I The Dalles, PoiHani and TRULY A fl f p If 1MB Jiii II iJlll tMLi GIRAFFES IN AFRICA. J....... mt hi i j- iVJI i GUERRILLA WAR Navigation Co.' Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEAnses the System OVFPCOMFS lsrr& .tualCoNST'-on ' 1 UAt PERMANENTLY OUT THE GENUINE MANT'D By rcasAuetiiscwsoUTi rsxisc. ftRsemL I'KIH'LE YOC AM. KNOW. C. M. Brock came down from Wasco yesterday. J. 11. Sherar is doing business in the city today. Thos. Batty 19 in from his home at Wnpinitia. Thoi. Bnrces? came in on yesterday's etage from Bat eoven. Mies F. Woodbury is in the city, the guest of Mrs. H. S. Wilson. Mrs. E. Lusher was a passenger on this morning's boat, bound for Van couver. C. B. Durbin came tip from Portland Saturday night and spent yesterday and today in the city. Grant Mays left on this afternoon train for San" Francisco, where he will spend the nest two weeks. Mrs! E. M. Smith, wife of the agent of the Columbia Southern at Wasco, is in the city visiting friends. After a short visit with her daughters in this city, Mrs. C.N. Thombury re turned to Portland Saturday. E B. Ho'.man. a prominent etoclcinan of Prineville, arrived in town last nitriit' and left this morning for Portland. Mr. and Sirs. .1. A. Stevens c.nie up last night from Portland and left this morning for their tiome at Dufur. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Saunders came in today from th Rice home near Ewlereby and have moved into the Hardwick property on Liberty street. Robert Maye, Jr., and E. C. Goodwin, of the Antelope Herald, who have epnt a few days in the city, left yesterday afternoon on their return trip to Ante lope. Mrs. E. C. Spicer arrived last night from California on her wav to visit tier eou at Antelope. She was accompanied I as far ob this place by Mrs. Mamie Noe and Miss Cora .Tones, who continued their journey to the hast last night. iitni a in t i iiiiiuii xiiti i ncitt 1 down on the boat tbh morning to Port-1 land. here thev will attend the wed-! Mr. and Mrs. Truman Butler went ding of Mi-H Nellie Butler and Dr. E L. Kickern. which takes place at tt.e home of the pride, on the East side, Wednes day. BUSINESS LOCALS, Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house, tf Ahh your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Use C!arke& Falk'a quinine hairltonic to Steep dandfitfffroin the head. Yon will not have boils if you tako Clarke & Falk'i sure cure for b-iils. Clurko & Falk'e fl ivoring extracts are the beat. Ask your grocer for them. Fioral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Fulk. tnnii uiir iiwunn niui paium uiut arts fully guaranteed to Ihm. Clarke & Ftilk have them. "I wouldn't be without DeWiit'd Whch Hazel Salve for any considera tion," writes Tho. B. Rnodee, Center field, O, Infallible for piles, cute, burns and skin diseases. Beviure uf counter feits. Dr. W, Wixon, Italy Hill, X. Y Bays j "I iienrtily recouiuicnd Ono Minute Couuh Cure. It gave in wife iiuinediato reliel in Hiiffocatini; aethina." PJeutunt to take. Never nil a to quickly cure ull coutfliB, colds, throat and lung trouble. Good Itacinc single bimny und bar netd for eale nt a bugaiu. Call on( Haworth, the printer, over Dalles Com Biimlon Co, ociL'5 1w2w Filipino Insurgents Have Scattered in Small Hands No Hope of Sur rounding Them. Manila, Nov. IS, 0 p. ni. Tho first ruportb received from Luwton's columns in three dnye says he is on 1ih road be tween Pan Nicholas und Sun Manuel, west of the Aguo river. Swollen rivers prevented him from reaching Wheaton. Major Swinert, with two troops of the Fourth cavalrv, met heavy resistance at Ponorrn'uo yesterday. He believes Agin naldo is there. General Young is at Santa Ana. Colonel Weasel's command scattered n band of insurgents near Santa Ana Thursday, killing four Filipinos and capturing fifteen without loss. Thirty sis guns were taken. The rest of a battalion of the Twenty-second regiment has had a skirmish at Matabelan bridge, near Kosales. The people at Kosales welcomed the Americans. Slaven's scouts have reached Paniqui north of Tarlac. They