'Jt V Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEANses the System unb nr mi a tinmu PERMANENTLY , BUy THE GENUINE MANT'D By (aui?rniaTg(Sypvf. rsa&Auerr .tsc-rjOoUTi rru soc ftltccmi. I'KOTI.K YOU ALL KNOW. W, II. Bipcs gpnt today in town. A. B. Craft of Moro, is doing business in the city. George Kuhler, of Heppner, is a visitor Jn i he citv. v JJ. S. Huntincton returned Inst ni-ht frum a business trip to Portland. M. Z. Doniiell.wns a nassencer on tlie boat this morniny bouiul for Portland. H. W. Sanndpr came up from Port land yesterday anu is spendini; today in' the city. Mrs. T. A. Hudson, u ho lias spent the past week with her mother in Port land, returned home last niifht. This morning W. F. Grunow returned from n trip into tliu mining: feyion ubout Sumpter and Baker City. Countv School Superintendent Gilbert returned Ibsi niciit from a vl-dt to the Bchoola tit C.tscade-i and Vtento. Mr. and Mrs. X. McLeod name up ' , last nielit frum Portland and left this morning for their home in Goldendaie. Hon. M. A. Moody will leave this afternoon for Portland, where tie will take the Northern P.icitic for Washing ton. Mrs. B.T. Collins, who has spent the pan two months near .Heppner, re turned to her home in The Dalles yes terday. John Lawrenre, who represents the Gen. Lawreno Company, arrived in the city Vfsterday and spent today in the . interests of liis company. II. Glenn returned home Inst nicht after a week's stay p.tLotii! Be.iuh. He Bays it was s 8 plrnVatit.Ut the heach nnd Him ocean u crnti'l a t till, th to time leave. of the year that he, was loath Mr. mid Mr-. A. K. Thompson nnd children left on this iiioruiiiu''s boat. They are on their way m Lo Anceles to spend a month with Mr Thompson's parent" find a-- anxious to reach there before Thank' jh ing. Orin L. Pnfeno", editor of the Long Greatest of All "Every one in Kan Antonio, Texas, says that Acker's English Itemedy is the greatest thine ever nut un for couuhs. colds, asthma, bronchitis. i croup nnd consumption. I Jiavc been using it over four years for nil forms of throat and lung trou ules, and have yet to come across a case where it failed. We have four little ones in our family, and neither my wife nor I have over lost it night's sleep becauso of throat trou- Diujuuiong uiecmiaren. l guesi tuatls more than anv other family can uv Aukcr'a English Itemedy is j ust us effective for grown up people as for the young. It seems to go straight to the place where the trouble lies in tno tnroat anu iironc'iiul tubes und lungs. It Soothes and henlx thn irrltntwl tUuiuxi loosens up tho phlegm and mucus in the urcawiing passages, quiets tlio nerves, iiiviK prates the constitution and stops tho cough lug. My odviec to parents is to always keep battle in the house. It will ho a constant afegunnl utrainst croup:" (Signed) F. (i. Zimmeuha.v, San Antonio, Tex. Soldo' xe., toe. and 41 n bottle, tbroujlwut the 1nlud HUlta Mid Canada i and In England, at U. at., u.l., W. If you are nut sa tuned afurr buying, return Um bottle to your drugxUt and get your money back. Wt authorUe Uvt above guarantee. W. tl. UOOKEK & CO., I'TojnMmi, Aew IVrfc rOK hAI.K 15V Blakeley &c Houghton. Creek Eagle, nccon pained by his wife, arrived In the city last night" from Port land, and will remain over visiting IiIb nrotner, utis l'ntteron, helore return ins to his homo at Long Creek. Tim IWot ClirUtmns (lift of All, in choosing a jnristuirtB cift (or ti friend what can ntt'ord more present or lastinc pleasure than a subscription to Tiik Youth's Companion? The delight with which it !b welcomed on Christmas morning is renewed every week in the year. The charm ol it is disclosed little by little as tliu months run their course. There Is no household In which it will not prove an inspiration. Those who wish to present a year's subscription to a friend may also have the beautiful new Companion Cnlonder for 11)00 sent with it. This Calendar is a reproduction in twelve color printing's of three i sqtiisite designs by u celebrated American artist, a member of the Amer ican Water-Color Society. In addition to this all the issues of The Companion for the remaining weeks of 1S99 are sent free from the time subscription is re ceived for the new volume. Illustrated Announcement Number containine a full prospectus of the vol ume for 1900 sent free to any address. THE i'OUTH'S COMPANION. 