progressive and thorough ly up-to-date along the latest lines of educational matters. He hopes to un questionably place the university where it should stand, nt the head of all edu cational institutions in the Pacific Northwest. He is very popular nmong the students and is possessed of a most pleasing manner. He confidently ex pects to see u00 students at U. of O. at the opening of next year and feels that the university of Oregon has entered up on n growth which for rapidity and solidity will astonish even its most sanguine friends. A Student. l'lnyed Out. Dn'l Headache, Pains in various purls of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishnese, Pimples or Sores a'l positive evidences of impuro blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain tood health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeleycc Hough ton Druggists. Turkey hliimt. I here will he a turkey ami pigeon shoot on the beach Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 2flth and 30th, conducted bv A. Y. Marsh and Isaac Joles. td-diw Use ClarkeA Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. -ws-.----- v wif BUSINESS LOCALS. Use Clarke A- Falk's Kosafoam for the teeth. Clarke & Fnlk have on sale a full lln of pit hit and artist's brushes. You will not have bolls if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk'H flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer tor them. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring txtraets. Fresh Saratoga chips and salted almonds for sale at Dawson's grocery store. ll-!f Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. uich2o-tf Cle Elm coal $0.80 per ton;. Rook Springs coal $9 per ton, delivered, at Maier & Benton's. Now is the time to sit for X:nas photos. Cloudy weather preferred for sittings. So says Uiflbrd. novl7-lm Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fall to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 ets. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country titan all othe diseases put together, nnd until the last few years was supposed to he incurable. Fur a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh tobe a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hnll's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To'edo, Ohio, is tho only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to u teasnoonful. It acts directly on :ne mood and mucous surnices or trie system. Thev offer one hundred o.inrs :or any case It fail? to cure, send for clrcumrs and testnioninls. Address, F. J. Chenbv & Co., Toledo. O. "Sold by Druggists, 7oc. 7 "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy 1 ever used for coughs nnd colds. It is unequalled for whooping cough. Chrildren all like it." writes II. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives itrniedtate results. Cures cnuuhs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and nil throat and hint? troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. It takes hut u minute to overcome tickling in the throat nnd to stop a cough by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre vents consumption. A famous specific for grippe and its after efiecte. All persons wishing to take children, either hoys or gi'ls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W. T, Gardner, superintendent of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for them de sirable children of all ages. All applica tions must be filed in advance. tf "I was nearly dead with dyspepslu, tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew worse. I used Kodol Dyspep sia Cure. That cured me." It digests what you eat. Cures indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn, and all for ins of dyspepsia. