1 c7 , Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the ystem EFFECTUALLY I u. PERMANENTLY DUy THE GENUINE MANT'D BY roa SAUBTrAicn'.'G5STi set ftsectnL PEOPLE YOU ALL. KNOW. Es-Governor Moody is in the city from Salem. .. C. Graham and wife, of Vancouver, are in the city. B. F. Miller arrived in the city last nijjht from Heppner. Jesse and Mamie Iuibler are in the city from Hood Iliver. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hinkle are down from Antelope visiting relatives. T. Whitmore and wife, of Goldendale, were passengers for Portlaud this morn inf. Mrs. M. McDaniel was a passenger on th boat this morning, buund for Cali fornia. Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Hamilton, of Like county, were registered at the Umatilla yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. X. McLeod came over from Goliiemliile yesterdav and left this morning for Portland. Mrs. J. A. Geisendorfler, who has been spendinc a short time in Wasco, returned home last evening. V. H. Ward arrived in the city yes terday from Gilliam county ami is visit inu hi parents here. He is on his way to California. .lulins Fiaher has returned to The Dalles from Portland and accepted a position in Parkins' barber thop. Mr. Fiher is a popular barber and many will be please'd to hear of his return. Mrs.'A.-M. Williams came irp from Portland last night to visit hei children and sister, Mrs. Doane, before leaving ior iaiiinrnia, wnerp. witntlie temain tier of her family, she ill spend the winter. Work Will Actually lie Uesun. According to the latest reports, which reach us from headquarters, work is to be actually begun on what is called the Paul Mohr portage road tomorrow, the contract having been let to W. Winters Hnd J. W. Chapman, the former of Butte, Mont., and the latter from Spokane, and both contractors well known throughout the Northwest. C. II. Wilson, their representative, arrived in the city yesterday from Spokane, and the contractors are expected to reach here tonight, having gone through to Portland yeeterdav. A gang of about 200 men will be put to wok tomorrow, and it is thought that it will take at least five months to complete the road. Beginning at a place near the rapids, nine miles of road will he built eastward. While no very difficult work will have to be done, yet tlnre is a great deal of rock work which requires much time. We are informed that by Saturday at most tents wili he pitched, and the work begun in earnest Monday. The con tractors nnd their head men wili mak their headquarters nt the Umatilla House. AH Jmj'orlaiit Jtill'riicp, To make it apparent to thousands, who think tlo-mselves ill, that they are not afiiicted with any disease, but that " , ' , r . " unnK comior; nume to uieir Hearts, us ; "i.iu.wui. ir euie.i I'y , usiiij; cyiup oi AJiiuuiciiiretj hv the California Fijr Syrup Co. sold by all drucista. only, and Itlmiiarch'x Iron rv Was the result of ids splendid health. I inuomttabio win ami tremendous energy Witch flazel Salve cured her. It is the are not found where stomach, liver, best salve in America." It heals tsvery kldneys and bowels are out of order. If I thing and cures all tkjn dlseatee. von want these qualities and the success they brinp, use Dr. King's Now Life Pills. They develop very power of brnin and body. Only 25c nt Hlnkeley A Houghton's drugstore. ' There is more Catarrh m this section of thu country thon nil otho diceases j)tit ' together, and until the lust few years' was supposed io ho mcurauie. ior great many years doctors pronounced, it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced l it incurable. Science lias proven catarrh tobe a constitutional disease, and there- ' fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall'e Catarrab Cure, manufactured by 1 F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the , only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in dnses from ten urops to a teasnoontui. it acts uirect.y on tne o.ood and mucous suriaces oi tne system. Tiiev oiler one hundred ioaara i tor auv case it faiis