Household Necessities. Our Usual Friday and Saturday Special Sale. A lot of good things that you need at all limes, but cannot buy at your own prices except at this sale. Our complete line of Toilet Quilts at the following prices: No. 11 A pood Qnilt for bed $ .40 No. C072 A good full-size quilt 60 No. 00 A good full-size qnilt 73 No. 100 A good full-size quilt 83 No. L'OO A good full-size quilt 1.13 No. 300 A good full-size quilt 1.53 No. 400 A good full-size quilt 1.73 No. 5087 A good full size qnilt l.!)3 No. 800 A good full-size quilt 2.53 No. 000 A good full-size quilt 3.17 No. 1000 A good full-size quilt 3.33 COTTON SHEETS. 63x90 40c 81x00 43fi 81x00, best 57c These Bhcets measure the length and breadth as given above. ' BLEACHED MUSLIN. 30-inch 04c 36-inch 05c 30 inch 07c PILLOW CASE MUSLIN. 42-inch 11c 45-Inch 13c 54-inch 15c These are the beet qualities in Pillow Case Muslin in the market. COTTON DIAPER. 18-inch and 10 yard lengths 50c 20-incl. and 10 yard lengthB 63c 22-inch and 10 yard lengths 73c 24 inch and 10 yard lengths 83c These goods are finished by a new process and free from all impurities; nou-lrrltant, antiseptic, absorbent and durable. WIDE SHEETING, Bleached. 8-4, 72 inches wide 13e 0-4, 81 incites wide 17c 10 4, 00 inches wide 10c WIDE SHEETING, Unbleached. 8 2, 72 inches wide 12c 0 4, 81 inshes wide .' 10c 10 4, 00 inches wide 18u CRASH. 16- inih cctton crash 04c 18-inch, all linen 11c 17- inch, blue or red check 094c 18- lnch, blue or red check 11c These are but a few of the real bargains in this line, but time and space prevents a further quotation. TURKEY RED DAMASK. This is suggestive of Thanksgiving, and when you see these goods you will say they are all right to serve the luscious bird upon. 54-inch 17c 60-luch 10c 00. inch 20c See Our East Window. Funny When You Think of It We are gaining the top notch of tho Clothing Ladder by Bottom Prices. Wo are selling lots of Top Notch Clothing at Bottom Prices. Confidence is the basis of all transactions ; we want yours. Wo won't abuse it. Our name protects you. We have about 200 Men's Suits, Comprising all the latest Btyles and material. Sold in the regular way at prices ranging from $6.50 to $9.50. The bottom price on these euits ia $4.95. We have made this phenomenally low price in order to clean them up, and it will certainly pay you to look at these values. It is hard on the other fellows, we know, but we mean business and they must go. Make Your Own Dry "Weather.. Such a thing as being wet never occurs to the owner of one of our splendid Mackintoshes. LOOK HERE. A fine strictly all-wool Tricot; black or navy blue: double- breasted, English box style, wide velvet collar; with or without cape. Bottom price $4.55. We have the largest and best assorted stock of Mackintoshes in Eastern Oragon. High-grade Gloves at Low-grade Prices. Our Glove stock is complete in every detail, with the most up-to-date coverings for the hands. If you would be properlv gioved and still be at the least ex-, pense, buy your Gloves of us. Ladies' two-clasp, over seam, prime German Lamb skin Gloves, colors tan, brown, mode, slate, ox blood ; black and white embroidered backs, very Btrong. serviceable Glove, and good value at $1.25; sale price 85c The Centemeri French Kid Glove, always eold at $1.50; sale price 98c All our gloves are guaranteed and fitted ; from $1 up. Silk Waists.. Just arrived, a new line of Ladies' TaflVta, Satin and Velvet Waistsj ranging in price from $0 up. We have also received a full line Battenburg Pat terns for fancy work, with a complete assortment of Braids. We still continue our special sale on Ladies' Union Suits lor the next ten days. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY NOV. 18, 1899 Telephone No. 1. ! Oysters . bcrvcd in every stylo by A. KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The Christian church will begin a series of meetings about Jan. 1st. District No. 10 on Ctienoweth creek is to have a school library soon, having made choice of twenty-sevon well selected books tn be used for that purpose. It is reported that two Bteamboata are to be built at once in Portland and placed on the regular run between that place and The Dalles by theO. R. & N. Go They will be built after the plan of the HaBsalo. Services In the tropics Is telling upon our soldiers. Eleyeu men, recently re turned from Cuba and the Philippines, have been admitted to the government