vTI)c VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1899. NO 89 BOERS HAVE ESTCOORT CUT OFF MM at Litem! Unto Present Con dilioiis Will Taj Geueralsliip. JOUBERT DIRECT ING MOVEMENTS Uocrs Command Every Exit to the City and Know the British Strength Heavy Fight at Ladysniitb. London", Nov. 20. The preBent week, according to the dispatches from the front, ought to see a clmnge in the de fensive tactics hitherto maintained by the British in South Africa. It is said the task allotted to Genoral Cleary, thnt of relieving Ladysmlth, will test hie generalship to the utmost. The Boers are developing groat deal of strength in the neighborhood of Kstcourt, and General Jouhert is reported to he moving Ruutiiwnrd himsolf in order to direct the movement to repel the British advance, after, it would seem, attempting to isolate EBtcourt. Tina latter movement 1b already in progress. The Boers practically eur- round the town. Another email force was discovered at Willow Grange, south of Eitcourt yesterday (Sunday) evening. Major Thorueycroft, with a detachment of infantry, made a sortie nud engaged the Boors, but witii no material result. Tiie so-called Boer attempts to rush Eatcourt on Saturday were apparently merely a reconnaissance resulting in the Boers obtaining the information which they desired, namely, that Estcourt is fairly strougly held ami lias naval guns in position. The Boers then withdrew out of danger, hut remained at points commanding exits from the town. Terrific Battle Thursday. London, Nov. 20. A special dispatch from Estcourt, dated November 20, says a report has reached there of a battle at Ladysmith Wednesday, November lo, lasting from daybreak until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Many Boers are said to have been killed, uud many are reported taken prisoners. The British lushes ure reported to be much less. Another battle is said to have occurred Thursday. It is described as the heaviest yet fought. The Boers' dead, it is added, number hundreds, while the Britieh losses were comparatively email. Attack Delayed Too Long. NbwYokk, Nov. 20. A dispatch to the Tribune from London eaye: Estcourt has remained the center of interest for the last twenty-four hours, since the Dutch allies are attempting to carry out, at the last moment, the tactics which might have been most effective a fort night ago. The war ofllco bulletin during the forenoon tended to minimize the earlier reports of a Boer repulse by the garrison. It was a slight outpost affair, with a single shell fired from the naval gun and a hasty retreat after email fire of the enemy. YOUNGSTERS ARE TOUGH Kao Away From Reform School and Went to Thieving. Sai.km, Nov. 10. Harry Brown nnd Walter Bradley, two boys about 10 years old, who escaped from the reform school Wednesday, were recaptured by Sheriff Durutn and Deputy Sheriff Colbath, about three miles south of Salem, this morning. They had established a camp iu some heavy timber and wore carrying on thieving operations In the neighbor hood, entering bouses at night and sleep ng during the day. They hud stolen a horse and a large number of articles of small value, which were found at their camp, showing that they had Uken full advantage of their brief liberty. Brown was sent to the reform school from Jacksonville. Bradley was former ly a charge of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, in Portland. Both hjys are tough characters. Gentiles Oppose Roberts. Salt Lake, Nov. 19. The Democratic state committee had a meeting yester day, chiefly to consider the Roberts case. James H. Moyle, chairman and a Mor mon, urged that counter-petitions be gotten up, providing tl.nt Roberts be seated. One ofter another of the Gen tile members arose and opposed this, saying that they had voted for Roberts as a Democrat, on the expectation that he would be able to clear up all the charges made against him by the op position, as he had agreed to do. Roberts was arraigned for what was called hiB bad faith in failing to do this, and it was declared that he had made a foe t ball of the Democratic party, as well as of prominent Democrats. The Gentile Democrats were unanimous in opposition to the proposition to get up petlyions for Roberts. Thereupon the Mormon members dropped the ruattf-.r, the chief purpose of the meeting having failed. A lurge number of prominent Democrats throughout the state were present, Mor mon and Gentile, and as far as teported but one was in favor of the proposed Roberts petition. Uneil Hy Itrltldlt Soldier In Africa. Capt. O. G. Dennison is well known all over Africa as commander of the forces that captured the famous rebel GaliBhe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897, from Vryburg, Bechuanaland, he writes: "Before stirring on the last campaign 1 bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used myeelf when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every case it proved moEt beneficial." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. INDUSTRIES IN BAD CONDITION In Two Proviuces the Destruction in Sugar Interests Alone Is Estimated at ,68o,ooo,ooo, and There Are No Efforts at Rebuilding. New Yoiik, Nov. 20. Dr. Joseph L. Hance, who for four years preceding the war between this country and Spain waa United States consul at Cardenas, Cuba, has just returned from Cuba. He went there last June to attend to some legal husiness and to make himself familiar with conditions throughout the island. He journeyed on horseback in almost every part of Cuba, visiting especially many of the large sugar plantations. "Publfc opinion in America," be said, "is formed by reports from Havana. There vou get only oue side of the story, and the least important eide as regards questions of administration. To com prehend the industrial pursuits, it is necessary to visit the large agricultural and mining interests of the country, and especially the great sugar plantations. Sugar is rarely seen on uny of the plan tation now. In the provinces of Havana and Santa Clara, for a thousand miles all the cano has beeii destroyed. The machinery destroyed will average $000,- 000 per mill, making the total destruction $400,000,000. The cane lost averages $200,000; makinga total loss of $200,000, 000; stock aud implements, $80,000,000. The total loss on these plantations pro ducing sugar therefore readies $080,-000,000. "Adventurers have promulgated the idea that planters will not have adequate protection in Cuba, nnd therefore nothing is being done toward replanting tue burned fleldsor replacing the machinery. This, too, In spite of the fact that some of the best land ItfCuba cau now be had cheap. Outside ol Havana, the politic al agitation that is kept up is greatly deplored, Every 0110 on the island who has any property at stake desires a con tinuance of American occupation or any form of government uuderour protection that will afford stability." W?sr 1 f Shoe Dep't News... MEN'S TAN up-to-date winter shoes reduced rrom $4.00 lo $2.85 This eutire line goes. LADIES' up-to-date black vici kid, vesting top, isce shoes; re duced from $3.50 to $2.65 Entire line goes. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S up-to-date lace Bboes, medium and heavy eoles, vici kid uppers, sizes 8i to 11 ; reduced from $1.50 to. .$1.20 Sizes 11J to 2 reduced from $1.75 to $1.40 I One Word. These lines represent shoes that are thoroughly up-to-date in every respect. There if nothing more desirable in the house. Tablets Free with all sliue purchases. Ask for them. See Windows. Our special sale of TABLE LINENS In order to cive everyone an equal chance, will continue until Wednesday, S p. m. -tf- -"v- r -r HP- Vr- TV (r jyf 'P' r "ir it w OUR GREHT ..Clearance Sale..! OF BOYS' AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS opened this morning and will continue until further notice. Now is the time to "buy. Our usual January Clearance Sale is happening just when Boys' Clothing Is In Demand. 1 Not after the season is half over and every one has already bought. Could we present a better argument why you should buy. Every appreciative parent who is equally willing to save a dollar when the opportunity offers, will j take advantage of this errand sale. ' W 490 Boy's Knee Pant Suits from $1.50 to 85.50: in sizes from 3 to 14. vears are now beinir offered vou at the special price of fl $ 1, 12, i3. 430 Boy's and Young Men's Long Pant Suits worth from $2.85 to 10.00, in sis?s from Jll to 20 years, are now being offered at the special prices of ! ! s $ 2. 14. S6. In addition to these linos wo selected a special lot of Boys' Long Pants, worth from 90c lo 2 pr. pr. Tako your choico at just half the regular prioe. "ATia-rk'o Panfo TW0 I'OTS. 25 pair "IVrzaTl'c Stni cs One lot of 75 suits, sizes IVieU S Jran LS. of Men's Pants, worth lwLtJU b OUltb from !15 to 42, ranging in $2 25 to $4 50 a pair, your choice if 1 50. prices from if3.5d to $0.50 ; a chance is here offered to 34 pair Men's Pants, worth from $1.25 to $2.50 per ' who needs a good, warm wor hq f)f pair, your choice $1.00. Ing suit. Any suit in the lot for piJ.JJ A IV I XAII I IAIVIO A rniIDAMV AA. ivi . vviUL-inmu w vvivirniv i The Chief Approves. Washington', Nov. 10. The report of the engineers in favor, of an improve ment at the mouth cf the Columbia river to secure forty feet of water over the bar, will he sent to congress with the approval of the chief of engineers. The opinion of the engineers is that the proposed improvement is oue of the most important to be presented to con gress. It is expected that favorable action by congress looking to the 40-foot channel will be followed immediately with another proposition for a channel of thirty feet from the mouth of the Columbia to Portland, Those who are familiar with the commerce of the river and conditions now existing say both these improvements should be made with the least possible delay. Volcaulu Bruitluim Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen'd Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running nud fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Wurts, Oute, Bruises, Burns, tScalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains nnd aches. Onlv 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. - Theodore Thomas Is Still Mail. CfiiCAoo, Nov. 10. The Chicago or chestra under the leadership of Theodore Thomas has decided to decline t ho invi t:lloji of the directors of the Paris expo sition to attend that show in 1000. Mr. Thomas freely admits that the verdict iu the Dreyfus case was responsible fur his determination to remain away from the exposition. Hvaugclist Moody Improved. East Noutiifiki.J), Mass., Nov. 10. 1) wight L. Moody, who on Thursday suffered an attack of heart trouble while i ougaged In evangelical work in Kansas City, reached his home here today, and is tonight resting comfortably. Shortly after his arrival, Dr. Sehaulller, who at tended Mr. Moody on his trip from Kan sas City, issued this bulletin : "The general condition of Mr. Moody has much improved, I look to see him gradually recover. He has no valvular disease of the heart." Von nevei know what iorm ot blood poUnu will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using DeWitt's Little Karly Itlsers and you will avoid trouble They are famous little pills for constipa tion and liver and bowel troubles.