ES53?cwaS Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System EFFECTUALLY DlSrc OVERCOMES irJ H4B,tualC0NSTpat.on VJMU PERMANENTLY ,T5BENEr,c,AUCTS BUy THE GENUINE - MANT D BY (AUIvRlSIATGfSYRVF(. TRAIN WRECKED LAST NIGHT ROBERT HUNTER AND L. D. MILER MEET THEIR DEATH. I'HS.enger Train Jfo. 2,En8t-l!iutict, Klllift Into a Slide Near llDtiir ICnck Unknown Man llailly Injured. The dreaded word "wreck" has been on every tongue during the entire day and all were anxious to hear the truth concerning theawfu! accident which last night at 9:30 overtook passenger train No. 2 east bound, which arrives here at 11 :45 p. m. This, however, has been a difficult matter, for so. varied and conflicting are the reports, fairly puzzling one to decide which to credit. As nearly as we can determine the facts are as follows: When the train reached a place be tween Rooster Uonk and tunnel No. 1, it ran into a had rock slide, caused by the wet condition of the mountains along the track. The engine, blind bag gage and express car were derailed, tnrown nearly into the river, and piled tip in a heap. The passenger cars re mained on the track and as far as we can learn not a passenger was injured. However, an unknown man, probably a tramp, was badly injured und taken to the hoepital in Portland later. The terrible part of the affair is that two of the best men on the road lost their lives Engineer Hunter and Fire man iMiier. The latter was crushed beneuth the engine and killed instantlv, t disease, and are to-day worse ofT than while Hunter when taken fiom the cab ' Eheuraatjsm is a blood disease, (nul ... . , .. , . , . Unu Swift's Specific js the only cure, be-wa- jint alive, but died shortly after. , cause it is th'e oniy remedy whj h' Assistance was summoned frum Port land, but the unlortunate men were be yond all human aid. Tho passengers will be brought to this city this alter noon, arriving about 4 o'clock. The news of the accident came with renewed terror, ciusing as it did the terrible death of one of tlie oldest and perhaps most popular men on the road one who had hosts of friends all along the line Robert Hunter. Everyone knew him; everyone liked him, and he was one to whom all the trainmen car ried all their difliculties. He com menced work for the company in July, 1881, and has steadily gaiued in Uvor, being trusted explicitly by his employes. e was" about oU year of aye. Mr. I Hunter' first I(H Miaa nll pu.l wue was mm Dell Lead, formerly of ,hi8 city. To them was j bom two children, one a ,rl, who is now 11 yeurs old and Is nu invalid ; another a boy, 0 years old. Mre. Hunter 1 died peverul veara elnce, and about six 1 month. he married ML- Fenton, of J Gr.tnd Dalles, who with his children, now live at Alblna, He was a member of the Brotherhood oi Locum .live Engi neers. No one on the road could have been more miffed tliuii be. L, 1). Miler, the fireman, who has aleo ; been employed by the O.K. & K. for I fieverHl years, is a man of about 33 yenrs, He was formerly a resident of The Dalles, and married a young lady tit Fnlrvlew. They have made their home at Albion for some time, where the wifo und two little ones received the awful news of bis death, He was n quiet, uiiaeeuminy man of eplpndld character and well liked by not only his fellow workmen, but his associates alontt the line. Ho war a member of the Woodmen lodge in this city mill we nlsu understand of the Licotuotlvo Firemen. He is n nephew of John Miter, of Mosler. Of his im mediate family we have not learned. Thus another fatal accident is added to the long list which has removed some of the best men of the land from our midst. It would seem that there was a scarcity of track walkers in that vicinity for this time of the year, and yet in spite of the strictest vigilance such acci dents cannot apparently bo prevented, nor no one receive blame therefor. I'lnynri Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the, body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences uf impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain I'ood health. Acker's Blood Elexir 1ms never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly n wonderful remedy and we Bell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley& Hough ton Druggists; "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. It is unequalled for whooping cough. Chrildren all like it," writes 11. