The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 16, 1899, Image 3

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Our Usual Friday
and Saturday Special Sale.
A lot of good things that you need
at all timoSj but cannot buy at your own
prices except at this sale.
Our complete line of Toilet Quilts at
the following prices:
No. U A Rood Quilt for ted k . .$ .40
No. 5072 A good full-Bize quilt '.60
No. 00 A good (ull-sizo quilt 78
No. 100 A good full-size quilt 83
No. L'OO A Rood full-slzo quilt 1.13
No. 300 A good full-size quilt 1.53
No. 400 A good full-size quilt 1.73
No. 5087 A good full size quilt . . l.!3
No. 800 A good full-size quilt 2.53
No. 000 A good full-size quilt 3.17
No. 1000 A good full-size quilt 3.33
03x00 40c
81x00 43u
81x90, bust 57c
These shouts measure the length and brendth as
given abovn.
.lO-itieh 04'4c
IlO-inoh 05c
30 inch 07Xc
-1'J-inch 11c
45-inch 13c
54-inch 15c
Thee are the bent qualities in l'illow Case Muslin
in the market.
18-inch nnd 10 yard lengths 50c
i.'0-inch nnd 10 yard lengths 03c
22-inch and 10 yard lengths 73c
24 inch nnd 10 yard lengths 83c
Those goods are finished by o new process nnd free
from nil impurities; non-irritant, antiseptic, absorbent
a ml durable. v
WIDE SHEETING, Bleached. -
8-4, 72 inches wide 13c
, 81 inches wide 17c
10 4, 00 inches wide 10c
WIDE SHEETING-, Unbleached,
8 2, 72 inches wide 12c
it 4, 81 inshes wide 10c
10 4, 00 inches wido 18c
10-inch cotton crash 04c
18-inch, all linen He
17- inch, blue or red check 09);c
18- inch, blue or red check 11c
Tlieso are but u few of tho roal bargains in this Hue,
but time and space prevents a further quotation.
This is suggestive of Thanksgiving, and when you
seo these goods you will say they are all right to servo
tho luscious bird upon.
54-inch 17c
00-inch 19t!
60-inch '-!c
See Our East Window.
Funny When
You Think of It
Wo are gaining the top notch of the
Clothing Ladder by Bottom Prices. Wo
are selling lots of Top Notch Clothing at
Bottom Prices. Confidence is tho basis
of all transactions; we want yours. Wo
won't abuse it. Our name protects you.
We have about
200 Men's Suits,
Comprising all the latest styles and mnteriaK Sold in
the regular way at prices ranging from $6.50 to $9.50.
Tho bottom price on these suits is
Wo have made this phenomenally low price in order
to clean them up, and it will certainly pay you to look
at theeo values. It is hard on the other fellows, we
know, but we mean business and they must go.
Make Your Own
Dry Weather..
Such a thing ob being wet never occurs to the owner
of one of our splendid Mackintoshes.
A fine strictly all-wool Tricot;
black or navy blue; double-
breasted, English box style, wide velvet collar; with or
without cape. Bottom price
We have the largest and best assorted stock of
Mackintoshes in Eastern Oragon.
High-grade Gloves at
Low-grade Prices.
Our Glove stock is complete in every detail, with
the most up-to-date coverings for the hands. If you
would be properlv gloved and still be at the least ex
pense, buy your Gloves of us.
Ladies' two-clasp, over Beam, prime German Lamb
skin Gloves, colors tan, brown, mode, slate, ox
blood ; black and white embroidered backs,
very strong, serviceable Glove, and good value
at $1.25; sule price 85c
The Centemeri French Kid Glove, always eold at
$1.50; sale price 98c
All our gloves are guaranteed and fitted; from $1 up.
Silk Waists..
Just arrived, b new line of Ladies' Taffeta, Satin
and Velvet Waists, ranging in price from $6 up.
Wo have also received a full line Battenhurg Pat
terns for fancv work, with a complete assortment of
Wo still continue oar special sale on Ladies' Union
Suits tor the next ten days.
All Goods Marked
In Plnln Figures
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
NOV. It), 18f 9
Telephone No. 1.
terveil In
stylo by
"Loaded for bares" at Pease & Mays
gents' underwear department.
Carl J. E. Carlson, a native of Swedun,
was today admitted to citizenship.
