f Z)c Holies VOL. XII .THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1899. NO 95 BOERS DEFEATED AT ESTCOURT Dtfcalci Force Destroyed Brite Brilisi Alter Tin. ADVANCE ON COLENSO ORDERED Important Steps Toward the Relief of Lndysaiith Accomplished With Loss of Less Than an Hundred Men. London, Nov. 27. The war depart ment lias received the following disputcb from General Butler, dated I'ietermaritz bare, Sunday : "liildynrd, going from Estcourt, made a successful attack November 23 with three battalions, one field battery, a naval gun and seventy mounted troupe on the enemy, occupying Beacon Hill, which dominates William Grange, and hue interrupted Iub communication. As a result of operations, the enemy is re tiring and the railway and telegraph lines have been restored between Esl cjurt and Weston. Our loss was' about fourteen killed and fifty wounded. Hild vard haB advanced to a position near Frere, as he hopeB to cut oir the enemy, who is believed to be retiring on Coleneo via Weenau. "Barton, from Weston, has advanced to Eitcourt. As soon bb communication ih restored, I will telegraph particulars. So far as I can make out the operation ia one for which liildynrd and the t.oopB deserve much credit. The railway is now open to Frere." Ehtcouut, Sunday. The inilroad bridge at Frere, spanning u wide steam, has been destroyed by the Boers, who are reported to be retiring rapidly. A general advance upon Colenso has been ordered, and a Hying column tias left here to intercept the Boer raiding pin ties. Dukiian, Nov. 27. The lateBt reports of General Hildyurd's losses at the Bea con Hill engagement show that llfteeu wen were killed and seventy-two wounded. Tho West Yorkshire regiment eulTered heavily. Major Hohbs wob captured and several men are missing. Dispatches from Kruger and Joubert, found on a Boer prisoner, smd the Boer losses at Belmont were ten killed and forty wounded. Mctbuen's Movements. Caj-k Town, Nov. 27.--;Afteruoon.) It ia reported that Goneral Metliuen has captured Honey Nestktoof, ten miles north of Gruspan, and 2,000,000 rounds of ummunitiou. Relief of Ladysinllb. London, Nov. 27. For the moment the Boer invasion southward in Natal eoenis not only to have spent its force, bat to huve developed into a retrograde movement. Though with forces so mobile as those of the Boere, it is difficult to surmise where tlioy will appear uext. Apparently General Olery'fl advance to the relief of Ladysmith has really com menced. Bo far as ascertainable Hildyard's force, which ia already at Frere, jnuet number 1000 men, and should be able to reoccupy Colenso, where It may have to uwait reinforcements of artillery and cavalry before joining hands with Ge n eral White. General Barton now occupies Eatcourt, aud the Mool river will bo occupied by reinforcements from I'letermarlUburg. The wholo situation baa been distinctly cleared since the ar rival of Buller In Natal, though doubt less the British will havo many difflcutlea to overcome before White 1b relieyed. The big battle Is likely to occur at the passage of the Tugela river, and it may be expected that the Boers will make a stand there. In any case, wherever they elect to try to stem the British advance, tlieie will be desperate lighting and of a sanguinary character. The outlook inCapeColouy le dark for tho British. That General Gatacre has no ci"y laek is proved by tho Idlest des patches from QueiMBlown and elsewheie, showing that tho majority of tho popula tion on tho frontier have openly dec'ared themselves on the side of the Boers. Million Ulveu Away. Jt is certainly gratifying to the public to know of otio concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering, The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine ; and have the satisfac tion of knowing it lias absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lung are surely cured by it. Call on Blakeley & Hough- Unknown Man Killed. WchTON Station, Or., Nov. 26. An unknown man was ettuck by a freight train. His horse was killed instantly, and man and cart were lifted onto the pilot and carried partly across the Pine- creek trestle before the train could be stopped. It was then concluded to carry him on the pilot the remainder of the way to tho depot. Physicians were summoned from town and examined the injured man, who was unconscious. He received a severe cut in the back of the head, and a broken collar-bone and other injuries, whether dangerous or not cannot yet be determined. He ia about 35 vears old. Jtcil Hot From the Gun Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible ulcers that no treat ment helped for twenty years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him'. It cureB cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons, come, skin eruptions. Beet pile cure on earth. TwentV-five cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists. 3 Majority Is Against Him. New Yok, Nov. 27. A special to the Herald from Washington eays: Though comparatively few of the representatives elect have not yet arrived in Washing ton, the expressions of those that are here make it very apparent that there will be a large majority of the members of the house opposed to allowing Britain H. Koberts, of Utah, to sit with them. Interviews with those who have arrived lend irresistibly to the conclusion that either Mr. Roberts will not be allowed to take liia seat at all, or that he will be expelled from it after the house has hud the report of a committee and has heard both sides of the cape. CliHmberlHhi'x l'aln Halm Curei Others, Why Not uut My wife has beeu