The Delicious Fragrance BUSINESS LOCALS. from a hot Royal Baking Powder biscuit whets the appetite. The taste of such a biscuit sweet, creamy, delicate and crispy is a joy to the most fastidious. ROYAL Baking Powder improves the flavor and adds to the healthfull ness of all risen flour-foods. It renders the biscuit, bread and cake more digestible and nutritious. Royal Baking Powder makes hot breads wholesome. Food raised with Royal will not distress persons of deli cate or enfeebled digestion, though eaten warm and fresh. Imitation baking powders almost invariably con tain alum. Alum makes the food unwholesome. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. I'EUl'LE TOU ALL KNOW. J. D. Heisler is in from Dutur. Frank Gable, of Wupinitiu, is in town ttriay. Harvey Tonne, of Goldendule, registure'd at the Umatilla yesterday. ' Robt. Rand and V. S. Gregory nre 1 u-sinees visitor iu tlie city from Hood River. Mrs. J. Sarsfeldarrived last from Portland orufier way to ber bo me in Goldendaie. Onlv '2b ct". a box. Sold by Blakeley & eieta. Cure guaranteed. Houghton, drug- C'hanco of Tlimt nil tint (). It. V N. Hliiiiiurck'it lrmi .Nurve Was the result of his splendid health. i Indomitable will and tremendous energy Beginning Dec. 1st, the 0. It. & N. will run their Spokane Flyer via Wal lula and the S. R. V. It. II. : Train No. 4 will leave Portland at Ii:45 p. in., ar- Mr. and Mrs. D. E, lived for several years left todnv for Kansas. are not found where stomach, liver, i rmn al Pne at ira.n ! kidneye and bowels are out of order. If ! 3 wi'' !t'ave Spokane at 4 :30 p. m., I von want these nualitiea and the success ' an'1 Hrrivu 1,1 1'ortlond at 8:00 a. m. : thev brine, use Dr. King's New Life ; In conn.'crion with the above traine, night Pll1". T(l1 ,Wiaini 1)VM... n...r n( the 0. R i N". will put on a passenger ),rin n,i i,n,u- ni,. o.v at HinL-iv ' lrH'" leaving Dayton at 9:00 p. in. nnd u-,-n 4 J& Houghton's drugstore." 2 j U'alla W"1,ft ut 10:30 P- m- connecting lt,t,'. V, h.a'ei i at Wallula with No. 4 from Portland at ui riign l mine, Cough Care is the beat remedy for croup i JirnU Lllfet. Somewhere between the postoffice and French's bank, a green morocco purse ! with leather band around it. Contained j ?5 in money and other change. Also calling cards. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. IS .'it J. D. Bridges, Editor "Democrat," ; r it .,.. no... ti niuht fro. ii Huston, on the Washington side, and spent touoy ic the city. i Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bolton ar-' rived yesterday from Antelope and are i guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. ts. Bolton. j Ro'jcoe Oaks, the enterprising and ' popular traveling man, who is alwnye ' welcomed in The Dalles, came in yeV-i terday and spent today here. " j Miss Effie Bolton left on this morn-! ing's stage for Goldendale, where Ehe will attend the wedding of ber friend, Miss Gertrude Reeder, to John Coffield, which takes place Sunday at high noon. Miss Ella GiUiou'en and her cousin, Miss Lucy Clarke, of Missouri, who have been the guests of Mrs. E. L. Grunow lor the past few weeks, left this morning for Clackamas cnuntv, where thev will I epend the winter with their grand mother. Mrs. N. Doane arrived in the city last nialit from her home at University'Park and will spend it few week" with her son, Dr. O. D. Doane. Mrs. Donne was a resident ol The Dalles many years ago and her old friends here will be glad to again greet her. Mrs. H. W. Kouia arrived in the citv yesterday irum her home iu Billinus, Mont., and lelt thi morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mr. Geo. A. Young, at Riilgeway. A general reunion of trie Young familv will take place on Mr. Youiik'h birthday, which occurs Borne time next week. Mrs. C. G. Roberts and son. Charlev. left Monday evening for Portland, wbere ttiey will visit lor a lew (lavs, alter which they will leave for California, wiiere they ill spend the winter, in hopes of benefiting Charley's health, which lias been very poor during the last lew months. Hood River Sim. 11:20 p. m and with No. 3 from Spokune at 12 :05 a. in.; leaving Waliula at 12:10 n. m., and arriving at Wrflla I ever used." Immediately relieves and ullu ut 1 :20a. m, and Dayton at 3 a. m. cures coughs, colds, croup, asthma, ! preumonia. bronchitis, grippe and all! ioevei know what form o blood throat and lucg troubles. It prevents ; poison will follow constipation. Keep consumption. . ! Hie liver clean by using DeWitt'a Little NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. office at Tin: Ium.ks, ()K I October 7, ltliy, t Nutlru Is. hereby given thut tlie Inllmvlni: M!ttler bus tlli'd notice ill Ills Intention to niiike Until proof in Niipport n( his claim, unit tlmt mid unioi will lie Hindu before the Ke ulster mill lleeeiver at The Dulles, Ou'Kon, on Biiturdtiy, November 1?M, viz: I nii lie V. Iliiwlimil, of Tim Mullen, r.; !I nu'hti'iiil Knttv Nn. ftJO, for the V.K N'ICMi K4 mill N 4 kl'.H pee. Ih, Tp. I nmtli. runnel! i:., W M. He iiHints I he folloHini; wltnciCK to prove his eoniliniou- realduneu upon mid cultUutloii of Hlllll lltllli, i f J.I), llyre, .1. V. Jefrv. Kreil harKulit uiid J. W. Johlibtoir, nil (if The l)nlle. Oie;im. Oct 11-1! JAY I'. l.t'CAn, lteslHtcr Use Clarkoit Falk's quinine hnirjtoiiic to keep dandrufT from the head. You will not have bolls if you tnko Clarke A Falk's sure euro for boils. Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts uru j S the best. Ask your grocer lor them. g Ash your grocer for Clarke A Fnlk'Sijj' pure concontrated flavoring extracts. Vn.uli Qnf.itnTi rliiim nnd united. H almonds for sale at Dawaon'u grocery store. H-tf Paint your Iioubc with paints that are fully guaranteed to lust. Clarke A Fulk havu them. Now ia the time to t-lt for Naius photos. Cloudy weather preferred for sittings. So says Gilford. novlT-lm One dc:ivn of Gill'oid's ptiotos will make you twelvo line presents. What wmild" be np'prucluted more for the holidays? novl7-lm Clarke A Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by, lames E. Pa t ton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "I wouldn't be without DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve for any considera tion, " writes Thos. B. Rhodes, Center' field, O. Infallible for piles, cuts, burns and skin diseases. Bewate of counter feits. Dyspepsia can bo cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will givo i mined into relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley A Houghton Druggists. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. CuresJheHrt-hurti, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form ol tlvspepeia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley A Houghton, drug gists. Dr. II. II. Hadeu, Summit, Ala., suys, I think K idol Dvspepsiu Cure is a splendid medicine. I prescribe it, and my confidence in it grows with continued use." It digests what vou out and quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion All persons wishing to take children, either boys or gi-ls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W. T Gardner, superintendent of the Boh' and GirlB' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for them de sirable children of all ages. All applica tion" must be filed in advance. tf JSJCiUrUJ-iilTUR LINE. RUM STJHB K3I Str. Hcfrulntor. (Limited Undine ) Dalles, Portland & Astoria Kav. Goj The Btcninrw of tho ltcRiilntor l.lno win r ... , ,. , j lowing Kd.tilnle, tho Company retervlhK tlio ilir ,i , , schiMlulu without notice. B " t0 cl"ngoi Str. Dnllos City. (Touching nt all Way rolutx.) nou'K re. I.v. Iiullin I'orllinid lit h A.M. UT 7 A. Jl. Tui'fdiiv . . Monday 'I'littiMlav Widne-iiny Htiinliiy . Arr. I'ortliind 2, ut fi i'. m. IHlWN. I.v. Iiiillcn III lililO A. M. Monday . . . Widiiesilay . . l'rlihiv i Friday ,rr. Hiille'x I Arr. I'ortliuiil I.v at f I'. M, (iincertalti) UP, I'ortlmid at 11 a. m. . . TucMluy . . TluirMlay .Hiitiudiiy Arr. lialU'H (uneertnlii) Str. Inland Flyer. (,(n(!M lll A t'ortlfina J 1 A. lillwj IiUWN. I.v. Diillci thA M. Mntidny weilncniny. . Klldiiy Arr. Portland t ::iO I-. m. I.v. 1 it :ao p. il FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Sti'iiniern id the Itesulntnr