203 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass. OUR CHURCHES Christian Science meeting ,in small K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Brenner, of Oregon City, will preach at the Lutheran church tomor row evening at 7 :'I0. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. 15. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Young people's meeting at 6 :30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. St. Paul's church Rev. Jos. DeForest, pastor. Services tomorrow will be held as usual, except that the Holy com munion will be celebrated at the 11 o'clock service. The early communion service will be omitted. Christian church Ninth nnd Court streets, Rev. G. Rushing, pastor. Preaching morning and evening, at 11 a. 'm. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10. Christian Endeavor at 0:45 p. m. Morning theme, "The Swelling of Jor dan." Evening theme, "Judgment.' Congregational church corner Flftl and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor Morning service at 11; Sunday school at 12:15; Junior Endeavor, 4 p. m. Christian Endeavor, C:30. Evening service 7:30. Morning subject, "A Fool ish Question nnd Its Answer." At the evening the male chorus will give selection. Services nt the Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p m. Ulysses F. Hawk, the pastor, will occupy the pulpit. Morning subject "The Christian's Mountain Peak." In the evening the pastor will preach the last of the series of sermons on the "Ideal Home;" subject, "The Home Circle." The Sunday school lesson being a temperance lesson n special program has been prepared for openinii, and all are invited to be present. The program is as follows: Hymn "i'iold Not to Temptation." Hymn "Rescue the Perishing." Solo nnd Chorus "Some Glad Day." Recitation "Our Boy Heroes," Mabel Riddoll. Lady Quaitet. "Hvmn "Away With the Bowl." Your T'ucn Siiows the state ofjyour feelings and the state of your (health as well. Impure b'ood makes itFelf apparent in a pale antl sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weal: and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sareaparillas and so nulled purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. LaGrippe, with its after effecte, annu ally destroys thousands of people, It may be quickly cured by One Miriuto Cough Cure, the only remedy that produces immediate results in coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat and lung troubles. It will pre vents consumption. Uaab In Your cneckn. All countv warrants registered prior to Jan. 21, lSt'ij, will be paid at my office. Interest ceaeec after Nov. 13th, 1890. O. 1.. PlIILLH'H, Couiuv Treasurer. Good RiciiiH single hugy und liar ness for sale nt a bargain. Call on Haworth, the printer, over Dalles Com mission Co. oct25-d&w-2w Turkey Hltoutt There will be a turkey and pigeon shoot on tho beach Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 20th and 30th, conducted by A. Y. Marsh and Isaac Jolea. td-dAw Paint your home with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. ousiriiias uuuAua, i iEMI Use Clarke A Falk's quinine halr'tontc to keep il.indi till" from tho bend. You will not have boils If you take Clarke A: Falk's euro cure for bolls. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts tire tho best. Ask your trover lor them. Ash your grocer forClarki) it Falk's piiro concentrated flavoring extracts. Now is the timu to elt for X.nita photos. Cloudy weather preferred for sittings. So says Gilford. novl7-ltn One dozen of Gilford's photos will make you twelve flue presents. What would bo appreciated more for the holidays? novl7-lm Geo. Noland, Rockland, O., says, "My wife had piles forty years. DeWitt's Witch flttzai Salve cared her. It Is the best salye in America." It heals every thing nnd cures all skin diseases. Dyepepsitt can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tabluts. One little Tablet will civo immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Btakelev & Houghton Druggists. Acker's Dyspopsia Tablots are sold on a positive guarantee. Cureshuart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or auv form of dvspepsiu. One little tablet idves immediate relief. 25 cts. nnd 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. Dr. II. II. Haden, Summit, Ala., says, 'I think K idjl Dvpupsia Cure is it splendid medicine. I prescribe it, nnd my confidence in it grows with continued use." It digests what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion. "I wouldn't be without DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for any considera tion," writes Thos. B. Rtiodes, Center field, O. Infallible for piles, cuts, burns and skin diseasesi Beware of counter feits. All persons wishing to take children, either boys or gi'ls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Bovh' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, ut Portland, who can procure for them de sirable children of all ages. All applica tions must be filed m advance tf J. D. Bridges, Editor 'Democrat," Lancaster, N. II., says, "Otie Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy for croup I ever used." Immediately relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, asthma, pretimonia', bronchitis, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. It prevents consumption. 1'urno I.IIHt. Somewhere between the postoflice and French's bank, n green morocco purse with leather band around it. Contained (5 in money und other change. Also calling cards. Finder please leave ut this office and receive reward. 18 3t You nevei know what form ot blood poison will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using DeWitt's Little Early Kisers and vou will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipa tion and liver and bowel troubles. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. incli25-tf Stoji Thief! Step doing business. This is the wny you feel alter buying some ten cent cigars. Try our Mascot ten cent smoku and find out where your real friends are. Ben Ullrich; Ildlp WlUlttMl. A girl can obtain a place to do general housework in a family of two, or to as sist in work and attend school, by apply ing ut this office. 21-1 w lloljt Wanted. A girl who desires to do general house work can obtain employment by apply itig at J. C. Hosteller's on Fifth street. Tii (Jure Cold in Oim Hay, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tali- lets. All druggists refund the moiiev if it fails to cure. L'.m:. Dr. W. Wlxon, Italy Hill, X. Y., enyo I liOHrtily recommend Ouu Minutu CoukIi Cure. It gave m wife Immedinto relief in eulTocatitiK aethmu." I'leaeunt to take. Xever fuilB to qulcklv cure all conyliB, colds, throat and lung troublue. The Huiiply Limited. Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Like. I'law your orders now for ClirmtiiiiiH or you may get left. Giflbrd. nl7-liii Qlf ilEiHKNDOHI-KKK Pliysician and Surgeon, BcIm1 attention given to nurgery. Uoomii 21 und 2i, Tel. iiti Vogt Uloo fin niifciai-A ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS 3b ar U uvSSn nraoTd PlrupjM. PrMnt nilloiijn.M, l-urlljrthBLldod. IJuro li.,loho ui JJraiwMit. 