found four loco motives wrecked and thirteen cars. MacArthur is at Gerona, where the troops were welcomed. Notice ti chui)l Tcnchur. Recognizing the fact tiiat a thorough knowledge of vocal music will in the near future become one of the require ments of every successful school teacher, I have decided to open a special conreo for teachers in the rudiments of music, yocal culture, theory and sight singing, fitting one for a practical knowledge in the different branches of vocal music. All teachers desiring to enter this course should consult or write me before Dec. 1st. Teachers from the country may attend without any loss of time as the lessons will be given on Saturday of eaeh week. Full particulars and terms on ap plication. A. W. Lcxdem., B.M., Novl7-3tdAw The Dalles. Stray Notice. Came to my place about sis weeks ago, a gray stnlliou colt, about three years old ; brand similar to an inverted V with a cap over it. Owner can have the animal by proving property and paying all charges. The Dalies, Nov. S, 1S99. A. F. Carlson. Ranch in Company Hollow, eight miles southeast of The Dalles. nov-lin J. D. Bridges, Editor '"Democrat," Lancaster, N. H., says, "Outs Minute Cougli Cure is the best remedy for croup I ever used." Immediately relieves ami cures coughs, colds, croup, asthma, prHiimonia, bronchitis, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. It prevents consumption. For Sal. A good farm in Klickitat county Wash., five miles from Columbns, con sisting of 210 acres. Price $1000. Apply to II. E. Curtiss at A. S. Bennett's office. iil3-riiS:vl!ii Do vuti need a new pair of blankets thie winlJr? So timo nko the ,)rei(int t0 buy them and inducements such as A. M. Williams are offering, should i 1 i i i ()u,ckl-v dt!C1(,e wlier0 'ou Bro 10 hai' them. Acker'o Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cureshort-burri, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakelev & Houghton, drug giets. Slop Thief! Stop doing business. This is the way yon feel after buying epme ten cent cigars. Try our Mascot ten cent smoke and find out where vour real friends are. Ben Ullrich. Dr. H. H. Haden, Summit, Ala., says, 'I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a splendid medicine. I prescribe it, and my confidence in it grows witii continued use." It digests what you eat and (quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion. Thu Nupply Ulmlteil. Sunrise on Ml. Hood from Lost Like. Placi your orders now for Christmas or ! you luay.get left. Giflbrd. nl7-Im ! TiirKoy Hliont. There will be a turkey and pigeon elioot on tiie bench Wednesday and j Thursday, Nov. 20th and 30th, conducted y A- Y. Mareh and haac Joloa. td-dw Dyepepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia TabloiP. One little Tablet will uiva immediate ridlcf nr I mnllAt rafllnrlu Rfilil t.t ItnnrlaAtna ln j "' J .WW.U ... ,IH,U.UiU bill boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley 5t Houghton Druggists. Now is the time to sit for Xmas photos, Cloudy wentbrr preferred for aittiugs, Ho lays Uliford. nov!7-lm A Few Specimens Have Dcn Found In tli- Central I'urt of (he llurk Continent. From time to time it lias been ru mored that jjirnlTes existed in British Central Africa, on the Lnnngwn river, but, although that river valley has been frequently visited during; the Inst ten years by Europeans, no authentic in formation on the point has ever been obtained, says the British Central Af rican Gazette. Recently, however, u pirstlTe was shot on the east bank of the Loangwn, in the Marimba district, by u European prospector, and its skin (in complete) sent in to Cn.pt. Chichester, in Mpizmi's country. The hinder half of the shin is being; sent to the British museum, and it is hoped that a com plete specimen niny now be obtained. The existence of giraffes in Mnrimba is remarkable; the area in which they are found is extremely restricted, and tht'lr number appears to be very few. The one shot, however, was in n herd of about 35. The nearest country north of Marimba in which giraffes arc known to