Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES Lkp ' 'Vi h4BlTUALWNST'PAT.0N i umu PERMANENTLY. BUy THE GENUINE - MANT O By (aui?rniaTgpSyrvf(2. PKOI'LE YOU ALL KNOW. , Geo. Johnston and M. J. Anderson, of Dufur, were in the city today. T? F. "Uillor urn! Win. T.nrW- nr.. in the city from Hentmer. GfO. A. Young, a prominent, and ex- tensive sheepman of Kidgew'ay, is in the city. . M. E. Miller, late passed throuch town of Canyon City, I todav on his wav to Antelope. Mrs. J. R. Warner came White Salmon yesterday and dav in the fit v. up from pent to- J. Stewart,' a sheepman of Monklnnd, is in the citv todav and called at the Chronicle office. E. E. Lytle, president of the Col u in bia Southern Ry., is in the city looking after railroad matters. H. Northup has a ten-days cessaion of duties at the land offic2 and is spend ing the time at his home in Portland. Mrs. James Gibson, of Pilot Rock, Umatilla county, who has been visiting with her mother, Mre. Wickmnn, and sister, Mrs. G. F. Guinther, lett for home cn Tuesday night's train. I'urse Lost. Somewhere between the postoffice and French's bank, a green morocco purse with leather band around it. Contained $5 in money nnd other change. Also i calling cards. Finder please leave at j this office and receive reward. IS 3t i j For Sulo. I A good farm in Klickitat county Wash., five miles from Columbus, con sisting of 210 acres. Price $ 1000. Apply to H. E. CurtUs at A. S. Bennett's office. n!3-3&wlm The Supply Limited. Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Lake. PIhcj your orders now for Christmas or you may get Mt. Giffbrd. nl7-lm Read This, Consumptives "From the way my wife coughed for six months, I knew she had consump tion. She showed it in her face, too, and her body wasted away to a mere skele ton. After she ijot down in bed the doctors couldn't do any good. I called in both Dr. T. A. Shannon and Dr. N. L. Hawsen, each of whom is a first-class pnysician. but tney naa nothing that would reach the trouble in her lungs. My wife's father came to see her one day, when she yot very low. He lives in Cedar Lake, Wis., while we live in Rice Lake, Wis. .He said ho knew what was needed. udu mane me i;ei a uouie ot Acker's English Remedy for ( iun s tunpiiuxi, 1 went to Schmidt's, our local druggist, and got a bottle, and it helped her right away. She t ok eight 50c, bottles, and they put her back on her feet and nuide her as sound and veil ts nny wo man in town. She has taken on flesh again, she doesn't cough, and if any rne who doesn't know the facts was to be told she wai ro 1 ear di ath with consumption, l.e wouldn't believe it. My wife docs all ber housework, and at night Bleeps as houndlvas vou nlease. Her stomach no longer gives her any trouble at all. Maybe you am telling, u s. 1 advise you to see J. N. Schmidt, the druggist who sold me Acker s English Remedy for Consumption. . He'll tell you tbe same thing. He says Acker s English Remody is wonderful in all throat and lung troubles; thai it is sold on a guarantee to cure, or money returned, and he never yet had a bottle come back to his store, although he has sold hundreds of them. My name is Luther Bedell, Rice Lake, Wis." ' that voitr3rmon!15"llMiRr,me,d?' ,80Ja. b aU under a poiltlve jruarnnti We autftorizc IU utoi guarank. W,U. UOOMMt & CO., Sroprtctori, Acw l'urk. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. MURDER WILL OUT A Will Alio Robhnry Itnbliitr of the Flint National Hank t'riitmbl y Found, The old enyinp that "murder will out" ie ugain verified in an occurrence which hnpptned in Walla Walla and will no doubt bring to llht the identity of n man who has been wanted in The Dalles for about nine years. While It has per haps almost faded from the memory of a number of our citizens, others will remember that in IS'JO a Chinaman tunneled his way from the alley between First and Second streets, and paining admittance to the First National bank robbed it of about $9000. He escaped and tor a long turns officers went on his trnck, but as years passed bv vigilance ceased. Similar robberies have been commit ted recently in different cities, and the Ortyoniati eupcested a few weeks since that it was not unlikely that the same fellow mk-ht be abroad plying his old vocation. A few days ago a man in Walla Walla overheard a Chinaman, who gives his name as Tim Chune, tulk ing of the bank robbery here to another man, and he at once suspicioned him and repotted to the officers. Yesterday Sheriff' Kelly received a message from . i ,!-:..., :i ......i. f 1 1 . ...j here. D. L. Cates, having been sheriff; h..t ti. rtm. h,.,...,i ,n nnA 'gave as accurate a description as hej "I wouldn't be without DeWitt's j could, mentioning that he had a scar on i Witch Hazel Salve for any considera , his neck, which f-ct was communicated j tion," writes Thos. 15. Pvhodes, Center- to tbe Walla Walia officers, who found the identical mark on the man sus picioned, and he was arrested. Search ing him they discovered $200 and a diamond riug which had recently beeu I stolen from a lady there, and other rob beries committed will probably be traced i to him. ! 11 is not likely, however, that the bank here will attempt to prosecute him after SO long a time, as ' nothing ! would be gained thereby, and he will j no doubt receive full share of justice for , the other crimes committed, Itlsmarck'H Iron Svtxe li' .1.., l. t u: . ..! i i.l us me reciiiL ui ilia piiiuiu ueuiiii. i Indomitable will and tremendous energy I are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If ! you want these qualities nnd the success they brine, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and bodv Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. J. D. Bridges, Editor "Democrat," Lancaster, N. H., says, "Oub Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy for croup I ever used." Immediately relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, asthma, nrpumonia. 'bronchitis, cririne and all throat and luce troubles. It prevents consumption. LaGrippe, with its after eflecte, annu ally destroys thousands of people. It may be quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, the only remedy that produces immediate results in coughs, colde, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat and lung troubles. It will pre- vents consumption. ; Geo. Noland, Rockland, O., saye, "My I wife hart piles forty years. DeWitt's I Witch Hazel Salve cared her. It is the j best ep.lye in America." It heals every- I thing and cures all skin diseases. I j I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and i never found permanent relief till 1 used 1 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I urn well l and feel like a new man," writeE S. J. doubt what I Flemlnc, Murray, Neb. It is the best digestant known. Cores all forms of in digestion. Physicians everywhere pre scribe it. BUSINESS LOCALS. IT.'e Clarke & Falk's quinine hairjtonic to keep dandruff from the bond. You will not have bolls if you take Claike A Ealk's sure cure for bails. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your crocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke A Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Fresh Saratoga chips and salted almonds for sale at Dawson's grocery store. 