to cure, send for , circulars and tesimonials. Address, 1 F. J. Chexev & Co., Toledo, O. j Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 It will not be a surprise to nny who are at all familiar with the pood qualities Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to know th&t people everywhere take easure in relat'iiL their experience in I the use of that splendid medicine and 1 in tellina of the benefit they have re- csived from it, of bad colds it has cured, of threatened attacks of pneumonia it has averted and of the children it bus saved from attacks of croup and whoop ing cough. It is a grand, good medicine. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. BUSINESS LOCALS. Use ClarketS: Falk's quinine hair'tonic to keep dandruff from the head. You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your trocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's 1 pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Fre3h Saratoga chips and salted almonds for sale at Dawson's grocery store. 11 tf Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. ' 1 Cle Elm coal $0.50 per ton; Kock Spring coal $9 per ton, delivered, at Maier & Benton's. Now is the time to sit for X:nas photos. Cloudy weather preferred for sittings. So says Gilford. novl7-lm One dozen of GitTord'e photos will make you twelve fine presents What wmitd be holidavs? appreciated more for the novlT-lm 1 Clarke & Falk have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, wagon and barn paints manufactured by James E. Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Good Racine single bugy and bar ness for sale at a bargain. Call on Hawortb, the printer, over Dalles Com mission Co. oct25-(iAw-2w "I wouldn't be without DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for any considera tion," writes Thos. B. Puiodes, Center field, 0. Infallible for piles, cuts, burns and skin diseases. Beware of counter feits. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Do you need a new pair of blankets this winter? No time like the present to buy them and inducements such as A. M. Williams are oflering, should quickly decide where you are to buy them. Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa., on the life of her child, which ehe saved from croup by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, X. Y., says ; "I heartily recommend One Minnte j Cough Cure. It gave mj wife immediate j relief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take. Never fails to quickly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. , J. D. Bridge?, Editor 'Democrat." ! Lancaster, N. II., save, "One Minute i Coiih Cure ia the best remedy for croup I ever ueed." Immediately relieves imii cures cou(he, cold, croup, asthma, ' ....... ...1.. I v. t . : . . i I ii';uiiiuiiiii, uiuiiuniu-, Ki'I'e Hnu an throat and lucg troubles. It prevents consumption. LaGrippe, with its after effects, Btinu- i j I urDLjiii n LiiiiiiHHil i ill iiKiiniu ir i nll. !.,... 1.. . I ... . T. may ie rjuicKiv cured hv One Minute Couh Cure, the only remedy produces imiueditite results in VUUISIIB, eolde, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and j throat and hint: troubles. It will pre-! vents consumption, Geo. Noland, liockland, 0., soye, "My wife had piles forty years. DoWitl't Doctors Can't Cure It! Contagious blood poison is nbsolutoly nlnv ,i0,0 lmtIont for vears on their u , mercurial and potash remedies, but ho will never be rid of the disease: on the other hand, his condition will ?rov steadily worse. S. S. S. is the only cure ' for this terriblo aflliotion, becau.