Chronicle, VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1899. NO 88 el) c Dalles x c?rji OVER TWO BILLION DOLLARS Our Foreign Commerce of 1899 Breaks All Records. GREAT REDUCTION IN BREADSTUFFS Hut This Loss is More Than Offset by Our Astonishing Sales ot Mcr chandise. Wahiiinotok, N6v. IS. The foreign commerce of the United States fie cms likely to tnuke its highest record of the century in the closing year of that period. The October exports are larger than thos of any preceding: October, the total for the ten months ending with October i-s greater than the total for the corresponding period in any preceding year, nni it is apparent t hut for ttie first time in our history the foreign com ruerco of the year will not exceed $2,000, 000.000. For the ton months ending with October, 1890, the figures of the treasure bureau of statistics show tlio toUil exports to be $1,029,242,000, while in the corresponding months of last year they were 9S7,879,000. The remarkable increase in exporta tion is tl more eurpnsing bxauseof the absence of thu excessive demand abroad for our breadstuff's, which char acterized the year 1898. In that year the short crops abroad and plentiful applies of breadstuff of all kind in the United States resulted in an abnormal large exportation of breadstuff, so that thu exportation of agricultural products iiutho present your naturally falls about $35,000,000 below that of the correspond iug period of last year. Yet the total exportation for the ten montbe ure, as already indicated, more than $40,000,000 in uxcoda of those of lust year. It iu easy, however, to find the cause of this remarkable growth in our total :xportations, which occurs In the face of the reduction iu our exportation of breadstuff's. An examination of the de tailed figures of the nine months of the year already accessible shows that tho exports of manufactures in that period were $50,000,000 in excess of those of tho corresponding months of the preced iug year, and $05,000,000 greater than those of the same months of 1897, while the products of the mino were $4,000,000 greater than those of the corresponding mouths of last year, and those of the forest $0,000,000 in excess of the corre sponding months ol the preceding year. Thus the year's exportation of agricul tural productions will be quite up to tho normal, while those of manufacture, mining and forestry will exceed those of last year, and indeed, of any year in our. histroy, Fatal Koy lu a Saloon. Wavehi.Vi Wash., Nov. 18. During an altercation in a saloon tonight, Ed. Twymnn ftiot and instantly killed Georve Wiggius. Twymon was formerly a deputy shoriir and town marshal of Fairfield. He had been quarreling with an unknown man, and, drawing a revolver, ordered him out of the saloon. Just then Wigging came in, and seeing the leveled revolver, appealed to Twy man not to shoot. Twyiuan turned quickly and tired two shots, tho second Btrlktng the victim squarely in tho fore head. Twymon was arrested and will be brought to the Spokane jail tomorrow. Judge Chambers Resigns. GmuAao, Nov. 18 Chief Justice Chambers, of Samoa, has resigned, and hit resignation lias been accepted for the United States, one of the three parties to the Berlin troaty. by the president. The resignation will also bo made to Great Britain and to Germany. The last official act of Judge Chambers was the eabalesiou of a report of the administra tion of his office from his appointment op to tho time of his departure from Samoa. Identical copies of the document have been dispatched by mail to the foreign offices at London and Berlin. IJned II y llrltUh Soldier In Africa. Capt. O. G. Denniton is well known all over Africa as commander of the foices that captured tho famous rebel Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897, from Vryburg, Bcchuanaland, he writes: ''Before starling on the last campaign 1 bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diairhcci Remedy, which 1 used myeelf when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every case it proved most beneficial." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Senator Thurston Married. Washington, Nov. 18. Tho marriage of Senator John M. Thurston, of Nebras ka, and Mies Lola Purinan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Purinan, of this city, was solemnized at 9 o'clock this morn ing at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. Dr. Frank M. Bristol, of the Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. The wedding eere mony was attended only by immediate relatives of the contracting parties in addition to, Edgar C. Snyder, and inti mate personal friend of the groom. I ' CliuinlicrlBTU'. Tain Halm Cure Oilier, Why Not Yon? My wife has been using Chamberlain's Pain Balm, with good results, for a lame shoulder that bus pained her con tinually for nine yeare. We have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors with out receiving any benefit from any of them. One day we saw an advertise ment of this medicine and thought of trying it. which we did with the best of satisfaction. She has used only one bottle and her shoulder is almost well. Aijom'ii L. Mim.ett, Manchester, N.H. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. ARE ANXIOUS FOR ENCOUNTER Armored Train Fight Ladysmith Sur rounded and Boers in Great Straits For Want of Food. Lohi.wsco Makqui:z, Delagoa Bay, Nov. 17. Tho official Volsteni reports that the brigde over the Tugela river near Colenso was completely destroyed Wed nesday November 15. The Boers are looking forward with great interest to the impedingencounter between Colenso and Estcourt with the advancing British. About 000 burghers with cannon are guarding the Helpakaar pass, eighteen miles from Dundee, to baflle any attempt to reoccupy Dundee by the Pietermaritz burg-Drytown route. OUR GREKT Shoe Dep't News... MEN'S TAN up-to-date winter shoes reduced rrom $4.00 to $2.85 This eutire line goes. SaaC '.rTBIrir&it aaW LADIES' up-to-date black vici kid, vesting top, lace shoes; re duced from $3.50 to $2.05 Entire line goee. , MISSES' and CHILDREN'S up-to-date lace shoes, medium and heavy soles, vici kid uppers, sizes 8, toll; reduced from $1.50 to. .$1.20 Sizes 11 to 2 reduced from $1.75 to $1.40 One Word. These lines represent shoes that are thoroughly up-to-date in every respect. There if nothing more desirable in the house. Tablets Free Armored Train Fight. New Yoisk, Nov. 18. A- dispatch to the Herald from London Eays: The Dailv Telegraph printed these advices from its special correspondent: "Estcourt, Nov. 10, A few Boers are laagered near Frere. A few others have been seen moving east. An ambulance train has gone iorward to try to recover our wounded. Yesterday's losses in the armored train engagement have been ascertained to have been in wounded or missing: , "Dublin fusilierr Captain Haldane, Lieutenant FranUand and forty-five meu. "Durbin light infantry Captain Wylie and twenty-four men. A heavy musketry fire was heard in the direction of Ladysmith at 2 o'clock this morning, but there was no sound of cannon." with all shue purchases. Ask for them. ' See Windows. Ourspecial sale of TABLE LINENS- In order to give everyone an equal chance, will continue until Wednesday, 8 p. m. ..Glearance Sale.. OF BOYS' AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS opened this morning and will continue until further notice. Now is the time too! Our usual January fflj Clearance Sale is happening just when w Boys' Clothing Is In Demand. 1 Not after the season is half over and every one has already bought. f!nn1rl vp. nvpspnt n hollnr nrmmipnr. wliv vmi slinnld hnv "Rvpvv nnnrnmntivA flr A . Q j .; - i-1 , parent who is equally willing to save a dollar when the opportunity offers, will j take advantage ot this grand sale. 490 Boy's Knee Pant Suits from $1.50 to $5.50; in sizes from 3 to 14. years are now being offered you at the special price of $ i, a. S3. 430 Boy's and Young Men's Long Pant Suits worth from 2.85 to 10.00, in- siss from Jll to 20 years, arc now being offered at the special prices of f Jtanfanut 12. 44-. 16. In addition to these lines wo selected a special lot of Boys' Long Pants, worth from 90c to 2 pr. pr. Tako your choice at just half the regular price. All Well at Kiuibcrley. London, Nov. 18. Tho war office re ceived the following dispatch from Gen eral Buller: "Cape Town, Nov. 17. A report from Klmberley, Saturday, Nov. 11, says all ate well there. Reports from Ladysmith, November 12 and 13, say all are well." Ladysmith Surrounded. Nkw Yoiik, Nov. 18. A dispatch to the Herald from Loudon eays: The Daily Telegraph publishes the following from its special correspondent at Pieter omritzburg, November 11: The natives report that the eneinv i s TVT, ' T3nn TWO LOTS. 25 pair IVien S JrtniDS. of Men's Pants, worth $2.25 to $4 50 a pair, your choice $1.50. 34 pair Men's Pants, worth from $1.25 to $2.50 per pair, your choice $1.00. One lot of 75 suits, sizes from 85 to 42. ranL-inu in prices from $3.50 to $0.50; a chance is here offered to Men's Suits the man who needs u good warm work- dQ Art ingsuit. Any suit in the lot for tpO.UU A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY. have drawn a complete cordon aiound Ladysmith, and ingress is now most difficult. Our troops are cheerful, and there is little sickness. The Boers are in great straits for want of food. The free Staters have become almost mutinous. Heavy Boer Losses. London, Nov. 10. A special dispatch from Pietermaritzburg, dated Saturday, November 18, says: "A runner brings a message from Ladysmith, saying that November 9 the Boers attacked the town from the south' west, but were repulsed by the Royal rifles and rifle brigade with great loss. November 14 the Boers made an attack near Colenso, but were repotted with a loss of 800. Fighting Is proceeding at Estcourt." Volcuulu Eruption! Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Buck'en'i Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cute, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hande, Chijble'ns. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Onlv 25 cU. a box. Cure guaranteed Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gliti, 'i Uobart's Condition. Patehoon, N. J., Nov. 18. Wliile the doctors and watchers see no change, as far as general appearance is concerned, in the condition of Vice-President Houart, they cannot help noticing that his strength is gradually falling. It re quires' more effort to remove him fioin the bed to the window than it did a week ago, Private Secretary Kvans said to night, however, that Mr. Hobart passed u comfortable day, was cheerful and ate alld food three times. You uevei know wliat form ot blood poison will follow constipation, Keep the liver clean by using DeWitt'a Little Etrly Risers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipa tion and liver and bowel troubles. Wanted Agauta. Steady employment, salary or com mission. A 1 Article tolls at eight. Suit able for Xmas i resent. Sample by mail 35 cents. Oregon Agency Co. Box 00, Portland, Ore. Ara You Luuklutc for Taper HauiU'. , We don't sell them, but if you want thu best five cents, worth in this town, try our Far West cigars, It'll make you feel good all .'over, and only five cent. Ben Ullrich.