The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 21, 1899, Image 3

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Judge us by what we
are doing1.
Judge us by the con
tinued crowd of buyers.
Judge us by the cloth
ing your friends have pur
chased. Judge us by our prices.
For one week
For ono week wo will give you a lino of
from 3 yarda of 50-in. goods to 4 yards of 46-in. goods,
All at One Price.
These are ns choice things as we have shown this
peason, and while the cost of these goods vary greatly,
we will give you your choice for
per pattern. Look at our east window display.
In this offer we do not include a year's subscription
to the Designer, but all goods not included in Special
Sale will remain us follows:
To any purchaser of a Ladies' Dress Pattern of goods
at 50c per yHrd or over, wo will give
One Year's Subscription
to the Designer, the best magazine iesued by any paper
pattern publisher in this country.
Fine Suits, Skirts, Capes,
Coats, Furs and Wrappers.
Women's Tailor-made Suits, in black and tan serge;
worth $8.75 $5.95
Women's Tailor-made Suits, in black and blue
serge $10.50, $12.75. $13.50
Women's Tailor-made Suits, in camel's hair serge,
all cut in up-to-date styles; new habit or plait
ed back skirts ; jackets are fly front, tight fitting
and silk lined $10, $17, $18.75, $20.00
Handsome Jackets ; Oxfords, Cheviots and fine Ker
seys, new dip front; Jackets that would be con
sidered good value at $15 Our price $10.00
We offer this week a good Baltic Seal Collarette,
with Astrachan yoke; lined with heavy satin ;
hicti storm collar; would be very cheap" at $10;
our price ". $7.00
An Electric Seal Collarette, with fancy figured lin
ing; high collar; good value at $4 ; our price, $2.50
Special Sale, Flannelette Wrappers.
All our flannelette Wrappers, wnists lined with
splisia and yoke trimmed with braid; good
wide skirt 75c
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- NOV. 21, 18f9
Telephone No. 1.
bjrved in
style by
Edison's Wnrngraph Company
Will appear at the Vogt tonight.
Tomorrow is tho last day of A, M.
Williams & Go.'a linen ealo. Have you
bought your new linens?
Tonight is tho regular night for the
band concert at the club rooms, which
ulwaye assures a large attendance of
members and their lady friends,
A number have made the trip to the
seaside to watch the breakers break and
the rollers roll, Witnesses say the ocean
now Is grand from land point of view.
W. K. Brown, who stabbed his wife in
such a fiend lib manner on the morning
of the 10th, is having his preliminary
hearing in Justice liuyttrd'e court this
afternoon. Mrs, lirowti is improving
rapidly, and is able to sit up today.
A gentlemanly boy Is liked wherever
he goes. You, fathers, do not overlook
the fact that good clotheB go a long ways
toward improving a boy's appearance,
and will stimulate his gentlemanly in
clinations. A. M. Williams & Co.'s
sale of boys' suits affords an excellent
opportunity for u small sum, to dress
your boy properly.
Friday evening is the date for the pext
club dunce, when the full orchestra will
be on hind to furnish music. Inquiring
as to the certainty of their appearance,
wo ure informed Unit they haye been
engaged for the remaining dances, which
necessitates an extra amount of $1,50
being paid by each member, and that,
while all no doubt arc willing to meet
this deficit, some have neglected to pay
it. It would save any uncertainty were
they to give the mutter their attention
before Friday evening.
Tho Students' Literary Club of The
DalleB will meet on Friday, Nov. iHtli,
at 7:30 p. in., in tho council chambers.
The club already has a large member
ship which is increasing rapidly. Tho
question for debate Friday will be 'He
solved that the acquisition of the Phil'
ippines would be beneficial to the United
States," The debates will be both in
structive and interesting, and the de
lators will include some of the best
talent in the city. The moot-courts will
be mi important feature of the club, and
will be hold every third or fourth meet
ing, All persons interested In literary
work are invited to attend the meeting
Friday ovening.
The motion for a new trial in the case
of the State vs. Joseph Ganteman was
denied by the court yesterday afternoon,
and this morning at 0 o'clock he was
sentenced to two years in the statu pen
itentiary. As explained in Saturday's
issue, tho case was one in which the
defendant was Indicted for uttering a
forged check, haying presented ii forged
check for $105 on the First National
Hank in Chas. Frank's saloon last May,
He fled to Sumpter and was arrested
there. lie will bo takin to Salem to
morrow. Ganteman is a married man
and Iiub five children, and their home
is about a mile out of Portland, So he
not only suffers for his crime, but the
sin of the father will be visited on the
innocent children.
At a special meeting ot the Hook and
Ladder boys Intt night $205 was donated
to the lund for the improvement of the
fire department apparatus; This is a
mostcouiuie'idablo move on their part;
but not the first one; the company i
deserving of much credit for the manner
in which they have worked to further
the end in view. Not that nil of the de-r
partment have not been interested; but
being composed, ns it is, of so many
young men who hnvo no property of
their own to defend, makes thnir efforts
doubly commendable. Then, though
their work at the timeof a conflagration
is most dangerous, yet they wero never
known to flinch. Every citizen will be
glad to see them equipped, as they
should have been long since, with a
complete outfit for fighting the flames
and protecting property.
