The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 17, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the ystem y,
- rrrrTim iitl
1 Mnh nrnuA iriYi v
ITS tiiL. Wr
fOaSAtietmC'K.'&SiiTi FCltt 90c FIR CCTTIL
J. L. McCune ia over from Hartland.
C. O. Sturaiss, of Bake Oven, is in
Frank FairchilJ is in from Grass Val
ley on business.
.1. Jackson is in from iiis place near
SherarV liridye.
O. B. Derihick and F. M. Confer are
visitors from Victor.
Mr. F. H. Rowe left this morning for
California, called there by business.
A. L. Mcintosh, one of the most prom
inent stockmen of Prineville, came in
yesterday on his way to Portland.
F. C. Clausen is in from Dufur atteud
lug circuit court. He was an early
caller at the Cmtosici.u ollice today.
Mrs. G. W. Haaen, who came up
from Portland to snenit a short time with
Mrs. FI. H. Riddel), returned home
Rev. J. T. Merrill, pastor of the TJ. B.
church at Eugene, tias been visiting
relatives at Kihgsley and left this morn
ing for his home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Witt, who have sold
their property interests at High Prairie,
came over yesterday from that place,
and will.nimain here for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. arrived in
town yesterday un the Goldendale etaue
and left on ihi-s nmrnine'e train for
Tacnma, where ttiev will visit their son,
Messrs. E. C. Pease, D. M. French,
W. Lord, B. F. Lauirhlin and Hush
Gourlay left thin niornint: for the town
site of Mianiko. They will be juint-d by
Frank liurlhiirt at Arlington, a: d to
gether investigate iiittini; iii water
works, grading the streets, etc., at the
proposed townsite.
K. Booten, of Grass Valley, ia doing .
Scrofula to
Any one predisposed to Scrofula can
never be healthy and vigorous. This
taint in the blood naturally drift3 into
Consumption. Being such adeep-seated
blood, disease, Swift's Specific is the
only known cure for Scrofula, because
it istfie only remedy which can reach I
the diEease. ,
Scrofula nuceared on tho head ot mv little
grandchild when only 18 months old. Shortly
attur breaking out ll spread rapidly all over
hPr body. Tho scabs on the Boren would peel
off on tho sllphtest touch, aud tho odor
would atlne muno uio at
mosphere of tho room
tlckening and unbearable,
riio dUeaso next attacked
the eves, and wo feared she
iroulil logo her sight, Em
inent physicians from the
mrronmmiB country were
consulted, but could do
nothing to rcllevn the lit
lie innocent, and save it j
is their opinion that tho
eaeo wus honalesa and lm..
pog.slblc to Have the clilld'H eyesight. It was
then that we decided to try Swift's Specific,
That medicine at once made a Hpeedy and com
plete cure. She is now a young lady, nud'haa
never had a sign of tl: disease to return.
Mas. ItUIll JlEnKKI.KY,
t-allnu, Kan.
Scrofula in an obstinate blood disease,
and is beyond the reach of the average
blood medicine. Swift's Specific
C C C for mA
maBmm I nP I All IN II I Ui
- - - w w m
, , , , . , ,
is tho only remedy equal to 3uch deep-
uated dlsouses; it goes down to tho
yory foundation und forces out every
taint. It is vureln veaetable. and is 1
the only blood remedy guaranteed to
contain no mercury, potash or other
tainerul substunce whatever.
Booits mulled free by Swift SpeoiQo
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
09 MtSKrt
business in the city today, havlne nr
rived In town yesterday afternoon. He
says this is the kind of weather that
makes the Btocktnen smile and stock
live on the fat of the land. The condi
tion of the roads Id comparatively noth
ing when the heiielk derived from the
ruins ie considered.
lined lly llrltlali Soldier In Afrlcn.
Capt. 0. G. Dennlson is well known
all over Africa as commander of the
forces that captured the famous rebel
Galislie. Under date of Nov. -1, 18D7,
from Vryhurp, Hechuanaland, ho writes:
"Hufore starting on the last campaign 1
bought a quantity of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Dinrrhuja Remedy,
which 1 used myself when troubled with
bowel complaint, and had pi von to my
men, and in every case it proved moat
beneficial." tor sale by Blakeloy it
Houghton, druuiMdts.
Itl4iuiirok'n Iron .Survo
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
ou want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 23c at Blakeley
& Houjjhton's drugstore. 2
Cnah In Your Ottccki.
