si?1" v- Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the ystem EFFECTUALLY 7r hAB.TUALCONSTtPAT.ON rcnriMiibiiiLi, DUX THE GENUINE - MlHT'D By fiOI?RNIAlTGfSYRVP. PJIOfLK TOO ALL KNOW. Tom Bo?aick is in the city from A'lte lope. E. 13. Wood is up from Hosier on business. Mrs. Lucy Hitchcock arrived in the city last uignt from Portland. M. A. Thompson came over Ircni Ciiiterville yesterday on business. Dr. E. L. Niski'ru.of Alaska, arrived last night from Portland ami is eptnd i ig today with friends in the city. Miss Ursula Michell, who has spent the past two months ut Columbus, left on this aiorning's ooat lor her home at B even eon. Miss Nellie Butler came up from Portland last night on the boat. She will spend today with relatives, return in): tomorrow. Mrs. W. T. Gardner, wife of the super intendent of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, came up from Portland yester day and is visiting; friends here for a few days. E. C. Goodwin, editor of the Antelope Herald, accompanied Rolit. Mays in from Antelope today. Mr. Goodwin came from Alabama recently and is ' making his home at Antelope. Robert Mays, Jr., came in from his ranch near Anteiope, leachini: here thie morning and apparently hriuuiiiK all the nun! from that country with him. However, from his uescripticn of the rottds tliert) must he at least a uoodly share left behind. Keeps and Chentlng. A Salem mother writes to the States man as follows : Have others besides myself noticed the collections of school buys, in various parts of the city, playini: marbles for "keeps?" These iittle fellows are often encouraged in this form of gambling by older -joys and men (God savo the i mark ! and tho thine has grown to be. n etnall-eizHil nuii-ain:". to euy nothing' of tli4 ilelf terioiH influence on the A Mother's Plain Words ".I suppose you v.-ill be astonished when I tell you that six years ago I was in a most dangerous condition with bronchitis and lung trouble, because you can see how well and strong I am now. The attack at that time caused terrible pain in my chest and lungs. I could hardly move, and to stoop caused intense suf- er's English Remedy, and I M thought I would trv it. although I t. I confess that down in my heart I had little faith in it. The first bottle gavo great relief, and the second bottle made me the healthy woman I am today. My husband's lungs arc weak also, and he cured himself with -the same grand old remedy. Our boy and jjirl have boih been saved by it from death by croup. I know this is so, for when they were attacked in the night I had a bottle in tho closet, and by acting quickly that fatal malady was casi.y overcome. We always give it to the children -when they havo a cough or clL and wc would not bo without ft for anything. My s:3tcr will tell you also, if you a-k her. that 'His a medicine that can always dc depended upon lor all tho troublesof tho breathing organs. I tell nil our ne chbors about Acker's English Remedy whenever I get a chance, and there arc plenty of peo ple around Mechanicsville) N. Y,. where I live, who would no more think of go ing to bed at night without nbottlo of it in the houso than they would of leaving their doors wide open. As I look at it, parents are criminally responsible when thoy allow their children to dio under their very eyes with croup, because here is a certain remedy that will conquer tho terrible monster every time." (Signed) Mrs. Flow Fowler. Acker's English Itemed Is sold by all druttghUa under a positive guarantee that your money will be refunded in cato of (Allure. 