Chronicle VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1899. NO 91 I) c D n Ik o AGUIN4LD0 HAS ESCAPED Tom an! Wlitalsn Ciostd in aiii Ee Was Gone. PUSHING ON TO BAYOMBONG Lawton Probably on the Trail of the Rebel Chieftain Hardships Suf fered by His Men. Manila, Nov. 22, 12:50 p. m. Agui naldo Iiuh escaped between Geuerale Young and Wlittnton. Gen. Young is pushing toward Bnyomboue. The whereabouts of Lawton and Young ure becoming as mysterious hb Aguinaldo's.. The belief ia growing at Manila that Lawton has struck the trail of the insurgent "government" and ie pursuing the minister! into the Byquio mountains. It hns been his ambition to ciptnre the Filipino leader and he and Young believe that a cavalry brig ade, living on the .country, could run them down to any part of the island. Ouo vague report brought in by Span ish prisoners is that Agninaldo and others were marly surrounded by Americans soon after tlieinBurgent chief left Tiu lac, but he escaped through the lines in peasant's clothes. Oflicers and soldiers arriving at Gaba lauum from Lawton's force describe the campaign as one of great hardship. Many men dropping out sick were left at various towns without adequate sup plies and attendance, some of them making their way back across terrible roads. A number of horses were dying, uiul many soldiers and even some of the officers were marching on, half naked, their clotlies having been torn to pieces in getting through the jungles. Some of them were reduced almost to breech-clouts, and hundreds were bare footed, their shoes being worn out, and all were living on any sort of provisions. Bread was rare, and cariboo meat and bananas were the staples. Gen. Law ton forsaw that the campaign would in volve such hardships, but considered it the quickest and cheapest way 01 ending the war. Young on His Trail. Manila, Nov. 22. General Young re ports that Agulnaldo, with a party of 200, including some women and a few carts, passed Aringny, on the coast between San Fabian and San Fernando, ia the province of Union, on Friday No vember 17. The general adds that Aguinaldo probably intended to strike inland through the liinquu mountains towards Boyoiubong in the province of Nueva Viscaya. General Young with cavalry and Macabebes is putsuing the Filipino leader, part of the American force taking the direction of San Fernando. In a light with Agulualdo's rear guard at Aringay one Macabebo was wounded and the insurgents retreated. Their loss is ut.kuown. Around Kobln Hood's Barn. San FitANCisco, Nov. 21. A noyel ex periment Is to bo tried at It. D. Hume's salmon butchery at the mouth of tho Rogue river, in Oregon. A million salmon spawn arrived there on the Oregon ex press today. Tho spawn will at once be put In a coldstorage plant until they can bo shipped to Coos bay. At that point a tug will be waiting and the spawn will be taken to the hatchery nt tho mouth of the 11 mxe river. When they finally reach the hatchery they will have traveled 1000 miles, and will not by over forty miles from their starting point. Tills long trip was made necessary by the mountainous character of the Intervening country. Uied By Urltlih HultUer tu Africa. Copt. O. G. Dennlson is well known all over Africa as commander of the forces that captured the. fatuous rebel Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897, from Vrybnrg, Bechuanaland, ho writes "Boforo stuiing on tho last campaign 1 bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and DiarrlKci Remedy, which 1 used myeelf when troubled will bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every case it proved most beneficial." For Bale by Blakeley ,& Houghton, druggidts. COMMUNICATION IS PREVENTED Boers Move So Fast and Often That British Cannot Keep Track of Them Their Forces Increasing. DuniiAN, Nov. 22. A dispatch from the Moot river says the telegraph line was cut Tuesday evening near Highlands station. Tho dispatch adds that the railioad station is in possession of a large force of Boers encamped near Mitche son's cutting. The train bound 'to Estcourt returned. It only got b mile and a half northward of Highland's station. The Natal Stud Company's farm lias been raided and 400 blood horses, valued at $15,000, have been captured. Boers Swarm Southward. London, Nov. .22 There has ap parently been no communication with Estcourt since noon Tuesday, and the Boers control the railroad to the Mooi river. Consequently, momentous de velopments may be expected at any time. The Boers, it seems, are swarm ing southward. Larce bodies are re ported nil around Estcourt, and the parties appear to be threatening Pietcr- maritzburg. The Boers encamped at Highlands sta tion are well supplied with artillery and all evidences show that the various Boer forces ure be'ng largely increased by ac cessions from disaffected Capo burghers. The serious deficiency in cavalry is being felt-by the British, who are unable to keep in touch with the mobile Boer forces, whose presence is hardly reported before they are lost Bight of, only to re appear at any vital point along the line of communication. General Hildyard's force, anchored at Estcourt by tho naval guard, cannot make an attack until General deary's force is capable of tak ing tho field. According to a Cape Town dispatcfi General Methuen's division left Orange river and reached Wittepute, half way to Belemont, yesterday and advices from Orange river today show'that the Boers occupy Belemont in force and that the neighboring hills are covered with Boer cannon. A patrol oi lancers wuicn nas returned to the Orange river came un expectedly on two Boer lasgers. Three shrapnel shells burst close to the lancers, who, however, were unharmed. The British transport Kildonan Castle, said to lm the largest transport in the world, which left Southampton No vember 4, with 3000 men, their kits, weapone, machine guns, ammunition, balloons, pontooue, wagons, etc., arrived at Cape Town this morning. About 35,- 000 of Buller's army corps have now arrived. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othe diseases put togethor, and until tho last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science lias proypn catarrh tobe a constitutional User ami there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Cwtarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional euro on the market. It is taken internally in closes from ten drops ton teaspoonful. It acts directly on tne oiood and mucous sunaces oi tne system. Tiiev oiler one hundred dollars lor any case it faiis to cure. Send for circulars and teetiuonials. Address, F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, oc. i b&hGh& $h8s$ v j3h8&-& & & Jh8 $4$$$ $h$h0h05 3HMM Oup Boys' Suit Sale Still goes merrilly on. A number of the choicer styles have found new owners, but it seems to have made little impression on the assortment yet on hand. Dressy, serviceable, well-made and elegantly-fitting are these suits, S and at our remarkably low clearance prices of SI, $2 and S3 for short pant suits, and $2, $4 and SO for the lone 8Jr pant st3'les, we know of no better investment for the happy father to make than to buy a half dozen suits. t i , ri and Slippers. if The new line of Felt goods we have jjgj promifed you has come and is now leady KT to be shown. Come, whether as a pur- W chaser or merely to look, you are wel- SS come. 10 Juliets. A High License l'asscd. South Bkku, Wash., Nov. 21. The city council tonight passed an ordinance ralelng the saloon license to $1000. The vote stood four in favor of the ordinance A ladieB' house shoe combining comfort with elegance; made of best black felt, fur trimmed, neat round toe, leather soles, low heel, black, per pair $1.25 Same style in better quality, red, white fur trimming $2 00 Brown, same fur trimming $2 00 Green, chinchilla fur trimming. . . .$2.00 Misses' Juliets In red only, no heel, sizes 11 to 12, per pair $1.25 Children's, sizes 0 to 10, .$1.00 Ladies' Fine Slippers. Golden brown felt, edged with silk cord to match, leatlier sole, low heel $1.50 Finer qtialitv, plain felt elipper, in red or black $1.25 Similar, black only $1.00 Commencing ..SATURDAY.. We offer until further notice Portiers, 3 yards long, 48 inches wide; of tapestry in handsome two-toned patterns, regularly 82.90, at $2.19. Tapestry Portiers, same length, oriental color effects, bombay patterns, regular!' $3.00 a pair, at $2.39. Tapestry Portiers, same size, fancy flowered designs in Maroon and gold, a 5.00 value at $3.85. Table Covers. 4-4 Chenille Table Covers, fringed, 39 cents. 4-4 Tapestry Table Cover, fringed, 50 cents, G-4 Tapestry Table Cover, rich designs, fancy fringe, 90c value at 79 cents. Draperies 52 inch Tapestry, in rich two-toned effects, an assortment of six different pieces, reduced from 75c a yard to 58 cents. Ru&s. Sultan Smyrna Hugs, reversible, with plain or fringed ends, size 30x00 inches, reduced from $1.87 to $1.25. Infant's Knit Bootees. Complete Line ISP. "Ilv . Slli. H5 "T & All shades, per pair Infant's Moccasins. Made of soft kid skin, colors white. uiue, puiK, tan, nrown, reu ana jm. black 25c W XJO.JJLLU O VV KJVJX JilL Soles. "The Nun." "The Nun" soles are tho best on the market. The sole is ot genuine leather, W covered with u thick, downey, pure, ifo white ileece. Men's sizes, per pair 35c Ladies' sizes, per pair 25c Misses' sizes, per pair 25c Children's sizes, per pair 20c w Leggings and Overgaiters. Best quality pure worsted black Jor siy laggings, half-button, knee-length. Ladies' $1.25 Misses' $1.00 Ladies' -lenath Jersey Leggings, black 90c Boys' russet leather Leggings, knee length, puckles $1.50 Ladles' 10-button cloth ,gaiters. . . . 75u 7-button 50c, 75c A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY.! to two in favor of $500 licenses. The li cense lias heretofore been $300. High license will be an issue in the coiuingelection, as the present ordinauce does not affect the present licenses, none of which will txpire until after the electlop of a now council. If the voters turn out, the prospects are iu favor of the success of high license. Dr. W. Wlxon, Italy Hill, N. V., says "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave hit wife immediate relief iu suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take. Never falls to quickly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. World's Fair Director is Dying, New Youk, Nov. 22. At 2::10 this morning, Colonel George It. D.ivia, director-general of the world's fair, was still alive, but much weaker. His physicians said they had given up hope of liis recovery. Colonel Davis lias been ill for some days witii valvular heart disease, It will not lie a eurprite to any who are at all familiar with the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Iteuiedy, to know that people everywhere take pleasure in relating their experience iu the use of that splendid medicine and in telling of the benellt they havu re ceived from it, of bud colds it has cured, of threatened attacks of pneumonia it lias averted and of the children it has saved from attacks of croup ami whoop ing cough, It is a grand, uood medicine. For sale by Blakeley A Houghton, drug gists. Fatal Koller-Skate Collision. Indki'Kndb.nci:, Or., Nov. 21. Susan, wife of diet Van Meer, of this city, died Monday night. Death was caused, it is supposed, by a fall, while skating on roller skates at the Auditorium Saturday evening, November 11, when she collided with another stater. Your I'' uon Shows the state oljyour feelings and the statu of your (health ad well, Impure I4ool makes itself apparent iu a palu ami sallow complexion, I'implea and S':in Eruptions. If you are feeling weak ami worn out and do not have healthy appearance yon tdiould try Acker's lllood Klixir. It cure all blood dlse isrs where cheap Sursupurillas and so fulled purifiers fall j knowing this w sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Use Clarke k Falk'u Itosafoam for tha teeth.