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives in: mediate .results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., says, ''I suffered a long time from dys pepsia; lost flesh and became very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured me." It digests what you eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble. It never fails to give immediate relief in the worst cases. "I was nearly dead with dyspepsia, tried doctors, visited 'mineral springs, and grew worse. I used Kodol Dyspep sia Cute. That cured me." It digests what you eat. Cures indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn, and all foiniB uf dyspepsia. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his child's life by One Minute Cough Cure, Doctors had given her up to die with croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis und throat and lung troubles. Relieves at once. J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., says, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles, but I cured them with DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Sulve." It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Be.vara of counter feits. Mrs. R. Churctiill, Berlin, Vt., euys, ''Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWitt'e Witch Hazsl Salve cured her." A specific for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Rheumatism often causes the most in tense suffering. Many have for years vainly sought relief from this disablinc reach such deep-seated diseases A few years ago I was taken with inflamma tory Bhcumotlsm, which became so intense that I wa3 for weeks unnblo to walk. I tried several prominent physi clans and took their treat ment faithmlly, but vras unablo to get tho slight est relief. In iaot, my con dition teemed to grow worse, the disease spread over my entire body, and from November to March I suffered agony, I tried many patent medicines, but none relieved me. Upon tho ad v ioe of a friend I decided to trv 8. 8. 8. Before allowing mo to take it, how ever, my cuardlan. who was a chemist, ana- . lyzeu tho remedy, and pronounced It free of potash or mercury, I felt so much better after 1 taking two bottles, that I continued the rem- i eny.unain iwomontus I was cureu completely, The cure was permanent, fori havo never since bd touch of Itheumatlsm though many ume3espoed to damp and cold weather, b, Don't suffer longer with Rheumatism, Throw aside your oils nnd liniments, as they can not reach your trouble. Don't experiment with ooctors-their potash JSSSitZS Ity and completely destroy your diges tion. 6 C CFor Blood ikliiJsyiThe will euro perfectly and permanently. It is uuarontoed purely veuetable. and contains no potash, merourv. or other mineral, - Books mailed free by Swift Specific Oo Atlanta, Ga. C.,h lu lour Ctsaofca. Allconntv warrant registeml prior to Jan. 21. 1890. will be imld at rnv I office, Interest ceases after Nov. 13th, I low. 0. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. I BUSINESS LOCALS. Use Clarke & Falk's Rosafoam for the teeth. Clarke it Fulk have on sale a full 1 In of paint ami artist's brushes. Yon will not have bolls If you tako Clarke A: Falk's euro cure for boils. Clarke it Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke it Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Fresh Saratoga chips und salted almonds for Bale at Dawson's grocery store. , 11-tf Flornl lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your hotiso with paints that aro ully guaranteed to last. Clarke it Fulk ave them. Fresh crucked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch!25-tf Cle Elm coal ?G.50 per ton; Rock Springs coal $9 per ton, delivered, ut Maier it Benton's. Now is the time to sit for X:uas photos. Cloudy weather preferred for sittings. So says Uiflbrd. novl7-lm One dozen of Gifford's photos will make you twelve fine presents. What would bo appreciated more for the holidays? novl7-lin DeWitt'e Little Early Risers purify the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the system. Famous little pills for consti pation nnd liver troubles. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fall to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. COUSIN GEORGE'S DECISION. He Tuontrlit Ml vr Found Helutlvua Were a Very Shoddy Lot. "Now, my dear, 1 want you to be very kind to your cousin George when he comes," said the cirl's mother, accord ing to the Detroit Free Press. "Oh,! I can't tote him nil ever town, nnd I don't think you ought to expect me to." "Hut you must entertain him nicely while he's here. He probably will not stay long." "How do you know? We've never seen him we don't know any-Mi-jr about him. Dear me! 1 think it's hor rible! 1 dcr.'t see what he's coming fur. .lust surj.'-'-.e he's dreadfully awkwnn' and de'ean't know how to net! ' would be too embarrassing for any thing! And the girls hne been studying genealogy at the library for the last two weeks, and they're awfully critical about one's relations." The nest afternoon a coupe drove to the dcor and a young man alighted. It was George. He was an athletic young fellow, who, though he hulled from a small western town, had been educated abroad, and was as fine a ttj.iclnicn of mnr.hocd as could be found. .Marguerite was delighted. The relief was great. She gushed profusely over her new found cousin and offered him all sorts i.f social inducements to spend a week. liut he left the next afternoon. "What was the matter why didn't you stay longer with your Uncle Hen ry's family?" said his father, after he had reached home. "Didn't you like them?" "No., They were the idioddicstlot of peopie I ever ran across." Contly Fnrp for Oatriclica. There was a happening at the os trich farm recently which disproves the theory that the ontrich in ftatlKlied with eating nailR, barbed wire and the like. A man who had visited the farm the day before discovered that IiIk gold watch was missing. , Thinking that he might have lost it at the farm, he re turned to look for it. When he arrived lie enlisted the services of a youth end starttd in quest, without entertaining much hope of Undine the wntuh. About the first thing noticed by the youth was an ostrich tossing something in the air. It was the watch, and would have been swallowed if it had been a glass faced watch. It happened that both sides were opened and lodged in the benk. The next da-y the valuation of one of the birds was enhanced $5(1. It awnllowed n diamond from the setting of a woman visitor, who inadvertently Fought to console the bird by caressing Its forehend. Arizona Republican. fltiip Thlofl Step doini? business. This is the way you feel after buying some teu cant cigarff. Try our Mascot ten cent smoke and find out where your real friends are. Ilen Ullrich. IIhIji Wanted. A u'irl ran obtain a place to do general houseuork in a family of two, or to as sist In work and attend school, by apply lug at this office. 21-1 w Wanted. A girl who desires to do general house ivrtrle fun nhtatu Mtn rilnumat, t Itv onnlii. " " , " "'", """ n "' ' "n rmn street. Our coin in onuUajr. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money If it fail to cure. !25c, a. Admiral George Dewey Will rcrelvo tho most royal wclcomo on Oct. 1st. rxxt, ilia: wus ever accorded to an American tlilien. You will find a cnmplcto biography of thin (rreat hero, Including his brilliant victory over tho Bri' uh licet in tho rcat authoritative ana up - dato work ofreforoncc, tho New Werner Edition of the S Britannica This la the only encyclopedia on tho market that mentions Admiral Dewey. It glvca tho date of hli Urth; how ho Epcnt hlu boyhood days; tho part ho look in tho Civil War; how uf'.er tho War ho was irap'.oyed on tho European staUon: lu tho Naval Academy: his rlao to the rank of Commander ana President of tho Hoard of Inspection and Survey; Ills command of tho Asiatic Squadron; how on April 2;th ho loft none, Kong with hla squadron, found and dectrcyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila, ;n Jlay 1ft; his appointment as Acting Hear Ad' inlral, the honors ho received from Congress, and how on March 'Jud, 1S29, ho was created full Ad iniral. It speaks of him an a strict disciplinarian, an all-around athlete, a daring horseman and huntsman, and socially a good club man and a general favorite. It tells of his marriage to j:u Susy Goodwin, a daughter of tho "fighting gov' crnor" of Now Hampshire, who died lu 1671;, lcav lug a son, George Goodwin Dower. Governor Theodore Roosevel Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and scores of other noted personages not C7cn mentioned in any other Eiicyclopculiu receive the samo attention in this edition of tho Encyclopedia Britannica It speaks of General Vi'ood as Governor of Enntl ago; of General Henry as Governor-General oi Porto Rico; of Aguinaldo's declaration of War against the U. B. YOD NEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledgo and progress, wherein infer. nation Is moro cosily found and acquired than i: any other book ot encyclopedia in tho uorld IN YOUR HOME. TOR CALE DT I. C. NICKELSEN, ' t. MCOISK. J01IK (SAVIN M00IIE & GAVIN, ATTOIIXKVS AT LAW. Itooma S'J mid 10, over U, S. Ijit.d twice. J-J A. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Otllce over French & C'o.'s 11 ink l'hone r, TIIK lAI.I.Ea,OUEGON IHRS. OLIVIA W. PflGflfl, TUDIO AM) ABT NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash ton btreuls, ihe D.tllea. GRAND BILL AT TUB BALDWIN OPERA HOUSE, (ilVKN II V Jackson Engine Go. Thanksgiving Eve, fflednesday, flov. 29. Music will be furnished bv Prof. Blrg. fold's Orchestra. A general good time is assured. Tickets, L.00 ncjcl(pttia Tho Steiiliiem lmvinir K'hciinle, m-IkmIuIu without Str. Rfftulntor. (I.lmttcil l.iimlliiKt..) I Str. Dallos City. Touching nt nil Wny 1'oliitn.) DOWN. I A' Ilillll-N lie. ! DOWN. I.v I'ortliunl I.v, HiiIIch S lit .S A. M. K Tiu'iiuy S, TIiiiimIiiV i Hiitiinlny. h' Arr. I'ortliunl R. iitfi I". si. III 7 A. M. lit (,;;() A. M. . MoimIh i .MoniIh- .11l11cMiny I WmIiicmIiiv I rliluv I I'rlilnv Arr. Iinllch I Arr. I'nriliiml nt A i'. i. 1 (iiiu'crtiiin) FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Trnvel hy the .Stciimers ol the Iliruliitor 1,1 tic, roils uir nem per icu jmnn l'ortlnnil Olllre, Onk-Htreet Iocl:. Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or poat. oAo..O-.O0- ma Conotructlon Thlt In im nlr Unlit liiiiler o( llu nviil hliit't hti-el tyim: It tin- I'AST IKON I.I.NINUH, i ii n let i ik It tlnrnlilc; uUo luix run feiit door,, cuit tup iinil luiUotn Mint urmuiicutiil huliiK top, with griddle cover uniletuciitli. NlckollnBlt Iiiik nlclirleil urn, eiimu ii'.iitii inn! font rails. Wc have h cnniilelu stock of liium on himd. full mill see our Mock eeforc huj Iiik cUeuheru. Til t r-t-W rW-1 ir-f-nf;? tr The Busy Store. Each, day our business shows the people arc (hiding out we are pushing to the front with butter goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. KOTJOE FOR PUBLICATION. I.AKH OmCH AT Till! JUM.KH, OllKOONl . Nov. 81, IH'SJ, i.ollci! In hercliv l-Ivpii ih.n n... n, .,.,(.,.. nitiiic-rt M-ttler luis illi-d notlcu of IiIh lntuntliiii ;1 """Y""" "":!'