MemberBof the Congregational church
will take notice that prayer meeting
will eommeneo at 7:I!0 sharp tonight.
Tomorrow evening is the date of tho
missionary tea at the Methodist church.
All interested in the work are invited to
be present, Ton cents admission will
be chained.
Dr. Eshelman will open an oflico in
the Vogt building next week and resume
his practice here. Fcr the present, word
left at Clark & Folk's drug store will be
promptly answered.
If you want a stylish street hat it can J
be found at tho Campbell & Wilson
millinery parlors, whore they have just
received n now lot in all the different
styles. 13 3t
Edison's Warograph Company will be
at the Vogt on tho night of tho 21st,
when will be shown many of the most
thrilling scenes in the late war, euch as
the sinking of Cervera's fleet, etc.
We learn that Mrs. Brown is gaining
strength rapidly and will be able to be
about in a few days. In the meantime
her husband is on tho repentance seat
at the city jail and has sworn ofl drink
ing for good, or bad either. At last re
ports ho was singing "Como thou
While watching for the meteors last
night about 1 1 H5, a most brilliant
aurora ae visible in the north. There
were Bovoral streamers extending east
ward ttnd reaching nearly to the zenith.
It was a beautiful sight which might
have been missed by many but for tho
expected mett'orical shower.
Docs your uiidorclothing tickle? Is
your skin tender? 'f here is no sense or
necoselty in sufferingtorture from the
old out of date woolen underclothing,
which irritates tyio skin beyond en
durance, when yau can buy tho fleece
lined underwea end oth'ir modem
kiwis at low prices from Pease & Mays,
Twelve young ladles of our city have
banded themselves together in asocial
club for the purpose of special enjoy
ment throughout thewinter, and last
evening met with Miss Grace Glenn.
Twelve young men had been invited
to join them and from reports they must
have had an .unusually good time.
Gamee, eingiugrefreehmentB and every
pleasuro which goes toward making
bucIi n gathering enjoyable was in
dulged in. These club parties will assist
greatly in makiug tho winter a happy
one for tho members.
Physicians are discovering that the
old time open fire had much to do with
the health of our grandmothers and that
steam heat and furnace heat are re
sponsible for many ailments. Steam
heat especially has a way of gradually
increasing so that any one who is used
to a steam heated room becomes an easy
victim to colds and all the long string
of ailments to 'which a cold is the in
troduction. An open fire is a sort of
inspiration in itself, and since it draws
in the out-of-door oxygen through all
the cracks and crannies it helps to
purify the air in the room while it hunts
The caso of Holding Johnson, who
was arrested in this city for having
counterfeit nickels in his possession and
working the slot machines, came up in
Judge Bellinger's court Tuesday and he
was sentenced to one year in the peni
tentiary and also fined $60. He claimed
-that the epurious coins had been put in
his pocket while he was drunk, and tbat
he was still under tho influence of
liquor when he fed them to the ma
chines, and his council set up in his de
fense that putting tho counterfeit coins
in machines was not passing them. The
jury after being out a short time, re
turned a verdict of guilty, and recom
mended tho prisoner to the mercy of the
'"'Last night A. G. Long, agent for tho
chemical engine, was in tho city and
met with tho committee, composed of
Messrs. Moore, McArthur, Saltmarshe
and Glenn, who had been appointed by
tho board of fire delegates and au
thorized to tako in charge the matter of
the improvements in the fire depart
ment apparatus. A contract was entered
into with him to furnish the city with a
100-gallon chemical hand engine, and
a late improved Aerial truck and ladder.
The latter is Baid to be the most com
plete pnd perfect arrangement made,
the ladder being high enough to reach
to the top of the highest buiiding in the
city, and so constructed as to be used in
any position, holding its own weight and
not requiring to be placed against any
building or other support.
We have all heard tho expression
often "She can put her clothes in my
valise," but if a certain bride of recent
date had depended upon the groom's
valiBe in which to pack her clothes, they
must needs have stayed in the wardrobe,
for when he reached his destination and
was ready to put on biB cuffs, gloves,
and other minor articles of the "conven
tional" wedding outfit, he found the
valise containing them was minus; as
were nlsf the beautiful flowers he was
carrying to his bride. The marriage,
however, proceeded and in the mean
time an Indian rode into the city and
attempted to sell a valise to a certain
storekeeper. Recognizing the property
of his friend, the article was bought and
will be returned to its owner. So that
the newly married couple need not start
on the journey of life minus a valise.
