Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the 5ystem HWeoNST'ON j i rtnrnMiiuiiu. Buy THE GENUINE - MAHT'O BY (AllSvRN!ATGPSYRVP(g res sui ev an civjgwti met j. rw scrnt PEOPLE TOD ALL KNOW. Hubbard T.iylor is in from Wasco. J. W. Nolin, of Dufur, is in the city. E. J. Sliddleswart is a business visitor in the city. 0. B. Hartley came up from Hoed River last night. Jiliss Edith Pcott arrived in the city yesterday fruui Arlington. II. V. Gates was in town last night on h:B way to his home at Ilillsljoro. Wm. Winters and .1. W. Chapman are registered at the Umatilla from Spokane. Henry Stemnen came over from his place near Centerville on a business trip yesterday. Miss Melissa Hill went to Portland on yesterday's afternoon train, and will Bpend Sntiday there. W. B. Cowne and wife, who have been vi-itinir in Portland, came up last night on their way to their home in Caleb. Mrs. C. G. Stacy, who has been visit ing at her old home in Enterprise, Wash., nnd at J.a Grande hue returned to her home in this city. Ed Moree, who has been employed as drucgiet for the Butler Drue Co., left last night for Burns, where he will re main for a lime at least. Elder C. P. Bailey and daughter. 2Hiss Cassie, returned yesterday from Condon, where the Elder lias been hold ing a series of meetings. OUR CHURCHES Christian Science meeting in small K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Brenner, of Oregon City, will preach at the Lutheran church tomor row evening at 7 :U0. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Recular services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Young people's meeting at 6:150 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. ni. I St. Paul's church Rev. Jos. DeForest, ! pastor. Holy commuulon at 'J a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. in. Evening prayer and sermon at 7 ;30 p. m. Sunday school a' 12:15, noon. Christian church Ninth and Court streets, Rev. G. Rushing, pastor. Preachinc morning and evening, at 11 h. m. and 7:30 p. id. Sunday school at 10. Christian Endeavor at G:45 p. in. Horning theme, "The Syro Phenician Woman." Evening theme, "The Judg ment to Come." Congregational church corner Flftlj and Court streets. Hev. Poling, pastor. Morning service at 11; Sunday echuol at 12:15; Junior Endeavor, 4 p. m.; Christian Endeavor, 0:30. Evening service 7:30. Morninu subject, "Stable Rock and Shifting Sand" (a character Htndy). Eveniiik', "The King and the Kingdom" (a talk to young people). ' Services at the Methodist lEpiscopal church tomorrow at ill a. in. nnd 7:30 'p. ni. Ulysses F. Hawk, 'the pastor, will oecupy the pulpit, Reception of mem bers at the morning tervicj. Subject of discourse, "What I Man?" In "ie, toe uiiru ui uin eeriex ui ser- ; mons on "The Idntl Home," entitled i i .i... .!.!. i .i .i : "The Rocking Clmlr l.y the Fireside." luGrippe, with its alter effects, annu ally destroys thousands of people. It niuy be quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, the only remedy that produces immediate remits in coughs, eohle, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia und throat and .lung troubles. J: will pre vents consumption. su v-i r r i- f i . i 1 1 a i i t 1 1 BUSINESS LOCALS. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house. t( Aeh your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Ute Clarke & Falk'e quinine halrjtonic to keep dandruff from the head. I You will not have boils if you take ( Clarke & Falk's eure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Floral iotiou will cure wind chapping aim sunuurn. Manufactured uv uiarKo & Falk. Paint your house with paints that nro fully guaranteed to Inst. Clarke & Falk have them. "I wouldn't be without DeWitt's j Witch Huzei Salve for any considera tion," writes Thos. B. Rhodes, Center field, 0. Infallible for piles, cuts, burns and skin diseases. Beware of counter I feits. Dr. W. Wison, Italy Hill, N. Y., says "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave m wife immediate relief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take. Never fails to quickly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Notice