15c, c, and f 1 a bottle in united State and Canada. In England, k. ad., at. 3d., and 41). Cd. W OMuiorits Lc alxiw umlc:. W. IL HOOKER it CO., Proprietor, Keui York,, For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, dimeter of the boys. The thins will grow on them, and they will become mature gamble. This is the danger ous feature of it. When I was a sirl, the teachers of the schools were verv severe in dealing with this offense. Is there not. a good deal of school dis cipline, and hotim discipline, too, needed in Salem ; a good deal more than is exercised? Whether "keeps" is played as much in The Dalles as Salem, and gives qtiitu as much annoyance 'to teachers, wo know not. However, there ia another ovll in schools everywhere, which causes the instructors more trouble than anything else. We refer to tho habit of cheating, so extensively practiced and so difficult to overcome. Pupils who are perfectly honest in every other respect seem to think nothing of cheating in regard to lessons or examinations, and use all sorts of dishonorable means, keeping teachers constantly on the alert to pre vent It. There iias always been tills same difficulty, and such a practice must certainly tell ui the character in alter years. Were parents to impress on their children tiiat cheating in school is equally as'dishoneat us in any other walk of life, teachers would bo greatly aided and the pupils receive much bene fit therebv. lie Got the Alonoy. The Atlanta Constitution tells a good story on the native southern judiciary. A man and woman called on a rural junice of the peace and asked for a divorce. The justice called the bailiff and asked in a whisper: "What's the law on that p'int?" "You can't do it," replied the bailiff, "it don't come under yer jurisdiction." "We're willin' ter pay cash for it," replied the husband, not understanding the nature of the consultation ; "I've got. the money in this here stockin." The justice looked grave. Then, ad justing his spectacles and addressing the man, be said : ' "You knowed 'fore you came here that 'twarn't for me toeeparate husband an' wife, an' yet you not only take up the time of this here valuable court with yer talkin,' buttickchully perpose to bribe me with money! Now, how much you not in that stocking?" " 'Bout six dollars an' a half, yer Honor." "All right, then, I fine yon fire dollars for bribery an' u dollar an' a half for takiu' up my time with a case what my jurisdiction is out of, an' may the Lord have mercv on vour soul!" BUSINESS LOCALS. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house, tf Aeli your grocer for Clarke & Falk'6 pure concentrated flavoring extracte. the Clarke & Falk's quinine liairjtonic to keep dandruff from the heml. You will not have boils if you tako Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tho best. Ask your grocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping ami sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falfe. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at JDonnell's drug store. "I wouldn't be without DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for any considera tion," writes Titos. B. Rhodes, Center fleld, 0. Infallible for piles, cute, burns and skin diseases. Bewuie of counterfeits. i i n m vror v mm GOVERNING IRISHMEN Rotable Doings of Colts In Affair! of Nations. Of All Countries (he United States la Tbnt In Which the Irlah Are the Moat Prominent In 1' Life. "Irishmen arc on their trail." This is n phrase which has been constantly on the Hps of Knglish people of late. The opinion has been cnlltd forth by the Inauguration of local government In Ireland, and the new system has bo-n described as "an experiment," "a leap !n tiie dark," of which none can foretell the consequences. Let us take 11 few typical examples of the governing Irishmen. Let us glance nt the careers of some compatriots who In modern times proved the con tinuity of the untiounl character, the character llrst exemplified In the an cient Ilrehon laws, one of the wisest, justest nnd most elaborate code of laws drawn up in any age or country, the character which again asserted Jtself in 17S2, the era of Irish legislative inde pendence, when, in the words of Ornt tan, "public prosperity so crowded on the heel of the statute that the powers; of nature.secmed to stand at the right hand of parliament." Spain, France nnd Austria are the throe countries In which Irishmen have chiefly attained renown, both as