exist is north of Mnreres, where the EHoii-Cottorill expedition met with them many years ago. To the south Mntabeleland is the nearest giraffe country. Chlclccn with Mncnrnnl. Cook one chicken or fowl until ten tier, saving the stock therefrom; re move all bones und chop into dice, not too tine; boil two cups mnennmi in salted water until tender; strain mid chop into inch lengths; then putting butter in your baking dish, haven ln.ver of chicken, layer of macaroni und one of bread crumbs: pepper nnd salt. Continue alternate layers until dish is nearly filled, having bread crumbs on top. Now take two cups oT the r.took and one-half cup cream and thicken with Hour until like thick cream. 1'our this over chicken and macaroni nnd bake about three-quarters of nn hour. Cincinnati Enquirer. j It will not lie a surprise to any who I are at all familiar with the good qu-ilities ! of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to ! know that people everywhere take pleasure in relating their experience in the use of that splendid medicine and in tellinc of the benefit they havu re ceived from it, of bad colds it has cured, of threatened attacks of pneumonia it lias averted and of the children it has saved from attacks of croup ami whoop ing cough. It is a grnnd, trood medicine. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug- JIMS. Your l'acp Siiows the state of your feelings and the state of your health rid well. Impure blood mui;i-H itfeif apparent in u pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weal: and worn out aud do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's BIoodKlixi-. It cures all blood disciPta where cheap Sureaparillas and so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we j sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. All persons wishing to take children, eitiier boys or gi-is, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to XV. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure lor them de ferable children of all ages. All applica tions must he filed in advance, tf LaGrippc, with ith after cirects, Riinn ully dt'Mtroys tlioiisiuids of peoiiic. It may be quickly cured by One Minute Cotiyh Cure, the only remedy that produces immediate results in coutthe, culda, croup', bronchitis, pneumonia und throat and lini.' troubles. It will pre vents consumption. ChkIi In )i.ur ClincKH. All conntv wurrantP reuigtereii prior to Jan. '21, lSEii, will lie pa'd at my office. Interest ceusen after Nov. 13th, 18!W. C. L. Pmu.ii's, Conntv TreaBiirer. Clarke & Fall; have a full and com plete line of house, carriage, waon and barn paints manufactured by James E. I'atton, of MilwBiikfp, Wisconsin. Ono dczuu of Gi fiord 'd piiotos will make you twelve fine preBents. What would lie annreciotea more for the holidays? novl7-lin Freeh cracked Nebraska corn at the WaacM warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed, incliL'u-tf l8lmlil Jtiiiim t Ittnt. A very cosy room in private house, coiitrfllly located, may be rented by ap plying at this ofiice. 18 lw Ak your Druggist CATARRH I tor a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Crm Bain conUlna no coetlne, mercury nor any other Injurious drag. Hli quickly Absorbed. It open and Cleaimes 5STST5 the Nual I'asMKi-s. COI D III H EAD Allays IotUmiriilion. UIU 1 flfcfll Ulvea Jteiiciatoncc. Ileal! and Protect tu Ibroe. lleitort the fe-nsM of TaJW and rlinell. Vull BUeWCJ Trial waw&iMM Admiral George Deiey Will receive tho most royal wclcomo on Oct. 1st' next, that was over accorded to nn American citizen. You will nnd a coraplcto biography of this great hero, Including hta brilliant victory ovor tho Span ish licot in tho groat, authorltatlvo and up ' -dte work of reference, tho New Werner Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica This Is the only cacyc'.opxilla on tho market that tnontloai Admiral Vowcy. It gives tho dato oi Mi i birth; how ho spent hla boyhood days; tho part ho : took in tho Civil War; how after the War ho was ' Employed on tho European itatlou; in tho Naval 1 j Academy; his