All county warramp registered prior
to Jan. -I, lbVb, will be nam at mv
office. Interest ceases after Nov. 13th,
Oountv Treasurer.
LaGrippe, with its nfter effects, annu
ally destroys thousands of people. It
may be quickly cured by One Minute
Cough Cure, the only remedy that
produces immediate results in coughs,
olds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and
throat and lung troubles. It will pre
vents consumption.
For Sale.
A good farm in Klickitat county
Wash., five miles from Columbus, con
sisting of 210 acres. Price $1000. Apply
to H. E. Curtiss' at A. S. Bennett's
office. nl3-dtS:wliu
Do you need a new pair of biankets this
winter? No time like the present to
buy them and inducements such as
A. M. Williams are offering, should
quickly decide where you are to buy
Turkey Shoot.
There will be a turkey and pigeon
shoot on the beach Wednesday and
Thursday, Nov. 29th and 30th, conducted
by A. Y. Marsh and Isaac Joles. td.d.t w
Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware
house, tf
'Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts
Use Clarke & Falk' quinine hairjtoriic
to keep dandruff from the head
You will not have boils if vou tako
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Uarke 5c talk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
Floral lotion will cure wind chappin
anil sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& talk.
Latest thing in cameras are Im
proved .Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
drug store.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Clarke & talk have a full and com
plete line of house, carriage, wagon and
; barn paints manufactured by James E.
'Patton.of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
i "I wouldn't bo without . DeWitt's
j Witch Hazel Salve for any considera
tion," writes Thos. B. Rhode?, Center-
' field, O. Infallible for piles, cute, burns
nnd skin diseases. Beware of counter-
' feite.
Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, N. Y., says
'"I heartily recommend One Minute
Cough Cure. It gave nu wife immediate
relief in suffocating nethma." Pleasant
to take. Nm'nr faiU in nnli'H
'.,,, , ,, ., . ,, .,
coughe, colds, throat and lung trotlblee.
I-a.nij Office at tub Daj.les, Ok.,
., , , t . October 7, Ib'J. (
Notice Is hereby idven Unit tint fnlimvinrr
j !nmol ettler hah died notice of Ids Intention
in uiuKu ii ii hi iirooi in iipnrt oi jus Clulm, imd
thut kidd proof will bo nude before iho Heidster
nnd Deceiver at The I)iille,UreKWi,ou Saturday,
:ovciiiber'.!5. 1693, viz:
ItHc V. MinvlHnil, of Tim Dallofi, Or.S
ill niCHteml lintiy Xo, Wiyo, for tho YM NKkf.
HWH Ni:( nnd NW BKU ftec. Is, T. I noithl
Ho imini-H the follmvlPK wltnemes to prove
nl conilniiou residence upon aud cultlvutloa
of mild land, viz:
J. D. Ilyre, J. W. Jefrv. lVed harKunt und J.
W. Jnhmtou; nil of Hie Dallei, Oieuon.
Oct 1M JAY I. l.UCAh, itcjlmer.
Executor's Notice.
All pcri-oiik liaviiiKCluhnH agalrikt the oilale
of Klfzubeth Ann Cnte, (, lire lierehy
nolllliil to preiteiit the ame, properly verllleil,
inconicu nine uincmiKiH-n, mo duly mi
iKiiuieii executor oi nuu eiiuie, ut uniies city
Oregon, within xix moiitli from tho date of the
pubncinion of ihi notice,
wtd thelJtli day of octolior, ivju.
0ctll. YSwuiAr.
Itoomi 3V and 0, over U. S, Lund Ollice.
i mi i v m i ii 1 1 1 i in mikv h ii.s. i . i wn"!r.-j j irT-.i.-j..;- j.iiiLiiMimmim i
One-Time I'lujnmte of the Cap
tain TetU of II In Sell mil Dnys
In Ills Nntlve Tovrn.
Louis Pcrrot, n Pittsburgh ilorlst, is
probably more Interested In the prog
ress of the Dreyfus trial than any other
Pittsburgh citizen. Ills, interest arises
from the fact that he was u playmate
of Dreyfus in the town of Mulhouse,
Alsace, says the Philadelphia Times.
He, of com he, hopes for the acquittal
of Ida former comrade in boyish uportb.