While we do not believe in becoming
unduly alarmed, nor as the saying is,
shaking hands with the devil before he
!b met; yet it does seem that The Dalles
people are just n little too passive over
the smallpox scare throughout ttie state.
With several cases at Baker City and
other places east of us, and many at
Salem as well as other places south,
would it not be well for us to realize
that we ore on the immediate danger
line and use some precaution. So far
as we can learn few have resorted to
vaccination. Many are oppoeed to com
pulsory vaccination in the school, and
in city schools, where a wholesale busi
ness is made of il, we confess there iB
much danger of harm resulting ; but it;
doeB seem as if it should be given more
attention in the families ol our city and
the children vaccinated. By this means
much excitement and alarm would be
prevented were a case to bo dropped
down here or be discovered in cur
"Over the stars there is a rest" is a
beautiful sentiment; but a number of
our citizens have had little rest over the
shooting meteors which have failed to
shoot for two nights now. Some of our
most peaceful residents felt like shooting
a "star" night clerk In one of our hotels
during the small hours this,, morning.
Two young men who were out on the
hotel veranda at an early hour reciting
"twinkle, twinkle, little star," etc.,
effught a glimpse of the north star, over
which the clouds were chasing each other
making it look ub if it were out shooting,
and quickly hurrying to tho oflico in
formed the clerk Fen it would take place.
Hastening to the 'phone he quickly
called up about a dozen different families,
whom he had promised to inform.
Rubbing their eyes, each one in turn
jumped out and paraded to the window
only to have the man in the moon look
down as if to say "rubber! rubber!" and
not a star in Eight. One real estate agent
declared ho had been done "dirt"; the
hotel proprietor was so star-tied that he
1b out looking for a new clerk ; the said
clerk has not been out of bed today, and
the two young men took the stage and
are starring it by this time.
All Jmiuirluut DlU'crence.
To make it apparont to thousands,
who think themselves ill, that they are
not uliiicted with any disease, but that
the system simply needs cleansing, is to
bring comfort home to their hearts, as
a costive condition is easily cured by
using Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by
tho California Fig Syrup Co. only, and
Eold by all druggists.
Oaib lu Vour Cl-.eck.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Jan. 21, 1890, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Nov. 13th,
1890. O. L. I'hilmi-b,
Countv Treasurer.
Turktiy Hliuot.
There will be a turkey and pigeon
shoot on the beach Wednesday and
Thursday, Nov. 29th and 30th, conducted
by A. Y. Marsh and Isaac Joles. td-d-tw
A Move nn Foot to Greatly llrneflt Our
City I.nt Her Move, Not
Crnwl Nor Stop.
After months, yes yenrs of waiting
and what has proven almost suicidal de
lay on the part of Tho Dalles in regard
to its future welfare, a scheme is now
on foot which is just "it" and etrikes at
tho very core of the situation. Situated
as it is, with everything in its favor, the
residents of this city have grown so ac
customed to having trade drop at their
very feet, that they havo scarcely rea
lized that anything would intervene be
tween them and prosperity. However,
after a railroad had been put in and
other means employed, which were sap
ping its very life blood, our citizens be
gan to wake up and' look about to see
what might be done, and although lnte
it is not yet too late to counteract the
The very tiling which the newspapers
have been agitating for eo long is now
assuming proportions which look en
couraging and a largo number of our
leading men are deeply interested in a
scheme for a railroad into the interior.
A subscription' paper is being circulated
and In fifteen minutes yesterdav $400
were raised for a preliminary survey,
and the remainder is coming fast. The
idea is to test the feasibility of such n
move, nnd although it is not yet assured,
it is a move a long way in the right di
rection, and we trust will bo ere long
not a scheme but a reality.
The idea is to build by the way of the
Des Chutes river to the mouth of Trout
creek ; up Trout ten miles to the junction
of Trout and Hay creeks, and finally on
to Prineyille ; a branch also to be run
into Sherman county, and we under
stand tho people of that county are of
fering a good bonus to that end. By
these means. Lakeand Klamath counties
w:ll be tributary to The Dalles, and we
believe it is not too much to predict that
if the road is a go it will finally be ex
tended into California and made a
through line.
