Judge Us. Judge us by what we are doing. Judge us by the con tinued crowd of buyers. Judge us by the cloth ing your friends have pur chased. Judge us by our prices. BOYS' SUITS, BOYS' OVERCOATS, YOUTHS' UITS, YOUTHS' OVERCOATS, CHILDS' SUITS, CHILDS' OVERCOATS, For one week fit Hati the parked Priee. PlifllDS For one week we will give you a line ol PLHID SIT PflTTEfiHS from 3)4 yards of 50-in. goods to 4 yards of 4G-in. goods, All at One Price. These are as choice things as we have shown this season, and while the eont of these poods vary greatly, wo will give you your choice for $5.13 per pattern. Look at our east window display. to In this offer we do not include a year' subscription the Designer, but all goods not included in fcpecial Sale will remain us follows: To any purchaser of a Ladies' Dress Pattern of goods at 50c peryard or over, we will give One Year's Subscription to the Designer, the best magazine issued by any paper pattern publisher in this country. Fine Suits, Skirts, Capes, Coats, Furs and Wrappers. Women's Tailor-made Suits, in black and tan serge; worth $8.75 $5.95 Women'B Tailor-made Suits, in hliick and blue eerge $10.50, if 12.75. $13.50 Women's Tailor-made Suits, in camel's hair seree, all cut in up-to-date stvles; new habit or plait ed back skirts : jacketB are fly front, tight fittine and eilk liued $10, $17, $18.75, $20.00 Handsome Jackets ; Oxfords, Cheviots and Gne Ker seys, new dip front; Jackets that would be con sidered good value at $15 Our price $10.00 PURS AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. We offer this week a good Baltic Seal Collarette, with Aetrachnn yoke; lined with heavy satin; high storm collar; would be very cheap at $10; our pi ice , .$(.00 Ar. Electric Seal Collarette, with fancy figured lin ing; high collar; good value at $! ; our price, $2.50 Special Sale, Flannelette Wrappers. All our Flannelette Wrappers, waists lined with selicja and yoke trimmed with braid; good wide skirt "5c All Goods Marked In Plain Figures PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY - NOV. 20, 18f9 Telephone No. 1. Oysters borved in every Htyl'j by A. KELLER. C) WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. football by a score of p to 0. Two thousand peoplo witnessed the t?amo und said it was the best football played ou the coast this year. The dancing parly given by Prof. Sandvig Saturday night, was perhaps the most enjoyable yet given. About seventy couples wero present, and danc ing was kept up until the midnight hour. All were much taken with the Went worth, tho new dance just introduced by him. Tho prevailing warm weather anil rains havo produced nn unusual growth on the ranee maKing it uncommonly A. M. Williams & Co. are selling n regular $11.50 shoo for $2.05 this weok. A ahoa up-to-drtto in every partlculur. Any size. Bovb' suit sale at A. M. Williams & Co'e. No reiiBon why your boy cau't be dreBBed aa neatly and comfortably nB anyone else's now, (1, $2 and $3 a suit. If you want to make a success of a business proposition let peoplo know it through the newenanerB. If you Wfttlt people to know anything i" going on ad vertUe it in your city papers, or they'll i never find it out, Baturdav at Berkeley. Calif., tho Unl varsity of California footblll team de- leated the . Oregon univeraiiy uoyo nud Btlll growing rapidly. Thie meures stock going into tho winter In good con dition. Crook Co. Journal. Visitors reluming from Portland re port tho weather most disagreeable; worse, if possible, than in The D.illes. Saturday, in connection wiih tho pour i rain. a. stiff breeze came up aud made things fly for a time, barometer here today indicates tinued rain or heavy wind storm. Ina telophono message to S.L. Brooks today, B. 8. Pague informs hiui that he will leave for Chicago the 21st of next mouth to remain for about six months. He has been called there by the weather department. What arrangements fce intends to makvi in regard to Oregon's weather during his absence we have not learned. Gov. T. T. Geer has received a re mittance, from the war department at Washington, D. C, for $3,044.22, ae a partial reimbursement to the state of Oregon for the amount expended in bringing about the mobilization of the Oregon voluuteers. The state's claim wae for $5,102.51, and the amount still unpaid consists of several items," re jected by the war department, and a number of items suspended until more definite Information can be secured. 11 his possession other articles euppoied to have been purloined. These consisted I of gents' furnishing goons, novelty goods, etc. It was proven that $130 of the $900 found In his trunk, belonged to him, but thero seems to be little doubt that he is the party wanted fur the Burgess robbery, he being employed by Mr, Burgess at the time. Mr. and Mrs. L. Rice, having disposed of their farm near Endersby to Johnston Bros., of Dnfnr, came in the city today and will leave tomorrow for California, going first to Los Angeles. It is not un likely they maydecldo to remain in that state, making their home there, but those who have known them so long in this sectibn venture the hope that they may Bee fit to again cast their lot among us. Mr. Bice has been a subscriber of The Chronicle since its first publication and we regret very much to lose him