-e it is the only remedy which goes direct to I the cause of tlio disease und forces it I from the system. I wns nfilleted with lllood l'otnn. ami the ' best doctors illd mo no pood, thnupli 1 took i tliolr treatment inlth- j fully. In f.tet. I scorned to not worse nil the j while. I toot: nl in oft i every so-called hi noil j remvu). uui uu-y uiujioi seem to reach tho dU ease, mid had no cftect whatever. I was dis heartened, for It seemed that I would never be cured. At the advice ot a friend I then took j S. S. S nnd lenun tolm- i prove. I continued tne medicine, nnrl It cured mo oomnletely. build- Inpupmy health ana increasing my npneme Althouch this wns ten years aco. I have never yet had a sign of the disease to return. W. It. Newman. Staunton, Va. It is liko self-destruction to continue to take potash and mercury ; besides totally destroying tho dicestion, they dry up tlio marrow in the bones, pro- . dci8 st? ?nt?;u,"ii,R .f 1 1 iruntd nmicmrr tho nnir tn full mir. fit in completely wrecking the system. 1 S.S.Sil Blood is guaranteed Purely Vegetable, and is the only blood remedy free from these dangerous minerals. Book on self-treatment sent freo by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. I had dyspepsia lifty-seven years and never found permanent relief till 1 used 1 Kodnl Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well J and feel like a new man," writes S. J. j Fleniintr, Murray, Neb. It i9 the best ; digestant known. Cnres all forms of in-1 digestion. Physicians everywhere pre- j scribe it. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cureslieirt-burn, raising of tiie food, distress after eating, I or nny form of dyspepsia. One little tablet" gives immediate relief. 123 cts. and 50 cts. Blakelev & Houcbton. drue - j gists. ! Dr. II. H. Haden, Summit, Ala., says, ' I think Kodol Dvspepsia Cure is a pplendid medicine. I prescribe it, and my confidence in it grows with continued use.'' It digests what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion. J'orne Lost. Somewhere between the postoflice and French's bank, a green morocco purse 'a tilt leather band around it. Contained !$3 in money and other change. Also calling cards. Finder please leave at ! this office and receive reward. IS lit I'ur haln. A good farm iu Klickitat county Wash., five miles from Columbus, con eisting of 210 acres. Price $1000. Apply to H. E. Curtiss at A. S. Bennett's office. iil3-diS:wliii Turkey (Shout. Tiiere will be a turkey and pigeon shoot on the beach Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 29th and 30th, conducted bv A. Y. Marsh and IsnncJoles. td-d.vw Stni Thlofl Step doing business. This is the way you feel after buying some ten cent cigars. Try our Mascot ten cent smoke nnd find out where your real friends are, Ben Ullrich; ll.ilp Wmiteil. A girl can obtain a place to do general housework in a family of two, or to as aist in work and attend school, by apply ing at this office. 21-1 w Tlm Supply Limited. Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Luke. Place your orders now for Christmas or you may get left. Gilford. iil7-lm Help Wanted. A girl who desires to do general house work can obtain employment by apply ing at J. C. Hosteller's on Fifth street. To Uuro u Colli in Out, Day. Tak Laxative Uromo Quiniue Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it f.iiln to cure. 2.1 ... IBID raifiBUAI'C .,.o ONE FOR A OOSE. TUmoTo IVaploi, rrtent 2 27f?:.ri'i'r".'?!' PILLS U-. Hia b, drj.gliu. OB. 00SAIIK0 CO. 'hlli! ol ti-t!MRS. OlilVXA W. MOPGflH. AND ABT NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash tun Streets, The Dalles. You nevot know what form ol bloodljSuE poison will follow constipation. Keopjfj the liver cleim by usintr DeWltt's Little Knrly lilsers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipa tion and liver and howel troubles. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. n.ith!