While survey of course has not been
made, much investigation has been go
ing on and it is thought by those who
are in a position to know, that it is en
tirely feasible, and will be what might
be termed inexpensive, since there
would hh little rock work. The grade
also would not be more than one percent
or fifty feet to the mile, the highest ele
vation being between here and the free
bridge on the bench opposite the mouth
of Des Chutes, which is 500 feet above
the river. Men who have lookpd into
the matter give us their opinion that
difficulty will be encountered in but one
or two places.
The benefit to The Dalles can be seen
at a glance. While controlling all the
trade which has heretofore been ours, it
will open up to us a country we now
have no claim on, and no transportation
company can compete with such a line,
for the route it would take having fo
many advantages over any other, caukl
not fail to control the trade of the
country through which it passes.
This may sound like a fairv tale to
those who havo grown skeptical ; too
good to he true. But it certiinly has
the right ring to it, anil tho right men
at the helm. Beside, it must be true,
for it means too much to The Dalles to
be otherwise. It may bo said that the
papers havo been crying "Wolf! Wolf!"
when there was none at hand ; but those
who have any eyes must see that tho
wolf is at our very fold, and this is our
only nieuna of escape. Wo therefore
call upon our people to shoulder onus
nnd push this scheme for all it is worth,
and its worth Is incalculable.
Circuit Cum t Notes.
Yesterday aftornoon In tho capo of
State of Oregon vb. Joseph Ganteman,
in which a demurrer was filed, the de
murrer was overruled and n plea of not
gully was entered by (Wendent. Tho
case will propablycome up for trial Sat
urday. Slln tho case ol the Stato vs. Wm
Minton, charged with larceny by bailee,
not a truo bill was found 'and tho de
fendant was discharged.
I The same action was taken in lhe
: cae of O. L. Fields held for polygamy.
Also in the eise of Harry Hansbury,
charged with larceny from a dwelling.
The case of Henry Gardoer yp. County
of Wasco came up before tho oonrt this
morning. It ia an action to recover
damages received about a year ago when,
coming down the Rice grade about eight
miles from trie city. Moore & Gavin
are attorneys for the plaintiff and A. A. .
Jayne and W. H. Wileon for the county.
By agreement of parties the case waB
tried with fen jurors l'eter Mohr, C. A.
Cramer, J. C. Wingfield, A. W. Boor
man, L. C. Hennegrtti, D. L. Bolton,
Thos. Loabo, C. E. Hayward, Miko
Glavey and F. M. Jackson. Tho trial ia
on hand as we go to press.
At the home of the groom, on Four
teenth street, last evening, Nov. loth,
at 7 o'clock, Rev. W. B. Brenner, of
the Oregon City Lutheran church,
united in marriage N. P. Paulsen and
and Mite Dora Thomsen.
A large number of friends were pres
ent nnd the occasion was a joyous one.
During the evening a wedding supper,
which seemed to iucludo everything
palatable, was served. Mr. Paulsen has
been employed by Maier & Benton for
a number of years and is a very trust
worthy young man. Miss Thomsen
came to this city about a year ago from
Belgrade, Minn., and has a large- circle
of friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Paulsen left this morn
ins fur Portland, and u;hen thoy return
will make their home in the house
which he reccritly purchased on Four
teenth 6treet.
Smoke to Your Own I'rollt,
As well as ours. 'Tis not how much
yon smoke, but how yon enjoy it. Try
our Muscot ten cents a local product
that beats the world. Ben Ullrich.
Cle Elm coal :G.50 per ton; Rock
Springs coal i9 per ton, delivered, at
Maier &. Benton's.
Help Wanted.
A girl who desires to do general house
work can obtain employment by apply
ing at .1. C. Hosietler's on Fifth street.
To (Jurn it Cohl in Oiih Duy.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it failH to cure. 25.
Geo. Nolmid, Rockland, O,, says, "My
wife hmt piles forty years. DeWitt's
Witch Haael Salvo cured her. It ia the
hest.salvo in America." It hoala every
thing and cures all tkln diseases.
Ueo Clarke & Fulk's Rosafoam for tho-teeth.
. v v 3
Wilson flir-Tiqht Heater
There are other AIR-TIGHTS, bub none that equal 1j
tho WILSON. jj
....SOLD ONLY BY....
JVIflVS & CROWE, Sole Agents, j