hospital for the insane at Washington. Their insanity is due to the' exceseive heat of the tropica Tonight Bt their dancing party Prof. Sandvig will introduce the ."Wentworth," the latest dance. These parties are very popular and well at tended, while they have a large number of pupils. Admission tomorrow night, 50 conts. All members of Friendship Lodge, No. 9, K. of P., are requested to be present at the next regular meeting, Monday, Nov. 20. Business of great importance will be under consideration. Visiting brethren are cordially invited to attend. Sum J. Gorman, a Portlander whose business is the selling of Columbia river cauned salmon in the East, is in Port land on a vacation. Mr, Gorman thinks that tho Ueh supply Is failing and that iu five years not 100,000 will be packed on the Columbia. The first public meeting of the High School Literary Society was held last night in the school rooms. A number of visitors were present, and from reports given by them the program was splendid, This is one of the moBt commendable adjuncts of the High school work. Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson left for The Dalles Tuesday morning where they will visit their son, Dr. J. H. Hudson, I for a time. They will look around mean while for a location where they can se cure a pleasant home in which to spend their declining years. Condon Globe. Hold-ups and robberies are becoming frequent all along the line. Last night the station at Biggs was entered and ransacked In great style, every thing being turned topsy tnrvy. Luckily the agent, E. Lewis, had taken the money anl everything of value home with him, so the burglar (or whoever the Intruder was) got badly left. And now not a soul is to be found who will acknowledge having seen a shooting meteor, for one of the most noted astronomers In the government service announces that the Bhower was predicted n year too soon, and will not occur until 1900. Oh, well, It don't matter, every body had an excuse for sitting up all night and none would attempt to kick at the stare anyway. Corporal Dumphofler, the Vancouver young man who, with others, was sentenced to be shot on a charge of as saulting Filipino women, may eecape the death peualty, but will no doubt be given a long imprisonment. Untiring efforts In his behalf have been exerted, and a large number of affidavits have been filed with the war department at the request of residents of Vancouver, ttestine tho good character of the young man. Tho committee which was out this morning soliciting funds with which to make a survey of tho proposed rail road into the interior, report splendid success, and no doubt it will not be long ere surveyors are at work. If evor Dalles people did rally to support anything It should be now. If you are interested in the town, your actions In this matter will 6how it. It seems to have resolved itself into two distinct claeeee for or against. You may not be able to give a large amount, but support it to the best of your ability. Mr. P. Brenner, an extensive farmer of Eight Mile , was in the city the first of the week, and informed ua that tho grain in his section is "out of sight." A great deal of the volunteer is up 12 Inches, and no doubt some of it will joint before freezing weather sets in. Instead of proving a detriment to the grain, Mr. Brenner thinks it will be a benefit to it, because it will prevent the snow from blowing over and freezing out the roots. Like all other farmers he is already rejoicing over next year's crop, which promises to be a stunner. Heppner Times. A teacher in a Boston euburban school received the following "eggscuse" from the mother of a boy who had failed to be present on a certain day: "Dear Teacher, Please eggecuee Andrew James tor not having went to school yesterday. He started all right, but him and another boy stopped for a little swim in the river, and a dog came along and carried off Andrew James' pantB and shirt and he bad to stay in the water until the other boy come home and got more pants and shirts for him, and then it was too late. Under the circum stances you could not expect him to be there bo kindly eggscuse. Look out for your money, particularly the dollars, and if you have any you are in doubt about just bring them to tnis office and we'll relieve yon of them. Joking aside, the counterfeit dollar question is assuming alarming propor tions here, and complaints are heard daily concerning the number