Cyanide. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1899. NO 92 AFTER BRITISH ON M00I RIVER Bngan Sbeliiug Tticir Camp at 5 O'clock art Kept it Up TDree Honrs. HAVE CUT OFF THREE COLUMNS London Is Becoming Nervous Over tbc Situation, And Wonders Where It Will End. Moor UiVEii, Natal, Nov. 23. 10 n. m. Boer guns began shelling the camp at 5 a. in. The British artillery ia in position on high ground to the east, west and north of the station. The artillery duel wb continued until 8, when it censed for an hour. The Boers recotn uienced at 9 and dropped threo shells in to the camp. They are still firing at intervals, with no damage, although their aim is good. London, Nov. 23. The fact that fresh portions of Natal are being overrun daily by Boers is producing exasperation in that colony and intenee humiliation in Great Britain, where the idea of possible extensive violation of British toil was contemptuously dismissed in the early stages of the war. The rumors that a peace deputation from President Kruger is on its way to Cain; Town for the purpose of ascertain ins the terms upon which immediate cessation of hostilities could be secured k discredited here, and it is said that if eucli a deputation lias been sent it will meet with scant courtesv, as those who ure conducting the war will be tumefied with nothing less than dictating the tonus of peace at Pretoria, after a parade qf British strength through the Transvaal. Meanwhile, from the scanty and emasculated dispatches which are drib bling from the front, it is dillieult to form an opinioti of the true situation. The Boer invaders are occasioning constant eurprises. They have already cut off two portions of theLndyemilb relieving force from their baeo of supplies, and with great rapidity are advancing on Pieter tnantzburg with howitzers and other artillery. General Cleary's situation, it would appear, must be becoming in tolerable; so serious lighting may bo ex pected at any time, is pointed out the general must clear his line of com munications in order to complete the concentration of the relieving force. According to the latest reports from Natal, the artillery duel was recom menced this morning at the Mooi river. The statement that the British garrison. there is only acting on the defensive ap pears to be an admission of weakness, and it ie thought the troops may be at the mercy ot the strong Boer forces re ported in that neighborhood. A collision may also he expected on the western frontier within fort)-elght hours, if it is true that Methuen has utarted northward, as he is certain to meet entrenched Boers at Beltuont and Modder river. It is reported Mafeking ia suffering from lack of water and that fever la rife there. Used Hy UrltUli Soldier .In Africa. Cap. 0. G. Dennlson is well known all over Africa as commander of the forces that captured the famous rebel Galiahe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1807, from Vryburg, Bechuanaland, he writes: "Before starting on the last campaign 1 bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlioji Remedy, which used myself w)iun troubled with dowel complaint, and had given to my men, and In every case It proved most beneficial." For sale by lilakeley & Houghton, druggUts. No Danger of an Epidemic. Bakku City, Nov. 23. While Baker City undoubtedly has a few wh!. devel oped cases of smallpox the epidemic ia well under control, and no fears of a tpread of the epidemic are eutertaiued. A strict quarantine is maintained over tho infected douses, po that exposure is next to impossible. The number of capes of the disease herehave been over estimated, it being tho opinion of the physicians that several of the suspected cases are nothing but chickenpox. As to the cause of the disease there is little question that the absence of a sower system is at the bottom of it. This belief, which is quite general, has awakened the people of this city to the necessity of taking some steps looking to the construction of such a system. There ia more Catarrli in this section of tho country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years waa supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors prouounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proyen catarrh tobe a consl'tutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment, flail's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market It ie taken internally in dnees from ten drops to a teasnoonful. It acta directly on tne o.ood and mucous surraces ot tne system. Thev offer one hundred dollars :or anv case it faiiB to cure. Send for circulars and iestmonials. Address, F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, 0 Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 5tfe.aSlSJ?f rftath jftcaAt jWcjftoftoftf ..ifft rftt ifWjfk A i4kJfto&t jftr &A.lfej9; A.jJSfijftjLV 8okjflkyk 4cjI5o6o1 adciOctiAniAu'StjOuffc iAt3&ufiu& j"4jr- -"5JT W JW fr- V -H -"IT1 -"V " "W- "W "Vr- V V "V "!! JTif - "B- "W1 Ut 'V1 "ft" xtF ir VVtllf "MPV- fF- :"SSl 3ie Sl'V 'W y y 5r5Vr,Vr3iir V V If Oup Boys' Suit Sale ANTI-BRYAN MOVEMENT Maryland Democrats Are Anxious to Lead One So Gorman Told Croker I New York Democrats Are Invited to Encourage It Hunting For a Candidate. New York, Nov. 23. The Herald says: Maryland Democrats will Jeau in an anti-Bryan movement if any en couragement is offered them by the leaders in this state a. id other Eastern states. This fact was nmiounced to Hicbard Croker by Ex-Senator Arthur P. Gorman and Governor-Elect John Walton Smith. Senator Gorman Is quoted as saying to a fi.iend last evening that a sufficient number of anti-Bryan delegatea would be sent to the next national convention to prevent the Nebraska leader from obtaining the two-thirds vote necessary for nomination. While in New York, Senator Gorman and Governor-Elect Smith have been in cloee consultation concerning the Democratic policies which Maryland may develop during the next six months. With them at tho Waldorf Astors waa Buchanan Schley, cousin of Admiral and surveyor of the port of .Baltimore under the I net Cleveland administration. Mr. Schley is a close friend of Senator Gorman ami his presence started the rumor that Eastern Democrats would unite in presenting the name of, Admrial Schlev in the