using Chamberlain's Pain Balm, witii good results, for a lame shoulder that has pained iter con tinually for nine yeare. Wo have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors with out receiving any beuefit from any of them. One day we saw an advertise ment of this medicine and thought of trying it, which we did with the best of satisfaction. She has used only one bottle and her shoulder is almost well. Auou'ii L, Mii.lutt, Manchester, N.H. For sale bv Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. Plague in Cuiua. San Fkancibco, Nov. 27. A special dispatch to the Chronicle from Tacoma eays: Yokohama advices state that a terrible condition of affairs prevails at; New Chwang, Manchuria, with respect to the bobonic plague. Hundreds of deaths are occurring weekly, the mortality reaching 40 to 00 evety day. The disease 1b beginning to spread over Mauchuria, owing to the fac. that the Chinese authorities have utterly refused to take any sanitary or quarantine precautions. S!ck Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or monev back. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton DruggistP. Miss Annie E. Gunuing, Tyre, Mich., says, "I suffered a long time from dys pepsia; lost flesh and became very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured me." It digests what you eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble. It never fails to give immediate relief in the worst cates. THANKSGIVING . . . . SPECI AIiS. to O $ 1VJLC11 t I Fine Neckwear. Our Thanksgiving Offerings in this line will give every man in town the opportunity of wearing a new tie next Thurtdav. Any style of our 75c and .f 1.00 Tiee for 50c 2Z Tuesday, Wednesday and tw until we close Thursday. tOur Overcoats at $10.00, $13.75, $15.00, are anxious to have vou look at them. Twont cost you anything to see the beet at the lowest prices. in town. THIS WEEK ONLY. Por tiers, 3 yards long, 48 inches wide; of tapestry in handsome two-toned patterns, regularly $2.90, at $2.19. Tapestry Portiers, same length, oriental color effects, hombay patterns, regularly $3.00 a pair, at $2.39. Tapestry Portiers, same size, fancy flowered designs in Maroon and gold, a 5.00 value at $3.85. Table Covers. 4-4 Chenille Table Covers, fringed, 39 cents. 4-4 Tapes Iry Table Cover, fringed, 50 cents, G-4 Tapestry Table Cover, rich designs, fancy fringe, 90c value at 79 cents. Draperies 52 inch Tapestry, in rich two-toned effects, an assoilment of six different pieces, reduced from 75c a yard to 58 cents. R ugs. Sultan Smyrna Rugs, revorsfble, with plain or fringed ends, size 30x00 inches, roduced from $1.87 to .25. $1. Thanksgiving Glove Sale TUT t Tomorrow from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. We will sell 240 pairs of Ladies' Kid Gloves, worth $1.25 per pair regularly, at special 68c par pair In this lot are included all the popu lar shades of the day brown, blue, green, mode, tan, red, also both black and white; sizes from 6?4 to 7), in clusive. Ploase note that our usual special sale rules will prevail, viz: No returns accepted. No exchanges made. No gloves warranted, and no gloves fitted. Sole commences at 9 a. m, sharp. Umbrella Special. Men's 23-inch steel rod, gloria cloth Umbrella, natural wood handles, cord mid biasel. rotMilnr nrien t.'A (10. Tncsdar. Wednesday and 'til we close Thursday, J SPECIAL $1.50 Don't forget Our Clearance Sale of Boy's Suits A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY. 8 I at $1.00, 12.00, $3.00 and $2 00. $4 00 and $0 00 ia still on, hut assortments are daily growing less. Rebels ia a Hurry. Manila, Nov. 27. The insurgents have evacuated Mangalaren, province of Pangasanau, leaving seven Americans and ninety-four Spanish prisoners, who escaped in the Filipino retreat. Colonel Bell, of the Thirty-fourth vol unteers, arrived at Mangalaren last evening, after a hard urarch, and, fording the Agno, he found that Fowler's com pany of the Thirty-third had occupied the town for two days. The Insurgents, General Alejiudrine commanding, re treated to the mountains behind the town, short of food and ammunition. Besides this, his men were deserting him, and six cannon which the Insur gents were dragging impeded theii march. Colonel Bell proposes to follow the Filipinos until he can bring about a decisive light or they are scattered. Mangalaren was strongly fortified with rifle pits commanding the road, but the insurgents abandoned the place without firing a shot. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers purify the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the system, Famous little pills (or consti pation and liver troubles. Timber Going Up. Tacoma, Nov. 27. The purchase of large tracts of fir forests by Eastern lum bermen has caused u sharp advance In the price of both logs and standing timber. Stum page prices havo risen witiin the past thirty days from 10 to 20 cents, according to the accessibility of the timber belts. Working Night anil Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made Id Dr. King's New Life Pills, Every pill Is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness luto streugth, llstleisnets Into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. 3 Potatoes Injured by Kaiu. Salem, Nov. 27. Farmers in this vi cinity report that much damage haB been done to potatoes that have not yet been dug. The excessive raina have can Bed the tuhera to rot to an extent that renders them unmerchantable, One dozm of Gilford's photos will make you twelve flue presents. What wuuld bo appreciated mure for the holidays? ctvlMm,