1 UMIMMI r tba Iwwcu ?rhlth. Tlift Jlc. T.ia. w. will null utmifc Tim'of tM to II cuo 'OX tarn . -wwinnn vvirmil PkllLP 4af Admiral George Dewey Will receive tho nirwt royal we'eomo on Oct. lrt nest, that Vi'ns over nccortled to an American rltl.on. Ymt will flt!it a rnrapleto bloffrophy of thin (-refit Ivito, Incluillug his brilliant victory ovor tho 8ar' uh licet In tho 7i oat, authoritative and up- dftto vrorl: of refovonce, tho New Werner Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica This Is the only cticyc'.opxJIa on tho market thnt mentions Admiral Doivoy, It gives tho date ol Mi llrth; how hosputit tila boyhood day3j tho part hu look In tho Civil War; how after tuo War hu was tmpluycd on tho ""uro'wau station; in tho Naval Academy; his rl-u to thu runic of Commander and I'reslJcn'. of tlx Board of Inspection nnd Survey; Ills commund of tho Aclntlc S.juadron; how on April 2!h ho left Hong Kong with his squadron, (jund and destroyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila, an May 1st; his appointment as Acting Hear Ad miral, tho honors ho received from ConErea-, and how on Jlorch 'ud, IS03, ho was created full Ad miral. It speaka of him as a strict disciplinarian, an all-around athlete, a during horseman and huntsman, and socially a good club man and a Ccncrol favorite. It tolU of his niurrltiRO to I'.bh Susy Goodwin, a daughter of tho "flshtliig gov ernor" of New Hampshire, who died In ".87:!, leav ing a son, George Goodwin IJowey. j Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon anil scores of ether noted personages not cren mentioned in any other Encyclopedia rccclvatha enmu attention In this edlttou of tho Encyclopojdia Britannica It speaks of General Wood as Governor of Santi ago - of General Henry as Govcrnor-cenerul oi Porto Itlco; of Agulnaldo'a declaration of War azoicst tho U. S. YOU HEED TIIIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge and progress, wherein Infor mation !.( more e.ully found and acquired than In any other took or cncyclojadla In tho world !N YOUR HOME. TOR BALE CT I. C. NICKELSEN, T. MCOItK. M00KE JOltK O.VVIN & GAVIN. ATTOUNKYS AT LAW, liooniM ,TJ mid 10, over U. S. 1jii.iI Olllce JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllce over French i: Co. ll.iuk I'hotio C, TIIK liAU.Eri.OKlU.ON JUS. OWtflfl W. WW, STUDIO A.M) ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC HUIL'DING, H1.I..I C. . I . . xmru oiriMu, uiHwuun -.,011 rt aim vv nan- tun btrttutf, rim D.illufl. GHiD BALL Jljll AT Till- BALDWIN OPERA HOUSE, oivk.v iiy Jackson Engine Go. Thanksgiving Eve, (ttednesday, Jjov. 29. Music will be furnished bv Prof. Ulrg. (eld's Orchestra. A noneral good time is assured. Tickets, $1.00 iowiiib ocmiiiiic, I'll JIVUIIIU UUll'll Str. RcK'ilntor. (I.lmltc.1 LiimlltiKh) r- Str. Dnllos city. (Touching nt nil Way I'olntN.) IKIWN. l.V. I M III' nt.s A M. TllCMlM TlmiMlny Hntitriliij . Arr. I'tirlliiinl iil.'i l'. t. IT. DOWN. , I'orii.uiil l.v. lmllcH III 7 .. M. lit litfO A. M. l.v MiimiIii) , Mummy Wciliu-iiy ' w.iiMKdiiy . . I'thlny Krlilnv Air. DiillcN . Arr. 1'ortliuiil lltTi I'. M, 1 (IIIICtTtlllll) FOR OOMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE h 2 Travel liy the Sti-inners ol tlio Regulator Line. g runs tliu hest nervicu plmslhle. B, I'lirtlnml Oilifi', fiuk-Strei't Hock. W. Jci.-ri-rijrj iiel Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or poat. oo-O-.oJo.- Constructlon-Tlils Is mi nlr light lietitur ut tin- 1 1 vii I lii't htecl tyiw; It Inn t'-AST IlcoN I.lMNtiti, milking It ilunililu. ul-u tins f ton teed (Innr, rii.it tup noil liiittiiui mill oriiniiiuiitiil Nviltig top, with griddle covet umlctiicitth. Nlokllnfr-It hut ulckeli-il urn, viiiiii; piiiti1 nnd fu.it rails. We Inivu h coinpluti! Htnek of tnoni un IiniiiI. Cull nnd n-u our stock befwe huj lug elsuwhete. ' Bier & Benton i The Busy Store. KnuU tlay our btisincHS bliows the people tire finding out we arc pushing to the front with butter goods, lower priees, salespeople the very bust, und Inst, but not lettst, buyers who know their bttbiness und buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. NOTICE