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., Haved his child's life by One Minute Cough Cure, Doctors had given her up to die with croup. It's on infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippo, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. Relieves at once. J. B. Clark, Peoria, III, says, "Sur geons wunted to operate on me for piles, hut I cured them witlr DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve," It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Bearj of counter feits. Mrs, R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., says, "Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo cured her." A specific for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. 8tiii Thief! Stop doing business. This is the way you feel after buying some ten cent cigars. Try our Mascot ten cent einoke and find out where your real friends are. Ben Ullrich. lll Wauteil. A girl can obtain u place to do general housework in a family of two, or to as sist in work and attend school, by apply ing at this office. ' 21-1 w Ulii WmuUmI. A girl who desires to do general house work can obtain employment by apply ing at J. C. Hosietler'n on Fifth street. To Our m Coin iu Oui Dmy, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab let!. All riruugifUN refund the money if It fails to cure, 25c, Htrny Notice. Came to my plnco about six weeks ago, a gray stallion colt, about three years old; brand similar to an inverted V with a cap over it. Owner can have tho anlinal by proving property nnd paving all charges. The Dalles, Nov. 8, 1800. A. F. Caih.ho.v. Rnuc.li in Company Hollow,elght miles southeast of The Dalles. novS-lin l-ur Snle. A good farm iu Klickitat county Wash., live iuIIch from Columbus, eon Hieting of 210' acres. Price $1000. Apply to II. E. Curtiss nt A, S. Bennett's office. ' nl-tiA wlm Dyspepsia can hu cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia TabletB. Ono little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley 1 Houghton DrugglBts. Are You Luuklnc fur Tuper ItiimlV. We don't sell them, but if you want the best five cents, worth iu this town, try our Far West cigars. It'll make you feel good all Jover, and only five cents. Ben Ullrich. Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by Jumes E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The (Supply Limited. Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Lake, Placd your orders now for Christinas or you may get left. Gilford. nl7-lm !nli tu lutir t:i:i't:Ki. All countv wnrrnnth registered prior to Jnn. 21, ISHli, will be paid at toy office. Interest ceases after Nov. 13th, 1800. C. L. Pim.Mi'K, Oonniv TroHHiirer. Oft. ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS V"CP- W.' "? wl" ," mplo In..-, ur full box for .I.uiat.7ilreJH;nu. dr. U0SANK0 C0.Phlla.p2. NOTICE FOK PUCLICATION. 