. I" """on in in nmim, iul Unit Mid proof wll ho mm u horoni tin. r,..,i.t..r Milton H. fox, of Tim IIhUhh. Ilr. It. i:. No. (07, for tho Y.t HWV , 8V MM M " ' 3:','1, 1 -N'" 'U l" lie' iiiiines tho fnllnwliiif wltiifdHtu to prove Illh COIlllllllllllH lll.iiii ii tul ... . I . I .... . t.l.T ... .... i v. ml Wllllttm Woodimm, nil f Tito IIlu. oiu. .NovW-l JAY 1'. I.UOAS, l(ct5ltr. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TiiANtiACT A KNKKALUANKINU I1UK1NKH Letters of Credit Issued available In the biullt Elchanon ami Tuu......i... Transfers sold on New York. dlcao, bt. Louis, San I ranclsco, Portland Ore Kon, Seattle Wash,, and various point In Orejiou and WahiDSton. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. maier & Benion nnriTTT a ms 1 jxjlijt u j-utt. i ujx .LINE. ; Dalles, Portlaufl & Astoria Kav. no; of the tteRiilntnr l.ltto will run iih i.or ti . , l the Comjinny rcicrvliiR the risht i I. J notice. Kht ,0 el"se1 air- ninnu Fyeri 'i (Limited 1 Ul l.v. l'nrtliilut DOWN, l.v. lmlk'H "I Ha m Moiiiliiy Wi'cIiiumIiiv. . Frhliiy . 1 Arr. INirlliiini lit ;i:,ia p. si. l.V.Vort'iJyl lit l A. M. Tnexliiy Tlmrwlnv Hiauidiiy Arr. DiiIU-h (uncurtain) TllfHl'lnv A Tliurndny J Arr. lliilic9 t4:no i-.mTJ . .......v. iiiKnuiiHiuiiaimrt ' W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Afirt., ThoBiimj EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -or THK- ; Southern Pacific Comp'y. I TraliiK Icbvo nnd are duo to nrrivo at Portlu I.KAVK. OVEIllNl) KX-1 , tire. Hiiletn. Kokh. I I I 'TilJO I'. M burK, Anhlmicl, Hho- I , .I....V....,, v.Muii,nnii I 1 Fraiiclaeo, Jlojuve, ( ' j.ij . V.1,11.1..,.. riiln. U.. I I.OH AUKCICII.EI I'HKO. I i New urleaus und 1 Kant I MiltO A. JI. HoneburR and wnv htn- iionn f Via WimkIIiuu for i I Mt.AliRel, Hilvurtmi, Went Sclo, Drown. vlllUiHprttiRaeldaiid (.Natron J 4:30 r.M Dully except Uutidiiyii Otlly ciropt BuiiiUyi 17 130 A. M, (CorviilllK jKtlltlOtlH and way) i.KVX INDKl'KNDKXCK I'AH4KN0Klt. Kiiinni tola Dally (c.ccpt Bittiduy). l;W)p. m. (I.v. ...I'ortlainl Ar.) 8:.n T:aip. m. hu .McMlnnvillo l.vS ft;M,a S:Ui. m, (Ar..lndvvudeuL'e..Lv.) 4:.VU.m 'Dully, Dully, except auimay, HIKING OAKrt ON OC1IEN KOUTK. 1'fJU.MAN UUKKKT BLEKl'KKS AND flKCOND-CLABfi HI.KKI'ING CASS Attuclied to all Through Tralui. Direct rnnncctlon at fan rrnticlaco with Ocd (tent nl anil Oriental and I'mcIIIc tnnll .tonmihtp llneN for JAI'AN and CHINA. Hailing dt on n plication. KatuK and ticket to Kanteru point and Ku rotie. AIo JAI'AN, CHINA, Ilb.NULVLD and Ar.STKAl,lA. All iiImivu Main arrive at nnd depart lnn Grand Central Htatlon, Klfth and Irving itreett VAMH11.I. DIVISION. 'iiKOiigcr DviHit, loot of Jvdenuu street U-nve for Bherldan, week duye, t 4:30 p. m Arrive ut I'ortland, v.'JO a. m, U-avc for AlltUr. on Moiulay, Wednenditrind Krliiiy ath:3.'a. in. Arrlv.- nt l'urtland, Tu dav, Thurnday and Haturelai it 3:U5 p. m. Kxcept Stiuday. "lixcept Snturday. it. rd.KH.t.Klt, (!. H. MAUKIIAJI, .ilanaLT. Aunt. U. F. I'au. Alt ThrmiKh Ticket Ofllce, 131 Third street, when through tlcketa to ull pointn In the KiiferD Htatch, (Canada and burojie can be obttlnrt (I loCHt ruteK iroin .1. II. KIUKLAND, Ticket Aieat or N. W1IEAI.DON. s ...STEAM... Wood San Will run every tiny excont Sunday. Kates IU'iibotmble. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop C. S. Smith, THK dp-to-dateCJroeer Fresh Erks and Creamery llutter u specialty. 2d Street. ..CHAS. Batehens and Faprneps ..Exchange ttlKed tho bent beer In The at tho umial price. :om I i It and bo ronv need. A i tue Flneat braiula of Wlnen, Mjuor nmt Clgam. Sanduliehes of all Klud. ulwaja ou banO. 4 B R HUMTINOTOH. II HUNTINGTON & WlIJjON,. .... OfflcooV'r First Nat. Hauk Thone270. FRANK-1