in circula tion. It is thought they are manu factured in Mexico. A perfect rain of counterfeit nickels, ten cent pieces and 25-cent pieces is said to be flooding the city of Seattle, and occasionally a spur ious gold coin also turns up. But the bogus silver is there in unlimited quan tities. A gang of counterfeiters it is thought have made that place their headquarters. Up to this lime the slot machines are said to be the chief losers. The case of the State vs. Joseph Gan- teman is occupying the attention of the court today and is being tried before a jury composed of A. W. Boorman, L. C. Hennegan, F. M. Jackson, J. O. Wing field, C. V. Champlain, John Nolan, Geo. W. Jordan, Thos. A. Leabo, C. A. Cramer, Mike Glavey, D. L. Bolton and C. E. Hay ward. Moore & Gavin appear for the defendant and A.A.Jayne for the plaintiff. The case is one in which Gautemau was indicted for uttering a forged check. It ia purported that on May 6th in Charles Frank's saloon ho tried to pass a forged check for .f 165 on tho First National bank, Eigued by C. A. Morris. He was arreeted at Sumpter. This morning testimony was taken and council for parties waived argument and as we go to press the case was submitted to the jury upon the instructions of the court. As this is the laet case to be tried, court will probably adjourn to day So many inquiries have been made legarding the improvements at the electric light works and bo often have we been asked concerning the time which it will take to complete them, that we propounded several questions today by way of ascertaining Inforuia tion on that subject. The work will be finished about the first of the year, or prehaps not until February, when they will have a capacity for 1000 more lightB, the old ones also receiving much bene fit from the addition of power. Under the present conditions the engine is taxed far beyond what it should carry Tho new engine which has been sent for Is a 125 horse power engine. Beside a GO K. W. dynamo, another boiler, new line shaft and other improvements will bo put iu. An addition is being made to tho boiler room and a new coal bunker added. If the city were making arrangements to put in etreot lights what an advantage it would be to those who now walk in darkness. NO SUCH WORD AS DIE Anil Tut Wn II end Our Obituary Bflnt Hack From llm Othrr Mile--From tlio llrniicli I.tne, All Imimrlunt Dillcroncr, To make it apparent to thousand?, who think themselves 111, that they are not afflicted with any dieeaee, but that the system simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as a costive condition is easily cured by using Syrup of Figs, Manufactured by tbe California Fig Syrup Co, only, and sold by all druggists. Latest thing in camaraB aro Im proved Magazine cyclones at Doiiiiell's drug store. Wo have heard of one or two instances in which poisons on the vergo of the grnvo have been permitted to read their own obituary, and had atleaBt the satis faction of knowing how many bouquets were placed on their bier and how much their friendB would have appreciated them had they passed in their checks. But we confess this is the first time we have known of a case where tho "corpse" was in perfectly good health, with no thought of turning up its toes, perusing a long death notice in its honor. How ever, such is the privilege of The Dalles at present, and through the columns of the Walla Walla Statesman are we privi leged to read a biography of our former greatness under the caption of "A Doomed City." , If it bad not been bo long a time since that once lively berg had passed away, we should be led to believe it was but throwing at us the floral tributes in evidence at its own obsequies. We judge, however, they had none to spare, since Walla Walla could never claim one-half the prestige or advantages which Tho Dalles now possesses, and will possess less when the "branch" is made ready with which to whip it, for it will soon not even be oo the main line. And yet in eloquent terms, and with tear-"bleared"eyes the editor of the Statesman comes forward and cries "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears 1 I come not to praise The Dalles, but to bury it. Its glory has de parted never to return, and in the future it will be known as a way station without business and with but a meagre population." Ye gods! it doth amaze us how every small town in Eastern Oregon seems concerned regarding The Dallea and are