1.ASIJ Ofpuik ATTHK 1U.I.KH, ou., October 7, ls'JU. I Notice N hereby Rlvon that tho (ullmvlntr ih mill ettlur Inis illut notice ut Ills int.:titliiti to miike llruil iironf In uiiori uf lit cluiiu, mill Unit iiilil proor will be iniiih- Imfon! the nuvMi-r mill Itii'clVL-r nt Tliu DiiIIua.Uickoii, nu Hatiirilny, November ', law, viz: Ikiiho V. IIowIhihI, iiT Tin- Ilnllox. Or.; Wrmesteiid Kntiy No. WKW, for tliu Ni:i(, ail'l XVM noil NWH Hi:( Hoe. 1, T11. I riortli, rmiKoli i:., W. M. He !iumi tho following wIIiiuhscm to provu Ms eoiiniiiiou" resilience upon mm ctri'.iviitiiiii of MM hinil, viz: J.I), llyre, J. W. Jofrv. I'reil hiiri?ciit iitul J. U'. Johnston; nil of Tho Dalli-H, Oicxon. Oct Il-i' JAV I'. I.UCAtj, rtiylster. -rjU'.EI). W.VIION, V ATTOKNKV-AT LAW, Tllh UAl.l.l, OUKdO.N Ollice over K'ror Nat. ll-iiu. JQU- (ilCiHKNlMMUTlUt Physician and Simreon, Special Attention given to gurxery. Uooms 21 and 22. Tel. 32S Vout Woo r. WCOKK. JOHN OA VtN MOOJtE & GAVIN, A'lTOItNKVS AT LAW. Itoomii : 11ml 10, over U. S. IjuhJ Ofllco. JJ-A. STUHDEVANT, Dentist. Otllcu over French it Co.'h llutlk I'hono f, THE DAI.I.Krj, OUKOON fftlS. OliMll W. PljGAIi STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court nnd Wash ton Streets, The Dalles. AT THE BALDWIN OPERA HOUSE. OIVKN II V Jackson Engine Go. Thanksgiving Eve, ttlednesday, Jlov. 29. Mmlc will he furnished by Prof. Illre. feld's Orcheatm. A gunerul geod lime In aianred. Tickets, Ill ill $1.00 ,iuuuawiain 1 m. 1 . m nn VPViliililililHilililiH be. Hit 4 The (Jteniiicrn Inwlng Militdulc, M'hcilulo without Str. FtoKulfttor. (I.linltcil IjiiiiIIiii?.) 5' I Str. Dnllos City. 1 (ToiichhiR nt all Way I'ottitn.) K HOWS. !, l.V. Hallos U nts A. M. 2TllfMlll' C, TlinlMlay K Sntiiriliiy . h' Arr. I'orllainl S, nto r. i. S in-. I,v. 1'iirtl.inil III 7 A. M. Moinlny . iilneMiy Krhlny Avr. Iinllen lit fl I'. M. DOWN. I,v. DalleN mi r. ::-. a. m. Monilay . V (1 Ht-silay . , lulay Arr. Portland (uncertain) FOR CJOMPORT. ECONOMY AND PLEAF?ttpw a U . . .. ... .1... t. T li... C, Travel l)J' tin' nteaiiiers 11 mu mmnnuii . nv. 1 u i" n nui eiuinivor to e vcitinni I roim tho J1e.1t ervleu imwhIIiIi'. tot further inlormatlim addresi ""W-,! , I'ortlund Ollice, Oak-Htreet Dock. W. C. AULA WAY, Qon. Agt., The I)11M ' nil . m ft Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavlnRS, corn cobs, hay or poat. ..oo.'Q.oo.- Constrnctlon TIiIk Is an air tlk'ht hcilter nl tho nval ftlnt't ntin-1 tviio; it Inn- I'AsT IKON I.INlNdK, imiktiiK It durable; IiIho I1111 Iron feed door, eu.-it lop and bottom and (irnmiieiital hulnj; top, with i;rlddlu cover tuideiiieath. Nlckollner It linn nlefcoh'd urn, tiamu piatu and fo.it rails. We have 11 i-ntiipluto Hock of tmtin on hand, (.all and eu our hlock beloro I1115 lni; ebewhere. The Busy Store. HucU duy our bu&inesa shows the people urc llndlng out we nre pushing to the front with better goods, lower pricca, salespeople the very best, nnd last, but not least, buyers who know their business nnd buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Seoond Street. NOTJCE FOR PUliLIOATION. UNI) OfFICK at Tin: Dau.ks, Oiikoon) . Nov. ai, hwj. Nolleo Ik hereby lvcn that tlio lollowhiu iiainul w'tllcr Inu llled notlcu of liln liitentlotr to miike llniil jiroof in Mrpnort of IiIn cliihn, and that M lid iirnnf wl Iu. niuilii l,,,i..... ii.n .....i.... mid reeefyor nt Thu Dulles, Orenon, on l''rli!ny, 'vbiiii;vi intijf VIA Milton Ht Fox, or Thu Uallnfl, Ur. If. K. N'n. (."ir7. fnr tlm PI - ULViy ....1 uii'i s j Kecto iim N&; N W '8 tit: , n'. " V ' V i7'rV' W.M. " ' Hu iininci tho followIiiK wltiKnus to prove Ilia i mi iii'ima relduncu upon mid cultivation of i1 -mi viz: . ..''f-'u- i,J'V (!t'"rl' Sliitiiuy. Ihiiio ItMtncy and JV ii'am Wooilinaii, all of f hu D,.llo, Oio. V--'I JAY I'. I.UUAH, Ki-Klitur. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. l'HANBACT A KNKHAl.UANKINO tlUBtNKH Loiters of Orwilt issued nvalluble in the nltfht Kxnllimirn ami TulunKdnliM TrmiBfers sold on New York, OlikttKO, p" uum, otnii rruiiuioco, rortiaiui ure koii, Hmttie Wmb and various points In Oregon and Washington. Oolleutiona muu ut nil inl.it. (.. j & Benton I orahle terms. 1 I I 1 A 'rnw T T-Ntts Ji uaiiba, fumanu a Hsiona nav.Co.i (if the me iiomnutnr Line will r.n, ,,,,.. & l. Company ,WOTvli.K the liRht'to 2 !'J the notlcu. Str. Inland Flyer, (Limited IjttiUllifrs.) OP. I'ortlund l.v 110 WM, l.V. ilalloB at 8 a. M Moiidnv Wt'illii'Mlny ... Krlilnv Arr. I'ortliimi at IliltJ v. Mi l.V. t't irtlrttiil 9 nt n a 1 M. . . Til I'M lay . TliurMlay .Katiirday Arr. Diilh'i (inicerliiln) . . Tni-ii'l. J A TIllltMlty i Arr. I);3 Mt l:;ir,n i TL. nn. , H EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trnltia leovo and are Unu to arrive it Portlu l.SAVK. OVKIll.AND KX.T eK, Hiilein, Uonu-1 iireK h Hire. AhIiIuihI id, Kae-I dcn.Hiui I Molave, f 71U0 r. M. I riunento, od KriiliirlKivi. 9:U A.K ii'in jviiHuiuQ,r.i 1 itnij. New orluurm and , KllHt J lo.sehurir anil wnv kin h:ko a. M, lions . . .. . f Via Woodbury lor 1 .Mt.Alicri-l. Htlviirtim. I :30r.Si Dully i-xeopt Hnnduyn ' --------r1 - 1 1 Dall; epl Hunliri Went hi! I vlllu.ripl I, Natron . eNi hiito, urowiin-) irliiKll'Jlu and 17:81) A. M. ICnrviilIln an (J wuy IHtUtlOllH ... ) INDKl'KNDKNCi: I'AHSKNOKK. ExprcMlnla Dally (exeunt Huinltiy). l;N)p. in. 7.;m p. nr. Hl.'UJ p. 111. SI.v. .I'ortlnnd Ar.) 8:25 .b At ..MoMIiinvllle l.v.S f;Iilii,iu Ar..liiili-ieiidence..l.v.) 4:10a, D 'Dally. tDauy, i-.neupi hUliJuy, DlN!NO OA US ON OtiDKN K0UTK. l'tM.i..MAN IltJKI'KT HIJ'El'EKB AND HIX'OND-CI.Ahd HI.KKHSO CAEk Attached to all Thronch Tralai. Dlreat coniitt-tlmi ut him frnueinco with 0i lleutul mid oriental nnd Tactile mnll timi41i ! Ilnea for J AI'AN nnd CHINA. Hatlltij dttM M 1 n plication. Unto and tickets to Kteituni lmlnti indli- rniie. Alio J Al AN, Olll.NA, nu.ULULU au AI'KTltAl.IA. All alaivo traltif arrive at ntid ilcrart Ifw Qrand Central Utntlon, I-'lfth and IrTing itTMit YAMHU.li DIVISION. 1'ai-ki'iiRer leKit, toot nl Jutlerton itrcet U'uvv lor Hhcrlaan, week diiyt, H:S0p.m Arrtvoiit I'ortlund, u:0 u. m, Ia'iivc lor AlKI.IK oil Mondny, WediielrMi Krlniiy id h:S."i . m. Anlvi- t I'ortland, In itav, Tlr.'.ritday nnd Hatiirdai it S:M p. m. Kxeept Hunday. "Kxeept Baturday. It. UK-.J.KK, (i, it. MARKIIAM, I'liuuur. AHt. (I. Y, & Vut. Aft ThroiiKh Ticket Olllee, IS! Third itrwt.wh through tt:H-th "11 point In the lufa Htiitt-H, Canadii utid KuroiK! can be obUIneJ I lowi-Ht riitea trout ... . ! J. II. KIUKlAND, Ticket Aunt- or N. WIIK.Vl.UON. 0 ...STEAM... Wood Sam Will run every tiny i-xcopt Sunday. IUtua lii'iibuniihlo. t Telophono 201. i W. A. CATES, Prop. a C, S. Smith, thi; dp-to-dateCroeer Fresh KtfRfl nnd Crcnmory liutttir u Hpccinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. ..CHflS. FPillK.. Batchers and Fapmeps ..Exchange.. KciiHondraiiKl.t tho cdKcd tliu best beer in 1 t 1 " j nt thu umml price ''" '.'' It and bu ;onv ; ho" Fluent formula of WlnWi w' ond ClK'lla- StiDduulehes ofuUKIll(lhv"ll",pu II IIVMINOTUH HUNTING -nAW,0BKUJ, omoo ovl'r l'irat Nut. Uuk