tn chnol Teacher. Recognizing the fact that a thorough i knowledge of vocal music will in the i near future become one of the require' i ments of every successful school teacher, X have decided to open a special course for teachers in the rudiments of mus.c, vocal culture, theory and sight singing, fitting one for a practical knowledge in the different branches of vocal music. All teachers desiring to enter this course should consult or write me before Dec. 1st. Teachers from the country may attend without any loss of time as the lessons will be given on Saturday of each week. Full particulars and terms on ap plication. A. . X.UXDELI., B.M Jfovl7-3tdAw The Dalles. Stray Notice. Came to my place about Bis weeks ago, a cray stallion colt, about three years old ; brand similar to an inverted V with a cap over it. Owner can have the animal by proving property nnd paying all charges. The Dalles, Nov. S, 1S99. A. F. Carlson-. Ranch in Company Hollow, eight miles southeast of The Dalles. novS-lm J. D. Bridges, Editor "Democrat," Lancaster, N. H., savs, "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy for croup I ever used." Immediately relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, asthmH, prt'umonin, bronchitis, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. It prevents consumption. Fur Sain. A good farm in Klickitat county w ash., live miles Irom Uolumuus, con eisting of 210 acres. Price $1000. Apply to H. E. Curtiss at A. S. Bennett's office. iil3-a&wlm Do you need a new pair of blankets this winter? No time like the -present to buy them and inducements such as A. M. WilliamB are offering, should quickly decide whore you are to buy them. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Curesjlieart-burn, raisim; of the food, distress after eating, or any iorm of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blukeley 6c Houghton, drug gists. 8to) Thief! Stop doine business. This ie the way yon (eel alter huyintr Borne ten cent cigars. Try our Mascot ten cent smoke and find out where your real friends are Ben Ullrich. Dr. II. H. Haden, Summit, Ala., says, 'I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is u splendid medicine. I prescribe it, end my confidence in it grows with continued use." It digestB what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion. .The Hlijiply Limited. Sunrise on Mt. Hood from Lost Like. Placj your orders now for Christmas or you may got left. Gilford. ul7-lm Turkey Hlmoi, There will he a turkey and pigeon shunt on the beach Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 29th and 30th, conducted by A. Y. 'Marsh and Isaac Jolea. til-daw Dyspepsia can he cured by using Ackerfe Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or i money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 125 cts. Blakelev A Homihtnn nnitrtloi m Cah lu Your CbaoM. All coonrv warrants registered prior to Jan. 21, I860, will be paid at my office, Interest ceases after Nov. 13th, 16W. O. L. Phillips, Conntv TreAHiirer. .Good Jtacine einicle bumy nd liar neis for tale t a -bargitin, (Cull on Hawortli, the printer, over Uallea Com mieelon Co, oct25-d4w-2w SCIENCE AMD INDUSTRY. The art of starchinp linen was brought into England in 1553 by u Flem ish woman. The lightest tubing ever made Is of nickel aluminium. Three thousand feet of this tubing weighs only one pound. Chili is going to fit up n vessel with the products of the country, to be taken j to the principal ports on the Pacific for ' exhibition. The English walnut is said to be the most proti table uf nil nut-bearing trees. When In full bearing they will yield about 3110 pounds of nuts to the tree. The nuts sell on an average at about four pfiice per pound. If only 27 trees are pUniod on tin acre the income would be nhout 135 per acre. The manufacture of carbons for elec tric light is very interesting. The plastic mass is driven out through ti small aperture with the aid of n hy draulic press. They are then baked in furnaces and arc automatically electro plated with copper. The plating oper ation is particularly interesting. At the Paris exposition special effort will be made to make a striking