next convention. It is said, however, that Admiral Schley has announced that he would have nothing to do with politics and would not accept the presidency as a gift. If Senator Gorman's plans reach their full fruition, Maryland will hold a very early state convention at which a delega tion to the national convention will bo named which will be solidly and openly opposed to Bryan. Other Eastern states and some South ern states aro expected to follow Mary land's example. No candidate has been settled upon, it is said, with whom to oppose Bryan. C liuuibsrlulu'i I'uln Halm Curat Other, Why Not You? My wifo has been using Chamberlain's Pain Balm, with good results, for a lame shoulder that has pained her con tinually for nine years, We have tried all kinds o( medicines and doctors with out receiving any benefit from any of them. One day we taw an advertise ment of this medicine and thought of trying It, which wo did with the best of satisfaction. She has used only one bottle and her shoulder is almost well, -Auoli'ii L. Mii.i.ktt, Manchester, N.IJ. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug- gists. Subscribe for The Chronicle, Still goes merrilly on. A number of tho choicer styles have found new owners, but it seems to have made little impression on the assortment yet on hand. Dressy, serviceable, well-made and elegantly-fitting are these suits, and at-our remarkably low clearance prices of $1, $2 and $3 for short pant suits, and $2, $4 and $G for the long pant styles, we know of no better investment for the happy father to make than to buy a half dozen suits. Sjj Felt Shoes and Slippers. The new line of Felt goods we have promised you has come and is now ready to be shown. Come, whether as'a pur chaser or merely to look, you are welcome. Juliets. A ladies house shoe combinine comfort witli elegance; made of best black felt, fur trimmed, neat round toe, leather soles, low heel, bluck, per pair $1.25 and $1.50 Same style in better quality, red, white fur trimming $2.00 Brown, same fur trimming 2.00 Green, chinchilla fur trimming. . . .$2.00 Misses' Juliets In red only, no heel, sizes 11 to 1-2, per pair $1.25 Children's, sizes 0 to 10.. .$1.00 Ladies' Fine Slippers. Golden brown felt, edged with silk cord to match, leather' sole, low heel $1.50 Finer quality, plain felt slipper, in red or black $1.25 Similar, black only $1.00 Commencing ..SATURDAY.. We offer until further notice Portiers, ' 3 yards long, 48 inches wide; of tapestry in handsome two-toned patterns, regularly $2.90, at $2.19. Tapestry Portiers, same length, oriental color effects, bombay patterns, regularly $3.00 a pair, at $2.39. Tapestry Portiers, same size, fancy flowered designs in Maroon and gold, a $5.00 value at $3.85. Table Covers. 4-4 Chenille Table Covers, fringed, 39 cents. 4-4 Tapestry Table Cover, fringed, 50 cents, G-4 Tapestry Table Cover, rich designs, fancy fringe, 90c value at 79 cents. Draperies 52 inch Tapestry, in rich two-toned effects, an assortment of six different pieces, reduced from 75c a yard to 58 cents. R ugs. Sultan Smyrna Rugs, rovorsible, with plain or fringed ends, size 30.G0 inches, reduced from $1.87 to .25. $1. Infant's Knit Bootees. Complete Line All shades, per pair. I 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c,-35c Infant's Moccasins. Made of soft kid skin, colors white, j blue, pink, tan, brown, red and . black 25c & Lamb's Wool Soles. "The Nun." "The Nun" soles are the best on the market. The sole is ot genuine leather, w covered with a thick, dowuey, pure, white fleece. Men's sizes, per pair 35c Jijjt Ladies' Bizes, per pair. .' 25c 32. Misses' sizes, per pair 25c jj5 Children's sizes, per pair 20c SS . & Leggings and Overgaiters. Best quality pure worsted black Jer- jJJ" By laggings, half-button, knee-length. Hp Ladies $1.25 Misses' $1.00 Ladies' s, -length Jersev Leggings, black .' 00c V Bovs' russet leather Leggings, knee- length, buckles $1.50 Ladies' 10-button cloth gaitere.... 75u 7-button 50c, 75e A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY. Arrested for Kobbcry. Pksw.eton, Or., Nov. Ike Ruddock was brought from Ills home in the Blue mountains today by Deputy Sheriff Taylor, and lodged in jail on tho charge of holding up six people, who were robbed hero October 31, On that even ing, at 7 o'clock, at the west limits of the town, n irasked man held up three teams and six poople, robbing them of all the money they had. Ituddock has been watched since that time, and yar ioue devices have been resorted to to fasten guilt upon him. Bowman, one of those held up, made the compUliit, and swears he recognizes the voice of Ruddock as that of the man who robbed him. . It will not bo a surprise to any who are at all familiar with tho good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to know that peoplo everywhere take pleasure in relating their experience in the use of that splendid medicine and in telling of the benefit they have re ceived from It, of bad colds it has cured, of threatened attacks (if pneumonia It has averted and of the children It has saved from al lucks of croup and whoop ing cough, It is a grand, good medicine. Fur sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, Kid McCoy Breaks Down. Nkw Yonic, Nov. 22. A repu t comes from White Plains tonight that Kid Mc Coy, who has been training at William Muldoou'a (arm tor the match with Matter December 11, has collapsed physically and will probably never lie able to enter tho ring again, It is said that his nervous nyeto.a is almost a com plete wreck. Vuur t'vH Shows the statu ofjyaur feelings ami tho state of your heulth ad well, Impure blood makes Itself apparent in u pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and ' i' t. 1 . . 1 .. . ! . Tf ...... i 1 weal; and worn out ami do not have a healthy appearance you thould try Acker's Blood Klixlr. It cure all blood diseases where cheap Sarsuparitlas and so called purifiers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Ulakuluy it Houghton, druggists, Hiiiina Will lie a Pallbearer. Ci.uvki.and, Nov, 22. Senator Hanna received a request from Mrs. llobart by telegrapli today, that he be one of the. active pallbearers at the funeral of the vice-president Saturday, lie immediate ly wired his acquiescence.