l.lno. The Clniuimny will etidenynr to rive Hi 1 rims llie oe Kvrviru ihihmiiii'. rur iiirinur iiiioriilillloii mlilroKK vyi HllllriHK U .. .. ... .v....i. wf r a. . K Lriiriianil innce, uiiK-aireui hock. w . -. hl.l.hway, uon. Afrt., Thclulloj I Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or poat. ..OO.O.DO.' Construction This lh an air Unlit lienler id tin; oval ihret utiel tyiK-: It lm t'A'-TlUOS l.IMNtiS, iniikliiR It (1 ti ml 1J ; nNo has Iron feed door, eit luji mid liottoin and iiriiiniieiilal cv. In? loji, with grlddlu iovlt underneath, Nlckellnpr It him nlukulvd urn, T'liiuu jiiiite and find ralln. We have eoiiiileto Hiock of mum on hiind. l nil and nee iiir Mock tiefurc huj ins eliiuw here. fllaier & Benton VI'. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Compy. TrRliiK leave una ore due to nrrlvc it Form. LKAVB. 7:00 r. il.'i s:30 A. Dally except Hundiiyn ITIIIO A. M. ' OVKUI.ANIl nresk, Hiilcm, Itono-I bun;, Akhhind, Hua-1 rumeiito, Oirden.KHii . I'runcUuo, Mojuvc, i I Jl. Atipi.Ii. V liuan . una iaif.ii New Urleuiin l,l-it ., niOduburK d way kta-1 '' tloin. . fMa Woodhur.i Inn MlAiibuI, Hilvurton, , rjjii. vllle,Si.rliiKllcld unci BSn I Natron J ' jCorrallla nnd wiiyl L.WBU KtlltlOllK . . I5.MP.1I. INDKl'KNDKNRK l'AHSKNClHt. Extinuttih Hully (exeepl ButidRf). liROn. m. i I.v l'ortland Ar.i D'Him 7.:lp. m. Jai .MeXllimville I.v. 6;Mi, rtr. .iiioeieimein'e..i.v. b::uii. in, (Ar. .Iii(K'ieiiduni'ij Dally. iDally, excejit buielnr. DINING CAltB ON OGIIKN ItOUTI. 117 I.I.MAN 11UFKKT BLEKl'ERS AND BKCOND-CI.ABS KI.KUI'ING CASH Attached to ull Throuch Tralni. Direct eounectlon nt fun rralirliioo with Ota dental unit Oriental und l'licillo mull iiramihtp linen lor J AI'AN and CHINA. HulUne dita a I hi inieiiuou. ltiitim and ttchctn to i:ntern wlnti tndlt- rojK!. AlMiJAl'AN, U1IINA, IIO.NG At .STR A 1.1 A. i You nevei know ' poison will follow J Early Itieere nnd vou wiil nvoid trouble. They ure famous little pills for constipa tion nnd liver und bowel troubles. Freeh cracked Nebraska corn nt tlie Watco Aurehouee. Finest kind of j chicken feed. mcli25-tf iStnji Thlen StOIi doill' biiaiiii.sH. Tliin in Mm nv LaGripf.e, with its after effects, annu- V01, fet!l aftHr ,.: , ,M ,;; ally destroys thousKi.ds of ptopie. It j C (,ara. Trv our M;6L.ot t(J1 ceHt maybe quickly cured by One Minute j lllld finU oul where vonr rea, ,r,end8 BrBf CoukIi Cure, the only remedy that un mirioh produces immediate results in unughe, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat and lung troubles. It will pre vent consumption. Fur Male. A f.ood farm in Klic kitat county Wash., five miles from Columbus, con sisting of 210 acres. Price $1000. Apply to II. E. CurtUe at A. S oflice. ril3-d&wlm Ilnlji Wuiitud. A uirl can obtain a pIhcb to do general housework in a family of two, or to as sist in work and attend Bchool, by apply ing at this office. 21-1 w Help Wuntvtl. A (,'lrl who desires to do general hiuee Bennett's work can obtain employment by apply. inf at ' C. Uosietler's on Fifth street. 1 1. ucoui:. John (ia vim M00KE & GAVIN, ATTOHNKVS AT LAW. Iloonm 3'j and 10, over U. K. IjiikI btllee. JJ,A" 3TUKDEVANT. Dentist. Olllce over Kieneh & Co.'h limit l'lione fi, THK DA1.LK3.0KKGON IVIRS. OlilVlfl W. JWOHGflN, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wahh- ton htreets, 1 lie Dulles. An Jinimrlmit Dltt'erence. To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, thut they ure not afiiicted with any disease, but that the system simply needs I'let-ii'iiif', is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as u curtivo condition is easily cured by u-iiiK Syiup .f Flu. Manu'i cured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, und sold by all drutfLMUf. Vulcaiiln Kruitlou , Are grand, but ckln eruptions rob life I ot joy. iiucifieii'd Arnica halve cures them; also old, running And fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corne, Wurts, Cuts, Bruiser, Burns, (Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Beet File cure on earth. Drives out pains and nches. I had dyspepiia fifty-seven years and never found permanent