from our list, as well as from Eastern Oregon. A bold burglary occurred at tho office of William McGuire, representative of tho Wasco Warehouse Co., at ColumbuB on last Friday night, the 10th inst., the thfef or thieves getting away with $300 in money. The money was locked in a' drawer and was all safe up to Friday noon when Mr. McGuire counted the same. The drawer had been pried open with a chisel. Mr. McGuire and two other men wero sleeping in the building at the time and heard no noise during tiie night. It iB poesible, however, that the robbery was committed Saturday morning while all hinds were at break fast. It was a very bold affair and Mr. McGuire is well convinced that it was done by parties in that neighborhood Agriculturalist. One would hardly suppose that a hobo dare make his appearance in these times when work iB so plentiful and it is im possible to secure laborers ; but never theless an occasional one looms up and demands a "hand out". Last evening Phirman ran across such n one and "handed him in." This morning Re corder Gates fined him $20, which he is now working out on the new grade being built on the bill. The "weary one" seemed to think his sentence is tough one considering nts etanuinp, anu re marked "I wish you wouldn't be so hard ... r . . 1 on a teller, l got goou recommenua- tions. Was in jail Feven months in Montana, and the sheriff gave me a good send off." But Recorder Gates didn't seem to go much on recommendations and sent him up on the hill. It must be that the American people do e.ijoy being flim-flammed ; it certain ly looks like it, else they would refrain from putting their trust in every man they come ncross. A few nights since two men went down to the D. P. &. A. dock and inquired regarding the fare to Portland. The man addressed said he was nightwatcliman there and would see that they got down for seventy cents. The men, notbing daunted, paid over their seventy cents and returned in the morning expecting the fellow to keep his promise; but his work was night work and he failed to show up with tlte transportation or the seventy cents, so the trip coet them that much more than the regular fare. The "nightwatcliman' proved to be a hobo, who concluded that would be an easy way to make $1.40, and he trade it. He inav visit The Dalles so wo adviso people to look out for the fellow referred toin tlio. following article from the Oreeonlan : "Peonlo with no more money than they need for their own use Ehould look out for a smooth oper ator who is endeavoring to dispose of "fony" jewelry by a method which is new in Portland. This fellow yesterday approached a woman ou a principal street, and holding out a handeome emerald ring, asked her if she had dropped it. She truthfully replied that she had not. "Well," he said, "I just picked it up. I can't afford to wear such a fine ring, and if you'll give me $5 for it, you can havo it." The woman wbs suspicious of the man, and although the ring appeared to be a fine one, she re strained her desire to buy It, and there by eecaped the possession of a worthless piece of jewelry. plies. Unmoved she answered, ".can. not deny my Jesus," ond he strikes her to the earth, and as her soul passes on to the higher life, she bpena wide her eyes and murmurs "How beautiful ! How glorious I" Miss French recited In her usual engaging manner, und the truth was fastened, in tuaay hearts that Jesus is able to save. Prof. Landers sang with great expres sion, "Cast Thy Bread Upon tho Waters." Ho refused to reply to an encore, saying io was not prepared. Miss Randall tccompained the singers in a very agreeable manner. Refreshments were served by the young ladies' of the Y. W. F. M. S. in their own inimitable manner, and so concluded q very enjoyable evening. llounly on Scalp. seats, 50 cents; general admission for children, 25 cents. Seats on sale at Clarke & FalkV. Circuit Court. Court proceedings ate about at an end for the Novt-nibi'r term. Saturday afternoon the jury brought in a verdict of guilty In'the case of State vs. Joseph Ganteman, charged witli uttering a foiged check, and Tuesday at 9 o'clock la the time set for passing sentence. This morning Moore & Gavin, attorneys for the defendant, filed a motion lor a new trial. hUlTS I.V EQUITY. H. A. Simon vs. W. H. H. Simon; default Assignment F. Vogt; report of as signee flied ami approved. An Important IMllrrence. To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, thut they are not afflicted with any disease, but that the system simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as a costive condition is easily cured by U'ing Sytup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co.lonly, and sold by all druggista. Illsinurck'n Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendoua'energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success And now the county clerk and his deputy, as well as the sheriff and his deputy, are 'offering a bounty on scalps. They are becoming Bavage aud nothing less than the scalps of two men who called upon th?m this morning will answer the purpose. It has never been thought necessary to explain that ft coyote Fcalp must be brought minus the remainder of the animal to b.