sol diers and statesmen, but their foot prints may'also be traced in the camps iind senates of Russia and Holland, Un-, varia, Portugal nnd Poland. From the lliyht of the carls down to the present day the names of Irishhmen have been entwined with the fortunes of Spain. O'Donel, dictator at Madrid; O'Reilly, ambassador from Spain to the court of Louis XIV.; Patrick Lawless ambassador from Portugal to the same court; O'Sullivan, grandee off Spain; O'Reilly, Kavnnagh and Nugent, Aus trian marshals; Lacy and Browne, liuv siian marshals, nnd these are a few ol the names which spring to one's mind The O'Doneis of Spain, the Taafes ol Austria and the MacMnhons of France arc perhaps the foremost. O'Donel duke of Tctuan, is one of the most influ ential grandees of Spain, a position which he and his ancestors have gained in recognition of valuable services ren dered to the state. The career of the Irish-Austrian Taafes is no less illus trious. During the seventeenth anc eighteenth centuries their names have been blazoned on the roll of 'imperial Austria. Nicholas Taafe, field marshal who in 173S won the famous victory 01 Belgrade over the Turks, and whose son succeeded him in turn to the post of chamberlain to the emperor, is t I ictitrcsrpif figure, but as an example of administrative genius the late prime minister. Count Francis Taafe, is the most notable. He is recognized as one of thenbiest of Austria's statesmen, anc it Un significant fact that his policy al ways trended in the direction of extend ing powers of self-government to the various nationalities comprising the empire. He was a federalist. In 1370 the year in which Isaac Butt started his home rule movement, Count. Tanfe rec-' ommended the Austrian emperor, as cj member of Ills ministry, to grant au tonomy to Bohemia. The natural ability of the Irishmar for .ruling was strikingly recognized ai the time of the American war of inde pendence, when the French acted as al lies of the new republic. The officers of the Irish brigade, under La Fayette whose regiments engaged in the cam paign, were appointed governors of the West Indian islands, which they had previously conquered. O'Dunn became governor of (Jrenada, Dillon of St. Chris topher and Fitzmuurice of St. Kustaehc The administration of these governor.' was equally praised by tho ICnglish French and American governments. Of till countries the United Slates it that in which the Irish are the in dm prominent in public life. For the pur pose of our argument it, perhaps, af fords a better illustration than do the countries above referred to; for on tin continent of Ruropu the Irishmen wlic Lave distinguished themselves belong for the most part to the aristocracy, but in the republic of the wi:-t it is the masses, not the classes, who administer public alTair. and the rani; and tile have i.equitted themselves of tho responsi bility as creditably as hate the nobllltj of their country elsewhere. From the time when Dillon, of the Irish brigade, eagerly demanded lenvi of l.nnis XVI. to embark his regiment to join tin- American forces 10 the pres ent day. when 1'ro.ident MoRinley, the .andneplii'w of the Ulster 'VH mnn.sitf In the while house, Irishmen havo been foremost in the civil arid military at fairs of tin! great republic. The proportion of Irishmen occupy ing the post of governor of British col onies nnd dependencies, or engaged in other administrative and legislative ivork throughout the empire, Is really In excess of t hoi r mini hers and liilluence itKehl.eiihof the mi me empire. By sheer toice of merit and inlcnt they have forced their way to the front. The fig ures of the colonial governors and pre miers are perhaps more prosaU: than those of the continental statesmen. Curving out the careers of new coun tries In the backwoods of Canada or the bush of Australia may not be such iln.zling work as presiding over the ties- .tlnlch of (he old world powers, hut the task may prove a more solid and endur- lug one when the. history of the future comes to