Ot Dreyfus lie says:
"He was very popular. His fat he
was u -dry goods .merchant, rich and
prominent in the town. Dreyfus ai
1 attended the same school. Then th
studies were nil in French. After th
war between France and (Jerniauy both
French and durum u were taught for
time, and then only German. 1 thin
it was during the war, or shortly after
that Dreyfus was sent away to eollege
1 did not see him any more until h
was a young man, and then not to tall
to him. He came home for a time, and
1 remember seeing him about the town
in his college cap and gown. Thnt vu
the last I knew of him until I began t
read about his trial.
"While we were in school as boys.w
played such games as schoolboys usual
ly do, nnd it was only during play tha
I saw anything cf Dreyfus. While th
war was in progress we all woro th
red, white and blue and were unthnai
astic for France. I do not recall tha
Dreyfus was more or less enthusiastic
than the rest of us in this matter, bu
that he was thoroughly French is shown
by Ills having become a French soldier
after Alsace became Germnn territory
One of the AVoiiiWth of the Ccntar-
mid Iln Acclilcntul l)l
eovery. The conversion of the flintiest, rough
est limestone into soft, white wool is
one of the wonders of the century which
will shortly appear in a practical wav
to the manufacturer, says the .iw Voi k
Teiegraph. onilerftil and nlmcst irr
)os:ibie ab it may seem, this process is
bm(r carried on successfully by a man
who expects his discovery to revolution
ise the wool and cloth manufacturing
The discoverer was making omt tests
of stone and was using heat nnd chem
icnls to analyze thein. lie happened
upon a limestone which, when sub
jected to the tests, acted unexpectedly
The usual course of stone under the con
ditions he was submitting it to is to lie-
c- tsc quicklime, but in this instance it
r :. into a lava. To all outward nppcar-
the stone was common building
-fii. Jt had been used in many build-
i:'-f, Lut it had a chemical quality that
v a-. ry ci.'terent.
'-l-.v molten mass was very pliable,
li!:- glass when it is in the same state.
Ola:.!: may be strung out like silk, and it
ha been converted into dress goods
Th.' r:an conceived the idea of carrying
t:ia experiment still further. This white
lava was subjected to chemical baths
and then to a drawing-out process, by
which it was converted into the finest
nnd most pliable white wool.
Kunxau I'olltlelaii'H CliiiriieterlHtlc
l'roiniiil AcroeiitcMl In
Short Ordur.
A jirominent iioliticinn of the Sun
flower aiate who, according to a local
o.whange, lias been liapjiily married for
over a year sent the following unique
pr-);.esal to the object of his adoration:
"My IX-nr .Miss : 1 hereby nn-
nounce myseii as a candidate lor your
hand, r.nd I shall use all fair and hon
orable menus to secure the nomination.
1 know there are many candidcter in
the field and I hesitated long before en
tering the race, but now I'm in it to
stay. My views on love and matrimony
have often been expressed in your hear
ing in un emphatic way. If you decide
to confer upon me the honor I apeak
of picnic 11:; a date for a caucus with
our mother. I Imve no objection to her
acting na temporary chairman, pro
vided it Is clearly understood that I am
to be chairman of the permanent or
ganization. Should the results of the
caucus prove satisfactory we can sion
Isold the primaries and select the date
and place of convention. 1 never be
lieved in iongcampaigiis, so if you de
cide to honor mo I will nsk you to make
the convention date as early as possible.
Devotedly yours, ,"
The following telegram answered:
"Caucus unnecessary; nomination
unanimous; come at once and fix the
date of ratification."
The Blorina of Cnpe IIiitlernH.
Another popular belief has been dis
posed of. "Stormy Ilatteras" lias long
been a terror to ocean voyagers. But
Willinm JC. Curtis, who lias just made
n trip past it, writes: "The voyage from
New York is delightful. People always
expect a little weather oil Capo Ilat
teras, out the captain of our ship says
that is a popular delusion, lie declares
that .Untterns has no more storms than
any other point on the earth's surfnee.
Tho land projects into the Atlantic nnd
makes hasty sailing along that const in
bad weather, and there have been terrl.
hie disasters from time to time; there
fore, Cniit. bnkeforth says that Cane
Ilatteras has unjustly irot a bad name.