Quito a little excitement was caused at
tho dock this morning and passengers
were much amused to see a woman as
sert her rights to the extent that she
kept a would-be passenger from making
the trip down the river. It seems that
the man in question was indebted to her
to the amount of $-7 for board, and
learning that ho was about to "ekip,"
she made her appearance at the dock
and as he was about to step on board
grabbed hold of his coat collar the while
she exclaimed: "Oh, no you don't.
You can't go until you pay that $27 you
owe me." Tho man seemed helpless
and making no further endeavor to
evade her claim, trotted in a docilo
manner up tho street with her. Sym
pathy Eeemed to be on her side, and the
lookers-on wero evidently pleased with
her victory. We know nothing of the
case; but he who would endeavor to
cheat n woman out of hard earned money
deserves the treatment he received, and
more severe measures might well be
Last night a gang of men arrived in
the city and this morning were put to
work on the Oregon Telephone system
by Manager Vorse. The increase of
business has made It necessnry to en
tirely rebuild the leads and lines
throughout the city, which will virtual
ly make an entirely new system. A new
switch board will be put in the office
here, including a calculagraph for re
cording the time of conversation. The
board. was designed and constructed for
the Express tystem, and is modern in
every detail. The local office, in
Blakeley & Houghton's store, is also be
ing enlarged, and will be 12x15 feet in
size, with new fixtures and furniture.
During the week the company will re
ceive eixty-five miles of No. 12 copper
wire to replace the aluminum wire on
the line between Dufur and Cross
Hollows. Tiiey are nothing if not ag
gressive, and already ate preparing to
complete a system to be placed in tho
Shaniko office.
After all that has been said and the
trouble which has arisen from the sale
of liquor to Indians, no eflbrt seeing to
be, put forth to stop it, . rod nearly every
day arrests are made fi drunken and
quarrelsome Indians. Last night two
old offenders. Jim Walser and hreeon,
John, made their appearance at Slcibbe's
bar, in an intoxicated condition ar.d de-
nanuea liquor. ut tmrtender re
fused and a row ensued, when theyouni;
fellow drew a wicked looking knife. Tho
bartender grabbed a piece ot garden hoso
lying near and etruck the fellow in tho
face, when some one near gave taeeded
assistance. Nightwtitchman -Phirman
eoon made his appearance and the dis
turbers were arrested and spent the night
in the city jail. Thus t; tragedy was nar
rowly averted; but iiuless some tneaim
ts -soon employed to stop thiB traffic with
the Indians, the time will come when
souieotie will suffer the consequences.
Tfeeee fellows acknowledged that they
got their whiskey iu a sr'con here,
which should be eiwiuh to furnish a
duo which would lead to the arrest o;
the parties guilty of sailing it.
The Teli-eriint Apirrltf Tim Ditllcn
and UiMlcrntntnlH tlin Situation.
An Important Il(l'f oner.
To make it apparent to thousand?,
who t4iink themselves ill, that they uro
not afiiicted with any disease, but that
the system simply needs closuring, is to
bring comfort homo to their hearts, as
a costive condition is eafeily cured by
using Syrup of Fige. Manufactured by
tho California Fig Syrup Co. only, and
sold by all druggists.
llUmarck'a Iron .Nurvo
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels ure out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's Now Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Wukeley
& Honghtoii's drugstore. 2
I'uriii Lost.
Somewhere between the postolliee and
French's hank, a green morocco purse
with leather band around it. Contained
$5 In money and other change. Also
calling curds. Finder please leave at
this ollico and receive reward. IS Ut
Help AVantvd.
A girl can obtain a place to do general
housework in a family of two, or to af
slst in work and attend school, by applj
ing at this office. 21-1 w
Use Clarke & Falk's Koeafoain for the
green each Bpring on the thousand hills,
and the grain upon tho extended
prairies, by which It is eurrounded."
Who Shall ftf-Klotrr, nnil Mow.
Wbilo many of tho small papers
throughout Eastern Oregon nnd Wash
ington ate continually endeavoring to
sound the death knell to The Dalles and
give the impression that it is a doomed
city, tho largest nnd moet influential
publications in tho Etate realize just
what the truo situation is in regard to
our city. As is its wont, tho Portland
Telegram sees matters just as they are,
and without flattery or undue credit,
sums the situation up in nn editorial
which our citizens will gn;atly appre
ciate, coming as it does, from a paper
whose influence is eo far reaching. That
Dalles people already hold the Tele-.
gram to great regard is evidenced oy i
its large subscription list here, and by
the fact that the midnight train, which
drops it nt the "Gateway City," always
finds a number of our leading citizens
waiting to read it before retiring. The
kindly words which it speaks for us
when so many are intent on criticism,
will do much to intensify this friendly
feeling and gain many friends for that
popular journal. The article referred to
save :
"Uniquely and fortunately located,
Dalles City Iibb been for nearly half n
century a prominent point in Oregon,
and, notwithstanding some hard knocks)
it is today oneof the richest and prettiest
towns in the Pacific Northwest. Prob
ably no other town in this region lias
done so large a business in proportion' to
population, and in none has a greater
proportion of business men prospered.