be wilt ten. T' e governlnu irishman Is ns active In Australia at present iir In the early days or the colony . Byrnes, O'Loughlln nnd O-ShnuglinesRy being some of the lending names. This glance nt the careers of a few governing Irishmen may serve to re mind Mime onlookers of the high tradi tions of the race. That Irishmen will act up to their traditions In tho future there Is no reason to doubt. Dublin Daily Independent. PRICES TO CATCH THE EYE. The Ilnlltui I-'i-nll Seller Shnni RIuuli SbrevftliH'uM hi .tlurkhiU' 111 Hlorlf. The Italian fruit seller shows his shrewdness as n business tuan in n small way by the' prices which he puts on his wares. The fruit is arranged In tempt ing groups on his push cart, nnd each group in usually marked wllh a ticket, so Hint the pedestrian may know the prices without nuking. Over a pile of plums may be seen the tiny rign: "Bight for nine cents." Now, s:i,Vs the New York Tribune, the avenge custom er does not buy eight plums, anil when In asks for one it is two cents, or two for three cents, and, as the vender sells more lots of one than iinythingVli;e, the eight for nine cents becomes n myth, and his stock averagi'3 nearly two cents apiece. Peaches that are marked 12 for 25 cents if sold in dozen lots would be fairly cheap, but one pencil from tin name pile always costs three cents, am' as "two for five" is the popular sale in that class the lot which Is advertised it 1 2.5 ceiits usually brings more than '.' In the orange season "eight for 2.1 cents" is n favorite price placed on the fruit, which is really sold for four cent apiece. A bronzed Italian who has a regular route fiver which -he sells fruit nt nil times of the year was asked: "Why don't you make prices for one or two, and not for eight and a dozen?" "Kighte for nine macke ye look den ye pnye two fo' one." and lie winked the other e-yc in away that showed that his reputation for shrewdness was well de served. Kntrllnh IJvceiitloiiN. Everybody knows that suicide is un known in England. It exists without existing, as it were, says Bordeaux La France. When on the other side of the channel a person is found asphyx iated by charcoal fumes, or lying in a pool of blood wJth his arteries opened, or strung up to the branch of a tree, an inquiry is held, and it. is solcmrly laid down that the deceased succumbed to a lit of temporary insanity: for it would lie immoral for an Englishman to commit suicide, and shocking to re late the fact. Executor's Notice. All persons liuvnik' claims iiRulnvt tlic evtii'.o nt Kli.bcth Ana Cute", ilcc&ikiil, are hereby notlrtnl to irecciit the smiie, projierly vvrlllcd, at theolllco ft the un-lei-slKued, the duly nu polnti-d executor of rnilil vtnte, at I)nlle City urcK"li, within fix mnnthit from thuilatuof the publication of thli notice. Dated th mh (livy of October, 1WJ. lli;Jll 1.0(1 AN", Oct II II Kxcciiior. ' 7. MCOft. JOHN GAVIN MOOJtE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 39 unci l'J, over U. fc. IjuiiI Olllcc. STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. ' MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court nnd Wash ton Streets, The D.illea. C. S. Smith, thi: Up-to-date CJroeer Fresh Egs and Creamcy 1 Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. T11ANHAOT A KNKHAL HANKING IIUHINKH Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern fitatee. Siuht Kielmnim urirl Tlirrnnln Transfers sold on New York, ChicaKO, oi. j-ouis, ssun nuicieco, Portland Ure Kon, Seattle Waah,, and various pointa in Oregon and WaHhinuton. Collections IUH'Ir at nil imltila nn fan. . , ' - " .- orable terms. TIIE CLKANHlN'a ANJ CATARRH CUIUS 1'OU CATARRH tm V4 Ely's Cream Balm I "i Usiy am ploa.iaot,to tn, ConUlus 110 in jurious unit;. It U quickly absorbed, lk-. lli.lCf ........ "SSLS ; COLO Iki UFA IImU and Protects tho Uvmbrtno. Hutorci the qf Tiute sud rJmcll. Urn Hire. Wceutial . iiui IWOTUUltW WrnBUtt,NwYw. 51 Trilby For wood, chips, knots, shavlng3, corn cobs, hay or poat. Construotlon-Tmi Is an air tliiht healer of the oval nhwt ktcel tyio; It hn CART UION MNINOH, maUliiK It dtiriihlu; 11N0 has Iron feet! door, out top ami bottom nail ornamental rwIiik top, with fftldillo cover timlciuu:itli. NIokollnB-It hat nickeled urn, l'limo p'.atr and foot rails. Wu havu n complete stock of tneni 011 hand, Call and fcu our utock before hnjliil? elsewhere. lilaiei & Mp I ,1 The Busy Store. Kncli dtiy our business shows the people tire llndnifi out wc tire pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, nnd last, but not least, buyers who know their business ami buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. .GHflS. FfifiSK. Butehens and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kreison draiiKht the celebrated COLUMIIIA IIKKK, acknowl tdKvd the best beer In Tho Dalles, nt the usual price. Com o in, try It and be convinced. ADo tho Finest brand of Wines, Minor and Cigars. Sandrjuiehes of nil Kinds alvvnya on hand. JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. OUIco over Kreneli J: C'o.' Hank l'hono f, TI1K lAl.l.KS,OltKOON n H HUNTINGTON II h witHON HUNT1NOTON & WILSON', ATIOUNKYS AT LAW, ,,,,, , '1'UK DAl.l.HH, OUt'UON OfflcooVr Unt Nat. Hunk "Harmony" - Olhiskey. This brand of Whiskey Is cuarurHeed w the consumer as a PURE 'HAND MADE SOUK MASH WHISKEY for lamllj and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - I -The Ma Portland aMiafe Navigation Co.' Dally (except Huiulnv) between Tho Dalles, Hood Rirer, Cascade Looks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt way jolnji on iwth aides tin.. Columbia river. m lloth of tho above, utenmem imvo been rebuilt nnd nro In excellent uluipu for the teason MiiS" Tl. ltKIIUt..r Ur Will MiiiMwrmft putrona the bejt tcrvtcu possible. lu1 Kor Comfort, Kminoiny nnd pi...... trnvet by tho otcnmerx of Tim SfntSh Tho ttoamcrs of thu Rartilntor Unenini--l)alk'at7u. m. commeucliit Monday theft -uuriatreel W. C. Allaway, tieneri ijitt EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OK THE Southern Pacific Comp'f, TmliiH Iphvo mid nro due to arrive it l'onta OVKKI.AKl) i:. pressi, Salem, Kono burx, A.lilaud, Kic raincnto, Ogileil.San FrancUeo, Mnl.ive, lw AliKelvd.Kl f'ao. Nutv Orleans ami 7:00'i 9:15 A.a i I I vjiaj A. 11, - I l.nnfc ; ItOseburi; and truy hU-l tlont .... fVIn Woodbur? fori I Mt.AhK0l, ijllvurton, I West MClo, ltrowii-i' vllle.rinrliiirll'ldand 1 1 1:30 P.u Dill; xct Dully except Huudnyj Natron J (CorvnllU nnd way) fxtatlnnx I Sun-Up. IT:S0 A. 5:Ml'.y. 1 NU i-. ri. M) k .n ( . 1 . i'ahsi:nukk. KipreMinu Daily (oxcepi annuity;. l:tt)p. m. (I.v Portland ...Ar.) :i.a 7::p. in. Ai..MeMlnnvlllc..l.T. 5;W.n ;:iup. in. (Ar..lude)cmlciice..l.v.) I:Mib 'Dally. (Dully, except hunanr. IIIN'IN'O OA K8 ON 0011KS ROnil l'UJilIAN llUKl'ICT Ht-EKl'KES AND HECON-UL.6B BLKEl'ISO CM Attachetl to nil Throush Trahu. Dlrtct connection nt Snn t rnncifco with 0l ueuiaL uiifi tjiieiiuu aim 1 acuiu uiaii i"p lllla 1111 .a, UMU u.. ...... ' ' 1 ....... .,, citl.. Aatta M ii) plication. Hates nnd tleketa to Kaitcru pninU IM rone. AIM, JAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU Ud .VflrtTHALlA. j All above tr.ilna arrive nt and deptrtlW (irand Oeutral HUttlon. Kltth and Iryim ttm YAMHILL DIVISION. 1'ntkCiiKvr De)t, foot of JeltcrnoaiWrt 1.CHV'.' for Hhcrldail, week dure, Arrive m 1'ortlnud, U:U) a. m. Uave for AlllLIK on Monday, Wcdaftljj KrMny ntH:;n. 111. Artlv-p nt I'ortluAl'"' dnv, Thudny nnd Bnturdal u.1:05b.b. Except Sunday. "Kxwpi Salurdij. K. KviK.'.i.KH, (i, H. MAUKlUMi Mnmifccr. AMt.. r. a rut. Thrmtjrh TlcUet Office, 131 Tliirrt t2S tlucms'h llcketa to nil polntw In t-fJK HtMto, Cntiadn and Europe can bo ottim loHoat ruteafrom , . . J. II. KIltlCLAND, TIcWApSt or N. W'lIKAI.IiO.V. t ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run everyday wPt Sunday. Kiites Keatoiiiiblo. t Telephone 201. S W. A. CATES, Prop. JH' OKIHBNnOltrKKK Physician and Simreon, flpoclnl nttentlon lveti lo u ery. VogtBW HoomB 21 and Tel. a The Dalles, Or. strs. Regulator Dallcs Gity