eternallv publishing notices of its funeral. Why blesss ynu, the "corpse ain't dead yet," and while we realize that "misery loves company" we cannot accommodate you. Moreover, we will just say that The Dalles will stride about like a huge Colossus, while many of the petty towns which are stabbing it will walk under its legs and peep about to find themselves dishonorable giavea. A pretty lively corpse we must confess, when more business is today done in The Dalles than in three or four places of the calibre of those that are trying to bury It. We acknowledge that, like Walla Walla, we do not control the trade that we possessed in the early days spoken of bv that paper, when the vat territory now comprising the states of Idaho, Montana and a portion of Eastern Ore gon made this a trading point; but what of the trade that once wob Walla Walla's? What of the flour that was once shipped from there, let alone other staples? But then that place succumbed so long since that even its memory is blotted out. We do not deny that we have loft un done those things that wo should have done, and that we have been threatened, but it's nothing but "chicken-pox ;" it isn't even variloid, and yet our people have already resorted to vaccination, and it's taking too. In a not far distant period will bo seen the effects of this preventive in a railroad reaching into the interior which will bo a monu ment erected not ovor tlm "doomed city," but as n guide to lead nil to where the Mecca may be found. Even though such a movo wore not made, The Dalles would not be a dead city by any manner of mean?. From tho very nature of tilings it could not be a corpse, and will never ehake hands with Wallti Walla on tho ether phore. Therefore, while we stand gazing over the gulf which separates na and seo the beckoning hands stretched forth, wo must decline the honor, for in the bright lexicon of The Dallea there is no such word as "die." llepiut ofOrnnil Jury. Following is the filial report of the grand jury for the November, 1899, term of circuit court, filed November 16: We, the grand jury, herein submit the following final report: We have returned into court three true bills of indictment, and have ex amined some other matters which we have notdeeined of sufficient importance to report. We have examined the county clerk's, sheriff's and treasurer's offices, and the books, records and papers there in, and find said offices well and correct ly kept, so far aa we are able to judge. We have nlso examined the county jail, and find the same in good condition. We have visited and examined the county poor farm and find the same well taken care of, and the inmates well satis fied with the treatment they received by the county court. J. W. Moore, Foreman. I'urae Lost. Somewhere between the postoffice and French's bank, a green morocco purse with leather band around it. Contained $5 In money and oilier change. Aleo calling cards. Finder please leave at thia office and receive reward. 18 3t Wuuted ,(;tuts. Steady employment, salary or com mission. A 1 Article sells at eight. Suit able for Xmas present. Sample by mail 35 cents. Oregon Agency Co. Box 96. Portland, Ore. Are You Lookiuc for Taper Hand? We don't sell them, but if you want tbe beat five cents, worth in this town, try our Far West cigars. It'll make you feel good all over, and only five cent?. Ben Uilricb. Smoke to Your own Profit, Aa well as ours. 'Tis not how much you smoke, but how you enjoy It. Try our Mascot ten cents a ocal product that beats the world. Ben Ullrich. Cle Elm coal $6.50 per ton; Rock Springs coal $9 per too, delivered, at Maier & Benton'?. Help Wanted. A girl who desires to do general house work can obtain employment by apply ing at J. C. Hostetler'a on Fifth street. Geo. Noland, Rockland, O., says, "My wife had pilea forty years. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve cured her. It ia tho best salye in America." It heals every thing and cures all skin diseases. To Cure a Cold iu One Hay. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab Iota. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure. 25c. Fresh Saratoga chips and salted almonds for salo at Dawson's grocery store. 11-tf Subscribe for Tho Chronicle-. n-ArAjAyAyArA-rrrj-AjA-j THE GENUINE Wilson RitTight Heatet OUTSIDE DRAFT LtlKE THIS : 1 a There are other AIR-TIGHTS, but nono that equal tho WILSON. ....SOLD ONLY BY,... JVIAYS & CROWE, Sole Agents. J