11 if Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to Inst. Clarke & Falk have them. Cle Elm conl $6.50 per ton ; Kock Springs coal $9 per ton, delivered, at Maiert Benton's. Now is the time to sit for Xmas photos. Cloudy weather preferred for sittings. So says yifTord. novl"-lm One dozen of Gilford's photos will make you twelve fine presents. What would' be appreciated more for the holidays? novl7-lin Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and baM1 pwnta mannfactured by James Ptton, of Milwaukee, isconsm. E. "e,, u llllu"lule iur uulr' u" and skin diseases, feits. Beware of couuter- Dyspepsia can bo cured by using ; Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will uive immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Curesjhe'irt-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. Dr. H. II. Haden, Summit, Ala., hay?, 'I think Kodol Dvspepsia Cure is a splendid medicine. I prescribe it, and my confidence in it grows with continued use." It digests what .you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion. All persons wishing to take children, either boys or g'rls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for them de eirnble children of all ages. All applica tion: must lie filed in advance. If .Stop Thli'f! Stop doing business. This is the way you feel after buying some tn cent cigars. Try our Mascot ten cent smoke and find out where your real friends are. Ben Ullriciu Ililp Wanted.. A girl can obtain a place to do general housework in a family of two, or to as sist in work and attend school, by apply ing at this office. 21-1 w JIfJp U'HIItt'll. A girl who desires to do general house work can obtain employment by upply- . ing at J. C. Hosietler'e on Fifth etreet. To Cure a Cold jii dim liny. ; Take Lazative Broino Quinine Tab j lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c OWE FOR A DOSE. IUmoTn Fimplnc. Prnent lliliunjueiis I'unlj thwlllood. PILLS Kc. Bold iw .taZ'no'K ll?l"LIa" ''.ox ' . .JU;mpfuJ tu rnilii VK Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby Riven that Ihu utiUerMijned liu been iippolnted by order of the county court of thu statu of Oreeon for Wiikco county, mid ny the 111 of ilarjr Dills, dweused, exeuulor of thu lust will nnd testament of Mid Mary Jtlllh, riu ccaied. All person ImvinK olalins ai?nliiKt nafd entatu are livrtby notllled to present them with the proper vouchers to me at the olllee of Hunt iiiKtou A Wilson, Thu Dallen.OreKou, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated Octoler luth, inw JOHN M. MAItDEN, Oct 1 III Kxecutor F. MCOKK. J01IM OAVIH MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOKNUVfi AT LAW, Kooins S'J ond 10, over U, H. Laud Olllcc. A. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Offlce over French & Co.'n JiutiU I'liOiie f, TIIK IMLLKK, OHKOON ms. OlilVIfl w. morgan, AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and VVaeh tou Streets, The Dalles. No Anniummrtit for leemli'r. A letter from Francis I. McKcnnn, Supreme Master Artisan, to .f. M. Huntington, secretary of The Dalles Assembly, conveys the welcome an nouncement that them will bo no as sessment for tlui month of December. The United Artisans will bo a little more than five yjurs old on the first day of January, 1900, and havo called but thlrty-ono nssei-Hiiieiits in nil. Mr. McKenna ays: "Wo nro having a solid growth both in numbers and wealth. We have morn money on In terest than wo havo paid in losses. Wo havo more than ono hundred assemblies in Oregon, and fifteen in the city of Pot timid." In perusing various papers through out tho state wo note the interest biing taken in the work of tho Native Daugh ters and in instituting cabins through out the state. Mrs. Edith Wcatherred, who is grand secretary and also state organizer, will lie in The Dalles during the early part of next week and would be glad to meet any native daughters who are desirous of having a cabin in stituted hero and upon her return in the first week in December would com plete the work of organization. It would be well for ourMadies to consider the matter and join in the efforts made by this order to build up and develop the land of their birth and adoption. Chuuge of TIiiih mi the O. It. .t '. Beginning Dec. 1st, the O. 15. A N. will run their Spokane Flyer via Wal lula and the S. It. Vt It. It. : Train No. 4 will leave Portland at 3:45 p. 111., ar riving at Spokane at 7:15 a.m. Train No. 3 will leave Spokane at 4:30 p.m., and