Household Necessities. Our Usual Friday and Saturday Special Sale. A lot of good things that you need at all times, but cannot buy at your own prices except at this sale. Our comploto line of Toilet Quilts at the following prices: No. 11 A good Quilt for bed if .40 No. 5072 A good full-size quilt 00 No. 00 A good full-Bize quilt No. 100 A good full-size quilt 83 No. L'OO A good full-size quilt 1.13 No. 300 A good full-size quilt 1.53 ho. 400 A good full-size quilt 1.73 No. 5087 A good full size quilt 1.113 No. 800 A gorrtl full-size quilt 2.53 No. 900 A good full-size quilt 3.17 No. 1000 A good full-size quilt i '. . . . 3.33 COTTON SHEETS. 03x90 40c 81x00 43u 81x00, best 57c These sheets mensure the length nnd breadth as given above. BLEACHED MUSLIN. 30-inch 0'4J 30-Inch 0 30 inch O'o PILLOW CASE MUSLIN. 42-inch I,10 45. inch liJc 54-inch , 15c TJheeo are the butt qualities in Pillow Ciiee Muslin in the market. COTTON DIAPER. 18-inch nnd 10 yard lengths 50c iiO-ineh and 10 vard lengths -e 22-ineh and 10 yard lengths ;c 24 inch and 10 yard lengths 83c These goods are finished by a new process and freo from all impurities; non-irritant, antiseptic, absorbent and durable. WIDE SHEETING-, Bleached. 8-4, 72'inches wide ljjc !M, 81 inches wide l c 10 4, 00 inches wide 10c WIDE SHEETING, Unbleached. 8 2, 72 inches wide J2c 11 -I, 81 iiiBhes wide 10 4, 00 inches wide CRASH. lflduch cotton crash (,4c 18-inch, all linen K 17- inch, blue or red check U.).jC 18- inch, blue or red check Ho Those aro but a few of tho roal bargains in this line, but time and spaco prevents a further quotation. TURKEY RED DAMASK. This is snggestivo of Thanksgiving, and when you see these goods you will say they are all right to serve tho luscious bird upon. 54-inch .c 00-inch ';c uOdnoh 2 See Our East Window. Funny When You Think of It We are gaining the top notch of the Clothing Ladder by Bottom Prices. We are selling lots of Top Notch Clothing at Bottom Prices. Confidence is the basis of all transactions; we want yours. Wo won't abuse it. Our name protects you. We have about 200 Men's Suits, Comprising all the latest styles nnd materials. Sold in the regular way at prices ranging from $0 50 to $9.50. Tho bottom price on theee suits is $4.95. We have made this phenomenally low price in order to dean them up, and -it will certainly pay you to look at these values. Jt is hard on the other fellows, we know, but we mean business end they must go. Make Your Own Dry Weather.. Such a thing bb being wet never occurs to the owner of one of our splendid Mackintoshes. LOOK HERE. A fine strict v all-wool Tricot; black or navy blue: double- breasted, English box style, wide velvet collar; with or without cape. Bottom price $4.55. We have the largest and best assorted stock of Mackintoshes in Eastern Oragon. High-grade Gloves at Low-grade Prices. Onr Glove stock is complete in every detail, with the most up-to-date coverings for the hands. If you would be properlv gloved and still be at the leaBt ex pense, buy your Gloves of us. Ladies' two-clasp, over seam, prime German Lamb skin Gloves, colors tan, brown, mode, slate, ox bloud; black and white embroidered backs, very strong, serviceable Glove, and good value at $1.25; sale price 85c The Centemcri French Kid Glove, always sold at $1.50; sale price 98c All our gloves are guaranteed and fitted ; from $1 up. Silk Waists.. Just arrived, a new line of Ladies' Taffeta, Satin and Velvet Waists, ranging in price from $6 up. Wo have also received a full line Battenburg Pat terns for fancv work, with a complete assortment of BrnidB. Wo still continue our special sale on Ladies' Union Suits lor the next ten days. II Goods Marked In Plain Figures PEASE & MAYS. In the U. 8. district court' at Walla Walla on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. The cases involved over $14,000. One case was won on the pleadings, another before a jury and the third was diemissed. Goldendalc Sentinel. This is the season for high tides, and an unusual one was experienced at Sea side Wednesday morning. Tho heavy swells rolled over tho bulkhead at Grimes' ndw hoto!, and tho water ran down the shell road to the Necanicum, This is known to have happened before, but very infrequently. Today it is said there will be a much higher tide, and its effect is awaited with much interest. Now is tho very time