He has been Milling this course for a
number of years I have forgotten how
many' and declares that he lias never
met with a gale In the latitude of Ilatteras,"
LijM titm
Admiral George Dewey
Will tvrclvo tho most royal wclcoaio on Oct. Isti
text, that wus over accorded to an American
You will And r. romploto biography cf tills (rreat
licro, incluillujc hli btllllant victory over tho Hpa"
isti llect lnthu groat, authoritative aud up
date work of reference, tho
Hew Werner Edition of the
This is tho only cncycloradlft on tho narlict that
mentions Admiral Dewey, ll gives tho dato of hh
I Irth; how ho spent his boyhood days; tho part ho
took In tho Civil War; how ufior tno War ho was
tsiploycdcn thoEuroj'Can station; in tho Naval
Academy; his rteo to tho tunic of Commander nnd
('resident of tho Hoard of Insjwctlon nnd Survey;
Ills comauad of tho .Ulntlc Squadron; how on
April 'J.'th ho left Hone Kotif; with his squadron,
found and destroyed tho Spanish riect, nt Manila,
su 2Iay 1st; hLi appointment as Acting Hear Ad
rjiml, the honors ho received from Coticrco, and
how on March '2ai, 1690, ho wojj created full Ad
lairal. It apcaks of him an u strict disciplinarian,
r.n.nll-nround nthlcte, a daring horseman and
huntinian, nnd socially a rood club man and a
;5noral favotltc. It tolls of hl3 marrlafjo to Xmi
Eu3y Goodwin, a daughter of tho "llghtltiR K"V-
crnor" of Now llamihlrc, who died in lb"2, lcav.
Iiis u sou, eicorgo lioodwlu Ucwcy.
Governor Theodore Roosevelt
Admiral Schley
Admiral Sampson
Capt. Clark of the Oregon
and rccrcc of ether noted personnjjes not c-cn
mentioned in any other Kucycloiadiu rccclvo the
tamo attention In this edition of tho
Encyclopedia Britannica
It Bpcaks of General Wjod as Governor of Sr.stl
ego - of General Henry as Governor-General o.
Porto Illco; of Aguinaldo'u declaration of Wat
against tho Ii. E. v
of human knowledge nnd progress, wherein Infor
mation I nnoro easily found and ucqulrcl than Ir
tny other boot or encyclopaedia in tho tvorlcl
roa nt.Lz cy
1S. OltlVlfl W. PfjGfltf,
Third Street, between Court and Wash-
ton btreute, The Dullea.
C. S. Smith,
Up-to-date (Jroeer
Fresh Kgg and Creamery
Butter a uieeialty.
2d Street.
'Phone 270.
Letters of Credit Issued available in the
caHiern mates.
filirllt Exehan-B and Tlnirrnn)nr
Trnnslers sold on Now York, Ohicano,
St. Louis, San Fraucisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Waahr,, and vnriouH points
ii wregun unu vYBSiiinion.
Collections made at ull nolntp nn fn.
orable terms.
CUltU X'Olt
Ely's Cream Balm
My nnd nleanant to
and ti
t'lllltalllK o hi
m '. unman
jiirioua druir.
ii KiuiCKlyabeorbcd.
lllV08 ltAllHf lit. filir,,.
It Dpcne ami Cleatmca
iiiu nun j-a,ai;ci.
Heals and I'rotecu tha Membrane. Iteitorca the 1
Bciiea of Tmto and Hmcll. Larae Him. bo ceiiti i it
u'uMtVir by mull: Trial 8lzo. 10
Aiiay Jiiuaiiiinatloi
e UMOTUKlia, M wanva bUwt, Ww Xmk,
i LztiiAAUoremuim
"i i
4 IH
For wood, chips, knots,
shavlnR9, corn cobs,
hay or poat.
ConotriictlonTlils Is mi nlr
tluhl lu-iiler u( tin: vnl Hliivt
tyiHj: It IniK CAST IltOX U.VlNliS,
iniikliiK It diirnblo; uln hni Iron
loci I iloiir, unl top uml butlnni nnd
oniiiiui'iitid hwIiik top, with K'l'l'l'o
cover uuiliMiieiith.
NIokellnB-It hns nlekuled urn,
I'lllllO pinto uml font rnlls. Wu Inivr H
L'oinplulu stuck nf tiiuni on hiiud.
t.'nll uml jscu (air htoek liefote- biijhiK
Kacli day our husincHs shows
the people are finding out we
nrc pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, ntul
Inst, but not least, buyers who
know their business imtl buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
..cuss. mM-
end Fafmers
Keeps on driniKlit tho celebrated
COl.tJMIIIA IIEEI'., iicknnwl.
cdKeil tho bent Ucr In Tho Diilleis,
nt theiiminl price, (,'oinu In, try
it mid be ciiuvliiced. Ahn the
KitifMt tirriiul'i of Wlnuii, i.t-itior
mid Clears.
of ull Kinds ahvnj'H on hand.