- eligible to receive a bounty. So this morning two men took advantage of the situation and walked into the clerk's office leading a live coyote and demanded a i2 bounty. Kelsay looked i .is i ..-..!..!.,... i somewna. uiscuuc-rieu nuu (iimucu - -!,,.. v,, T!fa that they could not Pa bounties on live animals, while Bolton attempted to lock . 0nJy at Bake,ey nimseji in wie saie. Having been given a tip, the sheriff and his deputy waiked in to see the fun, just as cue of tho men said "Fork out your bonnty or I'll let him loose," at the same time cutting the ropes and giving him his treedom. The two latter visitors were right in the arena and started to play pussy wants a corner, while the clerk and deputy each reached in their pockets for the $2. Apparently taking in the situation and concluding the whole crowd were chicken hearted, the coyote was just preparing to carry away his . . . . i i i prey, wnen tne men captureu uim unu concluded they didn't want the bounty. The officers are somewhat quieted this afternoon, but have pasted a sign on the door which will no doubt keep coyotes out in the future. 1 I it nf n Tim null. gOOU lUr UlUBOOOUII Ul HID ....-. Mi, .I- " t .... o.niu,.. i.ici.LPermanent organlzstlon of the Minle IDIIHI rfvcqwwov.vi. ....a " morning, when the pastors, of the Baptist, Congregational, Christian and Methodist churches forined'themeelvos into a society for the purpose of receiv ing mutual bpuetlt thertrtiy, promoting the suiritual welfare ol their congrega tione by general dlsouselon as to the means to be employer! to such an end; also to foster a unit of effort among the various denominations represented. Deputy E. J. Glisan, of Antelope ar rived in the city on yesterday's stag-, having iu charge Alva Simmons, who iB charged with having robbed Thou, Bur gess of $100 in money at Bakeoves on the night of the 10th, and alto having in Tho con At the Opera liouse. The Edison Waragraph Company un der the management of Fleming Bros., who have won the confidence and praise of the public by their excellent exhibi tions, will be in The Dalles Nov. 2lBt at the opera house and with the most wonderful moving picture machine cf the age. Will show the most realistic prize fight ever produced; a teu-round fistic contest between McCoy and develop ly. Onl & Houghton's drugstore. I'liren I. int. SomeVrhere between the postofflce and French's bank, a green morocco purse with leather band around it. Contained $5 in money and other change. Also calling cards. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. 18 3t A new suit for Ttianksgviving Day would suit your boy admirably, and would give him something to be espec ially thankful for. A. M. Williams & Co.'s are making it easy (or you. One, two and three dollars. Hmoke tn Your Own Prollt, As well as ours. 'Tis not how much you smoke, but how you enjoy It. Try our Mascot ten cente a ocal product that beats the world. Ben Ullrich. Cle Elm coal $0.50 per ton; Rock Springs coal $9 per ton, delivered, at Maier & Benton's. . Help Wuutrd. A girl who desires to do general house work can obtain employment by apply ing at J. C. Hosteller's on Fifth street. Geo. Noland, Rockland, O., says, "My wife hud piles forty years. DeWitt'a nsuc corneal, net "-'"7 Witch Hazl Salve cjred her. It is tho Sharkey from commencement flish Deet Brtivt! in All)erica." It heals every- thing and cures all skin diseases. To Cum a Colli in One Day. TakH Laxative Uromo Quinine Tab- All druggists refund the money if and knock-out. Aleo the naval battles in Santiago harbor, the destruction of the Spanish fleet, leturn of Roosevelt's rough riders, landing horses in Cuba and one hundred others of marvelous accuracy and beauty. The entire program will bo assisted by tho Edison Mechanical Opera tlio ren ditions as loud as a brass band and the softness of the human voice. This alone is worth tho price of admission. Don't fail to hear this Edison's latest achieve ment. You are guaranteed satisfaction. General admission, :!3 cents; reserved i ; It tilllr) to cur-. Latest thing in cameras a:o Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell'a drug store. and salted Saratoga chips for sale- at Dawson's Fresh almonds store. Subscribe for The Chronicle. grocorv 11-tf .'AT----Vtr.1-A-''A'.!'!.-.1'A-!'A;t-V tir-A-ArA-i j-p-i -rx j a vjl jaj-vj ai .';--TrATA THE GENUINE Wilson flitf-Tight Heater OUTSIDE DRAFT IlIKE THIS: A ftlldiloiiBiy Tea. The ladies of the W. F. M. S. gave their annual Missionary Tea Friday evening at the M. E, church. The Epworlh ball was filled completely with a very appreciative audience. j After prayer by Mrs. Hawk, the Misses Willerton sang a duet "I'll Tell Jesus He Will Know." Mies Bertha's dear, sweet voice was a surprise to her mauy friends, few having heard her be fore. Miss Grace sang exceptionally well aud her singing is always enjoyed. Next, the High School Quartet gave "Hasten the Joyful Tidings" a boIo and chorus, in a very pleading manner and elicited hearty applause. Miss Bess Frencli recited " A. Legend of the Maeiun," a very pathetic, touching and true rrcilal of the conversion of a beauti ful heathen girl wife to Christianity. "If I become a chrlstlau what would you do My Lord?" ''Kill you," he re- I 2EEI BEfliltl . -' Ksfl!fl 5i i Thoro avo other AlR-TfOHTS, but none that equal tho WILSON. ....SOLD ONLY BY.... i lurnva A. rtDnWP Sole A dents. r w - " '2 5 f