el) C D ft I I CG Chronicle- V 61 VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1899. NO 80 RUMORED DEATH OF GEN. JOUBERT First Regiment Ecaclicd Estcomi and Heard Bombardmcut of Ladvsmitti- ARMORED TRAIN SENT FORWARD Every Day Lessens Chances for Boer Success Against General White Plan of Doers Retreat. Estcouut. Nntnl. Nov. 13-10. Tho West Yorkshire regiment Iihh arrived here. The bombnrdtnont of Ladysmith has heon resumed. Heavy firing was heurd early this morning. An armored train was sunt out on a reconnaieeaneo toward Colonso. The urmored train on its return reported that the Boers had blown up the lino butweeu Colonso and Chivoley. Not much damage woo done, but tho rails were bout and a Btnnll culvert destroyed. On seeing British patrols the Boors retired. Kvory day lessons tho chance for the Boers coming farther south. Kadi re re port that a force of 400 to 500 Boers, with wagons, were going in the direction of Colenso. This is said to be the foraging party previously sighted. Kaffirs also report that General White's cavalry has had nn engagement with Boers at Hester's station. Result not known. A message from Ladysmith just received gives a fen details of occurrences of Wednesday, when the Boers' shell fire was continued during tiie day. It is assarted they attempted, deliberately to aim at Convent hill, in the center of the town, whore thoro wero only Sisters and wounded. The building was hit twice in npite of the Gonova flag Hying. Boers attempted a demonstration against the western defenses, but they wero never serious. Groups appearing at long range were easily scattered by tho fire of a machine gun. Tho total British casualties during the brisk bom bardment was three men, though some damage was dono to cattle and property. London, Nov. 10. A dispatch recoived here (rum l'iutennaritzburg, dated No vember 11, soys it is rumored there that Joubort, commander-in-chief of the Boor forces, has been killed in action. Theltjer positions are 0000 to 8000 yards distant. Tho Boers have sent in 100 Indian coolies from the Dundee- coal fields, doubtless with tho object of assist ing to iinieh our food. London, Nov. 10, The most startling news from the seut of.war today is the report of tho death of General l'iot Jou bert, comiuander-in'chief of the Boer forces. Though the report comos from many different sources, it obviously lacks confirmation. At tho same time many people believe tho report to be well founded, os the general's death is eaid to have occurred November 0, when tho Boer rifle-men were understood to be within 1500 yards of Lvlysmlih. As severe fighting between the British aud Boers the eatuo day lias since been reported, it Ib regarded in some quarters as quite probable that Joubert, always noted for his personal courage and cool iiosp, may have dangerously exposed himself in a personal reconnaissance of the British position. If Joubort was really killed on the battle-field, it would teem to be the fittest death for such a gallant soldier. Even his foes admit that 'he fought eqiurely and his action when General Symoiifl died in cabling tils sympathy to the bereaved widow established him in tho high regard of all soldiers. It is claimed the death o' Joubert would bo likely to load to adoption by the Boere of balder and more active tactics, as it is well known Joubert was a cautious aud conservative commander, and that ho had considerable dlilluulty in restrain ing his hot-headed followers. The dribleta of news bring the in formation that Ladysmith was etill ROYAL BAItlNCf POWDER, Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. Made from pure, grape cream of tartar ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NCW YORK. undera general bombardment on Sun day of from six to 40-pounders, while tt.r. . .1 ..... :i,. '!'!. T.. bUO jitwtu h;uuo DllClll.. AMU UUOIC,) it consequently appears, have got more heavy gune into place, while either the British ammunition has given out or the British gunners are reserving their fire in view of tho poor practice made by the besiegers. There ib more Catarrh in this section of the country than all otho diseases put together, und until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it n local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatmeut, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh tobe n constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Cutarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly an tue aiood and mucous surincea oi tne Bystein. Tiiev oflor one hundred dollars for any case it fahs to cure. Send for circulars und testuionials. AddresB, F. J. Ohenky & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 What Crime Costs Taxpayers. PundIjKtox, Nov. 15. Circuit court cost for October term $70128.07. The total is considerably in excess of cost of ordi nary terms for the reason that there wore two homicide ases for trial, Tho trial of grand jury 'expenses was $558.10, of which the jurors recoived $110.00, and the grand jury witnesses $441.50. Regular jurors received $1102.70 and special jurors $615.60; total $1718.30. Witnesses in the moro important casos received as follows: Minis case, $035.40; Townsend caee, $390.70; Koach case, 277 ; Duncan case, $108.00 Tho Hhenir'a expense for the preceding two months was $13S2.G1, a large share of which was incurred in connection with the homicide cases which were tried. Nebraska's Election. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 16. Interest in the election was reviyed when tabulation of the returns began at the state capitol, inasmuch as it shows that Holcomb rau far aheud of his ticket and that the Republicans have possibly elected oue of the university regente, while the majority for the second fusion candidate will be lees than 6000. Your Vuoti Shows the state of your feelings and tho state of your health ad well. Impure bloo.l makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you ore feeling weak aud worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sureuparlllas and so called purifiers fall ; knowing this wo soli every bottle on a positive guarantee, Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 01iuinlicrlttlu I'nlli llnlm Otirei Otlium, Why Not Vou? My wife has boon using Chamberlain's Pain Balm, with good results, for a lame shoulder that has pained her con tluunlly for nine years. Wo have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors with out receiving any benefit from any of them. One day we saw an advertise ment of this medicine and thought of trying it, which we did with the best of satisfaction. She Iibb used only one bottle and her shoulder is almost well. Adom'h L. Millett, Manchester, N.H. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. FOUR INCHES OF RAIN Has Sadly Impeded Lawton's Advance in Luzon. Washington, Nov. 10. General Otis today cabled the wur department con cerning the situation in regard to the American advance in pursuit of Aguin aldo : "Manila. During the lust thirty-six houre, four and one-half inches of iain have fallen, and it is etill raining in the north. Lawton's telegraph linejs not yet beyond San Jose. The laet dispatch, received theeveniugol tho 14th, reported the capture of many supplies in trans portation north and eirst of San Nicholas, and our troops moving from Humingan and Tuyug west on Ureaneta, where the insurgeuts' force is reported. Law ton has abundant supplies for subsistence, forage and transportation at San Ieidro and Cabantunn,'but is unable to move. "MauArthur has the railroad between Bumbom and Turlnc in operation, Ave miles. The road south of Bam bam is being reconstructed, the removed rails being found north of Tarlae. MacArthur will send four battalions of infantry and one troop of cavalry forward to Gerona today. The advance from Aliaga to at Victoria, five miles north of EastTarlac.'' It will not bo a surprise to any who are at all familiar with the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to know thr.t people everywhere take pleasure in relating their experience in the use of that splendid medicine and in telling of the- benefit they have re ceived from it, of bad colds it has cured, of threatened attacks of pneumonia it liae averted and of the children it iias saved from attacks of croup and whoop ing cough. It Is a grand, good medicine. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug giste. Are You LiiuIcIiik fur l'Hpur Humls? We don't sell them, but if you want the best five cents, worth in this town, try our Far West cigars. It'll moko you feel good all over, and only five cents. Ben Ullrich. You nevei know what form ot blood poison will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using DeWitt's Little Early Rivera and you will avoid trouble, They tiro famous little pills for constipa tion and liver and bowel troubles. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts, Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. MAM METEORS SEEN IN EUROPE M All America Has Been Disappinteil Tins Far. A FEW LONE LY ONES SEEN Washington Saw Three and Chicago Only One Faint One Harvard Had Little Use For Her Cameras, but Was Waiting in Hope of an. Early Morning Display. London, Nov. 10. London haB been badly disappointed regarding the leonid showers. Tuesday -night was foggy and last night cloudy and misty. From Jthe Brussels observatory, be tween 1:30 and 0 a. in., Wednesday, leonids were visible, ranging in brillian cy from tho second to the third degree, having in most instances a train resembl ing a comet.. At 3:23 a. m., a globe of fire, very bright, wae seen in the direction of north, northeast, SO degrees above the horizon. In Auetria the eame night, about 300 leonids were seen. Good photographs were secured. M. de la Vaulax, who ascended in a balloon from Paris, saw about 100 on Tuesday night. Washington Saw Three. Washington, Nov. 10. The astrono mers at his naval observatory were keep ing a strict watch last night for the me teoric display. Up to half past 1 o'clock three meteors were observed. Harvard Was Hopeful. Boston, Nov. 16. Only a few leonide were caught in the cameras at Harvard observatory between 1 and 2 o'clock, but the observers stated that time that a great shower might occurr at any time after 3 or 4 o'clock. One Lonely Meteor for Chicago. Chicago, Nov. 10. One faint meteor was seen through the big telescope at Yerkee' observatory, William's Bay, Wis., at 10 p. m. It was too faint to be photographed, but ttie aetronomers took new hope for its sight. Spain Saw Shooting Stars. Madrid, Nov. 10. The observers at the observatory here last night perceived one bolide moving from west to east. It did not burst. Many shooting stare were alio seen. Vulcanic liruiitlons Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnic.i Salve cures them ; also old, running aud fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Outs, Bruises, Burnt1, (Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure cn earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. a Acker's DyepepsU Tablets are Eold on a positive