everyone desires to be well ehod, and -that is the reason Chas. Stephens' show window attracts so much attention, for therein may be Been the famous Douglas shoe. For weeks past patrons have been inquiring for them, and the entire stock is now in. Mr Stephens is sole agent, but not agent for the soles alone, but the entire shoe. Call and let him show them to you. Last night the Det,;ee of Honor ten dered the memberB of the A. O. U. W. a surprise, and those who were not present missed a very pleasant evening. After gaining admiseion to their lod e hall, greetings were exchanged and the ladles made welcome, and Temple Lodue exhibited their lovely screen work, which was a rare treat. Miss Elizabeth McArthur sang a solo, Miss Esther Beck gave a recitation and Mrs. C. F. Stephens a vocal solo. Retreshments were then served, after which dancing and a gen eral good time was enjoyed by all who were fortunate in being present. Officers of the Southern Pacific and O. R. & N. steamer lines report that California tourist traffic is exceptionally heavy. In fact it has not been so good before for years. The agnts accredit this to the general prosperity the coun try is now enjoying'. They say that entire families are wingiug their way southward to enjoy the golden sunshine. They further notice that a great many of the passengers are mining men from British Columbia, Idaho, Washington and Eastern Oregon. Usually this travel does not begin until after ChristmaB, but people have money and want to spend it. Seufert Bros, are determined to find out just how much coal there is around The DftlleB7Ithat ib in certain loca tions, and' to that end have em ployed Knight & Stone, of Spokane, ex perls in that line, and this morning Stoneifrrived in the city, bringing with him Ame of their best diamond drills Thcr intention is to drill a 1000 foot prospect hole about a mile and a half fom the company's ice house, near the in sufficiently good condition for plaintiff to have passed over safely had It not been for its icy condition at that time, and that Wasco county could not possibly be accountablo for tho work ot tho ele ments, a higher j jwer overruling such conditions. Col. L. L. Hawkins nud L. B. Scely, who came up from Portland to view the meteorical shower nt this place, certain ly have better eyesight than residents of our city, for after sitting on Sunset hill all night Wednesday they sent a report to Portland that they saw twenty shoot- ng stars. We do not deny their asser tion; but at the same time it seems strange that our Dalles people having eyes saw not though they watched patiently. Mayhap Dallesites saw the same stars, but thinking such a sk-ht oniy what can be witnessed any night in Eastern Oregon, paid little attention, never dreaming they could hava any thing In common with the "shower." The report sent to Portland said : "We spent three hours on the hill south of The Dalles, from 1 to 4 o'clock this morning. We saw twenty shootine stars, Beven of which radiated from a definite vanishing point in the sickle of o. The balance came from hap hazard points of the heavene. It the handle of the eickle of Leo was depressed about one-fourth of its leneth inward toward the blade it would mark as nearlv m I could decrih3 the central The Dalles. My Chfoniele. FRIDAY NOV. 17, 1800 J'elepfione No, 1. Oysters lj (5) . WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. There will be a special meetiug of tho council tonight at tho recorder's office, Special mooting of The Dalles Hook and Laddor Co. Monday evenirg at 7 ;30 p. tn. Yesterday Gov. Goer appointed three nourlee public, among whom wub John H. Cradtebaugh. Loon D.iwean 1ms been confined to his home for several days with nn at tack of inflammatory rheumatism. Now la the tlmo to sit for X;nas Photos. Cloudy wither preferred for sittings. So iya Uifford. .novl7-lro Ono dozen of Gilford's photoB will make yon twfllve fine presents. What would be appreciated more for the holidays? novl7-lm If not for your Thanksgiving dinner thon probably for your ChristmaB dinner, you will want a now tablo linen. Buy "now and buy at A. M. Williams & Co'b. Why? Read their ad. Tomorrow nieht at tho Vogt Stuart & Bird's comic players will appear in the oyclono comedy "Pa-Pa." It is Bald to be full of fun and many high cIubb novelties will bo introduced. It seems odd to see