relief till 1 used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 2s ow I uin well and feel like e. new man," writes K. J. Fleming, Muiray, Neb. It lathe best dlgestant known. Cures all forms of in digestion. Physicians everywhere pre- ibe it. To Curx u Coin nr Ohm Day, Take Luxatlve Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All drutgists refund tie money if il fails to cure. Geo.Noland, Itockland, 0., oays, "My wife had piles forty yeara. DeWitt'e Witch flazel Salve cured her. It is the best salye in America." It heals every thing and cures all skin diseases. The Huiily Limited. Sunrise on Ml. Hood from Lost Lake. I'iacj your orders now for Christmas or you may get left. Giflord. jil7-lm .Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Hitrrlsburg, Fa., on the life of her child, which she saved from croup by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds Htid throat and lung troubles. Feed rye for sale at tlie Wasco Ware house, tf Dr. W. Wison, Italy Hlll.N. y says "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave mj wife immediate relief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take. Never fulls to quickly cure all coughs, colds, throut and lung troubles. EMI BALL AT THE T)"" OKlHENIXIllKrEU Physician aud Surgeon, Special attention given lo nursery, Booms SI and 22, Tel. SJ Voit Bloc Mums ONEFOKAOOK. fill I M n.mnn Fin.!.,, Pinni I II I B day. U nwtaaurv d W draUii. OB. BOSANKO CO pVli ;Hqr u con B0LDW1K OPERA HOUSE, The i Busy Store. Kauli day our basilicas shows tho people are nutling out wo tiro publmi" to the front with better gooils. lower prices, salespeople the very best, unci lust, but not least, buyers who know their business unci buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. All utiovu truliik urrlve nt uiid dotiirt Ina Or a nd Cuiitrnl Station, Flltti mid Imni ttretk YAMHII.I, DIVISION. l'limuiiRer Heot, lixil of Jerlurtonitrcct. I'iic Inr Klierlilim. week ditys, tl:Mp.B Arrive ut 1'ortlutid, V.'M it. iu U'live lor A 1 111,1 K on Moiulny, Wcdnwdnuj Krlniiy nt h:!(5u. ra. Arrlv.' nt I'ortlanil, Tna duv, 'riiurtiUiiy anil Hnturilnj it 3:lU i. m. Kxecpt Bunduy. K. Ki. K'-i.KH, Jlxcept fiuturiSar. (i, II. MAKK1UM, ih linger. Anil. lr.xrut.u Tli rmiKli Ticket Ottiee, 131 Tlilrd Hret,wli thnmi;li tickets to nil point Iu the luM Btntch, Ciiiiiiiln und Kurope cull bti obUlnal U louent niteH from J, II. KIHKLANI), TIcxctAlHt or K. WHKAUDON. V .STEAM... Wood Sai Will run every day except Sunday. Hates Beusuuable. J Telephone) 201. 4 W. A. CATES, Prop. C. S. Smith, Tin; GIVKN II V Jackson Engine Go. Thanksgiving Eve, Olednesday, Nov. 29. NOTICE FOH I'UJJMOATION. I.ASH OlIICE AT TlIC J)A t.I.KK, OltlKIONI llv. au. in1.)!). I l.oilco 1H hereliy elven tlmt the followliiR liitriif.,lL,.,tli.l...ltl........i... .. . . .! n I i .r "" " ",,, "i rim intention to nmke lluiil iiroof In Miiinort ot Ills claim, mid nn isiin iirooi win Do Hindu u-iore tlie n-ulster Mlltiiii H. Kim, of The DiiUtm. (Jr. II, II. No. C507, for the VM HWV mid SW V.VM Kec. is, mid NKJ-4 bet-, ill, Tp. 1 N,, tt U if, Ho iniiiieH the follinvli.i; Hltinisen to prove Ills i;i.iittnuoiiii resldom c ii.ou mid (Mlltlyiitlon mid Hllllum Woiidniiiii, nil of The lullux, o(e. uvw-l JAV J', l.t'UAH, Ilenliter. Music will be furnished bv Prof. Birg. feld's Orchektra. A U, fwwi. .11.11 assured, , Tickets, $1.00 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. l'HANHAUT A K.S'KUAIllANKINO llUlNEB Letters of Credit issued available iu the eastern Btates. biirht ilkchanice and Telegraphic 'IransierH sold on New York, Cliicaao. bt, Louis, Ban Francisco, Portlaud Ore uon, Seattle Wash,, and various point 1" O'VKOO and Washinuton, Collectlone made at all potute on fav orable terms. i dp-to-date CJroeer Fresh Egcs nnd Creamery .Butter u specialty. 2d Street. r 'Phone 270. GHflS. mM- Batehefs ..Ertehangc Keeim on iJniuKlittho cU'bn OOI U.MIIIA IIKK K, .. '', T. cdned tho best beer Iii'lfJ " nt the uhiiiiI j.rlee. ' ft It mid be convliieeil. A o i riu""t brand of WIhm, U?uor and ClKiim. Sttnduliehes of alIKImlnlH)0" HlWlf n 8 HUNTINGTON. omoe 0"r Writ Nut. I'"'"