guarantee. Curefjlieart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts, and 50 cts, Blakeley & Houghton, drug, giste. Slop Thief: Stop doing bnsiuess. This is the way you feel after buying some ten cent cigare. Try our Mascot ten cent smoke and find out where your real friends are. Ben Ullrich. Dr. H. II. Haileu, Summit, Ala., says, 'I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is u splendid medicine. I prescribe it, and my confidence in it grows with continued use." It digests what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia aud indigestion. Good Racine single buggy und bar ness for sale at a bargain. Call on Haworth, the printer, over Dalles Com mission Co. ocl25'ddw-2w 1 . SPECIAL SALES TABLE LIHENIS Friday and Saturday Only. Our Annual Linen Sales have come to be classed by house-keepers among the local events of During these sales the product of America's and Europe's best looms are offered our patrons at but a slight advance over wholesale prices. We com menced months ago to make this season's sale worthy the honor of being Our Last Linen Sale of the Century. These values help make it so: 5S-!nch bleached linen damask, clear patterns, per yard 19c 57-inch bleached linen damask, good qnality, per yard.-. 29c 57-inch bleached linen damask, good quality, per yard 31c 57-inch half-bleached linen damask, good quality, per vard 37c 57-inch bleached linen damask, good quality, per yard.., 39c Extra special. Half-bleached all-linen German Damask, 60 inches wide, per yard 43c (14 inch bleached pure linen damask, per yard 45c 72-inch unbleached pure linen damask, per yard 69c 70-inch bleached clover-leaf damask 79c 72-inch bleached satin finished double damask 98: 74-inch blenched satin finished double damask $1.10 74-iuch bleached satin finished double damask ,.$1.3S Damask Napkins, special prices, 50c to $5.00 per dozan. Fringed Doylies from 25c to 75c. Blanket Sale. Wnrt.bv .is a fit, nntrmnninn sn.lr tn nnv Linnn's. we offer for Friday and Saturday next, our entire stnplr nf flnp. niprlimn nnd rhnnnpv hlfinkfit.s tit $ specially reduced prices. As you pass the store X notice our windows. Every ry pair of k Bath Blankets, Robes, Etc. is plainly marked with tho sale price, and if you aro S interested we will gladly take out any you may wish H to see. Moro upstairs in blanket department. We mention a few here: 10- 4 cotton Blankets, reduced to , . . ,40o per pair 11- 4 Cotton Blankets, (heaviest) reduced to 05c per pair 4: pound Wool Blankets, reduced to $2.05 per pair 5 pound All-wop! Blankets, reduced to $3.05 per paii 0 pound All-wool Blankets, reduced to $4.00 per pair 7 pound All-wool Blankets, reduced to $4.95 per puir W pound All-wool Blankets, reduced to $0.00 per pair Fancy Kobes $5,00 Pendleton Mills' Bath Blankets $10.00 L'juiige Throws. Sale Days FRIDAY and SATURDAY. s I A. M. Williams & Co. SUMMONS. IN THK OlRCl'IT COUKT OV THE STATIC 1 of Oiegon, for tho county ot Wasco, Harriet A. Simon, l'lnlntitf, Vb. William If. II. SImnn, defendant. To William II. H. Simon, tlio above immcil defendant: In the Name of tlio Statu of Oregon: You art) lien by noiilleil to be uml appear In the above entitled court on or before Hie 1H day of tlio publication of tblk Kummons, toivlt: On or be fore buturday, tlio 1Mb day of Iovcmber, lxr.i, then und there to answer tliu complaint of the above named plalnttif HU'd analniit you In the above entitled biilti and If you bo fail to npiH.nr anil answer tuld complaint, for want thereof plalutltl will apply to niid court for tho lellef prayed lor In her complaint, to-wit: Knr n de cree of thoaboveenlitled com t forever ilU'olvlnu and annulling the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore oxUUuk between plninllll' and defendant, aud for an absolute decree of divorce from you, tho said defendant. 'I hlk Mimmoun U served upon you by publica tion thereof by order ot the Hon. W. I., llrad thaw, Judge ol the above entitled court, which order bears date of tho 2nd day of October, l.vj'J, and directs that said suinmoiib be served upon tliofuld defendant by publication thereof for tlx consecutive week in The Dulles CiiitOMCl.K, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, pub lished Ju Tho Dulles, W a sco county, Oregon: said publication lo beitill on 'the 7th' day of October, aud cud ou tl e lth day of November, Ivw, DUKt'lt iV MK.N'KKKU, oct: 11 Attorneys for l'lulntlil'. Subscribe for The Ciiuoxici;, NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION, U. S. l.AND Office, at Tub Pallhs. Ouk.,1 OcruiiKii a, lhw. j Notice Is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notice of Ills Intention to nuke tluiil proof in support of Ida claim, mid that snld proof will bo uiadu beforo the ItexUter and Kccelver ut The Dalles, Oregon, ou Satur day, November 11, lsW, U: .tlallilud Tlilel, of Mosler, OrKOli. Homestead Entry No. !iJ7,'i, for tho SW!i NV-, N!3 SU'i and SW'4' SW'4, bvutlon U, towiibhlp 'J north, raniro l'J exsl, W. -M. He names tho following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultivation ot bald laud, viz; Chub, Miter. of Mosler, Oregon; Dun Thomas, Herman Stoneinaii ami Kruest Friedrichs, of Tho Dalles, Oregon, JAY I'. MJOAS, ocl7 11 Itctilbtcr Stray Notice. Canio to my place about bx weeks ago, a cray stallion colt, about three years old; brand similar to an inverted V with a cap over it. Owner can havu the animal by proving property and paying all charge. Tlio Dalles, Nov. 8, 1590. A. F. Caui.so.v. Ranch in Company Hollow, eight miles southeast oi The Dalles. liovS-lui