Olllco (iter French it (.'o.'k Hunk
Offlcoovi'r First Nat. IlMiik I
111114 nlv llltl OHil,- "W(ui' ihjo
1 Ulaief t lenlon
M .. -1gBg
Tliis brand of Wlilnkey is euaranteed to the consumer as
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, -
Tin Dalles, PorllaM aM
Navigation Co.'
strS. Regulator Dalles City
Dully (except Kuminv) butMn
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland,
TouchliiB nt way point m, ,ti, fldM . .
Columbia river. Itt
lloth of thou ovch ciimers hiivo been retain
nnd nro In excellent hhnp; lor the Keaonoffi
Tim l(iiiltiir Mm. will oiidenvor tomV.iS
piitroim the best ncrvlnu ihhIIi1c. W,reltl
Kor (Xniifiirt, Koonoiny hiiiI ri.M.
tniVL'l bv tho KtfiiniiirB nr t.-".T."Vi
The MennieM of tho ItcRiiliitnr Unmiilu.
liiiliCH at 7 a. in. coaiiucnclin; MomUy tie t!
i'ortlHiid Olllre.
Out St. Doc..
I'i.o llalla oBm. i
W. C. Allaway,
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or THE
Southern Pacific Comp'f,
TrnliiK letive und arc due to arrive at ftrtl
jiri'iiH, Salem, How-1
hurc, AhIiIuiuI, Sue-1
7:wi r, M, i
riiiiieiito, OkiIuii.Siiii !
Krnticineo, (MnlKve,
' 9:15 l.)l
Lou AiiK'i.'io.i.i.i ra
New Orlenim unii )
a.m. i .
; t. CHRl . . . . J
Itoseliurg und wny U
itlons . . ... 1:33P.
I f Via Wuodbur." lor i
I I .Ml.Aliuol, bllrurlnn, I lullj
U Went Hclo, llrowns-i eicent
hlWI A. M
.till., K, t,,w1 ' U....J...
1 Niitrou
17 ISO A. M.
nnd tvayj
Dally (except KunUay).
l;50p. m. (I.v l'nttlnnii Ar.i 8:15 .n
:wj p. m. Ai...i:c3iiiiiiviiie. i.v.) o;wi,-
b:::u p. in.
(Ar.. inner
"Dully. fDnlly, except btmaivy.
AttBCla-d to all Throimh Trtlni.
... . ... . l . AaI
ticiuui www uritMUtli nun i nvuiv nuui wtwur i
tli.i. t.i IliiAU ..i.H flltlK'A Q.ilHntf flltM fifl .
. . i ti ...lit.. . M kin ft
u lillcatlou. . , h
lliitufi i.ud tlckctN to Eiwtcrn ilnU imH;
OiJM... Abu JAl'AN, Oili.N A, 1IUSOWW
All iihiivn trulim nrrivn nt nnd lierlrt fW
(iniud Centnil Ututlmt, Kilth uml lrvim W DIVISION.
I'liU'entter Dejiot, foot of Jcilensoniwrt
U'uve for Hhcrlrtiiii. week diiyn. iUH
Arrive at l'ortlnud, y:30 n. m.
U-ave for AIKI.1K on Monilny, W'olllJ
Krl-Hji- itt h:!W n. in. Arrlv nt l'i)rtUM,v
iluv. Tlittmdiiy and Siiturdm it 3:05 p.
Kxcept Bundiiy. "Except Eiituniy.
U. KO:L.l.lCH, . H. MABKHAMr A-.M.O. Vtt.rt
ThrniiRh Ticket Olllec, 181 Third t'ti5
through tlekcw to nil pnlnts la
Ht-iten, Ciiniiilii mid Europe run be obtUn"'
lnweat mteb from .. ., , , ..,
J. 11. KtltKEANIl.TioIietAIW
or N. WliliAliDON.
Wood Saw
Will run every day twpt Sunday.
Kates Ht'iieonuble.
Telephono 201.
W . -, . r-n-MrS n A-
4 W. A. UATJ-D) x-xuy.j
? .,-v-
Physician and Sureeon,
Hm.'Oliil uttciitloii Klven to iireT-
, ...l.MS VtBW
AVUUllin m i HUM mm '
0 ...STEAM...
The Dalles, Or.