-tf l)l'lrnlili- Itooiu tit Usui. A very cosy room in private hotigi', centrally located, may be rented by ap plying nt this ollice. " lS-lw Admiral George Dewey U'lll receive tho most royal welcome on Oct. lrt' Sf" ' " . M!ln. ' You will find a completo bloffraphy ofthtafrreat I hero, Including his brilliant victory over tho Spat" uh ileet In tho creat, authoritative and up- dato work of reference, tho New Werner Edition of the Encyclopaedia 1 1 1 nnica This 13 tho only encyclopedia on tho market tht mentions Admiral Dc-.rcy. It gives tho dato of h! 1 Ur'.h: how ho spent hL boyhood dr.ys; tho part ho .00' In the Civil War; how nftcr the War ho was :mp'.oyed on thoEuror:an ftathu: iu tlio Naval Academy; his rise to thu rank of Conunuuilerand President of tho lionrd of Inspection nud Survey; ) t:!a command of the Asiatic Squadron; how on I April 2."lh ho left IIccc Kong with his squadron. ! found and ucstrcyea mo spamm ticet. nt Jiamia, M May 1st; his npclntracn'. as Actinc Itcar Ad' tniral, tho houora ho received from Congress, and Low on Jlarch 2nd, 1800, he woo created full Ad miral. It speaks of him as a strict disciplinarian, r.n all-around athlete, a daring horseman and huntsman, and socially a good club man and a (jcncrU favorite. It tells of his marriage to Xhl Susy Goodwin, ft dnufihtcr of tho "flghtliiR gov ernor" of New Hampshire, who died in 1672, leav ing a son, Gcorgo Goodwin Dcvrcy. Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of tho Oregon and tcores of other noted jnonages not c?en mentioned .n any otticr ncycloiidla receive tlio tamo attention in this edition of tho Encyclopaedia Britannica It speaks of General W-wl as Governor of Sar.tl ago; of General Iicnry ns Governor-General o: I'orto lilco; of Aguinaldo'G declaration of Wat against tho U. S. YOU HEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge nnd progress, wherein Infor mation h moro easily found and acquired thun In nny other took or encyclopedia In tho wotlu IN YOUR HOME. 0C DALE B7 I. C. NICKELSEN, IIUMTIMHTON II h WILSON U.NTI.VGTON J; WILSON. ATlOilNKYS AT LAW, u.u.l.r.n, IJUKU J.N 03ice oVr First Nat. IJatik- Executor's Notice. Notice Is hcrehy given thiit the: iiiiili.-mlgutd linn been appointed by onli-r ot the county court ot tlio htute of Orciroii for Wurro county null ny the will of Jlnry HIIIk, deeeisi-d. executor of tlio lint will unit testament of mid Jlnry Mild, !,. ceiiwjil. Alt in(in hnvlng liliilinN g.init miIU c.iMtuuru hereby notllltd to jin-xent them with thu nroner toiicnurh to inn ui tin. oiiio. .r 1 1 . lngtoii a V llsori, ihu Dallei, Oregon, within ,ilx months from the dine of this notice. Iwted Octoler luth, WW ... JUN M. JIAKDKN, C11U lUeeutor Executor's Notice. All tmrMiiih ImviiiKelHlrns iiKiilnat tho eitnto of vlUrtbuth Aim t.'iitei, dete,e(l, nru hereby iiotllk-d to present tlio miiio, properly verified, at tbeofllco if the iiiirtumlKiied, tho duly ,, jiolnted executor of mild esliite, nt Inilles City uri-Kou, within Mx nioutlm from the linte of tho piibllcn tlmi ol this notice. iJUieu tile uin uuy of October, Wm. o li.ii ,:;Ior. NOTICE FOH I'UIJLICATION, V. 8. Lanij Oi tick, at Tiik Dam.kji. Obi: j Notice In hereby given tlmt the followltii. tiamti Mtttler has filed not to of hU lute un, i (,, i 7 .J i'""", uiM'ri oi inn eimiri, mill v K M. M I-? Hl.ll UWIS Utl'lX .1. towimhlp (uirf Ii . ruin... l'l ll .. ."ii " 1 1 ,, , i, cms. Jiner. ol Monler, erinun nuiiieiiimi Tho Dulles, Oreiioii. of JAY I', LUi.'AH, Itetflatcr octMl ji "K day, November 11 y vZ: ' rtg ""' "" b,ltur- h.i 'i 'irJ.'iiV.'f " ""'t'".1 '!' Uh P'"1'". "1 m..,i.iUm f t i V . tbi t siid prooi will Imi Hindu beloru the n-ulsler Mttthla. j-hiei, f MnMur, Orngon. ud reeefver nt The Dulles, OitKou, oil I rlcJiiy. I ouiestead Kutrv No. m.v f.., iiw.uu-r. v...... Decuinlier !fJ. lMlil. viz! ' " ' ' nul J' I IBs Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavlnRS, corn cobs, hay or poat. o$o.--oQo. Constructlon-TliN Is nil nlr tleht lunler of the ovnl shirt steW tvw: It hu I-AST UtOX LlNINtiS, iiiiiklui; It ilurnhlu. iiln Jitii iriiu fctd ilniir. ciiit lop nnd bnttom mid (iriuiiiimitiil rmIiir lop, with Krlddlo cover iiiuleineiitli. NlokllnB Ithns nickeled urn, inillio pinte nnd foot mils. Wo luivv it Clllllplt'tU itOl'k Ot tlHMII on llllllll. i nil nnd see our stock befiue bujIiiK elsuuhete. The Busy Store. Knell day our business shows thu people tiro fitirlitiir out wo uru pushtng to tho front with bettor noods, lower prices, salespeople the vory host, nnd last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. .GHAS. FMffK, Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on drnuitht thu