exhibi tion of Indian corn nnd its food prod ucts. It is intended to establish in con nection with the American rgrieultural exhibits a "corn kitchen." in order that the visitors may be furnished with nil kiiuh; of maize foods. It is hoped that this will increase the market for Amer ican corn. According to the Papier Zeitung, where it is desired to avoid black specks in paper mailt? In the smoke-laden nt- ni0BI,,cre of a district the only effective remedy is the Ultra tion of the air through a woven fabric of fine texture. At ScheHng's works in Berlin, where photographic sensitized pnper and plates are made, a circula tion of air is maintained by drawing in air through cloth filters and expell ing the same through powerful venti lators in the roof. PROGRESS IN METALLURGY. Great Achlevi-monta In the Worka of Great Ilrltnln Mniiy New MctiilR. Of the achievements in metallurgy which have either been actually effect ed or are in immediate prospect, Prof. Sir W. Roberts-Austen recently gave the following collective statement in his presidential address to the Iron and Steel institute of Great Britain. There are, he said, blast furnaces which will produce 090 tons of pig iron in 24 hours. with a consumption of little over 15.4 hundredweight of coke per ton of iron, and the gases from blast furnaces are used not only as sources of bent, but directly in gas engines. There are I!es reiacr converters which can hold .() tons of metal, and opeil hearth fur r.nces which will also take 50 tons, while lt)i-ton furnaces arc projected. The open hearth furnaces are fed with one ton of material in n minute, by the aid of a large spoon worked by an electro motor. There are gigantic "mixers" callable of holding 200 tons of j:ig iron, in which, moreover, a certain amount of purification is effected. Steel plates nre rolled of over 300 feet in area and two inches thick, and there are girder-, which justify the belief of Sir Benjamin Baker, thnt a bridge con necting England and France could be built over the channel in lialf-mili-spans. There are ship-plates which, buckle up during a collision, but re main water-tight. There nre steel armor-piercing shot which will penetrate a thickness of steel equivalent to oer 37 inches of wrought iron. Tiie points of the shot remain intnet, although the striking velocities nre nearly 2,MiO feet a .'.econd. Tliere are wires which will sustain a load of 170 tons per square inch without fracture. Ifadfleld, whose labors lie hoped to see continued far the twentieth century, has given us manganese steel that will not soften by annealing; while Guillaume has studied the properties of certain nickel steels thnt will not expand by heat, and others that contract when heated and expand when cooled. Nickel, cro mium. titanium and tungsten are free ly used alloyed with iron, nnd the use of vanadium, uranium, molybdenum, and even glucinium, is (suggested. Huge ingots nre placed In Ranking pits and forged direct by 130-ton hnmmers, or pressed into slinpe liy M.OOO-ton pressers, nnd there are steel castings for parts of ships that weigh over .'15 tons. Cassier'6 Magazine. Ono dozen of Gi (Ford's photos will make you twelve, fine presenfs. What would lie appreciated more tor the novl7-lm holitlsye? Now is the s ttie tlmo to Ut (or A;nas photos Cloudy weather preferred for riittina. Kof ays Uiirunl.-" novly lin llritl)l Jtuoni lu 11 "lit. . A very cony room in private house. centrally located, may bn rented by ap plying at this rillice. ib-lw Ak your ' Oruggit for agenerona 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH fly's Grin Wi contain! no cucains, mercury nor any ether injurtouBaray. JllsquicuiyAtMorowL (Jives Jteilcfatonce, It oiina and cleauM tho Natal rnungv. A IImvm Inrtatnmatlnn. COtD'iHEA i tfeiabraue. I(eator t mell. Full MM MCI Tl Ileal and Protect tl' )fiabraue. I(eator the BenM ofTaite and hmell. FuU Mm Mc. YrUI 0 Admiral George Dewey Will rccclvo the most royal welcomo on Oct next, that waa ovor accorded to an American citizen. You will find a complete blofrraphy of this gTit hero, Including his brilliant victory ovor tho 3paU' Uh fleet in tlio groat, authoritative and up date work