arrive in Portlnnd at 8:00 a. in. In connection with tho ubove trains, the 0. R. & N. will put on a passenger train leaving Dayton at 9:00 p. m. and Walla Walla at. 10:30 p. m., connecting at Wallula with No. 4 from Portland at 11 :-0 p. in., and with No. 3 from Spokane at 12:03 a. m.; leaving Wallula at 12:10 a. in., and urriying at Walla Walla at 1 :20 a. m, and Davton nt 3 a. m. Yon nevei know what form oi blood poison will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using DeWitt's Little Early KiserB and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for const) pa lion and liver and bowel troubles. Fresh cracked Nebrahka corn the j Wasco warehouse. Fiuest kind of mch25-tf chicken feed. 1h1i-nI1 Itmim to Kent. A very cosy room in private centrally located, may be rented plying at this office. Executor'a Notice. All iKirhoiib liiivuiR I'.liitmN ncnlQit tho ettute of KltsnlK!tli Aim I'litf, di'cuiisid, mu hiTiby notllluil to prei-cnt tho Mime, propyl ly verified, 111 ini-wiire nine uiine'iiiKi.ra, tnu amy im Jiolnted executor of xnld i-itutc, at Dulles City UriRon, witliluhix inontlis from the clulo of the publication of thin notice. Dated the l'.'th day of Uutolicr, Iww. llL'oIi LOGAN, Oct 1 Ml i:.ecutor. NOTICE FOR PU15LICATION. r. ti. I.ami Cmce, at Tiik Dai.lks. Ot.k (X.toiiki: 8, ivjy. Nollco In hcrehv clveu Hint the follou'inir iiuiucd t-ettler has tiled notice ot his Internum to inako final proof In support of hit, claim, and that hhIiI proof will he made before thu KckUut and lleeelver nt 'I he l)ulk, OrcK'Jii, on butur day, November II, Ihlftl.vlz: niHtlilUN Tlilel, of MomI.t, Or;oti. Ilnniektcnd Xlutry No. .'075, fur thosV;-4 NW'y, N'sBW!iandtiW!4 HW'i, Kcutlnu U, towiihhlp '.' niirtli, raii.'i' r C-.K1, W. .M. He iinmen thefolloiviiiK wltnrMus to prove liln coiitinuoiiH refldence Uion and cultivation of mild laud, viz: (,'hus. iiiler. of Mo.sler, Orecnn: Dim TlioiiiiiH, Herman btoncinun and Kniunt Krledrlcliii, of Thu Dullet, (JreKoii. JAY I'. LUi'AB, oct7 li lleiilhter HUD BILL AT TIIU BALDWIN OPERA HOUSE, uivi:.v 11 v Jackson Engine Go. Thanksgiving Eve, Olednesday, Jjov. 29. Muic will be furnlHhed hv 1'rof. Birg. feld'ii Orcheetru. A Kutierul good time is ueeured. Tickets, $1.00 JK- UEIHENIXIKKfEH Physician and Surgeon, Bpeclil uttc-ntlou Klvuu to surgery. Bootu 21 aud 22. 'Jul. m Vo(t Woo i i j PI JkTATAI A1 : r B. Tho Stt-nmerM lowtllE SOllldlllC. .nig M'liitiuie, M'lii'ilulu without Str. Rc-RUlntor. (Ulnltril i.illlillli(,'s) Str. Dnlloa City. (Touching nt ntl Way 1'otutK.) 6, i' p. rortl.iml J.t.V I'-lllC-. 5 llJf, A. V. ThuiMlny 4 Mitiuclny . Arr. IVriluiiil j!. nl 5 i. I mil's IKlM'.V. 1 l.V. UllllCH , lit r,:J!0 A, M. I Miindny . ' W iltifilny . . III , A. M. Motion') UiilufxiMy I'llilnv ' l'riilnv Arr. Dnlk'H Arr. l'ortlnml nt & i'. v. , (uiii'urtiilii) : FOR COMPORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, S Travel y the Htcnm.Ts ot the Iteculntor Line. lj' nms tun best corvlcu iio.ssttile. , I'ortlnnil onicc.Ont-Strct't Dock. W. Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or peat. .o,o-Q,.d$o-, Conatrilctlon-ThlK Is 1111 air tluht healer ol the oval sheet steel type, it ha- CAS.T 1 HON I.I.MNdH, jiiaklnc It dunible; nlo lias frou feed door, rast top and bottom mid orUHinental suing top, with Kriddlu coir underneath. NIckHllnu-lt has nickeled urn, t'imio piiite ai.d fisit r:illn. Vt e have n comiiletu stock of taeiu 011 Im ntl. (.all and sec our stock bcfoiu buj Iuk elsew here. Each duj' our biifaincbs bhovvs the people are flniluij; out we arc pushing to llic front with better goods, lower priees, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C F. Stephens Second Street. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. J.akij Ornct AT THE DA LLCS, OllKIION j . Nov. 1!0, Mf). J.otico Is hereby eiven that tho following iiaiued settler lias lllnl notico of his intention to uiake final iiroof in htjj.j.ort of Ills claim, and that sild proof will he tnsrlo heforo lliu reitlster and lecelver iit Tho Dulles, Oregon, uu J'rlday, December V), My), U.i Mlllon H. Vnx, of Till- ItHllos, Or. U. K. No. fiW, for thu i:u, KWJ.. and KW4 KKVi hwsas, and SZU NVN bee. Kf.'l'p. 1 N 1, He naiiies thu followint! wlhi'sses to prove his coiitiiiuous residence upon and cultivation of said Nnd, viz: vftIi.f'"K".n.' V',n'w .Maluey, Jsnao Matnuy and J 111am Woodiiisn, all of fhu D.llus, Ore. "m i JAY 1'. l.UCAS, Xtegl.ter! FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. THANriAUTA KNKItALBANKlNO OfclNKH iMttre ot Crudlt lenued available lu the ci i . , littHU,r fiUitau. MKlit Echanife and TeleKraphlt IruriBfere sold on New York, ChltHgo, bt. JxiulB, San FranciBco, Portland Ore Ron. bwattle Wash,, and varloui poiula I" Oregon and WaBtnntfton. Collections mnlu at all pdlnU on fav oraule toruii. I nl I'L LI 1 j ni l TITninr Q Dnnlnn ii I 11 iiiiiiri ai nKxiiiiii i"i rrl IIIU1UI U UUIIIUII T house, -zjJ,, r-.- 1-, hy up. 18 lw I 1 I I 1 1 iiiL 1 I 1 I Rnsv ! j Store. I I ""UWi ji!iLTUi-ua.TOR LINE. Dalles, Mtlaail&Rstt Kay. col of Uio Itcejilntor Line win run (tic v IllO ComiinllV tcsirvlii. n. .... Wlt''Ol' ": 101. a notice, Str. Inland Fiyor (Limited I.iiiidln(-,) UP. l.v. I'orllniut lit (i A. M. Tui'Mluy . . . . Tliiirwliiy . Sntimlny Atr. lliilk'H (uiiciTtnlii) DOWN, l.V. llllllcil tA M Monday Wl-rtllfMlny. Fllrtiiv Arr. I'nrtliuiii t:i;ao p. i. 1 . "cVr J 'v. Voril.mlI Tlmrdy S nu::r,i 1 Thu (lomimny will ciiJohvo: m Kivc n, , i For further iiiformiitlou ucldresx C. ALLAWAY. Con. Agt., ThcDallci j EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or TIIK Southern Pacific Compy, Traitm love and rc duo to arrive it Portin 1 OVKIH.AND EX pros, Bnlem. Rose. 1 1 bum, Ashland. Hue. I 7:00 r, M. rnmento, Oh-dcn,Hti I ! Fruuclam, Mnlnvc, ( IisAtiRclc,Elrso, ii New urlcHim nnd I Kait ..... . , ,j k:30 a. m. seuurK una wny su-i lions ry.1." Woodbury for 1 1 ;MF, Dally except fiundnj's 1 Mt.Angel, Bllvurton, vllle.dprlurllcld and I Natron J. eicett Bucliji t7::l A.M.! CryJ" and way rj 5:50P.I, INDEl'KNDENTE l'ASSKNOKK. ExiireuMs Dally (except Sunday). UMp. m. fhv. .. l'ortlimd Ar.j 8:Bn S::k ji. in, Ar. .l:ideendeuci'., mi p. m. ai. .vc.Minnvine lv, i;xt,t ..lvj Daily. tl'niiy. except eunanv, DINING OA US ON OO I) EN K0UIK. l'ULUMAN IIL'KKET KLFEl'ERfl AND riEC'OND-IjSd bLEEI'INQ C1E) Attached to all Tiirouuh Trl.n. Direct connection ut nn rrHDClsco with Ota .i..,.,t Hw1 nH,,tnl u.iri l'..nlafi ,n.ll .t,h lilies for JAl'AN and CHINA. KidllDZ itXm a Hj plication. Kates and tickets to Eastern polrtU tniiZi, nii. Also JAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU ai ArriTKAMA. All nbovu trains arrive nt and depart fn Uraud Central Station, fifth and Irvinf itm YAMHlLI. DIVIS10S. 1'usseiiKer DeN-it, foot of Jedcrtomtrcet, 1 tj'nvt for KhnrhlHtt. witel: dure. stl:S0ai ''Arrive at I'ortlund, v.'JO u. m, U-nve for AIH1.IK on Monday, W'cdnndiTUd Kri'Uiy at M.Tin, in. Arrive ut I'ortUnd, To rtuv. Thursday Hud Haturda) it 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. "Except Snturdir. K, rl, 1.1.EK, .1' (i, II. MABKHAX, Asst. O.K. .trail. Alt Thnmirh Ticket Oftlce. 1SI Third Hreet, when t through tickets to all points lu the Euten i htntn., Catiuda and Europe can beobUlaMll lowest rates from J. II. KIIIKLANI), TICKIAIBK. or N. WHKALDON. ...STEAM... Wood Sal Will run every tiny except Sacdtj. Kitten Itfiieoniible. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. V i C. S. Smith, Tin. Up-to-date Oroeer FrPBh Efc'88 mid Creatncry Butter u npi-ciulty. 2d Street. r .GHflS. Butehers and Formers ..Exchange.. K(on draught the thrift COI UMIIIA W'K . cdKcl Ihu best lvt ill 1 ' utthousuul price. Voui Ji IK Itiuid bu ;ouv neoj Kinest brands of ttlia,1wiuu' utidCIicuru. Ssnduiiehes of all Kinds Mlwuf' II HUMINOTON HUNTJNOTOH A WII.HON. tt. AriONKVHKATAIjAi((J, omooov'r Klrat Nat. Phoned