eeliihrnted coi.tJiiiiiA iii:i:it, iicknowi- eilcul the la'st beer In The Ilnllcs, nttheuiunl price, (."omii In, try it ii mi be couvinieil. Alto the Klin-st br U of Wlneh, l.lauur niul Cleitra. Sanduriehes of all Kinds nhviiys on hand. jQlt- OKIHKNllORFKEU Piiysician and Surgeon, B)cclul utleiitlou Klveu to Htirsjcry, ItooniH 'Jl mid !tt. Tel. :S VoKt Uloc jrjA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllee over French A (.'o.'h Hunk I'houo f, TIIK DAI.liKS.OKKGp.N ' r. hcoih:. JOHN OAVIN MOOKB & GA.VIN, ATTOItNKVH AT LAW. Itooinn aa and 10, over U. fi, Und Olllee. KOTICH lOU I'UULIOATIOX. LA.Nh OFMOK AT TIIK DAI.l.KH, OllKllOKI Lollco Is hereby Nov. 'Ji, 'J, Milton H. Kuk, uf Tti uH, r, W .M, - i.il,J,n?i,nw tUo '"""wS'iK witiimc to jirovc liUcoutliiuoiureiildeuee iiiMin mid eultivntiou ticunu, vus iu-nn,''"K"ii,0,.",r,B" ""'y'l '"' Matiioy HlllUlu Woodiiuii. nll of Thu Dillon, oiu. ' JAV I', l.UCAij, JlegUter. hi I elsenhete. Irjl j piaief t lemon g urriur. AT 1 UK IMI.I.XH, UllEIIOK) Nov. .(). IX'J. i itoueu is Lcri'tii vii-..ti n... ...u,... , .... Tie Dalles. Portlanfl aii inm, Navigation Co.' I Dully (except Stimiuv) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt wny point on imtj. &idei ..... Columblii river. Ittl lloth of tho nhove Ktenmeni lmve been retail. nnd nru Tim KrKUlntiir I.li.i- will onilnivur toVii piitroim the best service possible. l01M' in ur:iii-i.i Miiipu nir llie seniiin nMr l or Ciiiiifi.rt, Ktiiinomy i.titl luin tinvul by thu hteiiuierit of Tim tttjuiVt,' TheitenincrMof the UeBUlntor Mnn will MH Dnllm nt 7 u. m. cmiuneiiclnc .Muinlar ih.H lust. Portland Olllcc. Oak Ht. Dock. l'l-c DhIImoOm I'otirthtrwt W. C. xllaway, tiencra AesL EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -or TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'f. Tralim lenveand lire due to arrive nt l'ottlii I.KAVR. .' OVKIlhANl) KX-l tiresi, t-idoni, Kme I liurK, Ashluiid, hue-1 ?:CO P.M. riiuienti), 0;deu,hiui I Fninclieo, Mojnve, f D;I5A,!I l.os AiiKt'lu,i:i l'nso. I New urloun.i mull. I Hunt ... . . ItiweburB nnd wiiy sui tloim . ... 1:30 P. X siilO A. JI. Dully except miuduya 17:30 A. M. i in noouour ior 1 I . .. i i . .... ? Mt.AiiKel, HUverlnii, Dillr lb o, llrnwns. ctMot llle.SnrlnElleM anil ' RuiiJitl Natron .... I jCorvnllls (Htntlous nnd wny) ,5:S0 F.M. INDKl'KNUEN'CK TABSKNCiUU. EiprtM tnla Dnlly (except Hunibiy). liWp. in. (I.v Portland Ar.) 6:25 i.m 7:.sup. in. Ai .McMliinvllle l.v. 6:Mi,b h:;i() p. ui. tAr..ni .Iudceiiileia'e lially. I Dally, except nuiultur. DINING OAH8 ON OGDES ItOCTE. I'L'l.hMAN llt'KKKT KUKI'EIU AND fiKCOND-UlSri BLKEl'ING CARS Attached to nil Throucli Tralai. Dlrret rounectioii nt Kin i-miichco with Ocel diiiiti'.l mid Oriental anil l'neillc mull HwaiUp lines for JAl'AN nnd CHINA, hulling (Uta on iij pllcutlon. Uiitennuil tickets to Kustern joint1 rime. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HUNOUlUi ol Al'HTUAl.lA. All nbovu trnliiH nrrlvo nt nnil dejrt Irw (iriiud Coutrul Htntlou, Fifth nnd Irvun ib YAM 11 ll.h DIVIHION. 1'iHsouKcr Depot, foot of JellernoniW iA'itvu for Hherldnn. week iluye, Arrive nt Portluud, v.W a. m. Ia'Bvc for AlltUK on Mondiiy, WdatriilJjJ Krl'iny nt fe. 'Mn. m. Arriv nt l'ortUM,n dnv, Thursday nnd tinturdiu it B.uip.B. Kxcejit Sunduy. Kxeept tiaturdr, K. Kt. Kl.i.KU, 0. H- JIAKKHW. -Innuacr. Asst. (. l.il'".Al Through Tlekut Ofilrc, 131 Third itrt.W mates, i.iuiiion niiu curopu ua uv lowest rules from . ., , , J. II. KIltKbAND, Ticket At or N. V1U;a1.DON. 1$ ...STEAM... !! Wood Saw Will run m'rv ihty exri-pt Sunday. llutt'H Reitfcoiiuble. Telephone 201. A. CATES, Prop. t w. C. S. Smith, Till dp-to-date Ciroeer Frt'sh Kj!kb ""'I Cri-ftuiery Jiutter u Hpuulftlty. Phone 370. & 00, 2d Street. FRENCH BANKERS. rUANHACTA KNEHALHANKINO JlUH"' Lettora of Credit lenund nvullaUie w - Eastern bww. .. DI..I.4 V. l...nra 1111(1 'rnafi an d oil NOW l OIUII I. C1UWII'. i, i. 8t. Loul, finFrndBc.IgT yon, Seattle Wab nnd VBrioM P rn Oregon and Wmiiiubi' . tf 08 t- strs. Regulator Dalles City VUllWIllUUS Wf.w - . ortble termi.