FOK I'UIILIUATION. U.SIl Ol flCK AT T1IK IUM.KH, OltKIIOS Nov. '.11. MM. iuiiico m hereby given that tho lullowlng . f ir i "" """'o "i inn inioiitioii to iimke (liiiil iirniif In miiiport of liln rliiiiu. nnd un miiu iiioot will boiiimlu Uifoto tho rcglNtor IllVfll.ln Kor 'Ml ,"J ' ' " .","U" """ '' '""'J'. Milton H, rux, or Tim llallftn, tlr. W M " aw ' I'- ' -i it- i- t, liu'imint-K the following wltmhsch to prove lilM;oiitiiutiu rvkltluncu Uioii nnil tiitltlviitlon in nnn. via; iHT. . J " I- Miitney, Imiuo Mutnoy iiild V Ilium Wooiliniiu, nil of Tho DMw, Oro, NoV.'J-l JAV I'. I.UOA8, lleKliler. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilANHACTA KNKItAl.IlANKINd HUtlf-Kd Letters of Credit Issued uvaljable in the cunmrn outies. MttUt ExehaiiL'e anil Tl Trausfera sold on New York, Oliicago, bt. Louis, ban I rancisco, Portland Ore lion, beitttle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made ut nil imini. nn rn... orable terms. ' ' WH Kiiiuuija.TOR LINE Dalies. Ponianfl & Hsloiia Kav. Be. Tho fctciunotH nt the ItcKttlntor Uno win rlm ,, ino tompnny tm'rvlii(- tliu rlKht to h S Hi'tllli "85 d Str. Inland py6ri (Mmiteii l 'mclltif-s.) J III'. I'lirtlnml l.v iiown, l.v. llnllc, MHa M Monilny WciliivMlnr . KUilny Arr. I'nrthiiiit ' nt :;:iu i si. nt n a, m. . . Tui!(lny . . Thlirnliiv Hiitiiriluy Arr. Dnlli'H (uncertain) ''v' t'urtland 1 n 7 A. j,. 3 HfllllF.l.i '! ! Thii Conuiiiny will mnleiivnr to nlvo it. k.. I'or (urthor lnlonniitlim midreis h"clIlt-J C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt., TlicDaUc, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -or TIIK Southern Par.ifin r.nmn'u - - wuiHU I Trains lenvo and arc tluo to arrive it PorUn OVKIU.AN!) EX. tiretii, Hiilnin, burg, Ashlutiil. Hnc- 7.00 1'. M riimeuto, Ogden.Smi iniiui.uii, .-iiyitve, win AiiKeien,r.i j'i New urleuns I...-. ItOkcburc und u-uV kin. 'k:3U A. M. tlotis fVlu Woodhur' Jor i Mt.Anirel. tlllvurtnn. 4:f.ll Wit Dully except Hunduyx West Helo, JlrowiK-M MMJt viiiu,Birtngtiom uuil t Bunlijt LNutrou I7;:i0 A. M. ICorvnllln iHtlltllltlS wsyj 4iMr.ll, i-niiy texrcpi nunun)'j. l;Nli. in. rl-v. ...I'lirthunl Ar.) 8:Hii II II. 111. At ATfiMlllllfll VI K-UI.b tUU p. 111. ... ....... . ....v v.wH i at. .iniH'jic'inifnce..i.v.) i:u Hilt "liiilly. tliitiiy, uxcojit Buiuinx. iltNINO OA KB ON OGDKN KOCH I'lIU-MAN I10KKKT HLKKl'EBS AND KECO.S'D-CUHS HLEEI'ISC CiU Attuehed to nil Tlirougli iTaliu. Iitreot coune:tlou ut fnti i-ruucl-cn with Ota ltiien for J AT AN und CHINA. Hulllui dim a ui iiiicauun. iiiiii.H him xir-KiiiH in r.iinirrii miinu inn n Al'HTUAI.IA. All Htmvo tritlnn nrrivu nt mill dcpirt In Oruiid Ceutrul Htatlon, Kltth nnd lmnj itntt YAMH1I.1, 1UV1HI0K. I'liMivilger HeHt, fiKit ol Jedcrwiti itral Ihvi- Inr lllicrldiiti, week tlayi, U:S0p.i Arrive ut j-nrtinnu, v:;su n. m Ij-hvi- Inr AIKI.IK nn .Mnmliir. WwillrldlTHl Kriuiiy ut h::t.'i u. m. Arrlv nt I'tirtUnt, h duv, Ttiiirhday mid Hiituriliii it 3:05 p. m. Kxceit Huiiiluy. Exrcin Bntunly. It. t KL.t.UU, lIllllHKCr. (i, II. MAKKUAM, AhHt. (i. l .dll'Ui. ilt Through Tlekiit ontnc, 1.11 Third itreet-whel thrnugh ticket to nil lnt in the liiet htHtch, CHiuidii utid Kurujie citti tie obulnd il low ei t rutea Irinn J. II. KII'.KI.ANII, TIctetAjtBl itr N. WHEALllOX. t .STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except SowUj. liates Heatoiinble. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. C. S. Smith, Till. iJp-to-date(Jroeer Fresh EgRB mid Cri'otncry Butter a spucinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 370. r ..CflfiS. FHHW- Botehefs and FQPmePB ..Exchange.. Ke.M)ii dmuffht tlio w'-j! OOlJu M 111 A lb M ; iii" , edijed tlio host Ijeerl i J $ nlthtuiHiml lirlee. ,i ""i lo the It unit he ;'v ''' sA!',or KiiuHt briindi of lnc"iW uud Ultn. fianduiiehes of,illKliiihn'''"t")"lj LT2 D S HUKTIMOTON UNTJNUTON OUJoe ovl'r First Nat. liuuit nWiaor.Ej