tho building (or so ninny years occupied by Snipes & Klnersly bb a drugstore, being vacated. Tise goods recently purchased by Wm. Henry aro being stored and soon tho etoro will ha minus a tenant. Tomorrow night at their dancing party Prof. Sandvlg will introduce the "Wentworth," tho latest dance. These parties aro vory popular and well at tondod, whllo they havo a largo number of pupils. Admission tomorrow night, 00 cents. Groohler, the bakor, who is now lo cated on Union street, is putting up a building on Second street between Marders' and tho Wilson building, where he has put in a new oven and will soon move in, adding thereto con fectionery, etc. A telegram recolved by the Judge from Mrs. Uiadshaw yesterday afternoon an nounced her arrival at Chicago, having stood the trip remarkably well. She was met there by relatives and will spend but a short time, going on to Asheville nt once. The countrv editor is a reliable en cyclopedia. A subscriber sent one this query recently : "What ails my fowls? Every morning I find one keeled over to rise no more." Tho reply was: "The fowls are dead. It is an old complaint and nothing can be done but to bury them." Yesterday when Mrs. R. B. Gilbrath whs coming into tho city he picked up a book on the road between 8-Mile and W. D. Richards, place. It ib a German book and belongs to the Mt. Angel Monastery Library, , If the person who lost it will call at this office it will be returned to him. Mrs. W. T. Gardner, of the Boys' nnd Girls' Aid Socloty, who spent yesterday n TheDalles, came up for the purpose of bringing a 4-year-old girl to the family of Jerome Williams, they being desirous ofy&uojrtiiig her should she prove satis factory She also took a child to a family lb Arlington and also left one with some people at Hood River, Attorney W, B. Presby Is a very hap py man these days, having won all three of the D. W. Pierco Son timber cases elougliB. working a mgnt ana uay shift it is thought it will take fifty days to drill the hole. Seufert Bros, deserve much credit for the energy and interest displayed, for should they be successful, the entire city will be benefited thereby, and it costB much to prospect A week ago tonight a cigar box con taining almost if 100 was taken from Burgess store at liakeoven. An arrest was made shortly after, but proved to be tho wrong man. Suspicion then restrd on Alva Simons, a young man whose home is in The Dalles, bat who has been working for BurgeES since June. He was arrested yesterday by Deputy Sheriff E. J. Glisan, and when a chest belonging to him was searched it contained $900 in money, several articles Biid a pair of driving gloves belonging to the stage driver, Lawson, and stolen from Ward & Robertson's barn at the time Simons was employed by them. His case will be taken up at Antelope, and it looks rather dark for him The condition of the roads leading into the country is very bad, and ono man at least came to the conclusion yeBterday that they had no bottom Just as he was Btarting up the 5-Mile hill, driving a six-horse team, and reached the bridge near Hyre's place his wagon struck a bad chuck hole and he was thrown out into a ditch below He was assisted out, nnd so far as could be ascertained no bodily harm was re ceived with the exception of a eprained hip. It is said, however, that he was a sight to he seen covered in mud lrom head to foot, it was impossible to recog nlze him. Scraping as much off as it l p. wau nneulliln tn rnninvn. Im wpnt mi his I H r , . - - .-I & P. way swearing vengeance ukuiiigi u I ! cnncK noie, muu aim everytiiing in con nection therewith. Today tho attention of tho circuit court has been taken up with the case of Henry Gardner, vs. Wasco county, u suit to recover damages received on Rico's grade last winter. Moore & Gavin appeared for plaintiff and closed their direct testimony just before noou, The dejense then moved for a non-suit, 1 . - I l. M. . I. -.1 . ! . II - .1 . 