ibe to the rank of Commander aud ) President of tho Hoard of Inspection and Survey; . his command of tho Asiatic apiadroa; how on ' April 27th ho left Hong Kong with his equadron, I ' found and desticycd tho Spanish Fleet, at JIanlla, ' an 2Iay 1st; his appointment as Acting Rear Ad-' ' mlral, tho honors ho received from Congress, aud how on March 2nd, 1600, lio was created full Ad ! , mlral. It speaks ofhknca a strict disciplinarian, , : tin all-around athlete, a darlnc horseman and i huntsman, and socially a good club man and ft , general favorite. It tells of his marriago to M.s4 Susy Goodwin, a daushtsr of tho "fighting gov ' crnor" of Now Hampshire, who died In 1S72, left?. lac a ion, Georgo Goodwin Uowoy. r Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of tho Oregon and sccrec of ether noted personnRca not C7ca mentioned in any other Uucyclojadia receive thu samo attention in this cdi'.ion of the Encyclopedia Britannica It speaks of General Wcod as Governor of BnaU ago; of General Henry as Governor-General ol Porto Rico; of Asuimldo'a declaration of Wax against the U. S. T,n YOU HEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge and progress, wherein infor mation Is moro easily found and acijulr-id than In any other Look or encyclopaedia In tho world IN YOUR HOME. J0 DALE ST I. O. NICKELSEN, TJin oviiu von CATARRH mm is Ely's Cream Balm T-isy and pleasant to n-i CmitAiKs no in Jurlone lirii". lr a ijnlckly absorbed, (jiveti ltelmf ut titinu. It Opons ami Ck'nnsci COLD 'fn HEAD AlhTM Innanimatlun. Heala nnd Protect tbo Aieinbrane. ltcatorcn the ' Scnsej i of Taito und Bmcll. Imho Hze, CO cents at ' viiuiuuniir ny ninii; irmi nizo, lucenis uy man. KI.Y IlUOTIIKltS, CO Waitvn Street, New York. 11 N HUNTIHOtON II N WIWO.N T.T I'NTJJi'GTO'J & W1I-SOS. XI ATIOKNEVS AT LAW, THE llAI.I.Ec. OliEtiJ.S OSicoovi'r First N'Ht, ISuiik Executor's Notice. Notice In hereby kIvcii that tbo iiinIemlKiitd ban been iippoinied by order of tin; comity court of tbo Mate of Oreercm for Wnacu eiiuntv, anil by thu will of JIury liilln, (Icreincil. I'xeciilor of the hint will unit teHtaineiit of khIiI Mary lllilh, lie ceutd. All permni). haviiiK claims uiMlnat kali) estate aru liertby notlliul tn prekent th'iin with the iroKjr voncherk to mo ut the olllcii nf Hunt IriKtim .t Wilson, 'lliii Ilallea.OreKOii, wittiln six mniiths frmn tbedittoof this notice. lwted Octol er loth, Ira Oct 1111 Executor Executor's Notice. All powin liavini; claims iiRalrmt tho eitato of Elualxitli Aim (.'iitoi, ilecenieil, arc hereby imtlllcil to )r ent thu same, properly verified, at tbcotllcu 1 1 tho lllKlernlKiitd, the duly mi pointed executor of said estate, at Dalits (,'lty oreunn, vltliiii six months from the ditto of the publication of this notice. Dated the Uth day of Octnbor, Wx UVOil J'OflAN, Oct 11-11 Executor. .K?'"0E.H..1,u'5LICATloN- V. 8. I-anp Omen, nt Tub Uamx. Oiti:,,) , , WI.-IOIIKHO, Notice is hereby kIvcii that tho followliiit. naineil settler has filed uotko ol his Intiintioii to iiiakof nulpriHif n support of his claim, and that ld proof will Ia inailo before tho IteKlsnsr and Itecelver at 'Ibii Dullen, Oregiiri, on batur day, November It, MJ,Ut Mutlilas Tlilxl, nfJUunlnr, OrnKiui. mini, in jiioaier, ornicmi. Lis l11"" tuw"'i' llomesienil r.ntr .N'tj HWJiana " tutrtti. Mi iiin Ho names thnfolloiyitiK witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon und cultlyution of said laud, vim Wins. Siller, of SIoler. Oreifonj linn Tlioman, j?'"!". Hfni" "ini .Ernest i'liedrlchs, o 'Uio Dalle, OicKon. JAV I'. MIDAS, oct7-II Jttglster MSK' Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or peat. ..oo.-O-.oo- Conntructlon-llil'- U nn nlr IlKllt Ill'lltur III till! I'VIll hllll't Mool tvnr, it liii- r.T "'.ON I.IMNOri, mnklnt; It ilurnlile: uhn Iiiih trim finl ilour, cast top mul bottom iiml nrimmentiil lni; top, with KMihllo cover timluiuciilh. Nlokellner-lt hm nickeled "rn, luune p'uilu mul fiHit rtillii. Wo linvo cmiililelo Ktuck uf tniiiii nil Iniiiil. Cult mid mx' littr htoeW belotu biljlng elsuHlierc. m! mi a rir. r J III PS The Busy Store. Knc'j dny our businuhs hhows tho people tire findini: out wc are puslmi" to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, nnd last, but not least, buyers who know their business nnd buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. 