The construction of the O. It. & N.
railway was a hard blow to The Dalles,
as it is popularly called; the removal of
the car shops to Albina was another;
and on several occasions fire haB de
stroyed a considerable portion of the
business district; but through all The
Dalles has held its own, and is now one
of the most prosperous townB iu the
state. This has been largely due to its
location at the head of navigation of the
river, after the completion of tno rail
road, and at a point to which a very
large region of country is geographically
tributary. For a hundred miles or
more southward everybody had to come
to The Dalles to come "to town," and
do yet; and that region now contains n
great number o'i farmers us well ns of
-'"The building of the Columbia South
ern railroad, which Eomeday will traverse
the breadth of.Oregon, is on the surface
somewhat inimical to the business in
terests of The Dalles, as it joinH tho O.
R. & N. a considerable distance above
that city; and the business men of The
Dalles are planning ways and means to
retain tfeo trade of the region through
which the railroad passes. This they
may not be able to do to quite so great
an extent as they have done heretofore,
but ae t'.ie region around The Dalles de
velops ind fills up, tho loss on account
of the buildingof theColumbia Southern
will be more than made up.
"Tikre will scarcely be nny town
away from thoiver'feo rival Tho Dalles,
Hud while It is important for its business
men to bo alive and active, yet they
have no great occasion to worr" about
the future. The Dalies vil ho a good,
prosperous, growing town ne long as the
Columbia flows past it over its sandy
bed, und as long as tho grass grows
A settler writing to the Orcgotiiati
concerning the registering question re
ceives tho following answer:
"The law requires that every voter In
the slate shall register. If a voter Uvea
at a great distance from the county peat
he can register with a justice of the
peace or n notary public. A book con
taining the registration of nil tho voters
(n the county will bo prepared, and from,
this smaller books will be made, giving
the list of electors in eacli precinct.
There will bo plenty of time for every
voter tn get registered, ne the bonks will
he open for registration from the first
Monday iu January, 1900. to 5 p. m.
May 15th. There are provisions where
by a person who has been unable to
register may be allowed to vote, but
they Involve much trouble, and it will
be advisable for every voter to register.
Any person wiio fraudulently registers
more than one, or under any but his
true name, or who shall attempt to vote
by personating another, shall be pun
ished by imprisonment in the penitent
tiary not less than one year nor more
than three years, or by fine of not less
than $100 nor more than $2000, or by
both euch fine and imprisonment.
Under this law, the old style of voting
'early and often' will bo done away
Smoke to Your Owu I'rollt,
As well as ours. 'Tis not bow much
you smoke, but how you enjoy It. Try
our Mascot ten cmis a oeal product
that beats the woild. Hen Ullrich.
I had dyppepsia fifty-seven years and
never found permanent relief till 1 used
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well
and feel like n new man," writes S. J.
Fleming, Murray, Neb. It is the best
digeBtant known. Cures all forma of in
digestion. Physicians everywhere pre
scribe it.
A now Euit for Tlfanksgviving Day
would suit your boy admirably, and
would give him something to be espec
ially thankful for. A. M. Williams &
Co.'s are making it easy for you. One,
two and three dollars.
Help Wnntnl.
A girl who desires to do general house
work can obtain employment by apply
ing at J. C. Hoetetler'e on Fifth street.
Tne values A. M. Williams & Co. are
offering atone, two and three dollars in
boys school suits, area splendid surprise
to many. That these offering are ap
preciated can readily bo seen by the
steady stream of customers they are hav
ing today.
To Cure a Colrt iu One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund ti.e money if
it fails to cur-. 25c.
Geo. Nolnnd, Rockland, O., Bays, "My
wife hnd piles forty yenrs. DeWitt's.
1 Witch HbzsI Salve cured her. It is tho
I best salve in America." It heals every
thing, and cures all skin diseases.
! Cle Elm coal $0.50 per ton; Rock.
Springs $9 per ton, delivered, at
Maier & Benton's.
Fresh Saratoga chips nnd salted
aluionds for salu at Dawson's grocery
store. 11-tf
ir.'irjir.rA j a jxt j.r AJ auja; atwj a? Apt ta. ? aa":"a: at, at a j a-va-ta ra r;JLTJ
Mlson Aitf-Tight Heater
; There tiro othor A 1R-TK1HTS, but nono that equal
? tho WILSON.
....SOLD ONLY BY,.,.
w ......