of reference, tho M Werner Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica This h tho only cucvclopcedln ou the taarkot that mentions Admlrol Dewey. It clvca tho data oi lib tlrth; hovr ho spent hln boyhood days; tho part hu took In tho Civil War; how after tho War ho was tmploycd on tho European rtatlon; in tho Naval Academy; lib rlto to the ran!: of Commander and (resident of the Hoard of lnspection and Survey; his command of tho Asiatic Sipiadron; how on April ho loft Hons Kong, with Ills squadron, round nnd destroyed tho Sj-aistsli Fleet, at Manila, on May 1st; his appointment as Acting Hear Ad Qlral, the honors ho received from Congress, and how on March 2nd, 1S09, ho was created full Ad miral. It speaks of him as a strict dUclpUnarlan, l-.n all-around athlete, a daring horseman and huntrmnn'and socially a good club man and a Ccncral favorite. It tolls of his marrlago to M.mj Susy Goodwin, a daughter of tho "fighting gov ernor" of Nov? Ilampshlre, who died in 1S72, leav ing a son, Georgo Goodwill Itowcy. Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of the Oregon and fcotes of ether noted personages no: crcn mentioned in any other Kncycloiiadla receive the same attention in this edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica It speaks of General Wood as Govcrnorof Santi ago of General Henry as Governor-General o. Porto Klco; of Asuinaldo's declaration of Wai against the U. E. YOD NEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human knowledge and progress, wherein infor uiatlou I.-i more cosily found and ucqulred than in nay other book or encyclop&dla lu tho world JN YOUR home:. V0E BALE BV I. C. NICKELSEN, CLEANSING CATARRH lliJALlIJSU L'OU Ely's Cream Balm Kaay and pleasant to us : Cuntniuu no lu Jurlmio dry 2. It U quickly nbenrbcil, Glve-j Iteliof ut once. It Opens and Clcnne3 mo mum j'as-ii"ea, Allvs Jrinammatluii. COLD 'N HEAD Ueal3 and I'rntccM tho -Membrane. Itcetorea the fieneo of Tmto and Hmell. Largo Hze, 80 cents at UriiKjiIetrt or livjpuill; Trial Rlzo, 1 cent by mall. ELY UKOl'lliua, ca Warrcu atreet, New York. B 8 HUNTINGTON H 8 tVI.SO.N UNTINOTOi; i WILSON, ATIOKNKYB AT LAW. Till: DAl.l.Ka, OKKUJ.s OHlceoVr l'Irst Kat. lluiu -Executor's Notice. Notice l hereby kIvcii thnt tlio unilerslBiicd bun rx;c-ii Hppoliitcd by order of the county court of th mute nf ort-eoii for Wiuco county, und by the will of ilury lillln, deceased, executor of the lust will nnd teHturnent of slri Mnry 1U!In, do ceuteil. All person. IiuvIiik clulins nilnst mid estiitouro hereby notified to present them with the proper voiiuhuri to mo at the otllcc of Hunt. inton it Wllbon, 'lba Dulles. Oreiton, wlthltislx moiithR from the ditto of tills nitlce. Dutcd Octoler JOth, iwcj. JOIIK JI. MARDKN, Onttt'H Kxcciitor Executor's Notice. All pemoiiB having claims iiKHlnut tho cMuto of KHznbeth Ann Cutui, deccHwed, tiro hereby notified to present the aaniu, properly verilled, " ...ivw t iju iiiiiivrntHiii:ij, inn tuny m, pointed cxeeutorof mild cututc, ut Dulles City oreKpn, jvlthlunlx monthH from thodutoof tlio piibllcutloii of tblH notice. Dated the 12th duy of October, 1K09. OctlMI llxecutor. NOTICE FOtt PUBLICATION, U. 8. Land Orfice, at Tub Dau.rh, Oiie.,1 .,.,, , OCTOIIKIl S, Ik'M. otlco la hereby nlveii that tho (ollowinK named nettler lino filed notice of lilx Inttiilion to make final proof In aupjjort of lil claim, und thutaild, proof will bo made before the Heitbiter and Itccelvcr at Tho Dal let., Oregon, on Sutur day, November 11, im, viz i Matkla Tlilol, or Mualer, Oregon. Homeatead Entry No. 8'J7.'t, for tho BWli NV!4. '.' north, raugo VI eaat, VV. ii. 1 lie numo thofollowliiK wltnemen to prove IiIh continuoui realdciice ucaii and cultivation of oald laud, vlx; Ohia. M Her. of Moilcr. Oretron: Dan'Thnm.. Herman BUjueman and Ernest Krledrlcbs, of The Dalle, Mreguu. v JAY P. LUi.'AB, oct7ll lUKlutcr Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavings, corn cobs, hay or peat. Constructlon-Tlils Is nn nlr tlulit ht-alur of thu oviil Miit't Meol tVH". It lum CAST IKON U.NI.MiH, liiiikiiig It (luriililo; itlw lint Iron fevri diHir, cunt tup mid bottom mid oniniiu'iiiiil Hiving top, with grlddlu cover underneath. Nlckellnp It Iiiih nlckuh-d urn, mini) piiite mimI ((Kit mils. Wo Imvc n complete tock of tnom on build. Cull unit Keo our Mock beforo bujliiK vlnuwhuru. The Busy Store. Huc'j day our business shows tho people are (indmir out wc are pushing to the. front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. 