1 ..cmis. mM- Butehers and Farmer's ..Exchange.. Keeps on draiiKlit the ceiolirated C01.U.MI1IA llEEIt, acktmwl. edited tho best beer in The Dalles, at the inind price. Come in, try it find be eimvlneed, Also the Kinrkt brands of Wlue.i, l.l-juur and Olitars. Sandcuiehes of ull Kinds always on bund. 1. MS. OMVIA W. pfGAtf, TUDI AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Strnot, betwenn Court and Wash ton Streets, Tin- Dalles. J-Jlf UKlSKNlMIt'KKi: Physician and Surgeon, Bpeclal attention given to suriiery. l'.ooiusUlaiid22, Tel. IMS Vni(t llloo J A. 8TURDEVANT, Dcntiat. Olilco over French ii fo.' llauk ,,J""10 (' TIIE DAI.I.Ei, OltEGON ' F, MCOHK. jH oxviN MOOJtE & GAVIN, ATTOItNEVB AT I, AW, ltoomi 39 und 10, over V, H. Und Olllce. i Benion pe I Watord'Oa Sirs. Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, , Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland, Touching nt way polns nu bnth sides nliv. Columbia river. ' Ilotli of tbo nbovo Kteami'M lmve lieen rctmiif nnd arc In excellent nhiipn lor the eon oi ii7 Th ICniruUtiir I.lni. will cnUoiivur toiltilh patrmiH the bent Kervlco iohh1Ii1o, " For Oomrort, lCridmiiiy hik l'U1Bn tmvol by tho HtviinicH of Tin. iiccuiata! The ttciimcrn of tbo Uetinliitor Line will Imm liikt. iMiiiinni , u, m. uuiiiiueiieiiiE Jiuiiuay the 9th I'ortlHiid Olllce. Uat Ht. Dock. fi.o I)lles0me. v "ri oittet W. C. Allaway, Genera Altai EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THK Southern Pacific Comp), TrnliiH leave and lire due to arrive et l'ortla T LRAVK. !f? OVK111.ANI) EX l ! preii, biileni, ltiie- , "ii. ,, i rKinu ' -M- 1 Knm I I New burs, Anbluml, iluu- r:ou rKinento, Oi;ilen,siiii I nincmen, .lnjnvc, I 9:15 A.J1 rUmelL'H.hl 1'llHII, , Urlunnii una I ' I Kimt .... 1 ft-Sii M l'oohurB mid wy una wy ni. tlonii 4:3r.Jl Dilly except SurnUrL t Vlu vlu WiKKlbur? lor i lmlly except Hundnya j Mt.ApKel, Hllvertim, , ncM bcio, Jirowus I ville,tiprliiglljld unJ i l.Nu trim J t":'J0 A. il.j IFiuHo.l'i" m"J WBJi 5:0l'.. INDKl'KNIlKNCK I'AHSENfiKli, KiprewInU Dully (except Hundny). l;f0p. in. I.v I'ortlund Ar.) 8:ZS.n iiw i, in. ai . ..iicjiiuiiviiic i.y.t uiu.u b:'M p. m. Indi'iieiidence.. Daily. tDaiiy, except bunilur ' DINING OAUB ON OGDKN I'.ODTE. I'ULUIAN BUKI'ET HI.fUi'EllS AND fii:COND-OI,ASH Hl.KElTNC- CAB Attucbed to ull Through Tralni. Direct connection ut Ran Kraucheo with Oca dental mul Oriental and Piicllic uisll toilp lliii (or J AI'AN und CHINA. Sailing dita on at plleatlou. , . Hates and tloketk to Eastern points tail in rorie. AlmJAVAN, Olil.SA, HONOLULU a4 a(ti;alia. , All above trains arrlvo at and d-rpart Jros Grand Central Htatlon, Filth and lrviw itwtt YASIII1I.1. DIV1HION. I'nkscnccr DvHt, loot oi Jeiteraoniw U-avc for Bherldun. week daye, H:P- Arrlvo ut 1'ortlaiid, U:U0 a. in. Ltfave for AIKI.IE on Monday, Wi-dnnJiinJ Kri'liij' atb;35a. in, Arriv at l'ortUMi" dav, Thursday and Hatiirdaj it 3:05 p. m. Except bunduy. "Except Saturday. II. KoK'-.ld'-.It, G, H. SlARKIIAJt. Jlmiiu.cr. Asst. G.F .V i'aM. ! ! ThriiilKh Tictet Olllec, 13t Third trt i tbroiirth tluki'ts to all points in the Ww l htatts, Canada and Europe can lie nbUinw lowest rates Irom . . , ,, I J. 11. KI11K1.ANH, TICxctApnl. or N. WHEAliDON, ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run evcrv day except Sunday. Kutea Kfutonablo. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. V i C. S. Smith, Tin: dp-to-dateQroeer Fresh Eggs nnd Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. iMtANHAcrrA KNKKAb HANKINU IlUBlWW Lettera of Credit Issued available In tb Extern States. , pW Bight Exchange lu$ii, Transfers sold cm New y St. Louie, Ban Francisco, 1 ort na gon, Beittle Wash,, and various Pi fn Oregon trnd WaBtiintton. fif. Collectioua inaJe t all poiw 0B orable Utrtua.