1 claiming tutu inu pimmm imieu iu prove b cause sufficient to submit the case to the jury. The attorneys for Gurdner strongly resisted the motion, but about 2:30 the court declared it a non-suit. The defense claimed that the grade was Mnny HtntPR A filleted. A copy of tho Public Health Reports, Issued nt Wahimrton, D. C, on Nov. 3, wa9 received in the olllc3of Gov.T. T. Geer yesterday. It a journal, pub lished by tho United States marino hos pital service, nnd show the work done In ev?ry part of the United States In handling and suppressing contagious diseases. The reports of qnarantino officers, and state, county and municipal health of ficers in every portion of the country, to tho Fiirgeon general of the marino hospital service, on tho Btnullpox situ ation Bhows that during tho past four or five months thiB disease haa broken out in nearly every state, but a-j well was the work of thi authorities performed, that but twenty-two chr'9 resulted fatally in thf United Suites betwoon June 30th and November 1st. Throughout the Southern states, where the disease threatened to spread to all section', Eurgeons of tho marine hospital were sent, to advise with the local author! lies and aid in arresting the progress of the disease, and they met with uniform succces. In Alabama and Georgia emalipox was found in manv localities anil until the coming of a fed eral health precaution had been taken against a spread of the disease. His services were utilized hy the state officials, however, in bringing about a start toward arresting and suppressing Pu'illo Sellouts. Following is the report for the quar ter (4 weeks) ending Nov. 10 '90. TEACHERS. Kast Hill Prtmaru. Miss Nan Cooper 1 and 2 Miss ltoberts 3B, 4Band5B Court Street. 1 Miss Douthlt 1st Miss K Cooner 2.1 MUsMartlu 2'1 Miss Wrenn un Academy i'ark. Miss rhlrrunn 1st Miss Klinn 2B-3R Mis. Kuche 413-3U Miss Hull Mil Jllnh Aco(. Mrs.BaMv!n CB Miss 1.. Kintoul GA-7A MlssT. Kintoul 7th Miss Mlcliell Sth H. s. Ienarlment. MlsiHIll Mr. Nell II S ia: 59 at, fO 47! mi f o; ss 43' 13 4G, 0 4Sj 2 ; 7 GO 2 471 2 42, 1 40, 4 Totals Is 81, 12 ;.'' r.7 Notice to choil Ti'iicliers. r KAntfiliinn nnint Qi-itvw. rif till tars mentioned were beautifully colored j . red, green and yellow. Leo did not get above the clouds near the horizon until about 1 o'clock. I will try again tonight. The weather is bright and clear." Recognizing the fa -t that a thorough knowledge of vocil mniic will in the future become one of tho require ments of every successful school teacher, I have decided to open a special course for teachers in tho rudiments of music, yocal culture, theory and sight singing, fitting one for a practical knowledge in the different branches of vocal uiUBic. All teachers desiring to enter this course should consult or write mo baforo Dec. 1st. Teachers from the country may attend without any loss of time as the lessons will be given on Saturday of each week. Full particulars and terms on ap plication. A. W. Lu.s-dem,, B.M., Novl7-3tdc4w The Dalles. Number of days of school, 20. ( Enrollment 37 more than last quarter. J. S. Lakdkks, Superintendent. An Important Dltrcrtitice. To make it apparent to thousands, i who think themselves ill, that they are , not afflicted with any diseaEe, but that the system simply needs cleaning, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as a" cgstive condition is easily cured by using Syrup of tigs. Manufactured uy the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and Eold by all druggists. The Supply Limited. Si'nriso on Mt. Hood from Lost Lake. Plaod your orders now for Christmas or you may get left. Gilford. nl7-lm Clarke & Fulk have on Bale a full lin of paint and artist's brushes. Smoke to Your Own l'rollt, As well as ours. 'Tis not how much you smoke, hut how you enjoy It. Try our Mascot ten cents a local product that beats the world. Ben Ullrich. Cle Elm coal $0.50 per ton; Rock Springs coal $0 per ton, delivered, at Maier & Benton's. Help Wanted. A girl who desires to do general hiuse work can obtain employment by apply ing at . I. C. Hostetler's on Fifth street. Geo. Noland, Rockland, O., Bays, "My wife had piles forty yeais. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cared her. It is tho best salve in America." It hpala every thing and cures all ekln diseases. To Cum a l.'olil in Ono Iluy. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All tlrusgists refund the money it it fails to cure. 2.V1. Fresh Saratoga almonds for sale store. chips and ealtecf. at Dawson's grocery 11-tf U-o Clarke & Falk'a Iiosafoam for tho teeth. THE GENUINE Wilson flir-Tight Heatet OUTSIDE DRAFT HIKE THIS: 1 There are other AIR-TIGHTS, but none that equal tho WILSON. .....SOLD ONLY BY..., 1WAYS 8t CROWE, Sole Agents.