0 Sateheits and Farmers ..Eehange.. Keep on druuiiht the celebrated OOl.L'MHIA llKEIt, nckuowl. crtfied the belt leer lu Tho Indies, ut the UHiiiil price. Cumu In, try It nnd be convinced. Alto the Kliu-ht briiudu of U'lnea, I.I-iuor nnd ClKurb. Saodrjuiehes of till Kinds ulwayti on bund. tudi:o AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, hetween Court nnd Wush. ton Streets, Thu Dalles. JH- UKIHKNIIOKFKKU Physician aud Surgeon, Bpeclal utteatloii given to turgcry. Boom21uud22, Tcl.3ffi Voitt UIoo HA' 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. OfJlco over Krcnoh & Co.'t, liant W,ono e' THE DALLEti, OHEOON M0ORE & GAVIN, ATTOHNKYB AT LAW. Kooiai S'J and 40, over U. . Lund Ofllco. if I (mil j maier i Benton g i ,i The Dalles, Mai and stoffa Navigation Co.' - Regulator Dalles City Sta Dally (except Hundiiy) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portlana. TouchlUK at way poln, on both dues otiv. Columbia river. Ttnttt fif f lin n Kit ir.i mt. t ... . . ....... ... ... , v,i,, unvu oven robnllL mid aro lu excellent Miapu for the wnmn of 1$, ..... ............. , L-iiui-uTor to give Iti pHtrotin the best oorvico possible. For Onmrnrt, Koniinuiy Hnil I'lrain.. travel by tho Kteanium oi The lUguUtor Tlio ftenmem of tbu Itccnliitor Un will tn I)ulle ut 7 a. m. coinineuclui; Moudny the 4th Inst. ,X,r?'"Jl'1.?"lcc- r' c Jticsoa. Oak 8t. Dock. c:urt Htreet W. C. Allaway, Genera Awt EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK THK ' Southern Pacific Compty, TruliiH leiive mid nre due to arrive ut l'ortlu i.kavk. OVK1U.AND EX-1 preH, hulom, lime-1 liurtr, ARbluud. Hue-1 - im p t J riimiinto, Ogden.Hnn I 1'iisa. I Now culuuiib und t Knst N'.'tU A M "0,uuurB WIT s,i- ii ui ooaiiur.- inr i ..... . t.uu r, m Dully VXI-jpt HunduyH Mt.AtiRcl. BliTurtnu. Dally except HuiidJi. wit ticlo, llrowni.. ! rllle.riprlURtl'jld and ir.airon 17 :so a. m. (CorvulllH fHtutloun.. nnd wa-! fStSOI'.M. I INUKl'KNDENdF. I'ASSKNGKR. Kxpresn traia Dully (except Suniluy). I;W)ii. in. tl.v Portland . Ar.) B:2Sa.m 7;)p. in. Ai .McMinnvIUe I.v.J 8;Wa,m S::x)p. in, f Ar..ludciK!iidenct CC..I.V j ::J0o. m Dully. (Duny, except bunuur. DIKING CA KB ON OODKN UODTE. I'C I.LilAN IlUFKKT BI.KKl'EHS AND filCCOND-CLASS HLEKl'lNO CABa Attached to nil Through Train.. ldrtct connection at Kun rrunclsco with Occl deiitHl and Oriental and 1'uclllc mull uti'ttmilup , llneti for J AI'AN und CHINA. Balling listen on I hi plication. I' tickcth to Eastern t!ntfi and En-roiK.-. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and. j Al'KTltAl.IA. All ubovu truliiH arrive ut und dcart froo ! Grand Ceutrul Btutlou. Fifth and lrvinu tro YAMHILL DIVISION. i 1'Hi.henKcr Dejiot, foot of Jcllernon trect U:iw; lot Sherldiui, weet duyii, at lP- Arrive ut Portland, 'JVM a. m. Leave for AIIU.IK on Monday, Vcdncdl4 KrDliij- at hill.', u. in. Arrive at Portland, 1" ilav, Thumduy and Uuturdiu it 3:U.) p. ni. Kxcept Sunday. "Kxcept Unturduy. II, Kl KH.1.EK, (i, II. MAHKHAM, jliiinuer. Asat. 0. 1'. V Pass. At Throutth Ticket Onice.ini Third street, wtoj thromth tlcketa to all pnliita lu tho KiuterJ Htatef, Cauiidn and Kuropc van be obtalwfl loweiit rates from J. 11. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent. or N. WHEALUON. 2S ...STEAM... i Wood Saw Will run every day i'xcoptSunth.v Pnrou Ui.rtDmitllllo. T Telephone 201. W. A. OATES, Prop. C. S. Smith, Tin: Up-to-date Qr-oeer Fresh Eyg end Crcainory Butter a epcclalty, 2d Street. 'Phone 270. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. ntANHACT A .KNEKAL BANKING llUrlNKa Letters otOredlt issued available in tb Eastern SUtwa. ... 81,-ht Exchange and 'lWr')' Trawlers sold on New yrTnS St. Louis, Sn FwnclHco, For t ndD0yJJ gon, Sewttle Wsh., nnd vbHoue po n Oregon and Washington. ,taf Collections uiHde at ail poi orabie terms.